Navys Rush To Test Microwave Weapons Tied To Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Fears

>The U.S. Navy hopes to have a prototype high-power microwave directed energy weapon ready for shipboard testing by the end of 2026. The service sees weapons of this type as critical additional defensive options that will help its warships keep higher-end surface-to-air missiles in reserve for threats they might be better optimized for, including anti-ship ballistic missiles. The experience of American warships shooting down Houthi missiles and drones over the past six months has rammed home concerns about the magazine depth of the Navy's surface fleets.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    I want to see houti turn into popcorn.

    • 3 months ago

      I want to see thousands of gavy semen sink to the bottom of the ocean in the blink of an eye

      • 3 months ago

        You can go to San Diego and have your ass act as a stand-in for the ocean, turdiegay

        • 3 months ago

          Nah, your sailors already do that just fine turdiegay

  2. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Fries electronics.

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          F, you clever bastard.

        • 3 months ago

          F, you clever bastard.

          I miss those guys like you wouldn't believe. I used to buy anime DVDs there.

          • 3 months ago

            Me too. That store is just a couple of miles from my house. F.

      • 3 months ago


        or it disrupts targeting. might be able to energize the plasma sheath enough to make all targeting and communication options impossible.

    • 3 months ago

      The instant burrito's aren't going to cook themselves anon

    • 3 months ago

      HERF cannons

    • 3 months ago

      Clandestine weather control

    • 2 months ago

      Mazer I hope. They should have higher theoretical usefl max output than lasers in an atmosphere.

  3. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Nice one sir.

    • 3 months ago

      >that ugly mf cabin
      Well AI got that right for sure

  4. 3 months ago

    I can guess what the article will be without reading it
    >hooo boy this shit is starting to get expensive, maybe allocating more funds to get DEW running sooner rather than later is a good idea

    • 3 months ago

      Drones are going to make everything obsolete!
      >Fries your drone.

      But isn't extremely simple to make DIY "Faraday cages"?.:

      • 3 months ago

        Putting the drone in a cage also cuts it off from all communication and blinds nonvisual sensors.

        • 3 months ago

          are you moronic? how is a drone going to operate if its inside a faraday cage?

          what about wire-guided drones?

          • 3 months ago

            >what about wire-guided drones?
            obviously impervious to most e-warring

      • 3 months ago

        are you moronic? how is a drone going to operate if its inside a faraday cage?

        • 3 months ago

          Putting the drone in a cage also cuts it off from all communication and blinds nonvisual sensors.

          • 3 months ago

            Okay. Visual sensors aren't as shit as they used to be. That doesn't change the fact that sticking a drone in a faraday cage completely destroys its ability to adapt to its circumstances, and thus makes it extremely easy to counter.

            • 3 months ago

              only limits your ability to force it to adapt, based on information you receive and interpret as a need to adapt
              I built and programmed a robot to navigate a maze independently, 10 years ago in college. Drone/robot adaptation is limited by foresight, budget, and nothing else.

              • 3 months ago

                Obviously it is theoretically possible to fully automate a drone. It is also theoretically possible for something to travel at the speed of light. Doesn't mean we can do it or that we will ever do it.

                All we've really determined here is that sticking a faraday cage onto a drone makes developing that drone extremely expensive and time consuming. Thus defeating the purpose of drones: cost effectiveness.

              • 3 months ago

                How is do it is
                >Missile/drone has comms suite in one section and optics/computer etc in another, the optics and computer are in a faraday cage so in the event the drone is hit with a big zap it can continue autonomously, if it's a missile it continues to its target, recon drones return to a set landing area for recovery and repair

              • 3 months ago

                Have you considered what installing a faraday cage is going to do to the flight characteristics of literally any aerial vehicle

          • 3 months ago

            Now they just have to add drag-select and groups and RTS is going to be real.

      • 3 months ago

        Faraday cages need to be grounded

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago
            • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                penetration cum blast

            • 3 months ago

              Licky lick Reimu pits

  5. 3 months ago

    Drones are going to make everything obsolete!
    >Fries your drone.

    • 3 months ago

      >sends 1,500 more for the cost of a single missile that would get intercepted, anyway

      • 3 months ago

        >Shoots those down too
        Remember the actual cost of the Shasneed.

    • 3 months ago

      >Controversial Opinion: A drone, that's a bomber, in space.

  6. 3 months ago

    Wouldn't lasers be more effective and longer range for this purpose?

    • 3 months ago

      No. Lasers diffuse over extreme distance and are highly subject to weather such as fog and rain which diffuse it even more quickly. It is not a coincidence that every successful laser weapon test video you have ever seen takes place on a cloudless day in a dry climate.

  7. 3 months ago

    >He's irradiating?

  8. 3 months ago

    I hate "journalist" morons so fricking much.

  9. 3 months ago

    >"we need a wunderwaffe microwave gun to make the muslim flintstones stop throwing rocks at us"
    why not just *glass them* with a carrier strike group at this point^

    i dont understand?
    why have we not just *glassed* their asses back uhh even FURTHER into the stone age?

    • 3 months ago

      Because It'd work just as well as glassing the Taliban

      • 3 months ago

        The Taliban weren't using giant missiles easily identified by aircraft. Keep shooting the very limited number of launch sites, and you solve the symptoms.

