I'm strongly considering just going into the wilderness and living like Dick Proenneke.

I'm strongly considering just going into the wilderness and living like Dick Proenneke. I've felt depressed for the past 2 years and don't feel like I want to pursue my college major. About a year ago, I read Industrial Society and Its Future and would describe the impact of it as a crystallization of previously held biases and views. At the same time, I'm worried I am looking for a scapegoat as I am terminally online. I'm also worried I'm looking for a way to escape responsibility as I have had a lackluster academic performance. One additional worry is that those close to me will view me as detached from reality. Those closest to me already know I have had severe depression but I've never told them I agree with Ted K on his opinions related to technology.
At the same time, I feel like if I don't retreat into the wilderness, I'm going to have a dull and depressing life.

And I do realize I will have to prepare a lot so I don't end up like Chris McCandless. My idea is that I would move up to Alaska and then pick up the skills I need before wandering into a forest.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 year ago

    So do. Theres a study somewhere that says talking about doing a project makes you less likely to do it, because the fantasy still makes your brain think its happening. Dont listen to the inevitable morons about to pop in and say that youre a gay. Just go do it, and dont be a gay.

    • 1 year ago

      Do you have a link to this study?
      That doesnt sound right to me like i feel the opposite is true
      I have a thousand ideas of things i never talk about and never do but most of the ones ive taken the time to make a thread about or discuss irl over the years ive actually accomplished or through discussing them decided it wasnt feasible and let the idea go

  2. 1 year ago

    Honestly brother, "Uncle Ted" had quite a few screws loose, and coming from a Harvard Ivy League background, may have not realized that many of his neighbors were farmers and rednecks who enjoyed nature and traditional living without writing crazy mail bomb letters to innocent and unarmed people you know.

    Like he had some good points in his criticism of industrial society, what the jokers call "globohomo" or global neoliberal capitalism these days. But he didn't have to hurt those people, and deserved to be caught for hurting innocent people.

    The truth is that a lot of rednecks have the same comfort in living far away from industrialized society in a simple and natural way that is balanced with the environment, but it is a lot of hard work and we need things like doctors, engineers, and scientists.

    If you literally just want to live in the forest then just get a place out in the country, you can get like 10 acres or more for the same cost as a suburban house. You can even lease out land for hunting/fishing/agriculture/pasture for less than 100 bucks an acre if you are smart about it.

    I know this lady drives an hour literally from Mississippi way out in the sticks every single day just to commute to work in a small town. Rural living is not some unattainable fantasy, even in the wild, you must work to survive. It's people like Uncle Ted who went through some weird cruel psychology experiment and lost their marbles, despite him being an exceptionally intelligent man.

    • 1 year ago

      >If you literally just want to live in the forest then just get a place out in the country, you can get like 10 acres or more for the same cost as a suburban house.

      The USDA will quite literally subsidize your housing if you choose to live in a rural area, which is 97% of our landmass, despite the majority of the population living in urban and suburban regions.

      Only a minority of the population lives out in the woods or in the big natural environments, as we have mechanization and machines that make agriculture efficient enough to feed people this way. This is a product of industrialization, for better and worse. I think a better question is how can we use the fruits and technology of this advanced industrial society, including alternative energy and "off-grid" development, to sever out dependence on said industrial infrastructure for our most basic civilized needs.

      • 1 year ago

        >to sever our* dependence on said industrial infrastructure for our most basic civilized needs.

        If a mighty civilization like ancient Rome can decay and degrade, it's not beyond reason to suggest that neglected infrastructure in a modern society is a natural product of corruption and social decay.

        I live in Alabama, and in the Southern regions of the state, there are places with failed water infrastructure. With an off-grid water system, like well/rain/filters and so on, people can guarantee access to clean water and water pressure when the infrastructure fails. Same with when the trees take out our power lines, this is how people in Latin American favelas guarantee constant water and electricity, but that is the third world.

        I'm just trying to make a positive change in my community, because the government seems to be failing the people and has become unstable/dying. If the government can't take care of our civilization, we will have to find a way to take care of ourselves and take care of each other. I want to start doing this ahead of time, before the next inevitable crisis.

    • 1 year ago

      >Honestly brother, "Uncle Ted" had quite a few screws loose
      Yeah, I would venture to say that is the objective of the MkUktra techniques he was subjected to the by the US government,

    • 1 year ago

      >If you literally just want to live in the forest then just get a place out in the country, you can get like 10 acres or more for the same cost as a suburban house.

      The USDA will quite literally subsidize your housing if you choose to live in a rural area, which is 97% of our landmass, despite the majority of the population living in urban and suburban regions.

