Lithuania has confirmed they are buying Leopard 2's (Version unknown), making them the first baltic country to have a Tank force (Ignore the T-62...

Lithuania has confirmed they are buying Leopard 2's (Version unknown), making them the first baltic country to have a Tank force (Ignore the T-62 in the Latvian stockpile)

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    >version unknown
    it'll be 2A8

    • 3 months ago

      sounds expensive, considering the rumor is 54 tanks

      • 3 months ago

        So just a more expensive version of what the Nords are buying

      • 3 months ago

        >sounds expensive
        It is. 2 billion Eur for 50+ tanks. There's some discussiin regarding it here, since it's the biggest state purchase in our history

        Why the frick do they need tanks? Just mine the whole border with russia/belarus and get a couple of patriot systems.

        Good idea, but:
        1. Everyone needs counterattack capabilities
        2. This removes the excuses that the Westerners used (Soviet vs Western tank supplies)

  2. 3 months ago

    Why the frick do they need tanks? Just mine the whole border with russia/belarus and get a couple of patriot systems.

    • 3 months ago

      >Just mine
      Minen Verbotten by conventions. How else you gonna make buy overpriced systems if you don't ban basic obstacles and deterrence weapons?

      • 3 months ago

        Only AP mines are banned

      • 3 months ago

        Are the baltics really signatories in such bullshit
        Russia certainly isn't

        • 3 months ago

          Litterally EVERYONE in Europe except Russia has signed the Ottawa convention

          • 3 months ago

            Who's idea was this virtue signaling bullshit? Do I get to blame canucks?

            • 3 months ago

              everyones, anon, for the same reason why a lot of nations banned Cluster munitions: UXO's are b***h for the civilian population

              • 3 months ago

                Oh please, cluster munitions with a significant known failure rate are a completely different story.

                And it only bans anti-personnel mines so the UXO excuse is total bullshit in the first place. If your military wasn't competent enough to document and subsequently demine their mine fields, your civilian tractors and whatnot would get blown up by AT mines just as well.

              • 3 months ago

                >Only AP
                Guess what ziggerland has virtually unlimited supply of? Contrary to e.g. advanced tanks, AA systems or other armour.
                >b***h for the civilian population
                so is war

              • 3 months ago

                AP stands for Anti Personnel moron

            • 3 months ago

              Uxo is an issue for non-ork like nations. You have to understand unit cost. A zigger or a mutt isn't very valuable compared to a white European

              • 3 months ago

                UXO left over by enemy munitions, but not by your own goddamn minefields.
                Any halfway competent (ie. non-ork) military dating back to the invention of mines would document their minefields and demine them after the conflict necessitating their use was over.

                You have to be russian or otherwise moronic to think this treaty does anything except prohibits the use of a cost-effective AD/AZ (area denial/anti-zigger) weapon.

            • 3 months ago

              Because the poor Kosovo children who got maimed by NATO uxo ;___;

            • 3 months ago

              AP mines disproportionately kill civilians and aren't as militarily effective as AT mines. With full gear a heavy infantry man can detonate an AT mine still but no civilians will unless you're mega obese. An AP mine only needs 300g of pressure to detonate and is harder to detect because of its size. When wars finish you are bound to miss some of the mines that were placed and they will almost definitely end up killing civilians. That's what the Ottawa conventions for. Also I'm from Ottawa and I don't think I've ever heard non Canadians mention this shithole (utopia)

          • 3 months ago

            >EVERYONE in Europe except Russia
            Why are you implying that r*ssia is in Europe? It's an asian shithole

            • 3 months ago

              Yes, the western end is in Europe.
              What a weird thing to act all moronic about

          • 3 months ago

            Unironically I believe my country (Peru) should retire from this treaty ASAP, if there is anything of value learned from vatnik tactics and strategies is a minefield could stop anything like leopards 2 armored divisions and that is incidentally the tank chileans are currently upgrading, some arty, minefield and good old AA and they wont get past Tacna in case they ever had another Pinochet in charge. Canada won't do shit to defend us, they can't even deal with their indian friends.