      • 3 months ago

        >Because It'd work just as well as glassing the Taliban
        so it would irreparably smash them into the ground^ i dont understand

        why didnt an international coalition send a carrier strike group with all the fixin's to the red-sea, and repeatedly strike yemen with f18 sorties one after the other in an unbroken succession, with follow-on strikes by cruise missiles and drones, untill the canal was opened back up?

        surely, this^ could not have taken but like 1 or 2 rounds to punch them into submission
        i mean think of it this way
        >nato didnt send a carrier strike group to the black sea to make Russia frick off back to Moscow
        so they must be saving those assets for when Russia is weakened there

        that leaves basically every asset free to target Yemen, and the shipping corridor... so when and why hasnt that happened?

        >somebody make it make sense
        international even!
        i mean holy FRICK its the literal last GDP on the planet vs the combined $10Trillion+

        • 3 months ago

          hi helmettard, always nice to see you seething.

          • 3 months ago

            >the noooooooticer works holidays too

            • 3 months ago

              please continue, your tears are absolutely delicious.

        • 3 months ago


          strange that you didn't list Israel in the coalition of forces. Do you not think they have a responsibility to help clean up the mess they've made of international shipping? I think the IDF should attempt to invade and pacify Yemen. On their own.

        • 3 months ago

          The problem is, the Houthis are little more than an Iranian catspaw, and the Administration is chock-full of powerful people who *want* Iran to become the regional hegemon in the Middle East, and have been doing all kinds of things in order to help the mullahs achieve that goal. The attacks could be ended in fairly short order if Iran's own oil exports were directly threatened... but they won't be.

          • 3 months ago

            >the last-place gdp Iranian catspaw dispelled 80+ years of "we will *glass* you with a carrier strike group!" in literally 2 weeks of drone-bluffing brinksmanship

            • 3 months ago

              You do remember when the Persian people tried to use votes and protests against the mullahs and the US supported the mullahs instead, right? That was barely over a decade ago. The US *could* threaten them... but key parts of the Administration for some reason have always liked them.

      • 3 months ago

        That exactly is what US should have done after 9/11.

    • 3 months ago

      Because It'd work just as well as glassing the Taliban

      >Because It'd work just as well as glassing the Taliban
      so it would irreparably smash them into the ground^ i dont understand

      why didnt an international coalition send a carrier strike group with all the fixin's to the red-sea, and repeatedly strike yemen with f18 sorties one after the other in an unbroken succession, with follow-on strikes by cruise missiles and drones, untill the canal was opened back up?

      surely, this^ could not have taken but like 1 or 2 rounds to punch them into submission
      i mean think of it this way
      >nato didnt send a carrier strike group to the black sea to make Russia frick off back to Moscow
      so they must be saving those assets for when Russia is weakened there

      that leaves basically every asset free to target Yemen, and the shipping corridor... so when and why hasnt that happened?

      >somebody make it make sense
      international even!
      i mean holy FRICK its the literal last GDP on the planet vs the combined $10Trillion+

      This could be solved by enforcing a quarantine on Houthi held territories and putting a blockade on all ships traveling to Iran/Yemen.

      • 3 months ago

        >This could be solved by enforcing a quarantine on Houthi held territories and putting a blockade on all ships traveling to Iran/Yemen.
        why isnt this being done?
        what is stopping the international community from doing this?
        is the suez not *THAT* important?

        I mean how hard could it be to supress Yemen and Iran? i mean come on?

        please continue, your tears are absolutely delicious.

        >he thinks im the deranged un-raked leaf

        • 3 months ago

          >why isnt this being done?
          Because the current DC leadership are weak willed dipshits that have no right to be in power.

          • 3 months ago

            >Because the current DC leadership are weak willed dipshits that have no right to be in power.
            they are?

            they certainly werent at the beginning
            infact they were committed for "as long as it takes" and devoted $hundreds of billions of dollars, at the stake of their economies and own defense stockpiles.. surely preserving hundreds of billions$ and millions of rounds of ammo would have been worth a few token B2 strikes? right..?

            • 3 months ago

              They should have sunk the black sea fleet that first week if they were committed.

        • 3 months ago

          i don't but you probably look and act just like him, moronic schizo

          • 3 months ago

            >i don't but you probably look and act just like him, moronic schizo
            wrong^ Indiana aka "helmettard" has been posted before

  10. 3 months ago

    It's like I've been saying all along. This skeet shooting exercise has been a fantastic gift to the west, because they get to test out their defensive weapons against a real foe that's trying to kill them, which not only gives them relevant experience, but also exposes the holes that need to be plugged.

    • 3 months ago

      > wastes billions of dollars of missiles while doing so.

      Expensive, duplicative and we're blowing thru a lot of missiles.

      • 3 months ago

        >we're blowing thru a lot of missiles
        That's why the 76mm should be used to intercept incoming missiles/aircraft, a lot of other navies use it successfully and it's quite cost effective

  11. 3 months ago

    moron here, wouldn't it take a couple minutes to paint the missiles with some microwave proof paint?

    • 3 months ago

      No. Microwaves are at a higher energy and penetrate.

      • 3 months ago

        interesting. whats the downside of the penetration? short range?

        • 3 months ago

          Probably. don't know for sure. Inverse square law applies.

        • 3 months ago

          No. Microwaves are at a higher energy and penetrate.

          Probably. don't know for sure. Inverse square law applies.