      Only a minority of the population lives out in the woods or in the big natural environments, as we have mechanization and machines that make agriculture efficient enough to feed people this way. This is a product of industrialization, for better and worse. I think a better question is how can we use the fruits and technology of this advanced industrial society, including alternative energy and "off-grid" development, to sever out dependence on said industrial infrastructure for our most basic civilized needs.

      >to sever our* dependence on said industrial infrastructure for our most basic civilized needs.

      If a mighty civilization like ancient Rome can decay and degrade, it's not beyond reason to suggest that neglected infrastructure in a modern society is a natural product of corruption and social decay.

      I live in Alabama, and in the Southern regions of the state, there are places with failed water infrastructure. With an off-grid water system, like well/rain/filters and so on, people can guarantee access to clean water and water pressure when the infrastructure fails. Same with when the trees take out our power lines, this is how people in Latin American favelas guarantee constant water and electricity, but that is the third world.

      I'm just trying to make a positive change in my community, because the government seems to be failing the people and has become unstable/dying. If the government can't take care of our civilization, we will have to find a way to take care of ourselves and take care of each other. I want to start doing this ahead of time, before the next inevitable crisis.


      So presumptuous. I'm not OP, but you know a lot of us work jobs and have lives of our own. Maybe you are projecting your own insecurities on strangers like a bully.


      >You can't even live in modern society withouth a smartphone anymore

      Many people do, a lot of people do not have internet access or even electricity.

      The Indigenous people still live off the land in reservations, and country people live out in nature as well, growing plants and animals to feed everyone in the cities and suburbs.


      You don't need some weird online meme like "MGTOW" to just rough it in the wilderness, and a lot of people have relationships or are actual women posting on this website. I've got a woman and we've traveled across the whole country, national parks and forests, and just like being out on the road in general. We have a house and I have a job, but we don't mind roughing it.

      I don't know how many men these days are building their own houses but it was not uncommon in our grandparent's days, before the baby boom and suburbs and all that. I'd much rather just build a house on a patch of dirt than go into 30 years of debt for a house in the suburbs. I already have family that lives out in nature, raising cattle and just being rednecks.

      Picrel is a canvas tent. Can be installed on dirt on public land for two weeks at a time, or indefinitely on private or leased land. Beats living out a car or a small camping tent, and you can pack it up and move it as needed. This is basically what a yurt or caravan or nomadic shelter is, like Irish Travelers and Romani.


      Here's one with a tarp floor and metal frame so you don't have a dirt floor, if you don't have a wood surface or deck to set it up on. This is kinda fancy for me, I'd have a simpler bed, a small couch, and a laptop probably. Maybe a TV, maybe.

      A furnace is good to have, tables/chairs/rugs/tv/electronics is extra, so are solar panels or thermoelectric plates on your furnace. The roof can be used to collect rainwater, and you will need some means of water filtration, natural or otherwise.

      Then you have all the amenities of modern living while roughing it. You can make do with far less than that in an emergency, but the longer you survive, the more time you have to make life easier for yourself with a shelter or improvised survival tools like water filters and fish traps.


      Where do you currently live, in a city? Why not just go to a smaller town surrounded by forest first and live in the outskirts instead of isolating yourself in the wilderness?
      There are even some major cities that are surrounded with nature reserves, you could just move closer to that area and have the best of both worlds.

      Thanks for the reminder this is now r/out

    • 1 year ago

      >few screws loose
      >what the jokers call "globohomo"
      redditard's first time

    • 1 year ago

      He also wanted to be a girl after the govt mindfricked him

      • 1 year ago

        for a time, he realized how much homosexualry it was and resented the doc and the program that mindfricked him into thinking it, one of the many motives that turned him toward mailing explodey surprise presents lol

        • 1 year ago

          he was crazy to start with , even his own brother told this

    • 1 year ago

      that's literally what he was doing until he realized that there is no stopping industrial society and it will slowly but surely creep towards your rural heaven and turn it into an urban wasteland
      at which point he decided that industrial society must be stopped at it's roots

  3. 1 year ago

    No you won’t. Two years from now you will still be living in mommy’s basement.

    • 1 year ago

      So presumptuous. I'm not OP, but you know a lot of us work jobs and have lives of our own. Maybe you are projecting your own insecurities on strangers like a bully.

      What you are feeling is normal and its happening more and more. Humans aren't meant to live in boxes surrounded by concrete and blasted with artificial light 24/7.
      We're reaching the pendulum swing where people start wanting and appreciating simpler things and hating always being online, cash being online, people and lives being online controlled by one piece of shit electronic device you have to have with you at all times.
      You can't even live in modern society withouth a smartphone anymore, you need it for everything and you aren't a real person without it and its just getting worse.

