>Instantly ruins your handgun

And they were so close, too...

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 12 months ago

    Speak for yourself. I love my safety, beaver tail and hammer.

  2. 12 months ago

    Why is being able to achieve greater accuracy with a light single action trigger pull a disadvantage?

    • 12 months ago

      Because the cops use strikers and everyone knows that whatever cops do is the best.

      • 12 months ago

        >He doesn't want the latest, greatest, and est technology

        • 12 months ago

          >use a striker fire
          >can't stretch out your ballsack skin and stick it between the hammer and firing pin to crush it

      • 12 months ago

        DA/SA is better than striker fired. Especially ones that can be put in condition one


      • 12 months ago

        Striker fire type triggers are better for actual gunfight roles, hence why HK developed their LEM trigger which is just a mock striker trigger with a hammer. That was popular and tons of police agencies actually adopted it across Europe because it's better for that role. A medium pull is ideal because it won't throw shots and it's not so light you're risking NDs under stress. It's not a training issue, most SA triggers I've shot are ridiculously light to the point the slightest flinch will result in firing. That's great for competition, not great for a situation where you're giving someone commands at gunpoint or giving a string of fire under stress and want to be sure you stop at the last round you intended to fire. A medium trigger allows the shots to be more intentional, lessening the risk of unintentional shots, while not being so strong it throws the shot. It would also suck if a cop drew his weapon needing to use it and the first shot is thrown due to the heavy DA trigger. wienered & locked would be better for them but then it might be too light and cause an unintentional fire of there's some unforeseen circumstance.

  3. 12 months ago

    what is it like having shit taste?

  4. 12 months ago

    What is it you're b***hing about here? Is it wienered and locked, or DA/SA?

    • 12 months ago

      >Is it wienered and locked, or DA/SA

      Those are not mutually exclusive

  5. 12 months ago

    Try b***hing more.

    • 12 months ago

      Where'd you get that milled for a red dot?

    • 12 months ago

      >Putting rear irons Infront of the dot
      >When they're short
      >When there's no front sight either
      moronic gun you've got there

  6. 12 months ago

    >supurred hammer
    >button mag release
    p2000/p30 ergos win w/ bobbed hammer which I believe is possible in DA/SA if the DAO hammer is used. Not sure though.

    • 12 months ago

      The placement of the safety on the CZ75 gets way in the way of my thumb knuckle and hinders me from properly using the magazine release and slide release as god intended. I can just use my left hand for that, but I shouldn't have to.
      The israelites had the right idea with the enlarged slide release on the Jericho (then they undid that for some reason).

      The H&K flapper feels wrong for dropping the magazine release.

      • 12 months ago

        Jeez, you sound like a whiney c**t. Grow a pair.

      • 12 months ago

        Get a new gun or modify it, loser. My thumb goes over the safety and helps me keep the gun locked in my hands. Works perfect for how i shoot. No idea how youre shooting or where your thumb placement is, maybe you got baby hands. Go get a glock.

      • 12 months ago

        Put your thumb on top of the safety

      • 12 months ago

        >then they undid that for some reason
        just to frick over weebs who want to LARP as spike speigle

        • 12 months ago

          So the israelites did do it!

      • 12 months ago

        Get a CZ P-07. Its a polymer version of the CZ75 and you can change the dewienerer to be a safety or vice versa. So you can make it whatever you want.

    • 12 months ago

      >everything that isn't on MY handgun just so happens to be the worst possible thing
      >everyone, please be impressed that i own one of the most economical HK products

    • 12 months ago

      I'll be sure to tell all the try hard tacticool gays breaking shooting records with 2011s and their hammer fired guns and manual safeties that they're all running suboptimal set ups and should get your world championship set up anon.

    • 12 months ago

      mag release
      perhaps the oddest complaint about a handgun I've ever read

      • 12 months ago

        It's the one autist on here who thinks you will inevitably press on a button release accidentally and die

        • 12 months ago

          There's shooting videos where people have squeezed their release and dropped a mag.
          >but that was a cop and cops bad!
          You are not any better trained than a cop, in fact you're not trained at all. There's a massive disconnect between people who've only shot at a range and people who've at least had basic stress training or just watch documented high stress situations. They don't realize how much shit can go wrong.

          • 12 months ago

            I hope you realize you're projecting your lack of coordination onto millions of other gun users who generally do not have this problem.

