NFA approval times

Wait times are down to 2 days. I expected these fat cats to take a year, imagine my shock.
You have no excuse for not buying something fun.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    >Wait times are down to 2 days*
    *for individuals
    trust filers get rekt

    • 3 months ago

      I suspect the FAT is trying to push people away from trusts. But you must admit filing as an individual is comfy as frick.

      • 3 months ago

        I just hope they get deregulated, I'll throw my stamps in the trash and give my old cans to family and then lol at all everyone rushing to order them like any FFL item because they're a fraction of the price and never in stock

        • 3 months ago

          you and me both.
          I need to redo this pic with the half dozen more stamps.

          • 3 months ago

            You know CSI PrepHole can enhance that image right?

      • 3 months ago

        >Wait times are down to 2 days*
        *for individuals
        trust filers get rekt

        I'm sure.

        I'm at 336 days on two trust brace amnesty tax free e-filed Form 1s.

        • 3 months ago

          Kek is that supposed to be a Dune Freman

          • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          >he doesn't know
          You moron you absolute fool
          if your amnesty form wasn't approved already it never will be

      • 3 months ago

        >But you must admit filing as an individual is comfy as frick.
        How is that comfy, exactly?

        • 3 months ago

          waiting 1 year is not comfy
          reduction in wait time by 99% is pretty comfy.
          making it instant or OTC would be even more comfy, but I'll take the small wins in life.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't understand how so many people got memed into trusts. Like the ATF is going to show up the day after your funeral to seize all your cans.

      • 3 months ago

        .... so that you can easily transfer all your shit to family and friends, including after your untimely death?

        • 3 months ago

          It’s more about multiple people using them without the sole owner having to be there

          Neither of you have any other names on your trusts. You dont even know how.

          • 3 months ago

            I don’t have a trust, but I have a wife. I would never get the trust through SilencerShop, I would get a real lawyer involved

            • 3 months ago

              Was any of what you said supposed to disprove my point?

        • 3 months ago

          transfer upon death is tax free, buddy.
          and at this rate it would take 2 days.

      • 3 months ago

        It’s more about multiple people using them without the sole owner having to be there

        • 3 months ago

          When would someone use them that you aren’t around for or who would use them you can’t trust? If my brother wanted to borrow one I wouldn’t care and there wouldn’t be any issues. If it’s a friend that I shoot with occasionally, I’m going to be there already.

      • 3 months ago

        >Get meme'd into trusts
        >Really easy to transfer if you move state
        >Really easy to transfer if you get an SO
        >Really easy to transfer in case of death or major injury
        >Absolutely easy as shit to file with, and not just for Form4 shit
        Yeah I can't believe people are going the easy route for having multiple NFA items, that's totally wild.

      • 3 months ago

        I established my trust in 2005 because it avoided LEO signature back then.

      • 3 months ago

        literally the opposite of how a trust works but nice effort kiddo

      • 3 months ago

        they make sense if you have family or friends you want to share gear with, if you have none of that then i wouldn't worry about it

        i have a trust with stuff on it, but i got a pair of things via individual since i just want these now and if i die somehow i don't think my beneficiaries will care about two leftover suppressors lol

        • 3 months ago

          Trusts don't matter for beneficiaries a single bit, they can inherit individual owned stuff fine and tax free via Form 5. Dunno what that meme is about. If you're worried about dying make sure you have a proper will unlike much of America.

          Trusts are about when you're alive making it easy to have other people be able to use, or live in the same house as, your funs. It's not just about right now but if you might ever have a SO someday down the line.

          Since trusts cost nothing more to register with, are minor effort to setup which only needs to be done once and have no downsides I personally go with one for everything long since. I have family and GF on there now, and this decade I'm hoping my kids will also get into guns as well and I'd like them to be able to have proper hearing protection. It's true trusts aren't some critical thing but I dunno why anyone would shit on em either.

      • 3 months ago

        The ATF shall not have any of my Redbulls, they haven't even earned a single cup from my coffee machine yet.

      • 3 months ago

        >Like the ATF is going to show up the day after your funeral to seize all your cans.
        theyd flip your dead ass out the coffin to see if you were trying to illegally take some to the afterlife.

    • 3 months ago

      just got mine in 50 days, not bad

      • 3 months ago

        Dem gripz mane

        • 3 months ago

          Beretta's site:

          • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Stop being poor

      >buy individual
      >get it in 4 days
      >put it on trust for only 200 bidenbux
      >enjoy can while you wait months for it to get on trust

      You are now at the same place as trusties and you got to shoot your can the whole time for only 200 more

      • 3 months ago

        Da real secret sauce right herr. FAT wants people to pay double Tax

    • 3 months ago

      I suspect the FAT is trying to push people away from trusts. But you must admit filing as an individual is comfy as frick.

      I don't understand how so many people got memed into trusts. Like the ATF is going to show up the day after your funeral to seize all your cans.

      .... so that you can easily transfer all your shit to family and friends, including after your untimely death?

      I thought a trust got you other benefits?
      Like I might die sooner than my wife because of illness and I have a friend who cares.
      My understanding is that when buying a can as a person you have a long wait time and then when you die something complicated is supposed to happen to your cans and basically no one can touch them.
      But if you use SilencerCO to make a trust then you can specifify what happens to your cans when you die AND you certain restrictions are less cumbersome. I think.
      Am I missing something?

      • 3 months ago

        If an individual dies with a NFA item, you have to transfer the item to the estste holder with an ATF form 5. You also have to submit paperwork showing proof that you control the estate. The form 5 does not require a tax stamp.
        A trust avoids that, and listed trust members or beneficiaries can take possession immediately.

        • 3 months ago

          How does this work RE background checks for the trustees? A long time ago one of the benefits of a trust was that the background-check/fingerprint stuff was abbreviated for a trust and that you could have multiple trustee "owners" without needing a billion background checks, but idk anymore.

      • 3 months ago

        With a trust, people other than you can possess your NFA items without you around. So if you want to let a bro take your can on a hunt without you, you add him as a Responsible Person.
        You can also add your old lady, or add her as a Co Trustee so she essentially owns the NFA stuff same as you.

        If you have them Form'd to you as an individual you have to be present any time the stuff is in use.

    • 3 months ago

      >*for individuals
      >trust filers get rekt
      nah even the trust wait times are plummeting. from 200-300 and tons now at <90 days. yeah individual might be even quicker but that is still a big change. and if someone wanted to trade money for speed they could buy it individual then transfer it onto their trust afterwards

      • 3 months ago

        >sub 90 day wait for trust filers
        the frick? silencershops latest wait time update shows about 5 and a half month wait times

      • 3 months ago

        >90 days
        Last I saw they're approving September 2023 trusts right now which is 5 months at least. Where are you seeing 3 months?

    • 3 months ago

      Wait times are down to 2 days. I expected these fat cats to take a year, imagine my shock.
      You have no excuse for not buying something fun.

      >laughs in Finnish, zero second wait time, no tax stamp, you pay 800 for 30 cal suppressor i pay 200.

      • 3 months ago

        in Finnish, zero second wait time, no tax stamp
        I can get any gun I'd like, with no licensing of any kind whatsoever, any ammo I want shipped to my door. I can carry any gun I want any way I want, open or concealed, any place I want that isn't on a short list of federal exceptions (like court houses or schools) which I've never encountered. I can go shooting on my own property as I wish, or any private property not marked, or state parks, state forests, or national forest. Justifiable homicide covers any defense of home, or a number of felonies including both robbery and burglary.

