A thread on recent Russian vehicle losses at Vuhledar

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 weeks ago

    Some BTRs in the next few posts

    • 4 weeks ago

      interesting, a cope cube

      • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        motherfrickers, they destroyed the meat cube harvester.

        • 4 weeks ago

          power source of the biomechanical drive

        • 4 weeks ago

          Fricking fremen and their tactics

      • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      The Cube Mount

    • 4 weeks ago

      interesting, a cope cube

      It's the Russian equivalent of an aquila. A totem dedicated to their god of war

  2. 4 weeks ago
  3. 4 weeks ago

    Is turtle tank is undefeated?

    • 4 weeks ago

      There is no such thing as "turtle tank".
      Say what you mean and don't hide yourself.

  4. 4 weeks ago
  5. 4 weeks ago

    BTR and bonus BMP

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Oh my god, I just got an erection

    Is it another zombie "155th" doing this attack, or a different unit?

    • 4 weeks ago

      *gets fired by CHADman for acting like a moron*

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Endangered MT-LBs also made an appearance

    • 4 weeks ago

      I thought that was the one the Soviets made 75 gorillion of and that the BMP was what they were running out of?

      • 4 weeks ago

        they seem to be getting short on MTLB now. hence the golf carts for troop transport on the front lines

        • 4 weeks ago

          soviets built over 10000 mt-lb
          they arent running out of them yet

          • 4 weeks ago

            in what condition do you think they were kept
            they ran out of the good ones, now they have to cannibalize parts on several to make one run at all, same with bmps

          • 4 weeks ago

            They absolutely are

          • 4 weeks ago

            Autismos counting them (empowered by satellite imagery) seem to believe otherwise

          • 4 weeks ago

            I have begun wondering what is the source for the amount of vehicles allegedly built by Soviets and who has verified them.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Nobody really know what number of anything they have in storage working or not, not EVEN the Russians do, their local administration networks and bureaucracy is such a corrupted clusterfrick as much as the soviet one was. No data is truely reliable they very well could have an additional 5000 stashed somewhere in bumfrick nowhere they don't know about or think they have it when it fact it was never even ordered for construction.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Oh what a treat, its the mad-maxed version with larger troop compartment

  8. 4 weeks ago
  9. 4 weeks ago
  10. 4 weeks ago
  11. 4 weeks ago
  12. 4 weeks ago


    >Upgrading Russian tanks to ISIS-spec is success
    I don't know how much more losing the collective Wect can handle anon

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Nice, but why there's no bodies in those photos?
    Are you sure these aren't old?

    • 4 weeks ago

      posted a few hours ago by the UKR 58th Brigade

      Attack allegedly conducted by RU 5th Tank Brigade, 37th Motorised brigade and 40th Marine brigade.
      >no bodies
      high visibility vatnik meat-piles generally only occur for dismounts riding on top, or dismounts exiting. These either died "inside", or ran off after the tracks were disabled.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Sometimes bodies and pieces of bodies get flung out when they detonate.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >high visibility vatnik meat-piles generally only occur for dismounts riding on top, or dismounts exiting.
        So what's with all the IFVs, were they empty or what?

        • 4 weeks ago

          or they never exited, or they did but after a mundane de-trac and hence weren't immediately incinerated around the vehicle wreck
          Russia aren't particularly smart, but they don't stick around an immobile vehicle to die unless they're already dying

    • 4 weeks ago

      posted a few hours ago by the UKR 58th Brigade

      Attack allegedly conducted by RU 5th Tank Brigade, 37th Motorised brigade and 40th Marine brigade.
      >no bodies
      high visibility vatnik meat-piles generally only occur for dismounts riding on top, or dismounts exiting. These either died "inside", or ran off after the tracks were disabled.

      I don't believe you, fresh defeated attacks leave plenty of bodies.
      This is false flag chuggery

      • 4 weeks ago

        the set they posted has tanks still burning
        so unless you're saying this has been burning for months (years?), or the video is old and has NEVER been posted before, it is recent

        Hey, if you can find it as a re-post of something from 2023/2022, go ahead.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Russian fuel is so potent and energy-dense it can burn for decades. Clearly old footage from last year.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's also been posted by NOEL reports, who, aside from the occasional slip-up that he corrects when proven wrong, has been very consistently trustworthy

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Still exploding into toilet paper.
        War, war never changes.

        • 4 weeks ago

          ... holy shit, it's the footwraps, isn't it?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Russians are like party poppers, you yank on them hard enough and its just confetti, streamers and bacon

        • 4 weeks ago

          ... holy shit, it's the footwraps, isn't it?


          Russians are like party poppers, you yank on them hard enough and its just confetti, streamers and bacon

          I'm hearing rumors of an artefact that was discovered in the hidden Pivdennodonbaska 2 coal mine in Vuhledar.

      • 4 weeks ago

        how did they all die from a single drone? did they drive into a killzone?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I'm pretty sure they were also getting shot at by small arms
          At 0:24, if you look near the guy on the ground, the one on the left of the BMP, you can see puffs of smoke/dirt appearing next to him, then he seems to get hit and collapses

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I really like the C&C (1) like aesthetic of destroyed tanks. And it looks even better.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    >vatnik seething impotently in every thread for hours
    >still giving himself (you)s
    This ailed attack, and the loss of another S-300/400 battery in Crimea is bad, but not THAT bad.

    I'm starting to assume that protest in Georgia is going full color revolution on these snow Black folk.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I'm starting to assume that protest in Georgia is going full color revolution on these snow Black folk.
      If anything is surprising that the whole stans + georgia/belarus aren't in full color revolution after seeing russia burning its whole softpower and influence in less than 2 years

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's incredible how it 1:1 plays like Ukraine. You even have Russian glowies going against the protests with the police having orders to do nothing. Expect green military men with no insigna to ''liberate'' oppressed Russian minorities in the coming months.
        And the world just watches.
        Well, unfortunately, Georgia is too far away and isolated for actual help. Just watch Putin launch a special military operation there (and likely succeed this time) to make people look away from his blunder in Ukraine and use this victory for propaganda in Russia and for the moronic 5th columnists plaguing our democracies.
        It makes me fricking mad.