            • 12 months ago

              >when someone tries to kill me I'll just relax, take a deep breath, turn the A/C on, stand in one place in my ready position, and wait for the range officer to tell me I can shoot, then fire a few rounds at a slow pace into him while he stands in one spot 3-7 feet away which is the farthest I've ever shot with a handgun except that one time I put it waaay out there (15ft) and could still kinda hit the paper

              Bruv, you are a gun owner, not a gunfighter. There is a difference, and its apparent when you morons insist "i cojld never drop a mag" "I'll never jave a jam" and all this bs when we have real world evidence that shit goes wrong all the time. Invest in some shitty civilian training at least before you talk.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh I forgot that 90% of gun owners shoot from the table. You don't even practice drawing and shooting because your range doesn't allow it due to how moronic gun owners are. They'll shoot themselves in the leg. A lot of you don't even have holsters or slings for all your weekend toys.

              • 12 months ago

                Post practiscore

              • 12 months ago

                >"I'll never jave a jam"
                This is a different matter and it happens but I have never ejected a mag by accident. Yes, I have drawn from a holster before, and practiced shooting on the move.

              • 12 months ago

                Training this, training that. Are you a fricking zoomer who thinks that it's impossible to become good at something without copying someone else?

                Not everyone is a gibbering moron that cannot engage in effective self-directed learning and improvement.

              • 12 months ago

                No he thinks it's impossible to handle button mag releases without dropping a mag

              • 12 months ago

                >it's impossible to become good at something without copying someone else?
                Here's the thing, you could go shoot every day of every week, and each time learn something very small that you're doing wrong and correct it. By the time you've ironed out every issue, you'd have shot every single day for 10 years and spent millions of rounds. OR you could realize that a training school has already done that work for you. The teachings are based on an amalgamation of data from millions of fired rounds. They already know what people have a tendency to do wrong, and how to correct it. They'll have you set within a matter of a few hundred rounds.

                This comparison is a stretch, but basically you're saying you'd rather learn to become an adequate doctor on your own, rather than go through a schooling system which has an amalgamation of that data already recorded and presented in a manner that's meant to be learned. You're not likely to learn every bit of medical knowledge on your own, you're going to have skill gaps all over the place, stuff you weren't able to figure out on your own. Lucky for you shooting a gun isn't as difficult as being a doctor, but you're making the mistake of thinking that defensive shooting is so easy of a science that you can learn everything on your own. You won't, just go learn what the experts have already recorded.

              • 12 months ago

                Unbelievable moron mentality. Read a couple books, practice dry fire and shoot matches you homosexual. "Training schools" is moron shit. You sound like a homosexual who got duped into paying some ex seal guy $500 a day to teach you how to shoot with a dot at 5 meters because someone on Instagram said "take a class". have a nice day.

              • 12 months ago

                I've only every had professional training, I go for my first ever civilian training next month. I've done two courses with ALERTT that were excellent and they're technically civilian though agencies are starting to use them. Learned bounding and vehicle tactics from them from a soliders' perspective rather than an officers'. Literally your ex SEAL meme type of group. Why would you know more than a SEAL? You're literally just a guy who went into a shop and bought a gun. You're the type of quiet nerdy kid that read a couple "books" and watched youtube videos about kung fu and now thinks he's a master.

              • 12 months ago

                Are you just now learning that men are hard headed and assume they know everything? I watched a few MMA videos with Connor Mcgregor after learning he would be my competition if I were to go to UFC. Same height and weight, but when I watch his videos he fights like a b***h. I can hit way harder than him on a heavy bag. The thought crossed my mind, "I can go to UFC and beat Connor Mcgregor" because like any man i have some extent of an ego and overestimate myself. But I write it off as being moronic and unrealistic. Low IQ dudes don't have that filter. They walk into any gym thinking they're the strongest and any shooting range thinking they can outshoot professionals.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm a sport shooter, I haven't felt the need for LARP training

              • 12 months ago

                Post practiscore

              • 12 months ago

                I'm a 250 shooter, not that you would know what that means notraining. Match shooting has nothing to do with the trainings I was addressing, that's just another gay little hobby.

              • 12 months ago

                What's that, some meaningless larper rank?

