Krabsister i dont feel so good

>PZH20k Fires 20 000 rounds out of a single barrel, close to almost 5 time the recommended limit.
>arrived at best around On 21 June in average 1600 shot a month... 54 a day...
>not a single one lost

wtf krab bros i thought its a maintenance hog with unnecessary systems and and garbage ??

why does it look like a office job??

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 12 months ago

    Ok, calm down Ivan.

    • 12 months ago

      This. Both polish and german stuff is killing russians and it's beautiful.

    • 12 months ago

      honestly kinda fricked up how the US and UK was completely fine with forcing millions of Germans to relocate so Stalin could quite literally pick up Poland and move it a bit west but oh well, it's in the past

      • 12 months ago

        tbqh, it's kinda understandable from the viewpoint of the Poles and the Czechs. Frick around with the Fuhrer, find out.

      • 12 months ago

        honestly kinda fricked up how Hitler used “oh, there’s a family that moved there from Germany 200 years ago” as an excuse to invade half of Europe, but oh, well, it’s in the past.

        • 12 months ago

          You mean the Germans that Poland invited to settle in eastern Prussia before eventually changing their mind and chimping out?

      • 12 months ago

        What is the group around Bautzen? Masurians?

        • 12 months ago

          Sorbians, Masurians were way to the NE.

      • 12 months ago

        We can move it back east a little (if the Poles don't mind).

      • 12 months ago

        would you look at that! the germans after that mostly lived in 1 country than in poland, czechia, hungary and so on! problem solved!

      • 12 months ago

        >honestly kinda fricked up how the US and UK was completely fine with forcing millions of Germans to relocate so Stalin could quite literally pick up Poland and move it a bit west but oh well, it's in the past

        Dont expect to escape your crimes, mutt

      • 12 months ago

        >Start first world war, some polacks die as a result
        >Lose and cede some valuable, industrial land to Poland
        >Start second world war, lots of polacks die as a result
        >Lose and cede even more valuable, industrial land to Poland
        We good now krautbros, but what are we supposed to take next time? Berlin? Vorpommern is nice for a holiday trip and all but seems kinda useless otherwise

      • 12 months ago

        Well, Hitler wanted to reunite all Germans into the one Reich, and he got his wish. Serves him right for wishing on a monkey paw.

  2. 12 months ago

    nice the barrel didn't go kaboom but what about accuracy? I bet the shells now have a 10km cep without any rifling

    • 12 months ago

      oh shut up moron

      • 12 months ago

        does the panzerhootinboobin have magical groves in the barrel that don't wear out? oh genius answer me

    • 12 months ago

      well its worn out to shit for sure. maybe they just fire MRSI instead and go for accuracy by volume lol? or maybe its still good enugh for BONUS and excalibur because they seek/correct onto the target themselves?

    • 12 months ago

      Accuracy probably went to shit, especially near the 20k mark. The manufacturer recommends installing a new barrel after 4500 shots. The only reason why I see the Ukies keep on using barrels for that long is because they don't have many to spare and as such just squeeze out what they can out of the ones they have. Polish barrels shouldn't deviate too much from Rheinmetall's, so maybe it's something inherent in the Krabs that makes them liable to explode when stressed so much. Or maybe the Poles just decided to use cheaper materials for their barrels for whatever reason, or sent barrels that already had some wear on them.

      • 12 months ago

        Wouldn't Excalibur compensate for the loss in accuracy?

      • 12 months ago

        German barrels are made from Kruppstahl.
        Swedish barrels are made from Swedenstahl.
        Polish barrels are made from Diebstahl.

      • 12 months ago

        protip: most krabs use german made barrels - before war Poland was in a process of acquiring tech to produce 20 to 50 barrels a year and was producing single digits yearly mostly for endurance testing and process refinement.

    • 12 months ago

      Accuracy takes a hit for sure when the barrel is worn, but it also loses range since the seal isn't as tight. That can be accounted for however.

