Lets say you had a time machine and wanted to make the South win the Civil War.

Lets say you had a time machine and wanted to make the South win the Civil War. What two technologies would travel back in time and give to them to increase their chances of victory?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    Keep in mind that you're only giving them the technology, not manufacturing it for them. So they have to be able to produce it themselves based on your instructions.

  2. 5 months ago

    Self-propelled torpedos. Whiteheads 1st torpedo was invented in 1866, so it's feasible. These torps used a flywheel that was spun up really fast by steam engine. Pair these with small, fast steam boats to break the blockade. Much cheaper and more efficient than ironclads.

    Infantry mortars, very cheap to make and use, can even be carried by cavalry detachments to give them light arty.

    • 5 months ago

      There were a few instances pioneers were ordered to make wooden mortars, known as gumtree mortars. At fort blakely half a dozen were made in two days and 200 rounds were fired during the siege.

    • 5 months ago

      Defeating blockade helps, but wins them the war? Extends it a year or two at best.

      To make things worse, Jefferson Davis was determined to reopen the Transatlantic Slave Trade, so the Southern demographics are gonna get way worse.

      They're going to have to defeat the British Navy to properly reopen the slave trade to Americas. I'm sure the CSA would sneak in some more slaves if they want, but the days of mass import of slaves is long gone.


      Lets say you had a time machine and wanted to make the South win the Civil War. What two technologies would travel back in time and give to them to increase their chances of victory?

      I'm not knowledgable enough to know what two things could be, but manufacturing seems like it might be the most big scale thing. Idk if there are any two things that would help them.

      You can give them stiff, but if they can't make it then oh well. Some sort of biological weapon+dispersal system (arty shells?) might win them the war and those can be somewhat simple to produce? I'm not sure how Southern Honor Culture will look at gassing entire cities full of people.

      • 5 months ago

        >I'm not sure how Southern Honor Culture will look at gassing entire cities full of people.

        A conservative's "honor" only covers those who he perceives as "us." "They" get genocided.

        • 5 months ago

          Good thing the South was majority Democrat back then.

    • 5 months ago

      The first would be steam powered tractors converted into tanks that used swivel cannons. It shouldn't be impossible with their technology and would make great break through vehicles in multiple famous battles. For the second, I'd do torpedoes like said.

  3. 5 months ago

    The final boss is still the cotton global price crash of the 1870s. Unless your hypothetical confederacy is crazy enough to frick with the Mediterranean they have no economic future as everywhere else that does slavery based cash crops does it even cheaper than you and slavery was on the way out globally.

    • 5 months ago

      To make things worse, Jefferson Davis was determined to reopen the Transatlantic Slave Trade, so the Southern demographics are gonna get way worse.

    • 5 months ago

      I see two futures for the Confeds: small Russia or giant Haiti.

    • 5 months ago

      A neon billboard that says "don't fricking shoot Stonewall Jackson" and a piece of paper describing the friendly fire incident that lost them the war.

      One of the factors that led up to the war was Northern industrialists lobbying Congress to stifle any kind of industrialization in the Southern states. The Southern cotton barons did little to help this and just doubled down on cotton. It wasn't going to happen because every rich person in the country collectively said "no industry in the South" and continued to say so long after the war was over.
      I could foresee the cotton crash being a needed kick in the pants for them that would make them finally invest in industry, now that there's no longer any obstacles beyond the planters who won't have the money to stifle that progress anymore.

      To make things worse, Jefferson Davis was determined to reopen the Transatlantic Slave Trade, so the Southern demographics are gonna get way worse.

      Not gonna happen, the Euros had claims on Africa for ages by then. The Confederacy wouldn't have the manpower to shoot past a British blockade and then stage a raid on European colonies just to grab a few lousy Black folk.

      I see two futures for the Confeds: small Russia or giant Haiti.

      Probably more like South Africa on steroids. Southerners were keenly aware of what occurred in Haiti, and it was one of the driving forces behind continued slavery for most. They greatly feared retaliation from freed slaves after watching what happened to Haiti. As such, the average man was determined to keep them under firm control. Slavery was on the way out, so blacks would likely be relegated to a segregated underclass at best. They might even just kill them all once they were no longer profitable.

      • 5 months ago

        > They might even just kill them all once they were no longer profitable.
        Best outcome tbh.
        Well, kill most of the males at least. Keep the females as toys, and a couple weak males to replenish stocks every now and then.

        • 5 months ago

          South was all about traditions, like slavery and buckbreaking. No way they're gonna willingly let go of those.

          • 5 months ago

            They’d still have slaves. They’d just be sex and breeding slaves rather than farm slaves.

            • 5 months ago

              The Zest must flow!

        • 5 months ago

          >tfw no slavefu to play with while the wife is making cucumber sandwiches

    • 5 months ago

      Obviously you free the slaves at some point.

      • 5 months ago

        You'll have to overturn the Confed. constitution.

        • 5 months ago

          It's called an amendment and it will happen same as Brazil.

    • 5 months ago

      >slavery was on the way out globally
      note that Arabs were practicing slavery until it was abolished in 1962-1970 thanks to JFK

  4. 5 months ago

    A book on Critical Race Theory. Because you don't "win" by being ignorant, you live your life in a cloud of loss.

