Lost at Sea

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Couple of SEALs were on a small boat of the coast of Somalia. One got swept over board, another went in after him, both never seen again. Their status was officially changed from missing to deceased today.

  2. 4 months ago

    It was originally reported as being a “freak accident” during the mission. I wonder what happened, exactly

    • 4 months ago


      Also, don’t these dudes have location beacons attached to them? When I go out to see to kayak for example I always have one clipped to my chest at all times

      I'm pretty sure it went something like

      >High Speeds
      >High Winds
      >Tall Waves
      >Rope Ladder

      those combined attributes made the ladder twist, and those gents got hit in the head and went unconscious

      falling into the barren sea, at night, unconscious

      you know what happened next

      • 4 months ago

        They got picked up by their buddies because they were wearing life vests and tracking equipment?

        • 4 months ago

          No, you fu.....

          Ya. Ya, sport. They got picked up by their buddies because they were wearing EPIRB and everyone went back home and had ice cream together.

          • 4 months ago

            Oh good, I figured that'd be the case because SEALs are known for taking basic skills and precautions in all the task-sets they train seriously. Other, less professional, SF units might have thought that they were too high-speed and low-drag to mitigate the risk of a simple accident like that, and their operators wouldn't have been so lucky. It's a good thing that SEALs exist, were on this mission and haven't been reorganized or disbanded after decades of failed missions, permanent disabilities and deaths caused by entirely avoidable incidents like this.

            • 4 months ago

              Ya anon, of course. SEALS are the best, everyone knows that. Now lets go grab some McD's, okay? Don't worry about the SEALS and the fake news about them dying.

  3. 4 months ago

    Also, don’t these dudes have location beacons attached to them? When I go out to see to kayak for example I always have one clipped to my chest at all times

    • 4 months ago

      not low speed high drag enough, beacon increases the time it takes to canoe a target by 0.5 seconds therefore it gets ommitted

    • 4 months ago

      >location beacons
      "lmao, what are you, some kind of gay? the SEALS are for REAL MEN who do it RAW and unprotected and frick each other in their manly muscled asses and - wait, no ignore that last part"

    • 4 months ago

      >don’t these dudes have location beacons attached to them?

  4. 4 months ago


  5. 4 months ago

    Any non-biased milgays/Navygays know if they will ever find their bodies?
    I'm guessing with all the gear they sank like stones.

    • 4 months ago

      >if they will ever find their bodies?
      "their bodies" have become fish food and returned to the biosphere at this point.

  6. 4 months ago

    Two more young brave Americans died for Israel. Add them to the tally since the Mossad told the CIA Saddam still had WMD post 9/11.

    They were part of the task force sent to stop Iran and the houtis from helping the Palestinians against Israel.
    While boarding a small fishing vessel checking for Iranian weapons one slipped and fell into the water, second guy dove into the water after him to help him get back on board. However it was night and the currents fast so they have been both lost at sea.

    The fishing vessel had no weapons.

  7. 4 months ago

    sailor here, can someone explain to me how this accident happened? we haven't been given the safety powerpoint on it yet but I can already imagine the bullet points:

    >deviated from approved SOP
    >did not wear beacon
    >did not keep beacon batteries charged
    >did not ensure beacon is correctly configured (some the newer ones I've encountered pair with certain computers/weapons/devices to prevent unauthorized access)
    >improper/unsafe ladder mounting technique
    >did not use approved flashlight
    >did not bring approved flashlight
    >did not ensure flashlight batteries were charged
    >did not wear lifejacket (even our "combat boarding" / security guys are required to wear them at all times unless ordered in writing not to)
    >did not ensure lifejacket o2 can was properly fitted, filled and tested
    >did not attach handheld radio using compliant method
    >did not use radio beacon/distress function
    >did not know how to use the radio when disconnected from helmet
    >did not wear helmet, and did not remember that he had a radio on him
    >used a non-approved flotation device like an empty drum instead of a life preserver
    >did not do premission checks on the life preserver's beacon (ours have these now)
    >did not tie in upon boarding or when attempting to board (we are instructed to do this BEFORE roping up and not just grab onto ladders, since OSHA is phasing out non-protected ladders nationwide anyway)

    I get that front-facing combat guys are doing something very different than sailing but think about it, if you are boarding another boat stealth isn't important because they can see you ride up and you're shooting at them on the way in anyway. And if you're shooting at them from another boat, why wouldn't you want to attach yourself to the boat using an approved harness/lifejacket? Even our own security guys will not separate themselves from Life Saving Equipment. This whole thing seems idiotic and avoidable.