          As a guess, I would consider that the reason we use microwaves in our kitchen is that water is super eager to absorb that wavelength, which makes it ideal for heating food. Trying to fire a beam of it through Earth atmosphere might be even harder than trying to keep a coherent laser powerful enough to shoot down missiles.

          On the other hand, we have a lot of experience ramming EM through atmosphere thanks to radar technology, so who knows?

          • 3 months ago

            Oh, just to follow up: microwave ovens work because the shape of water molecules is lopsided. Instead of the two hydrogen atoms being directly across the oxygen atom from each other, they're at just over a 90-degree angle. This means that when photons strike water molecules, they cause them to spin. This spinning produces friction, which translates to heat. Thus, food that contains water molecules (which is most food) will readily heat up when you throw a lot of photons at it. Microwave ovens operate in a particular band that tends to penetrate an inch or two of food, meaning that instead of just heating the outermost layer, they actually heat the food from the inside out (up to that inch or two, which is why thicker food can heat so unevenly in the microwave).

      • 3 months ago

        Yes. Look up the concepts of "electromagnetic attenuation" and "path loss". Higher frequencies tend to have shorter effective ranges for a given amount of power, but when they *do* get within range, they tend to provide a sharper "image" of the target.

        That said, to your original question, there's no such thing as "proof" anything; it's all about reduction (attenuation). RAM is designed to absorb small amounts of power across certain frequency bands, so that fewer photons make it back to the emitter. That's not going to help you much when the photons *are* the weapon. It's a bit like the folks who suggest covering things in mirrors to protect against lasers; the amount of attenuation they provide via reflection is tiny compared to the power of the beam. The same thing applies to trying to absorb or reflect the power of a microwave weapon; it only gets you so far, and that usually isn't enough to matter, especially at the closer ranges that directed energy weapons are expected to operate (a few miles, perhaps a few dozen at most).

  12. 3 months ago

    >to have
    >"a prototype"
    >"ready for shipboard testing"
    >"by the end of 2026"

    Thats a lot of flimsy wording. I hate to say it, DEWbros, but I don't think we're getting any deathrays in the near future.

  13. 3 months ago

    the pentagon estimates the us military will dissolve by the early 2040s due to culture and climate change.

  14. 3 months ago

    >Joseph Trevithick
    thick as two shits
    >No, the F-35 Can’t Fight at Long Range, Either
    >Stealth fighter can’t see, shoot or survive
    >The Pentagon’s new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is dead meat in a close battle against even a dated two-seat F-16D fighter jet

    >the F-35 isn’t much of a dogfighter. And it’s probably not very good at long-range aerial combat, either

    >the F-35 does have a high-tech radar, high-fidelity cameras and other advanced gear
    >But foremost, Lockheed optimized these sensors for spotting targets on the ground and at relatively short distances
    >The F-35 can see great. It just can’t see all that great into the air. At least not compared to modern Chinese- and Russian-made jets

    >take a look at the F-35’s engine nozzle. It’s round. Highly stealthy planes such as America’s B-2 bomber and F-22 fighter both boast flat engine nozzles that spread out their exhaust plumes, cutting back on the telltale IR signature
    >an F-35 could struggle to hide from enemy planes — to say nothing of enemy forces on the ground. Consider all those long-wavelength, low-band radars that Russia, China and Iran are building right next to potential hotspots in Europe, East Asia and the Middle East
    >“You can’t stealthify against long-wavelength radars,” says Pierre Sprey

    >depending on the variant, the R-77 boasts radar guidance or can home in on heat signatures
    >By contrast, the AIM-120 only comes in one flavor — on-board active radar guidance
    >This gives Russian or Chinese pilots more ways to kill their opponents

    >With limited sensors, compromised stealth, not enough energy and too few weapons, the F-35 is probably already outclassed in a long-range fight. Never mind merely staying out of short-range dogfights. America’s new stealth fighter should probably avoid aerial duels at any distance.

  15. 3 months ago

    I am am engineer working on one of the direct energy high energy laser scaling initiatives, if anyone wants some actual info

    • 3 months ago

      whats its like working on vaporware™ projects?

      • 3 months ago

        Successful lab tests at 300kW and 2 projects are in process of mobilization for field tests. Already begun cunstruction of 1MW lab system

        how far away are we from solving the power supply issue?

        Power supply issues are solved with battery racks and parallel connections. All three systems in HELSI can operate for 10 straight minutes of continuous lasing

        • 3 months ago

          >all you need is a semi-truck or a ship to tote it around!
          >oh, and uhh it heats up to the temperature of the sun after 2 uses, but w..we...were uhhh expanding the cooling system

          • 3 months ago

            Cooling systems are already integrated into all the systems, weight considerations dictate power.

            60kW systems are already installed in strykers, have power for 10 continuous minutes of lasing, provide defense against mortars, rockets, and uavs

            300kW to 1MW systems need about 2-5connexs, depending on size, or installed in a ship, can defend large areas from cruise missles or ICBMs.