        It's insane to me how slow the west is to act. the russian oligarch that basically owns georgia has not been sanctioned, nor any of his cronies in the ruling party. despite claiming to support georgia, no important european/american politician is offering support or planning a contingency in case of renewed russian aggression.
        and then when georgia gets invaded again, the west will be shocked for some reason.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >and then when georgia gets invaded again
          I really don't think russia has the resources to spare, guys. Yes yes, I know,
          >georgian army
          but it'd still be a second front. It just isn't happening.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You're right, but I really, REALLY hope they try anyways. I want to see the cope they come up with when their second front falters the same way the assault on Kyiv did.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >but it'd still be a second front.
            They don't have to attack now, they'd do it whenever the Ukraine situation resolves one way or the other.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Russia no longer has a military.
              This war will go on until civilizational collapse, because the funny thing about an aggressive war, is that you can't stop it until the enemy is defeated.
              Because otherwise, if Russia tries to pull it's troops off the front because it's country is collapsing and it needs the war to end? Ukraine can just push the front and restore pre-war borders.
              Which means the Russian military is committed to sitting on a frontline they cannot ever meaningfully push, where they are being massacred day in, day out, by superior western munitions.
              We are literally watching a civilization-scale suicide by cop.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Can't they just ask for an armistice?

              • 4 weeks ago

                They can but it'd have to be on Ukraine's terms and there's the question of whether Russia would ever except being forced to the table in defeat by Ukraine. If the US had joined the war and pushed them to the border Russia would gladly* except terms but losing to just Ukraine would see whoever is in charge of Russia dead inside a week after the casualties they've taken. And that's assuming we don't get collapse of the USSR 2.0 with regions breaking off again.
                * they'd hate it but at least losing to the boogeyman is understandable.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Can Russia win?

              • 4 weeks ago

                In theory
                In practice even if the war ended in Russia's favor tomorrow i'm not sure i'd consider it a win. I'm pretty sure even the Russian's have to admit that KIA's are well over 100k by this point. To say nothing of WIA's. That said the war won't end tomorrow and Russia's casualties will only continue to mount as will the backlog of vehicles that they've been sitting on will continue to shrink day in and day out beyond what they can produce.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I mean they will claim they won no matter the actual outcome.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >assuming we don't get collapse of the USSR 2.0
                Fingers crossed but I wouldn't count on it. Late Putin'e regime is actually more opressive to any form of dissent then late USSR was. As strange as it sounds.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Russia no longer has a military.
                Naive take. They still have thousands of shitboxes in storage, which are being restored right now. They still have tons of bydlo to put into army. They still manufacture shells, bombs and missiles by the buttload. Russia doesn't have the "hurr-durr potential peer of US" army, which delusional fricks in the west expected, but it does have enough of resources to continue this shitfest and potentially expand it.

          • 4 weeks ago

            1. it's not like it will take a lot of frick over Georgia. They have two chunks of the country occupied and a Georgia doesn't have neither the demographics, not the strategic depth to resist. Having a token army doesn't help as well.
            2. There might not be an army operation at all, because the locals are too cucked to remove the pro-russian government by force. Partially because some locals might be scared of a russian intervention more than their shitty government.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >and then when georgia gets invaded again

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's because color revolutions are a russian conspiracy theory. The truth is those countries have insane amounts of police and military and they are not afraid to use them on their own population, so as long as people can get by they will not be willing to risk their lives to change things. Also people below 30-40 in those countries have almost 0 access to western internet and media so they are spoon-fed propaganda through state media and russian speaking websites, thus they are less likely to realise how bad things are

        • 4 weeks ago

          meant above 30-40, boomers and all that

        • 4 weeks ago

          You are wrong. Those regimes exist specifically because people don't give a frick and those who technically do give a frick live in fear due to PR machine.
          1. People, even older folks, can access information, they just don't bother to do so.
          2. "Oppositionally minded" people are scared shitless by the regime as to not attempt anything. Repressing one and highlighting it via propaganda gives an effect that ten thousands of potential "troublemakers" won't do shit.
          3. They are also mindfricked by ideas of a peaceful protest, which is all well and good, but not when violence is being applied to you. Belarus is a prime example, people went to the streets, but people were cucked by ideas of a peaceful protest, while they were beaten, arrested, tortured, raped and killed.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nah, everytime Crimeia or inside Russia gets hit we get raided. Also Russian AD was always a propaganda weapon so they also react to hits on those hard. It's just that the actual shills don't work on the weekends so right now we just get the /misc/ and PrepHole socialists who do it for free.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's incredible how it 1:1 plays like Ukraine. You even have Russian glowies going against the protests with the police having orders to do nothing. Expect green military men with no insigna to ''liberate'' oppressed Russian minorities in the coming months.
      And the world just watches.
      Well, unfortunately, Georgia is too far away and isolated for actual help. Just watch Putin launch a special military operation there (and likely succeed this time) to make people look away from his blunder in Ukraine and use this victory for propaganda in Russia and for the moronic 5th columnists plaguing our democracies.
      It makes me fricking mad.

  16. 4 weeks ago
  17. 4 weeks ago
  18. 4 weeks ago
  19. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      homie was about to blast a drone out of the sky with a 155


  20. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      I got it. It reminds me of raider power armor cages.

  21. 4 weeks ago
  22. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      did they fall into the crater or did they get fricked by whatever made that crater, cool picture either way. does anyone have the bradley saving the soldier that posted a week or so ago? i forgot to save it.

  23. 4 weeks ago
  24. 4 weeks ago


    >making something we were all laughing at in the context of sandBlack person wars

  25. 4 weeks ago


    >Hope the three-legged heckin doggo gets shot
    how rare. I actually have no idea what this schizoid is saying.
    Can anyone who speaks snow Black person explain this

    • 4 weeks ago

      The three legged doggo is in the ass. Everything is understood.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You mention georgia but aren't watching the protests?

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm watching for the blocking and breaching of government buildings.
        Stuff like the dog and the ghost of kiev aren't very interesting, or of material consequence. Vatniks tend to hyper-fixate on them as they're counter-propaganda pieces, and that sticks in their ass good and hard for some reason I guess?
        Never really understood that.

