>join fb group related to the trails I'm planning on doing soon

>join fb group related to the trails I'm planning on doing soon
>cute girl comments and says she plans on doing those trails too and asks if she can tag along
>go through her profile picture and everything checks out
>scared I'll get raped and murdered

I'm new to the whole hiking and outdoors things, are people these friendly in this hobby? I'm not even a chad or anything, I've just never had a girl offer to do anything with me.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago

    >join fb group
    stopped reading there

  2. 2 years ago

    >joined face book group.
    Stopped there. You should go ask FB.

  3. 2 years ago

    Katya is so perfect

  4. 2 years ago

    "She" has a penis

    • 2 years ago

      You just keep making it better.

  5. 2 years ago

    >trusting a woman
    Your funeral, but.

  6. 2 years ago

    >hiking with women
    he doesnt know..

    • 2 years ago

      He doesnt know what?

      • 2 years ago

        >takes off pants
        >entire tent smells like unwashed vegana and cheesy feet
        >rolls over and tries to spoon
        >it gets so hot you want to open the tent but there's too many mosquitoes
        >wake up with her crusty panties in your sleeping bag
        >she gets bad morning breath and wants to kiss
        >her hair smells
        >she snores
        >she scratches her pimply four day vegana stubble all the time and then eats with her finger from your mutual food
        >her leg hair stubble chafes you
        >her handful of moustache hairs grow out cause she can't pluck them
        >her ass hair grows out
        >she gets pus filled chafe wounds that you have to clean for her
        >you have to pluck tics from her crusty vag
        >she keeps creating situations you have to fix
        >she has a mental breakdown on day 3 and starts running ahead of you and gets dehydrated and then you have to stay an extra day in an exposed and bad hiking spot just to make her recover
        >she cries and tries having make up sex while smelling foul
        >she doesnt pee after sex even though you're both filthy and gets a minor yeast infection making the tent smell like dough and vegana and she has to pause to use baby wipes and pads all the time for the discharge and she just throws the used ones in a bush
        >she wants you to take lots of pics of her posing when you just wanna enjoy the scenery
        >she wont frick outside cause "omg what if people see"
        >she finally caves in and gives head and fricks up and gives your foreskin a gash
        >it becomes infected from her foul mouth bacteria cause you're innawoods and cant wash
        >you're freaking out and want to get to civilization ASAP as she finally starts to settle in and enjoy things and tells you to stop rushing so much
        >she forgets to hide her imperfections and you notice her breasts and ass are kinda saggy from that time her diet was just french fries and beer working at a ski resort and then she just got skinny and cute again like it wouldnt leave a mark
        >by the end of it catch yourself thinking about a good way to ask her to marry you

        • 2 years ago

          Sorry, but that ending can't save me. I'm now officially asexual.

        • 2 years ago

          sounds like a dream come true

        • 2 years ago

          >letting her share your food
          >letting her share your tent
          Don't share your resources with a woman unless you intend to impregnate her

        • 2 years ago

          >implying i would ever date a woman that ate a bad diet (the cause of body odor)
          >implying i would ever date a woman that shaved her pubic hair
          >implying i don't like the smell of unwashed hair
          >implying all of these things can't be avoided if you just don't date a modern hag

          • 2 years ago

            >bad diet (the cause of body odor)
            This is not true , its just another rumor started by P3TA
            BO comes from all sorts of things that have nothing to do with diet
            Now there are spices for sure that leech out when you sweat , curry for one
            Garlic heavy diet or onions can change your overall odor for a time but this is not what most people consider BO

            • 2 years ago

              It is true. Eating grain and seed oils will make your fat rancid, and will make the stench the bacteria produce more insulting. A person eating fresh fruit and vegetables, meat (not fed on grain, not pumped full of hormones), milk, and honey will not smell bad. I know a guy, lives self-sufficiently, who eats as described above, and claims to wash thoroughly only every three/four months. People stink because they aren't eating right - you probably have an incorrect idea of what is "right".

              • 2 years ago

                >Eating grain and seed oils will make your fat rancid
                citation needed

              • 2 years ago

                You can google "ray peat seed oil" for more information if you're genuinely interested, but I'll provide a synopsis for you, anyway:

                Vegetable seed oils turn rancid when heated and exposed to oxygen, which occurs both during the manufacturing of the oils, but also during the cooking process at home. When you ingest them, they are stored in your tissue, as fat, and cause damage so long as they remain in your system. When you exercise, you sweat, and the stench that comes from your body is made by bacteria on your skin that consume lipids that escape through your pores during perspiration: lipids that belong to the unsaturated fat that you have stored in your body through your consumption of seed oils, which is the most ubiquitous food additive in the world, and something that you are most certainly consuming, unless you are consciously on an all-natural, human diet.

                All that to say, if your seed oil ingestion is nil, and you are of a healthy body weight, and you don't over-wash, and destroy your skin flora, then your sweat will not stink, as the lipids you shed during perspiration do not belong to a class of fatty acids that are rancid and oxidized. Cope and seethe.

                >. A person eating fresh fruit and vegetables, meat (not fed on grain, not pumped full of hormones), milk, and honey will not smell bad.
                This is false

                Not an argument.

