LGS stories - employee edition

LGS bros, post your stories about working at gun stores and the morons you deal with

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 12 months ago

    >phone rings
    >"Hi do you guys buy guns?"
    >"how much would you give me for a Glock 26?"
    >I'd have to see it but probably $250
    >"Ohhhhh I can't do that, I could probably sell it to someone for $500. Bye."
    >Meanwhile used 26's have sold on gunbroker for under $400.

    • 12 months ago

      I did recently start working at an LGS in CA. First time in the industry and it's about what I expected.
      It being California makes things difficult, but lucrative since there isn't as much competition.

      We get that a lot. Usually they'll sell anyway, but there's really no hard feelings if they go sell it privately instead. I'd rather they get more money back for their gun than have their used gun sitting in my case for months because we paid too much.

      Not an ployee but why the frick do you frickers feel obligated to have a conversation with me? I'm only here to pick up my gun, I don't care if you're fricking my girl. I don't want to hear none of that shit. Just do your job and let me pick up my gun in FRICKIN peace y'all c**ts!

      I try to chat people a little for a few reasons.
      1) Helps the day go by a little easier.
      2) Get a feel for what they might be interested in, which I can use to suggest an item they might want that they haven't noticed. I get a lot of sales this way.
      3) Helps suss out if something might be wrong and maybe this person can't pass a background check or shouldn't be in a gun store.
      If a customer isn't very talkative I tend to just focus on business. I understand that some people don't like to socialize, and that's perfectly fine too.


      You actually can't. There is paperwork and a background check involved at the minimum. A whole frickload more than that in my state.

      • 12 months ago

        Having sold guns in both CA and in a free state, I can say that holy shit the experience isn't even remotely comparable. Selling guns in a free state, even with the new laws that passed last year, is an absolute joy. Especially for new gun owners. I absolutely loved the chance to teach new people the basics of safety and find the perfect fit for them.

        Not an ployee but why the frick do you frickers feel obligated to have a conversation with me? I'm only here to pick up my gun, I don't care if you're fricking my girl. I don't want to hear none of that shit. Just do your job and let me pick up my gun in FRICKIN peace y'all c**ts!

        At least where I've worked, gun stores are almost more like bars than other retail outlets. Building relationships with long term customers and getting engaged with the local gun/hunting/training community was a huge benefit to the position. I've made some very solid friends over the years, selling them guns. And for those who clearly aren't interested in conversation, I leave them alone unless they have questions about products. Employees/salesmen who can't make this distinction don't last long.

        • 12 months ago

          >loved the chance to teach new people the basics of safety and find the perfect fit for them
          that's nice. I thought there be a stigma around not knowing the safety or safety on a gun.

        • 12 months ago

          I spend a lot of time teaching new owners here in CA, it's my favorite part of the job. We just get so busy that it's hard to give every newbie the full run down. I absolutely take my time if it's a slow enough day, but half the time we have a line out the door so I just cover the high points rather than the full Paul Harrell routine.


          >work in gun store in georgia
          >hunter fudd comes in
          >"all i know is rifles; needs me a pistol for bears"
          >looks at sccy 9mms-"will these work"
          >i recommend almost anything else; somehow his two choices settle on the sccy or a bond arms roughneck in .45acp
          >mfw he says he will take the purple and stainless sccy

          We try not to sell anything that cheap because it tends to scalp sales from guns that don't suck. Some people will buy the cheapest gun available even if it's a $5 difference for a gun that's 20x better. A different LGS (that closed down) used to sell Hi-Point C9s for $390 all day, and they sold a lot of them because their price on S&W SD9s was $400. They openly told customers that the C9 is dogshit and the SD9 is much better, but they'd still opt to save the $10 by buying dogshit. So in lieu of talking people out of it they made a huge profit margin on every C9 sold, which helped because about half the time they'd fail the background check and have to restock.

          I think it's crazy americans cant just order a gun online and have it shipped to their house, they have to go visit bubba at duh gun store and fill out a bunch of paperwork.

          T. canadian.

          Agree, I wish they could just get verified online and get the gun to their own door so they wouldn't have to bother us with their stupidity. The retail gun business would be slower, but it would still exist.

          This one makes me cringe to this day
          >young autist
          >go to newly opened gun store
          >they have tons of nagants on the wall
          >want to be fancy and get a square cut instead of round
          >as they're getting all the goods it comes with (ammo, bayonet, sling, pouches, etc.) I ask to see other guns
          >pick up hipoint pistol
          >feels cheap in my hand
          >rack slide, feels weird
          >"Is this plastic? It feels like it."
          >put the gun up to my mouth and run my teeth over the slide
          >immediately realize what I just did
          >old guy standing there looking at me in bewilderment
          >"Uh...I'm gonna go help get your things together."
          >leaves for the back room
          >people come out one at a time from the back room to glance at me
          >feel like an autistic moron
          >don't know what to do now
          >stand around pretending to look at stuff on their display racks
          >finally get my gun and accessories
          >they just hand it to me without a word
          >stand there for like 30 seconds waiting for them to say its ok for me to leave or something
          >felt like forever of them just staring at me
          >finally I just half smile and leave while looking down at the ground
          Holy frick do I cringe at this memory. Somehow grew out of being such an autistic moron though I still have my moments.

          Yeahhh if you put your mouth on a gun like a toddler you're going to be a human meme around our shop for about a week or two.

        • 12 months ago

          >gun stores are almost more like bars
          I recently found an indoor range that has hightop tables outside and people hanging out. I'm trying to make friends there, see if anyone wants a drink after.

          I always go to a bar to get a beer after shooting, because I always come away super relaxed. I think it's just generally about having to really concentrate on something that makes me feel that way.

          • 12 months ago

            Go to shooting matches. You'll never be ready for your first match, just go.

  2. 12 months ago

    Not an ployee but why the frick do you frickers feel obligated to have a conversation with me? I'm only here to pick up my gun, I don't care if you're fricking my girl. I don't want to hear none of that shit. Just do your job and let me pick up my gun in FRICKIN peace y'all c**ts!

    • 12 months ago

      I want to run your background check and get you out of the store ASAP

    • 12 months ago

      You forget that LGS employees are regular ass retail wagies. That's all they are. They're obligated to make the pretend happy small talk because we've taught from an economics standpoint for the last 100 years that it increases sales

    • 12 months ago

      I've got the opposite problem, except for two guys (one super based one just a nice guy) everyone at my LGS is a silent autist or a mexican who seems bored to be there and doesn't seem to know shit especially about long guns

    • 12 months ago

      Wear your autism hat next time

    • 12 months ago

      >he doesn't enjoy talking guns
      you are a homosexual

  3. 12 months ago


    You still gotta do your 4473 paperwork and shit, it's not instant. It's not like walking in for a donut. Although my local FFL knows me very well now so when I get there my 4473 is like 98% filled out fpr me with my info. They also call me when something comes in that they think I'd like. True homies.

  4. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      I don't get it. Is this American humour?

      • 12 months ago

        I understand that you’re a serf of the european union and are bred to be frightened by self-determination, but not every country is a clown state that fears its own people so much as to require an ID to buy fricking children’s cutlery.
        This is why nobody in the USA takes you silly c**ts seriously.

        • 12 months ago

          >falseflagging vatnik trying to divide America and Europe

          • 12 months ago

            >making fun of british cucks is a vatnik thing
            how fricking new can you be

            • 12 months ago

              just ignore the mindbroken war tourist.

          • 12 months ago

            >making fun of british cucks is a vatnik thing
            how fricking new can you be

            The answer is insanely new. Anyone pro Ukraine rn is a glowBlack person with jannys astroturfing anyone speaking out about this.

            • 12 months ago

              You don't want to die in East Europe for CP and corruption at home?

        • 12 months ago

          >clown state that fears its own people

          • 12 months ago

            Didn't rightoids just Black person out in the Capitol (and not accomplish anything) the same as the Black folk in Cleveland or Chicago like... IDK, a day before that fence went up?

          • 12 months ago

            The state fearing its people is based. It's the state being able to channel that fear into requiring you to provide ID for unsharpened bits of chinese pot metal that's unbased.

          • 12 months ago

            You talking about modern Germany?

            Or free speech laws in the UK?

            We have guns for this reason brother.

            It is one struggle against zionist occupation.

            Not just the USA, to liberate the West as a whole.

        • 12 months ago

          It's over bro

          You killed him, he's dead

          Have mercy on the Euros please

          They make good weapons for Americans

        • 12 months ago

          The UK is no longer part of the EU you fricking pleb.

        • 12 months ago

          its more two different types of fear. European governments fear their citizens like a King fears that his peasants may one day revolt, meanwhile the US government fears their citizens because the politician's neighbors could very easily go over and pop them in the head if said politician pisses him off enough. this is why Europe is much more restrictive than the JS

          • 12 months ago

            >US government knows they rule fat, slop-addicted and porn-addled goycattle that will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever do a goddamn thing

            • 12 months ago

              >>US government knows they rule fat, slop-addicted and porn-addled goycattle that will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever do a goddamn thi-ACK

  5. 12 months ago

    >guy looking at a Glock 20
    >talking with woman we presume is his wife
    >"Alright I'll take it. She's going to do the paperwork for it."
    >"And why is she going to do the paperwork?"
    >"Because I'm a felon."
    >"Well, that'd be a straw purchase, which is another felony for both of you "
    >"Oh, I thought straw purchases were legal in Idaho."
    >"Negative. Have a nice day."
    It was a stunning moment.

    • 12 months ago

      This will never not be cringe to me, but then again I say howdy despite being a northerner

      • 12 months ago

        Carpetbagger our culture is not your costume!!!

  6. 12 months ago

    >Be me
    >gunsmith at LGS
    >have a customer who collects movie/tv guns
    >he always has me clean them thoroughly for display
    >One day he comes in with James fricking Bond's Walther from Octopussy
    >Usual routine, clean it up for display
    >I start sperging out and humming (loudly) the Bond theme while corner checking with the Walther
    >boss comes around the corner and catches me
    >he just shakes his head, turns around and goes back to the sales floor

    Pic related is almost exactly the expression my boss had.

    • 12 months ago

      Should have given him a Bond-style finger gun.

    • 12 months ago

      Give his sister the ol' BondBurger

    • 12 months ago

      bomd burger his sister tonight

  7. 12 months ago

    >work in gun store in georgia
    >hunter fudd comes in
    >"all i know is rifles; needs me a pistol for bears"
    >looks at sccy 9mms-"will these work"
    >i recommend almost anything else; somehow his two choices settle on the sccy or a bond arms roughneck in .45acp
    >mfw he says he will take the purple and stainless sccy

    • 12 months ago

      >for bears
      >purple and stainless sccy

      He was asking for a pistol to keep big hairy men away from his twink bottom, anon.

    • 12 months ago

      That man is a dead man

  8. 12 months ago

    >get into work one day
    >pile of parts sitting on a table
    >recognize it as a completely detail stripped mg34
    >store owner told customer that I'd know how to put it back together
    best day ever

  9. 12 months ago

    >"Ayo man yall got any glock stendos?"
    >Why yes sir our stendo selection is on the wall there.
    >"Aye thanks man bix nood mufugga"
    >1 week later
    >"Awww man I bought a stendo from yall and it wan't the right one. I need one for a Sky Glock"
    >Sky Glock? Oh you mean this SCCY pistol?
    >"Aww yeah das it mane"
    >Oh sorry sir we do not carry stendos for SCCYs.

    • 12 months ago

      I worked at cabela's. There's a whole lot of shit, but I don't remember a whole lot to be honest. Here's one I remember because it was sort of dumb
      >18 year old comes in with dad.
      >They select the fine hi-point carbine off the Gun Library wall
      >Kid runs background check
      >Dad wants to buy it instead.
      >"Sorry, it's pretty obvious your just going to give it to your son. He's just delayed, come back in a bit he'll probably clear (Cabela's policy is no 3 day release though)
      >They throw massive shit fit and leave
      >Next day, more people come in to laugh at the hi-point (I don't hate, I personally own a c9 for lolz)
      >Older gentlemen comes in with his buddy and picks it out.
      >Paperwork input into the computer and about to submit to state police (Point of contact state), but the dude putting it in notices a familiar address.
      >Same address as kid that was delayed (and still delayed)
      >Tell the old guy that still "looks like straw purchase. Look, the kid ain't denied, just let the BGC run it's course."
      >Gramps ain't taking it and threw an even bigger shitfest. Swore to never shop here again.
      >A few days after. Another old dude comes into try to buy it
      >Library guy recognizes the old dude. Ask manager to check cameras and turns out it was the friend of the grand father's that was with him that day.
      >Although we could sell it, we still told him to take a hike.
      Sure, we technically could have sold it to the dad or grand dad if they marked the form as gift, but with the kid delayed, we weren't taking chances. We took the gun off the shelf for a while.

