ITT: Cold War gone hot media

what it says on the tin, talk about your favorite books, shows, movies etc. As always, Red Storm Rising and Team Yankee get all the attention, who's read Red Army or Chieftans, Red Phoenix and the like?

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  1. 12 months ago

    >tfw no preggo icelandic gf to hike to hafnarfjordur
    RSR would make a fantastic miniseries if it got the devotion it warrants

    • 12 months ago

      Thank God Gerasimov isn’t half as competent as the Soviet CIC in RSR, they might have actually captured Kyiv

      • 12 months ago

        CInC-West Alexandrov? the one who coups the govt? bc the previous CINC wests weren't super competent (although they were getting fricked by nato bombing bridges, comms and fuel)

      • 12 months ago

        Don't the RSR Soviets only get like 30km from their starting lines?

        • 12 months ago

          About that far, I think. They get bogged down by NATO air attack and ground down against defending armor on the ground, with major battle taking place to secure bridges that don't go so hot for the Soviets.
          >The Battle of Alfeld is kino we've been denied for far too long.

    • 12 months ago

      I was just reading the tvtropes page for Red Army, and it just feels like it's aged poorly. tbdesu. It's a good book and I like the angle Peters took with it overall, but I get the feeling from the page that a lot of boomer and/or vatnik types really loved this book back then. It's kind of funny.

      >RSR would make a fantastic miniseries if it got the devotion it warrants
      I'm convinced some billionaire autist will bankroll is someday. Hopefully in our lifetimes. Untill then the closest we've got are these DCS cinematics of a couple of chapters from the book.
      >Dance of the Vampires

      >Nordic Hammer

      >Demons(My favorite he's done so far)
      And I really hope that if they ever get the bright idea to adapt it, that they do go miniseries and not movie, and holy shit they need to not give it the Without Remorse treatment.

      • 12 months ago

        Fresh reminder that the author is a spineless Quisling frickstain.

        • 12 months ago

          Damn, it'd be nice to see one of these guys that isn't a lemming.

          Red Army is definitely one of the less realistic of the cold war gone hot genre but i enjoy it purely because it's all from a soviet point of view with pov's of private soldiers to CINC west. I like the DCS shorts but man a real miniseries would go hard, especially if they did the submarine stuff and polar glory right. I'd kill to see the 2 marine invasions of iceland done right
          that's extremely unfortunate, i wasn't aware he was a homosexual

          >I'd kill to see the 2 marine invasions of iceland done right
          The marine invasions onf Iceland, Polar Glory, the Battle of Alfeld. There's some real epic set-pieces here to be done, and you'd think there'd be some visionary autistic director that'd want to tackle it at some point. If we had still had more like John Milius and Michael Mann around, we would.

          Ralph Peters was the Army's chief intel officer on the soviet army, I thin RA's point was being the ideal version of the soviet military. Keep in mind also the soviets in RA win by political scheming with the propaganda video of razing the town and blaming NATO as well as making the US stand on the brink with tac nuclear arms and forcing germany to say uncle to avoid nuclear escalation.
          TLDR: RA is well researched and the point of it i think is to show the soviet army in it's own ideal self image

          If memory serves he literally says in the afterword that he wrote it as an antidote to overly sanguine assessments in other novels that assumed an effortless steamroll by NATO. His hope was to jolt people out of complacency, so they’d get their asses in gear and take things seriously rather than lazily assuming it would all work out. Nonetheless there’s several points in the novel where the Soviets get BTFO - once during a Western tank attack and another where a hasty logistics/command hub gets blown to smithereens by Western air power. The POV characters also generally respect the fighting prowess of their NATO opponents.

          I remember that afterword he wrote, and I remember feeing like it he must've been remembering the more high-profile Cold War Gone Hot novels in a messy aggregate. In RSR, it's arguable that NATO "wins" through a combo of luck and well-thought-out counter strategy to initial Soviet strategy that was actually working, and employed by several many genuinely competent Soviet personnel, and even with good amounts from the Soviet perspective.
          Team Yankee from what I remember was hardly shown as a particularly rosy time for NATO, albeit with the Soviets in that novel being a bit less fleshed out as serious characters.
          The idea that it would just work out doesn't seem to be one I got from reading a lot of those, but then I wasn't reading them at the time they were published so I don't know.

      • 12 months ago

        Red Army is definitely one of the less realistic of the cold war gone hot genre but i enjoy it purely because it's all from a soviet point of view with pov's of private soldiers to CINC west. I like the DCS shorts but man a real miniseries would go hard, especially if they did the submarine stuff and polar glory right. I'd kill to see the 2 marine invasions of iceland done right

        Fresh reminder that the author is a spineless Quisling frickstain.

        that's extremely unfortunate, i wasn't aware he was a homosexual

        • 12 months ago

          Him, Cheney, Mattis, the entire Bush family.... Der Stadt has compromat on all sorts of people. When told to denounce somebody, they line up and deliver, and within a very short amount of time, and all in language remarkably similar to one another. I can't have been the only one that noticed.