              • 12 months ago

                NGL I've taken a few classes and I regret most of them. I guess the nicest one I took was from Ernest Langdon, but the guy is a legit "tacticool" shooter and was competitive in USPSA at some point in his career. Other people's classes were a complete waste of money.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes ok but the experts don't advocate for heel mag releases

              • 12 months ago

                I like the HK/Walther style paddle releases. Ideal spot honestly. Heel release idk, I like it on my Makarov but it's definitely not quick. The button releases though just seem fricky from an engineering standpoint, sticking them right on the grip like that.

              • 12 months ago

                Honestly, from an independent civilian standpoint, heel releases are ideal. Most morons, myself included, would be in the 96th percentile by having more than 3 magazines. Mags are expensive, most people probably don't even have pistol mag pouches to keep them squared away. So why the emphasis on tacticool fast reloads, when really we should be concerned with not dropping, breaking or losing a $28-$45 magazine of which is likely our 1 of 3?

              • 12 months ago

                The heel seems most secure but you gotta do a tac reload type of thing to release it. An accidental drop with a paddle release is highly unlikely especially when it's in a holster, yet it's still in a good enough position to quickly drop the mag to reload. The only flaw with those is you have to baby draw to administratively swap a mag while holstered. Not an issue for 99% of notraining gun owners. It's better that nothing can touch the paddles while holstered, it's definitely happened where someone's button release got pressed and they're walking around with no mag or a mag hanging out.

              • 12 months ago

                Imo the best magazine release is on the original HKP7, as it presses in rather than having to muscle it out with your thumb. The second best design imo is unironically the ruger p85 series as it's conveniently located by less likely to inadvertent activate and is ambi.
                My only real issue with giving the paddle release the bronze medal is that I think it's the most fragile design. It just seems like something will snap on you if you're not careful.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah they're too thin and I wish they made them out of metal. The Walther ones are two piece, the paddle on each side is it's own thing so if one manages to snap you have the second. HKs are one piece. The P30 has extended ones you can reach with your index finger, I'm not sure if there's aftermarket metal ones or longer ones for other models.

              • 12 months ago

                I get what you're trying to tell these guys but the reality is a lot of the shit they teach isn't applicable to civilian self defense. And the amount of good teachers out there is actually very low. A lot of these guys rely on one title or one event in their career to carry them as "instructors".

                The gun community is filled with chronic regurgitators.

              • 12 months ago

                Unbelievable moron mentality. Read a couple books, practice dry fire and shoot matches you homosexual. "Training schools" is moron shit. You sound like a homosexual who got duped into paying some ex seal guy $500 a day to teach you how to shoot with a dot at 5 meters because someone on Instagram said "take a class". have a nice day.

                "Learn from the mistakes of others, you don't have enough time to make them all yourself"
                And less time to correct them once you find them

  7. 12 months ago

    all it needs is a dewienerer

    • 12 months ago

      While I love my CZ 75B, the hammer, the safety switch and the beavertail, a dewienerer (in addition to all mentioned above) would be an awesome addition.

      Some kind of Beretta-style "acts as a safety AND a dewienerer" -swith would be brilliant.
      I know that there are CZ models with dewienerer, but that removes the safety. And if I have to decide between the two, I will pick the safety. I like it MORE than I like dewienerer.

      • 12 months ago

        I was personally disappointed with the safety on mine. I placed a 1911 on my blanket and pushed it around in a circle by the safety with my finger, trying to switch it off and it wouldn't move. Did the exact same thing on my cz and it switched off by a bit over a quarter turn through the arc.

      • 12 months ago

        So a Cz75BD?
        Guess what the D stands for?
        I like my SP-01 but I love my Cz97B.

  8. 12 months ago

    Good gun, I had the same model with an upside down “Y” denoting factory second/previous demo.

    It choked on Federal brand aluminum case ammo but that’s about the only negative, oh it was slathered in a stinky oozey oil

    • 12 months ago

      I mean that's just aluminum case to you, some guns just don't like that stuff. I think it has to be some sort of subtle stacking tolerance where aluminum is right on the edge of being a suitable material for casings, and that with some individual pistols they just don't care for it.

  9. 12 months ago

    Why does DA/SA make brainlets seethe so such?

  10. 12 months ago

    The ultimate lolnotraining handgun. Try racking the slide how you're supposed to (overhand). Even not under stress your fingers end up squeezing the frame. The slide is too skinny for it to be considered a fighting handgun.

    Hammer guns are fine and safeties are fine, it's up to your preference. I personally hate DA/SA because one pull is too heavy/long and one pull is too light/short. A middle ground DAO is preferable like the HK LEM system. The hammer doesn't need to stay back, whatever moron came up with this is moronic.