            • 3 months ago

              >Cooling systems are already integrated into all the systems
              >almost none
              and thats why lasers are 10+ years away

              • 3 months ago

                Cooling has zero issues, its a solved problem and has been for years. Any of the large systems can operate continuously with almost no heating issues (although I dont know what caused the pump diodes on GAs laser to catch fire, could be related to poor thermal management

                what's the skinny on putting one of these in a Starship (100 ton mass budget, 1000 m^3 volume) and using it to harass tigers in siberia

                Itd definitely fit, thermal management will be much harder in space, though. The satellite would be huge, expensive, and probably cause lots of collateral damage and fires whenever its used though. I think theres easier ways of killing Siberian wildlife though. Letting russia continue as is, for example, will see plenty of animals die

              • 3 months ago

                hmmm no like a laser pointer
                I want the kitty to chase the dot

              • 3 months ago

                Most systems use wavelengths well outside visible, so probably not well

              • 3 months ago

                sad kitty

              • 3 months ago

                okay, we'll just bring the rest of the mass budget for Starship that isn't used on the laser and aiming system as extra cryogenic methane and use that to cool the laser
                when it's spent we can bring it back down, shuttle style
                this is probably the only way to actually eliminate a megaconstellation, huh

              • 3 months ago

                Might be cheaper to use a spaceborn beam director and generate the power on the ground and point the laser up

                sad kitty

                kitty might not survive 300kW 🙁

              • 3 months ago

                yeah but with 100 km of atmosphere in the way

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                you think so? that says a lot about the capabilities of this system

              • 3 months ago

                >Cooling has zero issues
                by zero issues you mean
                >"its a nearly insurmountable issue in and of itself"

                You do remember when the Persian people tried to use votes and protests against the mullahs and the US supported the mullahs instead, right? That was barely over a decade ago. The US *could* threaten them... but key parts of the Administration for some reason have always liked them.

                lmfao, the US tried every *threat* in the book up to and including the carrier strike group+infinite f18 sorties, to absolutely no result, NEGATIVE result if anything, its fricked *even harder* now

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, because bombing the *Houthis* accomplishes almost nothing. You have to go after the *Iranians* if you really want to stop this nonsense, and the Administration is busy handing the mullahs billions in cash in a failed attempt to make nice with them.

              • 3 months ago

                >Yeah, because bombing the *Houthis* accomplishes almost nothing
                so why spend 150+ tomahawks, send countless F18 sorties, and essentially perform attacks on Yemen, daily, in what was essentially a ~70 day unbroken succession?


                I mean look at that^
                thats 2024 ALONE

              • 3 months ago

                If you'd just read the rest of my posts...
                The Administration wants to make Iran into the regional hegemon. A lot of senior staffers have been trying to do that since the early days of the Obama Administration. For some of them, this is essentially their third term. And the result is that they're working at cross-purposes from other factions within the Administration that are trying to maintain little things like Freedom of Navigation at sea. That's why nothing ever gets done about the root cause, despite the fact that the missiles and drones being used are very obviously coming from Iran.
                It's the same in Ukraine; there are factions within the Administration that want to help (DOD), and factions that want to appease Putin (NSC). Again, the result is self-inflicted gridlock that makes whatever nonsense Congress does largely moot.
                If you're old enough, you might remember the Clinton Cruise Missile Diplomacy of the '90s, which expended several hundred Tomahawks to little or no real effect (not to mention the darn-fool things in the Balkans). The attacks on Yemen are about as effective, for largely the same reasons. And that's why we desperately need cheap, bottomless-magazine DEWs, because our forces are getting stuck out on a limb and expected to bat a thousand every time.

              • 3 months ago

                So essentially, Democrats are incompetent to the point of treason.

              • 3 months ago

                I mean yeah but that's never changed

              • 3 months ago

                Let's see...
                Repeated attempts to kowtow to the USSR
                Repeated attempts to de-fund the military, or the current attempt to wokify it
                Yeah. I can see where you might get that impression.

              • 3 months ago

                >Repeated attempts to kowtow to the USSR

                how do you even "win" these? Seriously, the only winning move is just simply not even start a war with them.

              • 3 months ago

                That's certainly true with Libya, where Ghaddafi pre-emptively surrendered after watching what happened to Saddam, and not only gave up his atomic bomb program, but turned over the names of the nice folks who were helping him with it; a Pakistan-led conspiracy that included Best Korea, Syria, and to a lesser extent, Iran. The CIA had never even caught a whiff.
                And what was his reward, for submitting to the US? He was deposed and murdered with the aid of the next Administration, which did it solely for domestic brownie points to shore up re-election. And thus, over 50 years of non-proliferation efforts were destroyed forever; what dictator or tyrant will ever give them up, now?
                Vietnam and Iraq were long and grueling, but (militarily!) were ended successfully... only to be sacrificed for (again!) domestic political considerations. Afghanistan was stalemated and probably wasn't winnable without doing things that were politically unacceptable on both sides of the aisle, but it was turned into an outright disaster for... you guessed it, a perceived domestic political benefit (an artificial deadline in order to make a speech on 9/11, of all things!). And while some of the kowtowing to the USSR was out of fear or ideology, there was at least one case (Teddy Kennedy conspiring to sell out to them if they'd help him get elected) of domestic political considerations being the greatest factor.

              • 3 months ago

                >the result is that they're working at cross-purposes from other factions within the Administration that are trying to maintain little things like Freedom of Navigation at sea.
                ^isnt that what the 50+ ship multinational nuclear carrier strike group is for?
                why isnt it working?

                While your 3rd world shithole may not have advanced past the stoneage and subsists off whatever tech the west lets you have, its an easily overcome problem here in the decadent west

                MW class is going for 10km lateral range. given icbms are built to go into LEO, that actually isnt a huge issue as once you are above 8-10km, atmospheric effects has no real impact on light anymore

                >its an easily overcome problem here in the decadent west
                so when do you overcome that lil hurdle?

