New giant French drone

Eurodrone competitor? It just got revealed, does anybody know anything about it?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 12 months ago

    A chance for France redeem themselves by providing them to Ukraine.

    • 12 months ago

      French here, I want to clarify a few points bande de connards :

      Frick Ukraine, either you pay us a good amount of money or you provide us with interesting assets, otherwise you go to hell

      I want... I dream of Neo-Guallist France with a powerful military.

      Meh, that's a start : personally, I want a combination of the best that came out of the French Monarchy and the French Empire, the eagle and the fleur de lys

      They should team up with poland and split germany between them and establish the Neo-Holy Roman Empire with a pro-nuclear stance.

      Frick Pooland and all these eastern european shitholes that are subservient slaves to daddy USA for the hardware and mommy EU for the money

      France and Germany are buttbuddies. In most countries they have their embassies built right next to each other, that's how much they coordinate things together.

      Germany is our biggest enemy, Germany deserves to be nuked by all our M51, we need to wipe out once and for all this cancer that is constantly working out to undermine our interests and our nation

      • 12 months ago

        >french here
        falseflagging bong/algerian trying to make enemies out of everyone*
        ftfy, fils de pute-beurette

        • 12 months ago

          >t. glowie screecher

          • 12 months ago

            >french here
            falseflagging bong/algerian trying to make enemies out of everyone*
            ftfy, fils de pute-beurette

            Armatard frick off, going after the French won't work either you homosexual.

      • 12 months ago

        French here.

        You said you wanted a mix of French Monarchy and Empire but you quickly forgot that one of Napoleon's best marshal was Polish, Joseph-Antoine Poniatowski. Ukraine is now in a bad situation and relies on USA supplies and EU money that's for sure.

        Yet, those too countries actually hate communism and are Christian. I think good relaions can be build with those too once war is over.

        Réfléchis avant d'ouvrir ton clapet.

        • 12 months ago

          C'est le seul "argument" que tu as réussi à trouver ? Il est tellement minable et pathétique que j'en ai honte à ta place, franchement rends service à tout le monde, fais comme Finkiel : jette-toi dans le canal - et au passage bien essayé, mais les non-francophones, on vous grille en un coup d'œil

          • 12 months ago

            >tout le monde ment sur le fait d'être français sauf moi

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Basé, rien à redire.

        • 12 months ago

          Merci cher compatriote, ravi de voir que je ne suis pas le seul à avoir un cerveau fonctionnel ici

          >tout le monde ment sur le fait d'être français sauf moi

          C'est bien, je prends note
          Nonobstant, tu es quand même invité à aller te jeter dans le canal toi et ta rhétorique à deux balles

          Pierre here from Marseille Oblast and I agree. Ukraine shouldn't stand up to tyranny ever, nothing good ever comes from it, as our own history shows.
          I also think France needs a fully seperated foreign policy that goes against all our neighbors and so called allies. Deteste le America, Germagne et Pooland, but french kiss le Putine and other third world countries, mon ami!

          >Nooooo! You cannot be neutral and go your own way, if you're not with us that means that you are a Russian supporter/puppet!
          First of all : je suis bel et bien français, connard
          Secondly : va te faire enculer, I don't give a frick about either Ukraine or Russia, neither about the US, the EU or any other nation.
          The only thing that matters to me is France and our interests, period.

          • 12 months ago

            T'inquiète, on est plutôt nombreux à avoir cette même pensée (volonté de 3eme voie, neutralité, l'ennemi anglo et germanique...). Y a quelques tocards à fond pro-OTAN mais bon, on fait avec.

            • 12 months ago

              Bah tiens, ils reviennent à la charge ces connards :

              >The only thing that matters to me is France and our interests, period.
              Alors, tu devrais être pour l'aide envoyer en Ukraine. Aucun pays n'a construit sa puissance et son hégémonie en restant dans son coin à chouiner que les autres ne s'intéressent pas à l'écouter. Tu penses que l'Amérique aurait eu sa puissance actuelle en agissant comme toi pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale? T'es quoi, de la diaspora russe?
              >Gutentag I am Hans Fierdichsen of New York, i think America should stay neutral. Frick UK. Frick Germany
              Avec ton raisonnement, la France va rester un petit pays neutre et isolationniste qui ne saura rien faire face aux grandes puissances car aucun de ses voisins aura quelque chose à foutre de nous. Bonne chance pour rebâtir quoi que ce soit de semblable à l'Empire avec cette mentalité de chien apeuré du monde. Ta mentalité se rapproche plus d'un chef de tribu amazonien dont personne s'en souvient que de tes ancêtres qui ont conquis le monde.
              Tu te crois sur Hearts of Iron 4? T'as cru que ça fonctionne encore dans la vraie vie de juste envahir tes voisins et t'en sortir comme ça? T'as quel âge, sérieusement. J'avais ce genre de pensée à 14 ans. Si la France avait cette mentalité, t'aurais juste la guerre d'Ukraine chez nous. T'as le même niveau de compréhension de la guerre que Putin, c'est bien bas, ça. Les États-Unis ont eu besoin de marcher sur Varsovie pour englober l'Europe de l'est dans leur sphère? Dieu merci tu n'es pas à la tête d'un quelconque pays en tout cas

