Marvin Heemeyer's Killdozer

> This mechanical horror was made over a decade ago and destroyed half a town.
> Still no new ones made and improved on by /k/ autist.
Why having there been more of these killdozers made since? This thing was an absolute monster and i am surprised that only one existed since a decade.

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  1. 1 month ago

    have you been watching w.diesel?

    • 1 month ago

      >Why having there been more of these killdozers made since?
      Seriously anon? That's a really expensive project requiring a specific skill set and equipment. How many people do you think have those skills and resources and at the same time are autistic enough to build something like this?
      Think about it this way: what's stopped YOU from doing it? Yeah, that stopped everyone else too.

      youtubers are really the ideal niche for this since they can at least hope to profit off views and merch making it a justifiable project. I'm surprised one of them didn't do it earlier.

      • 1 month ago

        >youtubers are really the ideal niche for this since they can at least hope to profit off views and merch making it a justifiable project.
        Even there though the zero sum thing and high capex factors in. Most youtubers aren't making 7 figures a year off of it let alone 7 figures off a single video, to put it mildly, and most of the stuff they do doesn't require 6-7 figures of investment and/or a shitload of specialized time and effort. And even for those who do there is still the question of, why this? You can spend that kind of money on a lot of other awesome stuff as well to do videos about.

        So probably it can't make economic sense for anyone, and thus you need some other reason and the resources. Which is rare.

        • 1 month ago

          >And even for those who do there is still the question of, why this?
          That might explain why it took so long to get around to it. I don't follow WD but I've seen a few of his videos, he's been doing crazy shit like putting homemade spiked wheels on Ferraris for years, not to mention all the monster truck stunts, it sounds like he already did a lot of the other awesome stuff first.

      • 1 month ago

        Craftsmen using YouTube as a springboard to enable projects like this, or any honest use of GoFundMe or Patreon, are examples of the Internet serving its purpose, meeting its potential.

    • 1 month ago

      I swear that guy is going to get himself killed, but it will be a fun ride to the point.

  2. 1 month ago

    You're missing a few key points
    >heavy machinery is expensive
    >material is expensive
    If you can afford both and wish to replicate it for whatever reason, you're probably not advertising it

    • 1 month ago

      Steel is pretty cheap fr

  3. 1 month ago

    because most people who are that mad at the government don't have much disposable income. killdozer guy was a business owner.

  4. 1 month ago

    Because I can't afford a Komatsu D355 and even if I could I'd be putting it to use as a tractor and not an art piece. I wouldn't build a killdozer until I had an immediate need for one.

  5. 1 month ago

    >Why having there been more of these killdozers made since?
    Because it requires a very specific venn diagram overlap:
    - Access to large amounts of money.
    - Access to specialized equipment and a machining facility you have full control over.
    - Specialized skills.
    - Ability to do calm long term planning and sustained effort.
    - The right location and environment.
    - Wanting to use all that in a specific kind of suicidal schizo spergout vs a million other things, including just moving elsewhere. Which by definition you have the ability to do, because you have large amounts of money and useful specialized skills that are in demand all over and lots of hard assets that could be moved or liquidated.

    The circle here in small, small enough that in all of recorded human history it has encompassed exactly one person: Marvin Heemeyer. Most of us possess components but not remotely the whole picture, particularly since various parts of it are somewhat contradictory normally.

    • 1 month ago

      >crazed rampage through the city because your business got fricked by city planning
      >calm long term planning

      • 1 month ago

        Calm, long-term, and extremely peaceful planning, yes.

      • 1 month ago

        rampage through the city because your business got fricked by city planning
        >>calm long term planning
        Yes? He bought the dozer in 2002, and his dangerous criminal rampage was 2004. It involves lots of work, during that time he also had to design and put together the armor system, funded things with a large property sale, negotiated a lease to go along with it so he could keep at it, constructed (illegal) living quarters so he wouldn't use his house anymore, etc. Almost no crazy revenge people have time horizons spanning multiple years and that kind of complexity.

        It was a major project and operation. And of course by the same token, he could have used all that money and time to go elsewhere and live well.

        • 1 month ago


          Most people with the same inclination as him would have simply settled with carrying out a mass shooting at city hall with a $500 AR-15

        • 1 month ago

          Bro idk where you are but you sound like you need run-over with a killdozer.

        • 1 month ago

          What? He hit concrete plant, townhall and library (during children's story hour), the bank, he sprayed bullets around trying to blow up the propane storage yard, both by shooting the tanks and the high power transformers there, then he hit the general store, but there's no reason to believe that was it because he didn't stop voluntarily but because he got stuck in the basement and couldn't free himself. And then he sudoku'd like a b***h. Guy was an absolute homosexual albeit a high functioning one.

