Is Gulf War syndrome just a case of mass hysteria?

Is Gulf War syndrome just a case of mass hysteria? Why was there not some "Afghanistan War" or "Vietnam War" syndrome when the Gulf War was so much shorter and US forces suffered minimal casualties?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago

    There was Vietnam syndrome, Agent Orange exposure. Afghanistan didn't have burning oil wells or Abrams shooting DU everywhere.

    • 2 years ago

      CIA didn't tell anyone where Iraq's gas weapons were or how to properly dispose of them. Also

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Storage is different than fired shells putting out dust and material into the air.
        Any time a shell is fired it kicks off tons of particulate into the air that then gets into your lungs.
        This is the primary vector of DU radiation exposure. Not inert storage instances.

      • 2 years ago

        t. 100 IQ

  2. 2 years ago

    Because depleted uranium wasn’t used excessively in other conflicts.

  3. 2 years ago

    It's the symptom of extremely low exposure to chemical weapons. The feds dragged their feet on admitting it for 20+ years, but they finally have.

    • 2 years ago

      This. It didn't get much press but they recently released the cause. It's from bombing Sarin gas storage and production sites.

  4. 2 years ago

    Evasive they gave soldiers mystery pills that would hopefully protect them from Saddam nerve gas

    • 2 years ago

      Didn’t they stop your heart or some shit if you took it and weren’t exposed to nerve gas?

    • 2 years ago

      The anti-malarial pills given were for the wrong type of malaria and cause severe neurological side effects.

      • 2 years ago

        >wrong type of malaria
        nope, but neurological side effects are a side effect of antimalarials. Pretty common to hear about some missionary prepping to go to africa and end up going for a short stay in a mental ward

    • 2 years ago

      It's the symptom of extremely low exposure to chemical weapons. The feds dragged their feet on admitting it for 20+ years, but they finally have.

      There was Vietnam syndrome, Agent Orange exposure. Afghanistan didn't have burning oil wells or Abrams shooting DU everywhere.

      The current consensus is that it was caused by sarin gas exposure

      • 2 years ago

        Who the frick honestly believes this shit

        • 2 years ago

          How else do you explain PTSD causing rashes and coordination issues?

          • 2 years ago

            What this anon said.

            Cholinestrase inhibitors tend to not leave the system even years after exposure and have a wide range of symptoms that tend to include what we see with gulf war syndrome

            t. Cbrn gay

  5. 2 years ago

    US govt finally admitted it was due to low level exposure to nerve gas.

    • 2 years ago

      This. It didn't get much press but they recently released the cause. It's from bombing Sarin gas storage and production sites.

      The current consensus is that it was caused by sarin gas exposure

      You know it's crazy that people give America so much shit for not actually finding WMD's in the 2003 invasion, but yet here we are discussing the fallout from Saddam's extensive stockpiles of chemical weaponry.

      • 2 years ago

        Iraq had a SHITTON of chemical weapons deployed during the Iraq Iran War, which was basically WW1 with AK’s and for 10 years instead of 4. Combine that with DU munitions exposure (just handling them is fine, firing is a different story), burning pits full of all kinds of stuff you should be nowhere close to when burning, and soldiers being exposed to the latent chemical contamination alongside burning oil fields and tanks gave them a lot of nasty issues to deal with. The pills issued to combat potential gas attacks was also a piece of work too. Just because we have guns and vehicles now doesn’t mean war isn’t dirty, if anything its even more dirty since now you need to factor industrial toxins instead of just corpses near a river or something.

        Because it was just a cheap excuse to justify going after Iraq and the Ba’ath regimes in the ME such as Syria in the wake of 9/11, specifically to completely destabilize them. Saddam had muh WMD’s, thing is they were supplied by the US during the war with Iran and virtually gone by 2003.

      • 2 years ago

        >invade country
        >experiences consequences
        >this is the country we invaded's fault!

      • 2 years ago

        I never understood how any "WMD Inspectors" could say with any confidence "Saddam has no WMD".

        Even if Saddam legit told his guys "dump ALL the WMD, this is Uncle S talking, no kidding, anyone who don't gets their entire family whacked, think I'm fricking kidding, try me" there would tons of guys stashing a few shells of Nerve Gas, its just human nature. LIke if a Mob Boss tells his guys to "turn in all guns to FBI, at least for this week, for reasons" it just wouldn't work and Iraq is big place and NO White man ever knows 1/10th of the WTF the locals are up to.

