I'm scared of being killed by a grizzly bear while hiking. How do I make sure that never ever happens to me?

I'm scared of being killed by a grizzly bear while hiking.

How do I make sure that never ever happens to me?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    Don't hike in grizzly territory
    Wear a bear bell
    Carry bear spray
    Don't hike alone
    Don't keep food near you at night

    • 3 months ago

      >wear a dinner bell

    • 3 months ago

      >wear a bear bell
      >remember bear spray doesn't work
      > hike with raw meat at all times (you smell like predator)
      >if you see a bear run as fast as you can instantly
      This has worked several times for me.

      • 3 months ago

        >> hike with raw meat at all times (you smell like predator)
        I'm not taking this advice. Not from you anyway.

      • 2 months ago

        > hike with raw meat at all times (you smell like predator)

        • 2 months ago

          Those thoughtful-looking smol monkeys are the best. Frick gorillas and chimps.

          10mm gun

          I get it's a meme but I've been carrying an RIA 10mm in a kenai chest holster and it's a great setup. I thought chest carry was dorky until I got into backpacking. Black bears are the biggest threat in my area so yes aim for the T zone and you'll (probably) make it.

          Against Grizzlies? At least I can pop myself. Or get a lucky T zone shot.

          Here's the 22lr injun lady of yesteryore and her scenario she became legend for.

          • 2 months ago

            >climbing a tree to get away from a bear

            Honestly she deserved to die

  2. 3 months ago

    10mm gun

    • 3 months ago

      good luck with that

      • 3 months ago

        >only you can prevent forest firefights

      • 3 months ago

        Holy shit, is that real?

        • 3 months ago

          mhmm :]

        • 2 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      There's a video where one of these frickers gets hit with a shotty point-blank rage and keeps charging. I don't think a 10mm would do much.

      • 3 months ago

        Shotgun blast doesn't mean much unless it specifies a load. I've eaten a wad of birdshot to the chest from about 20 yards away. Wearing a thick hunting vest so it barely broke skin.

        • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            Pheasant hunting with my in laws drunk hillbilly ass friends in BFE Kansas out north of Ness City. Had a rooster run at us instead of away and cross the line and a good ol boomer sooner popped a wad straight into my chest. I caught one flier in the chin, but most of it got caught going through my canvas vest and the thick ass coat I was wearing underneath because it was single digits out. Just peppered up my skin a little. He bought me a bottle of buffalo trace so we called it even.

            • 2 months ago

              What a fricking moron

        • 2 months ago

          >point blank

        • 2 months ago

          >t. Dickie's hunting bud.

          Pheasant hunting with my in laws drunk hillbilly ass friends in BFE Kansas out north of Ness City. Had a rooster run at us instead of away and cross the line and a good ol boomer sooner popped a wad straight into my chest. I caught one flier in the chin, but most of it got caught going through my canvas vest and the thick ass coat I was wearing underneath because it was single digits out. Just peppered up my skin a little. He bought me a bottle of buffalo trace so we called it even.

          Fricker should've at least paid for your coat as well.

      • 3 months ago

        Shot placement is key. You want to aim for the forehead. Imagine an X from left ear to right eye and vice versa. You have about a 2-4inch target depending on the size and species. You can do bear drills. see


      • 3 months ago

        It was probably birdshot.
        Slugs are more reliable

      • 3 months ago

        Probably bird shot.

      • 2 months ago

        A shotty? Damn. What gauge and load type? Because I doubt a 10 gauge slug is bouncing off even a grizzleys thick skull.

    • 3 months ago


      There's a video where one of these frickers gets hit with a shotty point-blank rage and keeps charging. I don't think a 10mm would do much.

      You need to think bigger anon

  3. 3 months ago

    only hike in the eastern us, it is better/nicer anyways

  4. 3 months ago

    carry a semi-automatic shotgun

    • 3 months ago

      a semi-automatic shotgun

      Bad idea to carry a long gun. For starters, it's veavy and occupies both arms. You are carrying ready to fire at the flick of a safety, right. Because you'll almost never have enough time to lift the gun out of your scabbard, aim, remove safety and shoot the bugger in the head with the first shot which if things don't go well you're dead.

      Uncomplicated pistol loaded with hardcast or specific purpose bear rounds gives you a chance if you're practiced on that weapon.

      Staying at home or taking an armed guide are valid survival strategies, too. Long guns are not unless you are hunting large game.

      • 3 months ago

        moast of the time you'll have a prolonged faceoff with a burr, they tend to charge from a distance, sometimes approaching cautiously multiple times.

        Yeah if you're like that unlucky mountainbiker and you broadside one as it's crossing the trail you'll have zero time, but if you're on foot you generally have time.

        Wild animals don't take mindless risks before they've had time to assess the situation. A broken bone or attacking another creature that can inflict bodily harm in self defense is a death sentence for it in the wild. You'll probably have enough time to even fire a warning shot which will send it running for its life.

        • 3 months ago

          I've never fired a warning shot but know some who have including at home. Consensus is bears don't perceive unfamiliar sounds like bells, whistles and gunfire as warnings. They aren't in the threat library. You do you though.

          Brownies do whatever they want. They aren't like the blackies, who are mostly pusswads. There is a lot of bush in AK and bears of all hues conceal themselves in it. They'll generally tune you out but sometimes, for their own reasons, they just want to play with a biped. I've had one try to impregnate my tent, avoid the rut.

          • 3 months ago

            Bells aren't a warning, they're only to prevent surprises.

            A gunshot is unnaturally loud and uncomfortable for a bear. If I had a burr approaching me I wouldn't waste a shot to "see" if it scares it away. I would sink a plug right into its face.

          • 3 months ago

            >I've had one try to impregnate my tent, avoid the rut.
            they warned us

          • 3 months ago


            Last recorded Black Bear fatality was in AZ, and IIRC it's still unkown how it became provoked. Dude was literally sitting in a chair and the bear attacked. Inspired me to get into 10mm, and now I carry an RIA FS in a Kenai chest holster. Nice and comfy. Worth the price. FAFO bears.

            • 3 months ago

              Some more details.

            • 3 months ago

              Black burr attacks are sometimes predatchry. Many such cases of black bears doing unusual things and casually eating people, but it's because sometimes you're food and they just go ahead and pursue you as such.

      • 3 months ago

        >don't bring a long arm, you'll need to keep it at the ready
        >just hire a guide, who will bring a longarm, and keep it at the ready
        you must be made of money.

  5. 3 months ago

    Don't hike when you're on your period, good tip to avoid gorillas too

  6. 3 months ago

    It would be such an horrible way to go. Just fricking imagine it. The things sloppy drool and disgusting breath in your face, and its teeth just crushing your flesh and breaking your bones without absolute merciless desire not to kill you, but to eat you.

    • 3 months ago

      the worst story ive read here was some guy was mountain biking and there was a grizzly ON the trail and he just biked right into it I guess maybe going at some speed and the grizzly killed him there and then

      • 3 months ago

        yeah that one was awful. and there was no effort to track and euthanize the bear because the kill was justified as normal bear behaviour

        • 3 months ago

          When an animal attack is considered provoked there’s generally not much incentive to find and kill it, since a provoked attack isn’t going to result in repeated attacks like a bear who has decided to prey on a human

          • 3 months ago

            this, one way to tell if an animal is a maneater is repeated behavior not typical of the animal and excessive cowardice.