                No, it means we've figured out the cooling and you can't do anything but cope and seethe.

                >No, it means we've figured out the cooling and you can't do anything but cope and seethe.
                may i see *figured out* laser cooling?

                Yes or no, are the Houthis winning?

                >Yes or no, are the Houthis winning?
                its the pool *open* or *closed*?

              • 3 months ago

                It's open but insurance premiums are higher so boats go around

              • 3 months ago

                so its effectively closed^
                lol, i suppose if the US carrier groups escort guarantees meant something that would change right?

                hi helmettard, how you doin, have the two airmen downstairs gotten you a job yet?

                What employer would pay to have a schizo sitting in their office rambling about people shitting in bags?

                I do it literally, for free, fun even

              • 3 months ago

                then why do you never sound like you're having fun bagshitter, you always sound like you're on the verge of tears.

                there have been many many recorded threads where you had complete and utter snot-nosed meltdowns just because people made fun of you and were able to recognize you.

                you are here for fun, our fun.

              • 3 months ago

                >you are here for fun, ~~*our*~~ fun.

              • 3 months ago

                clearly you are though, you can't resist.
                you'll keep posting and seething until your face gets so red it burns out your screen. that's what you've always done helmettard.

              • 3 months ago

                hi helmettard, how you doin, have the two airmen downstairs gotten you a job yet?

              • 3 months ago

                What employer would pay to have a schizo sitting in their office rambling about people shitting in bags?

              • 3 months ago

                idk, many first world countries subsidize morons like that nowadays
                they give them little pretend jobs where they are given really simplistic tasks that are almost impossible to give up, they don't provide the company they work at any productivity, but the company recieves subsidy for housing the moron and the moron gets a "salary"

              • 3 months ago

                *impossible to frick up

              • 3 months ago

                homie, bagshitter would intentionally screw them up because he would think it's a ploy by the airforce (i don't know why he thinks the airforce has a psyops department?????) to feed his behavioural data into some sort of algorithm.

              • 3 months ago

                homie, bagshitter would intentionally screw them up because he would think it's a ploy by the airforce (i don't know why he thinks the airforce has a psyops department?????) to feed his behavioural data into some sort of algorithm.

                Maybe an industrial death metal band could hire him, authentic autistic screeching could fit the music pretty well

              • 3 months ago

                Are you just trolling me at this point? I've spelled out repeatedly why a CSG isn't working: it's pointed at the symptom (Houthis), rather than the underlying cause that happens to be providing the Houthis with all of their missiles and cash. It's never going to work unless the Iranian mullahs pull back voluntarily, and they've had no reason to force them to do so. The only way to make them stop is to either invade and occupy Yemen (yeah, right) or to convince Iran to stop committing acts of war against half the world (say, by hitting back at their own sea trade at Kharg Island). And neither is going to happen with the current bunch of senior White House staffers.

              • 3 months ago

                you're talking to a resident lolcow anon, this guy isn't actually all there in the head, he's not trolling, he's actually schizophrenic and really really paranoid, probably delusions of grandeur type shit.

              • 3 months ago

                You may indeed see it. Try launching one of your cope hypersonics at the US and you will see it very clearly.

              • 3 months ago

                >the US and you will see it very clearly.

              • 2 months ago

                Lmao good luck with that. You can't do shit, you won't do shit, and we will own you forever.


                >making sure Elon can't drop rocks on you,
                Frick off John.

                Is that the gamergate troony?

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                ...but that literally is a troony. It is factually a troon.

              • 2 months ago

                I wouldn't know because I'm not frickin obsessed and when I see a weird looking person I dismiss them as weird and move on, like I am with you now

              • 2 months ago

                So you're a troony shill, got it. Yeah that's the troony who wanted to ban video games. Which you knew but you're shielding them because the left worships trannies as living symbols of Baphomet.

              • 2 months ago

                >lets see how many troony mentions one poltard can put in one post

              • 2 months ago

                Is Brianna Wu a troony or not? Why are you obsessed with defending him?

              • 2 months ago

                I dont know who that is, i do know you are obsessed with trannies. Ive seen like 3 my whole life and they were just walking down the street, chill.

              • 2 months ago

                >Ive seen like 3 my whole life and they were just walking down the street, chill.

              • 2 months ago

                So youve seen more then, i take it? Are you frequenting drag shows or something?

              • 2 months ago

                You fail to realize that for normal people, seeing a single one of you is repulsive enough to cause nausea

              • 2 months ago

                Seeing a dude in a dress gets you nauseous? Maybe you need to check your diet my guy, thats a pretty pansy ass stomach.

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                Wow how reasonable and acceptable by contemporary media-friendly behavioral standards, now have a nice day, homosexualloving freak

              • 2 months ago

                Are you upset because knowing how easy it is to spot your kind ruins your illusions of femininity?

              • 2 months ago

                Ya sure do have a lot of troony stuff saved for someone that hates them so vehemetly

              • 2 months ago

                Getting one of you to kill himself was funny enough that I keep doing it.

              • 2 months ago

                troony seething lmfao

              • 2 months ago

                So youve seen more then, i take it? Are you frequenting drag shows or something?

                Seeing a dude in a dress gets you nauseous? Maybe you need to check your diet my guy, thats a pretty pansy ass stomach.

