Is the FFL still a viable option for an anon who wants to joing an army and have the possibility of being in actual combat?

Is the FFL still a viable option for an anon who wants to joing an army and have the possibility of being in actual combat?
Little background - 18 yr dude, finished HS last year, I think the profession of arms would suit me perfectly, I could join my country's SOF but they don't do much. I'd love to joing the US Army and work my way up to an SOF unit, I've made a couple of threads asking for help in that regards, but the conclusion is that a permanent visa is required and that is borderline impossible for someone who "just" wants to join the Army, so that leaves me with the FFL, which could provide me with the option to someday join the GIGN.

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  1. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Could you elaborate on that?

      • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    You won't last. The FFL exists for people who have literally nothing.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm willing to put in the work, I've been training physically for the last 2 years, the only impediment right now is the fact that I don't speak French, but I could probably reach B1 in 6 months to a year. It's not my first option, I really wanted to join the US Army, but the more I look into, the more impossible it seems to be. I mean, I know that it is possible to attain the permanent visa, but it would take too long and SOF seems to be aimed towards younger people, if I were American I'd have enlisted last year when I was still in high school

      • 2 years ago

        The FFL does not like Americans. You will not be selected and you will have a bad time

      • 2 years ago

        You're 18 just out of HS, have no apparent barriers to service in the US Army, and I assume don't have a criminal record. The FFL is going to find out all these things and immediately wash you out.

        It's not for people who wanna do hoodrat shit it's for people who would kill their mother over a poptart and a European visa

        • 2 years ago

          my bad. Not American. Point still stands however.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Is the FFL still a viable option for an anon who wants to joing an army and have the possibility of being in actual combat?
    No because the FFL doesn't see combat.
    >18 yr dude, finished HS last year
    Join the USMC if you want to see combat. I give it a year tops until ww3. You can join if you're not American, just tell the US consulate how you want to be a devil dog soooooo bad and how it's always been your dream and that you love freedom and shit. You'll have your ass a visa long enough for you to go to Parris Island in no time.

    • 2 years ago

      >No because the FFL doesn't see combat.
      It's a no-go then, if that's the case I'd be better off joining my country's SOF.
      >You can join if you're not American, just tell the US consulate how you want to be a devil dog
      You gotta be fricking kiddin me, right? There's no way I can just walk into the consulate and get shipped into basic.
      I've searched far and wide on the internet, there seems to be no option for joining, the MAVNI program isn't active anymore, how would they do it?

      • 2 years ago

        >Is the FFL still a viable option for an anon who wants to joing an army and have the possibility of being in actual combat?
        No because the FFL doesn't see combat.
        >18 yr dude, finished HS last year
        Join the USMC if you want to see combat. I give it a year tops until ww3. You can join if you're not American, just tell the US consulate how you want to be a devil dog soooooo bad and how it's always been your dream and that you love freedom and shit. You'll have your ass a visa long enough for you to go to Parris Island in no time.

        Also, I know all kinds of waiver are issued for people who really want to join, would it be too far-fetched for them to have some special waivers for foreigners of friendly nations?

      • 2 years ago

        I'm just 10 years older than you, but one valuable thing you should learn in life is that rules and laws are not set in stone. Everything can be bent if you have the endurance and commitment. There is an exception for everything, and the exceptions are approved by people. So if you are persuasive enough, have good interpersonal skills, you can at least try. Contact every single person who's email/phone you can find and ask them, even lie a bit and manipulate.
        That being said, if you're not in a NATO country or some other very friendly country, you'd have to be a god of charisma to make it work.

        • 2 years ago

          We have a saying here in Brazil - soft water on hard stone, if the flow doesn't stop the stone eventually breaks. I've been trying to find that exception on the internet, official websites and all that, but to no avail, maybe it's time I start talking to actual people like you said. I'll reach out to them in every channel just like you said, thank you, your reply was unironically very inspiring.
          >some other very friendly country
          I guess we have okay relations with the US, but probably not as tight as some NATO countries.