  3. 12 months ago

    cool story about the PzH2k, but no reason to shit on Krabs
    t. kraut

    • 12 months ago

      this. there are enough orcs around for everyone

      • 12 months ago

        I wish they would film more stuff.Im up for comparing footages and judging them based on style points(vatnik limbs flying everywhere etc).I cant wait until we see himars letting tungsten rain on mobiks.

    • 12 months ago


      t. German

    • 12 months ago

      commandable but that doesnt stop poolaks on shitting on the pzh.

      • 12 months ago

        I'm Polish as it gets and let metell you this:
        On the internet, anyone can pretend to be who they want.
        I'm not saying we don't have idiots who find dumb joy in uselessly teasing their German friends. But Russian troll farms certainly work here as well.
        There was a lot of criticism in Poland towards German aid at the beginning of the conflict, but it was more about the quantity, not the quality of the weapons transferred. Pzh2000 is a work of art. Probably the best of its kind. I hope we will see more of it in Ukraine. There is plenty of Russians to go around, enough for everyone.

    • 12 months ago

      >all these apologetic German cucks sucking up to polish chads who spit on them and actively make fun of them
      Love to see it, you go Hans.

      >Turning it into poles vs germs for no reason
      I hope you stroke out and die
      t. kraut

      >all these apologetic German cucks sucking up to polish chads who spit on them and actively make fun of them
      Love to see it, you go Hans.


      t. German

      >all these apologetic German cucks sucking up to polish chads who spit on them and actively make fun of them
      Love to see it, you go Hans.

    • 12 months ago

      German here as well. Despite our many differences I respect the Poles a lot and what they have done for Ukraine.

      • 12 months ago

        >all these apologetic German cucks sucking up to polish chads who spit on them and actively make fun of them
        Love to see it, you go Hans.

      • 12 months ago

        I respect the poles as much as I respect any decently competent sworn enemy.
        Make no mistake, the poles HATE us. They hate us for WW2. They hate us for the partitions. They hate us for a warped view of medieval history they are taught. They hate us for being rich. They hate us for trying to get immigrants to poland, they hate us for placating russia (I kinda understand them on those points). And most importantly, they hate us because their government has decided that hating germany is a great way to unify a country. They are bombarded with lies about evil germany by their state media. The children are taught that germany is evil at school. Do no think of poles as reasonable people with some legitimate minor grudges against us. They are purposely programmed germany-hating drones, much in the way russians are drones hating everything western and free. In the future, expect more underhanded and eventually overt polish attacks on germany. They are perhaps the greatest foreign threat to germany that exists - yes, greater than russia, perhaps even greater than china.

        • 12 months ago

          >the poles HATE us
          Not in general no.
          >They hate us for the partitions.
          >They hate us for a warped view of medieval history they are taught
          For the average Pole that doesn't go beyond the occasional shittalking, but its all in good fun.
          >They hate us for being rich
          Most of them realize that we are making them rich as well.
          >They hate us for trying to get immigrants to poland
          Thats fair, but most Germans hate their government for that as well.
          >they hate us for placating russia
          Hate is too strong a word here, but they are right. Our policies towards Russia were completely moronic and delusional.
          > they hate us because their government has decided that hating germany is a great way to unify a country
          You're confusion the occasional boomer politician with the actual population.
          >They are perhaps the greatest foreign threat to germany that exists - yes, greater than russia
          You are delusional.

          Poles in general are a decent, hard working people. The times when Poland looked like an irredeemable shithole are over. They spend the last 30 years steadily improving, and they know they couldn't have done it without our help.
          This pic pretty much sums up Poland German relations

          Ok, calm down Ivan.

          t. German construction worker with a bunch of polish colleges

          • 12 months ago

            >all these apologetic German cucks sucking up to polish chads who spit on them and actively make fun of them
            Love to see it, you go Hans.