        • 2 years ago

          The US did found them, but told the people that found them to shut up. Even though they were considered chemical weapons by default and one of the war goals, the US found them and never admitted to the media about it. It wasn't declassified until ISIS surged and reports of American troops getting injured from being exposed to chemical shells.

      • 2 years ago

        Gulf war syndrome is from the first gulf war no? Operation desert storm. Nothing to do with shock and awe newbie gwot shit

      • 2 years ago

        The funnier thing is the guy was blatantly trying to get nukes. He was trying to source uranium, had buried centrifuges that were discovered and, oh yeah, TRIED TO BRIBE UN WEAPONS INSPECTORS. Whether or not he actually had them was entirely beside the point because the last thing you’d want to do is wait until he had them to invade. But for some dumb reason everyone got hung up on that question and the rest is history.

        • 2 years ago

          Shalom Morcechai

      • 2 years ago

        The funnier thing is the guy was blatantly trying to get nukes. He was trying to source uranium, had buried centrifuges that were discovered and, oh yeah, TRIED TO BRIBE UN WEAPONS INSPECTORS. Whether or not he actually had them was entirely beside the point because the last thing you’d want to do is wait until he had them to invade. But for some dumb reason everyone got hung up on that question and the rest is history.

        I never understood how any "WMD Inspectors" could say with any confidence "Saddam has no WMD".

        Even if Saddam legit told his guys "dump ALL the WMD, this is Uncle S talking, no kidding, anyone who don't gets their entire family whacked, think I'm fricking kidding, try me" there would tons of guys stashing a few shells of Nerve Gas, its just human nature. LIke if a Mob Boss tells his guys to "turn in all guns to FBI, at least for this week, for reasons" it just wouldn't work and Iraq is big place and NO White man ever knows 1/10th of the WTF the locals are up to.

        >invade country
        >experiences consequences
        >this is the country we invaded's fault!

        Iraq had a SHITTON of chemical weapons deployed during the Iraq Iran War, which was basically WW1 with AK’s and for 10 years instead of 4. Combine that with DU munitions exposure (just handling them is fine, firing is a different story), burning pits full of all kinds of stuff you should be nowhere close to when burning, and soldiers being exposed to the latent chemical contamination alongside burning oil fields and tanks gave them a lot of nasty issues to deal with. The pills issued to combat potential gas attacks was also a piece of work too. Just because we have guns and vehicles now doesn’t mean war isn’t dirty, if anything its even more dirty since now you need to factor industrial toxins instead of just corpses near a river or something.

        Because it was just a cheap excuse to justify going after Iraq and the Ba’ath regimes in the ME such as Syria in the wake of 9/11, specifically to completely destabilize them. Saddam had muh WMD’s, thing is they were supplied by the US during the war with Iran and virtually gone by 2003.

        gulf war syndrome is from the war in 91 you morons

        • 2 years ago

          Which is exactly what I talked about (you) moron.

      • 2 years ago

        They did found chemical weapons during the iraq invasion, but they didn't consider them chemical weapons because it didn't fit the criteria. It took the US years to admit they found chemical weapons in iraq after ISIS found stockpiles that were stored. Basically, they found some and didn't admit to it because of politics and didn't want iraqi insurgents getting their hands on it. The chemical weapons in question were shells of mustard gas

        • 2 years ago

          they found them, and knew they would be there, because they were made in and supplied to Iraq by the United states. hence why they wanted to keep it quiet.

          • 2 years ago

            Yea, but its more of a political reason because the bush administration had a moronic definition of whats considered a "chemical weapon". The bush admin didn't consider it and also kept quiet about because they fear that announcing it would make insurgence and terrorists around the state go and raid it(which did happen during when ISIS was surging and the iraqi army leaving all their equipment). Later, ISIS found them and uses it after hearing reports of chemical shells that were stockpiled in a nearby depot

      • 2 years ago

        Wrong war, dumbass.
        Even so, having some nerve gas in storage is not a WMD that would justify invading Iraq and spending 15 years killing people for no demonstrable gain for the average American.
        I'm not against a war if it benefits the homefront in a demonstrable manner. But Iraq was never that.

        • 2 years ago

          you should consider the environment at the time. We'd been bombing Saddam since the end of GW1, and just been hit by crazy people crashing airplanes, and Saddam was known to have used chem weapons before, so the conclusion was that he would get some crazies of his own and start chem attacks on US cities, since OBL had just demonstrated a major flaw in our defences.
          I'm not claiming that's the right thing to do, or that that assessment was accurate but that's the kind of shit they were thinking of. And the PNAC crowd with their blueprint just pushed it into reality.