          Pathway 2 - the FFL will take you if you have 3-4 year enlistment in your home Army SF as proven ability and skills
          >plus time to learn Frog ofc
          Non-US army and now a foreign 'advisor/trainer' but I know 2 guys from my country who had to go try the FFL experience - one loved it, the other said it was being bored in an African shithole for less Euros than he could have made as mine security in the same shit conditions

          I don't really see the point in doing that honestly, doesn't make much sense to go through the hassle of joining an SF/SOF unit and then just going to France.

          • 2 years ago

            >go through the hassle of joining an SF/SOF unit
            And thats exactly why the FFL will tell you to frick off back to the rainforest.
            It's legit advice - but you think you're special and can just walk in - and so off you frick.

    • 2 years ago

      >You can join if you're not American, just tell the US consulate how you want to be a devil dog soooooo bad and how it's always been your dream and that you love freedom and shit
      he needs a greencard or some shit, it isn't that easy

      • 2 years ago

        Just pretend to be an anchor baby then.

    • 2 years ago

      >No because the FFL doesn't see combat.
      Peculiar claim considering the FFL has admitted having casualties under fire in Mali recently, you dumb frick.

      Is the FFL still a viable option for an anon who wants to joing an army and have the possibility of being in actual combat?
      Little background - 18 yr dude, finished HS last year, I think the profession of arms would suit me perfectly, I could join my country's SOF but they don't do much. I'd love to joing the US Army and work my way up to an SOF unit, I've made a couple of threads asking for help in that regards, but the conclusion is that a permanent visa is required and that is borderline impossible for someone who "just" wants to join the Army, so that leaves me with the FFL, which could provide me with the option to someday join the GIGN.

      >Is the FFL still a viable option for an anon who wants to joing an army
      The FFL is rather hard to join. If you try out, know that there's only a very slim chance of getting in. The FFL is flooded with candidates, so they get to pick whomever they want. The days where they accepted criminals and the like are long gone. If you know any former FFL in your country, try to get a letter of endorsement from them to raise your chances.

      If you do want to go through with this, make sure you're used to hard marching. The FFL sure fricking loves to fricking march everywhere during training.

    • 2 years ago

      >Join the USMC
      Don't do this please. Fricking Nation Guard gets more action that the Marines now. Join the Army if you plan on doing SOF. MARSOC doesn't even do half the cool shit that Rangers do, much less Green Berets.

      Don't fall for the meme.

  4. 2 years ago

    Anon what country are you from because it would help a lot when it comes to giving you advice.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm from Brazil.

      >You can join if you're not American, just tell the US consulate how you want to be a devil dog soooooo bad and how it's always been your dream and that you love freedom and shit
      he needs a greencard or some shit, it isn't that easy

      Yep, that's the one problem I don't know how to tackle.

      • 2 years ago

        >I'm from Brazil.
        The FFL will likely take you if you are good material

      • 2 years ago

        >I'm from Brazil.
        Black join BOPE. You'll see more action there than you could dream of joining the US Army in 2022. If this was 2004 it would be a diff story but now shit is lame as frick.

        • 2 years ago

          Yep, I'd be killing robbers, drug dealers and the overall scum of this country, but BOPE's training is not exactly what I'm looking for. I really dig the whole SOF mission set and the training they receive to achiever their mission is not comparable to BOPE's.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't understand so you want to teach some Kenyan Commando's how to shoot properly and shit? The training units like BOPE gets these days is pretty high speed and you would get to go home at the end of the day and not sleep in some shitty hut somewhere. I don't see a big downside, anon.

            • 2 years ago

              >home at the end of the day
              Yeahl but I'd be living in Rio, that's the big downside.
              >Kenyan Commando's how to shoot properly and shit
              I'm more interested in direct-action, so Rangers/CAG.
              I don't really want to be a cop, man.
              Also, BOPE's training is not comparable with military SOF units.

              • 2 years ago

                Somehow get a green card and Opt. 40 with the Army if they're still doing those. 75th will be the fastest most straightforward route.

