I've never been hunting. Are any of the autistic rules ACTUALLY enforced?

I've never been hunting

Are any of the autistic rules ACTUALLY enforced? Like, have any of you ever had to genuinely deal in person with an butthole making sure you really only have 3 rounds in your shotgun or you're really using lead-free ammo or you're really not shooting at deer with a .223 when .243 or bigger is legally mandated?

Or is this shit all like "do not remove" tags on mattresses?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago

    Do not frick with wardens you gigantic moron.

  2. 2 years ago

    In my experience, don't frick around with waterfowl or migratory game birds, or hunt out of season or without a license. I don't have to deal with caliber bullshit here, so thank God for that.

  3. 2 years ago

    game wardens do exist and are pretty cool respectful guys. they are what cops should be.

    • 2 years ago

      this. I have always hated cops (not a nog, I just always seem to meet the douche punisher skull types) but every interaction I had with game wardens has been awesome. Dope guys.

      • 2 years ago

        I think that's because there isn't much nogs that go hunting in the first place.

  4. 2 years ago

    1/4 of central american has already entered your state
    >scusses me boys but I got a call of someone shooting squirrels!

  5. 2 years ago

    I've never seen a game warden in the field, but I assume there's one behind every bush. The rules are common sense and you'd have to be a total edgelord to risk your license over them.

    • 2 years ago

      They all carry this fake bravado like they actually do something outside of collect taxes. They are only rung up in the career ladder to lesbian forest rangers.

      • 2 years ago

        >t. Dumbass who lost his license

        • 2 years ago

          a license is a privilege only a king or queen can grant as you will not find the word in teh constitution.

          >Do you suck wieners too?

          • 2 years ago

            Post guns you larping gaytron

          • 2 years ago

            >a license is a privilege only a king or queen can grant
            lmao, even

      • 2 years ago

        They are the only law enforcement outside of sheriffs that are worth their weight in salt. You are a homosexual.

        • 2 years ago

          well most small town police forces run a close to $4-5 million dollar a month operation. That's a lot of Striped Bass!

      • 2 years ago

        nah man they have respect for you unlike other cops cause they know the person they are talking to is also armed and they they have no fricking backup. i mean they will still charge you when you are breaking the law but they arent powertripping dicks about it.
        both parties understand they could kill the other in the next second and temporarily get away with it.

        • 2 years ago

          This. Cops in metro areas can summon an army of cops with a few key words over their radio. A ranger or game warden out in the middle of nowhere can only hope they find enough evidence off his dead body to find you after the fact.

      • 2 years ago

        They never act like that though. Fish cops don't imagine themselves as being hardcore, they're well aware they chose a low intensity brand of enforcement. They care about the resource, most of them are out doing the same things you are on their days off. Also, lesbian forest rangers are usually pretty bro tier.

        • 2 years ago

          >They are only rung up in the career ladder to lesbian forest rangers.
          Lesbian forest rangers are pretty based though, definitely the most bro-tier of all the Gay archetypes.

          >t. Let's lesbians frick his wife.

          • 2 years ago

            Not so anon.
            I frick the lesbian's wife.

      • 2 years ago

        serving and protecting nature > serving and protecting subhuman urbanites

      • 2 years ago

        this description makes me wonder if you've met any or if this is a weird prejudice based on experience with other authority figures that you've managed to piss off somehow
        willing to be proven wrong by anecdote or whatever but i've never once been fricked with or felt demeaned despite running into them more often than the average joe because i like to stalk

      • 2 years ago

        t. a Black person who was too cheap to buy a fishing license even though they're like 12 bucks and they sell them right fricking there in the same Academy where you bought your cheap Chinese Black person rod

        • 2 years ago

          not that guy but I always buy a fishing license before I go into a lake. I might have to keep my beer above water but if that fricker wants to frick with me I'll drag him into shore with me. Or let him go because he is eating the leaches that make all the girls I went in there to begin with run away. It's actually really funny when girls take off all their clothes and dive in and then run out over leaches.

      • 2 years ago

        >They are only rung up in the career ladder to lesbian forest rangers.
        Lesbian forest rangers are pretty based though, definitely the most bro-tier of all the Gay archetypes.

      • 2 years ago

        what's a lesbian forest?

    • 2 years ago

      >The rules are common sense
      Oi bruv is that a straight walled rifle cartridge

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    Yes. Have proper permits.

  8. 2 years ago

    >"do not remove" tags on mattresses
    Those are for the retailer, not the end user, you absolute brainlet.
    Also, please never go hunting if you think basic safety and respect is autism.