          • 2 years ago

            Zionist neocons wanted a war with Iraq, educate yourself


            • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        You forget the rhetoric wasn't about whether he had WMDs, but whether he was pursuing an active WMD program. "Saddam had WMDs" was the slogan, but not the actual gist of the propaganda of the time.

  6. 2 years ago

    Fauci types did all the testing they needed and more grunts in Iraq.

    Also, Iraq much denser and troops were in population centers and much more weird diseases. You think "its desert, ain't desert at least HEALTHY?" but its got lots of well irrigated areas and people have been living in civilization and shitting longer than anywhere else. I remember reading WW2 Allied health reports troops and all sorts of weird shit you never heard of.

    My buddy got all fricked up not just from PTSD but has some weird internal fungus (the VA tells him, I keep telling him to go to private doctor and don't give real doctor any clues, just run tests) that will never go away and can frick him up without warning. Prior to that he was like superman.

  7. 2 years ago

    They were burning pits full of fricking electronics and trash right next to base for the entirety of their deployments. Surprise surprise nobody was moronic enough to do that before so we have a new syndrome coming out of this. It has nothing to do with war and everything to do with slowly inhaling vhs tapes.

    • 2 years ago

      No sweetie, gulf war syndrome is from the 1991 war. Separate thing.

      Didn’t they stop your heart or some shit if you took it and weren’t exposed to nerve gas?

      The antidotes for most chemical weapons have very unhealthy effects if taken without a hearty dose of the weapon. You're probably thinking of the atropine pens but the pyridostigmine bromide pills are bad too.

      • 2 years ago

        stop talking like a gay.

    • 2 years ago

      Whenever I think about the Middle East and bad health side effects, I always think about those burn pits
      >We have these car batteries
      >And these car tires that we absolutely can't give to the enemy when we leave

      There was one officer who ran around the burn pit for their morning jog, when they would come back from their run they would be coated in like a film of material
      She got breast cancer later in her life

      • 2 years ago

        She is now dead
        >Dr Kate Hendricks Thomas passed away on April 5 2022 at the age of 42 and 4 years after her diagnosis. This video was recorded May 16 2021 and published June 21 2021. Burn Pits 360 and other groups have advocated for the Dr Kate Hendricks Thomas Service Act S.2102 to help Veterans who were exposed to burn pits during their deployment

    • 2 years ago

      that too.

      Some army dude who'd been to lots of camps and bases (forgot his MOS but for some reason he'd visited nearly every camp/base) posted that nearly every burn pit seemed to blow right back onto where the troops would be housed/based and as far as he could figure there was no tactical reason to place all the burn pits up wind of prevailing winds and the winds would be in mostly same direction year round.

      He also stated that layout of camps including burn pits would come from pretty high up AKA "wiz kids" looking at maps not on site command.

      • 2 years ago

        I have a theory that the deep state wants veterans sickly and incapable of fighting a civil war. It also makes big pharma tons of money as lots of sick veterans justify a high VA buget that funnels into big pharmas pockets.

    • 2 years ago

      Whenever I think about the Middle East and bad health side effects, I always think about those burn pits
      >We have these car batteries
      >And these car tires that we absolutely can't give to the enemy when we leave

      There was one officer who ran around the burn pit for their morning jog, when they would come back from their run they would be coated in like a film of material
      She got breast cancer later in her life

      haha zogbots got cancer because they burned their cumsocks

  8. 2 years ago

    The entire Veterans Affairs administration is a jobs program for blacks.

    • 2 years ago

      Same with Tax Collectors offices/DMVs

  9. 2 years ago

    I remember reading an article years ago how the number of Iraqi children with horrible deformations and birth defects skyrocketed after the war. There were some pictures in the article and those things that were delivered looked barely human. Babies with every inch of skin covered with snow white, glossy eggshell-like material, cracked all over, with blood red fissures between the eggshell plates.

    • 2 years ago

      That’s called a harlequin baby. It happens all over the world and always has done, nothing to do with Iraq.

      • 2 years ago

        It happens super often in Iraq though, and other deformities and shit too. The iraqi doctor they interviewed said he wasnt looking forward to delivering babies anymore, he was dreading each delivery.