      • 2 years ago

        Bro you have to be kidding me. You are from fricking Brazil and think you need to go somewhere else to shoot people? Join something in your country that will allow you to shoot drug dealers for fun.

  5. 2 years ago

    What country? If you're a US-aligned white country, I assure you your SOF does something. Even if its just anti piracy or training Africans, even the most literallywho western country has people somewhere. And that's a hell of a lot better than being treated like a Black person by French buttholes for five years just for the right to be French.

    • 2 years ago

      Brazil, most of the action goes to police units, BOPE probably has more experience than our SF, some troops have been to Haiti, our Navy SOF has deployed to Lebanon in a mission to prevent smuggling. If they were actually in combat then hell yes it would be well better then taking the FFL route, I'd have the opportunity to be an SOF officer and have a nice wage for the country standards.

      The FFL does not like Americans. You will not be selected and you will have a bad time

      Not American, bro.

      Commonwealth? Come and fight for the mother country. There is some sort of offer I think.

      Nope, Hueland.

      >I'm from Brazil.
      The FFL will likely take you if you are good material

      I've heard about some guys from here enlisting in the FFL, men with nothing to lose. The only thing keeping me from going is that I don't know if they actually participate in combat, I heard that Macron withdrew the troops from Mali.

      • 2 years ago

        Lots of Brazilians or sudacas in general in the ffl, France will always be fighting, be it for its own interests in Africa or as an american lapdog in the middle east so they’ll see combat.
        If you double checked and there’s really no military stuff you wanna do in your homecountry then sure go for it.
        They teach French on the go, although obviously you should learn some basics

        t. Frenchoid who watched a lot of documentaries about the foreign legion, my take isn’t worth that of someone who actually went there but it maybe better than nothing

        • 2 years ago

          >France will always be fighting, be it for its own interests in Africa or as an american lapdog in the middle east so they’ll see combat.
          That's great to know, I was afraid there'd be no combat since the troops have been pulled out from Mali, but soon enough they'll be in another conflitct.
          >If you double checked and there’s really no military stuff you wanna do in your homecountry then sure go for it.
          I've searched a lot, even bought some books about our SOF, their training is great but there isn't much in their records, I have no idea if they keep it all secret or if they simply don't do anything, it's hard to know

  6. 2 years ago

    Commonwealth? Come and fight for the mother country. There is some sort of offer I think.

  7. 2 years ago

    Enjoy your assrape lol

    • 2 years ago

      he's not joining the red army

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah he’ll be joining a unit made up of dudes who couldn’t even join the Russian army. Dude is about to be a pincushion lmao

  8. 2 years ago

    Is there some reason you can’t get a permanent US visa if that’s what’s required to join the US Army? There were a decent number of non-US citizens in my class at basic and I don’t know the details of how they joined but it didn’t seem that hard.

    • 2 years ago

      >you can’t get a permanent US visa
      There are a couple of ways to getting the green card, the only category that I could possibly apply is the work visa, but remember - I'm an 18 yr dude straight outta hs, so no highly desired skills to make some US company hire me, I'm willing to get my bachelors in CS and then apply for a job there, but that's another 4~5 years

  9. 2 years ago

    I hear Wagner is hiring

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Wagner's indeed hiring but there's probably a difference between seeing combat like you want and seeing modern artillery warfare. It's less glorious and way more hazardous for the individual soldier, so I'd recommend avoiding anything to do with Russia/Ukraine

        • 2 years ago

          how do you even sign up for a wagner group etc? link

  10. 2 years ago

    you can join the Ukrainian FL

  11. 2 years ago

    You are 18
    live your life for a while man before throwing it away in the FFL
    Is your fitness at the level of a pro athlete? If not, you wont go far there.
    I think you have no real idea what special forces or actual combat means.

    • 2 years ago

      >I think you have no real idea what special forces or actual combat means.
      Well, I've never been in the military so it's safe to assume that I haven't experienced combat, but I do know what the SF mission entails.
      >live your life for a while man before throwing it away
      That's the thing, time flies and I'd rather be using this time to pursue a career in the military while I'm still young.