        So sure, it's good that simple muzzle device accessories aren't regulated in Finland, but imagine holding your country up as some sort of /k/ haven when you need a loicense for each firearm, can only be carried for a specific purpose, ammo is regulated, etc. You're definitely better off than much of Europe, and your rate of ownership seems decent for Europe too, but you're still throwing stones from a house of glass. Also
        >you pay 800 for 30 cal suppressor i pay 200
        Don't try to pretend these are at all equivalent, or that you can't buy cheaper ones in the US if you want. It's good that you have a much lower cheap level then we do however.

      • 3 months ago

        PROTIP: even with the NFA bullshit it's still harder for you to get a rifle than it is for me to get a suppressor lol

        • 3 months ago

          >it's still harder for you to get a rifle than it is for me to get a suppressor
          More importantly to me it's harder to USE said rifle and suppressor. There just isn't any yuro equivalent to constitutional carry/castle doctrine/blm[forest/state] land. Though again by advanced euro country standards Finns are reasonably based.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah I've actually spent quite a bit of time in Finland (wife has family over there) and I think if I had to live in Europe it wouldn't be a bad place to end up, but I'm not gonna sit here and let anybody pretend their gun laws are remotely comparable to ours just because they're less cucked than the fricking British lol.

            • 3 months ago

              Fair, though I've grown a touch more mellow about it over the years. They don't have much to be proud of when it comes to gun rights in Europe, and some countries not restricting suppressors at least is one of their legit bright spots. And they do have some neat designs, would be nice if they could get imported for testing at least. So I don't begrudge them that, so long as like you say they don't try to turn that into shitting on our cans or laws in general because come on.

          • 3 months ago

            >Though again by advanced euro country standards Finns are reasonably based.
            that's because you live with Russians next door, your people know to not relax

      • 3 months ago

        t. posted from sauna with an uncomfy erection surrounded by twinks

      • 3 months ago

        While I am jealous of your ability to get cans easily
        > you pay 800 for 30 cal suppressor i pay 200.
        That’s not true. Show me a $200 suppressor and what it’s made from.

    • 3 months ago

      >trust filer
      16 fricking months to get this can.

  2. 3 months ago

    You can file individual for all of your NFA items and later transfer them to a trust. Since they are already in your possession you can shoot them still, but you have to pay another transfer fee IIRC.
    at least thats what I'm planning on doing at some point.

  3. 3 months ago

    Source: My ass

    • 3 months ago

      It's real check out this thread anon. They must have finally cleared their backlog and now individual eForms get done super fast.

      • 3 months ago

        my understanding is they've stopped doing first-in-first-out which included stalling the whole pipeline if someone failed to clear. now they move the fails off to a holding pen and let the others proceed with lightning speed.

      • 3 months ago

        my understanding is they've stopped doing first-in-first-out which included stalling the whole pipeline if someone failed to clear. now they move the fails off to a holding pen and let the others proceed with lightning speed.

        bros? I thought the ATF was doing everything they could to make sure people can't own guns or NFA items?

        • 3 months ago

          I think theyre shitting themselves over their pistol brace shit getting injuncted and are trying to make the process as painless as possible to get people to forget just how much they overstretched so they don't get rules unconstitutional.

          • 3 months ago

            bros? I thought the ATF was doing everything they could to make sure people can't own guns or NFA items?

            They're currently appealing the nationwide injunction at the 5th circuit, and part of their argument is that NFA compliance isn't an "undue burden." One of the arguments that was made with regards to NFA compliance being an undue burden iirc was the ridiculous wait times.

            I would guess this sudden and uncharacteristic show of competence is probably related to them trying to overturn than injunction.
            >I-i-i-i-i-it's not a heckin undue burden we waived the fees and approval times are down to a few days!

            As a federal employee (before anyone gets their jimmies rustled I fight fires lol) I would say: if registering NFA items is something you want to do, do it ASAP because these kinds of fed directives and efficiency are fickle as frick and will probably not last

            • 3 months ago

              I said this exact same thing a few days ago in another thread. If Biden wins again and the court grants the appeal, then you better believe those wait times are going to explode to 2+ years as a defacto ban

              • 3 months ago

                nah, that'd just get it right to scotus faster. they are adjusting to bruen, they're not going to risk nfa in general in this environment

        • 3 months ago

          they were until some senator saw the problem and introduced some bill that would force them to give an answer in 90 days max.

    • 3 months ago

      here you go gay-master.

    • 3 months ago

      Imao, get fricked

    • 3 months ago

      I bought 2 before thanksgiving and got them in mid January. A friend of a friend got his in 3 days

  4. 3 months ago

    >down to 2 days.

    Holy shit what the frick? Last I heard it was still like 4 months. That's awesome, fricking sucks just now I had to start saving for a pilot course.

    • 3 months ago

      Certain people are getting Form1s turned around incredibly quickly. I got mine in 13 days, buddy of mine got his done in 3 days.
      Form4s, as far as I can tell, are still on the backburner. Haven't heard about anyone getting suppressors back in a reasonable amount of time.

      • 3 months ago

        Form 1s have been sub-4 week turnaround for a looooong time.
        My father and brother have regularly had 2 week approval times since the mid 2000's

        • 3 months ago

          >Form 1s have been sub-4 week turnaround for a looooong time.
          Since the SBR frickery its been fricked, dunno what to tell you. 223 used to be 12CPR, too.

          • 3 months ago

            I wasn't arguing with you, just making an observation.
            A guy at my LGS got approved on a Form 4 in 7 days back in February. I've seen a few screenshots recently of sub 30 day approvals with Individual eForm 4s as well. Doesnt seem like it's a common phenomena though, most likely just a few hundred lucky mother frickers.

            I just bought two more cans, my second and third ever. I'll be stoked if I get them back before deer season in 7 months. My first can in 2021 I got lucky and had it in my hands 4 months after date of purchase.

            • 3 months ago

              >I just bought two more cans, my second and third ever. I'll be stoked if I get them back before deer season in 7 months. My first can in 2021 I got lucky and had it in my hands 4 months after date of purchase.
              There's rumors going around that if you buy 2-4 suppressors at the same time, they generally pay more attention to it than the individually filed ones.
              I got 3 of them filed 81 days ago and haven't heard shit back, though, so that's probably just bullshit from, like you said, a few hundred people across the country. My first pair of suppressors took 180 days on the dot.
              It's the ATF, which unfortunately means that the rules don't matter and you're essentially playing the lottery. Fingers crossed for yours, though, hunting with a suppressor is so much more pleasant, it's insane.

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        shit wrong one

        • 3 months ago

          Lucky man. Damn I’m going to have to buy another one now

  5. 3 months ago

    im just waiting for sico to build and ship out my bogo omega 300

    • 3 months ago

      Same. What are you going to out it on? I have an AR it can go on. I was curious about building a 300 blj, but the ones I shot at Quiet in the Capital didn't seem especially quiet so idk.