          • 3 months ago

            Oh anon, war crimes only matter after you lose!

          • 3 months ago

            ottawa convention's a fricking travesty by western nations who have a childish belief that war won't surely come in their way
            t. one of those idiotic countries

      • 3 months ago

        Nah, anti tank mines and remotely controlled mines are still kosher, it's the regular ass AP mines that are off limits.
        Kinda the reason why every Baltic nation shot down the proposition of leaving the Ottawa convention.

    • 3 months ago

      1. They have zero assault capability to attack and counter attack
      2. In case of a war, without having armored capabilities, the Lithuanian military will only have 2nd line missions like guarding bridges, while the frontlines will be manned by foreign allies. Thats something that really vexes the military high command and want to avoid

    • 3 months ago

      So they can gift them to the next shithole Russia decide to have 3 day special operation in.

    • 3 months ago

      Lithuanian pound for pound is one of the best militaries in NATO. They want more than just bare minimum defensive capabilities. That being said mines aren't nearly as effective as you think. Demining isn't exactly "easy" but mines are not nearly as effective in all our war as they are in insurgencies.

  3. 3 months ago

    >you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about

  4. 3 months ago

    >2024... we are forgotten...

    • 3 months ago

      This form factor would probably be useful again on today's battlefield.
      Flat deck to simplify addition / maintenance of armor layers, or for the mounting of C-UAS radar/autocannon/DEW.
      Sponson guns for suppressing treelines parallel to line of advance. (Can also be semi-remote weapons)
      Simple to make it a 4-track drive like Object 279, since the ourer surfaces are flats. (Ability to limp back home after losing 1 track)
      Plenty of interior space for an MRAP crew capsule within the outer flats.
      Literal, objectively optimal exterior shape for cross-country performance in semi-liquid soft ground.

  5. 3 months ago

    >Leopard 2's
    >Boxer IFV's
    >Pzh 2000's
    >CEASAR NG's
    >Switchblade 600's

    Hell of shopping spree for a 2 Billion euro a year budget

  6. 3 months ago

    What do you mean they don't have a tank force? Lmao, makes me clearer how afraid they are of a Russia's win in Ukraine

  7. 3 months ago

    Tanklet here, I assume there's a point to docking tube on top of the tank on the right? Is it supposed to resupply from low-flying aircraft?

    • 3 months ago

      Ich ebin ein U-Boot :DDD !!!

      • 3 months ago

        but why

        • 3 months ago

          So the tank commander can look around and give directions to the driver.
          The driver and anyone underwater may well be blind. Not like snorkeling as a person. Water will be cluttered and brackish due to vehicles disturbing the river bed so much.

    • 3 months ago

      its literally a snorkel for scooting along the river bottom.

      • 3 months ago

        where are they going

        • 3 months ago

          Its the yearly melon migration to the sea

        • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Meloniks preparing for the next big push against the evil PApaya Treaty Organization (PATO).

    • 3 months ago

      So the tank commander can look around and give directions to the driver.
      The driver and anyone underwater may well be blind. Not like snorkeling as a person. Water will be cluttered and brackish due to vehicles disturbing the river bed so much.

      To supply air to the engine.
      I'm a former Leopard 1/2 tank gunner. It's scary shit because that thin tube is all that keeps the water from pouring in. The driver is basically trapped but he does have a rebreather so he can sit stuck in the cold and dark to think about things for about 20min before dying. The loader will need to open his hatch to get out and the gunner needs to wait for the crew commander to get out of the way and hopefully doesn't get caught in the snorkel.
      When the Germans told us that L2 could do deep fording we looked at them like they were crazy. Similar to how technically the LAV 25 is amphibious. Sounds like a great way to die.

  8. 3 months ago

    >Leopard 2
    How comes after fiasco in Turkey and Ukraine?

    • 3 months ago

      Cause Leopard assembly line is the only one still working in Europe. And for small nations it's critical to get some part of the assembly and maintenance to the user country so you can explain the morons screeching about money that the procurement will bring high technology jobs to the country.