      Somehow get a green card and Opt. 40 with the Army if they're still doing those. 75th will be the fastest most straightforward route.

      >Somehow get a green card and Opt. 40
      That's my plan, still figuring it out tho, seems to be nearly impossible to get the visa these days.

      FFL might take you - only because recently theyve been relying on recruiting unemployed vatniks who are all now busy in Ukrainistan.
      But FFL is still shit-tier soldiers with over-hyped PR, you'll be living in favela tier barracks in Corsica doing frickall except polishing brass and each others dicks.
      Seriously, have enough pride in your own country, however shitty it is, to join your own Army and SF - anybody else will despise you as a traitor for joining any other army anyway.

      >anybody else will despise you as a traitor for joining any other army
      I thought that people from everywhere served in the US mil, isn't diversity their new marketing strategy?

      • 2 years ago

        >I thought that people from everywhere served in the US mil, isn't diversity their new marketing strategy?
        The only "non-Americans' who serve in the US Army are ex-mil recruited from other Nato-tier militaries and they're rare, its more common to have other-mil guys cross-posted into US military positions on Exchange - e.g. at SNCO Academy etc to teach 'nato-ness'
        Or its Mexicans (already US resident)

        Thats why MonkeySoupGuy can't get in

        • 2 years ago

          Frick, I'd have better chances if I had two moms.

          >No because the FFL doesn't see combat.
          Peculiar claim considering the FFL has admitted having casualties under fire in Mali recently, you dumb frick.

          >Is the FFL still a viable option for an anon who wants to joing an army
          The FFL is rather hard to join. If you try out, know that there's only a very slim chance of getting in. The FFL is flooded with candidates, so they get to pick whomever they want. The days where they accepted criminals and the like are long gone. If you know any former FFL in your country, try to get a letter of endorsement from them to raise your chances.

          If you do want to go through with this, make sure you're used to hard marching. The FFL sure fricking loves to fricking march everywhere during training.

          Are they present in places in other than Mali? I thought Macron had withdrew the troops there. What would make me more desirable to a recruiter besides being in shape and speaking French and English?

          >go through the hassle of joining an SF/SOF unit
          And thats exactly why the FFL will tell you to frick off back to the rainforest.
          It's legit advice - but you think you're special and can just walk in - and so off you frick.

          > you think you're special and can just walk in
          No, no man, don't get me wrong please, I just meant that it doesn't make much sense to join an SF unit (as an officer) and then leaving for the FFL, I say this because it'd take me about 5 years in the AMAN (our West Point) and 1~2 to join SF, so it's seems like a bad trade.

          • 2 years ago

            >to join an SF unit (as an officer)
            You're still a moron.
            Nobody said "officer" except the deluded self-aggrandizing voices in your head from huffing too much monkeyfur.
            To join the FFL you can only join as a soldier - the Officers are all Frog Army regulars - so you need to practice starting at the bottom of the shitpile in your local shit army then once you've made at least Corporal, try for the FFL.

            • 2 years ago

              The Brazilian army recruiting system doesn't work that way, man. Here's the thing - military service is compulsory, every man has to enlist the year they turn 18, I've already signed up for it, but there's only a slim chance that I'll get called. That leaves me with two other options - to join as a Sgt. or as an Lt. , in this case I'd have to take an exam and then I'd be admitted into either one, in a way it's easier to get in as an officer than it is as a private.

              Lose your virginity first

              Do my words reek of virginity?

  12. 2 years ago

    One of my friends in the Swedish army told me of how some mongolian conscripts sodomized their CO with a broomstick

  13. 2 years ago

    FFL might take you - only because recently theyve been relying on recruiting unemployed vatniks who are all now busy in Ukrainistan.
    But FFL is still shit-tier soldiers with over-hyped PR, you'll be living in favela tier barracks in Corsica doing frickall except polishing brass and each others dicks.
    Seriously, have enough pride in your own country, however shitty it is, to join your own Army and SF - anybody else will despise you as a traitor for joining any other army anyway.

