Imagine a weapon

That emitted a pulse at an ultra high frequency that resulted in instant death, flatlining your brainwaves instantly.

It has a range of 30 yards and there is no known counter.

How would this change the face of violent conflict on earth?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 weeks ago

    >magnetron-schizo is 35 yard away
    >gets killed by .22LR

  2. 4 weeks ago

    I'd say someone could flatline your brain with a gun, but there obviously isn't much going on up there anyway.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >Slows down time
    >disembowels you
    >places your immortal upper torso on a fractal sculpture forever

  4. 4 weeks ago

    They confirmed havana syndrome being the cause of a high energy weapon used by Russian operatives on American diplomats and cia folk just the other week.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Pretty sure it was confirmed to have been histrionic women hearing crickets

      • 4 weeks ago

        You're pretty wrong.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Based on what? Theory for the longest time was it was China behind it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      "Havana Syndrome" doesn't exist and was an excuse for the Trump admin to pull diplomats out of Cuba and reverse Obama's libshit "soft on Cuba" stance without upsetting the deepstate commie homosexuals in the state department.
      >but some lady in an office said she had a headache
      Literally all women do this. Go to literally any office building in the United States and poll all the female staff and I guarantee at least 20% of them will give you an earful about some bullshit ailment they have that actually turns out to just be period cramps or early onset menopause from using birth control since they were 13.

      • 4 weeks ago

        yeah we get it, its an election year.
        frick off now

    • 4 weeks ago

      >They confirmed

  5. 4 weeks ago

    well it sounds like putting more resources/thought into staying out of range would be the best counter.
    i don't mean to shut down the thread though, i get that's kind of a reddit answer.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Sign me the frick up - I'm sick of being alive.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Not a good weapon to write around because it doesn't change much, the only place this would be any different from a gun is for something like the Popemobile where the public can get within 30m of the target but can't shoot him.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It would make tanks obsolete. Just set up this ray gun or whatever near a road and turn it on whenever a tank drives past. All the crew are dead instantly.

      • 4 weeks ago

        That is the exact same effect as a top attack mine except top attack mines have greater than 30m range.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Top attack mines require an explosion and are single use. OP's magic ray gun presumably doesn't explode when you turn it on, meaning it is both stealthy and reusable

          >It would make tanks obsolete.
          >magic waves penetrating metal

          Literally just following the OP prompt. .
          >It has a range of 30 yards and there is no known counter.
          "No known counter" to me means it is not dispersed or mitigated by armor.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >It would make tanks obsolete.
        >magic waves penetrating metal

  8. 4 weeks ago

    All armor would become functionally useless

  9. 4 weeks ago

    >That emitted a pulse at an ultra high frequency that resulted in instant death, flatlining your brainwaves instantly.
    sounds like the stasis field in Joe Haldeman's The Forever War

  10. 4 weeks ago

    also sounds similar to neural grenade from legacy of aldenata

    >Dagger grabbed a neural grenade from the pouch on his harness and tossed it back into the middle of the team.
    >Ferret [..] realized something was wrong.
    >He ducked flat and hoped he'd be covered from whatever stupid stunt Dagger was pulling. He didn't care if he got laughed at for putting his face in the dirt. If this was a joke, it was a bad one.
    >He felt the angry lash of the grenade, and knew he was wounded. At first, that's all it was, an agonizing rip through his body, bright flashes in his eyes. But he was alive. He concentrated on that. His awareness returned, with his feet kicking convulsively. The pain resolved as a searing, cramping burn from his mid-calves down. He'd been mostly covered from the rays of the blast, but his feet had protruded beyond the rock and been exposed, and it hurt, oh shit it hurt.
    >He scrabbled for a gap between the rocks and tried to squirm through, but got stuck. It would be easy to push himself through with his feet, except his feet were not working, except that the nerves were working and they fricking hurt. There was firing behind him and that was a bad sign.
    >"Captain?" he whispered into his commo, craving a reassuring voice. There was no reply. He knew they were dead, but he had to check. Scrolling through channels, he tried, "Sarge? Doll? Thor? Gorilla?" with no responses. Panic set in as he realized he was in command now, with two traitors, and it didn't matter a damn, because he was going to be killed. And even if he wasn't killed, the neural damage to his ankles and feet meant he might get gangrene and die shortly anyway.
    >he was lame.
    >but he couldn't just lie there and wait for a shot.
    >Ferret was scared. He wasn't afraid to admit it. He was just old enough to grasp mortality, and it was staring hard at him. He couldn't see any way of coming out of this alive, but the few hours or days he might have were precious beyond anything else.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    It's called Tik Tok.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >Colonel Heifetz and the others have not suffered any loss in intelligence, or in basic cognitive recognition. What the weapon does is simply to destroy the victim's control over his voluntary muscles. There's some collateral deterioration on the involuntary side, as well, but basically you can focus the damage. See, that's the beauty of the weapon—the victims remain fully intelligent human beings, even though they are physically utterly incapable of controlling their basic bodily functions. They cannot even tell their eyes where to look. But they still process what their eyes happen to see. That way, by presenting your enemy with a mature, living intelligence, you rob him of the excuse to lighten his load with conscience-free euthanasia—you're not killing a thing. You'd be killing a thinking, feeling human being who lost the use of his body in the service of his country." Taylor snorted bitterly. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

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