    • 12 months ago

      If you can't pull a CZ 75 slide under pressure I'm forced to call you a cripple

      • 12 months ago

        its not spring weight or anything strength dependant that anon is talking about. the slide relief is so small, its very difficult to pull it the "proper way" when reloading under stress.

        dont get me wrong, i love my 75b, but you have to modify how you interact with the slide on this gun compared to other pistols.

    • 12 months ago

      couldn't companies just use a different style hammer. like the infinity one that stays flush with the back of the slide? that's just a hammer choice. companies could make better hammer choices.

      • 12 months ago

        They should all be internal and have a smooth DAO action. DA/SA is a boomer fad from back when it was considered high quality that the gun could do both. External hammers are a holdover from the cowboy days. They are not really needed and only serve to let debris in that jam up the gun.

        • 12 months ago

          DA/SA is LITERALLY to give you a deliberate trigger pull as your first, so one is less likely to ND (like on a revolver), and every consecutive trigger pull as crisp as a 1911s. All the world's best shooters have competed with DA/SAs. Lately Berettas have been winning world shoots and the CZs have been the gold standard.

    • 12 months ago

      >t. Never held a cz75 in his life

      • 12 months ago

        The first time I held one at a shop I said nope to them. I tried racking to make sure it was clear and realized something was wrong. There simply isn't enough slide to get a reliable purchase on it. You have to slingshot pinch it which is a less reliable racking method, and isn't allowed if you ever actually do any professional training courses. If that's what you're doing now they're going to train that out of you because it's a less reliable racking method under stress.

        I do have a Witness in 10mm, since the gun is an upsized version of a CZ75 there's a decent amount of slide to grab. Still not ideal. You don't need a full HK or Sig P226 thicc slide but those are helpful when it counts.

        • 12 months ago

          My brother has this old EAA witness in .45 and I swear the only thing that makes me like it is it's trigger and the fact that the serrations make it easy to rack the slide. Granted the one problem I have with it is I don't know where to put my non dominant hands thumb when gripping it. Hell that's the same problem I have with my 96a1.

    • 12 months ago

      I've had my 75 since I started shooting, you're just a b***h

    • 12 months ago

      >Even not under stress your fingers end up squeezing the frame
      How fricking uncoordinated do you have to be for this shit to be an issue. just put more pressure with the palm of your hand and pull back. Like people who b***h about active retention holsters thinking they need an xbox hueg button so they buy a t series instead of safariland.

      >Made in Italy

      Based. You got one of the nicer M9A3s. All the lastest made in USA one's have horrible finish and quality control.

      Do they not have guido and fredo over in the qc department with whips anymore? They did it successfully in brazil and probably iraq. The fricks going on?

      • 12 months ago

        When you go through shit tons of training hours you go through motions automatically like second nature. When I pick up a handgun my hand goes to a certain spot to rack it. I'm not necessarily even looking at it. When I picked up a CZ75 and tried to rack it I thought the slide was locked. Took me a second to figure out I had placed my hand where I place it on normal handguns, and that I needed to raise it an inch higher to actually be grabbing the slide. But at that point there's so little fingertip and palm on the slide it doesn't feel like a good purchase, and I sure as shit am going to fat hand it under stress or during a speed drill.

        Fundamentally fricking with the geometries of a gun isn't good for people who've had shit tons of training on guns with normal geometry. You start to build muscle memory and operate on it, then when somethings off it messes you up. If the safety or mag release of a gun were in a different spot you'd have to retrain around it, on thr CZ75 the slide is essentially in a different spot an inch higher than on a typical handgun. It's definitely something to note.

    • 12 months ago

      >Even not under stress your fingers end up squeezing the frame. The slide is too skinny for it to be considered a fighting handgun.

      I bet you typed that post using two fingers.

    • 12 months ago

      Just wiener the hammer you moron.

    • 12 months ago

      moron moron moron moron moron have a nice day moron

    • 12 months ago

      Fat moron with fat sausage fingers.

    • 12 months ago

      Post your hands pls

  11. 12 months ago

    >doesn't like manual safety
    >doesn't like hammer

    incompetent glocktard detected

    • 12 months ago

      No safeties and striker actions are Glock fads. Some dude running a department store made the cheapest ass gun possible with a shitty action and no safety, out of fricking plastic because it was the cheapest thing he could actually get to function. Surprisingly it took off because lo and behold, police agencies don't give a shit if their gun actually works or has necessary features, they just care what it costs. It tool until the 2020s when bodycams became the norm for people to realize the fricking things don't work and jam if you so much as take a step while shooting.