              >Alors, tu devrais être pour l'aide envoyer en Ukraine.
              Pas mon problème, que ces sous-hommes corrompus jusqu'à la moelle se démerdent, le joueur de piano à queue Zelensky a une fortune personnelle assez grande pour financer tout seul les efforts de son "pays" au lieu de venir nous faire les poches comme un gitan sur la ligne 13 du métro
              >Tu penses que l'Amérique aurait eu sa puissance actuelle en agissant comme toi pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale?
              1- Je m'en bats les couilles de l'Amérique et de ce genre d'hypothèses à la con
              2- Tu as typiquement le vocable et la syntaxe d'un agent de propagande de deuxième zone, change de plume et de mise en forme de tes messages
              >T'es quoi, de la diaspora russe?
              Et apprends à lire aussi, vu que visiblement, le message a du mal à passer (que j'en ai rien à foutre de la Russie aussi)
              >la France va rester un petit pays neutre et isolationniste qui ne saura rien faire face aux grandes puissances
              Merci de m'apporter la preuve irréfutable que tu es un agent étranger et pas un français : il n'y a que les enculés de traîtres et de vendus qui osent dire que la France est petite et que la France doit, comme un poisson pilote, suivre un plus gros poisson qu'elle si elle souhaite survivre.
              Ce qui va me permettre de faire passer un message à tous les francophones sur ce thread (je ne vais pas continuer à te répondre, tu m'as prouvé que tu es une merde, un traître à la France)
              Nous n'avons besoin de personne, nous avons largement tout ce qu'il faut dans notre pays pour être les meilleurs dans tous les domaines, nous n'avons pas besoin de rejoindre un groupe de nations étrangères pour exister, et encore moins de travailler avec nos ennemis historiques et éternels comme les anglo-saxons (Angleterre et Allemagne en tête)

              • 12 months ago

                0 (zéro) notion sur la géopolitique

          • 12 months ago

            >The only thing that matters to me is France and our interests, period.
            Alors, tu devrais être pour l'aide envoyer en Ukraine. Aucun pays n'a construit sa puissance et son hégémonie en restant dans son coin à chouiner que les autres ne s'intéressent pas à l'écouter. Tu penses que l'Amérique aurait eu sa puissance actuelle en agissant comme toi pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale? T'es quoi, de la diaspora russe?
            >Gutentag I am Hans Fierdichsen of New York, i think America should stay neutral. Frick UK. Frick Germany
            Avec ton raisonnement, la France va rester un petit pays neutre et isolationniste qui ne saura rien faire face aux grandes puissances car aucun de ses voisins aura quelque chose à foutre de nous. Bonne chance pour rebâtir quoi que ce soit de semblable à l'Empire avec cette mentalité de chien apeuré du monde. Ta mentalité se rapproche plus d'un chef de tribu amazonien dont personne s'en souvient que de tes ancêtres qui ont conquis le monde.

            Ce niveau de projection...
            C'est bon, t'as fini de poser ta perche, ton caca nerveux est passé ?
            >Tu penses que Napoléon il serait pas en train d'applaudir les ukrainiens?
            >Napoléon qui applaudirait un trou à rat slave soutenu à 200% par la clique anglo-saxonne
            Napoléon serait surtout occupé à passer un grand coup de balai en France et en Europe, à commencer par liquider une bonne fois pour toutes l'Angleterre, l'Allemagne pour commencer, avant d'aller épurer l'est de l'Europe
            >prends tes crayons et va les bouffer sur l'autoroute
            Elle a quel goût la chiasse des américains pour que tu reprennes leurs memes ?

            Tu te crois sur Hearts of Iron 4? T'as cru que ça fonctionne encore dans la vraie vie de juste envahir tes voisins et t'en sortir comme ça? T'as quel âge, sérieusement. J'avais ce genre de pensée à 14 ans. Si la France avait cette mentalité, t'aurais juste la guerre d'Ukraine chez nous. T'as le même niveau de compréhension de la guerre que Putin, c'est bien bas, ça. Les États-Unis ont eu besoin de marcher sur Varsovie pour englober l'Europe de l'est dans leur sphère? Dieu merci tu n'es pas à la tête d'un quelconque pays en tout cas

            • 12 months ago

              Vaut mieux rester neutre et isolationniste que sucer en permanence la bite des ricains ou s'appauvrir pour une quelconque "reconnaissance" en Ukraine. l'Amérique a eu sa puissance en agissant comme des enculés et en défendant LEURS intérêts avant tout, y a pas de secret. Montre moi tes arguments pour prouver qu'une aide supérieure à l'Ukraine serait positive pour la France. Tu crois que parce qu'on est gentil avec eux ça veut dire qu'ils vont signer des contrats avec nous ? Aujourd'hui, ça bénéficie surtout les ricains.

            • 12 months ago

              Good post
              (non french speaker will have to trust me on this)

          • 12 months ago

            Oui oui, je suis une vraiment patriote as well, mon ami. The path to le success is to spit on l'everyone and pursue the glorious inperial past, like le Russe does now.
            Je suis sure one good war against perfiduous albignone, le hun and the americain dogs will lead us to relevance again.
            Let us build a true unaligned axis with powerful countries like Russia, Brazil, Iran and India because c'est is where France belongues.

            • 12 months ago

              Absolutely blasé

        • 12 months ago

          Merci cher compatriote, ravi de voir que je ne suis pas le seul à avoir un cerveau fonctionnel ici
          C'est bien, je prends note
          Nonobstant, tu es quand même invité à aller te jeter dans le canal toi et ta rhétorique à deux balles
          >Nooooo! You cannot be neutral and go your own way, if you're not with us that means that you are a Russian supporter/puppet!
          First of all : je suis bel et bien français, connard
          Secondly : va te faire enculer, I don't give a frick about either Ukraine or Russia, neither about the US, the EU or any other nation.
          The only thing that matters to me is France and our interests, period.

          Mais ferme ta gueule tu représentes rien du tout t'as du voter pour cette grosse salope de zemmour qui a rien d'autre a foutre que de bourrer sa secrétaire et finir à 7% soit un poil au dessus de jean lasalle qui a fait sa campagne en étant bourré.

          Tu penses que Napoléon il serait pas en train d'applaudir les ukrainiens? prends tes crayons et va les bouffer sur l'autoroute, sale merde.

          Hey! This is a Polish board, speak Polish or English!