            • 3 months ago

              one of my all time fave books


              • 3 months ago

                all his books are pure PrepHole kino

              • 3 months ago

                >rem model 8
                muh DICK
                frickin love that rifle, hope to get one some day

              • 3 months ago

                Should be death on the dark continent

              • 3 months ago

                That gun is pure sex.
                What is it?

      • 3 months ago

        yeah that one was awful. and there was no effort to track and euthanize the bear because the kill was justified as normal bear behaviour

        This happened where i live. The guy was going full speed on a mtn bike, down the mtn, rounded a curve and a hit the grizzlt broadside, which pissed off the bear IMMENSELY and the bear killed him. He didnt feed on the guy. Thats why Montana FWP didnt hunt the bear down, which they probably wouldnt have anyways. If youre a grizzly bear, wolf,or rich Californian, you can get away with anything you want in this state now.

        Also f that guy. The trail he was riding down was not meant for bike gays to go 50mph down. There could have just as easily been another hiker or child or similar on the trail too and he would've ran them over. If thats what you wanna do, stay on the designated trails, or go back to Washitington, Colgaydo, or Caligayia. Thank God the bear killed him, even if FWP does suck.

        • 3 months ago

          If you can't ride up it: you've got no business riding down it. Downhill mountain bikers are essentially dirt bikers pretending to be environmentalists. Imagine paying 5g for a bike to ride down a mountain that you're too fat to ride up. That bear did god's work.

        • 3 months ago

          If you can't ride up it: you've got no business riding down it. Downhill mountain bikers are essentially dirt bikers pretending to be environmentalists. Imagine paying 5g for a bike to ride down a mountain that you're too fat to ride up. That bear did god's work.

          God didn't have anything to do with it

        • 3 months ago

          >The trail he was riding down was not meant for bike gays to go 50mph down. There could have just as easily been another hiker or child or similar on the trail too and he would've ran them over.

          so it wasn't a bike trail even? kinda serves him right

    • 3 months ago

      Imagine that's your last moments with your child

      • 3 months ago

        I ain't clickin that only because it gives me nachtmares. I've read through the wikipedia bear attacks page too many times

      • 3 months ago

        frick, I'm never going outside again.

      • 3 months ago

        >“We take some comfort in knowing that, less than 30 seconds before Stephanie was attacked, her children were playing at her feet,” Esquirol told CBC News. “So the bear could have attacked Stephanie, disabled her and then killed the two children, two swats with its front leg. Presumeably, the bear would then set to work disembowling the trio and devouring their entrails."

        lmao what the frick? was this part seriously necessary?

        • 3 months ago

          >Presumeably, the bear would then set to work disembowling the trio and devouring their entrails."
          Where is this part?

      • 3 months ago

        >Mum, the bear is eating me! Mum, it’s such agony. Mum, help!
        >Mum, it’s not hurting any more. I don’t feel the pain. Forgive me for everything, I love you so much.
        that is horrific

      • 2 months ago

        This is why you bring rifles to grizzly country, you might be fine with just a handgun if you're in an area populated by mountain lions, coyotes and maybe even black bears, but you better know how to use it.

    • 3 months ago

      Imagine that's your last moments with your child

      I had some nightmares about being stalked and attacked by a bear while I was camping, albeit, I'm in black bear country, so those guys will leave you alone most of the time. I had visions of my flesh being torn apart and devoured before my skeleton would be left alone, probably never to be found.

      • 2 months ago

        memories of a past life

    • 2 months ago

      That's metal as frick

  7. 3 months ago

    Basically, it's only going to get much much worse. Bears eat deer, which are currently undergoing a prion outbreak. In 5-7 years, we should have prion-mad grizzlies and zombie black bears running around as the misfolded proteins transfer along the food chain.

    • 2 months ago

      Is that actually how prions work

  8. 3 months ago

    Hike anywhere in the United States except like 4 states, or anywhere east of Calgary if Canada gay?

  9. 3 months ago

    Carry a gun. If you see a grizzly, have a nice day.

  10. 3 months ago

    Do you hike in the contiguous United States? If you do, there’s no need to worry about it at all.

    • 3 months ago

      >there’s no need to worry about it at all.
      There have been 6 attacks and 3 fatalities in my state in the last 3 yrs.

      If you are in an area with a high concentration of Griz, you need to worry about it

      • 3 months ago

        There are no areas in the contiguous US where the grizzly bear population density is high enough to warrant worrying over it.

        • 3 months ago

          Clawed paws typed this post.

          • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              Claws finger-lickin' good, humans taste like chicken I am told. Heard it from a Haitian. Don't speak bear. They have bad breath.

        • 3 months ago

          I did a hike-in float trip in the Bob Marshall in Montana and we saw adult and juvenile prints on the trail we were using. I can assure you you would have been worried about it.

        • 3 months ago

          Go hiking in Yellowstone enough and you will see warm grizzly shit on the trails from time to time. There are so many downed trees everywhere that the bears are funneled onto the trails for easy travel.

        • 3 months ago

          I have them in my backyard. is that enough? In the fall you can drive out and see over a dozen digging in the fields for roots daily...how many do you need?

          >an area with a high concentration of Griz
          That's western Canada and Alaska. Not the Lower 48.

          Bullshit its Montana. There are over 2000 in the state.


      • 3 months ago

        You have a higher chance of getting in a fatal car accident on your way to the trailhead

        • 3 months ago

          Certainly doesn't feel that way when you're PrepHole alone in coastal brownie territory. I'll carry the pistol for adults and the spray for errant curious cubs. Both also will work on psychos extraterrestrial aliens too. Not getting beamed up for the experiments and breeding sessions.

          • 3 months ago

            >coastal brownie territory
            >not even inland browns

          • 3 months ago

            >Not getting beamed up for breeding sessions

        • 2 months ago

          >You have a higher chance of getting in a fatal car accident on your way to the trailhead
          Which is why I wear a seatbelt. That doesnt mean grizzlies are not a risk too...which is why I carry bear spray. There have been 3 fatalities in the last 4yrs in the same NF I recreate most in. The risk is real.


          moast of the time you'll have a prolonged faceoff with a burr, they tend to charge from a distance, sometimes approaching cautiously multiple times.

          Yeah if you're like that unlucky mountainbiker and you broadside one as it's crossing the trail you'll have zero time, but if you're on foot you generally have time.

          Wild animals don't take mindless risks before they've had time to assess the situation. A broken bone or attacking another creature that can inflict bodily harm in self defense is a death sentence for it in the wild. You'll probably have enough time to even fire a warning shot which will send it running for its life.

          >moast of the time you'll have a prolonged faceoff with a burr, they tend to charge from a distance, sometimes approaching cautiously multiple times.
          this is absolutely moronic. most fatal or violent encounters are surpise encounters at near distance with only seconds to react. Its almost always either a mother protecting cubs or the bear protecting a carcass. something like this:

          If a bear is point blank range and you use bear spray wouldn't it just piss the bear off and then it would maul you instantly? ausgay here we don't have these threats

          >If a bear is point blank range and you use bear spray wouldn't it just piss the bear off and then it would maul you instantly?

          Nothing is fool proof or works every time. every encounter is different. But bear spray can and does work. saved this guys life.