        • 4 weeks ago

          So why the frick is the government trying to pass the foreign agents law when everyone said that it's a really fricking bad idea?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Because Putin installed a pro russian government after 2008.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Vatniks tend to hyper-fixate on them as they're counter-propaganda pieces
          >that sticks in their ass good and hard for some reason I guess?
          Because it's what they perceive not only as *their* domain, but as a domain of significantly more importance to warfare than it really is or ever has been.
          "Organic" propaganda that has the potential to go farther than their own really, really, *really* pisses them the frick off.

          See NAFOfellas and "russian warship, go frick yourself" and the vatnoid conniptions over each for examples.

  26. 4 weeks ago
  27. 4 weeks ago
  28. 4 weeks ago


    I know Vuhledar is a timeloop, but this isn't from winter 2022.
    Or winter 2023.

  29. 4 weeks ago
  30. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      Is that a motorbike? I think it is. Since Mad Vats are a recent development, this looks like legit a recent attack

      • 4 weeks ago

        motor bikes WITH PALLETS, anon
        truly, Ukraine is finished

        • 4 weeks ago

          Goddammit, Sergay! That's not what we meant when we said pallets make transportation easier.

  31. 4 weeks ago


    >freshly charred and upturned dirt without green growth on it
    yeah no this is fresh, the old vuhledar stuff (picrel) happened in the winter. sorry to rain on your cope parade tho

    • 4 weeks ago

      VatBlack person, nobody except the dumbest of redditors is biting

  32. 4 weeks ago


  33. 4 weeks ago

    Sauce btw: https://nitter.poast.org/OSINTua/status/1786794104728261014

    • 4 weeks ago

      kek, I hope there is a vid of this one getting stuck in that little stream or whatever it is. Zigger vehicles falling into water always cracks me up.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Water is great armor, moreover it's usually the lowest point in the terrain and follows a natural channel that can provide you some cover and a potential route of escape. If I was a Russian tank driver I'd drive down into the first stream I see.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    oohh, so this is all that winning i'm reading about.
    good job russia, keep it up.

  35. 4 weeks ago

    oh, and sometimes they do stick around but dig under the wreak for cover
    these shots don't show that very well, so there could be body piles below, too

    • 4 weeks ago

      Honestly if I was a Russian soldier that would be my hiding spot.
      >burned out tank won't draw fire but still is useful as armor
      >pack earth into front and back of tank so Ukies can't fly drones under
      >dig foxhole under tank so shrapnel doesn't get me
      As long as you had food and weren't bothered by the fact that your co-workers remains are right above/beside you it would be pretty comfy

      • 4 weeks ago

        > As long as you had food and weren't bothered by the fact that your co-workers remains are right above/beside you it would be pretty comfy
        Well, if you got no food that might be actually useful

  36. 4 weeks ago


    >claims old
    >doesn't post proof
    slop-slurping snow Black person

  37. 4 weeks ago

    Does any one know if the oryx list is still be updated? I was wondering if some of the russian losses got added or how come the moscow leopard and abrams weren't marked as captured or destroyed?

    • 4 weeks ago

      I think they just have a multi-thousand vehicle backlog to get through.

      • 4 weeks ago

        They were pretty good with the western ones. Just surprised the leopard and abrams didn't get marked or if there was some controversy etc I wasn't aware of.

        • 4 weeks ago

          They were listed back when they were actually destroyed. Relisting them now would create duplicate entries

  38. 4 weeks ago


    "You can't really troll pol. It's pajeets, pakis, chinks and vatniks.
    Half pretend to be white the other half pretends to be some other thirdie.
    It's a giant ocean of piss with thirdies swimming in it. No one is white there. Tv is the same way. Int outside of the gens is the same way. Sci is just bad now. His is ruined. Sp outside of gens is almost all those 4. Really k is the only board left not flooded with those 4. White people like me have left. I just come here for war porn then go somewhere that requires an email a western ip and phone number to post. The boards are much better once you get rid of those 4. Everyone is much nicer."

    • 4 weeks ago

      PrepHole has at least one vatnik mod that bans you the moment you make fun of the mongoloids. case in point a stalker 2 bread
      >one zigger posting blatant RT staged clips about ukranians forcefully being mobilized by homosexual type meatheads
      >stays up for days
      >i mock them pointing out how stalker 2 devs decided to remove all vatnik speak from the game after another failed bombing run one of the missile wrecks landed less then a block away from their offices leaving a crater. Stalker 2 would be purely ukranian
      >insta ban

      • 4 weeks ago

        the kherson sand dunes are such a kino location. Hope ukranians eventually reclaim them after vatnisktan implodes again after their yet again inevitable failed empire experiment

      • 4 weeks ago

        >PrepHole has at least one vatnik mod that bans you the moment you make fun of the mongoloids
        Nah, it's just mass reporting.

      • 4 weeks ago

        PrepHole permabanned me (403 forbidden) for reporting endless invading coomer threads, video games are dead and i fear /k/ will die too if the /misc/ homosexualry is not dealt with.

  39. 4 weeks ago

    42% losses before they reach Vuhledar killbox

    • 4 weeks ago

      That one is honestly one of the orkiest things I have seen this war
      The scale modeling is going to be wild.

  40. 4 weeks ago


    yeah, puccia success in winning the darwin awards

  41. 4 weeks ago


    Another 1,000 dead to capture another dead shithole village with 6 pensioners

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hey, those 6 pensioners never miss an election day. Gotta make sure they vote for Putin.

  42. 4 weeks ago


    What blew up in Russia? The reverse-uno vatnig has been going non-stop lately.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Crimeia got blown up today. Again.

      • 4 weeks ago

        That seems to happen a lot. Have they considered not exploding?

        • 4 weeks ago

          What they need to do is listen. Because that's what no one else did.

  43. 4 weeks ago


    You seem upset lmao

    • 4 weeks ago


  44. 4 weeks ago


    >israeli war
    I thought it was the ukronazi war?

  45. 4 weeks ago


    Yeah, they sure are losing the Lose your army and destroy your own country speedrun challenge to Russia. And it ain't even close.

  46. 4 weeks ago

    How recent was the last assault

  47. 4 weeks ago




    Also, stop samegayging, schizo.

  48. 4 weeks ago

    Doesn't matter, Abrahams in Moscow!