      • 12 months ago

        Pierre here from Marseille Oblast and I agree. Ukraine shouldn't stand up to tyranny ever, nothing good ever comes from it, as our own history shows.
        I also think France needs a fully seperated foreign policy that goes against all our neighbors and so called allies. Deteste le America, Germagne et Pooland, but french kiss le Putine and other third world countries, mon ami!

        • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        Mais ferme ta gueule tu représentes rien du tout t'as du voter pour cette grosse salope de zemmour qui a rien d'autre a foutre que de bourrer sa secrétaire et finir à 7% soit un poil au dessus de jean lasalle qui a fait sa campagne en étant bourré.

        Tu penses que Napoléon il serait pas en train d'applaudir les ukrainiens? prends tes crayons et va les bouffer sur l'autoroute, sale merde.

        • 12 months ago

          Ce niveau de projection...
          C'est bon, t'as fini de poser ta perche, ton caca nerveux est passé ?
          >Tu penses que Napoléon il serait pas en train d'applaudir les ukrainiens?
          >Napoléon qui applaudirait un trou à rat slave soutenu à 200% par la clique anglo-saxonne
          Napoléon serait surtout occupé à passer un grand coup de balai en France et en Europe, à commencer par liquider une bonne fois pour toutes l'Angleterre, l'Allemagne pour commencer, avant d'aller épurer l'est de l'Europe
          >prends tes crayons et va les bouffer sur l'autoroute
          Elle a quel goût la chiasse des américains pour que tu reprennes leurs memes ?

      • 12 months ago

        Remember this post. France chooses to be useless in foreign affairs and then complains when no one follows her.

        • 12 months ago

          >Not following the US and the EU = being useless in foreign affairs
          Fair enough, I can live with that
          >then complains when no one follows her.
          Since when we started to care about the opinion of foreign nations? Let alone about nations that are inferior to us?

          Français ici, envoyons plus d'armes à l'Ukraine. Ce serait bénéfique même à la France, faut voir un peu plus loin que le bout de son nez. Oui, envoyer ces armes nous coûtera de l'argent mais ce sera une excellente manière de montrer l'efficacité de l'armement française sur le terrain et de créer une réputation pour nos nouvelles armes. Quand Coca-Cola offre des canettes gratuites dans la rue, c'est pas par gentillesse hein. Les Reaper et Bayraktar n'ont pas bâti leur nom en pourrissant dans des hangars. En plus de ça, cette aide ira directement détruire un ennemi de la France. La seule raison pour ne pas envoyer d'armes serait un sentiment pro-Russe et donc anti-Français

          Ce néant intellectuel, cette vision du monde au ras des pâquerettes...
          Franchement qu'un camion vous écrase toi et les connards dans votre genre
          >Mais si tu ne soutiens pas l'effort commun, ça veut dire que tu es un agent de la Russie ?
          Il faut vous le dire comment ? Nique la Russie, nique l'Ukraine, nique ces trous à rats slaves corrompus jusqu'à la moelle et puant la pisse, et au diable les États-Unis et l'UE qui ont décidé de se ruiner dans cette guerre qui ne nous concerne pas.

          >Frenchman enters thread
          >works nu-/k/ into a seethe

          Thanks mate, although I'm still posting
          As a gift, have a 18 years old redhead virgin from Brittany, she's all yours

          • 12 months ago

            C'est osé de parler de néant intellectuel. Retourne te branler sur l'Empire, parce que la France n'aura plus jamais cette place avec ta mentalité de fils de pute attardé

            • 12 months ago

              >la France n'aura plus jamais cette place avec ta mentalité de fils de pute attardé
              Allez, encore un traître vendu à l'étranger que je brise en mille morceaux et que je viens de démasquer
              Sale merde, non seulement la France restera glorieuse et à l'avant de la scène mondiale, mais rien ne me satisfait autant que de savoir qu'au fond, cela fait crever de rage et de jalousie les salopards comme toi qui rêvent au fond que la France devienne petite et insignifiante

        • 12 months ago

          This. At least some French suffer from terminal chronic contrarianism. Worse, they sometimes get into the driver's seat, and frick shit up for several decades (see the absolute brainlet decision to support Haftar in Libya). It's like pissing against the wind, just because the opposite is too popular, then complaining that people stay away because you smell like a vespasienne.

          Français ici, envoyons plus d'armes à l'Ukraine. Ce serait bénéfique même à la France, faut voir un peu plus loin que le bout de son nez. Oui, envoyer ces armes nous coûtera de l'argent mais ce sera une excellente manière de montrer l'efficacité de l'armement française sur le terrain et de créer une réputation pour nos nouvelles armes. Quand Coca-Cola offre des canettes gratuites dans la rue, c'est pas par gentillesse hein. Les Reaper et Bayraktar n'ont pas bâti leur nom en pourrissant dans des hangars. En plus de ça, cette aide ira directement détruire un ennemi de la France. La seule raison pour ne pas envoyer d'armes serait un sentiment pro-Russe et donc anti-Français

          This, but in not-frog. Having your weapons used in an actual shooting war is the purest advertising campaign in existence. Of course, they also have to perform to a satisfactory degree, but there's minimal possibility of French weaponry being outright bad.

          • 12 months ago

            >At least some French suffer from terminal chronic contrarianism.
            That is called being sovereign and not following someone else's agenda, but ours (something too abstract for someone like you who's probably coming from a historically irrelevant country)
            >Having your weapons used in an actual shooting war is the purest advertising campaign in existence.
            We're not a third world country (such as Turkey) who's trying to breakthrough the world scene : everyone knows our pedigree and our legacy in military hardware, we don't have anything to prove at all

            • 12 months ago

              >We're not a third world country (such as Turkey) who's trying to breakthrough the world scene : everyone knows our pedigree and our legacy in military hardware, we don't have anything to prove at all
              Plus déconnecté de la réalité que ça, ya pas

              • 12 months ago

                Pardon ? J'ai du mal à t'entendre, le bruit de nos Rafales que l'on vend à la pelle masque (fort heureusement) le bruit de tes balivernes

            • 12 months ago

              >muh pedigree
              Nobody gives a frick about pedigree, you're not selling race horses. The worst koreans have been spreading into Europe at direct loss to European (including French) companies. And they have precisely 0 pedigree. What they DO have is low price and high production capacity.