      I once got a phone call
      >Yes, what model you interested in
      I don't think he ever came in. Weird crank call i guess.

      • 12 months ago

        Dude frick people, most of them don't realize how fricked we can get if we go through with a straw purchase

        • 12 months ago

          A lot of people don't seem to know what straw purchases are. Just like

          >guy looking at a Glock 20
          >talking with woman we presume is his wife
          >"Alright I'll take it. She's going to do the paperwork for it."
          >"And why is she going to do the paperwork?"
          >"Because I'm a felon."
          >"Well, that'd be a straw purchase, which is another felony for both of you "
          >"Oh, I thought straw purchases were legal in Idaho."
          >"Negative. Have a nice day."
          It was a stunning moment.

          experience, people assume if someone else can buy a gun for them if they can't. I have to have the "don't lie for the other guy" card board display at the computer to input the 4473 (I think they fully use ipads now though) and tell them about straw purchases.
          The holidays are the worst.

          Another one I recall, and have picture
          >Huge uproar in back room
          >Go check it out
          >Someone trying to sell a fricking Colibri pistol with ammo (which technically should not be allowed in the building, but no one gave a shit in this instance)
          >Manager at the time was actually a decent human being, tried to argue with cooperate for a fair price, but regional manager wouldn't go over 2.5k
          >Manager told the guy the value (5-8K) and to go find an auction house.
          >Guy thanks him for his candor and leaves.
          >One of the employee offered him 3.5k cash, but dude politely declined.

          Eat shit wageslave.

          I worked at cabela's for 3 years. I've eaten more than enough shit I would think.

          • 12 months ago

            I don't know what happened lately but I've been getting a lot more attempts, we just started putting those "don't lie for the other guy“stuff out and plastered the front door with it.

            Eat shit wageslave.

            people like this is why I dread telling someone they have a delay or are denied because apparently it's my fault they got the status they have from NICS.

            • 12 months ago

              >people like this is why I dread telling someone they have a delay or are denied because apparently it's my fault they got the status they have from NICS.

              Yea you're pretty on the money and I guess dealing with the ones that believe it's somehow our fault kinda just sticks with me and pisses me off

              >Yea you're pretty on the money and I guess dealing with the ones that believe it's somehow our fault kinda just sticks with me and pisses me off
              In fairness to you not like this is a random population sample as I think about it. The odds of someone delayed/denied also being a shithead are probably much higher then in the average population, because whatever caused that NICS status is probably the result of their own shitty behavior. Not that there can't be genuine mistakes, some decent people are going to be surprised and have to sort it out, Known # exists for a reason name collisions does happen (bad fortune to have same or near same name as some criminal, although I had a funny non-k non-criminal experience with that too). But they'll just be embarrassed/confused and polite about it, and they aren't the majority. Majority of the time if NICS doesn't just go through it's for some reason.

              • 12 months ago

                Best guess: Stupid fricks let out over drug crimes because of covid/early release and domestic crimes because people were locked up during covid. that and the new wait period for under 21s. that and all subhumans now feel emboldened to try and obtain a gun.

                Actually I have a question now cause we have a regular that comes in every 3 weeks former gov worker FBI DOD the whole shebang. For every firearm he purchases he's getting a delay is there just an immediate delay for former gov workers or something?

              • 12 months ago

                Depends on what you did. I was Marine Corps with a secret clearance but my checks are instant. If you’ve had explosives or nuke training then your checks are probably under stricter scrutiny.
                Also if you have a common name then you’ll get longer checks too.

              • 12 months ago

                I don't know about Feds, but some of the cops that come through get delayed for a bit (less than a day) due to having a false address on their ID. I've only done one such transactions and the cop was expecting it.

            • 12 months ago

              Best guess: Stupid fricks let out over drug crimes because of covid/early release and domestic crimes because people were locked up during covid. that and the new wait period for under 21s. that and all subhumans now feel emboldened to try and obtain a gun.

            • 12 months ago

              Had one not long ago.
              >Daughter is 18, just got into trap shooting
              >Dad is going to buy her a winchester SXP for her first shotgun
              >adamant that it will be her gun, he is buying it for her as a gift
              >insists that she be the one to do the paperwork because it is her gun
              >inform them that because she is under 21, the law passed last year will give her an automatic delay for up to 10 business days
              >"oh, well then I'll just do the paperwork"
              >"you already said it was for her, and that she will be the owner of it"
              >"i'll use it though"
              >"what you are trying to do at this point is a straw purchase, and is a felony and could get our FFL revoked"
              >"oh, I see how it is. It'd be my gun though."
              >"no it wouldn't, you already said it would be her gun."
              >"the only thing worse than a liberal is a cowardly republican"
              >walks out

              homosexuals like this would rather I, who they have never met before, risk the only FFL within 50 miles and endanger the entire county's ability to buy firearms, so that his daughter can shoot a trap match two weeks earlier than she would otherwise. Aside from the small number of people like that though, almost everyone i've informed of a delay or a denial was cordial about it. 90% of the denials I ever had were overturned if they pursued overturning it.

              • 12 months ago

                bona-fide gifts are not a straw purchase and are legal

              • 12 months ago

                Technically yeah, if they had changed their mind for any reason other than to circumvent the delay, then it would have been fine. The entire point is that the guy started to lie. In the end, this is not like a felon straw purchase, but it fell within lying for the other guy none the less and most gun stores would CYA and tell them no.
                Like people have been saying, you can look at it for an outside perspective and see that certain requirements are nonsense, but gun stores have to follow the law and moronic rules. This is even more important now that the ATF will find any reason to revoke fist offense mistakes.

              • 12 months ago

                >This is even more important now that the ATF will find any reason to revoke fist offense mistakes.
                This is a big factor a lot of people haven't heard of and is still bubbling around. While sure it was always necessary to dot the i's and cross the t's formally speaking, there are 100% customers who will say, correctly, "well this was done before just a few years ago!". But it used to be that the ATF would only revoke over bad faith, over genuine frickups, stuff going to criminals, etc. Not innocent typos. Them going full letter of the law max enforcement has definitely had a chilling effect on anyone's willingness to touch any gray area, it's a subtle form of administrative anti-gun pressure that has mostly not made any headlines, but seeps through society.

              • 12 months ago

                >homosexuals like this would rather I, who they have never met before, risk the only FFL within 50 miles and endanger the entire county's ability to buy firearms, so that his daughter can shoot a trap match two weeks earlier than she would otherwise
                Seems a little harsh anon in this specific case. Not that you're wrong, and yes it'd be good if everyone could maintain their composure better. But unlike 99% of straw purchase efforts I can understand the disappointment and anger if you've got all hyped up and carefully researched a gift for your child and are super pumped that they (girl in this case even) have gotten into guns and this is going to be a big gift and positive moment, and then suddenly there is this seemingly arbitrary government bullshit two week delay? And not because of any NICS status or whatever? That'd be deflating as hell. Most of us would do our best to handle that with good grace, but I think that'd be a shitty feel. Also no doubt embarrassing right in front of his kid. Maybe they had plans already made to go out and shoot in the next week, and now rather then just a joyful day it turns into a lesson in gun regs.

                Which again doesn't excuse it or the sniping and I hope he felt bad about it later, but too bad he had to learn about a recent gun control law that way.

              • 12 months ago

                I have sympathy right up until he calls me a coward for not helping him and his daughter commit a felony to avoid an inconvenience. I explained to him as well as I could that it was not my choice, but that the way they had approached the transaction forced me to consider her the legal purchaser, and his attempt at doing the paperwork for her was an unlawful attempt at avoiding the legal process, no matter how much I or any other employee at the store disagrees with the process. It is simple entitlement to put your own convenience over the ability of an entire county to buy firearms without 2+ hours of travel round trip.

              • 12 months ago

                Boomers are the fricking worst. Just because I carry a gun doesn’t mean I suck GOP wiener and jerk off to Fox News

              • 12 months ago

                Who's wiener do you suck then?
                Ever tried being an adult?

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not disagreeing with you being mad, just that unlike some dindu with obvious record getting his bud or gf or whatever to transparently try to straw purchase and then get indignant this guy got unfairly fricked trying to do the right thing and wrongly took it out on you. I can still feel some sympathy though.

                I will grant that being a number of years out from frontline has made it a lot easier to look back on those days from a distance.

                Boomers are the fricking worst. Just because I carry a gun doesn’t mean I suck GOP wiener and jerk off to Fox News

                No argument with this (though these days guys bringing in their children are going to be gen x or younger in general).

              • 12 months ago

                >right up until he calls me a coward for not helping him and his daughter commit a felony to avoid an inconvenience.
                No felony was being committed.

              • 12 months ago

                Actually yes, It would be. If he gives it to his child, but marks the form for himself, then lying on the form. He can mark it as a gift, but he already stated after finding out about the delay that it was for him, so still lying on the form

                >"I am buying this gun for my daughter so that she can avoid doing a background check"
                They're avoiding the check to avoid the delay. Check both ID's to make sure the surnames match and better yet if the addresses match. She was going to do the background check until you said there'd be a delay. You should better advocate for your customers. I bet you lie to customers and say Taurus is just as good as Glock.

                Just because they are trying to circumvent the delay for an innocent reason, that doesn't mean its not a straw purchase. You can be an good advocate to your customer by telling them about the shitty laws being passed and what they can do to change it instead of teaching them how to skirt the moronic laws to make sale. People need to know that their ignorance and inaction is why shit like 21 or older for long guns is a thing.

              • 12 months ago

                >He can mark it as a gift
                There is nowhere on the form to note that the gun is a gift.
                >but he already stated after finding out about the delay that it was for him, so still lying on the form
                The form asks if you're the purchaser of the firearm, and right after it asks if you're purchasing for the purpose of disposition to anyone in sections c thru whatever (i.e. anyone who can't own a firearm.) At no point will an ATF auditor come in, see the 4473 with this dude's name on it, and ask "did this guy buy this gun for his daughter who would otherwise have had a delay on her check?"
                >Just because they are trying to circumvent the delay for an innocent reason, that doesn't mean its not a straw purchase.
                IT. IS. NOT. A. STRAW. PURCHASE.
                You posted, verbatim:
                >inform them that because she is under 21, the law passed last year will give her an automatic delay for up to 10 business days
                >"oh, well then I'll just do the paperwork"
                >"you already said it was for her, and that she will be the owner of it"
                >"i'll use it though"
                >"what you are trying to do at this point is a straw purchase, and is a felony and could get our FFL revoked"
                You fricked up when you made a big deal out of nothing. What you should have explained was "Oh, well yeah it's perfectly legal for you to fill out the form, then legally gift it to your daughter" as in inform your clientele.
                He initiated a """straw""" purchase because you misinformed him. You're an absolute fudd. I bet you're former LEO too.

              • 12 months ago

                You aren't arguing with one person and you don't understand the law. Trying to buy a gun for someone else because they won't pass a background check (immediately or otherwise) is unlawful, plain and simple. You don't have to accept this, but if you get caught selling a gun as an FFL this way, you are jeopardizing the FFL. It doesn't matter if the chance is low that the ATF will catch it, and the fact that you point this out seems to indicate that you actually do know that it would have been against the law, but you're being a contrarian homosexual.

              • 12 months ago

                >Trying to buy a gun for someone else because they won't pass a background check (immediately or otherwise) is unlawful
                buying a gun for your child who can legally own a firearm is not unlawful

              • 12 months ago

                If you do it so that they can avoid the background check, it is. Doesn't matter if they would pass the background check, the intent is what matters.