      • 12 months ago

        >It tool until the 2020s when bodycams became the norm for people to realize the fricking things don't work and jam if you so much as take a step while shooting.

        I dislike Glocks. I only have one. I have shot about 1000 rounds through it. It only jammed once, a FTF. That´s 0,1%, that´s not bad at all

        • 12 months ago

          They actually getting in a gunfight with one, they shit the bed once the harmonics aren't ideal. The forces of just not holding the gun perfectly or moving whole shooting make it jam.

          You had me until the "they jam" bullshit. They're some of the most reliable pistols out there. They are however severely lacking in features but that is part of their appeal to some people. I'd like a Glock with a better grip angle and a safety. But Gaston is married to his original design.

          Glocks jam, A LOT. You need to watch more police shooting vids, it's like a 1 in 6 chance your plastic POS will jam in a gunfight. No plastic shitgun is safe from this, not even the recently venerated M&P 2.0, I've seen that one jam for seemingly no reason too.

          DA/SA is LITERALLY to give you a deliberate trigger pull as your first, so one is less likely to ND (like on a revolver), and every consecutive trigger pull as crisp as a 1911s. All the world's best shooters have competed with DA/SAs. Lately Berettas have been winning world shoots and the CZs have been the gold standard.

          I want a gunfight gun not a competition gun. Hair triggers aren't necessary for accuracy. I've had all my training on striker style triggers so they throw me off and I ND. Yes, being surprised when your gun shoots early even though you intended to shoot is an ND. You should have full control over when that bullet leaves the barrel, and when you don't fear recoil like a noob b***h it doesn't affect accuracy.

          • 12 months ago

            You are a man who either owns no guns or someone who owns a single brand of firearm. You pray to it every fricking night and lash out at anyone who uses what you don't use. You're a pathetic moron with zero experience in anything but being moronic.

            • 12 months ago

              I didn't even mention what I own but my arsenal is built around keeping the same manual of arms so I can operate on muscle memory. If you have a bunch of different shit, you've never realized the problems that causes because you have no training. Once I had a lot of trainings under my belt I realized switching platforms and manuals of arms can frick with you at the worst times. It's something to consider, I'm not saying any of this for any other reason than to help out the non-morons who don't wear their egos on their sleeve of their brand shirt.

              • 12 months ago

                >Once I had a lot of trainings
                You're a fricking idiot and your shits all moronic my guy. Trainings? Really? You have any training with a speech teacher or do you have your trainings done with them too?

              • 12 months ago

                Yes people that do them a lot will refer to them in plural. You really need to sign up for something so you can realize the massive difference it makes in how you treat the topic of firearms. You can easily find reputable ones in your area on the NRA website, or vet the reviews of places yourself. They range from $50-250, we're talking less than the next consoomerist accessory you're going to buy and they'll help you stay alive better.

              • 12 months ago

                You have no idea how to talk like a human being. Your grammar is subpar, and you fail to realize "trainings" is uncountable in how you used it in your previous post. You're an embarrassment that acts like he's better than everyone. Stay mad, get more "trainings" from a speech instructor.

              • 12 months ago

                I will not post helpful tips anymore if you're all just going to be consoomerist fanboys. Go ahead and buy a gun off the internet you've never held and realize it sucks when you actually get it, then private sell it to some felon. Hopefully he robs you so you finally realize you actually suck with your guns.

              • 12 months ago

                You have no experience with firearms and your own insecurities show. Go to a speech therapist and get some trainings already. Dumbass.

              • 12 months ago

                You have no idea how to talk like a human being. Your grammar is subpar, and you fail to realize "trainings" is uncountable in how you used it in your previous post. You're an embarrassment that acts like he's better than everyone. Stay mad, get more "trainings" from a speech instructor.

                >Once I had a lot of trainings
                You're a fricking idiot and your shits all moronic my guy. Trainings? Really? You have any training with a speech teacher or do you have your trainings done with them too?

                >tone policing
                stellar argument

          • 12 months ago

            You absolute double Black person, as someone who had a double action revolver, a glock, a steelframe beretta and a HK as a service pistol I can tell that you have zero fricking experience.