          • 12 months ago

            >decent, hard working people
            So were most germans back in WW2. We know how much that meant when the nazis took over.
            >The times when Poland looked like an irredeemable shithole are over.
            But the times when poland becomes an irredeemable "controlled democracy" are only now starting. Poland is becoming a less than democratic state with a strong economy and international influence, precisely what makes it dangerous.
            >t. German construction worker with a bunch of polish colleges
            Poles willing to work in germany are not your average pole, especially not as concerns attitudes towards germans.

        • 12 months ago

          Poland would need at least 30 more years of PiS to learn to "hate" Germany, and even then there will be all those millions of Poles with German friends, colleagues and family in the way.

        • 12 months ago

          >And most importantly, they hate us because their government has decided that hating germany is a great way to unify a country.
          if you think this country is anything close to being unified you're absolutely moronic
          Anyway dislike of germans will always be a thing for obvious reasons (Merkel didn't help here) but don't delude yourself our feelings for germans don't even approach anything we feel for russians

          And nobody believes in that reparations shit

        • 12 months ago

          But I'll recant my views if any prominent pole publicly apologizes for this pic

          honestly kinda fricked up how the US and UK was completely fine with forcing millions of Germans to relocate so Stalin could quite literally pick up Poland and move it a bit west but oh well, it's in the past

          • 12 months ago

            Why apologise? The relocations stopped Germany from continuing to ape out about German-speakers in the Sudetenland, Polish corridor, Silesia and Czechia. They guaranteed peace in central Europe for decades to come. Look at how much Serbia is still seething about the handful of Serbs in northern Kosovo -- if there were still a substantial number of Germans living outside of the state's borders, you can guarantee it would be a hot button political issue and would probably have caused at least a border skirmish at some point after 1945.

            Germany fricked around and found out. The only Krauts still griping about it are decrepit old Nazi sympathisers and some edgy 14 year olds who post Wilhelm II memes on Discord (i.e. you).

    • 12 months ago

      why do all of these have a specific fetish?

    • 12 months ago

      Krabs used German barrels as well. No reason to shit on NATO 155mm artillery since barrel life is determinate on charge load and other variables anyways.

      It looked like Ukraine was more willing to put their more numerous number of Krabs up closer to the front and probably went full charge load to try to get reach in exchange for risk. PzH2000s aren't as numerous as a system so Ukraine has to make them count given their high rate of fire. I wouldn't suspect they'd treat them any differently if the numbers were reversed for system availability with the PzH2000s being sent up closer to the front if they had the numbers.

      • 12 months ago

        why would they treat them nicely, if the Krab is better? If anything id put the shittier system on the front since loosing them wouldnt hurt as much.

        • 12 months ago

          It isn't about which system is better, it is about which system they have enough numbers of that they're willing to take risks with. If Ukraine had an endless supply of PzH2000s coming in every month you'd see them doing risky shit with them like they did with M109s.

          • 12 months ago

            Why wouldnt they put the almost 30 year old arty on tracks on the front to spare their newer, better ones. It certainly wouldnt hurt as much to loose one to a lancet

  4. 12 months ago

    >not a single one lost
    ok so where are the 20,000 destroyed tanks?

    • 12 months ago

      >ok so where are the 20,000 destroyed tanks?
      Because expecting the PzH2k to bat 1.000 might seem reasonable to some? I think we can all agree that it would be laughable to hold the Russian ammo expenditure/hit ratio to be within several standard deviations of that; why such a dramatic double standard?

  5. 12 months ago

    Now tell me how many EFC.

  6. 12 months ago

    Just like the APC having survived 3 mines, another 4x the bullshit claim from the Ukrainians.

  7. 12 months ago

    Good on ya krautbros, hope your equipment wont suffer casualties, doesnt matter if its germ or polish equipment fricking up russians, frick dem vatBlack folk

  8. 12 months ago


    Dude they were literally reporting having to send the PZH2k back to Germany for repairs after mere weeks of being sent to Ukraine. PASIs are famous for being basically cardboard boxes that will snap in half in any proximity of a real mine detonation too.

    • 12 months ago

      yeah thats why they bought 100 of them right ? because they were so shit ?