    • 3 months ago

      It was a choice between Abrams, Leopard 2 and K2 Black Panther. Abrams too expensive, K2 has dogshit logistics, Leopard 2's are used by like 80% of NATO

      • 3 months ago

        >buying German tanks
        >in 2024
        Boy they're sure in for a surprise when Germany is going to withhold spare parts in order to avoid an escalation against Russia.

        > K2 has dogshit logistics
        As opposed to the Leopard 2 for which Germany doesn't even have parts?

        • 3 months ago

          Well, which is is? Do they withold the parts or have none?
          At least decide on a story before you start seething.

          • 3 months ago

            Both. They barely have any spare parts for the 100 tanks they operate and are withholding those. It's not seething when the Leopards logistics are a dumbster fire even the Germans admit to.
            >More time than necessary is now required for repairs after front-line use. "The repair of the systems takes a very long time because, according to information in the hub, there is a shortage of suitable spare parts, among other things. From my point of view, there seems to be an urgent need for action here to quickly improve the spare parts situation," writes Schäfer.

        • 3 months ago

          >As opposed to the Leopard 2 for which Germany doesn't even have parts?

          Almost every NATO member in Europe has Leopards, as opposed to K2's

          • 3 months ago

            And yet they can't supply spare parts for the handful of Leopards 2 in Ukraine.

            • 3 months ago

              That's why the production is restarting and getting spread out in multiple european countries.
              In 5 years or so Europe can probably shit out 10 thousand tanks monthly

              • 3 months ago

                >two years into the three day special military operation
                >still believing European claims about rearmament
                Lmao I bet you also believed they'd deliver them 1mil shells they promised last year.

              • 3 months ago

                nah, we rather take that money and send out pensioners to their 3rd annual vacation

        • 3 months ago

          Sorry dude. It looked promising at first but nobody really liked your tank and now your MIC will just have to sit on the deficit it generated by dumping prices.
          Lost the gamble.

          >Leopard 2's
          >Boxer IFV's
          >Pzh 2000's
          >CEASAR NG's
          >HIMARS with GLRMS and ATACMS
          >Switchblade 600's

          Hell of shopping spree for a 2 Billion euro a year budget

          Also shows how utterly corrupt Germany's arms procurement is.
          Those 100 billion in addition to the military budget went nowhere and the 73 billion for this year will probably also land in the pockets of some officials.

          • 3 months ago

            how are germans this shit

          • 3 months ago

            how are germans this shit

            Can't be. Something's afoot.
            Once they get a whiff of russian blood and the autism awakens in KRIEG mode there will be no brakes.

    • 3 months ago

      Lithuania doesn't base its procurement descisions on internet memes

      • 3 months ago

        Yes instead they base them on bribes paid by the German government.

    • 3 months ago

      >tank suffers losses
      >ergo, its a bad tank
      By your definition, the Abrams is dogshit because a sandBlack person got lucky with an RPG

    • 3 months ago

      I only wished that someone would make a T-72 that doesn't immediately explode and can be recovered for repairs just to mog on Russia.

  9. 3 months ago

    Latvia never had T-62s, T-55AMs is what we had. I used to have a vid of one of them driving, used for training. Joke was one could fire, one could move, one was sparw parts - it was literally 3 of them.

  10. 3 months ago

    I don't care how valid its design may be, that tube will always look ridiculous when I see it.

  11. 3 months ago

    Lith here
    To be entirely honest, it seems like a waste of money, especially if they go for the newest ones.
    The mere supply line for those tanks, maintenance, railways, roads.
    Also, we have no airforce. So we will always have to rely on allied aircover to even use those tanks or hide them... I dont know.

    • 3 months ago

      That would be a concern if Lithuania was fighting alone, but they have NATO in the picture. Besides, the Leopard 2 was chosen precisely because of piss easy logistics compared to literally anything else

      • 3 months ago

        Armchair general here, but I would have gone for more AT or a couple of boxers with proper canons on them, just as a firesupport
        But yeah, I guess its just the idea of tanks seems so unnecesary. But I guess since poland already has them and even has maintenance equipment and crews for them, in worst case scenario they could help or lith tanks could fight from there.