                >, chill
                >, I take it?
                >my guy,

              • 2 months ago

                >terminally online, the post

              • 2 months ago

                >homosexual, the post

              • 2 months ago

                You saw three groomers prowling the neighborhood for kids to molest and felt good about it? Ok pedo.

              • 2 months ago

                Are you OK?

              • 3 months ago

                While your 3rd world shithole may not have advanced past the stoneage and subsists off whatever tech the west lets you have, its an easily overcome problem here in the decadent west

                That's... pretty revolutionary. If you only need a second or two per engagement, then even MIRV'd ASBMs are going to have trouble getting through. The primary issue then becomes detection, and the little glimpses we've been given on the F-35's DAS and sensor fusion suggest that this is a very solvable problem for anything airborne that's not hiding behind terrain. Then, it's just a matter of procurement, training, and doctrine. I could definitely see the 60kw model as an APS on a tank, and that could take care of most threats.
                What about range? Can the MW-class lasers reach out far enough to engage IRBMs, or even ICBMs? That would completely upend the strategic situation.

                MW class is going for 10km lateral range. given icbms are built to go into LEO, that actually isnt a huge issue as once you are above 8-10km, atmospheric effects has no real impact on light anymore

              • 3 months ago

                O.K., so 10km barely gets you through the upper atmosphere with minimal slant range. So, you'd need one or two for every city or strategic target, or else figure out how to sink the heat in orbit and launch a large constellation of relatively heavy platforms (which will soon be actually feasible). That also means the USN can't cover the polar routes, and probably(?) can't manage BPI except for edge cases like Best Korea.
                What are the ballpark range estimates for the 60kw and 300kw lasers? Can the 300 cover a brigade in tactical formation, or just a company?

              • 3 months ago

                I misspoke earlier, my bad

                60kw is intented for small area defense from mortars, uavs, and rockets. Would be enough for a FOB in Afghanistan, for instance

                300kW is intended for naval ships or main bases and is designed to engage cruise missles and glide bombs (supposedly enemy jets, but thats not legally allowed). These could also be for critical infrastructure or tempting city targets like Kiyv. I believe the 10km engagement was minimum effort, I believe they are expected to reach out to 30km with ideal conditions

                1MW is supposed to be for strategic targets, but use case and range hasnt been disclosed (to me, at least)

              • 3 months ago
                Fledgling Investor

                >Strategic targets
                it's for melting satellites, making sure Elon can't drop rocks on you, and intercepting ICBMs during coast phase
                if one goes up in Alaska or Canada you know what it means

              • 3 months ago
                Fledgling Investor

                >making sure Elon can't drop rocks on you,
                Frick off John.

              • 3 months ago

                it's only sensible, dropping rocks on earthnoids is the natural progression

              • 3 months ago
                Aspiring Investor


              • 3 months ago

                Gotcha; thanks for the clarification!
                I wasn't aware that aircraft were considered off-limits to laser cannons; a 300kw laser should *not* count as a "blinding weapon" (although its effects on the human body would likely be... grotesque, if mercifully swift). Has there been an official legal decision on that, or are the vendors just being cautious and pro-active with avoiding the issue until a decision comes out? I do remember that as far back as the late '90s the USAF was issuing press releases about wanting to put a laser on a fighter that could shoot down another fighter, so it apparently wasn't always considered an invalid target.

              • 3 months ago

                No, it means we've figured out the cooling and you can't do anything but cope and seethe.

              • 3 months ago

                Thirdie cope is so tasty.

            • 3 months ago

              what's the skinny on putting one of these in a Starship (100 ton mass budget, 1000 m^3 volume) and using it to harass tigers in siberia

    • 3 months ago

      how far away are we from solving the power supply issue?

      • 3 months ago

        >how far away are we from solving the power supply issue?
        at least a decade,
        then another decade to miniaturize it to actually fit on anything
        >that will be $12billion+tip
        >no refunds!

    • 3 months ago

      If you install one in a BONE, can it pop a house-full of popcorn?
      Seriously, though, how long a dwell time do those 60kw systems need? Can they handle multiple-round engagements, or only one every few seconds (and the same question with the ship-based ones against ASCMs and ASBMs like the Houthis are using)?

      • 3 months ago

        The stryker based systems are expected to get system kills within 100ms of dwell time on a mortar, less on off the shelf uavs, probably closer to 1s on something the size of a shahad drone.

        ship based ones have less testing data, projections are 1-2 seconds to get a system kill if the laser (300kw) is locked to a non- vital part, or if it needs to drill down to the warhead, less than 1s if it locks to fuel cells or guidance. 1MW, probably 100-250ms regardless of what its targeting.

        • 3 months ago

          That's... pretty revolutionary. If you only need a second or two per engagement, then even MIRV'd ASBMs are going to have trouble getting through. The primary issue then becomes detection, and the little glimpses we've been given on the F-35's DAS and sensor fusion suggest that this is a very solvable problem for anything airborne that's not hiding behind terrain. Then, it's just a matter of procurement, training, and doctrine. I could definitely see the 60kw model as an APS on a tank, and that could take care of most threats.
          What about range? Can the MW-class lasers reach out far enough to engage IRBMs, or even ICBMs? That would completely upend the strategic situation.