          >frick a guy over because you think you are a tough guy who can do anything with no retribution
          >no wtf how can you fight back you are a schizo and an autist and a homosexual it's not fair feds please help me

          • 1 month ago

            seriously, meds. now.

            • 1 month ago

              What? He hit concrete plant, townhall and library (during children's story hour), the bank, he sprayed bullets around trying to blow up the propane storage yard, both by shooting the tanks and the high power transformers there, then he hit the general store, but there's no reason to believe that was it because he didn't stop voluntarily but because he got stuck in the basement and couldn't free himself. And then he sudoku'd like a b***h. Guy was an absolute homosexual albeit a high functioning one.

              Post gun with timestamp

          • 1 month ago

            He never got fricked over. His road was never blocked and everyone around him bent over backwards to accommodate him.
            All of his problems were his own doing.

            You got trolled by a Facebook post.

            • 1 month ago

              didn't ask don't care

            • 1 month ago

              You have to either be legitimately moronic or some kind of fedie glow Black person to believe and post this. But I repeat myself.

              • 1 month ago

                nice projection moron tourist

              • 1 month ago

                No, anon, dumping your shit in irrigation ditches is not based OR redpilled.

              • 1 month ago

                Didn't the city cut his sewer line?

              • 1 month ago

                no he never had one in the first place because he was too cheap to pay for his part, and he never paid for a normal septic system either. he did try to leech off a neighbors though maybe they stopped that one.

              • 1 month ago

                No, his property never had a sewer line.

                He requested the city annex him into the system anyway, though, so that he could get one installed later.
                He then neglected to install one for OVER 10 years, presumably because he couldn't afford one. (you always have to pay for your own hook up)
                Someone from the city noticed this and told him to fix it, and even gave him an extension of ~a year, but he still declined to do it. Even after they told him he could just install a proper septic tank, he still kept dumping his shit in the ditch.
                That's why he got fined.

                The real kicker is that the concrete plant owners next door that he hated so much offered to pay for the whole sewer line if he dropped his dumbass lawsuit over their expansion. He declined the offer and lost the lawsuit.

              • 1 month ago

                I forgot to add,
                he also tried to dig his own sewer line by hand, groverhaus style, through another person's property.
                The owner found out and Heymeyer had to fill the ditch back up.

        • 1 month ago

          >he could have used all that money and time to go elsewhere and live well.
          Part of living well is dying well.

      • 1 month ago

        >Why having there been more of these killdozers made since?
        Because it requires a very specific venn diagram overlap:
        - Access to large amounts of money.
        - Access to specialized equipment and a machining facility you have full control over.
        - Specialized skills.
        - Ability to do calm long term planning and sustained effort.
        - The right location and environment.
        - Wanting to use all that in a specific kind of suicidal schizo spergout vs a million other things, including just moving elsewhere. Which by definition you have the ability to do, because you have large amounts of money and useful specialized skills that are in demand all over and lots of hard assets that could be moved or liquidated.

        The circle here in small, small enough that in all of recorded human history it has encompassed exactly one person: Marvin Heemeyer. Most of us possess components but not remotely the whole picture, particularly since various parts of it are somewhat contradictory normally.

        I mean it also helps that most city planning isn't as cartoonishly evil as what happened in Grandby. Really was a perfect storm the more you look into it.

        • 1 month ago

          >I mean it also helps that most city planning isn't as cartoonishly evil as what happened in Grandby.
          It wasn't though. Heemeyer was a homosexual and completely in the wrong. There's fricking nothing cartoonishly evil about "don't dump your poop out in a ditch bothering your neighbors, pay for a fricking sewage system". There's nothing admirable about sperging out because you bought unimproved land for dirt cheap with known missing or old infrastructure and the government won't give you gibs and pay for everything itself for you.