    • 4 months ago

      Bet you half of those are because the "suck it up" attitude.
      The real question is, there were a few air assets above them. How did none of them switch to thermals and coordinate with the ships to fish them out. If I was one of the men who boarded the ship id rather have the drone or heli overhead search for my lost at sea colleague than do recon for me

      • 4 months ago

        I've sucked a lot of things up, but I wouldn't trust water wings or wet, non-marine approved NVG to save my life for the same reasons water wings are not a suitable alternative to an approved, HASP-approved lifejacket. We litterally have to sign our lifevest' serials into the mission HASP and sign them on/off every day on the document the XO provides to command it's beyond moronic that tier 1 operators wouldn't do that.

        • 4 months ago

          do seals even have a HASP? what's the point when they don't know how to read anyway

          • 4 months ago

            if you were to grab the average boot right now and ask him what his current mission hasp is he wouldn't know what you're talking about and wouldn't care. The ones that do are NCOs

            the struggle is real

        • 4 months ago

          I once signed my lifejacket checkout illegibly and had to white it out, this action required 3 people to witness and also sign it and when the mission was completed I was called up about it and hand to answer questions about it in front of everyone and it was very humiliating.

          I kinda expect hardcore operators to also be required to do this if I gotta do it just to change a fricking lightbulb or have a smoke.

        • 4 months ago

          >I've sucked a lot of things up
          we know gay, you already mentioned that you're in the navy

      • 4 months ago

        >The real question is, there were a few air assets above them. How did none of them switch to thermals and coordinate with the ships to fish them out.
        Thermals are really shit at looking through water, objectively worse than normal vision even in the dark.

    • 4 months ago

      >(we are instructed to do this BEFORE roping up and not just grab onto ladders, since OSHA is phasing out non-protected ladders nationwide anyway)

      The "OSHA" part. OSHA doesn't cover us but they cover all of our contractors and merchant mariners, so we are expected by them to adhere to these new rules. This includes mobile ladders or temp ladders on the sides of vehicles like a ship. You click into a harness then start climbing before climbing, so if the ship rocks and you fall, you don't fall all the way and can be roped up.


      And again.. even our armed security detail will adhere to this because not adhering to it has serious consequences. Even a complete moron, and we have complete morons doing our security for us, follow these rules.

    • 4 months ago

      they don't have a poor junior surface warfare officer to burn for this incident like big navy does, so the whole incident will just result in a finger-wagging. "there there"

      • 4 months ago

        what officers say is kinda irrelevant versus the fact that two of their buddies died completely uselessly and are now being used in enemy/russian propaganda against us

        • 4 months ago

          what matters isn't that they died, it's that the real mission was in our hearts all along

    • 4 months ago

      It wasn't an accident, they've pulled a Die Hard 2 or other 80's action movie where elite troops defect to the bad guys for money and cocaine.

  8. 4 months ago

    Who gives a shit?

    • 4 months ago

      Two more young brave Americans died for Israel. Add them to the tally since the Mossad told the CIA Saddam still had WMD post 9/11.

      They were part of the task force sent to stop Iran and the houtis from helping the Palestinians against Israel.
      While boarding a small fishing vessel checking for Iranian weapons one slipped and fell into the water, second guy dove into the water after him to help him get back on board. However it was night and the currents fast so they have been both lost at sea.

      The fishing vessel had no weapons.

      Thank you I am demoralized and feel like the world is multipolar now

      • 4 months ago

        Ukraine is going to lose so please go home and stop incessantly shitting up the board

      • 4 months ago

        >your SOF dies for Israeli Amazon packages
        >you still have high morale
        Fascinating, truly

        • 4 months ago

          Israel can afford to have their own Amazon air terminal and guess what it shares a hangar with the Air America terminal.

    • 4 months ago

      >Who gives a shit?
      This is all it takes to agitate the gov't employees that post here

      Thank you I am demoralized and feel like the world is multipolar now

      >Thank you I am demoralized
      Who gives a shit? Also, this:

      Ukraine is going to lose so please go home and stop incessantly shitting up the board

      >go home and stop incessantly shitting up the board

  9. 4 months ago

    Where's the book?

  10. 4 months ago

    Thy got shot by houthis obviously.


    • 4 months ago


  11. 4 months ago

    it's ok the $100k their wives get will pay for her next wedding and at least one car payment. Let's hope it's a nice car!

  12. 4 months ago

    Is it just me or are the seals a bunch of chucklefricks that screw everything up all the time?
    >Surveil low level taliban leader and his 8-10 henchmen: 19 dead
    >Assassinate an old man and his nephews who don't know you're coming: helicopter destroyed
    >Board ship at sea: Lost at sea
    Do we just not hear about the successes?

    • 4 months ago

      This is absolute conjecture, and in probably a few years late with my information.
      I think mission creep during the GWOT era atrophied a lot of the maritime mission skillset, at an institutional level.

  13. 4 months ago


  14. 4 months ago

    life vests and beacons are for chumps

  15. 4 months ago

    >Be Navy SEAL

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