        Tbqhwy if Russia invades lithuania you will have massive air support from other nato countries so it's not that bad (but it's bad because every country needs a decent Air Force)

        Expecting your allies to risk their aircraft for the safety of your tanks. Im afraid of situations where they might just not show up.

        • 3 months ago

          I dont know, Lithuania has no real ability to attack or counter attack. You cant just build your whole military with the expectation that nobody is gonna break through your defensive line. A tank battalion would mitigate that, although I do see a problem in where the frick to hide them: Any russian artillery can shoot at any point in Lithuania, so at the start of an invasion they can just mass bomb any tank position

          • 3 months ago

            What im afraid of is that it is a pride-buy. Lith army probably wants to be viewed as a proper ally and be useful when shit hits the fan, not just infantry fodder.

            • 3 months ago

              The reason is simple, Lithuania is forming a division. It's going to take a long while but a new armoured battalion + existing 2 mechanised and 1 motorised brigade + artilery battalion sometime in the future + permanent German battalion in Lithuania. A division+ NATO enhanced support groups + regional defence forces seem solid for a standing force for a country of 2.7 mil population. Just need more AA investments but I guess the assumption is that NATO will dominate the sky anyways.

              • 3 months ago

                Lithuania seems to be more inclined towards AA than an air-force. More NASAMS batteries are in the works

              • 3 months ago

                Need a lot more AA systems to cover both the future division and Lithuania proper. A few long range systems, any amount of short range manpads and Baltic Air Police mission won't cut it to protect assets and cities from potential initial strike

              • 3 months ago

                An airforce can be disabled on the ground by saturation attacks or even very long range arty on the two airfields we have, going grippen and running a dispersed airforce would not really work as well due to lack of depth from russian PGMs (any point in lithuaaaaalmaoynia can be reached by the longer ranged versions)

                Spending a billion on an asset when there is a high change its going to be completely deleted by russian arty and TBM spam when you only have a two billion budged is not a sound investment. Better to invest in a shitload of manpads and mobile medium range sams, which is what seems to be happening.
                I hope that the air defense arm of the military finally gets some patriot batties, at least two to defend Kaunas and Vilnius from TBMs

                >.t Lithium

              • 3 months ago

                >gets some patriot batties
                We're getting NASAMS 3

          • 3 months ago

            This. Should have bought more M142s, PzH2000 and AD instead. If Russians started shit then we could just launch a barrage at Kaliningrad as retaliation

            • 3 months ago

              >we could just launch a barrage at Kaliningrad as retaliation
              >implying Russian government cares about Russian civillians

              • 3 months ago

                Who said anything about civilians? There's rusBlack person troops there. Any civilian casualties would be "accidental"

              • 3 months ago

                >implying Putin cares about Russian troops

                >progressive gays
                Thats the least relevant problem, atleast they are Lithuanian. Walk around in the streets and 70% of the languages you hear would be a form of slavic tongue: Russian, Belarussian, Ukrainian, Polish etc.

                Vilnius has become the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania once again

                Tai ką daryti su visais ruspyderiais Wilno? Šumą buvo užmetę, kad nori uždraust mažumų mokyklas. KODĖL JOS NX 30 METŲ EGZISTUOJA? Tegul išmoksta lietuviškai arba eina nx į savo pidoristaną. Ačiū Dievui, kad pas mus nėra bent taip blogai kaip Latvijoje ar Estijoje.

                Istorinės mažumos turi būt toleruojamos, nes kitaip gausis kaip su Jugoslavija ir bus sudarkyta valstybėe, bei regiono istorinė dvasia. O be to - elkis su kitu kaip norėtum, kad elgtųsi su tavimi. Jei norim, kad lietuviai galėtų būt lietuviais Seinuose, turim lenkam leist būt lenkais čia. Suauk, po paraliais.
                O ruspydariai sėdės tyliai, nes žino, kad niekur kitur pasauly rusai geriau negyvena, nei čia. O tiem keliem diedam, kurie šakosis, ateis paskutinioji.