          • 1 month ago

            This is criminally uninformed and missing multiple critical pieces of context

            • 1 month ago

              lol no:
              - He bought a couple acres for like $45k, planning an autoshop. Fine.
              - Said property did not come with a muni sewer connection. It had zero modern sewer at all either, just an old decaying literal cement mixer previous owners had buried and that's it, completely not up to any standard anywhere in the US. This is also very normal for mostly unimproved rando land in small rural towns.
              - Town responsibility: overall system maintenance, public land. You're responsible for your private land connection if you want to connect.
              - Town reasonably pointed out he could just do a normal septic system instead. Like I have at my house. It's cheap. Go look it up, even with decades of inflation, massively increased labor costs etc, right now, today, you will pay like $5k-15k for a typical system depending on details of area and land. It's no big deal if you're not a pajeet.
              - He refuses to do it, he says government not doing it is "extortion" (lol!), and yet he continues his voluntary, unnecessary request to get annexed to the sewer district anyway. Like, wtf you fricking moron?
              - Everyone lets him be anyway and years go by. He builds a muffler business.
              - Neighbors want to build their own business. Offer to buy land. He says he wants $250k. They say ok. He changes his mind and wants another 50%. They offer $350k. No, now he wants a half mil. They give up.
              - Neighbors address public noise/environment concerns like normal. He squanders all potential support. Town planning process democratically ultimately approves commercial development, in this commercial area.
              - He appeals on lies, and then sues.
              - They offer to settle, to pay for his sewer hookup themselves.
              - His shitty buried truck overflows. He just goes and pumps raw sewage into an irrigation ditch behind him on someone else's land. Tries to illegally just leech onto another neighbor's line.
              - 9 years after being supposed to do this basic thing of taking care of his shit, starts getting fines.
              - Spergout

              • 1 month ago

                This isn't fricking India. The most simple above-animal thing in the world is to take care of your own poop and piss and not pump it onto your neighbor's land. Actually that's too generous because even some animals like cats know how to bury their shit and be inconspicuous about it. Everyone repeatedly bent over for the stupid fricker, not fining him promptly, offering to buy him out at 800% or more what he paid for the land despite it still being subcode, offering to take care of the problem for free. He refused out of sheer lolbertarian spite and invented grievance and because people like that see any form of generosity as weakness and somehow an insult. It's why any code violations should ideally be enforced hard and immediately because if you let leeches get comfortable and have more time they're never, ever grateful for it, they just get entitled.
                lmao lol even

                Killdozer was still cool from a mechanic and sheer autism perspective but there was nothing admirable about how it came about, what led up to it, or him just taking the easy way out and going to hell afterwards.

              • 1 month ago

                This isn't fricking India. The most simple above-animal thing in the world is to take care of your own poop and piss and not pump it onto your neighbor's land. Actually that's too generous because even some animals like cats know how to bury their shit and be inconspicuous about it. Everyone repeatedly bent over for the stupid fricker, not fining him promptly, offering to buy him out at 800% or more what he paid for the land despite it still being subcode, offering to take care of the problem for free. He refused out of sheer lolbertarian spite and invented grievance and because people like that see any form of generosity as weakness and somehow an insult. It's why any code violations should ideally be enforced hard and immediately because if you let leeches get comfortable and have more time they're never, ever grateful for it, they just get entitled.
                lmao lol even

                Killdozer was still cool from a mechanic and sheer autism perspective but there was nothing admirable about how it came about, what led up to it, or him just taking the easy way out and going to hell afterwards.

                Genuinely curious if people will try to defend him in this thread after this.

              • 1 month ago

                >Genuinely curious if people will try to defend him in this thread after this.
                Usually someone pops up, for whatever reason he's become a lolbert hero so there is motivated reasoning to try to frame him as the poor oppressed entrepreneur dindu nuffin he was the nicest boy. I knew that writing it and that it probably wouldn't matter.

                I did the tl;dr effortpost anyway because it pisses me off personally to see people like that deified because I personally had a next door neighbor like that. Moved in after me, started unlicensed business, constantly aggrieved despite everyone always giving him more slack, too lazy and cheap to survey so he ended up building a road on my property, then threatened to sue ME when I was angry about it, then found out years later he had just started his own dump right there. Literally, he was just taking his garbage and heaving it down the hill into a small ravine behind him with water flowing onto my land and other neighbor's land then into a wetland area a lot of us like to hunt and fish in. He did this for a decade before someone was testing water for nitrogen and noticed the strange pollution showing up, and then we all tested too, and then traced it back. Because he was too fricking cheap and lazy to pay for garbage service.
                Then he took off leaving the cleanup mess and bills behind. Guess I'm glad he was at least too poor and too much of a lazy shit to go on a rampage instead.

              • 1 month ago

                I don't defend it. But it was an awesome way to go. He gets an absolute 10/10 from me.
                Btw i'm sure the gov fricked him in every possible way before reaching to that point. Anyone who has a business and pays taxes and follows stupid regulations understand what he did.

              • 1 month ago

                Going by his kill list, he was also fricked over by a tree on main street and "THE CATHOLICS".

              • 1 month ago

                Did he ever get that damn tree?