              • 12 months ago

                >If you do it so that they can avoid the background check
                they don't have to do the background check, their parent is buying it for them

              • 12 months ago

                Did you even read the argument that is being had here? We are not discussing if a parent giving to a child is a straw purchase, it's whether the parent doing the it to avoid the mandatory delay imposed on the 18 year old by the state is a straw purchase.

              • 12 months ago

                >Be dad
                >order gun off PSA for daughter
                >go to FFL to pick up gun
                >fill out form
                >"Oh dude this gun is for your daughter right?"
                >How did they know
                >I've been found out
                >turn 360 degrees and leave the store

              • 12 months ago

                >If you do it so that they can avoid the background check
                they don't have to do the background check, their parent is buying it for them

                A straw purchase is an illegal firearm purchase where the actual buyer of the gun, being unable to pass the required federal background check or desiring to not have his or her name associated with the transaction, uses a proxy buyer who can pass the required background check to purchase the firearm for him/her. It is highly illegal and punishable by a $250,000 fine and 15 years in prison.

                >or desiring to not have his or her name associated with the transaction, uses a proxy buyer who can pass the required background check to purchase the firearm for him/her.
                Like it or not but you are wrong and this is how the law has been applied for decades.

              • 12 months ago

                First of all I am not the original guy who posted the story.

                page 4 specifically brings up gifts in relation to question 21. Without context, one would assume that the kid was going to pay herself at first. If you've seen the straw purchase training you'd probably even recommend the dad buy a gift card for the kid to make it extra kosher if he was going to pay for it.

                >and what they can do to change it instead of teaching them how to skirt the moronic laws to make sale.
                there was no skirting.

                yes there was

                He was right to leave, hope he found better store that wasn't run by a complete gay

                And that's fine as long as he didn't try to make the gun store complicit in his lie.

                >You can be an good advocate to your customer by telling them about the shitty laws being passed and what they can do to change it instead of teaching them how to skirt the moronic laws to make sale. People need to know that their ignorance and inaction is why shit like 21 or older for long guns is a thing.
                No, you advocate for your customers by sparing them as much headache as possible and get a gun in their arms as quickly as possible. You have to create more gun owners to fight anti-gun laws. In no way was selling that man a gun to give his daughter illegal. "Straw purchase" didn't even need to leave your mouth. You absolutely need to know the laws and legality of gun transfers and after you know them, you need to *legally* skirt around them.

                You don't need to be a gun owner to fight anti gun laws. The seller was absolutely in the right to educate on straw purchases. Him giving the gun to her afterward was not illegal, it was him changing his tune to the seller once he realized that was an issue with her just running the background check and trying to avoid it that was the issue.

                Look, in the end, yeah, there was nothing morally wrong with just making the sale, but the law is dumb. Definition of straw purchase is dumb. You don't want to believe that it was a straw purchase? Fine, you do you and if you work at a gun store, sell to who you want. The poster in this case did nothing wrong by using his discretion in determining this was a straw purchase.

              • 12 months ago

                You know what, i take it back. I did frick up on the gift part on the form. I guess I was hung up on the discussion and conflated the example in the expiation pages.

              • 12 months ago

                >And that's fine as long as he didn't try to make the gun store complicit in his lie.
                You have no say in the matter, frickin dweeb

              • 12 months ago

                >Be me
                >go to GameStop
                >"One GTA V please!"
                >"Sorry, you're not 17 you can't buy it"
                >Mom: "Oh I'm his mother I'll buy it for him"
                >"Ummmmmm, ackshully that's a straw purchase and I can't sell it to you either. Frick you lmao."

              • 12 months ago

                The ESRB rating is not regulated by the government and gamestop isn't obligated to actually follow it.
                That be like those people who argue for gun insurance because cars have them. Totally apple to oranges.

              • 12 months ago

                >a gun is a video game
                ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

              • 12 months ago

                Power-tripping wagies are infinitely worse than Karens.

              • 12 months ago

                >and what they can do to change it instead of teaching them how to skirt the moronic laws to make sale.
                there was no skirting.

              • 12 months ago

                He was right to leave, hope he found better store that wasn't run by a complete gay

              • 12 months ago

                >You can be an good advocate to your customer by telling them about the shitty laws being passed and what they can do to change it instead of teaching them how to skirt the moronic laws to make sale. People need to know that their ignorance and inaction is why shit like 21 or older for long guns is a thing.
                No, you advocate for your customers by sparing them as much headache as possible and get a gun in their arms as quickly as possible. You have to create more gun owners to fight anti-gun laws. In no way was selling that man a gun to give his daughter illegal. "Straw purchase" didn't even need to leave your mouth. You absolutely need to know the laws and legality of gun transfers and after you know them, you need to *legally* skirt around them.

              • 12 months ago

                they just don't understand the law. It's not really your fault. They're just being moronic. If he would have just said it's her gun and had her fill out the form and wait she would have had the gun. If people would stay up to date and pay attention when gay shit like that gets passed into law we wouldn't even have these dumbass laws.
                >the only thing worse than a Republican is a moronic Republican who doesn't play as dirty as the Dems do

              • 12 months ago

                It was 100% legal to transfer the gun to them. Like they can straight up say to your face "I am buying this gun for my daughter" and you can do it. I sell handguns to parents to give to their 18 year olds to carry. You're just a giant homosexual.

              • 12 months ago

                "I am buying this gun for my daughter so that she can avoid doing a background check"
                is a lot different than
                "I am buying this gun for my 18 year old to carry which is legal"

                If you don't understand the difference you are a massive liability to your FFL holder.

              • 12 months ago

                >"I am buying this gun for my daughter so that she can avoid doing a background check"
                They're avoiding the check to avoid the delay. Check both ID's to make sure the surnames match and better yet if the addresses match. She was going to do the background check until you said there'd be a delay. You should better advocate for your customers. I bet you lie to customers and say Taurus is just as good as Glock.

              • 12 months ago

                >inform them that because she is under 21, the law passed last year will give her an automatic delay for up to 10 business days
                What truly marks you as a homosexual is how you brought this up in a seemingly helpful way just to completely 180 and act as if he’s making a straw purchase. Sure she would’ve been delayed IF she filled it out but she didn’t and you’re basing every argument as if she did. Every law points to the scenario being perfectly fine if the father simply filled out the paperwork and even payed for it and sure there are some insane “what ifs” that could’ve put your store at risk but it sounds like you chose a bad hill to die on in that situation and lost a customer over it, and for good reason.

              • 12 months ago

                you don't understand the law, have never had to deal with the atf, and probably don't have any guns, let alone sell them.

              • 12 months ago

                I understand the law perfectly and yeah from a business perspective it makes sense for what they did but oh a human level they were going above and beyond to frick up someone’s day to cover their ass for the astronomically small chance that some bad outcome could’ve happened be it they followed through with the transaction. Indeed a homosexual.

              • 12 months ago

                In this instance, you're in the wrong. I'm glad that guy pointed out how much of a homosexual coward you are, I love how you remember, it must have stung when you heard it because it's true and you will never forget his words.

              • 12 months ago

                You should blame your laws, not your clients.
                That could, and you know it, be a legitimate sell because why the frick Dad wouldn't have a gun for himself?
                But the government screwed you up on this one. Many such cases I guess.

              • 12 months ago

                Hell yeah brother fight the power, frick capitalist pigs who expect them to do things for you at your job
                I'm a fellow enslaved worker in the soulless capitalist machine and I make a point of spitting in everyone's food to let them know how much I hate them taking up my valiable jerking off and crying time
                #Socialism #Resist

          • 12 months ago

            wow, that's wild. Do you know if it was a 2, 3 or 4mm model? Not that it really matters isn't like, 1000 of them ever produced in history? Probably worth even more now.

            • 12 months ago

              I don't know any of the detail. I just looked at the gun and stayed for part of the discussion.

              Had this come in and sit for ages due to a broken firing pin. Apparently someone had it transferred in from a different store knowing it was broken, but wanted us to get a hold of the part for him before sale. Fair, but man that shit sat for months since FN was so slow.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm actually kinda gonna defend customers on this one, at least until informed once (if they ignore that then frick them). No, they don't realize. Why would they? Some stuff is obvious safety, if somebody is flagging people or whatever and gets thrown out they may throw a shitfit but sensible people can reason from common sense why places wouldn't tolerate that. But most people, not unreasonably, find the law a confusing and arbitrary morass in many cases, where some stuff that seems a bit sketchy has huge penalties and some stuff that seems kinda sketchy is a wrist slap, if it's even ever enforced, with no particular rhyme or reason. Customers aren't FFLs in general and will have zero idea of regs there, and then worse on top there is all kinds of fuddlore about how LGS deny people based on personal whims or some shit.

          I find a lot of folks do at least understand vaguely there is lots of government in guns, and saying "whether it makes sense or not they will ream us on this, we don't make the rules" is good enough. Granted, in a sizable chunk of cases dumbshits will yell at the business even if told and pointed that it's a government rule.

          • 12 months ago

            Yea you're pretty on the money and I guess dealing with the ones that believe it's somehow our fault kinda just sticks with me and pisses me off

      • 12 months ago

        Eat shit wageslave.

        • 12 months ago

          >Eat shit wageslave.
          Nah we're going to go enjoy shooting our guns, or maybe purchasing some new ones with our wages. Why don't you do that as wel- oh right, no guns for you :^).

          • 12 months ago

            I have half a dozen guns and don't work. Just a counterpoint to your superiority posting

            • 12 months ago

              I worked for 13 years after college. I invested everything I could. Real estate, dividend stocks, you name it. Now I’m 38 and live with 100% passive income. My fricking self directed HSA has properties in it and grows about 30k a year. Ya got sold a lie. Frick squeaking by your entire life undignified, just to land gracelessly at death with no real life lived.

              • 12 months ago

                >things that didnt happen

              • 12 months ago

                You will never ever understand. The rules are laid out, and its easy if you don’t have a room temperature iq. re you afraid? Why do you chose not to play the game? Shameful.

        • 12 months ago

          Black person

      • 12 months ago

        frick em kid was probably autistic anyway

      • 12 months ago

        Should have said “no were a gun store, we don’t have any cats”

      • 12 months ago

        Good decision from everyone at the store. as you said it could have been as a gift but it is clear from their antics that they were straw purchasing which could mean they were criminals or even worse moronic

        • 12 months ago

          that one is the funniest one in this thread because they sent multiple people to try and buy the same gun thinking the gun clerks are moronic lol

  10. 12 months ago

    I used to work at a gun club in Central Florida, so I have plenty of stories. I am also open to answering questions.

    >be at the front desk
    >two tall black guys and their bimbo-looking partners come in
    >they have their own firearms (including an ar covered in more plastic then the two women) and want to rent
    >I check their ammo, and they buy some 9mm to shoot in one of our rentals
    >after they get on the range, I am told the two gentleman are baseball players for Tampa Bay

    30 minutes later:

    >one of my coworkers asks me to go in the rifle range, a costumer needs help and I know more about rifles then her
    >Go to the range and see that it the baseball players need help
    >”my rifle is not loading the bullets”
    >check the rifle
    >rifle is fine
    >check the magazine
    >he loaded the 9mm rounds into his 5.56 pmag
    >the rounds stacked correctly, but he has a few lose in the magazine as well (pic is a quick mockup of what I saw)
    >tell him he needs 5.56 and they go on their way

    • 12 months ago

      Here’s another one of customer stupidity:

      >be standing behind the front desk with one of the assistant managers, I just start working here six months prior
      >two older women come in and want to shoot
      >they have their own firearm (a sig p938) but they are out of practice
      >they show me the gun, but want me to go over the basics again
      > “alright, you first want to pull back the slide and check that the gun is empty”
      >tell them they need to pull back to slide
      >one of the women, who looks like a female version of Steven Bannon, tries and struggles to pull back the slide
      >she is is pointing the muzzle at me, safety off and finger on the trigger
      >I look to the assistant manager for help, as I am still not quite sure what I should do in the situation
      >he is talking to his girlfriend
      >I tell her to put the gun down, then discover there was a round in the chamber

      And that’s why I started wearing body armor at work.