      • 3 months ago

        only thing i have is my (in about a week) 2 ars but once i build out an ar10 or bolt action itll prolly live on those. in retrospect i probably should have picked the lbp instead of the 36m but the original thought was that with that id be able to put it on a pistol if i ever got a threaded barrel for my dads m9. but it was 200 more back in june so whatever
        i think its taking them so long because of the recall that happened back in the fall and blocked them up with backlog of other customers existing cans

  6. 3 months ago

    Got approved in two days. Firms on suicide watch

    • 3 months ago

      what can bro?

      • 3 months ago

        Otter Labs OCM5

    • 3 months ago

      Killing it. My flow 556 took 6 months but I do trusts for all my NFA shit

      • 3 months ago

        How do you like it? I'm interested in a flow through suppressor for my 12.5" AR but was not impressed with the noise reduction compared to a traditional can.

        • 3 months ago

          I wanted to shoot it on my 11.5 rifle as well but I ran out of time. On the 16” it was fantastic. It has a very nice tone and almost zero gas in the face. I have to get out and find the time to test it on my 11.5 at night before I can say for certain. It’s much lighter then my saker556k and you really feel it on the difference on the end of the rifle but if it’s too flashy at night it’ll be relegated to my 16”

          • 3 months ago

            >On the 16” it was fantastic. It has a very nice tone and almost zero gas in the face.
            I understand tone is also an important factor, not just decibel reduction, so this is good to hear.

            >How do you like it? I'm interested in a flow through suppressor for my 12.5" AR but was not impressed with the noise reduction compared to a traditional can.
            NTA and I just got a Flow762 not a the 556. 5.56 suppresses like shit regardless of can, I've never seen one measure that well. But I'm still very happy with my Flow vs the Hyperion I had on before. Flow doesn't do quite as good a job, but it's still very decent, and the other aspects are much better. I have a 6pos agb so high back pressure stuff could work, but the Flow is noticeably smoother on the system at any setting, zero gas face, and it's shorter and lighter. Hyperion is going to live on a 300wm bolt.

            Not gonna assert it's worth it to you or the best, honestly no idea. Lots of interesting new cans keep coming out, like holy shit it's been almost a year already since the flow762 became available, and tons of innovation happening which is great. But I'm happy with it.

            Also from Hux though, one new thing that came out since is their steel housing/ti core one, and that is a very interesting approach. Lot of the benefits of 3D cores, but far better repairability/durability store. I think stuff like that might be more of the near future.

            >Not gonna assert it's worth it to you or the best, honestly no idea. Lots of interesting new cans keep coming out, like holy shit it's been almost a year already since the flow762 became available, and tons of innovation happening which is great. But I'm happy with it.
            For sure, I'm so happy to see all these new designs and improvements on old designs. For years I've held off buying a suppressor due to wait time, skepticism, and the monumental hassle it would be to get a repair done. But it's seeming more and more appealing to get into cans nowadays

            • 3 months ago

              >and the monumental hassle it would be to get a repair done
              Eh, traditional baffles are easy to repair in general, though yeah check the warranty and details. But even for 3D fwiw, I talked to CGS reps a year or two back when I was getting my Hyperion. That's also 3D printed monolithic titanium, though not a flow design. They said that while they offer a full warranty, literally nobody has ever had any damage except end cap which is a trivial part to swap. The most common cause of baffle strikes is baffle misalignment, so while 3D printed cores can't really be repaired just replaced, the precision is insanely high and by definition misalignment isn't possible because it's all one piece. You can't have people assembling it and making a mistake, because there is no assembly in the first place.

              That said I still like the idea of a protected serial numbered shell with a replaceable core, which would avoid any need for a Form 4 even in the worst case. But I'm also not concerned about the ones I've got, the older baffle ones or newer 3D. Personally I've never had a strike nor known anyone after tens of thousands of rounds. Main thing really is just as always to properly torque stuff, maybe put loctite on the muzzle adapter if it's one that uses one like the flows do.

        • 3 months ago

          >How do you like it? I'm interested in a flow through suppressor for my 12.5" AR but was not impressed with the noise reduction compared to a traditional can.
          NTA and I just got a Flow762 not a the 556. 5.56 suppresses like shit regardless of can, I've never seen one measure that well. But I'm still very happy with my Flow vs the Hyperion I had on before. Flow doesn't do quite as good a job, but it's still very decent, and the other aspects are much better. I have a 6pos agb so high back pressure stuff could work, but the Flow is noticeably smoother on the system at any setting, zero gas face, and it's shorter and lighter. Hyperion is going to live on a 300wm bolt.

          Not gonna assert it's worth it to you or the best, honestly no idea. Lots of interesting new cans keep coming out, like holy shit it's been almost a year already since the flow762 became available, and tons of innovation happening which is great. But I'm happy with it.

          Also from Hux though, one new thing that came out since is their steel housing/ti core one, and that is a very interesting approach. Lot of the benefits of 3D cores, but far better repairability/durability store. I think stuff like that might be more of the near future.

  7. 3 months ago

    I need recommendations for my mp5 clone (ptr) whats the best can to get currently?

    • 3 months ago

      AB f4L seems quite good for pcc

    • 3 months ago

      something with a girthy diameter.

      • 3 months ago

        What type of 9mm ammo did you use on that lil nibba? I’ve had pretty good luck with .22 subsonic hollow points.

        • 3 months ago

          I was running 9mm 147gr. Specifically Fiochi 9mm HP. It printed the best out of my 9mm bolty

      • 3 months ago

        I was running 9mm 147gr. Specifically Fiochi 9mm HP. It printed the best out of my 9mm bolty

        What kind of drop do you get out of 9mm anyways? Assume 50yd zero or so. Assume drop being measured at 100 and/or 150. It'd depend on grain, speed, and barrel length obviously but I'm curious as I'm looking at a Hi-Point followed by probably cloning TacSol's silencer cage barrel (SBX) to not have to SBR an MP5. Might send TacSol a couple emails and see if they have plans on making that barrel for other guns. If not then I'll find a smith who's as moronic as I am to do such a thing. I want to chuck a little 4x on the Hi-Point and who knows with the MP5.

        • 3 months ago

          yes 50 yard zero. I had a drop table. No idea where I put it 🙁 will need to recompute. Pic rel is my group at 50 yards on a calm day with almost no wind.
          It starts dropping like a rock past 90-100 yards or so. I'd put the max effective range at 125 yards.

          • 3 months ago

            That's not a bad group. Seems like 9mm might be nice on coyotes and fox at 50 or so. I just wonder what kind of drop you're getting considering it's a ~140 grain bullet at 1000-1100fps. IIRC I'm getting like 3-5" drop at 100yds, zeroed at 50yds, with .22lr with an 18" 10/22, 1250fps 38gr with a SIG SRD22x FWIW. Shoot something even slower that's like 3-4x heavier and I can only imagine how much it drops lol. Especially out of a 9" barrel like on an MP5. Though it appears MKE claims 1,150FPS on their MP5 (why would they even include info so variable?) so maybe 9mm ammo speed isn't measured out of a 16-18" barrel like .22lr or a 24" like centerfire ammo "on the box speed" is.

            • 3 months ago

              Why are you thinking of 9mm at 50 yards on just coyotes?
              Stop fricking around with guns, dickheads. You make fudds look good.
              Too many of you fricking kids get excited at the thought of picking up that gat and blasting something.
              That's Black person sht.

              • 3 months ago

                >don't get into hunting because...JUST DON'T OKAY?
                >don't use anything but what your grandpappy used because...IT'S WRONG
                You do use your guns, right anon?