              • 1 month ago

                I'll certainly still defend the technical accomplishment and autistic effort that went into the thing, including attention to detail others would have missed. Like if his vision system had been a little less well protected he would have been neutered way earlier. But:
                >Btw i'm sure the gov fricked him in every possible way before reaching to that point
                I'm sure you're an ass who never actually looked at what happened and you sound like a citygay too who's never lived in a small town, because small towns very frequently have at least a few absolute jackasses, crazy loons, lolberts, or whatever who nobody really wants to deal with because of minimal government, funds etc. Until finally they become absolutely unhinged and unignorable, pushing into town and neighbor business too far. Yeah there are also small towns with shithead sheriffs or whatever but that's not what happened here. And note that normally they get away with it.
                >Anyone who has a business and pays taxes and follows stupid regulations understand what he did.
                I have my own small business. I have never failed to HAVE A FUNCTIONAL SEPTIC SYSTEM.

              • 1 month ago

                This isn't fricking India. The most simple above-animal thing in the world is to take care of your own poop and piss and not pump it onto your neighbor's land. Actually that's too generous because even some animals like cats know how to bury their shit and be inconspicuous about it. Everyone repeatedly bent over for the stupid fricker, not fining him promptly, offering to buy him out at 800% or more what he paid for the land despite it still being subcode, offering to take care of the problem for free. He refused out of sheer lolbertarian spite and invented grievance and because people like that see any form of generosity as weakness and somehow an insult. It's why any code violations should ideally be enforced hard and immediately because if you let leeches get comfortable and have more time they're never, ever grateful for it, they just get entitled.
                lmao lol even

                Killdozer was still cool from a mechanic and sheer autism perspective but there was nothing admirable about how it came about, what led up to it, or him just taking the easy way out and going to hell afterwards.

                Genuinely curious if people will try to defend him in this thread after this.

                >Genuinely curious if people will try to defend him in this thread after this.
                Usually someone pops up, for whatever reason he's become a lolbert hero so there is motivated reasoning to try to frame him as the poor oppressed entrepreneur dindu nuffin he was the nicest boy. I knew that writing it and that it probably wouldn't matter.

                I did the tl;dr effortpost anyway because it pisses me off personally to see people like that deified because I personally had a next door neighbor like that. Moved in after me, started unlicensed business, constantly aggrieved despite everyone always giving him more slack, too lazy and cheap to survey so he ended up building a road on my property, then threatened to sue ME when I was angry about it, then found out years later he had just started his own dump right there. Literally, he was just taking his garbage and heaving it down the hill into a small ravine behind him with water flowing onto my land and other neighbor's land then into a wetland area a lot of us like to hunt and fish in. He did this for a decade before someone was testing water for nitrogen and noticed the strange pollution showing up, and then we all tested too, and then traced it back. Because he was too fricking cheap and lazy to pay for garbage service.
                Then he took off leaving the cleanup mess and bills behind. Guess I'm glad he was at least too poor and too much of a lazy shit to go on a rampage instead.

                >tread on me harder daddy government
                Go back filthy r*dditors

              • 1 month ago

                >nooooo imma tough man i poop where i want also please give me gubmint gibs or i sue u thnx
                Cry harder zoomie zoom.

              • 1 month ago

                >Nooooo, the government won't let me pollute! That's evil!

                Oh you're one of those people. You think polluting other people's land/air/water is MUH RIGHTS

  6. 1 month ago

    >45 year old Komatsu from the European backwaters is already almost 100k
    Nobody knows, anon.

  7. 1 month ago

    >destroyed half a town
    Read a book. He took out 3 specifically targeted structures.

    • 1 month ago

      What? He hit concrete plant, townhall and library (during children's story hour), the bank, he sprayed bullets around trying to blow up the propane storage yard, both by shooting the tanks and the high power transformers there, then he hit the general store, but there's no reason to believe that was it because he didn't stop voluntarily but because he got stuck in the basement and couldn't free himself. And then he sudoku'd like a b***h. Guy was an absolute homosexual albeit a high functioning one.

  8. 1 month ago

    Why waste a shitload of hours building an inferior product when you could just steal the real thing?

    • 1 month ago

      sometimes it's about the journey and not the destination.

    • 1 month ago

      that was epic, I remember the guy almost collapsed the overpass support by repeatedly backing into to it/ramming it

  9. 1 month ago

    Killdozer posting is reddit

    • 1 month ago

      you have to go back. preferably before getting conscripted and then featured in the next FPV drone video.