              Pardon ? J'ai du mal à t'entendre, le bruit de nos Rafales que l'on vend à la pelle masque (fort heureusement) le bruit de tes balivernes

              >muh Rafale
              Sold to the likes of pajeets and cumchuggers, because they cannot into option 1. I'll bet you my last euro they would have gone for F-35 had they been allowed to do so by the American gov't.

              • 12 months ago

                >I'll bet you my last euro they would have gone for F-35 had they been allowed to do so by the American gov't.
                Sucks that fighter sales are an inherently political game and that the Americans are notorious for putting political pressure on their clients, huh?
                Case in point: refusing to sell HIMARS to Hungary unless Hungary agrees to some concessions regarding Sweden in Nato.
                Justified or not, the end result is that buying american stuff is tying a chain to your ankle.

              • 12 months ago

                The Hungarians turned it political when HURRban and his SVR pet monkey Szijjarto decided to block the accession vote for absolutely no reason. At least Erdocuck could pretend he protects the interests of his fellow roaches, but the mongoloids chimped out just because.

      • 12 months ago

        >Frenchman enters thread
        >works nu-/k/ into a seethe

      • 12 months ago

        un manque d'iode dans to sel ?

        • 12 months ago

          Va dire ça à ceux qui sont en train de rager à mon égard (de ne pas hurler avec la meute pro-ukrainienne), moi je me porte comme un charme

      • 12 months ago

        German here, stop being such a Black person.

      • 12 months ago

        putain mais le puceau mdr

      • 12 months ago

        As a Frenchman, This connard here doesn't represent anywhere close to any visible opinion of France.
        We would still behead king (and tsar) alike.
        We are glad to help Ukraine and are mostly ashamed we can't send them Leclerc tank and Rafale fighter.

        Though Germany really are weak politically and weakening the EU by constantly selling out to the US and previously Russia. It's like they don't even want to be a country anymore.

        • 12 months ago

          >It's like they don't even want to be a country anymore.
          And that's a good thing.

        • 12 months ago

          Based frog.
          You're partially right sadly, we should look more towards France and take you as role model.
          If you're referring to the F-35 purchase, that was reasonable for Germany.
          But for the rest, yeah, we should do more together with France and not be as autistic about specifications like the second engine on the Eurodrone.
          I hope we do more together in the EU in the future and take an example from French strategic autonomy, which should be applied on the entire EU, with fair workshare for all participating member states tho.
          t. kraut

          • 12 months ago

            >Respectable kraut
            I wish you good luck mon amis.

            >If you're referring to the F-35 purchase, that was reasonable for Germany.
            Actually I understand you are forced to get them because that's your only route for NATO nuclear deterrence and the US removed the F-18 you wanted as choice.
            But I hope we can work on FCAS without Germany trying to steal their """allies""" know-how to sell them, and that you accept to work with us on an European tank system where we actually respect your Know-how and would let you be the Maitre d'oeuvre of the project.

            • 12 months ago

              Germany is a Pussyan spynest, let's hope we insulate critical programs from these Gerhard Schroder's

            • 12 months ago

              >mon amis
              Thanks for proving that you're not french but a larper (or a foreign propaganda agent)

            • 12 months ago

              F-35 is the best choice as a new fighter for the coming decades, that's just a fact. I hope in the future we won't have to rely on American designs, but currently there's just no equally good European alternative, so the F-35 makes sense, especially since many other Europeans are using it too.
              regarding FCAS and the new tank, I honestly have reservations about the workshare and don't think it's really fair, but as long as Germany and France continue to be allies and don't fall apart, I honestly just want the projects to get done and be good weapon systems.

              >autistic about specifications like the second engine on the Eurodrone.
              If I remember the German were so "peaaaaaace" they didn't even wanted the drone to have weapon.
              It was at the time were drone were seen as "OMG! ARMED ROBOT! EVIL!!!"

              yes that was extremely moronic, blame socdems and the greens. But since the invasion and since they're now in the government they became less moronic and have finally realized the necessity of armed drones.

              • 12 months ago

                Can't wait to see the BAE Tempest out and about, Britain, Italy, Sweden and Japan are a pretty good team.

              • 12 months ago

                I leave this can of worm to another, even snail at least are comestible. The US used every method of pressure they have to force several country to buy them without even testing them. Lockheed are well known for bribery.

                >regarding FCAS and the new tank, I honestly have reservations about the workshare and don't think it's really fair
                As I see it half of the point is making sure we all cooperate on this and don't give up the project midway leaving everyone else supporting the cost.

              • 12 months ago

                Anon the F35 is a joint fighter project it's not just "relying on American".
                Most of the countries that bought large amounts of f35s have a hand in production in some way.

            • 12 months ago

              >Actually I understand you are forced to get them because that's your only route for NATO nuclear deterrence and the US removed the F-18 you wanted as choice.
              This Apple policy "'faut tout rach'ter" the newest and shiniest (and priciest) toy is fricking ridiculous. You don't need anything more than a fricking 60's bomber to deliver gravitational nuclear bombs, which are useless in the first place as it's not 1945 anymore.
              I understand they're buying the US nuclear umbrella through those F35, but come on, the Italian mafia wouldn't operate any different. And probably more flexible, actually.

              • 12 months ago

                I agree the nuclear sharing is pretty pointless with the gravitational bombs. It's just a political symbol at this point.
                But the Tornado needs a replacement one way or another, and the F-35 is the best choice for that, it's the best multirole fighter on the market.