      • 12 months ago

        >I was just reading the tvtropes page for Red Army, and it just feels like it's aged poorly. tbdesu. It's a good book and I like the angle Peters took with it overall, but I get the feeling from the page that a lot of boomer and/or vatnik types really loved this book back then. It's kind of funny.
        I think Peters did his research on how the Red Army (ideally) operated but then takes it at complete face value that they would have no meaningful issues with actual execution, with the result being very optimistic 'two weeks to the Rhine' fanfic. Boomers were probably more into RSR but vatniks and western slavaboos definitely latched on to it as copium for how the Soviets would've totally steamrolled HATO.

        • 12 months ago

          Ralph Peters was the Army's chief intel officer on the soviet army, I thin RA's point was being the ideal version of the soviet military. Keep in mind also the soviets in RA win by political scheming with the propaganda video of razing the town and blaming NATO as well as making the US stand on the brink with tac nuclear arms and forcing germany to say uncle to avoid nuclear escalation.
          TLDR: RA is well researched and the point of it i think is to show the soviet army in it's own ideal self image

          • 12 months ago

            If memory serves he literally says in the afterword that he wrote it as an antidote to overly sanguine assessments in other novels that assumed an effortless steamroll by NATO. His hope was to jolt people out of complacency, so they’d get their asses in gear and take things seriously rather than lazily assuming it would all work out. Nonetheless there’s several points in the novel where the Soviets get BTFO - once during a Western tank attack and another where a hasty logistics/command hub gets blown to smithereens by Western air power. The POV characters also generally respect the fighting prowess of their NATO opponents.

            • 12 months ago

              >The POV characters also generally respect the fighting prowess of their NATO opponents.
              Yeah IIRC they are scared shitless that the Americans are gonna steamroll them and breathe a sigh of relief when the west Germans sue for peace.

    • 12 months ago

      Casual reminder to all new readers: you can safely skip 90% of the parts set in Iceland and lose nothing

      • 12 months ago

        >Skipping the preggo fetish parts


        • 12 months ago

          >skipping the simping cuck parts and talking about how rocky Iceland is for 200 pages

          Yeah, hard pass.

        • 12 months ago

          >I'm afraid your Rogers is dead
          >lose nothing
          You have no soul, anon.

    • 12 months ago

      The love story felt shoehorned and clumsy.

    • 12 months ago

      >RSR would make a fantastic miniseries if it got the devotion it warrants
      >watching the crew of USS Chicago see the sonar plot show Providence and Boston dying
      I'm not ready for those feels anon

  2. 12 months ago

    World in conflict was late 80s kino.

    Not really realistic though.
    How would the Soviets actually get supplies to Seattle without being blown up the the US airforce?

    • 12 months ago

      was really cool. Ig because they landed in seattle they took out JBLM and probably the naval stations there too. It's a ridiculous scenario but it's fun, like red dawn

    • 12 months ago

      You can't comprehend how much I love this game.

    • 12 months ago

      >Russians launching a full scale hail mary invasion with tanks hidden in cargo ships
      >Americans nuking their own country to hide the fact their wunderwaffe program is bullshit
      I love the game but the story is just so moronic

  3. 12 months ago

    Chieftains was depressing as all frick to read. Also holy shit did it ever have a downer ending.

    • 12 months ago

      absolutely, chieftans is my favorite between that and team yankee (no OG abrams fighting off like 6 t62s at 100yds) but the ending def surprised the hell out of me, same with the SAS guy we get for a chapter or two

      Him, Cheney, Mattis, the entire Bush family.... Der Stadt has compromat on all sorts of people. When told to denounce somebody, they line up and deliver, and within a very short amount of time, and all in language remarkably similar to one another. I can't have been the only one that noticed.

      funny how it all works

  4. 12 months ago

    I wish there was more of this kind of media that included chemical weapons instead of having a reason why they can't use chemical weapons. Might be wrong but I think World in Conflict is the only one where they use chemical weapons.

    • 12 months ago

      I think the Russians used CW in Northern Fury. I could be wrong though.
      It's fun to read but the Russians are super competent in that book. With current events in mind it makes it quite unrealistic.

      • 12 months ago

        I'll have to look into it! is there an audiobook? Most of my reading is done at work with them

      • 12 months ago

        >With current events in mind it makes it quite unrealistic.
        I wonder if that's delayed the sequel lol

    • 12 months ago

      Russians use chems in Team Yankee

    • 12 months ago

      Arc Light, the Russians use nerve agents and later the US consider using them against horribly under equipped militias on the drive to Moscow

  5. 12 months ago

    >Red Phoenix
    My man, too bad the sequel was complete garbage

    • 12 months ago

      There's a sequel?

      What makes it so bad? I loved the first one.

  6. 12 months ago
  7. 12 months ago


    Take this somewhere else

    • 12 months ago

      >bring it up
      >get called out for being a moron
      >uhhh take this somewhere else
      Frick off

      • 12 months ago

        There is an entire board dedicated to whining about politics. Take it there.

  8. 12 months ago

    Hotline Miami takes place after (and during, for like 3 levels) a cold war gone hot where the USSR won

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