  9. 2 years ago

    Two of my high school classmates did 6 months of hard time after the end of our senior year after being implicated in a deer poaching scheme. I wouldn’t try ir

  10. 2 years ago

    The game warden won't tell anyone you're missing. It's like fricking with postal inspectors, you think you can beat them? Go for it champ, but don't come crying to me when you disappear without a trace.

    • 2 years ago

      How the frick is he gonna come crying to you if he disappeared without a trace?

    • 2 years ago

      Please explain why not to frick with postal inspectors

      • 2 years ago

        Fricking with the postal service is one of the fastest ways to get an army of feds on you anon. There's a reason why organized crime doesn't and has never gone after the seemingly easy crime of mail theft.

      • 2 years ago

        They have a higher average of psychotic and sociopathic membership than any other profession on earth, including professional killers and mercenaries, and shockingly great legal latitude to do whatever they want.

      • 2 years ago

        Have you ever heard of any organization stealing post and getting away with it? I don't know what it is about them but I imagine detectives hunt serial killers with less psychotic fervor than those guys hunt minor infractors.

      • 2 years ago

        USPS is not to be fricked with

        • 2 years ago

          >using the Patriot act to spy on Americans
          >not because you care what they're saying
          >because the protests might interrupt your mail logistics

          God, I love this country sometimes.

          • 2 years ago

            The riots and stopped trains/trucks that got robbed really fricking pissed them off

  11. 2 years ago

    the instant you frick up you will be caught, and rightfully so.

  12. 2 years ago

    Rather interested in hunting I've been trying to get into it always run into car problems, don't want to bother my friends that hunt they already got their thing going on at someone elses cabin. Is the reason most people stick to tree stands is because they're paranoid a drunk person up in their own stand is going to shoot at them when they see movement if they try stalking game?

    • 2 years ago

      You stalk the game in the summer to learn its habits then ambush it from a stand or hide in the fall. It's just easier that way.

      • 2 years ago

        How is that easier?
        Hunting season is in fall. Most animals diet changes between summer and fall they can't find the same stuff even if they wanted to. They're going to take different paths and go to different spots between their nest and food sources than in summertime.

        • 2 years ago

          Deer will still pass through their summertime paths in the fall out of familiarity and to double check for anything left that can be foraged.

    • 2 years ago

      The most successful tactic for hunting whitetails is to find areas of high activity (feeding, bedding), and the trails going to/from these areas, and then sit there and wait for your deer to pass. A lot of deer hunting also occurs on relatively small parcels of land, and walking through whatever habitat is there is just going to bump deer onto someone else's property. A stand gives you a good view/shooting angle over brush and most of the time deer won't notice you sitting overhead if you stay still. The downward angle of your rifle shot is also safer in developed rural areas.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't they abandon nests and have backup areas they sleep in? I'm honestly more curious about what they do than eating them sometimes. As I understand it they have a preferred bedding area, and maybe more than one? That might change seasonally? Deers are very strange here they always migrate further out. I'll go jogging in earlier hours to avoid sunburn and run into deer that left a habitat a mile away a few years ago. They seem to like to bed near water. Whenever they branch out from a lake or something they seem to like a water source to move next to that's basically impossible to walk in without losing your shoes or you're squish plop picking up your shoe put it back on squish plop, if you know what I mean.

  13. 2 years ago

    I know a guy who got sent to state prison for shooting an NC game warden's deer decoy. Cops I know wont hunt because they dont want to lose their certifications over some dumbass misdemeanor ticket for a minor hunting violation. So I wouldnt mess about with it

  14. 2 years ago

    Wardens are the last LEO's to frick with. No one knows you're in the woods. No one would suspect the warden. They hate poachers more than blue city cops hate their chief, mayor and DA's

    And I like them

  15. 2 years ago

    >rules ACTUALLY enforced
    all of them.
    at levels you cannot fathom.
    fudds are the real people and they run the govt and make the rules
    you are a freak and they will shut you down

  16. 2 years ago

    /k/ really is the second gayest gun board on the Internet huh

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Chug literally chugs jizz. Its much more gayer

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Will the vatniks ever get over their butthurt that an anonymous Tibetan sand sculpture forum didn't unflinchingly support their bungled invasion?
        Historical sources suggest they will not.

    • 2 years ago

      >noooo you have to break conservation laws nooooo
      You can’t stop being a criminal Black person for 5 minutes, huh? Even when the laws don’t actively harm anybody, but actively preserve the biosphere. Frick off back to Africa.

      • 2 years ago

        You've clearly never hunted federal waterfowl. It has an absolutely asinine amount of rules which serve no actual purpose.

