Ireland to send weapons to Ukraine

>He added: "From our point of view as Ireland, only in the last couple of weeks, anti-mining equipment, or de-mining equipment, has arrived in Ukraine, and we're helping Ukrainian soldiers to learn how to use that.
>"And we're also seeing if there's other ways we can help it, particularly around things like air defense."

big if true

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  1. 3 months ago

    didnt know that ireland even had a military tbqhwu
    i thought they had an iceland situation

    • 3 months ago

      They nominally have a military but it's so underfunded to be basically useless. No jets or radar, navy reduced to one ship.

      • 3 months ago

        based,Irish here, I'm delighted, we've had a few brave wild geese volunteers die in Ukraines service and the Ukrainians sheltering here are decent people, I'm very glad the goverment is doing this


        didnt know that ireland even had a military tbqhwu

        i thought they had an iceland situation
        >They nominally have a military but it's so underfunded to be basically useless. No jets or radar, navy reduced to one ship.

        didnt know that ireland even had a military tbqhwu
        i thought they had an iceland situation

        national secret no more, we have hundreds of thousands of .small arms, always have had, The Ukrainians will be getting 50,000+ FALs and Javelin and stinger

      • 3 months ago

        the frick does Ireland need an army for?
        on one side they've got an ancient enemy they've basically worked it out with (reply with your troubles jokes below plz/thx) that has zero possibility of conflict.
        on the other side you've got 1000 miles of ocean followed by one big dumb ally and one big useless ally.
        to the north you've got a country with no military and to the south youve got one cheese eating ally and one sleepy ally
        and Portugal I guess but who gives a frick.

        • 3 months ago

          Land army? Arguably we don't need one, we just have our guys take part in UN peacekeeping for the political brownie points and to keep them trained up.
          Navy and airforce? Pic related is Ireland's EEZ, it's about 9 times the size of the island of Ireland. It's the government's responsibility to police what happens in the water and the sky in this area, both of which we currently can't do at all. As a result you have smuggling, trafficking, illegal fishing, Russians fricking with essential undersea infrastructure, etc.

    • 3 months ago

      They have an agreement with the UK for the UK to deal with a bunch of things for them.

      >If NI rejoins will Ireland get a real military?
      Ireland has a very professional military with good infantry equipment and training and have world recognized first class SF and EOD(who have been training Ukraine in de-mining and defeating boobytraps) .

      Good bait.

  2. 3 months ago

    If NI rejoins will Ireland get a real military?

    • 3 months ago

      >If NI rejoins will Ireland get a real military?
      Ireland has a very professional military with good infantry equipment and training and have world recognized first class SF and EOD(who have been training Ukraine in de-mining and defeating boobytraps) .

      • 3 months ago

        Irish Army Ranger Wing have been involved in a lot of UN peacekeeping missions from East Timor, Libera, and Mali. They served in plenty of theatres most of which are not public knowledge. They like to keep quiet, and there was a 'rumor' recently around that they were caught in Afghanistan with some American forces when they shouldn't have been, of course just a rumor. I've spoken to a few of them and they mentioned their snipers do a lot overseas in the vein of Recce and Intel. I was out of the DF by then but I can tell you in the ARW did a lot of covert stuff with other AF. Iraq and Afghanistan are two examples that spring to mind. One of the original reasons was the large amount of Arabic speakers and middle Eastern contacts they had from 20 years in the Lebanon with the UN. Something that the other Western forces didn't have and the glowies needed

        >From 2006 to 2014, it has been reported that operatives from the ARW, including from the Intelligence Section and Military Intelligence Directorate, had been on the ground in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Sudan, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina as part of various international missions.

        >In 2012, it was reported that the ARW could deploy 30 Rangers in the Gulf of Aden, subject to Government, Dáil and UN approval ("triple-lock"), to protect international shipping lanes against Somali pirates as part of the EU's Operation Atalanta.