      You want to get away from it, to nature, to stay alive on your own merits, not just floating and being "useless". We have strong insticts honed for a million years, it is foolish to think we can just suppress them this heavily without any rebound.
      Just go innawoods and leave your phone home, just sit by a fire and relax.
      Grow some vegetables and herbs. That will help.

      >You can't even live in modern society withouth a smartphone anymore

      Many people do, a lot of people do not have internet access or even electricity.

      The Indigenous people still live off the land in reservations, and country people live out in nature as well, growing plants and animals to feed everyone in the cities and suburbs.


      You can MGTOW your own way in many different styles.
      One thing to remember is that a decent solar setup and a starlink will allow you to continue to post and maybe even help others looking to do the same.
      If you hike all the gear and tarps you need to surbibe just five miles off trail, no one will ever look for you.
      I suggest one of the western states though and not alaska

      You don't need some weird online meme like "MGTOW" to just rough it in the wilderness, and a lot of people have relationships or are actual women posting on this website. I've got a woman and we've traveled across the whole country, national parks and forests, and just like being out on the road in general. We have a house and I have a job, but we don't mind roughing it.

      I don't know how many men these days are building their own houses but it was not uncommon in our grandparent's days, before the baby boom and suburbs and all that. I'd much rather just build a house on a patch of dirt than go into 30 years of debt for a house in the suburbs. I already have family that lives out in nature, raising cattle and just being rednecks.

      Picrel is a canvas tent. Can be installed on dirt on public land for two weeks at a time, or indefinitely on private or leased land. Beats living out a car or a small camping tent, and you can pack it up and move it as needed. This is basically what a yurt or caravan or nomadic shelter is, like Irish Travelers and Romani.

      • 1 year ago

        Here's one with a tarp floor and metal frame so you don't have a dirt floor, if you don't have a wood surface or deck to set it up on. This is kinda fancy for me, I'd have a simpler bed, a small couch, and a laptop probably. Maybe a TV, maybe.

        A furnace is good to have, tables/chairs/rugs/tv/electronics is extra, so are solar panels or thermoelectric plates on your furnace. The roof can be used to collect rainwater, and you will need some means of water filtration, natural or otherwise.

        Then you have all the amenities of modern living while roughing it. You can make do with far less than that in an emergency, but the longer you survive, the more time you have to make life easier for yourself with a shelter or improvised survival tools like water filters and fish traps.

      • 1 year ago

        Mom and her husband built their own house. It can be a pita dealing with the inspectors and regulations. I recently tried to get electricity set up on my shitty land so i can start building and they flat out told me no and that i dont need it. Didnt listen to my arguements (stayed calm and didnt sperg, somehow). Im not trying to be a debby downer btw. This is in 'rural' florida. It was a lot easier in ohio for some reason.

        • 1 year ago

          Get solar panels with battery storage.

          • 1 year ago

            No shit. He's in Florida, more sun than he knows what to do with. No freezing weather to trip out your BMS. No snow on your panels. Solar is a no brainer.

            • 1 year ago

              southwest usa is better

    • 1 year ago

      Don't talk about it. Just do it. There's nothing stopping you other than you.

      Exactly. We will have this thread again tomorrow.

  4. 1 year ago

    What you are feeling is normal and its happening more and more. Humans aren't meant to live in boxes surrounded by concrete and blasted with artificial light 24/7.
    We're reaching the pendulum swing where people start wanting and appreciating simpler things and hating always being online, cash being online, people and lives being online controlled by one piece of shit electronic device you have to have with you at all times.
    You can't even live in modern society withouth a smartphone anymore, you need it for everything and you aren't a real person without it and its just getting worse.

    You want to get away from it, to nature, to stay alive on your own merits, not just floating and being "useless". We have strong insticts honed for a million years, it is foolish to think we can just suppress them this heavily without any rebound.
    Just go innawoods and leave your phone home, just sit by a fire and relax.
    Grow some vegetables and herbs. That will help.

    • 1 year ago

      Where do you currently live, in a city? Why not just go to a smaller town surrounded by forest first and live in the outskirts instead of isolating yourself in the wilderness?
      There are even some major cities that are surrounded with nature reserves, you could just move closer to that area and have the best of both worlds.

  5. 1 year ago

    You can MGTOW your own way in many different styles.
    One thing to remember is that a decent solar setup and a starlink will allow you to continue to post and maybe even help others looking to do the same.
    If you hike all the gear and tarps you need to surbibe just five miles off trail, no one will ever look for you.
    I suggest one of the western states though and not alaska

  6. 1 year ago

    Would you consider a long camping trip and a visit with a therapist first?

  7. 1 year ago


  8. 1 year ago

    What about the women?

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