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            >Bought with donated German vouchers to be spent on German industry
            >Several years
            Lamo u

          • 12 months ago

            imagine truly believing that that coke addict of a country is ever paying for anything by themselves

            • 12 months ago

              They'll pay in dead Russians.

              • 12 months ago

                Well, that was my point in the first place. That is exactly why they keep coming up these fantastical fantasy stories for the equipment they receive.

              • 12 months ago

                As long as they deliver they can lie to me all day long.

            • 12 months ago

              We just take Russian money they nicely left in our banks. Then we pick up Ukraine into the EU and create an economic megaproject to rebuild a country after a war.
              That's what the U.S. did during and after the World Wars and how they got to be a global superpower with many allies.
              Far better than sitting on a heap of slowly degrading weapons we won't use ourselves anyways.

              • 12 months ago

                That is fantasy because Russia will never let Ukraine get back on its feet. Even if they kick out Russia from the country, including Crimea, they'll still be bombing Ukraine, and there's not anything in the world you can do about it other than appease Russia. Those frozen assets will never be used to fund Ukraine

              • 12 months ago

                Once russia is kicked out NATO will move in. Putin will then be too much of a pucci to do anything. Even now, he and his family only lives because NATO lets him live. NATO can snuff his family and him out pretty much at will.

              • 12 months ago

                They have sown the wind, and so they shall reap the whirlwind.

                Arthur "Bomber" Harris

                That which bombs can also be bombed.

              • 12 months ago

                There is a decent probability of another Russian civil war in a few years even now. Throw the loss of Crimea in and there will 100% be a civil war. Ukraine won't have to worry about shit until said civil war is over and then they'll have NATO defenses all over the country.

              • 12 months ago

                I wish I could share your optimism, but I admit I was initially very pessimistic about Ukraine's chances at the start of the war. I still feel that was to the credit of the Ukrainians, and not NATO itself.

              • 12 months ago

                >Even if they kick out Russia from the country, including Crimea, they'll still be bombing Ukraine, and there's not anything in the world you can do about it other than appease Russia.
                The moment the Ukrainians can claim that there's not an ongoing territorial dispute and they have every scrap of land back under de facto control, NATO can fast-track them in. At that point the bombing stops or Russia starts losing things like their entire fleet to conventional attacks. China won't do shit if Russia no longer holds territory and keeps bombing; Xi has already trashed decades of soft power by trying to play both sides of the street.
                But lets imagine that things go stagnant for a while. Take a look at the ruble valuation just right now, and that's with all the currency controls Putin can throw at it to staunch the bleeding. Even if Russia avoids hyperinflation, what's to stop the U.S. from coming up with a Gulf of Tonkin incident to justify mopping up? Everybody's sick of Russian aggression and intransigence. Xi and Modi are already distancing themselves.
                The longer Putin refuses to acknowledge the truth, the more urgent it will be for his inevitable successor to cut a deal. And their negotiating position gets worse by the day.

              • 12 months ago

                >NATO can fast-track them in.
                They can't even fast-track Sweden, what are you on about

              • 12 months ago

                Finland as NATO buffer between puccia and Sweden, you really thinking at Svenska jævler are in hurry? kek

              • 12 months ago

                The point is that Sweden is an entirely uncontroversial addition to NATO with no real negatives to the alliance. Hungary would rather join Russia's SMO to get land grabs from Ukraine than accept their membership. All other non psychotic butthurt belt members would likely not accept until there's guarantees of no danger of any kind of conflict with Russia either.

              • 12 months ago

                >Hungary would rather join Russia's SMO to get land grabs from Ukraine than accept their membership
                Maybe Orban would, but the rest of Hungary probably isn't as keen on the idea. Putin can't even get his sockpuppet Luka to go in on this venture, do you really think Orban wants to try his luck?