        >As of 2014, Rangers were serving missions on three continents, including training foreign forces in Africa and the Balkans, protection duties in Lebanon for the United Nations mission and security and intelligence operations on the Israeli-Syrian border (Golan Heights).

        The Army Ranger Wing made history after they became the first non-USA team to win the overall and international categories in the US Army International Sniper Competition in Fort Benning, Georgia.

        >it's another "Irish sucking themselves off on /k/ over their nonexistent military" thread

        We just had one of these two weeks ago

        • 3 months ago

          It's either that or you have to listen to me wax lyrical about how Ukraine needs AMLs and Ireland should pull theirs out of storage.

      • 3 months ago

        >Irish Army
        >Second strongest army in Ireland after the PIRA

        • 3 months ago

          The PIRA are Sinn Fein now, the current IRA is split into three squabbling groups that are the Real IRA, the New IRA and the Continuity IRA; although sometimes the New IRA will call itself the Provisional IRA, but as mentioned the Provisional IRA are now the government in both the Republic or Ireland and in Northern Ireland as part of the power sharing deal.

          Please don't ask me which one stands for what, as they change their mind on a weekly basis and I don't think even they ever really know for sure.

    • 3 months ago

      I feel like gaining a part of the UK is unlikely to improve anyone's national averages except maybe Russia.

    • 3 months ago

      lol no, NI is a money sink and its likely military budget will become even more squeezed

      >If NI rejoins will Ireland get a real military?
      Ireland has a very professional military with good infantry equipment and training and have world recognized first class SF and EOD(who have been training Ukraine in de-mining and defeating boobytraps) .

      Hey listen I know we love to suck ourselves off, but absolutely no one in the real world thinks Ireland has a good military. It doesn't even pretend we can withstand a modest invasion

      • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          And what?

          • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            So you like to suck yourself off there do you? Would you be Russian or are you IRSP. I get confused because you behave the same and talk the same.

  3. 3 months ago

    nice, they can attempt another crimea bridge attack soon

    • 3 months ago

      >nice, they can attempt another crimea bridge attack soon
      kek, get the fertilizer seamus, those ukranians have a bridge problem

  4. 3 months ago

    >From our point of view as Ireland

    Do members of the Irish government always have to engage in Thomas Hobbes LARP during decision making? what the frick

  5. 3 months ago

    >From our point of view as Ireland
    good thing he clarified that. i was worried they were impersonating iceland for a moment.

  6. 3 months ago

    lmao, what are they gonna send? AR-18s?

    • 3 months ago

      >mfw the next big Ukie trench song is Maлeнький Apмaлiт

    • 3 months ago

      OP specified "Air Defense"

      Wiki lists RBS-70 MANPADS (which Ukraine is already using) and Bofors 40 mm L/70 guns with radar which have apparently been out of service for several years so their status is unknown.

      If they decide to go further they have stocks of the usual AT4, Carl Gustav 84mm and Javelin. In terms of small arms they are replacing FN FAL converted to DMRs so maybe they could be donated.

      On the whole not a great deal. Ireland would bet better of leveraging their inflated GDP to buy abroad for Ukraine.

  7. 3 months ago

    Hope this is false.
    Traitor Taoiseach
    Frick fueling these warpigs.

    • 3 months ago

      >even Ireland is sick of R*ssia’s bullshit
      sucks to sucks, Seamus O’Flagovich!

  8. 3 months ago


    >Hunter Biden
    Why do Russia shills always try to play to the nonexistent faceberg boomer Qtard crowd on PrepHole?

