>lose my car to flood damage

>lose my car to flood damage
>insurance covers a rental for a few weeks until the damage can be assessed and i can get a new car
>i put my car pistol in the rental car as i use it
>go to turn in the rental, clear everything out, but like a dumbfrick, i forget to remove my pistol
>sign the form that i have everything out of the car and now its all completely back to the rental company
>2 hours later get a phone call from the cops, they ask if i left anything important in the car
>sheepishly mention that. cop just asks me to confirm what it is
>i give its exact caliber, model, make, style, holster, etc
>cop confirms, asks where we would like to meet.
>told him i would be at a bank in a few minutes. he agrees to meet me there
He was a cool guy. Tells me it happens all the time, didnt feel the need to report the gun as lost or stolen or anything. Happily handed it over. Told me to stay safe.

Anyone else have any positive experiences with cops and your guns? Ive been pulled over for speeding before and theyve asked if I'm armed and I told them yes, and they say thank you for letting them know and things proceed as normal. I guess unless youre in a big city or blue state, they dont really care if youre armed.

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  1. 12 months ago

    >be me
    >work at a rental car stand processing returns
    >find about a gun a day
    >slide them down my pants sell them to pawn shops
    No anon, I’ve not had any interactions with cops.

    • 12 months ago

      Nice try tyrone you don't have a job

  2. 12 months ago

    Yeah I worked at a gun shop for a couple years and we were the main supplier of ammo for the local PD, who then would come in and we'd help them pick out red dots etc, fix up their ARs. It was really cool, they were all nice and just wanted to appreciate the guns with us. I ended up buying old evidence guns for 20 bucks a piece.

    • 12 months ago

      nice. whats your favorite evidence locker gat?

      • 12 months ago

        not that anon but I bought a norinco 9mm tok for 130 dollars in pretty good condition

        • 12 months ago

          I had one of those. It was like the 2nd or 3rd gun I ever bought and was back when russian import 9mm was like $7 a box. Fat hands got me lots of hammer bite though. 🙁 Pretty funny that all they did was put a spacer in the magwell and put in a 9mm barrel.

  3. 12 months ago

    being white prevents most negative interactions with cops

    • 12 months ago


      Being not-moronic prevents most negative interactions with cops.

      • 12 months ago

        That's what he said

      • 12 months ago

        >be muh
        >don't live in 3rd world shithole where there are more guns than people,
        >only Blacks that have guns are licensed and live thousands of kilometers away (outback stations)
        >cop pulls me over for rbt - again not a place where their personal judgement has a place
        >we greet each other civilly, he tells me the procedure, I blow in machine, am under and I thank him, wish him a gud day and drive off...

        t. gun club member - all muh rifles are locked away, separate from amo and bolts removed and locked separately.


    • 12 months ago

      I'm a 2nd generation mexican american though. My father open carries his hunting rifle in his truck and literally has never had a problem with cops with it. Maybe just leave a blue state?

      • 12 months ago

        My dad has a rack in his single cab long bed beat to frick F450 and it's basically invisible to cops the few times we've been pulled over (last time was for a tail light that just died the moment the cop was behind us. He saw it flicker repeatedly then just an hero itself. No citation, just a "hey buddy your tail light just petered out")

      • 12 months ago

        >I'm a 2nd generation mexican american
        Just say I seasoned

        • 12 months ago

          Texicans hate Mexicans

      • 12 months ago

        Don't know why you people frame it as a state-by-state issue and not a country-wide issue.
        Always searching for that "other", I guess.
        You may now begin to post NRA funded statistics at me.

        • 12 months ago

          You may now begin to post the evidence to back up your claim.

          • 12 months ago

            What was my claim?

      • 12 months ago

        go back

      • 12 months ago

        >2nd Gen
        Fix your parents mistake of a country instead of consuming the goodwill of mine.

  4. 12 months ago

    Nice try, officer.

  5. 12 months ago

    Not an interaction with a cop, but I was taking a shit at my hotel just before we were set to leave it. We check out, get all of our stuff loaded up in the car, and get on the highway. I've only been driving for about 1 minute and I realize I don't have my fricking holster and gun in my waistband. I immedietely turn around, call the hotel, and let them know. I, too, sheepishly had to admit I had left a gun behind.
    When I got to the hotel, the front desk let me know it actually happens all the time. I felt a great sense of shame for being so absentminded as to leave it behind. Thankfully, the cleaning lady who came in after we checked out had found it and reported it to the supervisor, who was the one who met me in the back office to give it back.
    I've been carrying for almost a decade and that's the first time I've ever forgotten my gun like that, and I hope its the last. Mainly, I need to remember to do my wallet, phone, keys, and gun body sweep before leaving hotels like that. I've never felt like a bigger fricking moron.