  5. 5 months ago

    Smokeless powder, only a few decades away from discovery but what a difference it could make.

    And Picatinny rails.

    • 5 months ago

      Smokeless powder was invented in the 1840's. They just didn't have the metallurgy to mass produce guns that could handle it until the 1870's.

      • 5 months ago

        Darn. Well could they produce field guns that could handle it then? Either side.

  6. 5 months ago

    An economy that isn't based on unwilling laborers who need to be guarded 24/7.

    Less moronic logistics and transportation.

    • 5 months ago

      >Less moronic logistics
      > stop with the snowflake calibers
      > standardize on one caliber
      > one diameter rifle barrel
      > one diameter bullet
      > ditto for pistols
      Maybe introduce the concept of sabotage up in the north.
      > blow up rail lines
      > blow up bridges
      > blow up ammo dumps
      The south did some behind the lines work but it should have been more aggressive.

      • 5 months ago

        They need rifles to fight, they don't have rifles, and they can't make rifles. So they get whatever they can find, and it's all sorts of weird shit.

        Unless we're able to go back to 1855 or something they are incapable of standardizing. No time, no means.

  7. 5 months ago

    I say the radio and penicillin. That gives them medicine to deal with disease, which is always the biggest killer in war, and superior comms to the enemy. Even if they're simple spark gap telegraphs powered by hand crank motors, that gives their commanders a serious advantage.

    • 5 months ago

      Bingo, we have a winner!

      Both things that were within their means, that could have made a real difference in the war. Telegraphs were a great strategic asset, but wagon mounted battlefield radios would have made life hell for the Union. Also penicillin would have reduced casualties to a fraction of what the Union would have suffered. Being able to survive and recover from a serious injury like that would have also been a huge morale boost.

  8. 5 months ago

    mechanized agriculture

  9. 5 months ago

    Why would you want the South to win? Slavery was used as a tool to devalue the white worker's labor. Only 1% of Americans own slaves, the elites. We didn't benefit from it, our ancestors suffered from it the same way we suffer labor devaluation from 3rd world immigration.

    • 5 months ago

      Red Cross instructions on blood groups and blood transfusion
      PPE and antibiotics
      Fabricated machinery for mass production of Snider-Enfield conversions and ammunition
      Vietnamese/Afghan literature on guerrilla warfare in case the former still isn’t enough

      Also the Ultra Mega Zigger Tank Thief-9000 (John Deere tractor)

      >why do you want to strangle Federal tyranny and Cultural Marxism before it gets a foothold in North America anon?


      I fricking love how Southerns and Southern israeli apologists have been so buckbroken for the past 200 years over a war they fought to continue importing and breeding of Black folk, that we constantly have threads for you sorry fricks to escape into your preggo Anne Frank headcanon. It's honestly sadder than the constant vatnik HATO kvetching at this point.

      Like fricking clockwork

      >unironically getting mad at a cute little pregnant israeli girl

      Timelines with pregnant Anne Frank and without Black folk/Russians/Germans chimping out>Timelines without pregnant Anne Frank and with Black folk/Russians/Germans chimping out

      Simple as

  10. 5 months ago

    >to make the South win the Civil War.
    Why would I want a bunch of lazy aristocracy LARPers to win?

  11. 5 months ago

    I fricking love how Southerns and Southern israeli apologists have been so buckbroken for the past 200 years over a war they fought to continue importing and breeding of Black folk, that we constantly have threads for you sorry fricks to escape into your preggo Anne Frank headcanon. It's honestly sadder than the constant vatnik HATO kvetching at this point.

    • 5 months ago

      >pregnant Anne Frank timeline - unlocked

      Like fricking clockwork

    • 5 months ago

      >barely mention the Confederacy or slavery
      >thirdie moron screeches about da joooooos and unrelated bullshit
      You have brown, brown skin.

  12. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Based, anyone ITT who hasn’t read this book is missing out.

  13. 5 months ago

    There was nothing that could have saved the Confederates, because their issues were not tech it was poor decision making and bad politics. The only reason it lasted more than six months was just how little the us really wanted to deal with the south and actual drooling morons running the union troops

  14. 5 months ago

    Amphetamines and V-2 rockets.

  15. 5 months ago

    >pregnant Anne Frank timeline - unlocked

  16. 5 months ago

    Stop attacking into the north
    And build trenchs everywhere

  17. 5 months ago

    modern machining so they can shit out repeaters by the hundreds, as well as ww1 era artillery so the can win the war by just shelling every major armory and factory town at a distance the north cant engage them at

  18. 5 months ago

    I go/send someone back to 1619 and prevent Slaves ever being bought to the American colonies, or at least stop the institution from developing. With no slaves and no slavery the southern economy develops more along the same lines as in north; and as a result the South is more industrialised if civil war ever breaks out and slavery can't be used as a wedgehammer issue by the north to shut off global support for the southern states.

    • 5 months ago

      If they had the same type of economy as the north they'd have developed culturally along the same lines and there would have been no reason for a civil war

  19. 5 months ago

    I'd just show the northern generals a bunch of photos from the BLM riots.

    • 5 months ago

      Okay, but the Southerners wanted to KEEP the slaves and even breed more of them.

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