                And this is why you don't make any long term project with the Germans in the first place. See how their went full moronic regarding their nuclear reactors, spending 500 billions LagardeCoins in stupid chinese solar panels and windmills they'll have to rebuy in 15 years anyway, and STILL producing 8x more CO2 than France. if they're that moronic and spineless over such a subject, imagine how it is with any other project.
                hopefully aircraft carriers won't ever be though-of as joints projects with them, they'd require it to be powered by fricking coil because nuclear propulsion is LE BAD

                I also agree the nuclear phaseout was stupid and still is, but that doesn't mean all Franco-German cooperation and phaseout are stupid
                several military projects were problematic yes but others have worked out fine before too, like the Alpha Jet, Transall, MILAN, HOT, Roland, A400M, etc.

          • 12 months ago

            >autistic about specifications like the second engine on the Eurodrone.
            If I remember the German were so "peaaaaaace" they didn't even wanted the drone to have weapon.
            It was at the time were drone were seen as "OMG! ARMED ROBOT! EVIL!!!"

            • 12 months ago

              And this is why you don't make any long term project with the Germans in the first place. See how their went full moronic regarding their nuclear reactors, spending 500 billions LagardeCoins in stupid chinese solar panels and windmills they'll have to rebuy in 15 years anyway, and STILL producing 8x more CO2 than France. if they're that moronic and spineless over such a subject, imagine how it is with any other project.
              hopefully aircraft carriers won't ever be though-of as joints projects with them, they'd require it to be powered by fricking coil because nuclear propulsion is LE BAD

              • 12 months ago

                Hey now, the goal is to bring back Germany to reason. Make them sign GOOD cooperation accord (good for them too) by force and trickery if you must, then push them to realize it's the best thing that happened since the creation of the European Union.

                Hopefully, discovering in a short pace
                -some of their minister were corrupt pro-gas pro-russian
                -their anti-nuclear stance is both moronic and more dangerous than Tchernobyl
                -they need to produce weapon to defend democracy, not just keep the industry alive
                is going to be a wake up call

          • 12 months ago

            >Respectable kraut
            I wish you good luck mon amis.

            >If you're referring to the F-35 purchase, that was reasonable for Germany.
            Actually I understand you are forced to get them because that's your only route for NATO nuclear deterrence and the US removed the F-18 you wanted as choice.
            But I hope we can work on FCAS without Germany trying to steal their """allies""" know-how to sell them, and that you accept to work with us on an European tank system where we actually respect your Know-how and would let you be the Maitre d'oeuvre of the project.

            • 12 months ago

              Here, have a better image of what our "relationship" with Germany should always be :

              • 12 months ago

                Yes, that is a lot better.
                Too bad Macron today does anything Germany wants in exchange of gibs.
                Napoleon & De Gaule others roll in their graves.

              • 12 months ago

                >Those quads

              • 12 months ago


                Teh quads of truth

          • 12 months ago

            >Respectable kraut
            I wish you good luck mon amis.

            >If you're referring to the F-35 purchase, that was reasonable for Germany.
            Actually I understand you are forced to get them because that's your only route for NATO nuclear deterrence and the US removed the F-18 you wanted as choice.
            But I hope we can work on FCAS without Germany trying to steal their """allies""" know-how to sell them, and that you accept to work with us on an European tank system where we actually respect your Know-how and would let you be the Maitre d'oeuvre of the project.

            moronic samegay krautcel, you need to change your filenames not to be recognizable

            • 12 months ago


              I leave this can of worm to another, even snail at least are comestible. The US used every method of pressure they have to force several country to buy them without even testing them. Lockheed are well known for bribery.

              >regarding FCAS and the new tank, I honestly have reservations about the workshare and don't think it's really fair
              As I see it half of the point is making sure we all cooperate on this and don't give up the project midway leaving everyone else supporting the cost.

              I'm still convinced F-35 is the right decision, altho ofc it would be better if we had a European alternative. But we don't.
              in regards to several other systems we bought abroad despite European alternatives tho.
              e.g. I don't see why we're buying Spike instead of Akeron, Patriot instead of Aster, and P-8 Poseidon instead of a MPA from Airbus
              it's short-sighted and we should take an example from France to build more ourselves (while attempting to keep costs down, sth France is better at than us)
              >As I see it half of the point is making sure we all cooperate on this and don't give up the project midway leaving everyone else supporting the cost.
              yeah, agreed

              • 12 months ago

                >P-8 Poseidon instead of a MPA from Airbus
                To be exact, France was all set to cooperate with Germany to make one in coop, then some moron was likely bribed by US lobbyist the same way than the German Minister of "Keep the strategic gas reserve right when Russia attack then go work for a german gas company" was bribed by Russia.

              • 12 months ago

                yeah, probably. It's a shame, I wish the MPA aircraft would've become reality.
                I mean for certain products there really is no alternative, e.g. F-35 or CH-47, but most we could do together with France.

                Anon the F35 is a joint fighter project it's not just "relying on American".
                Most of the countries that bought large amounts of f35s have a hand in production in some way.

                nah not really
                UK and Italy have a part in the production, the rest is just minor stuff.
                Finland, Switzerland, Belgium, Czechia, Poland, Greece, all kinds of countries are getting it too. It's gonna be the new F-16
                it just makes sense to replace the Tornado with it.
                it's not a threat for FCAS, which France seems to be worried about.