  49. 4 weeks ago


    How come ziggers can only say what people say about them in reverse, there's not been any original memes from the Z side since buhaka chan

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because thirdies only fellate. They simply can't innovate.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They barely speak English, most of the shit they spam is copypasted from a script.

  50. 4 weeks ago


    Here's a russia tank tactically heating its crew, I guess?

    • 4 weeks ago

      pretty sure this video exists in way better quality

      • 4 weeks ago

        Here's a russia tank tactically heating its crew, I guess?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Thank you, anon.

  51. 4 weeks ago

    Russian soldiers should be rehabilitated, not killed or maimed.

    • 4 weeks ago

      the only cure for being a r*ussian is a bullet applied directly to the forehead.

      • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          They look like they have really hairy pussies.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >soon to be childless babushka after every puccian man is burned to ash in donetsk.
          >or turned into gutter oil by changs
          also, ai Black folk will be executed first

    • 4 weeks ago

      Picrel gives off so many Auschwitz-lesbians-manga-gif vibes

      • 4 weeks ago


  52. 4 weeks ago


    seethe zigger. vatnik copeganda narratives are hilariously transparent for anybody who knows shit about how your wienerroaches behave and think. Case in point your obsession over DA JOOS. its blatant projection on how you would behave in the same position.

    thank god even the incredibly gullible westoids are slowly coming to around figuring out the WW2 germans were at least correct in one of their policy stances

  53. 4 weeks ago

    >Oh wow, good news, I thought Ukraine was getting they shit pushed in...

  54. 4 weeks ago


    Ukraine is currently in a fighting retreat on some parts in the east. Russian artillery outgun them 18-1 so they abandoned some villages. But the Russians are taking severe losses on the way and the new weapon supply coming in soon their losses will just continue to mount

  55. 4 weeks ago


    Is this bait or are you actually asking? Also if Russia is winning then why are you seething so hard?

  56. 4 weeks ago


    >Ukraine is entirely out of steam, I'm afraid
    you mean out of international support or out of people?
    neither is happening ivan, not ever.

  57. 4 weeks ago


    >I'm not trying to concern troll or anything
    zigger shills are easy to spot because they are always literally in the middle of doing what they tell you they aren't doing

  58. 4 weeks ago

    Jesus Christ how many times have they attempted an offensive in this area, they already tried a bum rush a month or two ago with similiar results

  59. 4 weeks ago


    >I'm not trying to concern troll or anything
    Yes you are and we're not buying your snake oil.

  60. 4 weeks ago


    harass your local politician into giving ukraine more boolets then

  61. 4 weeks ago


    “I’m an American”
    Proceeds to vomit every vatnik buzzword imaginable

  62. 4 weeks ago


    >if Russia had done a full scale armored invasion of the israelitekraine
    they did already
    >Was sending 10% of their force a mistake?
    Russia doesn't have the logistical capability nor competence to sustain anything above that for any meaningful amount of time. Remember the 40 mile convoy to kiev that was supposed to wreck the city?

    • 4 weeks ago

      No you don't understand, Kyiv was a feint, so it doesn't count, and they didn't want Kherson anyway, so that doesn't count either.

  63. 4 weeks ago



  64. 4 weeks ago


    less of an issue than you'd think.
    The bulk of the spending bills in 2022/2023, and also the one recently, were not of "immediate aid". They contained immediate aid by draw-downs from our existing stockpiles, but the vast majority of the bills were for long-term contracts and generation of new arms on terms that would take years to mature. Money spent in 2022 won't materialize into real deliveries until late 2024, and 2023 onto 2025/2026, and so on. Our support and deliveries into Ukraine will likely last until the early-2030s, as things currently stand.
    >so why were they without stuff for 6 months????
    dead air, little short-term support remained and even less under long-term contracts had matured yet. Should be less of an issue going forward, assuming China doesn't start to directly send tanks/missiles to Russia or something like that.

    That isn't to say Ukraine is in a 'good' position, because they aren't, but the prior 6 months of universal shortages along the full line of contact shouldn't occur again either.

  65. 4 weeks ago


    Sending all their elite units like the VDV and 1st guard tank army into a meat grinder in the beginning of the war was a terribly idiotic decision and now they're just coping by throwing even more soldiers into the grind with little to no results.

    • 4 weeks ago

      xaxaxaxaxa HATO cannot comprehend superior Russian tactics. Thousands of men/vehicles and 40% of the state's budget is a bargain price for taking 20 shithole Eastern European towns every year.

  66. 4 weeks ago


    They know exactly why they're there: rubles. For every poor widdle Russian conscript there are a hundred who joined for the money and the chance to rape and pillage.

  67. 4 weeks ago


    >Quantity become its own quality at some point.
    Well said. We are 4 months from witnessing mosinchuckers charging at Bradleys.

  68. 4 weeks ago


    >we didn't want Ukraine anyway
    But you did.

  69. 4 weeks ago


    The real Alex Jones

    • 4 weeks ago
  70. 4 weeks ago




  71. 4 weeks ago


    Bait or moron, I can't tell anymore.
    >i think russia is trying to bait us into another vietnam basically
    You don't win proxy wars by being the side directly involved. The US "lost" Vietnam and Korea the moment they stepped in, and Russia "lost" this war as soon as they didn't take Kiev in two months.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The US didn't lose in Korea, holy frick whats with this shit

  72. 4 weeks ago


    Nah, they're invaders. They die as they should. If enough invaders die, nobody will invade and we will have a happier world.

  73. 4 weeks ago


    > they secured what they wanted which was crimea and odessa
    >and odessa
    Hey moron have you looked at a map of who controls Odesa recently, cuz it sure ain’t Russia and never has been. The ziggers can’t even stop Ukrainian grain shipments coming from the port of Odesa. And to just add to the humor the ziggers can’t even use the naval installations they have in Crimea

  74. 4 weeks ago


    >they could have won the entire country of ukranian territory easily in a day if that had been their objective.
    That was literally the goal though. They were just too moronic to realize they'd actually put up a fight and failed to get support when their "allies" realized how badly they miscalculated the situation

  75. 4 weeks ago


    > the ethnic russian zones of the east because those are easy to occupy since the population is benevolent to them
    You do realize that those “easy” regions have still not fallen under complete Russian control despite several years or war and that “ethnic” Russians enlisted in the Ukraine military in droves after the invasion started.