        >4 guys on a duck boat can't put all their shot ducks together at any point or it's a violation. Never mind you're on a 12' enclosed duck boat
        >every hunter is supposed to know exactly which Mallard was his despite them all looking exactly the same
        >if you're all shooting together it's often difficult to know who actually landed hits but if you're somehow above the limit yourself you're supposed to stop shooting entirely, despite this being almost impossible to ever know
        >grouping all your ducks on a tailgate for a photo? Violation.
        >cleaning your bagged game in situe without keeping a head/wing of every bird? Violation. It's not enough to just have whole cleaned carcasses even if you're under your own personal bag limit

        Most hunting rules are dumb as frick and written by city liberals who have never so much as touched a call.

        • 2 years ago

          He will probably complain about how arbitrary the NFA is in a different thread, without a shred of self awareness

          • 2 years ago

            >hunting rules are dumb
            >we should get rid of them
            >there totally wasn't a problem when we could kill any animal at will at any time
            >except for all the game animals we nearly wiped from existence and the ones we did wipe out


        • 2 years ago

          >>4 guys on a duck boat can't put all their shot ducks together at any point or it's a violation. Never mind you're on a 12' enclosed duck boat

          Thats to prevent 1 shooter killing everything for the whole boat.

          >every hunter is supposed to know exactly which Mallard was his despite them all looking exactly the same
          See rule 1, not hard either. You know when you hit a bird, and where is generally falls.

          >>if you're all shooting together it's often difficult to know who actually landed hits but if you're somehow above the limit yourself you're supposed to stop shooting entirely, despite this being almost impossible to ever know
          This is to prevent one boat from taking out an entire flock and claiming ignorance. See 1 and 2.

          >grouping all your ducks on a tailgate for a photo? Violation.
          Same as 1 and 2.

          >cleaning your bagged game in situe without keeping a head/wing of every bird? Violation

          To prevent people from throwing out shot parts and mish mashing multiple birds into one carcass, thus preventing overhunting.

          Each rule was created due to homosexuals breaking the intent of the laws; to prevent overhunting.

          • 2 years ago

            >See rule 1, not hard either. You know when you hit a bird, and where is generally falls.
            Go hunt out west where flocks of dozens and sometimes hundreds are responding to calls and a dozen guys all stand up and shoot. You cannot always tell if you shot a bird or someone else did.

            >This is to prevent one boat from taking out an entire flock and claiming ignorance. See 1 and 2.
            "Taking out a flock" never mind, you've clearly never bird hunted in your miserable life.

  17. 2 years ago

    Games wardens in my state (PA) are on par with state troopers with their access and lack of jurisdiction and shit. I’ve had plenty of encounters and they have always been totally peaceful but with that being said, I follow the hunting laws and never poach.

  18. 2 years ago

    It is definitely not like a mattress tag, game wardens will do random checks and look into things when they don't feel right, and you bet your ass every fudd this side of the Missisippi will report you for hunting with an ar15

  19. 2 years ago

    Just don't do it OP, it isn't worth the stress or potential hassle

  20. 2 years ago

    Game Black folk are the Black folk of the ZOGbot world. They are so high on their own farts and they will go out into the middle of nowhere to find you and fine you. They also have more legal powers to search you then almost any other ZOGbot. They have boats, trucks, ATVs, and drones to track your ass too. It's nuts, pay your hunting permit fees and don't break the rules. But don't listen to me, I'm just some butthole on the internet.

  21. 2 years ago

    Yes, I have personally had wardens hassle me/others in my party to make sure shotguns could not load over the max number of shells, check we were under the bag limit, not shooting lead etc. If they see you when they are randomly roaming around they will check all the easy things.

  22. 2 years ago

    how do game wardens not get murdered all the time

    they have handguns and light body armor (I assume) against people with high powered rifles and shotguns

    whats to stop someone from just murking them in the woods? their truck is probably 5 miles away, their backup is probably 50 miles away

    whats stopping some pissed off redneck from just popping them?

    • 2 years ago

      Because murderous morons usually stay inside the city

      • 2 years ago

        The city is what breeds most of the lust to murder in the first place, being crowded by morons and Black person all the time. I always feel my mood improves immensely when I get to the woods.

    • 2 years ago

      Most people aren't murderous homosexuals like you, you fricking homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        I aint gonna murder anyone. Havent even been hunting in years

        But the fact that game wardens can just trespass on someones private property and boss them around, are you really telling me some drunk redneck hasn't shot em and buried them deep in the woods?