              • 12 months ago

                The point is that Sweden is an entirely uncontroversial addition to NATO with no real negatives to the alliance. Hungary would rather join Russia's SMO to get land grabs from Ukraine than accept their membership. All other non psychotic butthurt belt members would likely not accept until there's guarantees of no danger of any kind of conflict with Russia either.

                >Sweden is an entirely uncontroversial addition to NATO with no real negatives to the alliance.
                Are you moronic? They're supporting terrorists in a NATO member. Why the everloving frick would they be allowed in?
                >butthurt belt
                Oh, you ARE moronic.

              • 12 months ago

                >terrorists in a NATO member
                every freedom fighter is the terrorist for the affected empire
                frick the HELL off, turkroach
                vote for Sweden or forget the F-16
                Orban was already warned about his HIMARS
                Sweden is sacrificing a century of neutrality, respect their sacrifice. Ataturk is ashamed of you.

              • 12 months ago

                >They can't even fast-track Sweden
                As of the initial application last year, Sweden has been and remains under that unilateral U.S. security guarantee, remember? One Russian territorial violation and a lot of mobiks will get to hear a high-decibel rendition of "Fortunate Son". Once.
                The only reason most members allowed Hungary and Turkey to hold things up for Sweden and Finland was to gauge how long and what it took to twist Orban and Erdogan's arms. Now they know what buttons to press to get compliance quickly when the time comes.

              • 12 months ago

                NATO, or part of NATO (i.e. the US) joining the war on the ukrainian side (or promising to do so in case russia attacks again/akes more territory) and putting them under the nuclear umbrella is not contingent on legalese issues like ongoing territorial disputes or such nonsense. It depends entirely on whether the US are willing to take the risk of nuclear escalation. And that depends on how stable they judge putin and his inner circle to be. The rest of NATO doesn't even matter, they're cheerleaders at best. Unless some like poland decide to go in conventionally on their own, which I doubt.
                >what's to stop the U.S. from coming up with a Gulf of Tonkin incident to justify mopping up?
                Russian nukes. Duh.

              • 12 months ago

                >It depends entirely on whether the US are willing to take the risk of nuclear escalation.
                The ace up their sleeve is in fact legalese. They'll reinterpret the Budapest Memorandum as permitting more robust defensive action. And then they'll publicly call on the assistance of other UNSC members to honor their commitments, because China made two different unilateral proclamations guaranteeing Ukrainian sovereignty and they can't stand losing any more face over this shitstorm. Xi will have "the Talk" with Putin: it's over, we're not backing your play, accept it before you fall out a window.
                Putin stopped making nuke threats after Xi and Modi made it clear that it was a bridge too far.

              • 12 months ago

                China doesn't care about treaties in the first place, and the "face" they will lose over this business is very limited.
                > Xi will have "the Talk" with Putin: it's over, we're not backing your play, accept it before you fall out a window.
                Xi doesn't have that kind of power over Putin.
                >Putin stopped making nuke threats after Xi and Modi made it clear that it was a bridge too far.
                And NATO/US still doesn't join the war on the ukrainian side. Because the threat of the nukes is still too great.

              • 12 months ago

                >China doesn't care about treaties in the first place, and the "face" they will lose over this business is very limited.
                They've already pissed away decades of patiently-built soft power and handed the U.S. a major public relations victory. The PRC might have offered the guarantee expecting that they'd never have to honor it, but they're still fuming over Putin's little adventure. They want him as a bulwark to keep more U.S. military power out of SEA, and at some point he'll move from "asset" to "liability" and they'll write him off.
                >Xi doesn't have that kind of power over Putin.
                Putin knows he needs a major player to back him even to survive as a cut-rate regional power. I've seen zero evidence that the tail is wagging the dog in their relationship.
                >And NATO/US still doesn't join the war on the ukrainian side. Because the threat of the nukes is still too great.
                If that were really true, why would they risk any of those "red lines"? Wouldn't they have lined up behind Marxists like Noam Chomsky three days into the war and advised Ukraine to bite the pillow? Every threat proven hollow, every evidence of Soviet military power rotted out from corruption, every Russian goodwill gesture: each only bolsters the West's confidence.