  14. 2 years ago

    jfc les exigences de la légion étrangère sont trop grandes pour vous
    otherwise fund your own way to Ukraine and get killed there instead

  15. 2 years ago

    Pathway 2 - the FFL will take you if you have 3-4 year enlistment in your home Army SF as proven ability and skills
    >plus time to learn Frog ofc
    Non-US army and now a foreign 'advisor/trainer' but I know 2 guys from my country who had to go try the FFL experience - one loved it, the other said it was being bored in an African shithole for less Euros than he could have made as mine security in the same shit conditions

  16. 2 years ago

    Why would you leave a country where valid whites are still considered demi-gods to serve a country where valid whites are replaced, despised and murdered in the streets ? You want to become an asset for your country or for the military world in general ? You are 18 yo : become an engineer in a useful field. Or a doctor. You can still enlist and become a gunslinger simultaneously (reserve or else) or after. You'll be much more interesting for recruiters, and if it doesn't work for you, you'll still be a good asset for yourself, your family, a company.
    FFL training is based tho. But legio's life is not. At all. You'll basically be considered an untermensch for years and France is not like the US : nobody cares about soldiers.

    >mfw when frogdod servant

    • 2 years ago

      >become an engineer in a useful field. Or a doctor.
      I've thought about that, before wanting to join SOF I wanted to be a Computer Enginer, that might honestly be the only pathway to obtain the visa, all I know is that I don't wanna stay here, gun laws in America are too based for me to not go there.

      You would have to be superman and stand out. Since you are already posting on PrepHole about what to do with your life it is confirmed that you are a really low form of fricking moronic. Good luck, you will need it.

      >Since you are already posting on PrepHole about what to do with your life
      I'm just looking for advice, man. PrepHole is all about being able to filter the content.

  17. 2 years ago

    You would have to be superman and stand out. Since you are already posting on PrepHole about what to do with your life it is confirmed that you are a really low form of fricking moronic. Good luck, you will need it.

  18. 2 years ago

    >18 yr dude, finished HS last year, I think the profession of arms would suit me perfectly, I could join my country's SOF but they don't do much
    Stop watching so many movies.

  19. 2 years ago

    I don't want to sound defeatist, but the FFL prefers older guys with military experience, unless you're an absolute machine. Also, the FFL isn't special forces. They have a couple of elite units, but you might as well land as loader in an AMX-10 or as normal grunt.

  20. 2 years ago

    There is a reason why a lot of FFL run to Ukraine
    >have the possibility of being in actual combat?
    Good luck lol

  21. 2 years ago

    Lose your virginity first

  22. 2 years ago

    OP BTFO lmao

    • 2 years ago

      I admit defeat (even tho I wasn't a sperg)

      Bro you have to be kidding me. You are from fricking Brazil and think you need to go somewhere else to shoot people? Join something in your country that will allow you to shoot drug dealers for fun.

      I'd only get that opportunity if I became a cop, I don't wanna be a cop.

      >can I donate my body to the military industrial meat grinder for no other reason than to say I got some?
      yeah but you're fricking moronic for doing it. enjoy back and knee pain for the rest of your life because you wanted kill people

      >enjoy back and knee pain for the rest of your life
      Only if I make it out alive, mate

  23. 2 years ago

    >can I donate my body to the military industrial meat grinder for no other reason than to say I got some?
    yeah but you're fricking moronic for doing it. enjoy back and knee pain for the rest of your life because you wanted kill people

  24. 2 years ago

    They don't do much compared to a Brazilian cop, that's for sure

    • 2 years ago

      Sure, but the cops don't have much training and funds.

      • 2 years ago

        Lots of training to be had in Brazilian police. But you have to volunteer to get it.

  25. 2 years ago

    They're fighting in Africa atm

    • 2 years ago

      Sources on that? Weren't the troops pulled out from there?