        It seems like game wardens even operate alone. Do they have gps? Some kind of backup? Theres no way this hasnt happened before

        • 2 years ago

          From like 1880 to 2010 only around 250 wardens have been killed in the line of duty. Even the absolute c**tiest of c**ts know not to frick with wardens. They DO report where they are wandering and if they go missing, whoever owns that property is getting contacted and they're going to need an alibi so air-tight you could pump it full of helium and fly off into the sunset with it.

          • 2 years ago

            Easier said than done to kill a warden too. Of course you can just get the drop on them and they're not mountain men or anything but I know not to underestimate a dude that spends his life working nature and the wilderness. Could make for a pretty good movie, some warden tearing off the orange kit and going Rambo on poachers.

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Claude Dallas

        • 2 years ago

          >But the fact that game wardens can just trespass on someones private property and boss them around
          You mean like literally every law enforcement agency?

          • 2 years ago

            Game Wardens don't need a warrant.

    • 2 years ago


      I aint gonna murder anyone. Havent even been hunting in years

      But the fact that game wardens can just trespass on someones private property and boss them around, are you really telling me some drunk redneck hasn't shot em and buried them deep in the woods?

      It seems like game wardens even operate alone. Do they have gps? Some kind of backup? Theres no way this hasnt happened before

      They do get shot at. Also they have rifles in their trucks.

    • 2 years ago

      >why they no shot at?
      Three reasons.

      First, their cause is seen as just and their authority trusted as peers, as they’re almost universally members of the community. They’re not firefighter-tier good, but most hunters and fishers are somewhat conservation and safety-minded, and like that someone who cares about hunting and fishing is looking after both, even if they gotta be a bit of a hall monitor about it.

      Second, most peoples aren’t psychopaths. If your reaction to people you don’t like and who are just trying to do their job is
      >I should shoot them
      You’re unironically the liberal gun stawman and are ruining things for all the non-moron gun owners.

      Third is forensics in 2022 are unironically kinda insane, and most non-morons know the odds of getting away with murder, especially of an LEO, are near zero. Even with absolute privacy where no one saw, even if they radio’d no one before or during your act (and you can bet they did and if you draw they would try), have no streaming body cam footage (getting more common now especially for solo officers), and took down no identifying info before you arrived (if your car is parked near a place to hunt, they probably did) you’ve got like 4 hours tops till someone notices Dave didn’t clock out - and since you just shot a cop, you bet they’re pulling every hunting license, every driver’s license, every credit card purchase, and every phone location in a 200 mile radius and running literally every last one of them down.
      >inb4 “i’d go full death note and totally get away with it hahahahahah!”
      Sorry, but the moron curse is inescapable - If you’re moronic enough to do it, you’re too moronic to get away with it. Smart people would rather just carry their license, have a three minute
      >nice day innit
      Bullshit session, have the LEO say thanks and leave, then go back to what they were doing after they frick off

    • 2 years ago

      A lot of them wear actual plates, if not 3A soft body armor. Makes sense considering they might be going up against people with high power rifles.

  23. 2 years ago

    Clean up after yourself.

  24. 2 years ago

    Yeah I was hunting with a gay tactical sniper rifle thing with a 10 round mag.

    Game warden suddenly materialized near me (after like an hour of hearing his ATV) and challenged my magazine. I only loaded it for 3 rounds so I drop my mag and hand it to him.

    "Ooh boy a big magazine didya plan on missing a lot of shots?"

    "I only have 2 rounds in that magazine"

    "Yeerp, well you're doing what you'd should, have a good hunt!

  25. 2 years ago

    I’ve been checked by game wardens twice. Once while duck hunting and once while trout fishing. Both times the interaction took less than two minutes because I’m not a Black person and had the proper licenses.

  26. 2 years ago

    Wardens don't frick around. I had a guy get warned to stop baiting deer onto his property, spreading corn right before deer season started in my area. He persisted and ended up paying massive fines. More than he saved by killing one to two extra deer that he had non-hunter family get tags for so they were "legal." They don't frick around with people trying to skirt laws around conservation. I'm glad they don't frick around. If they didn't, motherfrickers here in KY would've gone full moron and wiped the entire elk herd out in a single season with poaching and I wouldn't have gotten a tag this year. And I appreciate having fishing spots where trout, perch, catfish, sunfish and pike are plentiful.

  27. 2 years ago

    in Minnesota the game wardens do go around during hunting season and yes, the strictly enforce the rules.
    every few years the state gets sued by somebody angry that the rules arent enforced. Mostly trespassing.

  28. 2 years ago

    I knew a buddy who got a $500 fine for fishing without a license to get some dinner.