              • 3 months ago

                Jei nori būt lietuvis - gyvenk Lietuvoje. Multikultūralizmas yra vėžys. Turi integruotis į visuomenę, kurioje gyveni. Gali savo tradicijas palaikyti namų aplinkoje. Tautinių mažumų mokyklos yra perdėtinė privilegija. Mokosi jose ir po to nemoka kalbėti lietuviškai gyvendami Lietuvoje.

              • 3 months ago

                >Istorinės mažumos turi būt toleruojamos, nes kitaip gausis kaip su Jugoslavija ir bus sudarkyta valstybė
                Jugoslavija nuo pat pradžių buvo sukurta kaip multikulti ir ji sužlugo nes ji buvo multikulti. Nėra nei vienos šalies pasaulyje kuri būtų multikulti, kur nedominuotu nors viena kultūra, ir ji sugebėtu išgyventi ilgai ir stabiliai.
                Lietuva, Lietuvos Respublika buvo sukurta lietuvių tautos. Lietuvių tauta yra jos pagrindas ir tikslas. Konstitucijoje tai yra konkrečiai apibrėžta, paskaityk. Niekur kitur pasaulyje lietuvis negali būti lietuviu, tik Lietuvoje.

                Daug daugiau valstybių mirė nuo multikulti vidinio sabotažo, negu nuo to, kad jose dominuodavo tik viena tauta.
                Jugoslavija yra pavyzdys kuris kaip tik paneigia tavo teiginius. Jie leido multikulti principams egzistuoti, Kosove jie leido vietiniams albanams plėstis ir valdyti tą teritorije. Prieš tai, Kosovas niekada nebuvo albaniškas, tai buvo grynai serbiškas regionas. Per laiką serbų populiacija buvo išstumta ir albanai persikraustė ten, po to nusprendė, kad jiems priklauso būti atskira valstybe. Tas pats per multikulti gali ir Vilniuje įvykti jeigu leistume multikulti karaliauti.

                >bei regiono istorinė dvasia

              • 3 months ago

                Stop dragging on the Vytis pipe, it's embarrasing. Vilnius is pretty goddamn Lithuanian, up there with any capital. You did it, you won, stop being an insecure tool. Every Slav I've spoken to in Vilnius knew Lithuanian (that's what I spoke). If you want a reality check, go to Riga.
                Living in Vilnius even the liberal lefties I speak to have it self-evident that everyone must know the language - it's ingrained in your society, in a good way.
                t. Latvis

              • 3 months ago

                I dont know if you read lithuanian or google translate fricked you over, but I have no idea what your response is about.
                Vilnius already was taken away. The more slavshits or foreigners are in a region, the bigger chance it will get taken away. Thats a plain fact.

              • 3 months ago

                I read and speak Lithuanian, I don't write due to not exactly being able to spell at this point. I understood what you said.
                Vilnius was taken away when it was pretty entirely Polish - ethnically, not historically - if you mean 1920. And it was still Polish in 1939, Smetana was literally afraid to go there after it was handed back by the Soviets.
                But it really isn't, the Lituanization has been almost insane. In my third year of living here, I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't speak Lithuanian in the city, in any context. Slav working class handymen all speak it - I had a conversation with a Polish car towtruck driver in Lithuanian where he was telling me how good it is I speak it & everyone should. It's surreal for me, in Riga he would be telling me how Russia is pretty decent & USSR was neat. Again, don't get me wrong, I grew up in Riga, I hate Russians with every fibre of my body, but the Slavmix here is very different & you have them under control, I see that every day.
                Vilnius district is pretty damn Polish, but Vilnius is large, prosperous, growing & Lithuanian. It's fine.

              • 3 months ago

                What you really mean to say is that its manageable.
                Riga and Talinn are not examples for us to aim for. And yes, capitals tend to be flooded with immigrants and whatever other homosexualry, all over the world.
                Vilnius was taken away. I am not going to argue with you about statistics, how those statistics were gathered and etc. Its a long and a boring conversation on nationality, history and reality.