    • 4 weeks ago

      That's also the most dangerous aspect of communist strategy. They displaced the native population and replaced them with Russians so the area would be easier to control because there's no ethnic homogeneity anymore. Creating ethnic tension makes the population easier to control

      • 4 weeks ago

        like what is happening in the eu and US in the last 60 years

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Ethnic homogeneity
          Anon... I don't know how to break it to you...

          • 4 weeks ago

            I assume he meant the creating ethnic tension to make the population easier to control bit.

          • 4 weeks ago

            US Anglo population before 1960 was above 70%. U.S. demographics have changed so rapidly, it would classified as a civilizational collapse if it wasn't such a politically charged subject

            • 4 weeks ago

              >US Anglo population before 1960 when the country was majority immigrants from Catholic backgrounds and the president was a irishman was above 70%
              You fricking stupid moron

      • 4 weeks ago

        Christ, you sound like a fricking idiot, you have zero understanding of Ukrainian ethnography or how Russification impacted Ukraine’s language patterns. Just because Russia calls people “ethnic Russians” doesn’t mean those people view themselves as so and will act accordingly with the desires of the Russian state. Ethnicity is extremely subjective as it’s based on multiple cultural factors and shared beliefs more than strict genetic heritage or solely on the language spoken. A Russian speaking Ukrainian born in Kharkiv would punch you in the face if you called him an ethnic Russia.

        • 4 weeks ago

          So that's why they replaced the estonians by sending them to siberia and ukrainians to the kuril islands and send ethnic russians to replace them?

          • 4 weeks ago

            What is an “ethnic Russian”? Because it’s not a racial category, and if it’s based solely on some culturally immutable loyalty to Russia than how come millions of “ethnic Russians” have refused to betray the Ukrainian nation and join with Russia? I’ll tell you why. An “ethnic Russian” is whatever the Russian state needs it to be in order to justify its revanchist claims, doesn’t matter if the people they’re calling “ethnic Russians” actually view themselves as Russian. An ethnicity is subjective, that Russian leadership during USSR times tried to squash other identities homogenous Russian culture doesn’t change the fact that those who they call “ethnic Russians” in the territories they hoped to assimilate may not view this label in the best light.

  76. 4 weeks ago



    I agree with your assessment that Russia is focused on the Russian speaking and ethnic populations of the East. However I do not get their desire (and the Ukrainians') to continue the war even though no major territorial gains/losses have occurred since the Kherson/Izyum counteroffensive in November 2022. I would have called the invasion a fair success if Russia ended offensive operations in the first few months, taking fairly light casualties, most of the ethnic Russian Donbass, and having established a land bridge to Crimea. They could've used Kherson as a bargaining chip, giving it back in return for a ceasefire. The losses in men and material in recent times just don't match the minimal changes in the frontline.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >If there is no territorial change, there is no reason to defend yourself!
      You're a fricking idiot, shut the frick up and get the frick out.

  77. 4 weeks ago

    lmfao damn did the mods ban him?

    What did he say?

    • 4 weeks ago

      You mean



      He said:
      >so far their strategy seems to be only occupying areas of ethnic russians in ukraine because they probably dont want to deal with a vietnam style conflict as you describe being the occupying force in a NATO globalist euro zone like kiev where most of the ukranians are nationalistic and see themselves as westerners. russia seems to only be interested in taking in the ethnic russian zones of the east because those are easy to occupy since the population is benevolent to them.

      And then there is


      >they didnt though, they secured what they wanted which was crimea and odessa which are important trade and shipping areas for them. im not syaing it didnt come at cost for them but their goal doesnt seem to be taking kiev. they are specifically trying to avoid what you are describing i think the last thing they want to do is be the occupying force of a guerilla war. they know thats unwinnable.

  78. 4 weeks ago


    >it was literally homogenously white until 20 years ago homosexual lying israelite
    Sure Vlad, sure.

  79. 4 weeks ago


    Tell me you've never stepped foot in one major US city without telling me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      hello there blast from the past

  80. 4 weeks ago

    who learns slower, the actual russian army or the shill army

  81. 4 weeks ago


    Thanks for the... Ireland content? Are you lost Anon?

    • 4 weeks ago


      >Thread about ziggers trying to storm Vuhledar
      >Suddenly, seething about israelites
      Very organic, we will have to replace the airman responsible for following your activities since his feefees are starting to hurt from your vocabulary.

      lmao he straight up started spamming.

      And yeah the reson for the shilling yesterday was because 1. Crimeia got bombed 2. Russians bombed Belgorod again hahahahaha

  82. 4 weeks ago

    >Thread about ziggers trying to storm Vuhledar
    >Suddenly, seething about israelites
    Very organic, we will have to replace the airman responsible for following your activities since his feefees are starting to hurt from your vocabulary.

  83. 4 weeks ago


    What do fricktards in Ireland have to do with US history, Anon?

  84. 4 weeks ago

    Why did they all get blown up?? Don't they know that they captured Abruhams? NAFO troony HATO? Roasted piggers?

  85. 4 weeks ago

    But whyyy it was a cool thread before it devolved into /misc/shittery
    Can't you fricks go talk about that nonsense somewhere else??

    • 4 weeks ago

      I fell for the bait.
      I'll do better.

  86. 4 weeks ago


    you seem to be acknowledging ukraine's existence, contrary to russian doctrine

  87. 4 weeks ago

    Looks like a lot of Russian trannies finally got the ball snipping they desired.

  88. 4 weeks ago


    Still not sure why you went off on a potato tangent.

  89. 4 weeks ago


    All russian losses lately have been due to unfortunate friendly fire incidents or accidents. It's unthinkable that ukraine could possibly defeat the glorious russian army.

  90. 4 weeks ago


    The US is very blatantly Angelo in orgin and blood.