              • 12 months ago

                >Hungary would rather join Russia's SMO to get land grabs from Ukraine than accept their membership
                Maybe Orban would, but the rest of Hungary probably isn't as keen on the idea. Putin can't even get his sockpuppet Luka to go in on this venture, do you really think Orban wants to try his luck?

                Xi just doesn't have that much influence over Putin. Putin/RF was basically the wildcard and acting in its own interests without really consulting its allies. At best Xi had a heads up during the Winter Olympics and did nothing since he surely thought Might Russian Bear could crush Ukraine.

                In other words, Putin is on no one's side. Putin and Russian Federation will try and play any country or bloc trying to woo Russia. So it's an unreliable partner for the EU, USA and PRC and is nothing, but a glorified gas station for them.

              • 12 months ago

                >So it's an unreliable partner for the EU, USA and PRC
                I agree, but this is less true of Russia and more so of Putin. He's proven himself erratic, unreliable, and entirely willing to take large gambles without considering negative outcomes, and it's all blowing up in his face at the moment. Right now I suspect everybody is waiting things out and weighing the options on which players might fill the imminent power vacuum.
                >and is nothing, but a glorified gas station for them.
                Right now, the Russia situation is something more: it's also a "major migraine" for all of them, lol.
                Seriously, though: Putin used to be a key part of the PRC's strategy to keep Western attention divided. A balkanized Russia (especially with some elements leaning West) is a huge setback for their ambitions. And when you say
                >Xi doesn't have that kind of power over Putin
                the "glorified gas station" thing contradicts that. Putin's Russia has a disproportionate amount of its economy coming from natural resource sales (the bulk of which is energy sector). With the U.S. and EU no longer willing to buy, Putin can't afford to alienate one of the last large markets -- especially one that collaborates on military tech and exercises. If he tries to go full North Korea there will probably be enough popular discontent to cause an uprising.

              • 12 months ago

                Assuming vathomies lose all the territory, and thereby Ukraine considers the war to be effectively over. Then, Ukraine will either join NATO or receive security guarantees. As such Russia would then be committing an act of war against all the parties. Putting and the Russian elite aren't completely irrational and so they will simply accept the outcome and move on, rather than invite further destruction of their military and infrastructure.

        • 12 months ago

          any yet still decided to order 100 of them. even long after the war might be over, insist the delivery date like 2025-2035?

          seem to me like the like them quite a bit..

          • 12 months ago

            Well to be fair, they had a limited choice in what they could order from germany. Getting a piece of equipment that they already used, germany was willing to sell (no leopards or so at that point) and they need a lot of was just reasonable. Germany doesn't have many different arty pieces on offer either, basically just PZH2000 and Boxer RCH which is untested (but they also ordered some of.)

          • 12 months ago

            There will be future wars because Russian culture requires it to perpetually try to restore its empire. Any defeat will be of little internal consequence because Tsars can be replaced.

    • 12 months ago

      >PASIs are famous for being basically cardboard boxes that will snap in half in any proximity of a real mine detonation too.

      Citation required.

    • 12 months ago

      Literally mindbroken by the fact that western arms, just like western appliances and western civilian cars, are better and more reliable.

  9. 12 months ago

    >Rheinmetall CEO said

  10. 12 months ago

    They are all doing a great job, Pzh2k, Krab, M109, Ceasar is Archer there? Id like to see the AS90s in play too.

    • 12 months ago

      Archer and AS-90 have both been promised, but not sure if they've arrived yet

      • 12 months ago

        They are all doing a great job, Pzh2k, Krab, M109, Ceasar is Archer there? Id like to see the AS90s in play too.

        Its there alright

  11. 12 months ago

    >Bullet doesn't spin, then it falls much earlier than predicted.
    They probably killed some civilians with those inaccurate shots.