          • 2 months ago

            wow, I recognize that exact bear and elk from a video I saw a few months ago
            specifically, that photo was taken the next day when the bear returned to chow down, of which there is a follow up video

            "Bears are highly opportunistic hunters which can be seen in this video the elk is already mortally wounded likely from the other bull you can hear bugling in the background. It would be exceedingly rare for a grizzly to take down a healthy bull elk of this size. If you notice at the start of the video every time it steps on its back left leg there is a severe limp. Its tibia was snapped. You can also see this wound at exactly the 3:00 min mark. It also had a massive puncture wound in it's side behind the right flank likely in the vitals."
            >lose fight with another elk during the rut
            >they sound off in victory
            >you get mauled by a bear taking advantage of your weakened state
            must suck to be that guy

          • 2 months ago

            That bear looks so happy

            • 2 months ago

              Pet it.

              • 2 months ago

                I would

      • 3 months ago

        >an area with a high concentration of Griz
        That's western Canada and Alaska. Not the Lower 48.

        • 3 months ago

          Weirdly there doesn't seem to be all that many in BC though. I've been here all my life and never seen one in person. Then you go to Alberta or Alaska and you get attacks semi-regularly. I wonder what the deal with that is.

          • 2 months ago

            B.C has the highest population of Grizzly bears in Canada. Do you live in Vancouver?

        • 3 months ago

          Why did you just ignore the posts refuting this? Have you ever been to the northern Rockies?

          • 3 months ago

            Cause it doesn’t really refute anything.

            • 3 months ago

              I assume you'll dismiss this as government propaganda

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, you just proved my point. That's fewer bears per square mile than you'd find in Northern Europe.

              • 3 months ago

                Lol. There's 6000 bears in the carpathians, an area of 73,000 square miles, the most densely bear populated part of Europe outside Russia. There's 250 in Yellowstone Park alone. An area of about 3400 square miles. The density is about the same. There's less overall bears, but where there's bears they come thick.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                >they come thick
                Oh my

              • 3 months ago

                The source you linked says that there are about a thousand bears each in the NCDE and the GYE, which have a combined area of about 35 000 - 50 000 square miles according to the National Park Service and Vital Ground. The population density computed with either of these numbers is about 30 - 50 percent less than the population density of the Carpathians according to your numbers. The population of 6 000 individuals, which is the size of the Romanian bear population, is actually 2 000 shy of the estimated number of bears that live in the whole of the Carpathians. So that further tips the scales in favour of Europe.

                Now if we take a look at the number of bears in Sweden and Finland, about 2 500 and 2 000 respectively, and divide them by the size of the areas where bears live in the Nordics (less than half of Sweden’s land area and a bit over a third of Finland’s land area) we see that the population densities are very similar to the densities in the NCDE and GYE.

              • 3 months ago

                "Home to Glacier National Park and more than 1,000 grizzlies, the massive Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem covers roughly 16,000 square miles in northwest Montana"
                Your numbers are off.

              • 3 months ago

                I said combined area, which obviously includes both the NCDE and the GYE. And yeah, even if you look at the NCDE alone, the population density is lower than it is in the Carpathians and very similar to the population density in Finland.

              • 3 months ago

                Okay, go backpacking in Glacier or Yellowstone and leave a bunch of fragrant food in your tent while you sleep. Just to prove that there aren't enough grizzlies there to worry about them.

              • 3 months ago

                Why would I intentionally increase the chances of a bear encounter? What kind of an imbecile are you that you think this was some sort of a gotcha?

              • 3 months ago

                If you are in an area known to have a significant number of bears, one could be anywhere in that area, including where you are, at any given time. They don't announce their travel plans. That is the point that you are clearly too moronic to comprehend.

              • 3 months ago

                What does that have to do with what I've been saying here?

              • 3 months ago

                You claimed that you shouldn't worry about brown bears/grizzlies if you're outing anywhere in the lower 48. I am saying that there are two specific areas in the lower 48 where you absolutely should, assuming you wish to continue living with your body fully intact.

              • 2 months ago

                There's no need to worry about them. Dangerous bear encounters are exceedingly rare in Glacier and Yellowstone too, but understanding that doesn't mean that you should intentionally try to increase the likelihood of one.

              • 2 months ago

                >Dangerous bear encounters are exceedingly rare


                >You have a higher chance of getting in a fatal car accident on your way to the trailhead
                Which is why I wear a seatbelt. That doesnt mean grizzlies are not a risk too...which is why I carry bear spray. There have been 3 fatalities in the last 4yrs in the same NF I recreate most in. The risk is real.

                >moast of the time you'll have a prolonged faceoff with a burr, they tend to charge from a distance, sometimes approaching cautiously multiple times.
                this is absolutely moronic. most fatal or violent encounters are surpise encounters at near distance with only seconds to react. Its almost always either a mother protecting cubs or the bear protecting a carcass. something like this:

                >If a bear is point blank range and you use bear spray wouldn't it just piss the bear off and then it would maul you instantly?

                Nothing is fool proof or works every time. every encounter is different. But bear spray can and does work. saved this guys life.

                >There have been 3 fatalities in the last 4yrs in the same NF
                guess it depends on where you are

              • 2 months ago

                There have been eight bear fatalities over the entire history of Yellowstone Park, ten over the entire history of Glacier. Both parks are enormously popular with millions of annual visitors. So yes, dangerous brown bear encounters are exceedingly rare in the contiguous US, even in places with the highest bear population densities.

              • 2 months ago

                >There have been eight bear fatalities over the entire history of Yellowstone Park
                >95% of visitors never go more than a mile from their car
                >thinks bears exist only in the parks.
                >only thinks fatalities matters and not violent encounters that end if injury but not death
                There have been 11 grizzly bear caused fatalties in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem since 2010. There have been twice as many violent encounters resulting in serious injuries in that same time frame. 3 fatalities in the 1 national forest in the last 4yrs. So, it is a significant risk that you keep trying to handwave away with cognitive dissonance...and the risk is only going to rise as the population of griz keeps growing and more people are in the backcountry and shoulder areas.

                This lady got got last sumer but apparenlty doesnt count to you because she was a few miles outside of Yellowstone lol.


                I have grizzlies out my back door...but nothing to worry about tho. I am sure they are all friendly.

              • 2 months ago

                >tiny handful of attacks
                >significant risk
                You are a coward

              • 2 months ago

                >still coping so hard
                >You are a coward
                nope. I still go innawoods. Im just aware of the risks and prepare accordingly. There are more grizzly bears than people behind my property. Multiple hunters had encounters with griz this fall within a mile of my place. Why do you think you are so intellectually stunted?

              • 2 months ago

                *begins clapping*
                "Bear, bear, go away we are friends you dont want spray!"
                *acting larger*
                "Rawr raaaaaawwwrrrrr"
                "What you want more cowbell?"
                *DONG DONG DONG DONG*
                "NO BEAR NO STOP!"
                *bear keeps coming*
                *sprays pepper squirtgun into wind*
                *gets mauled to death while coughing and blinded*

              • 3 months ago

                Your lack of knowledge on this subject whilst smuggly claiming expertise is straight up embarrassing, as seen here

                Lol. There's 6000 bears in the carpathians, an area of 73,000 square miles, the most densely bear populated part of Europe outside Russia. There's 250 in Yellowstone Park alone. An area of about 3400 square miles. The density is about the same. There's less overall bears, but where there's bears they come thick.

      • 2 months ago

        6 attacks in 3 years is .5% of a chance you'll get attacked by a bear on a given day.