    • 4 weeks ago

      except for that time it was highly german until ww1
      or the dutch populations (new york was called new amsterdam)
      and irish literally predate the anglos on their own island so that's wrong
      oh and the french, they still even speak that some states here

      yeah all white people in the us sure are anglo uh huh

      • 4 weeks ago

        The German thing has always been overblown and genetics prove that

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Be nation started by Anglos
        >Be a nation overwhelmingly characterized by Anglo mouth noises (English)
        >An Anglo nation, if you will.
        >Complain that (You) aren't Anglo so it's not true
        Why are children like this?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yes the US was very Angelos, lots of Italians and spaniards and such

  91. 4 weeks ago


    Again, I'm still not sure what the flying frick that has to do with the modern Irish.
    You do you Anon.

  92. 4 weeks ago

    Can you two homosexuals get a room please

  93. 4 weeks ago

    It's crazy how much stuff Russia is losing. How much do they have left? They are empty within 2 years right? How much are they making? So many questions

    • 4 weeks ago

      The biggest problem they have to replace tanks and IFVs is their inability to produce optics and electronics. They relied on imports from Germany and France that are now cut off so their production rate is extremely slow right now.

      • 4 weeks ago

        This is what Puccia has to resort to for "optics" on their tanks now. Yes, they Black person rigged an AliExpress camera to this T-55.

        • 4 weeks ago

          the yellow menace always seems to be humiliating russia

        • 4 weeks ago


  94. 4 weeks ago


    >my lack


    Really wish they'd turn on country flags here so you homosexuals could seethe and schizo post more.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >A country specifically founded by and for European settlers has always full of Black folk

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Roanoke colony founded: 1585
        >First African slaves arrive in Virginia: 1619

  95. 4 weeks ago


    >He´s still assblasted by normalgay twitter memes

  96. 4 weeks ago


    I'm sure he did.I always trust random screenshots.

  97. 4 weeks ago


    What "white"? WASPs? Irish? Germans? Italians? Stuck-up New England fops? Appallachian hillbillies? Motherfricker, there's more differnet e kidns of "white" people here than there's freakin' Injun tribes.

    • 4 weeks ago

      White = european, you disingenuous moron

  98. 4 weeks ago


    two more weeks?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Which requries an account ,bet you hoped nobody would actually click on it?

      Shibitsky is a fricking moron.No idea why he wasn't removed yet.He even buys into the NATO won't do anything narrative.
      >Shibitsky:The Russians will take the Baltics in seven days. NATO’s reaction time is ten days."


  99. 4 weeks ago


    Which requries an account ,bet you hoped nobody would actually click on it?

  100. 4 weeks ago


    Shibitsky is a fricking moron.No idea why he wasn't removed yet.He even buys into the NATO won't do anything narrative.
    >Shibitsky:The Russians will take the Baltics in seven days. NATO’s reaction time is ten days."

  101. 4 weeks ago

    The national colors on the bore extractor are kinda nice, otherwise those field mods are fricking hideous. These cages have ruined armored aethetics.

  102. 4 weeks ago


    They're all contract soldiers, don't fricking start with your shit.

  103. 4 weeks ago

    How much is that nip piece of shit getting from the glavset to let their roosters run rampant, I wonder? He even removed the IP count so they could run amok.

    • 4 weeks ago

      the IP counter is a tool against amateur samegayging, that's all. getting hundreds of SIM cards and the gear to be able to switch between them isn't expensive, there's your samegayging with different IPs.

  104. 4 weeks ago

    A promising sign, If the Russians are still pushing vulehdar then that means they still do not have a reliable rail connection to the isolated units on the landbridge
    The fact that we are seeing armoured vehicles here that have all but vanished from the rest of the front is particularly telling when it comes to assessing how important this push is to the Russians

  105. 4 weeks ago

    what in the flying frick did that?
    did they drop thermite or something?

  106. 4 weeks ago

    so are these just shots for target practice? I don't see any gore. These are just targets on a field, there is nobody in them and they've been sitting there rusting for decades.

    I can otherwise account for the deterioration of the vehicles. Also the footage is low rez and very grainy, its hard to make out anything.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Have the been on fire for decades as well you fricking moron?

      • 4 weeks ago

        then you tell me.
        what is it?

        • 4 weeks ago

          SPAYS LAZERS

          • 4 weeks ago

            I think thats whats wrong with my brain. It doesn't really understand Occam's Razor. I mean it does, it just.. chooses not to apply it to most circumstances.

      • 4 weeks ago

        So how is the wire frame still intact but the plates non-existent? You telling me it somehow burned through 8 inches of plated steel? Or that a 6 ton top plate just went sailing through the air like it was a feather caught in the wind?

        • 4 weeks ago

          maybe its just a propaganda film, like they went to an old rusted out depot and staged it by pouring some gasoline on it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Or that a 6 ton top plate just went sailing through the air like it was a feather caught in the wind?
          That's what happens every other time a russian vehicle gets hit
          Also, the look rusty because fire is an oxidising reaction and these vehicles were recently engulfed in searing flames, again by virtue of being Russian

    • 4 weeks ago

      You dumb homosexual. Steel rusts extremely fast after the paint gets burned off and it loses its heat treatment from a fuel/munitions fire.

  107. 4 weeks ago


    No they're not. Frick you to death, I hope to see you starring in a drone video soon.

  108. 4 weeks ago

    >less than 300 orcs die in some random "mechanized" push
    I sleep. this is boring now

  109. 4 weeks ago

    some of the canopys are kind of neat

  110. 4 weeks ago


    Don't forget about the Greeks, Bulgarians, the fricking Sami and especially the fricking gypsies.

  111. 4 weeks ago

    Okay someone explain this to me. Russia holds a good chunk of Eastern Ukraine right now including a land bridge to Crimea (which seems to have been their primary goal after failing to reach Kiev and retreating from Kherson) so why are they attacking? Why not dig in and create the Slav Maginot Line across Eastern Ukraine and try to build up an air defense network and wait out the Ukrainians? The Russian military may have proven itself to be a shadow of what it presented itself to be but it still has a numerical advantage which would be a significant benefit in static defensive warfare. What do they gain from attacking besides a few more miles of farmland which Russia already has in spades? Literally what is the goal?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because in their mind if you aren't winning you are losing and winning means you are taking more territory. As succh not taking territory = losing.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Their goal is to seize all of the Donbas and the rest of the "annexed" areas. When this happens (which it won't), they'll probably go into more of a defensive position.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >they'll probably go into more of a defensive position
        Why do you believe this? It would have been wiser to "go more defensive" for almost two years now, but russia could not stop itself from wasting troops and vehicles in doomed offensives and suicide attacks.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Same as always. Banan.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You know what I would do?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Literally what is the goal?
      more like "Where is the goal!"