  29. 2 years ago

    >Are any of the autistic rules ACTUALLY enforced?
    yes they're enforced. In the 25 years I've hunted, i've been stopped 3-4 times for compliance/game checks. this amounted to them asking for licenses and checking any game we had for daily bag limits and sex/species restrictions. only hassled about ducks though but that may just be luck of the draw
    >Like, have any of you ever had to genuinely deal in person with an butthole making sure you really only have 3 rounds in your shotgun
    never been checked for magazine/tube compliance but i have plugs in my hunting shotguns and my durr rifles don't accept more than 3-5 rounds.
    >you're really using lead-free ammo
    hasn't happened for me, it's only enforced for waterfowl hunting/hunting on waterfowl production land here
    >you're really not shooting at deer with a .223 when .243 or bigger is legally mandated?
    I really doubt a warden is this bored to check the caliber of my gun for legality checks. .223 is legal for deer in my state and i'm usually shooting larger than the legal minimum anyway

    it's always when you're least expecting it that you'll get flagged in the field or the warden's truck will roll up right as you drag your buck to your vehicle. hunting regs keep everyone safe and make sure there's game for years to come, don't frick around and wreck it for everyone

  30. 2 years ago

    Yes, and they can seize anything involved in your hunting at the time, including but not limited to your gun, your truck, your anal virginity, and jus primae noctis with your daughter.

  31. 2 years ago

    Personal experience here so take it with a grain of salt. My family owns 600 acres in central Texas and while they hunt all sorts, I really only go down for deer and dove (and occasionally quail.)
    In the fifteen years I've been hunting I've been approached twice. The first was because some morons had been traveling down county roads shooting across the fence lines at whatever they could scare up, and they asked if I had any information.
    The second was my cousin's first year of hunting and he went through three boxes of shells for his .12 gauge and hit maybe four dove. The game warden came over because it was a slow night and he was wondering what the frick we could possibly be shooting at that rate. After showing our licenses and explaining he let out a belly laugh and left. Over the next couple weeks we had various families donate boxes of clay pigeons with notes telling us to let Michael practice with 'em.

  32. 2 years ago

    Yes, you stupid frick.
    And the do "do not remove tags" are also enforced, just not applicable to the end user.

  33. 2 years ago

    Know your property lines, know your regulations, and know how to behave then you will have no problems.

  34. 2 years ago

    Most hunting laws exist for a reason. I disagree with automatic and magazine restrictions, but I'll obey them.
    Caliber autism is just stupid though, and I don't know if any one pays attentions to those lists of approved cartridges.
    Is it just a legalise way to say "Here are some full power rifle cartridges. Don't use anything too weak for a clean kill, and you'll be fine."

  35. 2 years ago


  36. 2 years ago

    >hunting with Dad and gramps when I was like 16
    >goose are flying and we are on track to limit that morning
    >microPP DNR comes flying out into our field in his truck, body armor on and hand on his pistol
    >says he has seen me shoot above my own personal limit
    >it's because I'm 16, so I'm doing the retrieving for everyone
    >DNR says you are responsible for picking up your own birds
    >Grandfather is the county prosecutor and this guy has no idea
    >asks officer to find the statute listing that as a requirement
    >DNR can't find it because it doesn't exist
    >Gramps berates him incessantly for fifteen minutes, demands badge number and phone numbers of superiors
    >DNR goes from angry homosexual ginger to real quiet in about five minutes
    >spends so long checking licenses and shells that the birds are done flying for the day
    >Gramps calls this guy's supe from the car phone (this happened a long while ago) and chews his ass out too

    Game wardens are turbocucks and shouldn't exist. All they do is pester sportsmen about absolutely mundane shit because they can't get their wiener hard.

    Frick the DNR.

  37. 2 years ago

    in some states they put up fake deer
    if you shoot one, it catches it all on camera

  38. 2 years ago

    the only good thing about EU. Hunting is so strict here. so we practically dont have any gamewardens

    what I would recommend u do if u wanna get around all the BS
    get a miniscale tiny gun like a silenced 22lr, go far inside of nowhere in the woods and hunt what you can get

    >you're really not shooting at deer with a .223 when .243
    yes it's against the rules But it's not illegal.
    it's not something they can press charges against or a fine.
    Im in EU so things might be different but you can break as many rule you want as long you're not doing anything illegal (I was told this by police chief)

    The Wardens will lie and say its illegal just to make u scared and submit to a ticket.
    you have to make sure what's just against the rules and what's illegal

  39. 2 years ago

    I've only ever ran into them while fishing.

    Never had a problem because I'm respectful.

    Although I had one ask me for my fishing license when I wasn't fishing, which was kind of weird

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