            • 12 months ago

              I'm still convinced F-35 is the right decision, altho ofc it would be better if we had a European alternative. But we don't.
              in regards to several other systems we bought abroad despite European alternatives tho.
              e.g. I don't see why we're buying Spike instead of Akeron, Patriot instead of Aster, and P-8 Poseidon instead of a MPA from Airbus
              it's short-sighted and we should take an example from France to build more ourselves (while attempting to keep costs down, sth France is better at than us)
              >As I see it half of the point is making sure we all cooperate on this and don't give up the project midway leaving everyone else supporting the cost.
              yeah, agreed

              meant to attach this screenshot too

              >gettting assblasted because two anons talk normally and aren't seething ultranationalist morons

        • 12 months ago

          Kek, t'es sans doute un connard de parigot qui vit dans sa propre bulle du Marais. Le Français moyen n'en a rien à branler de l'Ukraine, rien. Par contre ça lui fait particulièrement chier de dépenser du fric pour ça alors que les hôpitaux et les écoles sont au niveau du tiers-monde, et que notre armée elle-même est sous-equipée. Vivement le jour où on pourra purger tous les traîtres pro-US comme toi.

          • 12 months ago

            Je suis celui qui fait rager tous les connards depuis toute à l'heure, et pourtant je suis de Paris (XVème arrondissement)
            Merci de ton soutien cher camarade et compatriote provincial, mais sache que tous les parisiens ne sont pas, fort heureusement, dégénérés et soumis à l'ennemi extérieur et étranger
            >Le Français moyen n'en a rien à branler de l'Ukraine, rien. Par contre ça lui fait particulièrement chier de dépenser du fric pour ça alors que les hôpitaux et les écoles sont au niveau du tiers-monde, et que notre armée elle-même est sous-equipée.
            Mais non tu comprends, il faut absolument que l'on fasse les caniches auprès de l'OTAN et de l'UE, comme ça on aura nous aussi une belle place sur le podium, comme ça on finira par nous donner un peu de reconnaissance. C'est vrai, après tout, la France est morte, la France ne sera plus jamais puissante et grande, alors autant se faire petit et rejoindre la meute
            (C'est ça, la pensée toxique et perverse des rats, des traîtres dans nos rangs qu'il faut implacablement éliminer)

      • 12 months ago

        Random homies be like
        >I'm 12% French, underage, and a highschool drop out but let me act like I'm the ambassador of the nation.
        My guy you are nobody.

      • 12 months ago

        Napoleon was Italian.

    • 12 months ago

      Shut up amerimutt. The french were your only ally durring 1776 and kent you ships to fight the brittish navy. This all happened way before your family ran away from europe as immigrants instead of staing and making it great again.

      • 12 months ago

        Frick off Armatard

      • 12 months ago


  2. 12 months ago

    That's a big guy.

    • 12 months ago

      She’s a big girl


  3. 12 months ago

    I want... I dream of Neo-Guallist France with a powerful military.

    • 12 months ago

      They should team up with poland and split germany between them and establish the Neo-Holy Roman Empire with a pro-nuclear stance.

      • 12 months ago

        France and Germany are buttbuddies. In most countries they have their embassies built right next to each other, that's how much they coordinate things together.

        • 12 months ago

          They literally have a joint parliament

  4. 12 months ago

    Let me ride it

  5. 12 months ago

    24h autonomy
    Price of 5 to 10 million € per unit
    1.5 tons of ammunition with six hardpoints
    ITAR Free (No American components)
    Mass 10 tons
    Dim. 26x16x5m
    Release for 2035

    • 12 months ago

      >Release for 2035

    • 12 months ago

      >MALE UAS with middling features
      >in a market already dominated by Predators, Reapers, and TB-2s
      >Release for 2035
      the absolute state of the French aircraft industry

      • 12 months ago

        >French aircraft industry
        Thanks for caring, but our top players (Airbus, ATR, Dassault) are doing great
        Same goes for our smaller players (Daher, Robin, Jodel and so on)
        This tiny company, Aarok, is completely new to the game

        • 12 months ago

          Another day another episode of French people pretending Airbus is French and not pan European.

          • 12 months ago

            So, we've had the idea, we came up with the name, the legal status is French (Airbus Industries), the founders were French, the designers were French (A300/320/340 and so on), the distribution of the roles/tasks among others nations is decided by us, the main factories are in France, but indeed, Airbus is not French at all

            • 12 months ago

              And yet if the UK stopped making wings for every single one of their products it would kill the whole company because there is nowhere else to go. (they are designed here too).

              >Five other Airbus design offices and engineering centres are located throughout Europe, with sites in Germany, Spain, the UK, and Russia. Each bring their specific competencies in areas such as fuselage structures, landing gear, fuel systems, composites, tooling, cabin interiors and cargo compartments.

            • 12 months ago

              Lol non of those are French designs. France doesn’t even have an equivalent to NASA

              • 12 months ago

                >A300 : Roger Béteille
                >A320 : Bernard Ziegler
                >doesn’t even have an equivalent to NASA
                Go wonder why we have Ariane, the CNRS and the CEV then
                But since you're not American, care to share with us what your country have, so I can laugh at your irrelevance?

              • 12 months ago

                >technician director
                Literally delayed ad infinitum, might as well be dead
                >CNRS, CEV
                Literally who? Not even the Airbus website mentions anything French lol

              • 12 months ago

                >technician director
                Technical director, but since you're obviously a illiterate from a third world shithole, I can't really blame you for that
                >Literally who? Not even the Airbus website mentions anything French lol
                Sad that you don't know how to use Google and do some basic research, but once again, since you're illiterate, I won't go too hard on you
                And by the way, you forgot an important part of my message :
                "But since you're not American, care to share with us what your country have, so I can laugh at your irrelevance?"

              • 12 months ago

                I mean CNES

        • 12 months ago

          >are doing great
          Yea and despite that France economy and inerior situation is shit because of all the shit-people who have no intention of working, and because of all those greedy unions who never stop protesting and demanding more money and less working hours.

          SHAME, Francoise bro.

          • 12 months ago

            damn, talking like a true slave.
            are you american or chinese? hard to tell. Probably american since even chinese protest from time to time.

