Naked Hiking Vol. III

> be me, avid hiker
> always felt like something was missing in my hikes
> decided to try naked hiking, best decision ever

> realize naked hiking is the true form of hiking and a homage to our ancestors

> returning to roots and activate lizzard brain
> ancestors didn't have fancy Patagonia gear
> they roamed the lands as nature intended, free and unburdened
> when you hike naked, you're experiencing nature like they did

> it's not just about being nude, it's about conquering nature in its purest form
> feel every breeze, every sunray, every drop of rain directly on your skin
> it's a level of connection you just don't get with clothes on
> you're not just in nature, you become a part of it
> it's you vs. nature, as primal as it gets

> sure, you get some weird looks and have to pick trails carefully
> but the sense of freedom is unparalleled
> imagine climbing a peak, standing there in all your glory
> nothing between you and the vast expanse of nature
> this is the true way of hiking, an experience like no other

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    First question. How hard are you still seething over the janitors deleting the OP pic in your last thread because they found it sexual?

    • 4 months ago

      Participant in last thread but not OP

      I'm still convinced all "naked hiking enthusiasts" are just exhibitionists.

      It is only exhibitionism if you try to get caught. If you are 50 miles out in the middle of nowhere where nobody is around, then it can be hardly described as exhibitionism

  2. 4 months ago

    I'm still convinced all "naked hiking enthusiasts" are just exhibitionists.

  3. 4 months ago

    wait until mosquitoes eat your dick

  4. 4 months ago

    This is moronic, you do realize that our "primal ancestors" actually has thick hairs covering their entire body not unlike the clothes we wear nowadays right?

    • 4 months ago

      Been doing naked sunbathing, sauna and skinny dipping with friends from time to time, as well as weightlifting in the nude at home, but no naked hiking yet. It's probably best to do it in a mixed group, last thing you need is random nutters like the local tradcel schizos or tiktok feminists having a fit on the trail because they saw a dude's uncovered ass cheek.

      This will come as a shock to you, but the oldest and genetically purest (no neanderthal or denisovan admixture) lineage of humans, the native San people aka Bushmen of the Kalahari, have no body hair and barely any facial hair. They have lived happy, naked and hairless since the dawn of humanity and still do.
      Pic related.
      >inb4 aaaaah a Black outdoors in nature aaah I'm going insane!

      • 4 months ago

        No toothbrush, either.

        • 4 months ago

          >People evolved to live in the fricking desert doesn't have bodyhair
          Anon, I...

          Oh yes time for another puritan seethe thread, what fun.

          >believing out of Africa

          >aieee a black person
          lmao why are /in/cels so predictable

      • 4 months ago

        >People evolved to live in the fricking desert doesn't have bodyhair
        Anon, I...

      • 4 months ago

        Oh yes time for another puritan seethe thread, what fun.

        >believing out of Africa

        • 4 months ago

          not really puritan, but it has nothing to do with perversion or exhibitionism and your only doing out 50 miles from civilization where you don’t get caught then regatta the point of the thread? To talk about how good it feels? anon I’ve climbed plenty of peaks and half the time it’s windy and cold, being naked up there sounds awful. “Imagine doing it naked” tells me all I need to know about your intentions

          • 4 months ago

            holy hell I’m the reason people hate phone gays. sorry for writing something incomprehensible

      • 4 months ago

        he would be dead in less than an hour naked in most environments, southern African weather is fairly hospitable compared to the freezing north.

      • 4 months ago

        >(no neanderthal or denisovan admixture) lineage of humans, the native San people aka Bushmen of the Kalahari
        They've recent found an unknown hominin in the genes of all sub Saharan Africans.
        There are no "stock" homosexual saipans left. And it's possible that there never were any and we are just an amalgamation of adapt traits from early homo.
        imagine mixing all the canids together today and releasing them onto the world in a breeding population. 40 thousand years from now, there would be people arguing what the pure canis chimeras is.

  5. 4 months ago

    Go to /lgbt if you want to talk about your perversions

  6. 4 months ago

    Do you think that we spawned in north america? The only reason humans were able to move north is because they started wearing clothes and shoes. moron

  7. 4 months ago

    anyone else fap while out? i don't do it often, but sometimes in a peak or a forest i'm comfy as frick and feel completely free and relaxed, and if the idea comes to my mind i just do it. specially if i ran into some very cute hiker along the trail earlier for example

  8. 4 months ago

    You'd end up with a stick/rocks up your butthole if you actually went into real PrepHole terrain

    Obviously that's what you looking to achieve

  9. 4 months ago

    >Less than 10°C PrepHole
    >Dead within an hour
    What did OP mean by this?

  10. 4 months ago

    I completely understand naked hiking but you need shoes. No question.

  11. 4 months ago

    i go to the nude beach multiple times a week, feelsgoodman. last weekend was my first day of the late winter/early spring that it was warm enough to shed my clothes and feel the sun on my skin. its such an amazing feeling

  12. 4 months ago

    anywhere warm enough to do this is also full of bugs. i skinnydipped when i was homeless but this is just impractical

  13. 4 months ago

    Never felt the urge to naked hike but I do not wear pants at all when I hike april-september. I wear small running shorts, basically underwear. In the winter I wear yoga pants and maybe OR gaiters. Pants offer really nothing if youre on a path, but even if you are detouring through grasses and undergrowth it doesn't really matter, just get torn up and take some spirits out of your trangia bottle and disinfect when you stop. I may pack some pants for when I stop to set up camp and cook.

    I blew the crotches out of so many otherwise good pairs of pants that I just gave up on them entirely. I feel like something like breeches with a super generous thigh seat and crotch might change my mind

    • 4 months ago

      I remember you. Try rock climbing trousers as the cut is specifically made to allow free range of movement, they come in full length, 3/4 or shorts, usually have a gusseted crotch and articulated knees, most have some elastane in them but not all. Quality ones will have good abrasion resistance.

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