        • 2 months ago

          In statistics you would then have to multiply the daily general chance by the estimated number of people regularly going out into bear country. If I estimated 250k people going out in any given timeframe in an area, it would result in a roughly 1 in 4.5 million chance of being killed or attacked by a bear, which is still more likely than you winning 6 figures in the lottery. However, statistically a 1 in a million dependent event (a hiker/camper encountering a bear and being attacked) is guaranteed to occur in 1 million encounters. Then given that you can have people go out many times a year and some people few times and their chances are the same but the maximum possible encounters increases massively, you end up with someone being attacked or killed by a bear being guaranteed every year in any given area of bear country (with some areas specifically being hotspots where if you narrowed the area criteria you would have significantly higher chances of encounters and also attacks). So for the US as a whole, low chance, the eastern US low chance, select areas of the eastern US much higher chance (black bear encounters/attacks), select areas of the western US massively higher chance. In the US this is on average roughly 1-3 people killed by bears a year and 3-10 attacked by bears a year (out of the total US population this is low, however out of the population of people that actually go outside into bear areas, this is fairly high, much more likely than winning the lottery). There is also something in statistics in which we can also say that technically, every bear encounter has a 50/50 chance of becoming a bear attack in your own perspective and frame of reference (as the one who encounters the bear), but that is a separate tangent.

          Separate article research that sort of touches on the stat hypocrisy and fuddlore.


          • 2 months ago

            yeah ok.

            • 2 months ago

              By all means, refute the data. Also ignore data that Black folk and non-whites in the US and elsewhere are astronomically more dangerous than bears, and your encounter rate to attack rate is similarly astronomically higher than any other megafaunal animal in the world.

              • 2 months ago

                are you the sort of nut job that takes a gun with when you go on hikes?

  11. 3 months ago

    don't smell like food and carry a big gun are the only things that imho make enough of a difference to worry about
    anything else and you start getting into such minute chances of it mattering that you run into diminishing returns

  12. 3 months ago

    hike east of the mssp

  13. 3 months ago

    bring a fat friend that you can outrun

    • 3 months ago

      This. Make sure your hiking partner is carrying plentiful supplies of smelly food, and assure them that mamma bear will get offended if he doesn't play with her cubs.

  14. 3 months ago

    sow the gin berry, heed the gash in the pine bark. The forest soul speaks intently to the bear, understand that if you work the forest, the forest will work for you

    • 3 months ago

      >Learn to commune with the bear
      You're canadian aren't you.

  15. 3 months ago

    I visited the Canadian rockies last autumn and after I left I learned about the couple who were mauled in Banff at the same time I was there. kind of freaky. I did several backpacking trips too, though not really Backcountry as they were all to established campgrounds. I was still hiking alone though.
    always get nervous when going into grizzly country especially since I'm always alone, but I just get over it, in the end I'm more likely to die in a traffic accident while getting to grizzly country, pretty sure

    • 3 months ago

      >I'm more likely to die in a traffic
      This is true because almost everyone spends a great deal of time in a car, exposing themselves to the dangers of driving. If you spent as much time in grizzly country as you did your car, would you really still be more likely to die in a car accident or a bear attack?

  16. 3 months ago

    Soloist. Decades in Alaska brown bear territories. They've scared me plenty. It is with valid reason the were named ursus arctos horribilis.

    Avoid the rut, which varies depending on area. Realize browns in some places are upto 6% polar bear with all the associated behaviors. You never want to be near the bad bear who is experiencing a bad day.

    Carry spray and a suitable pistol. 10mm Glock loaded with G9 Defence bear medicine gives you a fighting chance provided you hit the thing in the middle of the head. Are bear photos your purpose? Pay an outfit like Beluga Air/Homer to give you a bear tour and then fly home to safety by nightfall.

    Coastal brownies are not for the faint of heart.

    • 2 months ago

      >You never want to be near the bad bear who is experiencing a bad day
      >t.timothy treadwell

  17. 3 months ago

    You wanna live forever?

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not sure if I want to live another week

      • 3 months ago

        In the s_thole that is the USA, the future is bleak.

        • 2 months ago

          The future is bright, demoralizing glowie homosexual.

  18. 3 months ago

    There should be more actually dangerous predators in the woods. Clone and rewild smilodon, cave bears, american lion, dire wolfs, woolly mammoths and woolly rhinos. Establish a population of siberian tigers. Release some hippos and australian saltwater crocodiles where its warm enough for them.
    Its completely unnatural to be in the wild and not being in danger of being eaten. It would also keep urbanites in their own environment.

    • 3 months ago

      See ya'll PrepHole in my slightly used armored vehicle. "Gunner, cave bears at one o'clock. Canister. Clear to engage." Will only venture outside for refueling and resupply. Thanks a lot.

    • 3 months ago

      based, it would make me going hiking in full kit a little less silly.

    • 3 months ago

      Incredibly based. Roasties would be slaughtered by the thousands and a new age of American megafaunal safaris would rise. Imagine telling newbies that a 300 Win Mag isn’t gonna be enough gun.

  19. 3 months ago

    Shoot every single grizzly bear you see. Young, old, small, large, hibernating or not. Grizzly bears can't attack you if they're dead.

  20. 3 months ago

    have a nice day before it kills you

  21. 3 months ago

    Guns will always help

  22. 3 months ago
  23. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Vortex nation have some really good podcasts.
      Don't own any of their optics, but only because the distributor here in Norway is a c**t and will try to israelite you at every turn.

  24. 3 months ago

    electric spear

  25. 3 months ago

    This is what I always think when you hear people online talk about how scary Australia is, you guys over there have legit predators roaming around. Our most fiercesome predator can be avoided by not being a dipshit around murky water.
    Also why the US is the best country for PrepHole experiences, I just feel like a homeless dude when I camp out here, you guys get to the proper wilderness experience.

    • 2 months ago

      lest you live in florida. same buisiness here, dont go swimming ever.
      i miss the panthers, bros. its not fair

  26. 3 months ago

    >I'm scared of being killed by a grizzly bear while hiking.
    Do you really think youd stand a better chance if a grizzly showed up at your office? You think what, some cubicle walls are gonna keep him out? Its a fricking grizzly lol.

    Accept the things you cannot change, bears are an inevitability of modern life.

  27. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      also, this is a last resort. OP should first avoid doing dumb shit like leaving food in his shelter, not making his presence known if he sees a bear, and not calling out to it commandingly if the bear notices him and doesn't immediately GTFO. if you want an extreme last resort, carry a high-caliber rifle

      • 2 months ago

        I thought you’re supposed to make noise when walking so they don’t get startled im confused

  28. 3 months ago

    If a bear is point blank range and you use bear spray wouldn't it just piss the bear off and then it would maul you instantly? ausgay here we don't have these threats

    • 3 months ago

      No that's what happens when you try to shoot it and don't get it right between the eyes. Bear skulls are nearly bulletproof and the front legs protect the vitals when it's charging at you. Bear spray gives it something else to worry about.

      • 3 months ago

        what do you mean something else? is it like pepper spray does it impair vision? or is it just a completely rancid smell for the bear?

        Would it allow you to run away from the bear or even with spray still just back away slowly?

        • 3 months ago

          Bear spray is just pepper spray. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I think it's more security theater than realistic bear deterant.