    • 3 months ago

      GSL Phoenix

    • 3 months ago

      Omega 9k for sure.

    • 3 months ago

      Depends on budget and if you want to use it on other stuff. Personally, I've become a big fan of the resonator series from YHM and the R9 is budget friendly univeral 9mm can that you can mount on a lot of other stuff. I also have the more expensive Rugged Obsidian 9 and it is good.
      I would write out a list of priorities, forgetting about the specific can. Do you want absolute noise suppression, versatility, lightness etc, and then find the can that matches it. Or, if you want a can today, go and see what the gun stores have because they're all out of stock on most cans with no signs on stock levels improving anytime soon. As word gets out about the wait time, demand is going to increase faster than production capability, afterwich, in a couple of years, prices will likely drop.

      • 3 months ago

        NTA but I'm looking for absolute noise suppression in a 9mm silencer. As quiet as reasonably possible. I probably said it before but I don't care if I can dump 60rds full auto, I just want quiet, reasonable longevity, and reasonable quality. If it can be hearing safe, all the better.

        • 3 months ago

          GSL Pheonix. I'm

          >trust filer
          16 fricking months to get this can.

          and it's stupid quiet with the 157gr subs

      • 3 months ago

        *I don't care if it's rated to dump 50+rds full auto

  8. 3 months ago

    How does it work when you buy a second can after already having done the SilencerShop kiosk shit?
    I'm planning on buying a second suppressor in the next few weeks and the only other suppressor I've purchased was a few years back through the kiosk.
    Do I need to do anything for the second can? Do I have to go to the kiosk again?

    • 3 months ago

      I hate that kiosk shit.
      I found it easier to just do an eForm4 with digital prints and digital photo. brain-dead easy compared to all their additional 3rd party gatekeeper bullcrap.
      I now refuse to deal with gun stores that use that shit.

      • 3 months ago


        How does it work when you buy a second can after already having done the SilencerShop kiosk shit?
        I'm planning on buying a second suppressor in the next few weeks and the only other suppressor I've purchased was a few years back through the kiosk.
        Do I need to do anything for the second can? Do I have to go to the kiosk again?

        frick SS, bunch of hype beast Wigger gayS

    • 3 months ago

      If it's been over a year, just go in the app and update your photo. Then order your cannypoo

  9. 3 months ago

    The time is now boyos

  10. 3 months ago

    Please walk me through how to buy a silencer like I'm a moron. Do I purchase the silencer from an online retailer and pick the store it gets sent to and send them the eform 4? It says the FFL has to file it on the form? Whats the process and how do I make it the easiest way possible? Help

    • 3 months ago

      1. find suppressor
      2. pay for suppressor
      3. have distant FFL transfer it to your local dealer on Form3
      4. your local dealer charges you some nominal fee to handle transfer to you
      5. local dealer fills form4 to transfer to you
      6. you pay $200 tax stamp fee
      7. wait (used to be many many months, now a few days)
      8. get approval
      9 take can home

      • 3 months ago

        I thought there was something about fingerprints?

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah that anon has done enough cans he's forgotten the photo/fingerprint thing, though these days it's so much easier because it's electronic and you only ever have to do the prints once. Once you've got your digital finger prints you never have to deal with it again so if it's been awhile becomes easy to forget about unlike having to deal with ink each time. Same with photo, can be done as a selfie with your phone in 30 seconds vs going to get a passport photo. But yeah legally those are still there alright.

          • 3 months ago

            Thanks, and how exactly do I go about submitting the picture and prints? Or better yet where do I go to get the prints done?

            • 3 months ago

              Honestly this is where a LGS is good. Search for a silencershop kiosk close to you and go to that store. There is likely one close to you. You can get fingerprinted electronically at the kiosk and some employee at the store can take your photo. It took maybe 15 minutes for me. It’s also nice having someone to talk you through it or you can ask questions to. They do it all the time and can help.

              • 3 months ago

                Okay that makes sense. Do I visit that LGS prior to ordering a can or after? Will I have to buy through that LGS? Do I need to buy a silencerco can?

              • 3 months ago

                >Do I visit that LGS prior to ordering a can or after?
                Before. I bought mine through them, so it might vary though.
                >Will I have to buy through that LGS?
                Not necessarily but they will have to do a transfer similar to an online gun purchase. It’s easier if you buy something they have in stock or can order through their supplier (probably silencershop) but you can still buy whatever you want.
                >Do I need to buy a silencerco can?
                No definitely not. You can buy any brand you’d like.

                I’m still a noob at NFA to be honest, so someone may be able to give you more detail.

            • 3 months ago

              >Thanks, and how exactly do I go about submitting the picture and prints?
              There are a few ways. One is to use the old SilencerShop systems. This is pretty easy and what a lot of people still recommend by default, but it also locks you into buying from there, pushes you towards LGS who are partnered with them, and they have their own custom system which occasionally is janky. I've gotten a few cans through them and it was fine overall, but they no longer have a monopoly on convenience.

              Now that official eForms are a thing you can do it online through the fed portal and your LGS. Lots of services exist to give you an "EFT file", which is an electronic fingerprint format you can then have yourself thereafter.
              >Or better yet where do I go to get the prints done?
              Frankly just search it, like "fingerprint eft file" and then look through the results. Once you have it done you're set.

              Okay that makes sense. Do I visit that LGS prior to ordering a can or after? Will I have to buy through that LGS? Do I need to buy a silencerco can?

              >Do I need to buy a silencerco can?
              SilencerSHOP (an NFA online store) isn't the same company at all as SilencerCO (a suppressor manufacturer). So no.

              But again, remember there are lots of good NFA shops and LGS who can do it, sometimes faster and cheaper than SS. So talk around a bit. But ultimately just get on it, cans are great.

              • 3 months ago

                >but it also locks you into buying from there
                how so?
                genuinely curious.

              • 3 months ago

                >how so?
                >genuinely curious.
                What do you mean? Like, SilencerShop only sells through SS, that's their whole business model. So if you go with them you're buying through them and through a LGS that has signed up to be partners with them on some level, but lots of cool LGS don't have any SS (let alone a kiosk). Also, last time I used them (which was only last year) they didn't give you an EFT file of your own from the kiosk scans. Your prints end up in their proprietary system. Which isn't some huge deal, but does mean you have to get a separate EFT made anyway if you want to shop from anywhere else.

                Again this isn't to knock them per se, obviously this is their business model, they pay a bunch of money for kiosks and storefront and so on, then make that money back by having people buy through them. But unlike in the pre-eforms days they don't have a lock on convenience anymore. And I've experienced LGS having trouble with the SS flow which is different from regular efile, which granted is probably the LGS fault for not bothering to learn it but still did cause a few extra hours of irritation. So it's worth doing a bit of shopping around and comparisons, just don't consider SS the universe is all like I've seen a lot of nfa purchasers do.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah that anon has done enough cans he's forgotten the photo/fingerprint thing, though these days it's so much easier because it's electronic and you only ever have to do the prints once. Once you've got your digital finger prints you never have to deal with it again so if it's been awhile becomes easy to forget about unlike having to deal with ink each time. Same with photo, can be done as a selfie with your phone in 30 seconds vs going to get a passport photo. But yeah legally those are still there alright.

          sorry, I omitted it. I have digital photos and digital prints. Its just another file to upload.
          Gone are the days I have to go meet the sheriff and bullshit with him while he takes my prints.