  12. 12 months ago

    >CEO of Raytheon gives an interview.
    >Praises the ukies and says they've upgraded Patriot beyond factory specs.
    >CEO of the principal supplier of Russia's military machine gives an interview.
    >Makes up "and then everyone clapped" stories.
    Once Russia is dealt with, Europe really needs to solve its germs problem next.

    • 12 months ago

      Nobody is falling for your transparent attempt to sabotage western unity, zigger.

  13. 12 months ago

    >Numbers delivered to Ukraine:
    >Krab - over 70
    >Pzh2000 - 9

    Lmao, I wonder why we see more Krabs get hit....

    • 12 months ago

      even so, doesnt really speak for their supposedly superior shoot and scoot

      • 12 months ago

        of the krabs*

    • 12 months ago

      Ukraine has 28+ from
      Germany 14
      Netherlands 8
      Italy 6
      Plus whatever has been delivered by Rheinmetall so far.

      • 12 months ago

        >Italy 6
        Officially. Meloni had to be sneaky because both left and right in Italy are full of Vatniks so she has to pretend to be moronic to avoid autistic meltdowns in parliament and tv.
        More undeclared stuff was sent.

  14. 12 months ago


  15. 12 months ago

    >Turning it into poles vs germs for no reason
    I hope you stroke out and die
    t. kraut

  16. 12 months ago

    They're on constant maintenance though. See them coursing around Kyiv all the time.

    • 12 months ago

      Why would that reflect maintenance or repairs?

  17. 12 months ago

    >be PZH2000
    >sit in a repair shop in a Baltic country for 99.99% of the war

    • 12 months ago

      >zigger prostitute copers have arrived

  18. 12 months ago

    >all these apologetic German cucks sucking up to polish chads who spit on them and actively make fun of them
    Love to see it, you go Hans.

    • 12 months ago


      >the eternal vatnik is confused
      >they should hate each other

      • 12 months ago

        bin selber deutscher du trottel

        • 12 months ago

          Schon mal was von Rechtschreibung gehört Untermensch? Substantive werden großgeschrieben.

          • 12 months ago

            blas mir einen

            • 12 months ago

              Uh oh, hab den Diaspora VatBlack person gefunden.
              Wie kommt das, dass ihr keine drei Sätze rausbekommt bevor es schwul wird?

    • 12 months ago

      Still not working, Vanya. We hate you and your fellow ziggers more than each other. Deal with it.

  19. 12 months ago

    Impressive krauts technology, congrats on unlocking the gold skin

    t. pole

    • 12 months ago

      I have think both systems have enough kills for these flashy zoomer is the christmars skin from the last battlepass for reference.

  20. 12 months ago

    >pzh2k called Tina

  21. 12 months ago

    Ironic, meanwhile Krabs keep breaking down and get destroyed by lancets

  22. 12 months ago

    LOL get fricked Polacks

    • 12 months ago

      Post hands, turdworlder.

  23. 12 months ago

    Russia has removed all doubt for anyone in Ukraine that they are a dead end economy with no future. They are pathetic.

  24. 12 months ago

    Can I get a catbox or something of the twitter video? It's comfy and I can't rip it off twitter myself.

  25. 12 months ago

    What is the guy loading at 1:21?

  26. 12 months ago

    I grew up in rural Poland in the 90s, in the south-east. You wouldn't believe the cult people had around German technology here, it was a point of pride in my village to drive a German car. Like neighbors would laugh at you if they had a german car if you didn't. If you drove a french car you'd be the butt of jokes. Poor people would just get a Skoda because that was considered almost german. A bunch of dudes with beer in their hands around a BMW with its hood popped nodding appreciatively was a common sight when I was little.

    And in the 2000s if you didn't drive a Golf 3 in TDi you simply weren't a chad

  27. 12 months ago

    comfiest war footage

  28. 12 months ago

    Am I still on 4chin?

  29. 12 months ago

    Good, go kill some more ziggers for me, krautspawned machine.

    t. Pole

  30. 12 months ago

    Man, you assured me the Krab was superior and the PzH2k was broken all the time!

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