          I hope I'm never charged by a bear. But if I was charged by a bear, and yelling and arm waving don't deter it, I'd hope I had my 308 on me. If not, at least my 9mm with some +p 147gr solid flat nose. If I'm hunting deer or hogs I'll have my 308. If I'm hunting turkey, I'll have a shotgun with turkey loads and my 9mm. Turkey loads will just piss it off. Within 20 yards I think I'd have a good chance at getting a head shot with all 10 rounds and at least some of those will be in the brain zone. Well, at least, I can at the range. I've never been charged by a bear, so I only hope I can keep my cool. In the two bear encounters I've had, I realized it was there when it decided to run in the other direction. If I'm not hunting, I make a point to make my presence known so I don't ever startle a bear. But I do still carry my 9mm because...I carry it everywhere. I do change loads for town and PrepHole

          Why not 10mm? Because I don't own one...

      • 3 months ago

        Bear skulls are nowhere near bulletproof. But there's about 14 inches of skull between a grizzlies mouth and its brain. And most pistols will lose a lot of velocity going through it lengthwise so that level of penetration isn't guaranteed with a basic b***h 9mm or .40
        Used to be .44 magnum was the standard backup handgun round in grizz country with hardcasts. Although .464 casull had a very loyal following. Nowadays 10mm has grown in popularity. But something fast, hardcasts and big is better.

        • 3 months ago

          If the angle is off the shot will just ricochet off their skull.
          I have a good friend who lives off grid in the Alaska bush and he's seen a 7mm magnum round bounce off a grizzly skull because it landed at a bad angle.

          • 3 months ago

            I don't believe you. You wouldn't aim for the head with a 7mm mag. And if you did, you'd have to have missed badly to get an angle that didn't penetrate.

          • 2 months ago

            >7mm magnum round bounce off a grizzly skull
            yeah nah

    • 2 months ago

      No. It semi blinds and confuses the bear. Usually the bear will dart off which gives you time to leave the area.

  29. 3 months ago

    You homies scared x2 dragons breath, 5 slugs from the twelve gauge, 10mm mag dump, frick bears.

    • 2 months ago

      They banned dragon's breath in israelite York, no fun allowed.

  30. 3 months ago

    Every time I hear that hiker advice to wear a bell and carry bear spray I am reminded of the bear autopsies in which they find grizzly bear stomachs are full of bells and empty pepper spray cans.

    • 2 months ago

      >autopsies in which they find grizzly bear stomachs are full of bells and empty pepper spray cans.

      • 2 months ago

        >I am reminded of the bear autopsies in which they find grizzly bear stomachs are full of bells
        interesting. can you post a link to these autopsies?

        I have a sneaking suspicion anon was making a joke. His mistake was not spelling it out for humorless autists

    • 2 months ago

      >I am reminded of the bear autopsies in which they find grizzly bear stomachs are full of bells
      interesting. can you post a link to these autopsies?

    • 2 months ago

      >bear autopsies in which they find grizzly bear stomachs are full of bells and empty pepper spray cans.
      I can see the Farside cartoon with the bear sitting down to some nicely seasoned hikers lol

  31. 2 months ago

    Part of all the bear advice is making sure there's no food to attract them. Are campers making slop in a campfire just saying "frick it" and taking the risk? Seems like the best way to attract bear is heating up tasty food so the smell travels farther and faster. Some of the frickers even use onions and other aromatics, which seems bonkers to me.

  32. 2 months ago

    >dont hike in grizzly territory
    >carry a gun
    thats the only real way to be safe

  33. 2 months ago

    1. Take an r700 in .300 win mag, an ak47 with 40rd magazines and a ruger blackhawk .44 magnum
    2. Wear chain mail under an impact resistant motorcycle suit and a helmet
    3. Go in a squad of at least 4
    5. Leave out bait of a bunch of rotting salmon and wait
    4. Shoot all grizzlies on sight from a distance at an elevation they can't kill you if you kill them first

  34. 2 months ago
  35. 2 months ago

    Citydweller here, I had my first "real" hike yesterday, I hiked from Bohinjsko jezero to Črno jezero in Slovenia.
    I planned to go further, but I got scared around Črno jezero because I haven't seen anyone during the whole hike (I suppose I was the only person in that region) and I found footprints that I think are of a bear. I continued hiking even after that, but then I found a dead goat on the trail and decided to gtfo.
    What do you think, are these bear footprints, or something else? afaik there should be bears in that region

    • 2 months ago

      >What do you think, are these bear footprints, or something else?
      its really hard to tell given their age and wear. looks a little small for bear prints. could just be clumps of falling snow

    • 2 months ago



      And the goat. I don't know if it got killed, as it wasn't eaten (aside from its guts being out). It couldn't have fallen to death as it was far from any cliffs (huge one was ~50 meters away, from there it's all flat).


      I just noticed that there is something in the right bottom that looks like some animal's shit. I didn't notice that when I was there.
      Posting image of the lake

      as the other anon said it's too hard to tell. Might have been wolves, they've reproduced a lot in Italy recently so it wouldn't surprise me if their numbers have increased in Slovenia too. Wolves aren't really a danger to humans though, they mostly stay away from us

      • 2 months ago

        Much more dangerous to livestock. Wolves are smart, they know we're dangerous. But that wasn't always true, they used to hunt travelers in the middle ages. They might unlearn their fear over time too if people in Europe stay the way they are.

        • 2 months ago

          >They might unlearn their fear over time too if people in Europe stay the way they are.
          yeah I'm worried about that too. Where I live we have too many deers and they've been getting closer and closer to humans, to the point that some don't even run away from people anymore.
          All these deers are now luring in wolves, and it's only a matter of time before they stop being afraid of us too.

  36. 2 months ago
  37. 2 months ago

    And the goat. I don't know if it got killed, as it wasn't eaten (aside from its guts being out). It couldn't have fallen to death as it was far from any cliffs (huge one was ~50 meters away, from there it's all flat).

    • 2 months ago

      I just noticed that there is something in the right bottom that looks like some animal's shit. I didn't notice that when I was there.
      Posting image of the lake

    • 2 months ago

      That's the goats shit. Creatures poop themselves when they die. Humans included.

      • 2 months ago

        That's not what goat shit looks like. That looks more like bear shit than goat shit.

  38. 2 months ago

    Here’s a real answer, OP:
    > https://www.smith-wesson.com/product/m-p-10mm-m2.0-thumb-safety-optics-ready-slide-4-barrel
    >a chest holster to keep it out of the way and distribute weight
    Bear spray is gay

    • 2 months ago

      Cool, and what happens when you realize it isn't Call of Duty, start shaking like a leaf as it's charging you, and hit it in the shoulder or miss entirely?

      • 2 months ago

        The shoulder is actually a good place to hit if using a round with enough ass behind it, bears physically can't continue a charge if you shatter their shoulder blades.

        • 2 months ago

          I think he's talking about a 10mm handgun as opposed to a rifle round. A hight powered rifle round is much more effective with more "targets" and larger target area. With a handgun, you've got the forehead, that's it, if you want to instantly stop and incapacitate the bear. Anything else may deter it of it's own volition. But only a brain hit will stop it guaranteed.
          With a hunting rifle, the bullet should have enough ass behind it to punch through fur, fat, muscle and bone anywhere you hit. Shattering shoulder or leg bones on a shoulder/leg hit, damaging the lungs and heart possibly with a chest hit. and a good chance to turn off the brain with a not perfect shot because of the vastly greater cavitation and temporary wound channel.

