Medical Training

What kind of medical training should I get and what level of it do I get? I am around guns a lot so I think it would be a good idea to know what to do if there is an accident.

Where do I start? Any combat medics, EMTs or doctors here?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 11 months ago

    Take CPR and a Stop The Bleed course at your local police/fire station, if they don’t have it at yours there should be one within a reasonable driving distance (Not that CPR and stop the bleed really go together, but CPR won’t work if there is no blood in the body to circulate)

    That will get you started if you can’t give a big time commitment

    If you have more time and a little bit of money consider a EMT basic course, if you aren’t a moron maybe even an accelerated one

    • 11 months ago

      If a person had to choose between a CPR course and a bleed course which would be the smarter choice?

      • 11 months ago

        You don't choose. You do both.

        • 11 months ago

          CPR. Easier to master and your
          much more likely to use it in real life

          Bleed, CPR is basic enough for google and really less useful than learning the Heimlich.
          t. boy (male) scout

          Now all of you fight it out, winner gets to influence me.

      • 11 months ago

        CPR. Easier to master and your
        much more likely to use it in real life

      • 11 months ago

        Bleed, CPR is basic enough for google and really less useful than learning the Heimlich.
        t. boy (male) scout

        • 11 months ago

          Bleed is maybe 10% harder than CPR and 90% less likely for the average person to ever encounter.

          • 11 months ago

            I get cuts all the time and three were bad enough to need a trip to the ER I've bandaged myself better than whatever Surgeon Help In Training can muster. In the past 15 years I've known one person who needed to sustain CPR until the medics arrived and am thoroughly satisfied with my basic red cross training I took a decade ago.

            • 11 months ago

              Okay we’re talking about very different things. I’m talking about the watered down stop the bleed trainings they give to the public, that basically boils down to pressure, wound dressings, and tourniquet application. Obviously proper bandaging is super useful but that’s not covered in the very simple stop the bleed trainings I’m familiar with.

              • 11 months ago

                Fair I've been out of the game long. The CPR course with the dummies was neat and helps you get form but I'd also be happy with a YouTube video for as simple of a task it is. Come to think of it that bleed course probably also had wilderness first aid because I remember it going in depth on securing eye wounds.
                >kept a styrofoam cup in my kit for the longest time before I realized they make eye pads

              • 11 months ago

                I hate eye wounds
                I am currently in medical school and was a part time EMT when I was pre med
                I don’t know what it is but I an absolutely disgusted by eye wounds, I have been desensitized to all other horrific wounds but I just can’t do eyes, everybody has their thing that they just don’t like, ask anybody who works in healthcare

              • 11 months ago

                >anybody who works in healthcare
                I worked at a hospital in a non-medical capacity but had to assist with minor but disgusting things occasionally, and it really wore me down badly. I don't understand how people can take that business, but I appreciate the fact that they do.

              • 11 months ago

                its stressful as frick and sometimes I have no idea what i'm doing so I do the best I can but I love it and I honestly wouldn't want to do anything else

              • 11 months ago


                for me its not any physical injury, I have absolute shit bedside manner, it is best that the patient is brought to me unconscious

                I am too honest, when asked if they are going to die I will literally say "yeah probably ngl"

                I hate eye wounds
                I am currently in medical school and was a part time EMT when I was pre med
                I don’t know what it is but I an absolutely disgusted by eye wounds, I have been desensitized to all other horrific wounds but I just can’t do eyes, everybody has their thing that they just don’t like, ask anybody who works in healthcare

                this thread has given me immeasurable faith in our healthcare system

              • 11 months ago

                I have too much empathy for it. Way too much.


                for me its not any physical injury, I have absolute shit bedside manner, it is best that the patient is brought to me unconscious

                I am too honest, when asked if they are going to die I will literally say "yeah probably ngl"

                Do you think there's something wrong with you?

              • 11 months ago

                sometimes I think so but im fine with it, it isnt the worst thing in the world, I tried to get into real estate but never made it big cause I was too honest with people and would get fricked over

              • 11 months ago

                Are there other similar things wrong with you too? Any headwounds or high fevers to explain it?

              • 11 months ago

                I was dropped down a staircase as a infant

              • 11 months ago

                Yup that would explain it. I wonder how you would have turned out had that not happened.

              • 11 months ago

                stop messing with the moronic doctor

              • 11 months ago

                I fricking love it.
                Used to work in place with alot of crackheads and performing woundcare on old ass injuries that don't heal. Ngl a good debriedment makes my mouth water. The way the woundbed begins to bleed and revascularize after sharp debriedment is, muah, chef's kiss.

                I have too much empathy for it. Way too much.

                Do you think there's something wrong with you?

                Some docs are literal autistmos that cannot carry a conversation to save their life.

              • 11 months ago

                I have a co-worker who is a doctor and is autistic

              • 11 months ago

                I am a doctor (anesthesiologist) and am undiagnosed but likely reasonably autistic

                In answer to OP - do both. CPR is easier, the main thing is minimise time off the chest and get a defib and proper medical attention asap. It's hard to frick up - they're already dead so what's the worst that can happen? Hardest part is probably recognition that they need CPR, especially in public due to bystander effect.

                Bleeding is harder and requires more equipment - pressure is key +/- tourniquets etc. That being said the single most important thing is getting them to an ER asap as there's basically frick all you can do without the training and kit they have there. Do not delay transfer to hospital for treatment by the side of the road.

              • 11 months ago

                What do you think of CRNAs? I wanna get that degree to specifically go rural and buy up some acreage.

              • 11 months ago

                I live in rural montana and all we have here is an NP, they are our closest thing to a doctor.

                In places like this if you are a NP, PA, or similar you are THE DOCTOR no matter if you are a doctor or not

              • 11 months ago

                >Look at me.
                >I'm the doctor now.

              • 11 months ago

                >anybody who works in healthcare
                I worked at a hospital in a non-medical capacity but had to assist with minor but disgusting things occasionally, and it really wore me down badly. I don't understand how people can take that business, but I appreciate the fact that they do.

                for me its not any physical injury, I have absolute shit bedside manner, it is best that the patient is brought to me unconscious

                I am too honest, when asked if they are going to die I will literally say "yeah probably ngl"

        • 11 months ago

          This, I recommend both but if you really have to pick on over the other take the bleed and learn CPR elsewhere, it isnt hard.
          t. PA

      • 11 months ago

        You don't choose. You do both.

        CPR. Easier to master and your
        much more likely to use it in real life

        Bleed, CPR is basic enough for google and really less useful than learning the Heimlich.
        t. boy (male) scout

        Do the bleed course, you are much more likely to need to do CPR but it is much easier to learn, it is stupid simple, all you are doing is manually pumping the blood throughout the body to keep circulation you will crack ribs, dont be afraid to crack ribs, I cracked ribs the first few times I did cpr, and I still do sometimes to this day, they are literally dead so they will either continue to be dead or survive with some broken bones, im sure they would prefer the latter

        Considering that most gun owners in the US are fat boomers I would say CPR is most likely to be used at a gun range, even over hemorrhage control. Dont skip out on on over the other, do both.

    • 11 months ago

      This homie really had to flex the liftman's

      Let me guess, you either drive a volvo or a bmw?

      • 11 months ago

        I drive a toyota

  2. 11 months ago

    Every one should mat least take stop the bleed course, it's a great stepping stone.

  3. 11 months ago

    Well based on the picrel, id say you should learn German and Italian. "Mein Kumpel, was tut dir weh?

  4. 11 months ago

    Do the Swiss have exceptional medics?
    I feel like they're kinda obligated to because of their flag

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