    • 3 months ago

      The easiest way to do it:
      >make a silencer shop account
      >download the app
      >take photo
      >go to lgs with a silencer shop kiosk
      >don't act autistic just act normal and confident
      >do fingerprint scans
      >say thank you and leave
      >order the can you want and wait for lgs to call
      >go to lgs and complete background check
      >take can home
      It's really easy dude, and you'll feel less moronic when you finally do it. Getting your first NFA item cures most cases of mild to severe mental moronation

      • 3 months ago

        their whole system breaks down if you dont want the app on your phone. they're an annoying gatekeeper between you and your local FFL.

        • 3 months ago

          >Worried about an app

          • 3 months ago

            who says I even have a smart phone, those things turn people into moron zombies. like pacifiers for adults.

            • 3 months ago

              yeah I'm fricking sick of people constantly getting their injection of the lying media

              • 3 months ago

                you're a moron, buddy. people read the paper and put them down and went about their day. these c**ts have phones grafted to their faces and literal humps in their back. I can see them a 100 yards away.

              • 3 months ago

                >went about their day
                then listened to the radio until the national anthem played for the night.
                my dude, we had a whole fricking war with Spain because of journalism and media hypebeasting bullshit.

              • 3 months ago

                >worried about modern technology making him a slave
                >has a bank account
                >has a job
                >uses the internet
                Autism be damned, my boy is moronic

              • 3 months ago

                how's the hump in your back, phoneboy?

          • 3 months ago

            >Needing to download an app and beg for a tax stamp to exercise your freedoms.
            You're cringe x1000

            • 3 months ago

              Post guns, then.
              You've got freedoms? Lets see them.

              • 3 months ago

                He was sperging out in /arg/ too. I think it's the same moron seething about filling forms using a pc

              • 3 months ago

                Just wild to me that Black folk will shit all over people who do the process, then be too terrified of the ATF to break any of the laws and won't even go to the local range with anything remotely approaching illegal. 99% of people seething like this won't even handspin a suppressor, or mate a pistol upper with a rifle lower - even when there's no phones around or everyone they're hanging out with is cool.
                Generally speaking everything legal they own is amazog dogshit, or straight up shitty chineseum, and they won't even post it. They'll just sit around and seethe for a few hours.
                They're not being badass, they're just too fricking lazy and stupid to figure out the process and are using it as an excuse. At least do something cool if you're going to be a homosexual

              • 3 months ago

                >post ID ends in 4473
                that confirms every suspicion I had about you being a fed.

              • 3 months ago

                Just wild to me that Black folk will shit all over people who do the process, then be too terrified of the ATF to break any of the laws and won't even go to the local range with anything remotely approaching illegal. 99% of people seething like this won't even handspin a suppressor, or mate a pistol upper with a rifle lower - even when there's no phones around or everyone they're hanging out with is cool.
                Generally speaking everything legal they own is amazog dogshit, or straight up shitty chineseum, and they won't even post it. They'll just sit around and seethe for a few hours.
                They're not being badass, they're just too fricking lazy and stupid to figure out the process and are using it as an excuse. At least do something cool if you're going to be a homosexual

                Those gays have been around on /k/ for years now and it's always the same with them. They also get one of the core fundamentals completely backwards: the way to make lists meaningless is to have everyone on them exercising their rights. Like in my rural area, point at any random house and if the question is "do they have guns" the answer is "yes". A list of who had guns would just be near 100% of the households so it wouldn't change anything anyway. NFA weapons should be the same, the more people who own them, the less it matters and simply becomes the default state.

              • 3 months ago

                This is COPE. You paid the government MONEY to trample your God given rights. You are enabling an already illegal system and giving merit to its existence. Nothing is going to get better for anyone who willfully contributes to this system.

              • 3 months ago

                Brown, drug covered hands typed this post.

              • 3 months ago

                Someone sucking on the sole of a nice, mud and shit covered boot wrote this post.

              • 3 months ago

                lol hit close to home huh seethe-kun? I always knew most of the
                >no gubmint bootlicker
                schizo shit was because you can't actually pass background checks (or hold a good job) lmao

              • 3 months ago

                Someone sucking on the sole of a nice, mud and shit covered boot wrote this post.

                Post AR

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Just wild to me that Black folk will shit all over people who do the process, then be too terrified of the ATF to break any of the laws and won't even go to the local range with anything remotely approaching illegal. 99% of people seething like this won't even handspin a suppressor, or mate a pistol upper with a rifle lower - even when there's no phones around or everyone they're hanging out with is cool.
                Generally speaking everything legal they own is amazog dogshit, or straight up shitty chineseum, and they won't even post it. They'll just sit around and seethe for a few hours.
                They're not being badass, they're just too fricking lazy and stupid to figure out the process and are using it as an excuse. At least do something cool if you're going to be a homosexual

                Watch how quickly this strays off topic about the sheet

              • 3 months ago

                >Inb4 2018
                I still have both of them

              • 3 months ago

                My mom used to have a sheet with that exact print.

        • 3 months ago

          You don't need an app you just log in to their site with a computer and upload your photo.

          • 3 months ago

            that's nice to know, sadlythe gunstore kept pushing "get the app" until I showed him I stripped google's homosexualry out of my phone. He was stumped as what to do next.

  11. 3 months ago

    What can is that? Also for a complete NFA novice, what is the best beng for your buck can for someone with 30 cal rifles?

    • 3 months ago

      it's a YHM fat cat

  12. 3 months ago

    >paying $200/yr for each stamp
    >being on the list
    No, thanks.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      You are poor and moronic

    • 3 months ago

      >paying $200/yr for each stamp
      >he doesn’t even know what the costs are
      >being on the list
      >this homie cares about lists
      If you haven’t been on a list for years at this point do you even care about freedom?

      • 3 months ago

        If you're not on a list at this point, you're doing something wrong.

    • 3 months ago

      too many redditor newbies here now anon

  13. 3 months ago

    How long are trusties waiting for approval? I was planning on contacting a lawyer on Monday to set up a trust but I'm tempted to just file as individual. I was planning on sharing the silencer with the family but realistically they'd never use it without me there.

  14. 3 months ago

    I appreciate Jay doing the research on suppressors and analyzing the data. But listening to his 1hr podcasts is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Just get to the point .

  15. 3 months ago

    Seems like the right place to ask:
    I have an SBR planned in .350L. If the cartridge has function issues in my bufferless build, am I stuck with .350L, or do the fed bois not care if I slap a .300 BLK barrel on it?

    • 3 months ago

      I dont think anyone cares. people swap uppers all the time.

    • 3 months ago

      ATF no longer allows you to list multiple calibers on the form, but you can swap uppers afterwards because it is easily reversible.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, that tracks. Upon closer inspection, the form 4 has an OAL section, and I can't imagine you'd need any special action taken if you want to swap out stocks or muzzle devices.

        • 3 months ago

          If you're registering an AR lower as an sbr, enter an extremely short barrel and OAL to cover yourself.

          • 3 months ago

            Not a problem. Min OAL will be 18" regardless of barrel length and that's what I'm planning on doing.

      • 3 months ago

        What about receivers that are marked "Multi"

        >And what is the Glock 19 of 9mm suppressors?