            • 12 months ago

              I'm Polish. I know unions are useful, but the shit French unions do is legendary, they only give a frick about themselves, they shit on their homeland.
              Everyone is just ME ME ME, and if they dont get it, they hit the streets.
              Tell our PrepHole friends how they blackmail politicians by cutting of electricity of specific parlament members.

      • 12 months ago

        >in a market already dominated by Predators, Reapers, and TB-2s
        One of these things is not like the other

        • 12 months ago

          What kind of overwhelming qualities it'll have? Both Predator and TB-2 dominate their respective classes.

      • 12 months ago

        >the absolute state of the French aircraft industry
        Doing pretty fine, thanks.
        No need to dunk on a sub-50 employees company.

        • 12 months ago

          Airbus did acquire Bombardier though while Boeing failed to take Embraer, so some of that is acquisition outside of Europe mostly.

      • 12 months ago

        Their aircraft industry is doing fine, but the drones? They're way behind. And France NEEDS to make its own big drones, and they have to start somewhere.
        When the French vacated a base in Mali and Wagneroids occupied it, they had to ask the Americans to keep a Reaper above to catch the Russhits digging a mass grave for freshly massacred civilians in the act. They diodn't have the mean to do it themselves, it's a worrying weakness they finally want to correct. It took them way too long to act but better late than never I guess.

        • 12 months ago

          >hey had to ask the Americans to keep a Reaper above to catch the Russhits digging a mass grave for freshly massacred civilians in the act. They diodn't have the mean to do it themselves
          It was a French operated and owned reaper, stop making shit up.

          • 12 months ago

            My bad, I genuinely thought I had read something about the drone being American but after searching I can't find something about it. Thanks for the correction anon.

    • 12 months ago

      >Release for 2035
      No you absolute moron, 2035 is the estimated time for the eurodrone boondoggle to be operational.
      That thing is popping up now precisely to fill the gap.

    • 12 months ago

      >Release for 2035

      lol, lmao even.

    • 12 months ago

      >ITAR Free
      this is going to be the biggest selling point of those

      sounds alright otherwise
      nothing really new
      but we'll see about the final specs

      No low-observability ? why a propeller over jet engine?

      Who is the intended customer?

      >why a propeller over jet engine
      24h autonomy sounds like slow cruise speeds
      so more efficient to use a propeller here

      also Turboprops have a better weight-power-ratio
      especially for the initial thrust
      so way shorter runways
      really important for the french as they have quite small bases / runways outside of (and also in) france

    • 12 months ago

      >Release for 2035

      lol, lmao even.

      >MALE UAS with middling features
      >in a market already dominated by Predators, Reapers, and TB-2s
      >Release for 2035
      the absolute state of the French aircraft industry

      >Release for 2035
      Wrong assessment, mid 2025 is the targeted time frame.

    • 12 months ago

      >Release for 2035

      lol, lmao even.

      >MALE UAS with middling features
      >in a market already dominated by Predators, Reapers, and TB-2s
      >Release for 2035
      the absolute state of the French aircraft industry

      >Release for 2035
      Wrong assessment, mid 2025 is the targeted time frame.

    • 12 months ago

      How does this compare to a manned attack helicopter

  6. 12 months ago

    it's a drone version of the cropduster.

  7. 12 months ago

    No low-observability ? why a propeller over jet engine?

    Who is the intended customer?

    • 12 months ago

      >Who is the intended customer?
      Same as for everything the French build: those rich enough not to buy Russian, smart enough not to buy Chinese, and paranoid enough not to buy American-built ITAR-crippled products.

      • 12 months ago

        >and paranoid enough not to buy American-built ITAR-crippled products.
        Or under active sanctions by the US, more likely

      • 12 months ago

        Why would anyone buy this over bayraktar?

        • 12 months ago

          Frog eats wienerroach

        • 12 months ago

          It's a gap filling project tbh, the good thing on them are the high quality camera and it being french it should fly properly, but again it's there as a stopgap I doubt they will export it too much.

  8. 12 months ago

    She’s a big girl

  9. 12 months ago

    >turboprop Cessna
    Literally whats the point ?
    If you want to put an optics pod and a laser designator just make it 2 times smaller and put a rotary on it.

    • 12 months ago

      It's a MALE missile truck, like the Eurodrone.

  10. 12 months ago

    >Aar OK
    It's clearly a Chinese drone anon

  11. 12 months ago

    >be french
    >join multinational project
    >lobby for major control
    >steal everyone's data/progress
    >leave halfway through and make your own project based
    >undercut competition with product almost as good

    many such cases

    • 12 months ago

      This. Never work with the perfidious French. They're doing the same shit with the tank they're doing with Germany and will prob do the same with their next-gen fighter with Germany and Spain I think.

      • 12 months ago

        >They're doing the same shit with the tank they're doing with Germany and will prob do the same with their next-gen fighter with Germany and Spain I think.
        Meanwhile in the real world, it's Germany trying to steal Dassault's intellectual property and lobbying to get ever more underlings into the project, despite the signed agreements.
        You can meme all you want about France, but I can cite a shitload of recent collaborative efforts that went to shit or are going to shit thanks exclusively to G*rmany.
        >tiger mk3
        And on and on.

        • 12 months ago

          >French part screeches and howls basically wanting to do everything themselves and only want Germany to pay for it
          Frenchoid arrogance really is boundless

          • 12 months ago

            >equal partner
            >ask to obtain everyone's trade secret (especially France's superior air-fighter, oui monsieur) so the partnership become worthless
            >won't give their own trade secret on anything where we recognize their leadership (tank)
            >buy US anyway to destroy their own industries, don't do anything without US approval
            Germany are the one who do not treat others as equal.

            • 12 months ago

              Don't forget undermining the entire civil nuclear industry in Europe. You'd think this was Russian-driven, at this point. And somehow, it better be, it would be less embarrassing, in a way.

