Lost Gun

Sup /k/
We recently got some snow in my area, about 10inches, and in my joyful splendor while playing in the snow with my friends, I seem to have lost my gun.
I was wearing three layers, with the gun in the hand pocket of the second layer. The outermost layer was a rain barrier, with drawstrings at the bottom, which were fairly tight.
But somehow, in the heat of excitement, the gun must have fallen out of the pocket, and landed somewhere in the snow.
Ive retraced my steps, and used a rake to comb through the snow in an attempt to pull the gun up, with no success.
So my question is, what other methods could I use to find the gun?
Or will I just have to wait for the snow to melt in a few weeks?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    Pocket carriers, we got too wienery

  2. 5 months ago

    Metal detector

    better get it before rust fricks it.

    • 5 months ago

      Can't believe I didnt think of that. Do they sell those at Walmart or someplace?

      Drag one of those big magnets on a stick they sell at home depot for clearing metal bits from your garage floor.

      Another great idea. Might pair this with a metal detector. You think it'll be enough to work through a few inches of snow + pull up a loaded Glock 23? Or at least stick enough for me to notice its there?

      this is going to be one of those circumstances where one day while combing through your house you find out that you absentmindedly just put it in some weird spot you'd never think to check

      I was hoping that, but I know it isn't the case because I slipped coming out of the house, checked to make sure it didnt fall out, it didnt, and didnt reenter my house until after I already realized it was lost and began looking.

      I know its somewhere in my backyard, or the areas between my backyard and my garage. Problem is, its kind of a large area, so that doesn't narrow it down much

      • 5 months ago

        you can buy cheap-ass metal detectors any where. turn the sensitivity to almost nothing and sweep the ground. expensive detectors discriminate (as our society should) valuable and worthless signatures. but the cheapest of cheap will serve you well looking for a missing hunk of steel in a shallow environment

        • 5 months ago

          Awesome. Thanks a lot, im gonna see if i can find one tomorrow

          • 5 months ago

            Just be aware they find pipe and rebar in your yard real easy. Just because there's a beep doesn't mean it isn't something dumb. Continue a couple feet in all four directions to make sure it isn't a pipe running first. You'd be surprised at all the random shit in a yard. And watch some youtube videos of people using detectors before using it; it's not hard to use but you have to swing it at the right speed, walk at the right speed, etc. or else you may be sweeping too quick and missing stuff or only sweeping over, say, 50% of the ground if you're walking too fast.

  3. 5 months ago

    Drag one of those big magnets on a stick they sell at home depot for clearing metal bits from your garage floor.

  4. 5 months ago

    this is going to be one of those circumstances where one day while combing through your house you find out that you absentmindedly just put it in some weird spot you'd never think to check

    • 5 months ago

      That has fricked with me more than once. The most notable instance was the day after I had a few friends over, got shitfaced, then couldn't find one of my handguns the next day. Before I said anything to my friends, I looked everywhere for it, and found it in the cabinet with my cake pans. I eventually remembered how it got there, but I was really worried someone stole it for a short bit.

    • 5 months ago

      One time I thought I left a gun at the range but turns out I accidently left it outside my front door. Searched my house franticly before heading out to work, had given up then felt like a moron spotting my range bag as I went to leave. Was a truly awful feeling though.

  5. 5 months ago

    If I can't find it, do I report it as lost? I know its somewhere on my property, but it could get buried under the mud for future archaeologists to find.
    I don't know if that technically qualifies as "lost".
    Furthermore, if I find it, do I just call them and say "nvm found it lol" or do I have to do a bunch of paperwork or something?

    • 5 months ago

      >If I can't find it, do I report it as lost? I know its somewhere on my property
      On the outside chance this isn't a troll, no dude, do not do that. You don't need the police knowing you are a collossal moron who cannot be trusted with a gun. Just keep looking or stop trolling, one of the two.

    • 5 months ago

      Lay out the dearth area in lanes with string etc. Be systematic about your search so you don’t have to do it again. Tell the neighbors you lost a wrench.