          • 2 months ago

            For me it's 20 5.7x28mms in a row

            • 2 months ago

              >20 5.7x28mm in a row
              we're talking about the real world, not COD. Go LARP in PrepHole where you belong

              • 2 months ago

                >anyone who uses a round I don't like is a larper

              • 2 months ago

                you're all larpers

              • 2 months ago

                Anon the five seven is a readily available gun and I would like to see some tests on how well it penetrates a grizzly skull.

              • 2 months ago

                Human analog not bear, but it should give you some understanding of the effectiveness of the 5.7x28. You can extrapolate what you like from these conclusions.

              • 2 months ago



              • 2 months ago



                >plaster of paris made fricking "bones" and play-dough organs with some
                >not a meat target
                >a meat target consisting of leather couch skin, pork steak pectorals, pork ribs in the front, bag of oranges to simulate lung tissue, more pork ribs on the back, 4 layers of t-shirts in the front, 4 layers on the back, and high tech fleece bullet stop

  39. 2 months ago

    carry a .45-70 rifle

    • 2 months ago

      Henry repeater in .44mag

  40. 2 months ago

    I'm more scared of cougars even thoguh I know grizzlies are more dangerous

    Cougars terrify me

    • 2 months ago

      >ambush predators
      >high speed of 80kph, can bound through and over thick bush with ease
      >can climb with ease
      >agility and prowess of a cat, highly dexterous with all 4 legs and all 4 sets of claws
      >intuitively goes for the jugular

      yeah burr can be very dangerous and can easily overpower even the strongest of humans, but cougars are much more highly evolved hunters


    • 2 months ago

      >Cougars terrify me

      >ambush predators
      >high speed of 80kph, can bound through and over thick bush with ease
      >can climb with ease
      >agility and prowess of a cat, highly dexterous with all 4 legs and all 4 sets of claws
      >intuitively goes for the jugular

      yeah burr can be very dangerous and can easily overpower even the strongest of humans, but cougars are much more highly evolved hunters


      >ambush predators

      this one didnt even ambush. he stalked these dudes and then went for the face lol. one got got. fricking brutal


    • 2 months ago

      >Cougars terrify me

      • 2 months ago

        I didn't realize that being over 30 gave me a superpower to defend myself against cougar attacks

        • 2 months ago

          Men under 30 are more likely to run than stand their ground and embiggen themselves.

  41. 2 months ago
    Aspiring Investor

    Statistically bear spray and noise are your best bet. But very rarely you might get unlucky.

    • 2 months ago
      Poor Investor

      Get out of here with your facts and reason, this is a 2A board and you gotta shoot em.

    • 2 months ago

      Statistically, yelling and arm waving are all you need. Bear spray has seldom been used in real life scenarios. It's based on the human response to capsaicin and doesn't have much data to back it up. That said, a high power rifle is your "best bet" although statistically seldom necessary.

      • 2 months ago

        >Bear spray has seldom been used in real life scenarios
        Probably used a lot more than you realize as you dont hear about it when it works. This study examined 83 cases of it being used. The study is almost 20 yrs old Im suprised no one has updated the work


        bear spray saved this guys life

        • 2 months ago

          I've read literature saying it works and I've also read that it doesn't. I've also seen videos where it does appear to work. But also videos of bears charging right though it to maul the individual. MOST charges are false charges. In many of the videos I've seen of bears being "deterred" it looks to me like the bear hadn't fully committed in the first place. So I suppose it really depends on the circumstances of the bear attack. I wouldn't personally trust my life or the lives of those I love strictly to a non lethal deterrent. Not that I ever actually expect to be charged or attacked by a bear.

          • 2 months ago


            >You have a higher chance of getting in a fatal car accident on your way to the trailhead
            Which is why I wear a seatbelt. That doesnt mean grizzlies are not a risk too...which is why I carry bear spray. There have been 3 fatalities in the last 4yrs in the same NF I recreate most in. The risk is real.

            >moast of the time you'll have a prolonged faceoff with a burr, they tend to charge from a distance, sometimes approaching cautiously multiple times.
            this is absolutely moronic. most fatal or violent encounters are surpise encounters at near distance with only seconds to react. Its almost always either a mother protecting cubs or the bear protecting a carcass. something like this:

            >If a bear is point blank range and you use bear spray wouldn't it just piss the bear off and then it would maul you instantly?

            Nothing is fool proof or works every time. every encounter is different. But bear spray can and does work. saved this guys life.

            >Nothing is fool proof or works every time. every encounter is different. But bear spray can and does work

          • 2 months ago

            >videos of bears charging right though it to maul the individual.
            I would like to see that. can you provide link

            • 2 months ago

              I don't have any saved unfortunately and YouTube is only giving me fake bullshit. But here's an article of a bear spray failure. They note in it that, had he not tried deploying the bear spray, he would have had time to draw his gun and shoot.

              • 2 months ago

                I've read literature saying it works and I've also read that it doesn't. I've also seen videos where it does appear to work. But also videos of bears charging right though it to maul the individual. MOST charges are false charges. In many of the videos I've seen of bears being "deterred" it looks to me like the bear hadn't fully committed in the first place. So I suppose it really depends on the circumstances of the bear attack. I wouldn't personally trust my life or the lives of those I love strictly to a non lethal deterrent. Not that I ever actually expect to be charged or attacked by a bear.

                >I've also read that it doesn't.
                I doubt anybody said it doesnt work- its just that it doesnt work everytime. but then again neither do guns. So, its really a choice of tools and what you are comfortable with. There is probably a great margin for error with spray as proficiency with guns is a learned skill but guns are obviously the only lethal option. There are dudes out there who had both and didnt get to use either.

              • 2 months ago


                Here's a predatory bear attack and fatality. She apparently emptied an entire can to no apparent effect.

                >it's just that it doesn't work every time. but then again neither do guns
                Apples and oranges. Yes, both can be ineffectively deployed. But if properly deployed, the gun is effective 100% of the time. The same cannot be said of pepper spray. I'm not saying not to carry it, just know that it's not necessarily as effective as advertisers might have you think. It's better than nothing.....when it works. But the times that it doesn't... And yes, someone with a gun can freeze up, be unable to aim or just be a bad shot to begin with. But that's more to do with the person deploying the tool, not the effectiveness of the tool itself. And I'm not saying to go out and shoot bears. You'll still have to justify the shooting to the game warden and that's a headache you don't want either.

              • 2 months ago

                >properly deployed the gun is effective 100% of the time

                define that. what caliber? one shot? multiple shots? just hitting the bear? hitting the perfect kill shot? What is the likleyhood of error under duress? You can kill a bear with a .22 with the perfect shot but how likey is that? Bears have taken multiple shots and lived. No tool is perfect, niether are humans.

              • 2 months ago

                >define that
                A properly deployed firearm means a hit where you were aiming with an appropriate round for the application. Again, this is taking the human out of the equation. Just the end result of a properly deployed tool.

                lol. no bias or incentive to promote the failure of bear spray there

                Hate on the source all you want, doesn't change the data. Did they lie or make it up? Did they exaggerate or twist the story to fit their narrative? No. The data is good. So you only have the source to argue about. So, it's not a valid point.

              • 2 months ago

                >the data
                one anecdote of a lady with food in her tent and a known food conditioned troublesome bear. lol We can swap anecdotes all day long
                >taking the human out of the equation
                Which is a highly illogical and nonsensical thing to do.