          • 3 months ago

            actual reentry vehicles are almost immune to laser heating, yeah?
            Spaceplanes like Starship and the Space Shuttle use shape and lift to minimize W/m^2 of reentry and still hit some pretty big numbers, while pointy-cone reentry vehicles like MIRVs have some pretty insane peak heating capabilities with their ablative coatings

            • 3 months ago

              How much design margin do they have for additional heating, before something important fails? How vulnerable are they to asymmetric heating, which could affect their aerodynamics even if the beam were to fail to punch through (tumbling tends to tear entry vehicles apart)? Also, space-based lasers in particular would be focused on BPI and mid-course attacks against the booster and the bus, which are not practical to armor up.
              That's not to say you're wrong; I don't know enough about the physical characteristics of RVs or how they react to being shot at with lasers. I do suspect that there is still a fair chance that MW-class lasers would be effective, however, even if I have no idea just *how* effective (or useful as a defense--see: clouds) such lasers would be.

              • 3 months ago

                during actual reentry the plasma field should protect the vehicle from extra outside energy (I think?) and during not reentry then it's about as shielded as it could possibly be

          • 3 months ago

            I really doubt we'll be seeing laser APS on tanks anytime soon. The 60kw system consumes most of the passenger space in a Stryker. There just isn't enough spare volume on a vehicle that isn't dedicated to carrying it right now.

            • 2 months ago

              Any idea roughly how much these systems will cost? Will the 60kw Stryker still be cheaper than a tank? Will the 300kw system be cheaper than a Patriot battery? That'll determine how many units will be practical to build. Ideally, I'd love to see a 60kw or two chopped to each company team plus a 300kw or two to each battalion task force, plus a few spares to cover the rear areas, but that all depends on just how affordable they are.

      • 3 months ago

        missed the other part if your question. They can move from target to target, 10 minutes of continuous operation is the goal, some companies like general atomics or nlight can easily exceed 10 minutes, Ive heard lockheed has trouble with theres after 2-5 mins, and raytheon's laser is all around trash.

        For a deployed system, estimates are anywhere from 50-300 mortars all in the air at once to saturate it

        • 3 months ago

          >general atomics or nlight can easily exceed 10 minutes, Ive heard lockheed has trouble with theres after 2-5 mins, and raytheon
          why don't they pool their knowledge and deliver this damn thing faster

          • 3 months ago

            GA is doing this via distributed gain, nlight is used coherent beam combining, lockheed does spectral beam combining. All wildly different architectures for them, theres functionally no cross over. govment is seeing which works best, which scales best, which cost the least, and which company buys the most senators and generals to shill their respective system

            • 3 months ago

              >All wildly different architectures for them, theres functionally no cross over
              remarkably better organised than I gave them credit for
              thanks a bunch

              • 3 months ago


                GA is doing this via distributed gain, nlight is used coherent beam combining, lockheed does spectral beam combining. All wildly different architectures for them, theres functionally no cross over. govment is seeing which works best, which scales best, which cost the least, and which company buys the most senators and generals to shill their respective system

                Sorry, on my phone and cant tap the correct posts. apparently

            • 3 months ago

              >coherent beam combining

              • 3 months ago

                Coherent beam combining is using a bunch of (relatively) weak beams of identical wavelength, getting them all to the same phase and polarity, and optically combing them

                GA is doing this via distributed gain, nlight is used coherent beam combining, lockheed does spectral beam combining. All wildly different architectures for them, theres functionally no cross over. govment is seeing which works best, which scales best, which cost the least, and which company buys the most senators and generals to shill their respective system

                At the start of the program, many competitors were doing similar systems. Most failed or couldnt keep up with the development, so the pentagon kept the best performers in each catagory

              • 3 months ago

                >nlight really is building a Death Star laser
                what a time to be alive

    • 3 months ago

      are you guys using phase conjugate mirrors to counter atmospheric diffusion like the old satellite based positron annihilation gamma ray lasers were?

    • 3 months ago

      so what's your take on Havana Syndrome?

      • 3 months ago

        I work with direct energy, so not too familiar with how to affect biology other than burning through it. If i had to guess Id think its a very low frequency generator running at random intervals rather than EM radiation though, just going on the outcome

        • 2 months ago

          right, right
          it sounded a lot like the effects from LRADs turned up to eleven, but I wondered

        • 2 months ago

          so what's your take on Havana Syndrome?

          Infrasonic emitters?
          A piston-type acoustic transducer is impractical at those frequency ranges. An array would have to be about the size of a radio telescope with a clear line of sight toward the building for single-digit percent efficiency. Maybe their tolerances for beamwidth and steering are much looser than expectations. Or perhaps a rotary-woofer array? I would love to see one implemented in real life.
          In any case, infrasound would surely trigger higher resonances in the structure of the building, noticeable as rattling or tactile vibrations in the flooring, furniture, shelves, etc.

          • 2 months ago

            How long until the feds start turning these things on assembled patriots?

  16. 3 months ago

    mfw the gms ask us to fly starboard d and help them calibrate their new microwave toy

  17. 3 months ago

    Yes or no, are the Houthis winning?

    • 3 months ago

      The houthis have managed to hit one ship in the past four weeks, and that one was a Chinese tanker carrying Russian oil (despite promising they wouldn't touch Chinese and Russian ships). So not really.

  18. 3 months ago

    Is that MicroRAM? (SeaRAM is missiles, Phalanx/C-RAM is 20mm)

  19. 3 months ago

    are energy weapons even practical?
    are they cheap enough?
    can the energy requirements be met?

    you're not going to be shooting down 1 missile/drone/plane at a time in a battle or war, because the enemy will be sending hundreds if not thousands of missiles/planes/drones in a real war.