      • 12 months ago

        This is probably one of my favorites:

        >working at the gun store
        >a couple and their adult son come in to shoot
        >after they get on the pistol range, one of my coworkers looks kind of smug and tells me to come over
        >”hey anon, do you know who’s on the range right now?”
        >he shows me this famous video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vfONckOPyaI
        >he used his fricking DEA badge to qualify for our free range time for LEOs and veterans

        I take over the front desk while my colleague gets lunch

        >this guy’s sone comes out and wants to buy ammo
        >“what kind of ammo do you need?”
        >“can I get four boxes of .40?”
        >sell the ammo

        About an hour later they pack up and check out. While I was checking them out, this guy shows me his DEA badge. He was honestly a very soft spoken and laid back guy, it was just amazing I got to meet him in person.

        • 12 months ago

          Lol. Presumably he got real serious about safety after that.

        • 12 months ago

          That’s one of the funniest videos of all time. Cops are inherently cheap.

          Depends on what you did. I was Marine Corps with a secret clearance but my checks are instant. If you’ve had explosives or nuke training then your checks are probably under stricter scrutiny.
          Also if you have a common name then you’ll get longer checks too.

          I’m a former fedgay (TS/SCI) and was a CBRNE guy, my checks always come back quick, never had any hiccups.

          I don't know about Feds, but some of the cops that come through get delayed for a bit (less than a day) due to having a false address on their ID. I've only done one such transactions and the cop was expecting it.

          I worked with a guy who was in a crash and turned out his DL expired ages ago and he must have figured he was exempt from such commoner requirements.

          Is anyone here familiar with selling a firearm or ammunition to a Canadian? From what i understand there is a process but I'm not sure where to start looking.

          If you want to buy a gun while you are in the US for use in the US you can under certain circumstances. I don't recall off the top of my head, but you'd need to have a valid hunting license or be here on certain visas or have a green card. You do need proof of residence in addition to your primary ID, which would be your passport. The store I worked at actually had a flow chart.
          If you want to take it back to Canada, then the export process applies.

          If you're in the US on a non-immigrant visa you have to get a hunting license in the state you are purchasing the gun in. If you want to take it back to Canada with you, I'd have no idea.

          No hunting license needed in SC (she’s a huge animal lover)

          My ex is Canadian (lives here), she bought a rifle no problem with her DL. She was gonna buy a handgun butBut it had expired and there was some delay with renewing her visa so it was like one was delaying the other. She said she only needed the DL to buy.

          • 12 months ago

            >My ex is Canadian (lives here), she bought a rifle no problem with her DL. She was gonna buy a handgun butBut it had expired and there was some delay with renewing her visa so it was like one was delaying the other. She said she only needed the DL to buy.
            Sounds like she is here on an immigrant visa. The hunting license is only required for non-immigrant visas i.e. tourism/business, and there are other exemptions that are very uncommon like being law enforcement from another country invited to the US for law enforcement purposes, or being the guard of an embassy or shit like that.

            • 12 months ago

              She'd still need an I94 at the very least I would think.

            • 12 months ago

              No she is a lawful permanent resident, was married to an American but never applied for citizenship. Interesting about the exception cases you mentioned.

          • 12 months ago

            >one of the funniest videos of all time
            NDs are a dime a dozen at this point, but to ND while literally saying, "I'm the only one professional enough to handle this gun" - that's the kind of shit that makes me think we live in a simulation.

            That's the firearm equivalent of the Joseph Ismay saying "Titanic is unsinkable" right before it sinks.

            • 12 months ago

              The irony and guaranteed impending frick up is the best.

    • 12 months ago

      Funny yet also genuinely kind of astonishing. Like, I genuinely can't comprehend the mind that would do that. How do they get through life? Have they suffered brain damage? I mean obviously, they do get through life, they made it to adulthood and into your store, but damn.


      Here’s another one of customer stupidity:

      >be standing behind the front desk with one of the assistant managers, I just start working here six months prior
      >two older women come in and want to shoot
      >they have their own firearm (a sig p938) but they are out of practice
      >they show me the gun, but want me to go over the basics again
      > “alright, you first want to pull back the slide and check that the gun is empty”
      >tell them they need to pull back to slide
      >one of the women, who looks like a female version of Steven Bannon, tries and struggles to pull back the slide
      >she is is pointing the muzzle at me, safety off and finger on the trigger
      >I look to the assistant manager for help, as I am still not quite sure what I should do in the situation
      >he is talking to his girlfriend
      >I tell her to put the gun down, then discover there was a round in the chamber

      And that’s why I started wearing body armor at work.

      Yeah holy shit. I want to say I'd have immediately rushed to hit her arm out of the way or something but that might actually have caused her to shoot. Guess you really have to be vigilant from the instant they even get out the gun, if their finger is on the trigger as it comes out or starts pointing anywhere but down range stop them. In fact really just have them face away from you entirely.

      • 12 months ago

        Never heard of Blacks before?

        • 12 months ago

          >Never heard of Blacks before?
          I live in northern new england.

          • 12 months ago

            Think a Paki, only instead of durking to Allah and stabbing/raping you, they call you racist and stab/rape you.

            • 12 months ago

              >North England
              >north New England

          • 12 months ago

            Imagine Puerto Ricans getting somehow worse.

    • 12 months ago

      East Orange? I worked there back in the day.

      • 12 months ago

        I worked at that location a few times in 2018-2020, used to shoot there a lot between 2014-2016. I worked mostly at the Ocoee location.

    • 12 months ago

      How recent was this? Because they sound BJ Upton stupid, but he hasn't been in baseball in about a decade

      • 12 months ago

        Around 2018

        • 12 months ago

          Probably Mallex Smith

  11. 12 months ago

    I bought a gun at an lgs and then bought another one like half a year later and they didn't make me wait the 3 days like I have with other guns. Do they trust me now?

    • 12 months ago

      there is zero logic to NICS. You can literally make somebody up and they can get approved.
      Sometimes you get delays or long checks, then suddenly you get instant approvals. Don't think to hard about it.

  12. 12 months ago

    How is it possible that everyone in this thread has a specialized long gun store (LGS) near them? I’ve not once in my life seen one. My area only has ordinary gun stores with an assortment of rifles, shotguns, handgun, etc.

    • 12 months ago

      Are you disappointed that no one thought your joke was funny?

      • 12 months ago

        I chuckled at it. Stop being joyless

    • 12 months ago

      gr8 b8 m8

  13. 12 months ago

    You can take your pick of the stories
    >Boomer with 1911 and even more terminal moronation
    >third party gunsmith with an mg34
    >zoomer that fricked his hand with his hakim

    • 12 months ago


      Please elaborate.

  14. 12 months ago

    Story 1
    >Old guy comes in with a cane and a fenthead accomplice
    >says he came into a bunch of money recently and wants us to be his gun guys
    >starts telling me a long story about how dangerous his neighborhood is about how he and his special forces buddies put boots to Black person asses
    >he wants to buy a used G3C
    >I say ok
    >We go to start some paperwork
    >he hands me old Ohio DL I've never seen before with holes punched in it
    >I say we can't sell him a gun
    >he pleads with us to cut him a break, meet him in the middle or something
    >We say dude we legally can't sell you a gun, wtf is up with this DL
    >he actually pissed himself without knowing, he has some spinal injury or something and must be incontinent. Giant piss stain going down his leg
    >him and his fenthead buddy leave
    >they call again asking about the gun, we say we sold it
    Story 2 which is Bethesda radiant quest that happens all the time
    >melanated gentleman walks in
    >"Ayo man is dat a draco?"
    >it sure is
    >"aw man I'ma be back fo dat, yessir"
    >they're never to be seen again

    • 12 months ago

      Holes punched in a license means it's been surrendered, usually when switching to a new one. AKA invalid.

    • 12 months ago

      Speaking of I just recalled this one
      >Dude tries to buy handgun.
      >See ID "Sorry sir, I can't sell you a handgun since you are from out of state. (If this was a rare gun, I would then offer to ship it to an FFL, but this was just some run of the mill gun IIRC).
      >Dude loses his shit saying that he's bought guns here before.
      >Yes sir, you did, but you purchased long guns.
      >Try to explain the law and that if he had something to prove his instate residence, we could sell to him
      >Few weeks later, dude comes back with a brand new state ID
      >Uses his long term hotel as his residence. Whatever, I'll let the cops determine if the address is kosher.
      >Check his 4473 and his ID.
      >I'm sorry, but I can't process your purchase since your ID doesn't match your 4473
      >Point out the discrepancy.
      >ID lists him as female
      >He completely loses his shit at me
      >Never saw him again.

      • 12 months ago

        This is definitely a source of confusion and weirdness with firearms purchases I see a fair amount. Normally with purchases, even stuff like medications, state law of the location governs. And lots of people have had experiences of getting to skate buy some of this, like with fireworks purchases, where yeah technically they're supposed to only sell if you're going to a state where it was legal but in practice it was way, way more slack then guns last time I looked.

        Best guess: Stupid fricks let out over drug crimes because of covid/early release and domestic crimes because people were locked up during covid. that and the new wait period for under 21s. that and all subhumans now feel emboldened to try and obtain a gun.

        Reasonable theory. A lot of people also don't understand that something being legal under state law doesn't automatically make it legal under federal law, and fed law can matter in firearms. I've seen this in Form 1s/Form 4s.
        >Have you used drugs?
        >wait what do you mean im denied it's legal!?

        • 12 months ago

          To be fair, federal drug bans are unconstitutional.

          • 12 months ago

            >federal drug bans are unconstitutional.
            Untrue, thats only drugs that are used for religious purposes, and exceptions were already in place for those

            • 12 months ago

              People have a right to persue happiness, they made up the tax loophole (later used to infringe on gun rights) to prohibit them.

              • 12 months ago

                >equating happiness with pleasure
                reddit moment

    • 12 months ago

      >Bethesda radiant quest that happens all the time
      Kek. Made me chuckle

    • 12 months ago

      A well written post deserves a (you)

  15. 12 months ago

    Worst I've had it being told my gun is ready and then going in and their system is down so I can't finalize the digital paperwork

    Sucked but I got the gun without issue

  16. 12 months ago

    Couple stories I did not firsthand witness but which were relayed to me by the owner and employees of my regular gun store:

    >early 2000s in VT
    >smoking ban for all public places just passed
    >the owner of this store is always puffing on fat cigars
    >Howard Dean, the governor of VT who had just passed the smoking bill, walks in to the store to have his overpriced hunting rifle worked on
    >owner is puffing a big cigar and waits on him
    >Dean says not a fricking word about the cigar the entire time
    >Returns to pick up his rifle, again says not a word about the cigars

    >Just after Sandy Vagooter theatrics
    >older lady walks in, asks to see some "assault rifles"
    >owner explains they have no assault rifles but they have a wide variety of semi-automatic sporting rifles, asks which she is interested in
    >"I just want to see which rifle killed all those people"
    >Owner replies, "you know what, get the frick out of my store."
    >Everyone in the store starts clapping and cheering
    >Lady exits

    Hardly a story but when I was 18 or 19 I called that store to purchase a specific handgun (not my first or second), they had it, asked my name, I told them my name but said my dad would buy it
    >why is he buying it and not you?
    Because I'm under 21
    >Oh okay that's fine, just wanted to make sure it's not a straw man transaction

    It's legal to be in possession of a handgun under 21 but not to buy one.

    • 12 months ago

      Parros? Though there is definitely some differences in enforcement/care for stuff like that in like chittenden vs rest of the state.

      And yeah despite depressing downgrades in gun law, totally fine to get whatever guns for your kids still, it's just you have to get them yourself.

      • 12 months ago

        No, but I once called them and asked if they sell handcuffs and they (in not so many words) told me to go frick myself.

    • 12 months ago

      >Howard Dean story
      Yo what was the rifle? As a fellow VT anon def curious to know what he was using.

      • 12 months ago

        >Yo what was the rifle? As a fellow VT anon def curious to know what he was using.
        Same, kinda curious. I'm worried about whoever comes next for Governor. We've had a good run, democrats who were still gun owners and not extreme left on the issue, republicans who were/are more old school decent conservative types, can muster bipartisan support, not radicals who relegate themselves to losing all of the time and in turn being completely incapable of serving as useful opposition. I hate how the state GOP is so committed to committing suicide for national posturing, we're an ultra tiny ass irrelevant state on the national stage outside maybe of the Senate. Focus of state party should be on the state not whatever stupid shit is going on on other side of the country.