    • 1 month ago

      >thing that predates r*ddit is r*ddit
      Believe me, no one is sadder your favorite sub got deleted than me, if only because all you gays came here afterwards, but you still have to go back.

  10. 1 month ago

    He fricked up by not putting barbed wire on it.

    • 1 month ago

      didnt they disable it by shooting out the engine block with AT rifles, even then im pretty sure they had to get an industrial saw or something to get inside and by that point he had killed himself. reminder he straight up sealed himself inside, its not like there was a hatch they could open. this was a one way trip

      • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        They didn’t use AT rifles. He ran into a building and one of the treads got stuck in the basement leaving the Killdozer completely immobilized. Once he realized the rampage was over he shot himself.

        • 1 month ago

          His radiator was also already toast and engine failing. without the basement stuckage coulda gone a little longer but the thing was near the end of its rope anyway.

          It's a fricking bulldozer with some sheet metal welded to it. It's nothing exciting and it's not special.

          nah marvin was a shithead but you're a homosexual as well. the thing was pretty well done and it sure as frick wasn't sheet metal. It was 2.5" steel plates sandwiched with concrete in the middle, so improvised composite armor. Completely bullet proof. And for navigation he had multiple cameras connected to wienerpit monitors, with the cameras protected by 3" of Lexan, and even the detail of having compressed air nozzles around them to blow away dust and such and maintain visibility. He had wienerpit comfort too, with added air conditioning to maintain environment while he was driving. It was a very serious effort, and it worked. An anti-tank missile would have taken it out, but it was effectively invulnerable to small arms.

          • 1 month ago

            You're amazed by completely mundane things. None of this shit is special, you just think it is because you're easily impressed.

            • 1 month ago

              >claims sheet metal
              >gets btfo
              >oh yeah I could totally do that (he can't) anyone could (nobody ever has)

              • 1 month ago

                >(nobody ever has)
                Because they're not moronic.

            • 1 month ago

              >(nobody ever has)
              Because they're not moronic.

              >I'm an ideas man
              >everything is so easy
              >actually do anything irl? haha oh I'd never hohoho

              • 1 month ago

                I hate to break it to you but armored vehicles have been made from the existence of the very first vehicle. The only "amazing" thing about it was that there was single lunatic willing and able to spend lots of money and time up-armoring a bulldozer.

              • 1 month ago

                I hate to break it to you zoomie child, but broad categorizations and ideas are near completely meaningless IRL. Implementation is 99% of any actual work. You wouldn't happen to be a zigger would you? Because you have strong
                >ruska has IFVs too! nothing impressive about bradley we have BMP1s a tank is a tank!

  11. 1 month ago

    /k/ is full of glowBlack folk now, why would they show off or bring attention to something that's a threat to them?

    • 1 month ago

      >glowBlack folk hate mentally unhinged men with nothing left to lose
      That's prime recruitment material
      Also, are the people in town hall glowBlack folk now?

  12. 1 month ago

    Marvin was a guy with nothing left to lose. Believe it or not those guys are surprisingly rare, even rarer are those with the capital and knowhow to build a killdozer discretely like Marvin did.

  13. 1 month ago

    I mean israel has the mass production killdozer series. Some of them unmanned I believe, perhaps even using heemeyer dummy plugs

  14. 1 month ago

    >kill dozer
    >nobody was killed by it

    • 1 month ago

      Heemeyer was.

      • 1 month ago

        No he shot himself. He was in it, not killed by it.

        • 1 month ago

          The machine spirit feeds on its operators to function.

  15. 1 month ago

    Reminder that he didn't get "fricked over".

  16. 1 month ago

    israelis have made a lot of use of combat bulldozers recently in particular. but every army has combat dozers though not quite covered. but note how killdozer quickly overheated and broke down. the armor honestly is kinda whatever. but the early "virtual wienerpit" in retrospect is one of the more interesting innovations that hasn't caught on anywhere as much yet.

  17. 1 month ago

    did they use a shovel mech to construct it?

  18. 1 month ago

    There's a guy on youtube building a /k/illdozer right now. Frick if i can remember his name, he's pretty popular.

    • 1 month ago


      Frickin hell, this is still cool

      • 1 month ago

        I wonder how long before he has it up and running, would love to see him take it through a fast food drive through like Kyle did with his tank

  19. 1 month ago

    It's a fricking bulldozer with some sheet metal welded to it. It's nothing exciting and it's not special.

  20. 1 month ago

    >Why having there been more of these killdozers made since?

  21. 1 month ago

    Converting construction equipment into tanks is nothing new.

  22. 1 month ago

    Whistling diesel is making one right now on YT

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