      • 2 years ago

        I now have horrors I couldn't have imagined burned into my mind, thank you anon

      • 2 years ago

        >harlequin baby


        • 2 years ago

          Boo hoo hoo jelly bean eyes n shieeet.
          They just wet human easter peeps. It ain't shit just pretend the crunch is the sugar coating.

  10. 2 years ago

    What about Havannah syndrome? Is that real?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, it's real.
      I know an engineer researching it for the gov.

    • 2 years ago

      No. Thats just pampered diplomats learning the hard way why people say be careful about drinking water in foreign countries. Even if the water is technically safe, the bacteria in it is entirely different than what you're used to and it fricks up your gut.
      Beyond that the standard set of tropical illnesses come in next.

  11. 2 years ago

    How can I profit from this?

    • 2 years ago

      Biden administration is more concerned with the health of marines who burned some trash than they are with letting a bunch of Americans get killed and abandonded and surrendering billions of dollars in equipment is the botched withdrawl.

      • 2 years ago

        At least he got us out of Afghanistan.

        • 2 years ago

          By royally fricking up a plan that was already set by the previous administration, yeah.

          • 2 years ago

            I'll take it.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, like a b***h.

          • 2 years ago

            That was a complete frickup passed down from the last two administrations. Frick Afghanistan, let it rot. There were no hearts or minds there willing to be brought out of barbarism.

  12. 2 years ago

    It was due to the anthrax vaccine.

  13. 2 years ago

    don't forget that #1 Zogbot cause of death is guilt

    they kill themselves because their crimes are too heavy to carry

  14. 2 years ago

    The Anthrax vaccine was definitely shit. About 100 US soldiers died for no reason because of it, since there was no anthrax in Irak.

  15. 2 years ago

    Not gonna lie the Iran iraq war was pretty aesthetic

  16. 2 years ago

    No. Gulf War Syndrome has many signs that are similar to low level exposure to nerve agents - which makes sense when you consider the coalition bombed and then napalmed shitloads of bunkers that were suspected of housing chemical weapons. The napalming was thought to destroy any agents that were opened from bombing, but instead it just scattered whatever wasn't burned into a wide area.

  17. 2 years ago

    >Is Gulf War syndrome just a case of mass hysteria?
    Some of it is. but some of these symptoms are consistent with exposure to lead vapor and other toxic materials. AC-130 gun crews are exposed to so much lead that they're supposed to be on supplied oxygen the whole time they're in the air, but they almost never are supplied with even respirators (filter masks). They quickly develop serious neurological problems because of their high lead exposure.

    I don't think that Gulf War Syndrome is one syndrome. I think it was several unrelated illnesses that got lumped together.

    >Why was there not some "Afghanistan War" or "Vietnam War" syndrome
    There kind of was. A lot of Vietnam vets got exposed to a variety of chemical weapons (defoliants) like agent orange and did end up getting cancer or having deformed babies later on. For the longest time the Pentagon refused to acknowledge that those health conditions were caused by exposure to known carcinogens in theater because the government didn't want to pay the survivors medical bills.

    Something similar happened in Iraq and Afghanistan with burn pits. Again, lots of cancers, and again the Pentagon tried to deny it was their fault for not providing exposed soldiers with the necessary PPE.

  18. 2 years ago

    Mass hysteria isn't real. Ever gone to the doctor about a problem and they can't work it out, so they basically just accuse you of lying about it?

  19. 2 years ago

    even if Iraq had WMDs it still wouldn't be a valid reason to invade them

    USA has WMDs, Israel has WMDs

    • 2 years ago

      True, but Iraq was basically pissing everyone off in the region. It was a matter of time before saddam got outted by the U.S., Iran, or whoever else is pissed off about him

  20. 2 years ago

    >is GWS a...
    It was proved recently that GWS was caused by to exposure to small amounts of aerosolized Sarin.
    >US cmd: let's burn this ammo dump
    >sarin: free! Free into the prevailing winds!
    >sarin: sure am glad this is a fricking hot sandy butthole arab wasteland devoid of moisture, in which I would quickly degrade over a period of weeks.
    >US grunt: oh now my neurons feel funny, huh.

  21. 2 years ago

    Gulf war

    >chemical weapons exposure
    >burn pits containing a menagerie of hazardous materials
    >depleted uranium rounds used often
    And other shit i most certainly missed.

    Agent orange exposure in vietnam was a heap of bad shit to happen itself.

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