        • 12 months ago

          The death knell for VT was Phil Scott allowing the magazine capacity ban. That was utterly moronic. I've escaped to NH now but can't believe he signed that garbage into law. First of the thousand cuts to ruin, unfortunately.

          • 12 months ago

            Suppressors got fully legalized though, going the opposite way, and proggies wanted, and want, to go way farther. And Vermont is a "liberal" state though in an non-uniform way. There was full grandfathering. I hate that it happened but there was a solid chance of an override with a total veto and even worse measures getting in. I don't know if he didn't make the best of a bad hand given the mood at the time.

            Again, this is where it'd help a lot if the state GOP didn't follow the stupid national trends and thus remained somewhat competitive and was actually able to back up the governor. They don't need a majority, just to keep the true far left from ending up with a super majority as happened last election. Culture war BS from flatlander country isn't going to protect gun rights. Like the POTUS, if the opposition just flat out has 2/3+ of both chambers what is governor supposed to be do about that?

            I love NH too but I'm not taking anything for granted there either, gave up an old family place on Lake Winnipesaukee as whole area has been flooded with mass, kept old place up in Coos county which is still great. But even there signs of pressure exist. Global warming is going to hurt us, the cold kept away both ticks and flatlanders.

            • 12 months ago

              >Suppressors got fully legalized though
              that's an amazing accomplishment man, good on ya. It's great to have rights that other states have already had. Great progress man!

              • 12 months ago

                >It's great to have rights that other states have already had
                Yes? Same as it's good so many states have constitutional carry that VT had back when nobody else in the country did.
                >Great progress man!
                More like 1 step forward 1 back, but significant nonetheless and better then just losing completely. I wish cans/sbrs weren't on the NFA at all but I'm happy to have them now.

    • 12 months ago

      >Howard Dean
      Was that the guy that killed his campaign going "EEYAAAA!" were going all the way to Washington!!!! YAAAAA!

      • 12 months ago

        >I love lesbians! BYAAAAAAWWW

    • 12 months ago

      >I just want to see which rifle killed all those people"
      replies, "you know what, get the frick out of my store."

    • 12 months ago

      It’s not as common, but I still bump into the odd Karen that goes on about AR15s and it’s always hilarious. They literally spit verbatim whatever they hear on the news.
      >they’re weapons of war
      >I just don’t think anyone should have *blank*
      >leading cause of death for youth
      >thinks 1k ammo is an crazy man’s arsenal
      Most of the time I’m actually able to sway their opinion a little, but they always stick to their guns(figuratively) and vote blue.

    • 12 months ago

      >>"I just want to see which rifle killed all those people"
      This is so autistic. What was her motivation here? i genuinely can't figure it out.

      • 12 months ago

        >applying logic to a female

    • 12 months ago

      >Everyone in the store starts clapping and cheering
      And that lady's name? Albert Einstein

  17. 12 months ago

    Ooh, I just remember this one co-worker. SF liberal, moved because couldn't afford to live there anymore and got a job at cabela's selling guns because she couldn't find a job else where.

    >Right after Vegas shooting
    >She declares that she refuses to process any AR or AK transactions.
    >Amendment is all "We respect your political views" and all that shit.
    >We stick her on doing AR lowers all day becuase dumb b***h doesn't know any better. She was more than happy to process all of them.

    b***h also had the gall to tell a wife of a customer to fricking red flag him (before red flag laws were a thing though) since he came in to buy an AR and two cases of ammo.

    Would always act all high and mighty, judging people by how they dress and how they speak. She seemed to like me since I was a prim and proper Asian or someshit in her eyes. One of the library guys would always get into shit flining with her as she was also anti hunting and he would flaunt his safari hunts in front of her.

    b***h left after a year, Thank god. Don't have any picture of here, but he's a cracked BNIB shield we found while doing inventory.

    • 12 months ago

      huh, guess you see all kinds in retail

      • 12 months ago

        Also worked with a troony. Super cool, uh, person. Just really weird taste in guns. This was like 8 years ago before all this shit in the media going down about groomers and transitioning kids.

        • 12 months ago

          what kind of weird taste though?

    • 12 months ago

      Reminds me of the story I'd read on here of a CA resident visiting a big box gun counter in another state and buying a non-CA-compliant rifle. The cashier (probably a former CA gay) seethed at being forced to sell to him.

      • 12 months ago

        My store doesn't sell guns to anyone not from the tri-state.

        • 12 months ago

          Customer here. I'm sure it makes great sense for liability but it seems dumb from a maximal-liberty standpoint. If NICS greenlights them, why not?

          • 12 months ago

            >I'm sure it makes great sense for liability
            It started off as a list of the commie states (CA, NY, IL) but we just spare ourselves the headache and just sell to the tri-state, where all three states have roughly the same laws.
            >but it seems dumb from a maximal-liberty standpoint.
            If someone wants to drive across an entire state to buy a gun from my store, then I'll direct them to one closer to home.

          • 12 months ago

            >but it seems dumb from a maximal-liberty standpoint
            It's a requirement anon, it's simply not optional same as background checks.

            >I'm sure it makes great sense for liability
            It started off as a list of the commie states (CA, NY, IL) but we just spare ourselves the headache and just sell to the tri-state, where all three states have roughly the same laws.
            >but it seems dumb from a maximal-liberty standpoint.
            If someone wants to drive across an entire state to buy a gun from my store, then I'll direct them to one closer to home.

            This didn't happen when I was working at my store but the manager that hired me told me about how a dude wrote in "Aryan" in the part of the 4473 where it asked about race.
            >You just have to follow customer's state's rules when selling.
            That's exactly why my store doesn't sell to people from outside the tri-state, so we don't have to look up and keep track of what Florida or Arizona's laws are.

            >That's exactly why my store doesn't sell to people from outside the tri-state, so we don't have to look up and keep track of what Florida or Arizona's laws are.
            Bigger chains will have a legal person keeping track of that centrally and then it all automatically is on the computers, I think there is some service LGS can subscribe to these days though spacing on the name. But yeah in general people buying from some small LGS who aren't locals or at least from a neighboring state is a tiny enough percentage that it's not worth the bother.

      • 12 months ago

        My store doesn't sell guns to anyone not from the tri-state.

        An LGS will have a big list/map of states they can/cannot sell to and what reqs there are, if any. Or yeah some sort of "we only sell local/neighboring state(s) or will ship to an ffl". Honestly can't remember if it's always been like that or it's more recent, if the law/FFL rules changed or just enforcement changed or what. Fortunately I live in a state with zero reqs beyond age/fed background check so I've never had to think about it hard.

        • 12 months ago

          Stuff keeps coming back to me.

          >Dude is paranoid moron
          >Refuses to fill out 4473 on computer, despite the fact we submit it digitally anyway
          >Gets a form and ignores the pen we give him, writes in with pencil.
          >Only catches it afterwards and forces the guy to redo in ink
          >Submit and he gets delayed.
          >He just leaves when we tell him, he never provided a phone number which is mandatory on the computer, but not on paper form.
          I don't think he was denied in the end, but we couldn't reach out to him to tell him since he refused to provide a phone number. Guys abandon transactions quite often.

          Customer here. I'm sure it makes great sense for liability but it seems dumb from a maximal-liberty standpoint. If NICS greenlights them, why not?

          I've dealt with a few of out of state customers. You just have to follow customer's state's rules when selling. So let's say Hawaii needs a permit, you need to see the permit to be able to sell to them. CA use to be fine with no extra steps with long guns (it's up to customer to be in compliance with their AWB when the gun goes back in), but they started requiring a purchase to purchase a few years back. Cabela's had a big folder and the computer system will ask for the necessary permits or forms. That said, shit isn't up to date and you still need to be careful, so I've seen guys sell CA guys long guns with no proof of permit before.

          • 12 months ago

            This didn't happen when I was working at my store but the manager that hired me told me about how a dude wrote in "Aryan" in the part of the 4473 where it asked about race.
            >You just have to follow customer's state's rules when selling.
            That's exactly why my store doesn't sell to people from outside the tri-state, so we don't have to look up and keep track of what Florida or Arizona's laws are.

            • 12 months ago

              >dude wrote in "Aryan" in the part of the 4473 where it asked about race

            • 12 months ago

              >a dude wrote in "Aryan"
              Was he from Iran or Afghanistan

              • 12 months ago

                he was a skinhead

              • 12 months ago

                shitskin lover

  18. 12 months ago

    Is anyone here familiar with selling a firearm or ammunition to a Canadian? From what i understand there is a process but I'm not sure where to start looking.

    • 12 months ago

      You'd have to export via an FFL. I know that Simpson LTD does imports and exports, but I've never looked deeper into it.

      what kind of weird taste though?

      snowflake guns in weird fricking colors. One of the guns I was shown was some sort of tacticool bolt gun in robin egg blue (a bergara I think).

      • 12 months ago

        Interesting. I've been led to believe there was a way to do it in store. I may just hop the border and see if anyone at the lgs has an idea.

        Thank you

        • 12 months ago

          If you want to buy a gun while you are in the US for use in the US you can under certain circumstances. I don't recall off the top of my head, but you'd need to have a valid hunting license or be here on certain visas or have a green card. You do need proof of residence in addition to your primary ID, which would be your passport. The store I worked at actually had a flow chart.
          If you want to take it back to Canada, then the export process applies.

      • 12 months ago

        >snowflake guns in weird fricking colors. One of the guns I was shown was some sort of tacticool bolt gun in robin egg blue (a bergara I think).
        Honestly from the sound of it I can kind of respect that and have come around as I've gotten older. So many people get so grimderp about larp and "practical" and so on, when honestly particularly in super safe states that's never going to be a thing. Why not just have fun and go all out doing whatever wild stuff you want with the hobby?

        I mean hell, just in general, like think of cars nowadays, everything is white/gray/black. Maybe a few muted reds. Or interiors, so much stuff is utterly generic white/gray/black modernist, maybe some cold pale blues, and I hate it. Everything used to be so much more vibrant and warmer. Sure it wasn't all good, but when I was last traveling on business I ended up with a borrowed car that was robin egg blue and it was so refreshing, just a cheerful bright car. Also super easy to find in a parking lot amidst a sea of fricking monochrome.

        I do have some classic guns I wouldn't change, and a rifle with camoflage coloring, but if someone wants to have their handgun be violet and gold or blues or whatever else or a crazy meme build with flashes of hot pink or whatever why not?

    • 12 months ago

      Anyone can buy ammunition like any other mundane item (in a free state). You can only buy a gun if you have your green card and residency established

    • 12 months ago

      If you're in the US on a non-immigrant visa you have to get a hunting license in the state you are purchasing the gun in. If you want to take it back to Canada with you, I'd have no idea.

    • 12 months ago

      you grind off the serial number and give the rifle to the canadian for cash. they need it

  19. 12 months ago

    My store buys guns. From hipoints to Kriss Vectors.
    >Guy brings in Marlin or some other cowboy gun company 1897 clone
    >wants to sell it
    >sells on gunbroker for a pretty penny
    >tell him he should try another store that has the clientele that will want that gun, also will hopefully give him closer to what it's worth.
    >guy brings in Aero AR pistol
    >price is mostly in accessories that were no doubt already on the gun when he bought it
    >at least had a SOLGW BCG, that's something. Also a cheap SIG red dot
    >asked him what he wanted for it
    >he said $900-$1k
    >blood starts surging to my penis. I get a sick sexual pleasure out of shitting on customers' delusions. It's the cleanest, best pleasure.
    >tell him I'd do $300 (I'd then sell it for $500)
    >"No way dude, $300? That's crazy. This sling is worth $200!"
    >no Blue Force Gear sling is worth $200. I checked.
    >He storms out of the store
    We don't buy or sell guns to/from that guy anymore.

    • 12 months ago

      edit: the post isn't about the same guy. Marlin guy and Aero guy are two different dudes.

      edit 2: Thanks for the gold stranger!

      • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      >I get a sick sexual pleasure out of shitting on customers' delusions.
      Dude. I did this in college working at a cellphone resale/repair shop
      >people come in asking how much they can get for their phone
      >look up going price on ebay
      >tell them about $40 lower (ex: iphone goes for $200 offer them $160 or lower)
      >"Ok cool. I'll be back."
      >they come back like 4 months later
      >new model phone has come out
      >totally changed the used cellphone market
      >"Can I sell this now?"
      >look up price...its gone down significantly
      >"Sure. I can give you $90"
      >customer chimps out telling me I'm scamming them and an butthole
      >calmly inform them that the market changes when new phones come out and they waited to long to sell the phone to me
      >they do not understand basic economics
      >still cursing me as they leave
      They would usually come back soon enough to sell their old phone to me because they had no where else to sell it

      • 12 months ago

        phones drop in value so much. same with any electronics or computers. I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand that... software changes, hardware changes.

  20. 12 months ago

    >/msg/ Made up Stories General

    • 12 months ago

      >t. doesn't work at a gun store

    • 12 months ago

      There are no unusual or odd stories itt anon this all regular stuff.

      >t. doesn't work at a gun store

      More like hasn't done anything retail or frontline (helpdesk or general IT) at all period ever. While there are a few gun related specific twists most of this kind of shit is bog standard when you deal with the masses. Lots are awesome, but the moronic buttholes are seriously moronic buttholes.

    • 12 months ago

      Why would anyone make up such boring stories

      • 12 months ago


  21. 12 months ago

    >working at a gunshop that specializes in gunsmithing
    >3 gunsmiths work in the back, 2 are excellent, one is mediocre
    >one day asian guy comes in to pick up his 870 that he brought in for repairs
    >I find his gun and bring it out to him
    >he starts freaking out
    >say's it's not his gun
    >I confirm it's his gun with his pickup ticket and double check the serial against the book, it's definitely his gun
    >He starts screaming, in the most stereotypical asian accent I have ever heard
    >oh shit, I tell him I'll go back and talk to the gunsmith... of course it's mister mediocre
    >while I'm in the back I hear him scream again
    >mediocre gunsmith had accidentally swapped stocks between 2 guns, had it fixed in a minute

    For years, whenever the shop was empty, one of us would inevitably scream "THIS NOT MY WEWD!"

    • 12 months ago

      Allahu akbar, I can just picture that asiatic losing his shit and going VC on you lol

  22. 12 months ago

    Every time I pay for a transfer it feels like I'm a police commissioner negotiating a hostage situation.

    • 12 months ago

      >Every time I pay for a transfer it feels like I'm a police commissioner negotiating a hostage situation.
      FFL's should transfer a gun for free that you could have bought from them?

      • 12 months ago

        online pickup should be $25 max. Not $60 in my shithole town. Any business the government forces you to deal with (cars, guns, some states alcohol) is going to gouge you for no fricking reason. Half the time, it’s more cost effective to pay a $60 transfer than an LGS’ fudd tax

        • 12 months ago

          >60 dollar fee

          Holy shit, my pawn shop charges 20

          • 12 months ago

            $60 was the low end tacticool shop. The fudd shop wanted $100. I have nothing but contempt for my local LGS’. There are no pawn shops and even going 30 min into the boonies it’s $60.

        • 12 months ago

          $60 was the low end tacticool shop. The fudd shop wanted $100. I have nothing but contempt for my local LGS’. There are no pawn shops and even going 30 min into the boonies it’s $60.

          While $60 seems high inflation has been high and that'd probably justify $35 at this point. But the bigger driver for price increases where I know what's going on behind the scenes is

          >This is even more important now that the ATF will find any reason to revoke fist offense mistakes.
          This is a big factor a lot of people haven't heard of and is still bubbling around. While sure it was always necessary to dot the i's and cross the t's formally speaking, there are 100% customers who will say, correctly, "well this was done before just a few years ago!". But it used to be that the ATF would only revoke over bad faith, over genuine frickups, stuff going to criminals, etc. Not innocent typos. Them going full letter of the law max enforcement has definitely had a chilling effect on anyone's willingness to touch any gray area, it's a subtle form of administrative anti-gun pressure that has mostly not made any headlines, but seeps through society.

          . ATF has gotten brutal under the Biden regime and I know a lot of places who will now 2-man-rule all forms, doubling the work, trying to make absolutely completely certain there isn't a single error. Administration gets to shut down FFLs and make purchases harder/more expensive and get people to be mad at the FFLs themselves over it.

        • 12 months ago

          I have one place luckily that charges 25 for a transfer. They do alot of them even though they are semi rural for that reason, cause average price charged is 40 I would say.

        • 12 months ago

          Search using google earth for FFLs; IIRC I found a couple that way oddly enough. $60. Holy shit. And /k/ommando map/ameri/k/a. https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=772301#

          • 12 months ago

            How often does this get updated? My area is missing some stuff

            • 12 months ago

              It gets updated as often as anons feel like updating it. Those anons includes everyone including you. Click on Additions, then "Add Marker - Simple" or "Add Marker, Detailed", and be sure to fill it out thoroughly. Be sure to "Map Select a Location" to put the pin where it should be. The detailed one has the option to put an address (and I think automatically place the pin) but I don't remember trying that out so I don't know if it works. The manual placing of the pin works, though. Probably best to do this on desktop since I doubt touchscreens would work well for manually placing the pin. Use the "Preview" button to make sure you didn't screw up, then hit "Submit". You will get a link to edit that pin afterwards. Be sure to keep that link because if you lose it, it's gone for good and you can't edit it later. A picture of the business or location can be added in the "Detailed" marker. I don't think you have to fill out every field, so don't worry if, for example, they don't have an eMail. I like to include stuff like their hours, whether or not you need an appointment (some places only do transfers), their transfer prices, etc. in the description field. Be sure to use the drop down box ("Marker") and properly label it so it doesn't just get added as "/k/ommandos" when it's actually an FFL.

              • 12 months ago

                Already added myself and a public range that wasn't on there before.

              • 12 months ago

                Nice. It was definitely surprising to see my range on there. Pretty small range. Now I wonder who the frick at my range is the one who added it and when. Maybe no one from here belongs to that range; it's not exactly unknown and could be found through a google search for "shooting ranges" on google maps (while you're in that area) but still...

  23. 12 months ago

    >"do you intend to purchase this firear - DUH! I'm tha one buyin the gun"!

  24. 12 months ago

    I'll chime in with a few

    >be me
    >guncounter gay
    >some dude wants a Ruger precision in 6.5
    >say sure but he leaves
    >was with his like 80 year old mother in law

    >get call
    >i say we have one
    >OK I GET ID AND COME NOW (easten euro accent"
    >I'm sorry Ma'am but I know that the gun is not for you and is instead for that gentleman you were with earlier
    Only knew it was her voice because when i folded the stock she acted like it was broken

    >3 Hours later
    >really hot lady and old man come in
    >Yes, I want the Rooger 6 and a half creedmoor and can you guys price match with sportsmans?
    >Fricking old dude with same accent as the lady
    >"Unfortunately I'm going to not sell this firearm because I have gotten 2 calls about it and just today and considering it has been sitting here for well over a year, I can only assume it is for the gentleman who initially asked to see it earlier."
    >"I do apologize ma'am but committing a straw purchase is a felony which can lead to 15 years in prison and risk of our store losing its FFL"
    "B-but he's lived here for like 60 years!"

    >Regardless, it has nothing to do with him not being born in the united sates, I do apologize."

    >c**t leaves


    frick you felongay, I'm not losing my job because you want to overpay for a fricking shit rifle

    • 12 months ago


      >be me
      >see 2 dudes
      >acting shifty and one dude hands other friend a wad of cash
      >dude who got cash comes up to counter and wants AK
      >before I can even say no he slaps ID on counter
      >check ID
      >fricking expired in 2010

      >do you have a more current license?
      >dude says no and they storm off together

      >1 day later
      >fat ugly meth latina comes up to counter on her phone and I hear her say "Yeah I'm here, I'll let you know"
      >Do you guys got any AKs?
      >I point to the 2 I have
      >she grabs one after I handed it to her
      >holding it like somalian pirate, this b***h doesn't know what the frick she's doing

      >I'll take it, slaps ID on counter like the other guy
      >customer service mode activate "I do apologize ma'am but I cannot sell this to you, I have to suspect you're purchasing it for someone else based on the phone conversation I overheard."
      >starts completely sperging out, says she's checked every other AK in town and THIS ONE PARTICULAR ONE is the only one she likes.
      >tell her no again
      >storms off and calls someone "They wouldn't sell it to me!"
      >comes back and demands manager
      >manager is bro so he says no as well "if he denied it I have to back him up"
      >c**t decides to talk to store manager and asks to arrange meeting
      >never shows back up

      I also almost got capped with a .380, had some boomer buy a micro 9 for a "bear gun" and many others. Don't treat gunshop employees as anything other than a retail worker, gun shop employees who act high and mighty for having the privilege of selling guns are mega homosexuals

      • 12 months ago

        Nice you have a manager that actually backs you. I had a customer threaten to shoot one of my workers since moron couldn't properly fill out the 4473 and had to redo it 4 times.
        Now, customer actually said
        >If this was working I'd shoot you
        and it was just a lower, but that was enough for the guy helping this customer refuse to do anything further. Customer was pissed and wanted me to do it, I said no, I heard what you said.
        Customer then throws a tantrum until the manager on duty comes over (not our actual manager). Customer tells his sob story about how he's confused on the form and we won't help him. We told the manager what happened, and that we can't even help customers on the form. Of course, manager wasn't happy and started sucking the customers dick, helped him fill the form, and ran the back ground.
        Fricking things people do for sales.

        • 12 months ago

          I agree dude, kinda fricked considering how little the profit margin is on them and someone threatening to kill an employee is not as important as making a $30 profit lol

      • 12 months ago

        more for the mases

        >be me
        >underpaid LGS gay
        >guy comes up to counter wearing 5.11 assault pack with an open carry Sig m17


        >asks if I have any .28 nosler
        >I tell him that I do not and try to make small talk about how it sucks that you can't find that anywhere
        >proceeds to moron rage about how he's spent 3000 dollars making a distance gun chambered in .28 (including buying a can for it) and can't find any ammo
        >manchild vetbro gay storms off
        >2 hours later get 5 boxes of .28 nosler and happily sell all of it to a boomer who was polite and grateful that he found some for cheap

        >get fricked

        • 12 months ago

          >can't find it anywhere
          >immedeiately finds it
          Well frick you.

          • 12 months ago

            nta but if some moron larper spends that kind of fricking money and doesn't reload or know how to use ammoseek frick 'em. not like .28 nosler is even that nonexistent just moronicly pricey as frick, well over 335cpr for that shit. might as well go right to match 338lm. but a solid number of places have it up for order so you can buy it if you don't reload.

            honestly would have told him store could "special order just for him through our special connections" ammo at "discounted special customer price" of 450cpr if he was willing to wait a few days then just ordered on ammoseek lol. he seems like the type you could hit with a 100cpr moron tax.

            • 12 months ago

              I don't give a shit, it's literally your fricking job to deliver a product to the customer. I know there's a lot of bullshit involved, but why didn't you literally just tell him you can order it? Fricking entitled homosexual.

              • 12 months ago

                This. Treating a LGS like your own private shooting club pushes more anons to buy online and not give business to places that act like having a hobby makes them better than other people.

              • 12 months ago

                This. Treating a LGS like your own private shooting club pushes more anons to buy online and not give business to places that act like having a hobby makes them better than other people.

                like i said nta wasn't there. but "customer is always right" is bullshit and i don't act that way as a customer myself. some businesses may be so desperate that they need every customer and have to put up with abuse and shitty behavior. lots aren't and make far more from the long term decent majority then the noisy buttholes.

                lgs that act like they're better and are aloof gays? sure no excuses there. someone who marches into retail and screams at workers? eat shit.

              • 12 months ago

                Never said the customer is always right, but my gun store will offer me to order it from their supplier instead of playing frickfrick games. Oh God, you have to get on the horn and actually do your job! And it looks like he got it pretty much immediately. Why the frick is it a fight with the customer to literally provide their advertised service?
                I don't get into it with retail workers, because the job sucks, but I'm just fricking leaving if I come in and ask for the product you sell and you just shrug your shoulders. What an obtuse world.