                This conversation is completely aimless, you repeat your arguments, I repeat mine. You think its fine, I think its manageable and at any point can tip over.

                Look at prussians, the real prussians. Where the frick are they now? At the same time, russianization of Riga and Talinn or in general of Latvia and Estonia was much more effective than in Lithuania, because of resistance to it. And I mean literal resistance, the partisans would burn russian colonists homes and harass them.
                Lithuania is lucky in many aspects, but at the same time if we will just expect for that luck to secure a future for Lithuania, we will be doomed.

              • 3 months ago

                Besides, you met one, two, three, ten polacks that agree to integrate into the society? Great. I am glad for you. Too bad that the majority of them still support anti-lithuanian anti-republic tendencies.
                We have polish and russian minority parties united in a block led by a literal putin ass licker. Those same parties are funded by our ally, Poland, because they are interested in keeping their polish minority alive and kicking.

              • 3 months ago

                If you hate Wilno so much maybe we should have it back 🙂

              • 3 months ago

                how can they give it back to a "country" that spends more time not existing than existing
                they might as well give it to the germans or russians directly

              • 3 months ago

                Well, atleast you guys "got it back" in 1939 and Lithuania lived hapilly ever after 🙂

              • 3 months ago

                yes, we had such a horrible time
                good thing that nothing our good friends the poles didn't host any concentration or extermination camps where they'd kill of their israeli population under German supervision

      • 3 months ago

        >but they have NATO in the picture
        Trump ain't gonna do shit to help Lithuania and without the US NATO is basically useless. Estonia, Latvia and Poland will help for sure and maybe UK/Canada as well but the rest ain't gonna do shit. Look at how half ass'd the Ukraine aid from Western Europe is. And this current scenario only costs them money unlike Lithuania which'll cost blood. Not even two years in and most of them want to give Russia the win and carve up Ukraine. As always Western Europe sells out Central/Eastern Europe to Russia.

        • 3 months ago

          You're a special kind of moron, aren't you?

          • 3 months ago

            You have to be a special kind of moron to believe Nato will do anything.

        • 3 months ago

          >NATO helped a country that has no obligations to help
          >surely that mean west will abandon countries that is obligated to protect
          also that half ass'd aid made moron of europe stop a secound army of the world

          • 3 months ago

            >he thinks Russia needs to win to be a problem
            >he thinks Russia needs to take on the whole of NATO
            >he still hasn't realized that willpower is the main weakness of NATO
            >he thinks NATO will roll over Russia and not just minimize the damage because "muh escalation" and "muh nooks"
            Tards not taking this shit seriously is exactly how you end up caught with your pants down in a serious situation.

            • 3 months ago

              >russia attacks nato
              >within hours all russian boomers, strategic airfields, tels and silos are destroyed with conventional weapons
              That's what'll happen to 'muh nooks'*~~

    • 3 months ago

      Tbqhwy if Russia invades lithuania you will have massive air support from other nato countries so it's not that bad (but it's bad because every country needs a decent Air Force)

    • 3 months ago

      Ayo, what's the plan, generally? Estonians plan to hold the Peipus line, Latvians have a concept of stopping east of Riga at best, delay until then - North of Kiev scenario (which fricks the Estonian southern flank), but Vilnius is a bit exposed, yet you cannot exactly plan to not defend the capital. I don't think that infantry batallion in Kalnėnai will cut it.

      • 3 months ago

        >lithuanians not defending Vilnius
        I honestly have no idea how it would go, but its also impossible to just abandon Vilnius

        • 3 months ago

          Kind of my point. Big thoughts as I am about to buy real estate next to fricking Minsko plentas. Sure, the city makes it basically impossible to advance into the country, but also it's the fricking capital, seat of government & solid quarter of the population. And yet the Belarusian border is 40 minutes away.
          t. Latvian reservist

        • 3 months ago

          Kind of my point. Big thoughts as I am about to buy real estate next to fricking Minsko plentas. Sure, the city makes it basically impossible to advance into the country, but also it's the fricking capital, seat of government & solid quarter of the population. And yet the Belarusian border is 40 minutes away.
          t. Latvian reservist

          Unfortunately the least-worst option is to fortify Vilnius itself and purchase the nation-state equivalent of platinum home insurance policy so there's the equivalent of a Marshall Plan 2 ready to rebuild with. It's a more vexing version of the Seoul problem.