      If you can get a US work visa, you can join the Army. Yes, the Army is getting pozzed hard, but you can take a Ranger or Special Forces contract to help avoid some of the worst.

      That's the plan, bro

  26. 2 years ago

    If you can get a US work visa, you can join the Army. Yes, the Army is getting pozzed hard, but you can take a Ranger or Special Forces contract to help avoid some of the worst.

  27. 2 years ago

    dont fall for the "cool" videos... you will be living and cleaning toilets with mongoloids

  28. 2 years ago

    Go to donetsk/luhansk and say you want to join. They'll literally take anyone. I saw an interview that some of the men they mobilised didn't know how to load rounds into an ak magazine.

    • 2 years ago

      Three questions:
      I don't have military experience, will they train me or I'm supposed to be ready to go as soon as I step in the country?
      Do most Ukranians speak English? It'd take me a long time to achieve fluency in Russian/Ukrainian.
      Does the Ukrainian govt sponsor my travel? I'm a poorgay.

      • 2 years ago

        Those triples tell me I should go

  29. 2 years ago

    I'm planning on joining. nothing left to do. bored. want a career.

  30. 2 years ago

    >Is the FFL still a viable option for an anon who wants to joing an army and have the possibility of being in actual combat?

    Yes if you're actually physically fit, have good aptitude, speak basic french, have a durable mentality, and have no reason to return home.

    If you have debt, gf, wife, good job, or are a single child, weak will or complain a lot then you won't get selected.
    If you have any reason to return home at all, they won't want to spend the time or money on you.

    I got selected in 2017. If you want to see combat you have to actually want a shit life with the infantry regs. Day to day is super chill but like most army's, you have very little autonomy and spending a lot of time around the same dudes. Most of the Americans and Canadians that arrived in Castel complained every day and quit. We weren't even doing hard shit. Just the normal testing and learning the regiment songs. It was embarrassing actually.
    It's not a vacation yet dumb fricks arrive all smiles and giggles without a serious thought in their head. If you even feel the slightest bit entitled, then don't bother going because your wasting your time.

    • 2 years ago

      >Yes if you're actually physically fit, have good aptitude, speak basic french, have a durable mentality, and have no reason to return home.
      Only reason I'd have to come home is my family, are you unable to travel while in?
      I think I meet the physical and mental requirements, just need to learn some French.
      >Day to day is super chill but like most army's
      Any special mission units inside the Legion? Parachubreasts, combat divers and all that
      Also, how much are you guys getting paid over there?

      • 2 years ago

        >are you unable to travel while in?

        They can't stop you but I wasn't given my passport until I had to leave for medical operation.

        >Any special mission units inside the Legion?

        Depends entirely on your regiment. They give you lots of information on which ones you'd probably fit in with. Even when you get there, you need to fit in with everyone in your section. You're going to wait 3 years for specialized training. If you're willing to wait, then yea.

        >Also, how much are you guys getting paid over there?

        I'm medically inept and no longer serve with the legion. When I was selected I only made a few thousand euros a month but a good chunk of that actually goes back to things like health insurance and other stuff that they expense to you. Once you get to regiment, the pay is better and the boredom starts. As legionnaires, you get discounts from nearly everything off base and that's enough of an excuse to keep your pay kind of low in comparison to the national army.
        If you climb ranks and stay past first 5 year contract, you'll actually start banking.

        I'd recommend you go into trades rather than the legion. It's glorified by Americans and /k/ but really my guy, it's nothing like what people think it is. It felt like a prison to me.

  31. 2 years ago

    Maybe Portugal has a program for you.

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly, why would I join the Portuguese army? No offense to their units, but isn't Portugual a very pacifist country?

      • 2 years ago

        >why would I join the Portuguese army? No offense to their units, but isn't Portugual a very pacifist country?
        They're constantly wrecking shit in Africa

        • 2 years ago

          Nice, just looked on their site you need to be a citizen, there's no foreign legion.

  32. 2 years ago

    You should be ok, I don't think they test for autism.

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