    • 3 months ago

      sadly they are far from nonexistent

  9. 3 months ago

    Irish Army Ranger Wing have been involved in a lot of UN peacekeeping missions from East Timor, Libera, and Mali. They served in plenty of theatres most of which are not public knowledge. They like to keep quiet, and there was a 'rumor' recently around that they were caught in Afghanistan with some American forces when they shouldn't have been, of course just a rumor. I've spoken to a few of them and they mentioned their snipers do a lot overseas in the vein of Recce and Intel. I was out of the DF by then but I can tell you in the ARW did a lot of covert stuff with other AF. Iraq and Afghanistan are two examples that spring to mind. One of the original reasons was the large amount of Arabic speakers and middle Eastern contacts they had from 20 years in the Lebanon with the UN. Something that the other Western forces didn't have and the glowies needed

    >From 2006 to 2014, it has been reported that operatives from the ARW, including from the Intelligence Section and Military Intelligence Directorate, had been on the ground in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Sudan, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina as part of various international missions.

    >In 2012, it was reported that the ARW could deploy 30 Rangers in the Gulf of Aden, subject to Government, Dáil and UN approval ("triple-lock"), to protect international shipping lanes against Somali pirates as part of the EU's Operation Atalanta.

    >As of 2014, Rangers were serving missions on three continents, including training foreign forces in Africa and the Balkans, protection duties in Lebanon for the United Nations mission and security and intelligence operations on the Israeli-Syrian border (Golan Heights).

    The Army Ranger Wing made history after they became the first non-USA team to win the overall and international categories in the US Army International Sniper Competition in Fort Benning, Georgia.

    • 3 months ago

      UN peacekeeping missions always just boils to murdering and raping locals and then pissing and shitting yourself if SHTF. Not the flex you think it is Paddy

  10. 3 months ago

    For an army as small as Ireland it's amazing how they can create a such world class special forces unit. They won the U.S. Sniper competition a year or two ago I believe and perform well internationally in other competitions and joint training operations.

    They actually do shit from time to time as part of the UN Peacekeepers as a more competent member.

    Apparently the Irish were part of the response team sent when those Flip UN troops got besieged in the Golan Heights to extract them.

    Allegedly, and this is a big allegedly, they accompanied their British equivalents as observers when PIRA were attempting cross border operations in the 1980s. There's a lot of cross training since then, too.

    They prevented paramilitary violence from northern Ireland spreading into the Republic for 25 years and they did it quietly and effectively. They won so hard there is no one from the loosing sides left to whinge about it.

  11. 3 months ago

    >particularly around things like air defense.
    As a Dubliner I'm wondering what the frick assets he thinks we have to even send over there?

    • 3 months ago

      Ireland famously has very strong air defense. It's called the RAF

      • 3 months ago

        Well I'm all for sending those English c**ts over the Ukraine if thats what it comes to!

    • 3 months ago

      Silence holdout. You know damn well a single leperchaun could have halted this invasion by now and yet you continue to horde them. Typical Irishman.

      • 3 months ago

        You mad bloody fool is it leperchauns breeding with Nyavkas you're after?

        Just what manner of thotty cryptid superweapon are you trying to make here?

  12. 3 months ago

    The Irish are more militarily active than anyone has any business knowing, I rate their capacity to train Ukrainians quite highly, especially as they don't suffer from the same delusions as has plagued the bigger militaries. They also look after their old gear well and have a broad familiarity with an eclectic array of small arms and explosives so I'm sure they can help Ukraine out.

    • 3 months ago

      "the Irish will be what finally bails us out" is the most unhinged /k/opium I have ever heard.

      • 3 months ago

        truly is mad.

      • 3 months ago

        There's no need for any bailing out as far as the west is concerned, western nations are doing a comfy relay jog where no individual country has to contribute heavily for long and Russia is sprinting to keep up.

  13. 3 months ago

    bongs and paddies uniting for TZD, it really does bring everyone together

  14. 3 months ago

    are any of these still knocking about

    • 3 months ago

      PIRA are the kind of marxist wienersuckers who'd donate arms to the Donbabwean Peoples' Republic before Ukraine

  15. 3 months ago

    >Russian post offices and recruitment centers get blown to ribbons
    >Russian border guards get shot
    >more Russian bridges destroyed
    >an airliner shot by a Stinger

  16. 3 months ago

    They should send the Gay Bolg.

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