          • 3 months ago


            >lithuanians not defending Vilnius
            I honestly have no idea how it would go, but its also impossible to just abandon Vilnius

            Any other lietuvjbros want to chip in? Is Vilnius a write-off? Should I avoid buying in?

            • 3 months ago

              It is absolutely not a write-off. It's the capital and a city of 600000 people. Mariupol on steroids. Three months is plenty of time for NATO to wreck Russia.

            • 3 months ago

              Nobody is gonna choose to abandon the capital along with the most prosperous region + City in the country. Especially when the area around it is a good defensive location

              • 3 months ago

                Wilno is a shithole. Hope all the progressive gays get killed and capital returns to Kaunas

              • 3 months ago

                >progressive gays
                Thats the least relevant problem, atleast they are Lithuanian. Walk around in the streets and 70% of the languages you hear would be a form of slavic tongue: Russian, Belarussian, Ukrainian, Polish etc.

              • 3 months ago

                >slavic tongue: Russian, Belarussian, Ukrainian, Polish etc
                dont forget all those weird mixes between all those

              • 3 months ago

                Nahnahnah. Let Vilnius keep their capital hulabaloo. We're damn fine over here in Kaunas without all of their "official" bullshit.

              • 3 months ago

                Nahnahnah. Let Vilnius keep their capital hulabaloo. We're damn fine over here in Kaunas without all of their "official" bullshit.

                Stop with this division. Us city slickers need to be united least the provincial hicks decide to take over with their shitty loan-bought tracktors and agricultural produce that no one really needs anymore but we all pretend we do to not hurt their egos and feefees.

              • 3 months ago

                >kodėl turėtume palaikyti savo ekonomiką?
                Eik nx, miestpyderi.

              • 3 months ago

                Be kaimiechiu nebutu ir miestiechiu, taip, kad mandagiau reiktu, tamsta.

                Skaudi tiesa, kad kaimiečių nebereikia dabartinėje ekonomikoje.
                >B-bet maistas!
                Naxui man tavo bulvės ir pienas jei lenkiški produktai iš LIDL pigiau?
                >B-bet eksportas!
                Į Rusiją ir Baltarusiją? Veikė prieš porą metų, bet dabar vargiai.
                >Bet šalies ekonomika!
                Verslai miestuose duoda ženkliai daugiau naudos.
                >Bet kaimo gerbūvis!
                Gal ir būtų geras argumentas, bet tiesa ta, kad su naujais agregatais ne tiek daug ir reikia darbuotojų ūkiuose. Vis tiek už miesto ribų post-apokalipsinis kraštas su ant kelmo bambalius maukiančiais vaiduokliais - ūkių buvimas ar nebuvimas to nepakeis.

                Žinoma, situacija gali keistis ir ūkiai tapti vertingesni, bet nieks nesako, kad visi jie nubankrutuos ir išnyks, jei preis tokios "totalitarinės" reformos kaip... "gražink nupyzdintą pakelių žemę" ar "gerai vyrai, niekas jums nebeduos salerkos išmaldų".