            Especially your ND comment makes you sound like the most moronic amateur around, your finger should NEVER be anywhere nesr the fricking trigger if you don’t intend on shooting.
            You absolute pathetic excuse of a gun owner. You’re the fricking living, breathing argument for gun control and license exams.

            • 12 months ago

              >You’re the fricking living, breathing argument for gun control and license exams.
              Great now he's gonna spam the board with some bullshit and embarrass himself even more.........Good job.

          • 12 months ago

            >Glocks jam, A LOT. You need to watch more police shooting vids

            Lol no they don’t, those are officer induced malfunctions, I’ve purposely held my guns with two fingers and tried to replicate all kinds of moving and shooting, bad grips etc and you have to try hard to do it, if it’ll do it at all.

            • 12 months ago

              Glocks jam non stop in police shooting videos, and stovepipe.

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                Your tiktok current trend concept has nothing to do with it. There was a recent one where the officer died because his Glock jammed. Most of them do a tap rack drill and survive. Police handgun training is built around failure drills to the point you just assume your gun is going to fail, and you've done the drills so many times you know exactly what to do and can do it quickly. Criminalshits have no training like the majority of you, so they shoot all over the place and if their gun jams they don't know what to do, or take a long time to clear it. Training is extremely important and it's not considered enough on prodooct consoomer based boards like this.

                With how much emphasis police handgun training places on clearing failures, it's obvious that they know the Glock is shit and how likely it is to jam. Close to half of time spent on the range is failure drills.

              • 12 months ago

                You talk like a gay, and your shits all moronic.

              • 12 months ago

                >Glocks jam, A LOT. You need to watch more police shooting vids

                Lol no they don’t, those are officer induced malfunctions, I’ve purposely held my guns with two fingers and tried to replicate all kinds of moving and shooting, bad grips etc and you have to try hard to do it, if it’ll do it at all.

                You talk like a gay, and your shits all moronic.

                You talk like a gay, and your shits all moronic. You also happen to be full of shit from all the fudgepacking you go through

            • 12 months ago

              Another day, Another Police shooting, Another jammed glock.

              • 12 months ago

                >I JUST HAVE TO KEEP SPAMMING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              • 12 months ago

                Uh oh glocktrannies, our response?

                >u-user error, user error!

              • 12 months ago

                >no one
                >absolutely nobody in this thread
                >(You) turn up
                >mention trannies

              • 12 months ago

                >Glock, muh perfection, muh reliability
                >Y..you have to hold it right or it doesn't work ok.

              • 12 months ago

                >slide out of battery without ever pulling the trigger
                Cool malfunction, bro.

                I'm talking about the physics of the gun. It doesn't work unless you're gripping it Ideally and not moving around.

                >muh crisp apple bacon trigger
                I don't get what it is with you noobs describing triggers as food. It'd just something you pull, it doesn't matter how it feels. Hairpin triggers are a crutch for noob shooters because they don't have proper trigger finger isolation and flinch if they know the shot is coming. They need something that barely requires finger movement and surprises them when it fires or they'll throw shots even worse.

                >It doesn't work unless you're gripping it Ideally and not moving around.
                But they do work when moving around. I don't think I've ever seen one jam during our training sessions, not even with the newbies still getting their "safe shooter" status. We've had Glocks as club guns for five years now after replacing our clapped out CZ75s with them. t. different anon

              • 12 months ago

                I've seen Glocks fail probably over 100 times now in police shooting videos. Some random guy online:
                >nuh uh! I've shot one it does work!

                Yeah ok, your anecdote doesn't negate the real data.

              • 12 months ago

                I've only seen literal women (two ~20yo university gals) manage to limp wrist my Glock and that was after an hour of shooting .22 pistols. My point was that there's nothing there that "moving around" will complicate.

          • 12 months ago

            >talks about Barrel harmonics on a pistol
            >thinks a crisp trigger is the equivalent of an ND

            Look, if you only own one handgun just say you own one handgun. Don't make up stuff about others.

            • 12 months ago

              I'm talking about the physics of the gun. It doesn't work unless you're gripping it Ideally and not moving around.

              >muh crisp apple bacon trigger
              I don't get what it is with you noobs describing triggers as food. It'd just something you pull, it doesn't matter how it feels. Hairpin triggers are a crutch for noob shooters because they don't have proper trigger finger isolation and flinch if they know the shot is coming. They need something that barely requires finger movement and surprises them when it fires or they'll throw shots even worse.