              • 2 months ago


                Here's a predatory bear attack and fatality. She apparently emptied an entire can to no apparent effect.

                >it's just that it doesn't work every time. but then again neither do guns
                Apples and oranges. Yes, both can be ineffectively deployed. But if properly deployed, the gun is effective 100% of the time. The same cannot be said of pepper spray. I'm not saying not to carry it, just know that it's not necessarily as effective as advertisers might have you think. It's better than nothing.....when it works. But the times that it doesn't... And yes, someone with a gun can freeze up, be unable to aim or just be a bad shot to begin with. But that's more to do with the person deploying the tool, not the effectiveness of the tool itself. And I'm not saying to go out and shoot bears. You'll still have to justify the shooting to the game warden and that's a headache you don't want either.

                lol. no bias or incentive to promote the failure of bear spray there

  42. 2 months ago

    Stop being a b***h and show dominance. Ass rape the bear. That will keep him in line.

  43. 2 months ago

    Bear attacks are super rare. Less than a hundred a year in the U.S.
    Just carry bear spray, a gun, know how to use both, and don’t go hiking during mating season.

    • 2 months ago

      Less than 5 more like. There's been less than a hundred fatalities total since the twentieth century. Even in the pioneer days when it was significantly more likely there would still only be a handful a year.

  44. 2 months ago

    I have literally never seen a grizzly, black bear, or rattlesnake while hiking. The deadliest animal I've ever seen was probably a moose and that was from a distance. Just be a loud clumsy moron like me and they'll avoid you.

    • 2 months ago

      There are no brown bears where I live and recreate. There are lots of black bears though and mountain lions. I've seen two black bears. Both times, they saw me before I saw them. I only knew they were there when they took off running in the other direction. I've never seen a mountain lion. I have caught several on my trail cameras. So they are in the same are I am, not necessarily at the same time. But an encounter isn't out of the realm of possibility. I've crossed paths with several snakes throughout the years. Copper heads and water moccasins when I lived on the East coast, rattlesnakes now that I live out West. The biggest rattlesnake I saw in the wild was in Texas. It looked like a small log in the path, until I got close and it moved!! I wasn't sure which end was the head and which was the tail, both were in the brush on the opposite sides of the trail. I took a step closer to get a better look and it coiled up and rattled at me! Head was on the right side, now all of it was on the right side and mad. I decided it was time to go! Huge fricking snake! It was at least 5 feet long and a good 3-4 inches thick! That's the only one that's coiled up on me. I've seen others, but they were smaller and took off rather than standing their ground.

    • 2 months ago

      i have heard wolves many times but never seen one or a bear even if they are constantly lurking about
      one might think finding warm bear scat is always the time you will finally come face to face with one but it never happens they are just so sneaky
      then after bear hunting season you read from the papers how they just killed some 30 bears right in your neck of the woods, gets you every time

  45. 2 months ago

    its probably been said
    Bear calls : "HEY BEAR" "GET SOME" -shout it every 30 seconds - 1 minute depending danger levels
    Bear spray/mace
    >Bear Mace when shot I was told has a high high risk of hitting you too so just be aware

    >in lake tahoe about 5 times Ive seen a bear break into the trash of our rental, or this one time, i was at squaw valley hotel and me and my buddy went out to smoke a blunt, we see in by the pool 100 feet in front of us, theres a bear wandering around the area, we almost or maybe did call the hotel and say there was a bear on premises whilst super stoned
    >after a snow at hecheche dam on a backpacking trip, we saw a black bear and her cub 100 ft away, 50 ft away. we watched for a little while
    >i went on a 30 day backpack through healy range AK with NOLS, some members saw a moose, i saw a golden eagle, no burrs though

    • 2 months ago

      danger levels = blind corners/trail turns, low shrubbery visibility, anytime when a bear could be in a blind spot up ahead

  46. 2 months ago

    Get a rifle that fires a projectile larger than .30 of an inch at above 2000 fps


    • 2 months ago

      >no grainage mentioned
      180gr .357 Magnum has been the go-to large predator defense round for decades. A rifle isn't exactly feasible to carry for defense.
      And more bear have been taken with .303 Brit than any other round, which is a .30 cal round.

      • 2 months ago

        I have some 240-grain SJHPs that I put in my .44, it's a nearly comical amount of force

  47. 2 months ago

    I work in the bush all year. Depending on the area we bring bear spray. If we are working in high Grizzly population areas we still bring out just bear spray, or just a shotgun with buckshot and slugs. If you're hiking you probably dont want to lug around a shotgun though lol. Bear spray should be fine

  48. 2 months ago

    ameribros I have a question as a noguns britbong moron.

    what if you had an underfolder ak? 7.62 can frick up cinder blocks and you have like 30 rounds to spam at it and I reckon 7.62 would really fricking hurt a bear. Or is it the reason people carry larger calibres with less ammo is because you typically dont have time to get any other shots off? so that one shot has to count sorta thing

    • 2 months ago

      I'm not an ameribrown, but a has-many-guns Austria anon - which means my opinion is worth 100 times that of foreskinless muttoids - yes, an AK in any configuration will kill a bear. Even an extremely short barrel one like one of those funny Draco AKs that Black folk in america love to shoot for some reason.
      But every rifle is generally cumbersome to carry, which is why handguns are the preferred choice for bear defense. .357 Magnum or 10mm are the most dominant choices by far when it comes to bear defense, the latter is even preferred these days because you can have it in a based Glock 20 configuration that gives you 15 rounds at 90% the power .357 Magnum.

    • 2 months ago

      I have no idea why people still carry a large caliber revolver or the like for wildlife protection. In a high stress life or death scenario you're going to be shaking from that adrenaline and you mind isn't going to be fully right. This idea you're going to be able to not only fire one accurate shot in that situation, but be able to follow up after the recoil from that revolver is insane.
      Your best bet is anything high capacity. Mag dumping a 9mm is far more reliable than trying to aim a precise shot when your life depends on it.

      • 2 months ago

        Because 9mm is an underpowered wristlet cartridge that has been rendered totally obsolete by 10mm.
        It doesn't even work reliably on humans a good portion of the time. It mightn't matter that much with a bixnood or something who can at worst spit some Hepatitis C-infected blood at you before inevitably keeling over and dying, but when 300 kg of pure fat and muscle engufled in 3 cm thick hide are storming at you, time to kill does matter. 1 or 2 well-placed .357's are going to be infinitely superior than 10 marginal 9mm's deflected by their thick fricking bones. Of course, a 10mm is superior to both, as mentioned in my post above.

        • 2 months ago

          I'm not allowed guns (cucked), but I do enjoy tadmiring them, especially the more traditional ones. This gun is nice but the gold bits throw it off in my opinion. Looks like you're upgrading it to a pimp's gun but one piece at a time.

        • 2 months ago

          >1 or 2 well-placed .357's
          Good luck with that. You might get that first one off, but you sure as shit not getting a 2nd well placed shot off after you're hit with that recoil and you either have to wiener the hammer back or deal with that high pounded trigger pull of a double action. Seconds matter in this situation and throwing lead down range is the best case scenario.
          >It doesn't even work reliably on humans a good portion of the time
          Sure does when you hit things that are vital and you have more chances to hit vitals if you have more rounds down range.

          • 2 months ago

            >but you sure as shit not getting a 2nd well placed shot off after you're hit with that recoil and you either have to wiener the hammer back or deal with that high pounded trigger pull of a double action. Seconds matter in this situation and throwing lead down range is the best case scenario.
            Nice bait, moron.