    • 12 months ago

      Same man. It suddenly doesnt feel like your edc if you leave it somewhere

  6. 12 months ago

    I was in a traffic accident a couple years ago, some 16 year old kid in a lifted dodge pulled through an intersection in front of me, I slammed into his rear tire head on, totaled my wife's Fiat 500 (don't laugh, it was a 5 speed go-kart I could legally drive on the highway). I had my pistol on my hip, my wife was with me, says I had my hand on it when I got out of car, I dont remember that detail. I told the kid to give me his ID, registration, and insurance, and go sit on the curb with his hysterical girlfriend while my wife calls the cops and I survey the damage. Cops get there, I wave one over, give him the kid's papers, show him my DL and CC permit, let him know I have another gun in my pocket as well as the one on my hip, he laughs and says "two is always better than one, right? Thanks for letting me know, I'll keep both of mine holstered if you'll do the same" I say sure, ask him if it's cool for me to go get my wife's AR pistol out of the car before the tow trucks arrive, he says "She's got an AR in there? Sounds like a keeper" I just grin and say yeah that'swhy I put a ring on it. We bullshit about guns with the cops for a bit waiting on tow truck, turns out we were all packing Glock 23s and Ruger LCPIIs as backups so that was cool. Kid's insurance paid for everything. Good interaction overall.

    • 12 months ago

      trust me bro, im judging you more for having a glock than driving a fiat 500

    • 12 months ago

      I sometimes miss the days when every cop and CC'er was carrying .40. Seems like everyone was a lot more chill when that cartridge was still in vogue.

  7. 12 months ago

    >go to biggest shooting range in my city
    >cops and local militia use it for their daily practice
    >walk past cops returning from the pistol range
    >"Out burning some tax dollars, eh?" I ask them
    >they just awkwardly smile and continue walking
    They have no humor.

  8. 12 months ago


    lol someone still salty over getting thrown out of a place for not paying his rent lmao

  9. 12 months ago

    >be me several years ago
    >18 y/o 'bertan fresh outta high school
    >camping on crown land with moron friends
    >loaded sks leaning up against muh ferd ranger
    >open liquor, weed, mushrooms on table (I don't do drugs but my friends did)
    >2 out of the 4 of us tripping absolute nutsack
    >female fish cop pulls up
    >she says hello, asks if were having a good time, stay safe etc etc
    >reciprocate niceness and tell her to have a good one
    >she smiles, waves, drives off
    She saw everything and could've busted us for so much shit, but decided to not be a c**t. That was my only good experience with a female cop. Since then I go much deeper innawoods to camp and shoot.

  10. 12 months ago

    >be me
    >sleeping in bed
    >hear loud bang from duplex neighbors side of the house
    >try to go back to sleep
    >hear second louder bang that literally shakes the house
    >wtf mode activated
    >grab my gun and flash light from nightstand
    >go out to check front and back yard in nothing but my skivvies
    >nothing in front yard, go to check backyard
    >walking back to my front door when I hear the unmistakable noise of a police radio
    >cop rounds the corner of the building and sees me
    >I immediately tell him I live here, I have a gun, and I'm just gonna set it on the ground and step back
    >he thanks me for letting him know, walks over and picks up my gun and holsters it (no idea why he had 2 holsters)
    <I give my side of the story, and about 15 minutes later he knocks on my door to give my gun back
    <thanks me again for how I handled the situation

    Turns our my neighbors broke up with her boyfriend that day, and he came by that night and threw bricks through her windows. I can only imagine what that cop thought when he saw me in nothing but my underwear with a gun and a flashlight though.

    • 12 months ago

      assuming you are white, chances are his first instinct would not have been to draw his weapon on you, and given how cordially and immediately you responded in a calm and measured way, that probably de-escalated the situation and calmed whatever nerves and scenarios he may have had in his head about you. If only most people responded this way. On both the civilian and law enforcement side of this story.

  11. 12 months ago

    If you're dumb enough to lose a gun, you shouldn't have it. It's mine now.

  12. 12 months ago

    I had my car broken into and my beater Taurus 856 stolen. I reported it with the serial number and all that good stuff, wrote the gun off. A year later I get a call from the police department asking if I'd like to keep my gun or have it destroyed. Tell them I want it back. They run a background check then I go pick it up, they walk it out to my car and place it in my trunk and I drive home. Gun looked to be in very good shape, they took the ammo and the holster was gone. The gun was in very good shape, I don't think the thief got a chance to shot it or whatever. From the date on the evidence box they recovered the gun only 5 weeks after I reported it missing. Apparently a group of teenagers were driving around and robbing random cars and they got busted. Oh well, I still carry it in my car as a beater pistol.

    • 12 months ago

      >hurr durr just leave a gun in my car for criminals to steal
      The police should've taken one of your guns you cared about for being such a moron.

      • 12 months ago

        I was in town you dumb fricknut. I don't leave it in the car normally. It's my backup anyway. These dumb kids were doing smash and grabs. I'm surprised it took them so long to get caught. Apparently they were going to random towns and doing it in broad daylight. I'm in Texas, I dunno how they got away with it for so long. I guess people just don't give a frick. If I saw someone doing that I'd definitely getting involved.

        • 12 months ago

          >I was in town you dumb fricknut.
          yeah that's the worst place to leave a gun in your car dumb frick. Unless you're running into the post office or courthouse, there's no reason to leave it in the car, just have it on you. Hardly anywhere has 30.06 signs.
          Crime, especially property crime, still happens in rural areas. Also criminals have access to cars and some of them take advantage of the fact rural areas have smaller police forces and longer response times than cities and do crime there.
          >inb4 hurr durr city slicker, there's no crime in rural areas
          you're about as likely to be a victim of a property crime in a rural area as you are a violent crime in a city.

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