Missile detection systems

How important are these? Other than just copying the technology what could a foreign power do with the designs of American missile defense systems?

>The files are said to include "blueprints for sophisticated infrared sensors designed for use in space-based systems to detect nuclear missile launches and track ballistic and hypersonic missiles, as well as blueprints for sensors designed to enable U.S. military aircraft to detect incoming heat-seeking missiles and take countermeasures, including by jamming the missiles’ infrared tracking ability," according to the Justice Department.

>The information Gong is alleged to have stolen was "among the victim company's most important trade secrets worth hundreds of millions of dollars," the Justice Department said, citing court documents. Many of the stolen files were marked, in all capital letters, "[victim company] proprietary," "for official use only," "proprietary information" and "export controlled."

>In a 2019 email, it said, Gong acknowledged he "'took a risk" by traveling to China to participate in the Talent Programs "'because [he] worked for … an American military industry company' and thought he could 'do something' to contribute to China’s 'high-end military integrated circuits.'"


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  1. 4 months ago

    >How important are these?
    Blue out of triangle

    • 4 months ago

      What does that mean?

      • 4 months ago

        The importance of missile detection systems is Blue, on a scale of Green to Triangle.

      • 4 months ago

        >What does that mean
        potentially means the chicomms now have enough data to set up an iron dome and get their missiles past western missile defenses

        implementing ITAR restrictions would probably prevent this from happening

        >implementing ITAR restrictions
        i am really against weapons regulations, can we discuss where is a sensible line to draw universally?
        like, obviously north of small arms and infantry-mobile items, right?

        • 4 months ago

          >potentially means the chicomms now have enough data to set up an iron dome and get their missiles past western missile defenses
          Meds, quickly, before the voices tell you not to take 'em
          >i am really against weapons regulations, can we discuss where is a sensible line to draw universally?
          I am John Smith from Ohio Oblast and am very demoralised, why do <Politician_Name> try to take my guns?

        • 4 months ago

          Full cavity search required for purchasing nuclear weapons in excess of one kiloton.

  2. 4 months ago

    >Company hires Chinamen
    >Is surprised when they defect for money to chyna

    • 4 months ago

      a lot of times is not just money

      being a big shot engineer in Asia comes with a lot of social perks. Like with the TSMC engineers getting culturally enriched and local cops just shrugging it off. If the chief engineer at SMIC got his car broken into, the cops out have the perp hog tied in the police station basement with some jumper cables.

    • 4 months ago

      its carrot and stick. They offer money, grants, whatever yes. But they also keep your closer relatives and effetively everybody you care about as hostage. Dont comply then dont be suprised if they end up getting tossed in the street or in more severe cases, dissapear into the state organ harvesting system

  3. 4 months ago

    If the company is stupid enough to give a mainland Chinese access to their trade secrets and blueprints, on portable devices, then they deserve to go out of business.
    This wasn't DoD or Government data. Just a greedy idiot company mishandling their own data.
    It doesn't name any systems the tech is used in so I wonder if it is just old proposals and/or systems that didn't pan out.
    Either way, hiring a fricking 50 year old chinaman to handle your proprietary data is about as stupid as it gets.

    • 4 months ago

      >hiring a fricking 50 year old chinaman to handle your proprietary data is about as stupid as it gets.
      It'd be racist not to hire him bro please understand being labeled as a racist is worse than leaking secrets about our national defense to foreign adversaries.

      • 4 months ago

        implementing ITAR restrictions would probably prevent this from happening

    • 4 months ago

      the 2023 stuff is probably not outdated but sounds like he only stole it from one US company for another.
      the 2014 and 2020 for his applications for Chinese companies is probably not that relevant anymore and minor. you want to be hired after all before you give them all. also was only detected after the 2023 stuff.

  4. 4 months ago

    >faces ten years in prison
    isn't this straight up treason

    • 4 months ago

      no, it's merely about trade secrets of some company

  5. 4 months ago

    they now know that we can detect all of their missile launches.

    • 4 months ago

      which isn't that helpful anymore if you can't be sure if it's nuclear and that you are the target.
      MAD is dead.

      • 4 months ago

        it's extremely easy to tell by the IR magnitude and trajectory of the launch.

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