    • 4 weeks ago

      Until all of the Donbas is controlled, Putin is afraid to say "mission accomplished." The Kyiv debacle, all the territory they lost in the north and Kherson will be memory holed. He will say that securing Donetsk and Luhansk was always the goal and nobody will mention the fact that a frick ton of their residents were sacrificed to make it possible. Russia's attempts to exploit any resources in the area will probably be harassed by Ukrainian artillery for years to come. Meanwhile the Ukies will get lots of gibs from the west so they can rebuild, at the cost of being ~~*indebted*~~.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >the states of Ukraine and Russia can both survive this war
        lamo even
        when is this analysis from, 2022?

        Someone has to die. Things are too far gone for that not to be the case. Both the Russian Federation and EU/US stand to lose their legitimacy if that doesn't happen, which will only cascade into other, larger, conflicts immediately. Not going to happen. You don't let a nuclear power annex their neighbors and get away with it, and you also don't allow your rival nuclear powers to provide conventional aid to your annex-target which allows them to kill half a million of your soldiers and get away with it.
        Somebody has to die.
        >oh don't worry the masses are cattle and israelites control the media and blah blah blah
        don't you dare pull that nu-/pol/slop cop-out. Russians and Ukrainians have committed to this as an existential war. If they didn't want it to be so, then they've had years to make it so. Neither has, and neither will, and nothing short of complete internal collapse will change either.

        • 4 weeks ago

          it's not even as bad as the Korean War

          • 4 weeks ago

            >it's not even as bad as the Korean War
            Yes? That's the fricking problem.
            The world wasn't being lead by utter invalids like Putin, Xi, and Biden in the 1950's, nor was nuclear proliferation a weekend away for every single even-below-middle-income nation. Somewhat has to die, otherwise there is no stopping a fully nuclear Mid-East, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and Indo-China/Pacific that have first strike policies.

            What is the point of conventional deterrents and alliances if a nuclear power can "just win"?, and what is the point of being a nuclear power if your opponents can willfully cripple you for generations by drip feeding your neighbors support? Nope. Nuclear weapons and a liberal first strike policy is the only rational conclusion that remains.
            We might ALREADY be too late to avoid that at this point, given how absolutely anemic this has been handled. And that's because most counties are in denial regarding the situation and still looking for an "off ramp". USA is, Germany is, China is, etrc. Only the French, who are a bit ahead of the curve, see the writing on the wall.

            And when the French are the only ones who see the problem you're well and truly fricked.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Bullshit. No nation needs to die. World order doesnt even want to see Russia in ruins, because all the dangerous weapons could be sold to or stolen by terrorists, crime syndicates and whatever. Ukraine will not disappear either, we will see soldiers from other nations on Ukraine soil before something like that happens. This is right now all about Ukraine and Russia only, really. Ukraine fighting for their existence and Russia trying to salvage something from the shitstorm they have caused. Whatever happens, Russia will be in deep shit. Only Putin could be a winner in this whole war. Russian citizens aint gonna do shit either.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The whole war is moronic. They should have just built a desalination plant at Crimea to deal with the lack of water at the peninsula and called it a day. The Ukrainian gas reserves are all within Russian cruise missile distance, they could have wienerblocked them forever without going into full scale war, for a few orders of magnitude less money than the cost of this nonsense.

      • 4 weeks ago

        the water thing was just an excuse. Main reason for the war is vatnik imperialism where they want to recreate a third muscovite empire (after the russian empire and ussr) of which ukraine is a vital, integral part. Ukranian nationalism separating from them while being west friendly goes counter to muscovite worldview at its core. Thus the intense hatred and attempts to wipe out ukranian culture in occupied clay completely

        Clay wise after stealing Crimea they never even needed to create the fake donbawe and lughanda mobster constructs and could have just sit out with ukraine eventually coming around to accepting it as lost. Zelensky whole campaign was normalizing relations with Russia which included giving up all the stolen clay

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Main reason for the war is vatnik imperialism
          This and also Monkey was getting stinky eyes coz of a sanctions and rona handling, so he need to switch his docile herd (aka pussians) to something else

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Zelensky whole campaign was normalizing relations with Russia which included giving up all the stolen clay

          Zelenskyi and Monke meeting in Paris 2019 was only seen as Ukrainian weakness. Why else would they want to have talks? And thus Russia started preparing for full "two weeks, tops" invasion.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because their actual primary goal is taking over all of Ukraine you dumb idiot.

      • 4 weeks ago

        This. Not sure how morons across the world don't understand this.

  112. 4 weeks ago

    >Russia is running out of hardware
    Well explain this liberals

  113. 4 weeks ago


    >Trump is going to stop supporting Ukraine becuse... HE JUST IS, OKAY?!
    Politics stops at the waterline, bud. Trump is not the radical outsider people pretended he was.

  114. 4 weeks ago


    Millenial and zoomer natsocs/WN wannabes unironically have zero historical literacy. They have no clue what a WASP is, let alone how WASPs weren't exactly inclusive of anyone who wasn't WASP. Poles (Polaks), Irish (Flat-Foot Micks), Italians (Greaseball WOPs), even Scandis (Square-Heads) were seen as un-white as a basketball-American or chink railroad worker only until the last few decades.

  115. 4 weeks ago


    What do you mean "the people who brought him out"? America has free and fair elections, remember? The 2020 electionnwqs the most free and fair election in US history and you're legally not allowed to say otherwise. You're not doubting the security of elections, are you? That's election denial and election denial is a threat to our democracy.

  116. 4 weeks ago


    The Panama papers led pretty much nowhere, though

    • 4 weeks ago

      And this would be "the hottest thing" since. Honestly? Probably bigger.
      Go on

  117. 4 weeks ago

    >ignore the completely failed mechanized operation
    >talk about trump quick
    you can tell when the vatniks are angry kek

    • 4 weeks ago

      I really would like to now what got them so excited today. I know yesterday the friendly fire bomb on Belgorod got them amped up.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >I know yesterday the friendly fire bomb on Belgorod got them amped up

  118. 4 weeks ago



    this is a thread about a failed offensive around vuhledar, these morons bring up politics to distract you from the fact that russia just lost basically a mechanized company for no gain

    • 4 weeks ago

      so in other words, the same thing that has been happening for months, now. probably a year.