                CAPTCHA: NX22

              • 3 months ago

                >Skaudi tiesa, kad kaimiečių nebereikia dabartinėje ekonomikoje.
                Tada liktu tik shikniai mieschionys, faking hipsteriai ir visokie kitokie baltarankiai skurdupeliai kur gyvenime kojines susilope nera, kai shudas trenkia i pushi tada jie nusimuilina ir tada reikia paprastiem zhmoneliam imtis kastuvo, taip sakant.
                >B-bet maistas!
                Mes eksportuojam savo ir importuojam kitu, bukena. Velgi - shudino scenarijaus atveju, nutrukus eksportui tektu tas pachias bulves ir kiaushinius ish musu kaimietuku pirkt, taip, kad neburnokit chia.
                >B-bet eksportas!
                Eksportuojam po visa Europa ir dar uzhatlanten. Velgi, neburbekit.
                >Bet šalies ekonomika!
                Ir ekonomikai gerai kaimiechiai ir strateginiam saugumui, nes, mol, retas kuris palaiko zhinias kaip artojaut, o kas paskui zhinias perduos?
                >Bet kaimo gerbūvis!
                Bliam, kaimiechiam netiek daug reikia, kad butu bent minimalus komfortas, deja nieks apie tai perdaug nemislina ko pasekoje kaimai ir merdeja. Blogai. Priedo tie pimpiai regioninese savivaldybese baisiai megsta pinigus sukisht i savo gimines verslus, nes niekas rimtai nezhiuri ir neprizhiuri. Kaiptais nera tokios institucijos kuri apisimtu tuo. O reiktu!
                >"gražink nupyzdintą pakelių žemę" ar "gerai vyrai, niekas jums nebeduos salerkos išmaldų".
                Reiks su kokium zhemdirbiu kada sugert, kad paaishketu kas ten pas juos per realijos, bet pagauk kad gudrus...

                CAPTHA: RYWKS
                Ka tai reishkia? Velnias zhino.

              • 3 months ago

                Kam jūs reikalingi miestpyderiai? Jūsų darbą gali pakeisti betkoks indusas. Su dabartinėm elektroninėm sistemom Lietuvoje yra tragedija. Kokius debilus dabar įleidžia į programavimą?
                Vienintelės vertingos zonos miestose yra industrijos. Kas iš tų visokių darbų centruose? Karo atveju jie beverčiai? Ką visokie pyderai hipsteriai darys?

              • 3 months ago

                Be kaimiechiu nebutu ir miestiechiu, taip, kad mandagiau reiktu, tamsta.

    • 3 months ago

      >The mere supply line for those tanks, maintenance, railways, roads.
      Solved by the fact that repair facilities fore Ukie Leos are already here and the fact that we'll be accommodating a German brigade anyway, so we'll have the infrastructure either way.

  12. 3 months ago

    Putin is very scared now

    • 3 months ago

      I mean, have you seen his table? Since 2020 that old c**t has been spooked by everything

  13. 3 months ago

    >ywn man the crow's nest with your crew of hearty tank-pirates

  14. 3 months ago

    Latvians are right now testing Korean K21-105 light tanks. If they buy them it will include partial domestic production like with Patria. Baltics should all join Poland and buy korean shit and produce it themselves.

    • 3 months ago

      Can you even call that a light tank? Thats an IFV with a 105mm cannon

      • 3 months ago

        tank alignment chart.jpg

      • 3 months ago

        Well they are planning on buying 200 K21 ifv as well so seems pretty good if they share a hull

    • 3 months ago

      >t. hanhwa employee
      This screenshot and some Korean news article is all I've seen of this claim.
      Our MOD is looking for new IFV's, but we'll probably just end up getting the licence for the Patria AMV as well and stick a 30mm turret on that then getting Korean IFV's (with a tank gun).

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >If they buy them it will include partial domestic production
      Ahh so just like the attempt to rugpull the polish?

  15. 3 months ago

    Labiausiai nepernešu tu pasidavėlių kurie vadina save lietuviais ir po to savo sostine tuo pat metu atiduoda visokiems šūdslaviams

    • 3 months ago

      Tai ką daryti su visais ruspyderiais Wilno? Šumą buvo užmetę, kad nori uždraust mažumų mokyklas. KODĖL JOS NX 30 METŲ EGZISTUOJA? Tegul išmoksta lietuviškai arba eina nx į savo pidoristaną. Ačiū Dievui, kad pas mus nėra bent taip blogai kaip Latvijoje ar Estijoje.

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