              • 12 months ago

                Learn to shoot, fatty

      • 12 months ago

        You had me until the "they jam" bullshit. They're some of the most reliable pistols out there. They are however severely lacking in features but that is part of their appeal to some people. I'd like a Glock with a better grip angle and a safety. But Gaston is married to his original design.

      • 12 months ago

        >2020s when bodycams became the norm
        They've been a norm for several years before 2020 dumbass

      • 12 months ago

        That's almost always because the stupid cop rides his thumb on the slide

    • 12 months ago

      >Made in Italy

      Based. You got one of the nicer M9A3s. All the lastest made in USA one's have horrible finish and quality control.

    • 12 months ago

      >slide mounted safety

      • 12 months ago

        henlo nogunz
        you stinky nogunz

        • 12 months ago

          He's right, fricking sucks and is gay

      • 12 months ago

        >If your thumb can't reach it you have baby hands
        Get yourself a PPK or a tomcat maybe those will fit your tiny ass hands

    • 12 months ago


      He's right, fricking sucks and is gay

      I prefer these two. But the Beretta should be black.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        How's your A4? I held off on the A4 in place of an A3 because I feared getting a US model. I heard they were a bit rough, but can you say the same?

        • 12 months ago

          Its great. Can't really say much about it other than the trigger being a straight upgrade. Forward serrations are cool, I like the coloring better than the A3 and ive got the option to mount an optic if I want. Thats about all there really is. I just like new shinies. If an A5 came out, id have to immediately grab it because 4 is inferior to 5. 3 is inferior to 4 so I am superior at this point in time.

      • 12 months ago

        The A3 is better than the A4+you’re a Black person.

        • 12 months ago

          3 is smaller than 4+no front slide cuts soooooo shut the frick up before I NTR you in my FDE boots with my FDE socks while I hold my FDE gun.

          • 12 months ago

            Because of your selous shorts and association with this site, I assume you're the minority subtype that despises other brown and black people. You uncle ruckus black mother fricker, you'd slot floppies wouldn't ya?

            • 12 months ago

              At this point everyone is just a different consistency of shit. Other brown or black people may tend to be violent, over emotional, and generally moronic, but the same can be seen in whites too, just for different reasons. White people are also spineless homosexuals who worship homosex and are afraid to stand up for what they believe in general. Hell, you guys sell out your own people on the daily. From here to Canada, to England, to Australia, bunch of pussies. So I've got the choice between apes and worms. I don't pay attention to race, race doesnt tell you anything about anyone. I throw my hat in with people who hold the same values I do whether we look the same or don't.

      • 12 months ago

        Exactly. LMAO, you have the inferior version. You can't even send yours in to get a proper dot mount from Langdon, it's not Italian, and it's QC and finish is worse than the A3s LOLOLOL

        >Muh bigger number is better than da smaller number

        Consumerist Black person brained animal

    • 12 months ago



      >babyshit beretta

      • 12 months ago

        >no optics mount option
        >3 gay-d
        >adjustable sights on a pistol
        >no trit in the rear
        >gay lil fiber optic front
        >a fricking frame safety on a Retta
        >straight grips
        Inb4 mine are straight too, i use the humped grips
        >you payed HOW MUCH FOR a 3 FRICKING GAY-D!??!?!?

        • 12 months ago

          >no optics mount option
          Whuh? You know what those little screw holes in front of the rear sight are for, right?

          • 12 months ago

            Those aren't on the pic he posted. He just has the dove tail.

        • 12 months ago

          >>no optics mount option
          sights on a pistol
          >>no trit in the rear
          >>gay lil fiber optic front
          It might not have an optics mount, but those adjustable, blacked out rears with the fiber optic front sight are the best sights competition sights you can get.

        • 12 months ago

          That's a competition Beretta specifically designed for iron sighted divisions. They make the exact same model but dot capable.

    • 12 months ago

      safeties are for Black folk and hammers are for old people with weak fingers

      • 12 months ago

        >T. Can't shoot

  12. 12 months ago

    Still has more accuracy, ergos, class, elegance than your shit kicking monkey brain glock will ever have

  13. 12 months ago

    >I bait because I love attention

  14. 12 months ago

    >buying Czolt

    first mistake.

  15. 12 months ago

    What will cops switch to once Glocks being shit is embedded into the general consciousness?