      • 4 weeks ago


        That is true, but frankly?
        The tread has mostly ran its course, unless there are some new cool pics of wreck fields to be posted.
        But otherwise? People following the war alredy know that russians got wrecked and laugh at the clownshow. . People cherleading for ukraine have nor problem beliveing that and also laugh at russia.
        And ziggers and their cheerleaders already deluded themselves into thinking that it does not matter, that its fake and unimportant and russia is winning anyway becasue they took the village of Upper Deckerovsk (population before war: 57) , so everything is fine.

        and you can shut the frick up. over the top anti-vatniks are just as annoying as actual vatniks. both of you need to frick off to /misc/.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Stop being so angry, especially considering that there no way you can force either me or the ziggers, or the tourists to do or not do whatever you want them to do or not to do.
          Russians will frick up again soon, ukes will show the aftermatch, we will have new thread about it , which will be very similar to this one, it will be derailed again. And unless something drastically changes the situation, this cycle will repeat itself again and again. This is how these things go, you might as well get angry that the wind is blowing and the rain is falling.
          Chill out and enjoy the breeze.
          Verification not required.

          • 4 weeks ago

            shut the frick up moron, you'd be slapped irl if you said this shit to someone.

    • 4 weeks ago

      That is true, but frankly?
      The tread has mostly ran its course, unless there are some new cool pics of wreck fields to be posted.
      But otherwise? People following the war alredy know that russians got wrecked and laugh at the clownshow. . People cherleading for ukraine have nor problem beliveing that and also laugh at russia.
      And ziggers and their cheerleaders already deluded themselves into thinking that it does not matter, that its fake and unimportant and russia is winning anyway becasue they took the village of Upper Deckerovsk (population before war: 57) , so everything is fine.

  119. 4 weeks ago


    >deflecting and posting nothing
    traitor or yellow-bellied brownie
    call it

  120. 4 weeks ago

    Do photos like these matter when Russia has thousands of vehicles in reserves and produces hundreds of new ones?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Here's your hundreds of vehicles being produced you brainless moron

  121. 4 weeks ago


    you can't do shit either, why are you being so verbose and smug about everything when i'm simply telling you to shut up and leave?

    you are garbage.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'm not that anon but you should really stop making up fantasies about people on the internet just so you can be mad all the time

    • 4 weeks ago

      >you can't do shit either,
      The difference between us is that unlike you, i am not trying to force you to do any kind of shit (eg. shut up and leave).
      >why are you being so verbose and smug about everything when i'm simply telling you to shut up and leave?
      Well, truth be told, it is because i am very bored and you are mildly amusing .
      >you are garbage.
      i disagree, but since it does not really matter, but you are entitled to your opinion

  122. 4 weeks ago

    You know, with tanks being reduced to 50$ toy drone chow and miserably failing at accomplishing anything, I kinda hope this triggers a radical shift in tank design and people start building giant tanks again.

  123. 4 weeks ago


    Has anyone calculated how many mobiks they need to gain one square mile?And how long it would take to take all of Ukraine at the current rate?

    • 4 weeks ago

      yes, and it was somewhere in the next century.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Last time I saw someone do the maths they concluded that Russia didn't actually have enough people to take all of Ukraine

      • 4 weeks ago

        And even if they managed to "take" it, then what?
        How many concentration camps would they have to build? Would even Pajeets frown about the necessary mass murder to supress dissent.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Things aren't linear, you can only accumulate losses of men, materiel and territory so long.
        Russians were getting fricked when weapons and ammo came. Then shit got bad when support for AFU vaporized from the US. Things like losing Avdiivka is a prime example of that.

        And even if they managed to "take" it, then what?
        How many concentration camps would they have to build? Would even Pajeets frown about the necessary mass murder to supress dissent.

        Kill the most problematic people, ship off a ton of other deep into russia, replace the locals with russian citizens from other regions. It's not a new playbook for them.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >replace the locals with russian citizens from other regions
          That's what they did in mariupol too, they've turned the place into churka central now

          • 4 weeks ago

            What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. Dozens of thousands bodies of civilians are currently being covered up and built over in Mariupol alone.

    • 4 weeks ago

      at this rate decades and about 65 million cumniks are needed to swallow up whole of ukraine

  124. 4 weeks ago


    Losing men and equipment is the reason why russia will lose. Every video with dying ziggers is a reminder of the inevitable.

  125. 4 weeks ago


    >into thinking that europe will piss themselves from fear and do nothing to support ukes
    They were right, as proven with how ukies get fricked day after day because bureaucrats and morons like to talk a lot, but not do a lot.

  126. 4 weeks ago

    I don’t care how shit the vehicles may be, they are still automobiles, and thus, marvels of modern engineering. Pidor doesn’t deserve to fight with them. Honestly, it’s not like the armor protects them much. With Russia maybe moving some parts of the front line one kilometer per day, they could easily just have the entire army march everywhere. A few trucks to bring in bullets and food, and they are all good.

  127. 4 weeks ago

    Surprising lack of turret tossing by the MBTs

    • 4 weeks ago

      a-are they sending people over without ammo?

      • 4 weeks ago

        They've got columns of tanks but they all have to share one cannon, just like the good ol days of Stalingrad.

  128. 4 weeks ago

    Since when is africa so green and muddy?
    What african shithole pirate nation has red white blue as their colors as well?
    What conflict even is this? Looks like bunch of homemade tractors.

  129. 4 weeks ago


    >I'm not trying to concern troll or anything
    >post was deleted when the zigger was banned
    I love coming into these threads late and reading all the deleted posts
    >Quantity become its own quality at some point
    lel that's literally just a Stalin quote

  130. 4 weeks ago

    >in the future the documentaries will talk about how batshit insane late-war russian cope-cages became just like the nazi heavy tanks got

    • 4 weeks ago

      Are we in the late war? Or is there still more to come in cope cage tech. I still remember when they first started putting bars over the turrets, now they’ve got faraday cage circus tops.

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