        • 3 months ago

          Doesn't matter, still need to list a caliber on the form. Years ago, I sold an sbr to a friend (pre form 1 efile) and the original form had multi and they made me change it on the second form.

  16. 3 months ago

    I have $35 in my account

  17. 3 months ago


    Is the eform wait for an individual really so short right now? You’re not just jerking me off right? If it is, I’ll go buy a can off Capitol Armory right now.

  18. 3 months ago

    Damn is this just for form 4's or form 1's too? I just submitted a form 1 last saturday for my P90

  19. 3 months ago

    Holy shit, that's an amazing change. I just got my newest can out of jail 2 weeks ago and that was a 228 day wait. I'll believe it LASTING after it goes a few months, the historic problem has been that there is a ton of demand unmet because people don't want to put up with the wait. So if wait drops down, more people buy, and then wait goes back up.

    But that's a hell of a drop even then. If they've finally got the eform kinks worked out and backlog done and they could keep it even to 30-60 days that'd still be a huge change. I hope it'd let some cool designs that died come back.

  20. 3 months ago

    Amazing what a government bureaucracy can do if you let it do its job properly.
    Part of me wonders if the ATF being so useless and backlogged on form approvals was intentional - a way to make its dissolution more popular, the same way tax returns have been made painful to convince citizens to hate any taxes.

    • 3 months ago

      The ATF always viewed the process and wait time as a feature not a bug, they could have gotten the backlog cleared and approval times down to days years ago. The ATFs other rulings like ammo bans, killing FFLs for simple paperwork mistakes, demil rules for parts kits like going from one cut to three, then they had to be torch cut were all to make gun ownership more difficult. They have tried to harm gun owners at every turn when they got the chance. The only reason things are improving now is because they don’t want the wait times to be used against them in court(which they currently are). Since there’s at least four or five major cases right now directly attacking the NFA in a totally new very pro gun legal environment, a new crop of gun rights absolutist politicians and majority right wing Supreme Court. A decade ago it would’ve been unheard of for something like the hearing protection act to even make it to the Senate(of course before the false flag in Vegas). The NFA has never been more vulnerable and they know it. Their desperate arguments in court telegraph as much.

  21. 3 months ago

    There more silencers are out there, the more believable it will be when the silenced mass shootings begin.

    • 3 months ago

      demoralizing my kentucky greater coprosperity sphere comrade

  22. 3 months ago

    >noguns gays who dont know anything about the nfa or suppressors giving their useless opinions and spreading misinformation
    Frick off morons

  23. 3 months ago

    imagine thinking you need government approval for a made up category of firearms parts and accessories

    • 3 months ago

      Post yours then, moron
      >Hurrrr ur a fed rnnnnnn
      Imagine thinking you need government approval to post a made up category of firearms parts and accessories

      • 3 months ago

        Hi Karl. Everyone still hates you.

        • 3 months ago

          *sips cum from cabaret* Hey man

    • 3 months ago

      you dont need the approval per-se, but it certainly helps when you indend to shoot the can out in public.
      I shot these guns next to some sheriff from bumfrick county. I would not have done so if they were contraband.

  24. 3 months ago

    What about Form 1?

    • 3 months ago

      I had my last form1 done in like 10 days

  25. 3 months ago

    Shit, I need to design a can that I can Form 1. How to calculate the volume needed for a given caliber?

    • 3 months ago

      Copy similar cans and their dimensions. Keep it simple, stupid. A lot of popular cans have their baffle designs public as well. From my understanding, flow through is exactly as it sounds, you're drilling holes through the baffle including out the end plate of the suppressor allowing the gasses to flow through the end rather than being forced backwards.

  26. 3 months ago

    Are wait times really that low or is that an exaggeration?

    • 3 months ago

      I know a guy personally who had an invididual eform 4 approved in 4 days. So OP is not making shit up this time. They must have integrated AI to start processing the forms or something.

      • 3 months ago

        >integrated AI
        Dude. It’s hitting approve on a form. A 4473 takes minutes, often less if you have a CCW license. There is no reason it should take more than 15 minutes. You either pass the background check or fail

      • 3 months ago

        There are plenty of people showing 1-4 day wait times. A friend of a friend got his in 3

        NTA but I'm gonna have to see if I can get another one. That's pretty nuts. If it continues (lol) maybe I'll have to get a 9mm silencer as well. .22 seems to have a decent amount of info on it but 9 not so much. What's one that'd be real quiet on a PCC or handgun (say, a Beretta 92FS)? I'd love to be able to have a fully silenced hunting setup. I don't care so much about "but it isn't rated for dumping a 150 round drum!!1!1!!1!!!" so much as I care it's quiet as long as it's not like $1k or something moronic.

        • 3 months ago

          You should definitely get a .22 suppressor. Even the cheapest work pretty well and if it’s even a 1 month approval that’s really good compared to old averages. I’m thinking about getting a rugged obsidian 45 for a pistol suppressor. It’s mostly for 9mm but being able to use on a .45 is nice

          • 3 months ago

            I already have a 22 silencer. But having two would be nice, especially since I didn't get the better one I originally wanted due to perpetual out of stock (seriously how can they not be in stock after like 2-3 months?)

        • 3 months ago

          You usually have to get an additional piece to swap between pistols and PCCs.
          ECCO has a light can that doesn't require it but was outta stock last time i saw

          Waiting for my Tirant 9 n Oss 762 since Oct
          I'd get a 22 but think I'll just soak my 9 every time instead.

    • 3 months ago

      There are plenty of people showing 1-4 day wait times. A friend of a friend got his in 3

      • 3 months ago

        I know a guy personally who had an invididual eform 4 approved in 4 days. So OP is not making shit up this time. They must have integrated AI to start processing the forms or something.

        Well shit, I guess it's time for me buy some suppressors, I'm thinking about the YHM R9 and Phantom.

    • 3 months ago

      They changed how E-Files work on the back end. So this should be the the new norm. Batch approvals as well. We had a 6 hour approval come through last week. Customer bought a can, had a 9 day turn around bought another can when he came to pick it up and it cleared before the day was up.

      • 3 months ago

        Forgot pic. Straight from ATF's updated page on the matter.

        • 3 months ago

          >a NFA application with a proceeded background check would not be processed until a NFA application with a delayed background check was resolved
          It's crazy how easy it is to distinguish between the
          >knuckledragging moron failson siblings of FBI agents ATF
          from the
          >couldn't get a job in any other legal specialization ATF
          from the
          >daquarius & shenéné help desque ATF
          from nothing but a sentence or two of their mudspeak.

          • 3 months ago

            "proceeded" in this context means the result of the background check is literally "proceed", versus for example "delay".

            • 3 months ago

              i am aware
              - a nfa division help desque staff

      • 3 months ago

        Forgot pic. Straight from ATF's updated page on the matter.

        Well that's interesting...fug I hope it continues. A 9mm silencer would be nice and being able to just buy it some time over the summer whenever it's convenient would be great.

  27. 3 months ago

    Too bad the .357 takedown with a threaded barrel is on backorder, I may have actually bought it and a can.

  28. 3 months ago

    WELL I just got off the phone with ATF and apparently there's a reason why they haven't approved my forms after ~340 days.

    They said they are waiting on the court injunction on ATF's brace determination to be decided in court, and have frozen all tax free Form 1s filed with relation to braced pistols. Once the injunction is lifted and the court decides whether or not ATF did a no-no, then they'll process those forms.