              • 12 months ago

                >You'd think this was Russian-driven, at this point.
                It was. (West) Germany has been the target of Soviet anti-nuclear aghitprop since the 1960s. Initially, it was targeted at disarmament, but then the Soviets realized they can get a lot of badly-needed hard cash, in exchange for selling natgas to Wessies. So they shifted focus to "all nuclear is LE BAD, mkay?"

              • 12 months ago

                This is radical, but we're unfortunately at a point where we need a MacCarthy to hunt down all these traitors in Europe. Enough is enough.

              • 12 months ago

                >muh soviets
                Nah, the problem is the majority of west German population was born in the 60s and are die hard boomer hippies with a racist superior complex

        • 12 months ago

          Pretty much this. Heck, Germany can't design a good jet engine to save their lives, even Italy is better at it, they have to partner with others, so of course they're trying to steal designs by wanting them to be manufactured on their soil. Which, in return, make the projects go KO because who the frick would want that. There's a reason the big players in Europe are Rolls-Royce and Safran, they're the only ones almost on par with GE and P&W.
          It's always the same gay seething and spreading lies, 120% a kraut, you'll spot his samey posting instantly after a while.

          • 12 months ago

            Anon, not every European country needs every single part of a domestic MIC, that would be extremely wasteful and stupid

    • 12 months ago

      But enough about Germany

    • 12 months ago

      tell me what France got from the EF 2000 project that wasn't already implemented in the Mirage 4000, i'm waiting
      Funniest thing is that the Rafale flew before

  12. 12 months ago

    Looks like a PC-12 nose grafted onto a composite body

    • 12 months ago

      Eurodrone competitor? It just got revealed, does anybody know anything about it?

      Love how the french give then their moustache

  13. 12 months ago

    Oh wow finally a drone that Russian piece of shit Soviet AA can actually shoot down. I wonder how many millions for this one flight only POS.

  14. 12 months ago

    The french are such pleasant people.

  15. 12 months ago

    Français ici, envoyons plus d'armes à l'Ukraine. Ce serait bénéfique même à la France, faut voir un peu plus loin que le bout de son nez. Oui, envoyer ces armes nous coûtera de l'argent mais ce sera une excellente manière de montrer l'efficacité de l'armement française sur le terrain et de créer une réputation pour nos nouvelles armes. Quand Coca-Cola offre des canettes gratuites dans la rue, c'est pas par gentillesse hein. Les Reaper et Bayraktar n'ont pas bâti leur nom en pourrissant dans des hangars. En plus de ça, cette aide ira directement détruire un ennemi de la France. La seule raison pour ne pas envoyer d'armes serait un sentiment pro-Russe et donc anti-Français

    • 12 months ago

      This. Besides, this war is clearly about the BRICS "qui ne se sentent plus pisser" these days vs. the West. And in West, I include South Korea and Japan, as in, the Free World. There are no other blocks, and there won't ever be another block because none other can matter, you can thank the soviets for that. It's about time BRICStards understand they're just shit tier countries and will be so for the next 50 years, which Russia, in its unfathomable moronation, made sure of starting from Feb. 2022. In fact, I'd say the West will still rule the world for the next 100+ years, not merely 50. As it should be.

      >Oui, envoyer ces armes nous coûtera de l'argent
      Barely. Bare the Caesars, what's sent, be it from France or most of the allied countries and the air defense systems, are weapons that were about to be dismantled. And dismantling is FRICKING COSTLY. As you can be sure there's asbestos in there. Very good for your health. Sending it to Ukraine solves a lot of problems, and in fact, might very well be beneficial instead.

  16. 12 months ago

    Funni flying catfish

  17. 12 months ago

    The daily /k/ seethes at France thread

    • 12 months ago

      Seething at France is a Reddit trait. Disgust towards Russophone infested France (or Germany, or Austria, or any white European country) is a blessed endeavour. May our lands be forever cleansed of mongol filth and all their fifth columnists. Just for how much Russia has pitted blacks against us, both in Africa and immigrants, they deserve to be wiped off the map.

  18. 12 months ago

    Bref, après cette séance de fessée collective, je vais terminer avec deux images
    Anyways, after this buck breaking session, I'll finish with these two pictures

    • 12 months ago

      Vive la France, que Dieu bénisse et protège notre France grande, riche et indépendante

  19. 12 months ago

    Don't know much but as an aviation expert I can tell you that it is likely a Turboprop. I say that because it has 1. a propellor and 2. has the exhaust of a turboshaft engine. The airfoil design looks rather rudimentary and best suited for low mach cruise.

  20. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

    • 12 months ago

      The only useful comment ITT.

  21. 12 months ago

    Weak, ugly, and outdated.

  22. 12 months ago

    > looks like a 1930's monoplane

  23. 12 months ago


    >Objective reality and documented history is cope and bait
    Tell me when you're done getting high off wine fumes, old chap.

    • 12 months ago

      Here, have more pictures of the "italian" that probably assraped your country back in the days and who still lives rent free in your mind

      • 12 months ago

        How I know you are a vatnik that took some french classes.

      • 12 months ago

        Imagine vikings coming on a river and subduing a whole vatnik nation

  24. 12 months ago

    So basically ten times cheaper than the fricking Eurodrone program, and domestic made. Sounds like a good deal.

  25. 12 months ago

    Haven't followed much about F35's capabilities. one thing that always felt awesome to me was VTOL. But did they solve the autonomy and number of weapons they can take? Because it was quite limited, from what I last read. Like, basically going naked on a mission. Which makes this cool feature worthless. Frick, I want future planes to be like antigrav aliens spaceships, this is where the coolness lies.

  26. 12 months ago

    How demoralizing it must be to be on he side fighting he robots. Even if you manage to take one down, you're still just killing a machine. They can just build more while you are losing your sons time and time again.

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