    • 12 months ago

      Glocks, or whatever can beat them in price. They know they're shit, they were the first ones with the data. They buy them because they're cheaper. Agencies actually switched to 9mm in mass when .40 started to lose civilian popularity and ammo manufacturers stopped making as much, then .40 got way more expensive so agencies switched. Got to sell off their stock of 40s at the same bulk price they bought them for because you morons will buy a used beat up gun at the same price they got it for new, then got to buy training ammo for cheaper. They don't give a shit about performance, they drive Fords and Chevys ffs. Cost is the only priority.

      • 12 months ago

        The real answer is when Glocks stop being the best option. Despite the coping and sneeding in this thread, there really isn't anything that's more reliable that's been made yet.
        >muh 9001 videos of cops guns jamming!!
        cool other guns jam more statistically so they're not used in police shootings and filmed jamming.

        • 12 months ago

          Yes, most cops are using a gun that's equivalent in reliability to a Jimenez. The cars they drive are shit, their training is shit, their computers go down all the time, and it's because there's little funding to invest in making those things better. Welcome to America.

          You invested in Glocks and that's why you don't want to admit they're shit. There is objective evidence that they're complete shit, anyone without a bias can see it and wonders why you're still claiming they're not shit. You're yelling into a mirror bruv, step back. You can still sell them and get something functional.

        • 12 months ago

          Or they're too top of the line, and thus top dollar for cheap PDs to consider in their budget and so they settle for strikershit plastic fantastic jamomatics instead. Luckily I'm not poor

          • 12 months ago

            I've known 2 sheriff's departments that allowed whatever the frick to be carried. Their approved list was basically a free for all because it was more rural type of "bring your own gun" policing. What it ended up being was the guys who just got Glocks, a bunch of HKs (USPs, P30s, & HK45s), and the boomers literally had 1911s they'd carry wienered & locked. Few others sprinkled in here and there but those were the major ones.

            If you'd take a Glock over an HK having the choice, you've never shot an HK. Their giant slides are engineered that way for a reason, the frickers return to the exact point of aim on follow up shots (depending if you're shooting normal velocity ammo). You can tell there's quality engineering and care going into making those things. I know that's controversial to say on a poor board but between those two agencies and by myself, HK was a favorite. Glock is more of an "idk what to get, I'll just get this" choice. It's the lowest common denominator.

            • 12 months ago

              I'll assume the HK pistols are better than glocks, but are XD's worse than Glocks? Personally, aside from the aftermarket, I think the xd's are better because of the grip safety, at least compared to gen 3 glocks of which I have to deal with as a Californian.

  16. 12 months ago

    The hammer and safety are no problem, but the small slide is actually noticably shitty with the alleged benefits being practically non-existent.

  17. 12 months ago
  18. 12 months ago

    You're absolutely right, they should've made it a dewienering safety instead of that 1911-style horseshit. Zero reason for it to be DA/SA over SAO with that safety style

    • 12 months ago

      CZ75s come in a dewienerer version as well. Basically if you intend to carry hammer down get the dewienerer, or hammer up get the safety. I never got into them because the dewienerer only sets it to half wiener. My autism won't let me get a gun that has 3 fricking trigger modes. 2 is bad enough. I only get guns with striker style triggers, DAO, or LEM which is basically DAO.

    • 12 months ago

      While I agree on the feature, it would be weird to dewiener on the upstroke. Hypothetically using the existant safety design as a safety dewienerer.

  19. 12 months ago

    Imagine having a gun with external controls on it.

    • 12 months ago

      Ok take the slide release off then, you hypocrite

      • 12 months ago

        Obviously I meant safety/dewienerer controls, but your assburgers HAD to nitpick.

      • 12 months ago




        >doesn't like manual safety
        >doesn't like hammer

        incompetent glocktard detected

        general thoughts on 92x vs m9a3 vs a4?

    • 12 months ago

      Imagine touching your gun with a second hand at all. Inertia rack that thing, the slide mass makes it easy.

      Ok take the slide release off then, you hypocrite

      Don't forget the mag release. Homeboy wants his gun to be the Cali top-load model.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, all really good guns would lack triggers, you should just slap the bottom and a gyroscope and heat sensor detecting the vibration and your warm hands should trigger a shot

      • 12 months ago

        you should have to frick the gun to make it fire and if your wiener can't reach the back then it just won't work

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