    Would have been real cool of ATF to send me a letter to that effect 8 months ago. Apparently some people did get a notice along the lines of
    >ATF is temporarily enjoined from enforcing the Stabilizing Brace Final Rule due to pending litigation in Federal courts. Your application will remain in pending status while this preliminary injunction remains in effect.

    • 3 months ago

      I mean sure that'd have been polite but shit man you've been around the block.
      1) You should have been calling after like, 60 days not 340. Form 1s never took that long, that was always part of the point. F4s took forever up until this recent miraculous spell but I was getting F1s last year <30d no prob.

      2) Pistol brace shit was all over the (weapons) news. I know we talked about it in /hg/. How the heck did you miss that injunction?

      • 3 months ago

        I knew about the injunction but not that ATF was putting everyone on pause as a result of it

        • 3 months ago

          Huh, well sorry you missed it. I thought everyone knew and it made sense, what's the point of wasting time on form approvals nobody even needs and might not ever need depending on if the ATF loses or not? For all I know there is some federal rule about it, they are forced to stop all work by all sorts of court stuff.

    • 3 months ago

      you're gay as frick for:
      1. not following up earlier
      2. not doing the SBR shit before all this court crap

      • 3 months ago

        Actchyoually I called every 2-3 months after the expected approval time and every time in the past they just told me "Yeah it's still pending." I don't know why they volunteered more information this time.

  29. 3 months ago

    I've heard the reason shit's getting cleared so quickly is that the company the ATF outsources to for NFA investigations switched their productivity metric to total forms cleared/denied in hopes of a contract renewal.
    This is "I know a guy who knows a guy" type shit, so take it with a grain of salt.

    • 3 months ago

      The ATF doesn't "outsource" NFA form processing lol that's moronic

      • 3 months ago

        I'm pretty sure they do, or at least did in the past. I once got a call from a third party in regards to a paper filed Form 4 years ago. I had forgotten to fill in the info on fingerprint cards, and I had to confirm the cards were my prints.

  30. 3 months ago

    fed thread

  31. 3 months ago

    Well, I mean, I have the excuse that BUYING it and registering it is a cuck move.

  32. 3 months ago

    If I have a 5.56 and a 30 cal can, what should my next can be?

    • 3 months ago

      pistol can (45) for 45, 9mm, and 300 black (subs)

  33. 3 months ago

    Anyone got some good homeade designs? I want to send it off to the ATF and then get to making on my new lathe once its approved. Hopefully its just as fast as you guys are saying.

    • 3 months ago

      Shit, nvm. Found this website from a cool guy:
      >Major Robinette was a Battalion Marksmanship Champion, Squadron Rifle Team Captain, Range Officer and F-15 pilot. Rob also spent 10 years as a federal law enforcement officer. He holds a Federal Firearms License and is the owner of Nolichucky Guns. He enjoys all forms of rifle and pistol use.
      He lays out the ways to make your own suppressor and what you need, even talking about those sketchy "oil filter" kits. I recommend the read of you're wanting to DIY.

      • 3 months ago

        >He enjoys all forms of rifle and pistol use.
        Looks like he mostly just enjoys Forms 1.

  34. 3 months ago

    I don't want to deal with going to a police station for fingerprints.
    >inb4 kiosk
    None in 7 hours from me
    >inb4 go to a private fingerprint company
    None in my area, only police do them (for free)

    I just won't comply lol.

  35. 3 months ago

    LGS has a Surefire RC2 5.56 for $1079, good deal? Need a dedicated 5.56 can

    • 3 months ago

      it's fine, about normal price. And yea it's fine for your first can you're just gonna be stuck on their proprietary mounting system.

      • 3 months ago

        I've got 5 other cans already, just not 5.56. Most are YHM, but can't find and good YHM 5.56 can deals

        • 3 months ago

          >Most are YHM, but can't find and good YHM 5.56 can deals
          go with otter creek polodium K or just the normal polodium. You can use bravo mounting standard.

          • 3 months ago

            >otter creek polodium K or just the normal polodium
            I also looked for a good deal on one of those, actually would prefer that over a YHM. Couldn't find any lol

            • 3 months ago

              Capitol Armory had the normal 5.56 polodium the other day I was checking

          • 3 months ago

            Polonium K’s are out of stock everywhere right now. I’m pissed I didn’t buy one like a month ago when I could

    • 3 months ago

      I paid 220 less but had to pay shipping and transfer fees which you wont so good deal.

      • 3 months ago

        Got one of those deals from Primary Arms for like $850?

        • 3 months ago

          Yes. Thats why I bought it. Had it for about a month. First can. Ive been shooting for a long time and I suffer from hearing damage. Can and good earpro help. Moving on to .300 next. Just ordered an Omega 45k.

  36. 3 months ago

    >You have no excuse for not buying something fun.
    I cross state lines to visit my parents often and I don't want to have to notify the ATF every time I do it.

    • 3 months ago

      >I cross state lines to visit my parents often and I don't want to have to notify the ATF every time I do it.
      This is not a requirement for suppressors. There are no forms needed to travel between states for them. So still not an excuse anon.

    • 3 months ago

      You don’t have to. That’s a myth. Even it was true, who cares? Do it anyway.

      Do they have land you can shoot on? Then how would you ever “get caught”. Public ranges don’t ask for stamps and you don’t have to show them either. Again, it’s not even a requirement in the first place.

      • 3 months ago

        >You don’t have to. That’s a myth.
        I'd call it more a confusion than a myth. You do have to file forms to travel for SBRs, DDs and machine guns, though you can do so for like a years worth at a time iirc, and frankly sadly few people ever look up the law vs just going by 4th hand telephone game retellings. A lot of people who are nocans have just assumed the rule applied to every NFA not realizing there are a few differences in categories.

        Granted there are other details too like integral/perm cans counting towards barrel length and OAL that most people never deal with that can be conveniently related. A lot in fairness comes down to cost and wait, so perhaps if such short times become the rule, and with inflation meaning the stamp is effectively cheaper every year, maybe we'll see more on that front as well.

  37. 3 months ago

    but im angry now

    • 3 months ago
  38. 3 months ago

    Is silencer shops system still down? Was able to docusign over the weekend but forms still haven't been sent.

  39. 3 months ago

    >people itt unironically b***hing about using the feds own fake money to tell them to frick off
    lmao even

  40. 3 months ago

    LGS has a B&T rotex x compact for a good price. SS is out of stock on anything else I want. Should I get it? Does the A2 mounting system suck?

  41. 3 months ago

    If money isn't a concern what's the best can for aa 2011 like Staccato P?

    • 3 months ago

      9mm fundamentally just isn't hard to suppress, any modern-ish can from a good company will do a fundamentally decent job. So normally one focuses more on what you're after when it comes to size/weight/service/desired special features. There genuinely isn't a "best" can in that case, something focused more on the range will have a different answer than a woods gun, and if you wanted to suppress while EDC you could go all the way to something ultra compact like an Aurora.

      Or for "special features", an exmaple would be SiCo making an asymmetric can (the Osprey), which lets the top be lower or near flush with the top of the gun and in turn you can use standard height sights and such. This may matter to someone, or may be utterly irrelevant. Or someone might want a can that is also rated for 300bo and full auto SMG. But some are one-can-per-gun.

      "There is no best" maybe isn't the most satisfying answer but seriously there isn't. But in this case I don't think that means you're going to get anything BAD either.