              • 12 months ago

                we're now speculating on how something neither of us was there for went down so dont want to get too into weeds. also state law, here can just have ammo shipped to home, so only point of lgs is if happened to need ammo like, same day for some odd reason. but if someone came in, said "do you have this?" and the answer was "no, sorry about that, and it's too bad it's gotten less common" and then they just unloaded on the retailer that'd be shitty customer behavior. why should not customer just say "could I order that through you then?"

              • 12 months ago

                Because, as a rule, customers are moronic. Or stressed out and act moronic because they're running errands. Or both. It's the salesman's job to point them into where or how they can purchase their products that they do indeed sell, because anon even said he got it shipped and sold two hours later.

              • 12 months ago

                >Because, as a rule, customers are moronic
                This gets stated a lot but as someone who has run a small business this isn't true, 80% are normal, 10% are awesome, 10% are moronic. Or something like that, varies a bit. But one of the big rules most small businesses have to learn that's counter to what they think going in is that sometimes you need to "fire your customers". A small fraction of shitty customers can represent a massive percentage of your support costs, and ultimately bring way more expense and trouble than it's worth.

                There is absolutely a balance to be struck, sales people shouldn't be arrogant or dismissive either, and should be working to help and make sales. But particularly in an economy like the current one where jobs are actually tight, it's not good if your experienced sales people burn out and quit or go elsewhere either. They're human too, and they too sometimes have had bad days. It's not unreasonable to expect both sides to be adults. People are not equal either. If someone is a preexisting customer and bought their stuff through us or whatever, or got a referral from a good client, they'll get more slack and benefit of the doubt. Or hell it's our responsibility as well as job. But if they just show up at random and a front desk guy is polite but somehow fails to be perfectly pushy or misreads it since a lot of customers DON'T like pushy sales, that's not an offense worth getting yelled at for. If someone starts screaming at my employees in general I'm going to politely tell them to leave, we're not the place for that.

              • 12 months ago

                >It's not unreasonable to expect both sides to be adults
                This is where I fundamentally disagree. Sometimes indifference can only be matched with a tantrum. It sucks, it shouldn't be this way, but it's also true. I wouldn't take it out on a lowly retail worker, but some homosexuals need to be verbally fought or they'll walk all over you and be smug about it later like you deserved to be fricked up the ass. Guess that's why that poster struck a thread with me.

              • 12 months ago

                nta but you sound like a massive homosexual

              • 12 months ago

                Got any dick? IDGAF any port in a storm.

      • 12 months ago

        why do people insist on committing straw purchases lol. I have one as well:
        >go to local gun shop in town
        >picking up 6.5 creed ammo
        >overhear 2 Mexicans asking how to buy a shotgun
        >guy says they have to pass the NICS background check
        >Mexican gets worried, "oh si background check?"
        >"Ya that's a cool gun man, I'll be back"
        >never comes back

        Have another one:
        >at other gun shop to pickup my Staccato
        >see a group of young hotties (of the African descent) looking at guns
        >"Ayo I'm looking for a Glock 9mm I want that one"
        gun clerk: "Nah I would recommend Sig that's what I carry, I'm kind of a Sig fan boy, the p320 or p365 is what you want"
        >mfw he just complicates the easiest sale he could have had in his life

        Have another:
        >shooting at a different range
        >have rifle pointed in safe direction
        >RSO comes over and says not to point at the ceiling because they have employees working on 2nd floor
        >mfw I didn't even realize there's a second floor
        >mfw they actively have employees working above a shooting range indoors with zero precautions at all

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, they should have signs that say weapons must be pointed down range or at the ground, ib4 they also have a basement.

        • 12 months ago

          that's on the range for making a moronic design lmao, ill share one similar

          >be me
          >just got my CC (glock 19) about 3 weeks ago at work
          >some coworker gay who is like 19 years old grabs me
          "This guy here says he doesn't like glocks!!!" while making a onions face
          tell him and customer that I could not care less "If you're spending 500+ on something, make whichever choice you think is the best for you, I like Glocks but that doesn't mean I am going to bust anyone's ass who doesn't, this gentleman is clearly an adult and can make his own informed choices."
          >buyer nodded and said thanks and the one gay coworker got pissy and found someone else to do his sale lol

          • 12 months ago

            basedboy face not onions lmao

            • 12 months ago

              troony jannies are really filtering out S O Y ?

              • 12 months ago

                Jesus Christ newbie lurk moar

              • 12 months ago

                yea probs should, but I stopped browsing as much since /k/ became Ukraine war general 24/7

              • 12 months ago

                Been filtering ꜱoy to onions for a lot longer than the war tourists have been here tbh

              • 12 months ago

                wtf when did tbh become tbh?

              • 12 months ago

                Holy frick lurk moar d e s u

              • 12 months ago

                god i love it when someone outs themselves as not only a newbie, but a turbo-newbie

              • 12 months ago

                That filter has been active for over 5 years now

              • 12 months ago

                You stupid fricking israelite, onions has been a filter for s o y for like 10 fricking years war tourist get the frick off this board.

          • 12 months ago

            I don't understand why they don't just sell whatever the customer wants. If a guy wanted a fricking hipoint I'd ring him up immediately.

            • 12 months ago

              because he made it up

            • 12 months ago

              I've had coworkers who are super brand loyal, but if you want to know why gun store employees are super pushy about specific brands, it because occasionally there are reward incentives. Glock and ruger are the main ones.
              I got two glocks for free one year, and I didn't even sell a single glock, I just used online transfers for submission and glock didn't care that it was an online sale.

              • 12 months ago

                I got a free SW from a dealer spiff, only one I truly care about (FRICK YOU SIG)

            • 12 months ago

              >I don't understand why they don't just sell whatever the customer wants. If a guy wanted a fricking hipoint I'd ring him up immediately.
              In the (rare) good case, it's because it's like, the only store in 50 miles, not a chain, and values long term customer relationships, so if they think someone is truly shooting themselves in the foot they'll double check. Ie, someone spending huge money on a snowflake caliber. If they really thought it all through great, but if they're getting meme'd into it and will be unhappy that's not ideal.

              In the (vastly more common) bad case, it's because they earn a bigger commission pushing people at something else.

      • 12 months ago

        >>fat ugly meth latina comes up to counter on her phone and I hear her say "Yeah I'm here, I'll let you know"
        Weird how common this is. I watched this exact encounter play out when I was picking up my 92. Dunno if she was looking for an ak but otherwise identical.

        • 12 months ago

          I've seen ladies come in with their phones out and sending live videos for the dude shopping. It's pretty amusing, really.
          Also amusing are Japanese gun otaku tourists. They go absolutely ape shit when they see guns, but most actually are pretty respectful and ask before handling ones on the open racks.

      • 12 months ago

        Did you build that tunnel in the picture?

    • 12 months ago

      >frick you felongay, I'm not losing my job because you want to overpay for a fricking shit rifle
      There's also an element of self-selection here: if the felongay was just not, like, completely, 100% moronic, and his family wasn't completely, 100% moronic, there'd be no problem, he could just pick out what he wanted online and then arrange the straw purchase never once going into the store since clearly he's able to get his family to agree to be felons too. You'd never have reason to suspect, wouldn't be your problem. And if he had that kind of discretion it might also never get revealed.

      But of course he's a total fricking moron, which is probably how he ended up a felon. Which also means he'd probably go right to the gun range and brag about how he got around the "stupid unconstitutional federal law" by buying his gun from ABC GUN STORE sold by JOHN ANON to the off duty officer in the next booth over. Yeah frick off.

      Really, straw purchase law is kind of a this-moron-really-shouldn't-have-a-gun-filter as much as anything.

  25. 12 months ago

    >Be me, got to new LGS recommended by brother
    >Walk in, it's like 60% fishing supplies with fud tier gats behind the counter
    >See two clerks, both with uncle mikes tier appendix carry holsters
    >One carrying a revolver
    >Other carrying a what looks like Ruger LCP without mag
    >Need AR FCG group for 3D printed gat, tell clerk.
    >Clerk looks at me like I've got a dick growing out of my forehead.
    >Point down at case where the loose parts I need are, tell him exactly what I want.
    >He asks, "oh, do you mean a lower parts kit?"
    >Immediately disappointed in brother, just nod my head and buy an overpriced lower kit since I don't want to drive 45 minutes back to my usual store and then 30 minutes home.
    >Leave, never going back.

  26. 12 months ago

    I want to open my own gun shop that has cool shit that isn't fuddy, any tips?

    • 12 months ago

      Stock cool shit and don't hire fudds.

    • 12 months ago

      Honestly, just sell AR and AK accessories, stock the bare minimum of actual guns, and just do transfers. That what my LGS does. He stock fewer than a dozen guns, takes on consignment, offers a gun genie thing, but mostly relies on online transfers.
      Use to charge 20, but he had to expand his shop and hire 4 dudes to help with massive influx of transfers, so now he charges 40.

  27. 12 months ago

    How do you ask to see something huge or a meme gun like a Deagle or Redhawk without seeming like a massive autist who gets all his information from movies? I really want a .44 but don't wanna be "that guy"

    • 12 months ago

      Just ask for it. No one is going to give you shit unless you act like a weirdo.

    • 12 months ago

      Ask for it in a weirdly specific way that makes it obvious that you know what you're talking about and not just another local CoD kid

      • 12 months ago

        So ask specifically for the one chambered in .429 DE?

        • 12 months ago

          No, being wilfully obtuse horseshoes you back to being moronic

    • 12 months ago

      That is literally why those guns are made

    • 12 months ago

      You just ask, I'd you died tomorrow you wouldn't have had the balls to buy or even finger frick the gun you want because you couldn't even ask to see it

  28. 12 months ago

    This one makes me cringe to this day
    >young autist
    >go to newly opened gun store
    >they have tons of nagants on the wall
    >want to be fancy and get a square cut instead of round
    >as they're getting all the goods it comes with (ammo, bayonet, sling, pouches, etc.) I ask to see other guns
    >pick up hipoint pistol
    >feels cheap in my hand
    >rack slide, feels weird
    >"Is this plastic? It feels like it."
    >put the gun up to my mouth and run my teeth over the slide
    >immediately realize what I just did
    >old guy standing there looking at me in bewilderment
    >"Uh...I'm gonna go help get your things together."
    >leaves for the back room
    >people come out one at a time from the back room to glance at me
    >feel like an autistic moron
    >don't know what to do now
    >stand around pretending to look at stuff on their display racks
    >finally get my gun and accessories
    >they just hand it to me without a word
    >stand there for like 30 seconds waiting for them to say its ok for me to leave or something
    >felt like forever of them just staring at me
    >finally I just half smile and leave while looking down at the ground
    Holy frick do I cringe at this memory. Somehow grew out of being such an autistic moron though I still have my moments.

    • 12 months ago

      You deserve all that cringe and more ya weirdo

    • 12 months ago

      for the back room
      come out one at a time from the back room to glance at me
      >>feel like an autistic moron

      This reminds me of when I first started hitting on girls in public. I was at a fast food restaurant "so how old are you" and she was like "why?". Then she said her age. I then asked her "So how long have you been working here?". She didn't respond, submitted my order in the system and went to the back. Then 2 employees popped their heads from the back glancing at me.

      • 12 months ago

        Jesus how many watch lists are you on anon…?

      • 12 months ago

        Is that how you hit on women?

      • 12 months ago

        Life is a struggle man.

      • 12 months ago

        gotta start with hello, fren

    • 12 months ago

      >is this plastic?
      >puts gun in mouth
      LMAOm what

    • 12 months ago

      >"Is this plastic? It feels like it."
      >>put the gun up to my mouth and run my teeth over the slide
      LMAO this can't be real but it sounds stupid enough to be real

    • 12 months ago

      >"Is this plastic? It feels like it."
      >put the gun up to my mouth and run my teeth over the slide
      Are you a toddler

  29. 12 months ago

    Straw purchase laws are literally just a moron filter. All you have to do is not talk about it in the middle of the fricking store.