              • 2 years ago

                are you one of those moronic burgers who only eat butter because EVO is actually bad for your health although countries that use vegetable oil regularly have a lifespan literally 20 years higher than burgers

              • 2 years ago

                No, EVOO, and especially coconut oil, are extremely good for you, and I use both in my cooking. I don't eat vegetable seed oils, though, because I don't want to be fat and decrepit in my old age. Why don't you come at it with an open mind, instead of berating me because I'm suggesting you might be doing something harmful to your health? You could learn something.

              • 2 years ago

                Also, how moronic do you have to be to think that "vegetable seed oils" even includes EVOO? Burgers are fat and die younger because they eat more seed oils, dude.

                Ah yes, olives, the famous seed.

                Sorry but I've actually talked to a bunch of burgers now, bringing up this argumet that vegetable oil is bad for you because eating vegetables is notoriously unhealthy. They only ate meat and butter and had a number of obviously unrelated health problems.

              • 2 years ago

                Well, that is an entirely different topic, but generally, the problem with plants is not that they are "unhealthy", but that they are overemphasized, and thus lead to deficiencies, due to their innate indigestibility. America can't really be used as a model for anything, because pretty much everything that hits the shelves there is fricked up to some degree (pesticides, herbicides, animal abuse, etc.).

              • 2 years ago

                Anyone who has a restrictive diet that prevents them from eating any of the subclasses of foods that an apex omnivore should eat is a moron and they deserve their health problems. I'm an american and I have never met anyone like this, however. All the fat people i've met know exactly why they're fat, and by their own admission they eat too much junkfood. All of this bullshit is an internet thing because these idiots don't go PrepHoleside

              • 2 years ago

                Also, how moronic do you have to be to think that "vegetable seed oils" even includes EVOO? Burgers are fat and die younger because they eat more seed oils, dude.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah yes, olives, the famous seed.

              • 2 years ago

                Still no citation
                This is bro science anon, it uses a bit of truth and all the right jargon but makes huge assumptions to bolster previously held beliefs
                I love how non scientists take peer reviewed papers and then just make shit up pretending its all in the brief

              • 2 years ago

                I don't need a citation, because I have lived experience. It's merely intuitive. If you don't want to believe me, that's fine, but it's your stinky ass and health that's on the line. Do some digging yourself, if you give a damn.

              • 2 years ago

                >If you don't want to believe me
                I believe everything anyone ever said to me on the internet, because why would they lie to me bro?

              • 2 years ago

                >. A person eating fresh fruit and vegetables, meat (not fed on grain, not pumped full of hormones), milk, and honey will not smell bad.
                This is false

              • 2 years ago

                only if they're white, or asian.

        • 2 years ago

          That's gross dude

        • 2 years ago

          I just wanna have sex in the forest

        • 2 years ago

          delightful post except for the joke at the end

  7. 2 years ago
    Noot Noot

    Don’t listen too these losers, you could end up making good friends is you meet up with new people

  8. 2 years ago

    Will be ok
    If you re not fat, bit muscle and tall you ll get pussy innawoods
    If you're not one of those things than you ll make a friend

  9. 2 years ago

    Holy frick, the amount of incels in this thread. Go, have fun OP these homosexuals are just jealous. Unless you're a homosexual too, in which case do whatever.

  10. 2 years ago

    I ran a hiking MeetUp group for several year, so I have a lot of experience hiking with strangers. If you want to meet new people to hike with, FB is your best option. MeetUp is ok, but FB has a much broader user base and is almost ubiquitous. Here’s what to expect.

    Especially when it’s just one girl and one guy. This is a straight up fear of rape, or being in an uncomfortable situation. Beyond that, people in general (men as well) are just flakey as hell. You’ll have several people who say they want to go, then back out maybe a week beforehand, often with no explanation. We once had a guy not show up who had a 12 passenger van and had volunteered to drive 6 of us on a bigger trip.

    You better question her before she shows up. A lot of people want to go because they like the IG pics and the idea, but haven’t actually ever gone or don’t have a clue what’s involved.

    >fat/out of shape
    Happens often. Had a group of four where two people couldn’t go on and had to be “rescued” by the local forest ranger (who got them on a four wheeler, to give an idea of how easy the trail was). They were 6 miles from where they started.

    >uncomfortable because Autism
    Not a problem for me. I’m what one of you PrepHole kids might call a “normal.” But if you’re awkward around strangers that won’t magically change when you’re spending all day hiking with one. It’s especially true when it’s a girl and you’re extra scared of interacting because she might try to devour your soul and steal your precious seed.

  11. 2 years ago

    Hikers are very nice people. You will have a great time. Go date that girl right now. It's a great opportunity to get a girlfriend.

    Hiking tips :
    - Drink plenty of water
    - Bring a lot of water
    - Bring granola bars
    - Watch out for heat exhaustion or heat stroke
    - In bear country, make a little bit of noise as you go along
    - No alcohol or beer during the hike, keep it for the end
    - Bring a map of the trails and don't venture off trail

  12. 2 years ago

    The mole of Kiev. He will be missed

  13. 2 years ago

    Bruh just dont get raped. But seriously, all relationships require a donation of some trust from both parties in order to form, whether that be a new hiking buddy or a romantic relationship
    Also some of you guys are really gross. You should consider going outside like once in your life

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