  42. 3 months ago

    Can someone recommend me an alternative to the YHM Resonator R2? This will be my first can. I wanted a 30 cal so that I could swap between my AK and my AR, but check these boxes:
    >30 caliber can with good sound suppression
    >includes muzzle device
    >less than $800
    The YHM seems like it checks all the boxes but the damn thing hasn't been in stock in like 4-6 months. Is there anything else comparable out there? Most other suppressors are sold standalone and it seems like you end up spending $800 on the suppressor just to have to turn around and spend another $100+ on muzzle devices and adapters. I'm looking for an all in one package. Why is this shit so hard to find?

    • 3 months ago

      >YHM Resonator R2?
      prob wanna look at more reviews of this but i was looking at this earlier
      the mounts a hundred on opticsplanet lol

  43. 3 months ago

    I just bought another suppressor. It’s tempting to file as an individual because of the short wait times but I’m vehemently opposed to paying the government another $200 to move it to my trust. I’ll just wait it out. One small reason I’ve never filed anything as an individual is because for form 1 SBRs I hated the idea of engraving my name instead of a short trust name.

    • 3 months ago

      >One small reason I’ve never filed anything as an individual is because for form 1 SBRs I hated the idea of engraving my name instead of a short trust name.
      That's a small but very good point I'd forgotten about. If you make your own stuff at all it's a small but nice thing to be able to put whatever name you'd like on it.

    • 3 months ago

      Just do it as an individual. You can still let other people use them. Who would ever know? They still pass on to your beneficiaries if you die. Or move them to your trust when you are old and done shooting and pay $200 in the future which will be like a nickel in todays money.

      • 3 months ago

        >Just do it as an individual.
        nta but no, that's moronic. The trust wait times are plummeting to, with lots of times <30 days, and lots of batching, one dude got one within 12 hours along with 8 others. Even if it's longer than individual that's not enough for no extra cost to not be worth it.
        >You can still let other people use them. Who would ever know?
        If your NFA funs are toys then sure whatever. But mine are on all my guns including for self-defense. If my SO needs to defender herself in our house then I want her to be able to do with a suppressor.
        >Or move them to your trust when you are old and done shooting and pay $200 in the future which will be like a nickel in todays money.
        Or just get them on the trust right now. Once you have your first few cans others are nice but not something that can't wait a month.

        • 3 months ago

          >But mine are on all my guns including for self-defense. If my SO needs to defender herself in our house then I want her to be able to do with a suppressor.
          And what’s preventing her from doing that? If someone breaks in and you aren’t there and she uses a suppressed gun, she isn’t getting charged with shit. Children can’t legally own or possess firearms yet there are plenty of examples of them using them in self defense.

          Better question is why aren’t you training her to remove the suppressor after shooting dontravious? It’s what I plan on doing. The gun is way easier to replace. “Forensics” is a fricking joke and they’d never know.

          • 3 months ago

            >And what’s preventing her from doing that? If someone breaks in and you aren’t there and she uses a suppressed gun, she isn’t getting charged with shit.
            If you want to depend on that to save $0 and maybe a month or two on bonus cans it's your own business but IMO it's fricking moronic to add in felonies for no good reason and leave people at the dubious mercy of whoever the local prosecutor happens to be and whatever the local political winds are. Even if you win the case hands down, it'll be a fricking expensive nightmare. It's the epitome of "penny-wise dollar-foolish".
            >Better question is why aren’t you training her to remove the suppressor after shooting dontravious
            And I hate this stupid line you gays always throw out even more. "Why not just add in obstruction of justice to the felony huh???" Frick you. It's so much crap to add onto a perfectly good shoot for chickenfeed reasons.

            Sure do whatever but I'm just going to use my trust and never even think about it. She's an RP so she can just use my NFA guns completely legally just like I can and that's that.

            • 3 months ago

              >Why not just add in obstruction of justice to the felony huh???" Frick you.
              Well some of us have balls and disdain for the constable and do what we like.

              • 3 months ago

                >Well some of us have balls and disdain for the constable and do what we like.
                But you don't. You pose about it on anonymous mongolian basket weaving forums like /k/, but you never actually do it. None of the nocans seethers ever once post their handmade stamp free cans or other restricted funs.

              • 3 months ago

                >if you don’t post proof of your felony means you won’t do a very low risk action in a situation that hasn’t happened yet
                Why are you dumb? Also bold assumption I don’t have suppressors

  44. 3 months ago

    Is the non concentric barrel AK Suppressor worth getting for Stalker larping? I'd just throw it on my old trust wasr with beat up furniture and PK-01V for some midgame larping.

  45. 3 months ago

    Well...I guess we'll see if I also get a short wait time. Will update but will probably be at least a couple days as it's not in stock in store and had to be ordered.

  46. 3 months ago
    A Lady of Repute

    >asking permission for your rights
    You Black folk arent gonna make it

    • 3 months ago

      Too bad about your bestiality felony conviction but that's not the norm even on PrepHole.

      • 3 months ago
        A Lady of Repute

        Not a felon and I dont frick animals, just thicc redheads, neat fanfic though maybe next time keep it to yourself.

        • 3 months ago

          we're trying to discuss NFA approval times, son.

          • 3 months ago
            A Lady of Repute

            Shame you dont own guns then huh?

            • 3 months ago

              >no cans
              >no sbrs

              • 3 months ago
                A Lady of Repute


        • 3 months ago

          Shame you dont own guns then huh?


          these look like felon homosexual poor guns lmao. all you can get is thirdhand garbage sold to tyrone by russians?

          • 3 months ago
            A Lady of Repute

            >still noguns
            cope seethe dilate even

            • 3 months ago

              not seeing any cans or non-shit guns just a tripgay schizo sperging out loooollllll

              • 3 months ago
                A Lady of Repute

                mad that you dont own guns?

  47. 3 months ago

    When you get the ready to certify email from SS and go to the FFL, is that when they already have the can? Last one I got was before eForms, just showed up and picked it up once they called me

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, that's the way it works, they have to physically possess the can already. The manufacturer/online store Form 3 transfers it to the FFL, then the FFL Form 4 transfers it to you. Which can be annoying if there are shipping delays/stocking issues since the whole wait process doesn't kick off until they get it. Though if this ultra high speed approval holds that'll change a lot.

      Individuals have to go certify in person. In principle trusts and corps aren't supposed to have to and can do it over the phone though I've had FFLs insist on it anyway.

  48. 3 months ago

    I got to over 400 days just recently. Last week or so I went to check in with my retailer and he did some trickery to get the paperwork "refreshed" or some shit. I started getting emails to finalize the process. So now it's submitted and processing. He said based on other cases around this time, I could be approved within two weeks.

    I'm so fricking sick of the NFA. I hate the ATF. I should be able to buy an rpg for cheap with no background check. But I live in a negrified country controlled by israelites. Even Europe doesn't regulate suppressors like this.

    • 3 months ago

      Oh shit bro
      He forgot to submit your form and didnt wanna tell you lmaooo

  49. 3 months ago

    Do I need to let my FFL know that SilencerShop is sending them my suppressors?
    I imagine SS has my information and will relay it but I just wanted to know if I needed to tell them.

    • 3 months ago

      I called mine and said hey I'm ordering a can bro. And he was like ok cool that's fine.

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