    • 3 months ago

      they can retarget instantly after shootdown, shootdown doesn't take very long

  20. 3 months ago

    >he thinks im seething

    • 3 months ago

      >h-he thinks i'm seething
      >instantly replies
      please continue yelling in my ear and telling me how not mad you are, bagshitter.
      airwomen got your tongue?

      • 3 months ago

        >airwomen got your tongue?
        maybe 😉

  21. 3 months ago

    >cover missile in mirrors
    DOD hire me

  22. 3 months ago

    Couldn't they just make drones out of old microwaves. Like, just flip it inside out so the shielding is outside

    • 3 months ago

      Microwave shielding doesn't filter out radio signals.

  23. 3 months ago

    I'll just leave it here.

  24. 3 months ago

    it's really disheartening when you realize this is the way it is. the US' black projects render these "military developments" completely obsolete all the while morons argue about shipbuilding and tonnage. all of these headlines just become depressing because we will never see the real things advertised

    • 3 months ago

      >demoralized because your government is sandbagging

    • 3 months ago

      the problem is said black projects usually are along the lines of
      >we need 1,500 specialists to help this one (1) Tictac fly
      >it needs 3 days of maintenance for every 1 flight hour
      >it needs this top secret lotion that costs $100,000 per 100ml to be massaged into every inch of its skin after every flight by a ground crew of vestal virgins
      >it can drop one bomb, or maybe two small ones
      >it can still be detected if we don't keep mum about its existence

      • 3 months ago

        >we need 1,500 specialists to help this one (1) Tictac fly
        >it needs 3 days of maintenance for every 1 flight hour
        >it needs this top secret lotion that costs $100,000 per 100ml to be massaged into every inch of its skin after every flight by a ground crew of vestal virgins
        >it can drop one bomb, or maybe two small ones
        >it can still be detected if we don't keep mum about its existence
        brilliant^, however:
        >it takes a special helmet.... it doesnt have!
        >its going to shoot a special missile...planned 2030!
        >its got a special "gun"...but the ammo is too expensive to make!
        >spare parts? why make those when you can just make more complete airframes to sell!?

        • 2 months ago

          Not a problem in first world countries.

          • 2 months ago

            you're right. it's just like the old joke about the americans developing mechanical pencil, wasting all of that money to have a device that doesn't spit particles everywhere - like the soviets. carelessness is actually a sign of a better testing regiment, you've convinced us all.

            • 2 months ago

              What the frick are you talking about? American stuff works, thirdie stuff doesn't.

              • 2 months ago

                >What the frick are you talking about
                >American stuff works, thirdie stuff doesn't.
                apparently not education or you'd have learned this neat literary device in primary school called "irony"
                you can call me moronic now because you didn't get the joke and you can have the last word, too

              • 2 months ago

                So now that you've been exposed you're pretending it's all a joke.

              • 2 months ago

                Ohhh you didn't have to cut my coooock
                Think I like it now you're acting like I'm just a golem
                I don't really need that dough
                But you treat me like your goyim and it feels so rough

          • 2 months ago

            >Not a problem in first world countries.
            its precisely and solely a problem of "1st world countries"

            What the frick are you talking about? American stuff works, thirdie stuff doesn't.

            >American stuff works
            no it doesnt^

  25. 3 months ago

    What would happen to your body if you stand right in front of that thing when it fires

    • 2 months ago

      I think thats a dazzler, so its meant to scramble electronics. Large aperature and low frequency beam.

      That being said, its likely several kilowatts of energy within a few square inches, so i imagine itll heat your internals and kill you within a few seconds

  26. 2 months ago

    Is the pool closed or is the pool not closed fat cowards who let your election be stolen? You deserve to be conquered by us, you are accepting it without question or protest. Not one gun has been raised against us as we turn state after state into Muslim lands, /k/oping fat mutts. Minnesota and Michigan are ours already, our sons get to opt out of the castrati catamite brainwashing while yours are made to suckle the wieners of transvestites or be reeducated for intolerance. It's over, just accept. Freedom was always just a dream.

    • 2 months ago

      >literal copy pasta agitprop
      That cessna really fricked yall lol

      • 2 months ago

        What Cessna? What happened to the commies today?

        • 2 months ago

          Oh, ukes rigged a cessna to be a suicide drone. Hit the dorms at the shaheed plant, probably a miss, but its still a hell of a bomb delivery device. Also, seems like russian AD cant do shit about cessnas?

          • 2 months ago

            Interesting, I hope they keep doing it. I don't see what it has to do with communist subversion by leftists on /k/, who really ought to kill themselves, but knowing this happened brightened my day. There's just something satisfying about explosive innovation.

        • 2 months ago

          Oh, ukes rigged a cessna to be a suicide drone. Hit the dorms at the shaheed plant, probably a miss, but its still a hell of a bomb delivery device. Also, seems like russian AD cant do shit about cessnas?

          People saying it was several drone-ified Aeroprakt A-22 Foxbat.

  27. 2 months ago

    i bet at least half of people here who profess to hate troons have terabytes of shemale porn on your computer.

    • 2 months ago

      A fool and his NEETbux are soon parted

  28. 2 months ago


    Sayonara troon-kun

    • 2 months ago

      >regional dialect detrcted you must be a trannnyyyyyyy
      Fricking mindbroke lol

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