    • 12 months ago

      this, anyone that discusses who's gun it is is moronic, just use the money (where ever it came from) and buy the fricking gun. Yes it's your gun, yes you are the sole owner, blahblah, then when you leave do whatever the frick you want with the gun (according to your state laws).

  30. 12 months ago

    Let's go
    > be gunstore wagie
    > quiet day, shooting the shit with some regulars
    > guy walks in
    > goes directly to the ammo rack
    > spends ten minutes staring at it
    > grabs two boxes and walks over to me
    > drops them on the counter
    > "what's the difference between these two?"
    > look down
    > a box of 45ACP FMJ and a box of 38spl +P JHP
    > confused.jpg
    > "Well, that one is 45ACP, and that one is 38 special. So they work in different guns."
    > customer stares blankly at me
    > "Oh."
    > pause
    > "So which one works in my 9mm?"
    > Digest this incredible moronation for a moment
    > "... neither"
    > "Oh"
    > Leaves
    > Look at regulars
    > Regulars look at me
    > One of them says quietly "what the frick"
    I feel kinda bad about not handling it better but I was tired and he was clearly way too moronic to be helped.

    • 12 months ago

      Same store
      >be wagie
      >be 'rona panic
      >customer walks in
      >"I want a Glock 19"
      >"We don't have any, but we do have-"
      >"Why not?"
      >"Because they're very popular and a lot of people are buying guns right now so we're sold out."
      >"We do have some other great options though like this CZ P-10C that-"
      >"I'll just go somewhere that has it."
      >"Nobody around here has one."
      >"Well of course you'd say that."
      I had this exact conversation word-for-word like a dozen times in 2020.

      • 12 months ago

        We also used to get a high volume of basketball americans
        >"ay you got any ay ar pees?"
        >frickingBlack personbabble.png
        >"Do we have any what?"
        >"Ay ar pees!"
        >"I'm not familiar with that model."
        >jogger points at the wall where there's a 22lr AR pistol hanging
        >"This homie! An ay ar pee!"
        >Realize he's trying to say ARP
        >As in AR Pistol

        Different customer
        >"Ay you got any ammo for my glock?"
        >"What model?"
        >"What model of Glock? Glock 19, Glock 20, Glock 40?"
        >"It's just a Glock!"
        >visibly agitated
        >"In what caliber?"
        >"Glock caliber!"
        >"Glock offers guns in many different calibers. Which specific ammo are you looking for?"
        >"I just told you! Glock caliber!"
        >"There's no such thing, do you have a picture of your gun so that I can-"
        >"How can you work at a gun store and not know what Glock ammo is!"

        Meanwhile, fun customers
        >"Hey man you guys get any nine in?"
        >both of us start laughing

        • 12 months ago

          We had a black woman get "undetermined" by the CA DOJ which for our purposes may as well be denied. She can try again, but instead she rambled at us about being profiled for being black.

          Unlike all the other black people we have sold guns to who got approved without any issues.

          • 12 months ago

            Why don't you just give them the gun like every other CA gun stores? Max hold time is 30 days, only homosexual gun stores reject sales on an undetermined status.

            • 12 months ago

              It's a liability issue that falls above my pay grade. Apparently the CA DOJ takes notice if you do it frequently and it puts you on a fast track for an audit, but that's the explanation that I got when I asked the owner. Sounds like fuddlore, but I'm not the one cutting the paychecks.

              • 12 months ago

                Yea you're righbreasts fuddlore but it's not your shop so what can you really do. I just hate misinformed boomers spreading fear and being more complicit with the state's gay fun laws than is actually needed.

        • 12 months ago

          >Glock caliber
          how do you not know what Glock caliber is anon?

          • 12 months ago

            >he doesn't use exclusively GLOCK brand, GLOCK caliber, GLOCK pistols

            • 12 months ago

              Actually, wouldn’t “Glock caliber” just be 45 GAP?

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                I totally forgot that existed

              • 12 months ago

                >melanated young gentleman wants to buy first handgun
                >researches pressure curves for each potential cartridge
                >knows he wants no less than .40 cal
                >arrives at the optimal solution, .45 GAP
                >purchases Glock 37, the patrician's choice
                >goes to LGS, asks for GLOCK ammo
                >dumb hwite boi doesn't understand his simple request for .45 GAP

                We also used to get a high volume of basketball americans
                >"ay you got any ay ar pees?"
                >frickingBlack personbabble.png
                >"Do we have any what?"
                >"Ay ar pees!"
                >"I'm not familiar with that model."
                >jogger points at the wall where there's a 22lr AR pistol hanging
                >"This homie! An ay ar pee!"
                >Realize he's trying to say ARP
                >As in AR Pistol

                Different customer
                >"Ay you got any ammo for my glock?"
                >"What model?"
                >"What model of Glock? Glock 19, Glock 20, Glock 40?"
                >"It's just a Glock!"
                >visibly agitated
                >"In what caliber?"
                >"Glock caliber!"
                >"Glock offers guns in many different calibers. Which specific ammo are you looking for?"
                >"I just told you! Glock caliber!"
                >"There's no such thing, do you have a picture of your gun so that I can-"
                >"How can you work at a gun store and not know what Glock ammo is!"

                Meanwhile, fun customers
                >"Hey man you guys get any nine in?"
                >both of us start laughing

      • 12 months ago

        lol.these people are so dumb, like all of 2020 you couldn't find a single gun literally anywhere. If their double digit IQ brains would take a look they'd understand.

    • 12 months ago

      Seen this before

      • 12 months ago

        Not him but my few good true stories are worth retelling and since I'm not copypasting they're going to be slightly different wording each time, I'm not purposefully playing telephone just getting older. I try not to do so all the time or anything but have posted them multiple times on /k/ over the years.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah that was me then too. Told a bunch of stories about my time as a guncountergay.

  31. 12 months ago

    I think it's crazy americans cant just order a gun online and have it shipped to their house, they have to go visit bubba at duh gun store and fill out a bunch of paperwork.

    T. canadian.

    • 12 months ago

      we used to before the gun control act or whatever bullshit it was. Used to order Tommy guns straight from Sears department store catalog (true story).

      • 12 months ago

        Canada had mail order machine guns too until 1978 believe it or not. Those old boys got grandfathered in so there are still lots of full autos kicking around.

    • 12 months ago

      Let's see all the modern pistols and ARs you got shipped to your door in the past few months. Oh, wait.

  32. 12 months ago

    Oh I have another great one that really made my day.

    >Customer comes in looking for magazines for his Glock.
    >Not sure which one.
    >I go over to our wall of pistol mags.
    >G17? 23? 19?
    >He's just plain baffled.
    >Is it 9mm?
    >No, it's 40
    >Grab 2 Glock 22 magazines. Safest bet. If it's a 27 or 23 it'll stick out but work anyway.
    >Buys mags and leaves.
    >Comes back the next day.
    >They don't fit, mags are too wide.
    >Uh oh.
    >Took picture of the one correct magazine.
    >It's a fricking Hi-Point
    >This guy has a genuine Glock 40 Problem Solva
    >Explain that he doesn't actually own a Glock but an entirely different pistol.
    >No we don't carry magazines for the 40 S&W Hi-Point.
    >Returns Glock magazines for a partial refund because one is opened.
    Thankfully another customer needed Glock 17 mags that day and we gave him a discount on the unpackaged one.

    • 12 months ago

      Brain fart, Glock 22 magazines were needed later that day and we sold one at a discount.
      It will actually work with 9mm if you try it though. Fun trick for 10rd magazine states, because the G23 mags hold 13rd of 9mm and they'll function semi reliably.

    • 12 months ago

      he must have believed the 40 problem solver meme

      • 12 months ago

        It really made my day. The meme was real.

  33. 12 months ago

    Not an employee but a recent interaction I witnessed:

    >guy in what looked to be in his late 40s to mid 50s comes in with M&P-15
    >'I just need this cleaned'
    >flgs employee takes a quick look and says
    >'sir this really just needs a quick barrel scrub, I wouldn't feel good about charging you 35 bucks for this'
    >customer starts throwing out thinly veiled excuses of 'I don't have time' and the like
    >could have cleaned it in the 15 minutes it took you to drive here but okay
    >employee eventually gives up and tells the guy it'll be ready the following day
    >customer sees employee pull charging handle just to check function and takes a LARGE step back
    >'woah are you sure there aren't any bullets in it??'
    >employee says 'sir there is no magazine, also this is how you check'
    >customer says 'oh, the bullets don't go in where you hold it?'
    >employee gives blank look for at least 5 seconds
    >'n..no sir, they go in the magazine'
    >customer just gives a confused 'oh' and then confirms his pickup time and turns around and leaves

    Ended up having a chat with the employee and he confirmed it was the stupidest customer interaction he had ever had.

    • 12 months ago

      I have to constantly remind myself that while this information is all second nature to us, it's not actually common knowledge and even the most basic things can be baffling to someone who knows little or nothing about firearms. I reckon the customer mistook the hollow space in the grip of their AR-15 as the magazine well. Likewise, the simple fact that different guns shoot different bullets which are not cross-compatible (with a few exceptions) is also not necessarily obvious.

      This is why you need to stop and educate, at least once the shock wears off. If they don't want to listen then feel free to ridicule.

      • 12 months ago

        He seemed very resistant to listening after his insistence that he pay money for someone else to clean his barely dirty gun

    • 12 months ago

      Kek don’t know this made me laugh. I was nearly that ignorant when I first used an AR. It’s incredible how people can full on buy a gun before having any idea whatsoever how it works.

    • 12 months ago

      >charge customer 100 dollars to clean
      >tell him it's very dirty upon further inspection
      >make 100 dollars for literally doing nothing
      And that's how I'd run my shop on these morons

    • 12 months ago

      No, being wilfully obtuse horseshoes you back to being moronic

  34. 12 months ago


    >Social engineering. Thought she'd put him on the spot so she could brag about it on Facebook.
    what a b***h, glad she got told off like she did.

  35. 12 months ago


    >Why are you speaking in ebonics?
    Time for bed, grandpa

  36. 12 months ago

    >be me working at range/rental counter
    >mid 20s peurto rican with a hi point 995 comes in with his father and buys a couple of targets and heads out on the range
    >next group of people is a redneck family with a mom, dad, and two sons and I begin getting them targets and guns from the rental cabinet
    >about 3 minutes later po rican suddenly comes walking with a purpose off the range
    >”I think I shot myself”
    >dude clearly has a through and through right in the middle of his left hand and is leaking blood all over the wood laminate floor
    >coworker old gay that was a medic in nam comes over and starts giving the moron first aid
    >me and every other adults face when the 9 year old redneck child says loud enough for everyone in the store to hear “that’s what happens when you don’t follow the rules of firearm safety”

    • 12 months ago

      he wasn't shot that was part one of stigmata, you met Jesus Christ.

    • 12 months ago

      He should have gratefully paid extra for that strong of a life lesson.

  37. 12 months ago

    >guy comes in to private sale gun because of new cuck state law
    >the dude he was trying to sell it to fails his background check
    >asks us if we're willing to buy it because he really needs the money
    >he was going to sell it for $1000
    >we tell him we'll give him $500 just to get him to frick off
    >he takes it
    >we sell it 3 hours later for $900

    • 12 months ago

      oy vey

    • 12 months ago

      Shalom fellow white gun enthusiast

  38. 12 months ago

    Not a gun store employee but have this:
    >be 18
    >hanging out with my friend and this cute girl he really wants to bang
    >walk across parking lot from mall to local Cabela's
    >start looking at the rifles, get pissed because when i was 13 the Mosins cost $110, now that i can purchase one, it was about $450
    >hear the drop of a firing pin and a girly "pew" noise
    >girl is standing 3 feet behind me, pointing a bright pink hunting rifle at my chest and pretending to have recoil
    >immediately snatch rifle from her and sperg out for about 3 minutes about gun safety
    >she walks away, friend later tells me he found her 4 aisles away, crying
    >Friend: "wtf is wrong with you, it wasn't loaded"
    I'm not sorry, Emily.

    • 12 months ago

      You did good, anon.
      Remember children: Bros before hoes, and a true bro doesn't let a hoe flag his bro.
      >t. Sun Tzu

    • 12 months ago

      >tfw you miss out on your gun wife

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