      • 5 months ago

        I actually have a surplus of string from a project from last summer. Will do.
        Nothing to worry about as far as neighbors though, thankfully.

        If this thread is still up tomorrow, ill let you guys know how it goes. Wish me luck

  6. 5 months ago

    You abandoned your poor gun in the snow. Now she's cold, scared, and lonely. She would never abandon you like that OP. have a nice day

  7. 5 months ago

    Ok, the thing I don't like here is it sounds like you gave up looking for this gun after an hour. You didn't even call up your friends to help you, you just went on /k/ like a goon and waited for us to somehow find it for you. You've got a gun, so you've got a responsibility. If your gun is lost, you don't just look for an hour then call it quits, you get your ass out there and find that frickin gun.

    • 5 months ago

      No, I had all 4 of them help as soon as I realized I lost it, and when none of us could find it, I told them not to worry about and started raking by myself. That area of my property is decently sized, and on a hill. We also sled down that hill, so I ended up raking from the top, all the way to the bottom of the hill. Took closer to 3 hours.
      This was yesterday mind you. I only came here to ask you guys cuz I couldn't think of any other ways to find this damn gun.
      I don't know how I haven't found it yet in all honesty. But that's why im gonna buy a magnet and a metal detector tomorrow

      • 5 months ago

        Are any of the friends you were with nonwhite, Turkish, or gypsy? If so then one of them likely stole it

        • 5 months ago

          All White, thankfully

          >If I can't find it, do I report it as lost? I know its somewhere on my property
          On the outside chance this isn't a troll, no dude, do not do that. You don't need the police knowing you are a collossal moron who cannot be trusted with a gun. Just keep looking or stop trolling, one of the two.

          Why would this be a troll? Its not like I took my gun out to shit and left it in a public restroom. It fell out of my pocket and landed in deep snow. Same thing could've happened to my phone, wallet, keys, etc.
          My guess is it happened during one of the times I fell while walking up the hill, because it was slippery.
          Not sure how that makes me a troll or moron or whatever you seem to think

  8. 5 months ago

    Get a magnet of some type from harbor freight. Either one of the ones on a stick or a push one and get to work

  9. 5 months ago

    Bumping for interest. Hope you find your gun, OP. Now you know why holsterless carry is favored by those who commit crimes with their guns.

    • 5 months ago

      Thanks man. Been pocket carrying for years, but my joy for the snow was simply overwhelming

      I wouldn't sweat it. Losing your guns is a normal part of gun ownership. It means you actually carry a lot. I've lost 4 carry guns already. If you can't find it in a couple hours I would just write it off as a loss and buy a replacement. By the time you buy a metal detector and spend hours searching, it will already Cost more than just getting a new one, unless the gun is particularly valuable. Don't bother with the cops, the first time I lost one I let them know and they didn't really care so now I don't bother.

      This but unironically

      Anyways, im off to work boys. Will report back

      • 5 months ago

        godspeed. a gun should be a really strong hit, so your chances are good.

  10. 5 months ago

    I wouldn't sweat it. Losing your guns is a normal part of gun ownership. It means you actually carry a lot. I've lost 4 carry guns already. If you can't find it in a couple hours I would just write it off as a loss and buy a replacement. By the time you buy a metal detector and spend hours searching, it will already Cost more than just getting a new one, unless the gun is particularly valuable. Don't bother with the cops, the first time I lost one I let them know and they didn't really care so now I don't bother.

    • 5 months ago

      marvelous post, anon.

  11. 5 months ago

    Under about 6-8 inches of snow, she has been recovered.
    I mustve raked this area 3 times over. No idea how i didnt manage to pull her up before, but whatever the case, shes home safe and none the worse for wear.
    Granted, it was only like 2 days, but still. No rust, and she racked right open. Ammo wasnt even corroded/tarnished

    • 5 months ago

      Glad to hear that anon, good job.

      • 5 months ago

        Thanks man

  12. 5 months ago

    Many thanks to those who pitched their advice ITT.
    Shes home safe now, warmed up, and none the worse for wear

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