          • 2 months ago

            >high pounded trigger
            Not gonna lie, they had us in the first half

          • 2 months ago

            By the way, I just wanted to emphasise that I know MUCH, MUCH more about firearms than this unoutchable redditBlack person . In fact, I know more about firearms and hunting than anyone here. I could feed a small village with the venison in my freezer. I have killed at least a thousand deer. I own a plethora of rifles in different chamberings, from .223 all the way up to 7mm-08, 7x64, and 9,3x62.
            10mm is arguably the best cartridge for bear defense, with .357 and .44 Magnum as a close second.
            I would NEVER use 9mm for anything but punching paper (which is actually fun and based with my Glonk 17), because it is NOT adequate for large, predatory game.

            • 2 months ago

              i'm told alaska woodsgays carry .454 Casull handguns for bear defense

              • 2 months ago

                We did. They're not much fun to practice with. 10mm is the new thing.

            • 2 months ago

              The little antlers paint an ugly picture.

              • 2 months ago

                Roe deer.

      • 2 months ago

        Only if there was thing Aledo training, which then formed muscle memory to help you quickly and accurately get shots off. I think I'll invite this technique seeing as it doesn't exist.

        • 2 months ago

          >police fire 100 shots hit the suspect 6 times
          >soldiers have been known to fire 100s of rounds never hitting a target
          >he things some random with some paper target training is going to do better than them
          I mean that sure is a position to have.

          • 2 months ago

            Police don't really train, their qualificationsare a joke.
            Depending on your MOS in the military, your firearms training could be non existant to very advance. I did twelve years in the army, nine of those years being with 75th rangers with multiple deployments, I have been shot at numerous times both from towel heads doing pop shots at 700 yards plus away, to getting into it from some one in the same room. Training makes a huge difference, no matter what you do in life if you train and are serious about it, you'll see results.

          • 2 months ago

            Civilians are way more competent than police or military lmfao

            Do you actually think the moron-tier genetic rejects that end up in the police and military are better than people that can make it as private citizens?

    • 2 months ago

      Rural ameriwhite has guns anon. AKs will kill bears dead, 7.62x39 will kill stuff, most guns will kill stuff dead. When innawilderness you should pick something to carry that isn't cumbersome (4 u) for what you do when out, that kills stuff dead (ideally something that kills stuff deader with good weight and capacity balance), and that is something that you have on hand (and not something you've been meaning to get for 6 months and don't have on hand). I'm only in elk, wolf, and black bear country (which can and did kill someone recently, caught unsuspecting and without a firearm), and for me my EDC 9mm is fine on most outings, sometimes if I'm camping more than 20 miles from a city or town I will also bring my AR15 (because I can, and yes it will still kill a 350lb black bear and a 550lb elk dead). When I go out up north to visit my family in grizzly (500-1500lb+ animal) country, I pack my 10mm G20. If I was going to Alaska to camp for even a couple days I would also add my .308 win bolt action to my kit, but depending on circumstance and convenience my G20 would still likely be my first go to in an oh shit moment. For reference a 7.62x39 out of a 16" barrel is more powerful than any 10mm or .357 load. If I was going to recommend an AK and western US mountain rifle, I would say get a savage 110 lightweight storm in .308 or 7mm08 if you can handle the kick (~6.5lbs with a scope),or an AR/AK or even an SKS for the lower 48.

  49. 2 months ago

    I just call them [least favourite minority] at the top of my lungs and they always run off in fear when they sense the intense (completely warrented) hatred in my voice. But you probably can't summon such energies at will, so I'd recommend a large gun.

  50. 2 months ago

    Bear spray is cope, get barrier penetration and mentally prepare to spear a grizzly bear with a 10 pound rifle.

  51. 2 months ago

    bulk up and be larger than a bear. so around 1,300 pounds and 9ft tall

  52. 2 months ago

    Bigass,, bearumaging thru basketon my trike wakes me,, turn on lite,, bears usually BOLT,, keeps trashing,, getup,, select from guns Bug-A-Salt,,, slide dooropen,, bear shuffles to stairs leading to Forrest, looks over shoulder as I roll onto deck>> AIM> PEW PEW!! 2 butt shots!,
    ,Bolts up stairs!!
    ,iwakeup,,,dang!, good thing he didnteat Me!,
    ,,,,, need pepper spray to properly season.

    • 2 months ago

      This anon again. Can you type like a normal person for a single post?

    • 2 months ago

      >finger on the trigger
      We know all we need to about you now

      • 2 months ago

        The fact it's a double action, airshit, a shitpost & your response tells alot about you.

      • 1 month ago

        That real people who actually own guns shouldn't give a frick about what Cooper has to say?
        Cooper's rules are for morons who know nothing about firearms. Take that reddit finger out of your ass.

        • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            Holy cringe/

            • 1 month ago

              ,,bubreasts whatican do.,so gladididnt shothe bear with REAL gun.,but i would love a rug?,
              ,,,,ithink ofall of you city folk,,,wallsoclose.,
              ,wish you could joinme,,,bored totears!, citylife so,,vibrant,,varied,,,tastey resturants!,

  53. 2 months ago

    I have the reverse problem. I have some bear spray that's about to expire, and I don't want my money to go to waste. Where can I maximize my chance of encountering a bear, preferably a grizzly?

    • 2 months ago

      the zoo

      • 2 months ago

        Do you think I'm fricking stupid, son? Anyone got a real answer?

      • 2 months ago

        >jump into bear enclosure, start spraying wildly
        >when people demand an explanation, just say "waste not"

    • 2 months ago

      Just take a walk down your cities MLK, you'll get your money's worth.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah, and then they'll shoot me. Jesus, all the trolls on this board.

    • 2 months ago

      Just keep it in your vehicle for later on this year when mass lefty riots and free palestine types shut down roadways again. It's a great way to bust through a barricade without shooting someone and you're on wheels. Just try not to blast yourself but you could also stash a gas mask in your vehicle as well for just such a contingency. Either way yes you would stink up your own ride from deploying it but it's a great Frick You WITHOUT leaving your vehicle like all these boomers we see who haven't thought this through.

      You plow thru a barricade it's possible you'd be flagged down by police but the point is you can get away from a barricade. It's a handy option to have.

  54. 1 month ago

    To avoid bears, stay out of U.S. National Parks. Bears are top of the food chain, not you. They are not afraid. True story:
    > backpacking in Yosemite NP, California, 1976
    > black bear country
    > first thing we see is a bear-destroyed car at trailhead
    > start walking, everything OK
    > set up camp
    > hang food between two trees, using two ropes, food bags at least 12 feet up (this was before bear-proof cans)
    > bears show up every night, we are sleeping without tents, have flashlights, pots, pans as noisemakers, works every night.
    > one night we see one bear climbing on the back of another to try to get our food, wished I had a camera with a flash
    > one day a juvenile bear follows us like a puppy dog wanting a handout. my friend takes a few good pictures, then we shoo it away with loud yelling
    > of course there are also rattlesnakes every day
    > get to destination at Tuolomne Meadows campground
    > hear horror story of aggressive bear stealing all of a party's food, basically ending their trip before it starts
    > find tranquilizer dart stuck in tree, where the ranger missed a bear, keep it a souvenir (not sure what happened to that, it has been a few decades)
    > I will never backpack in a US National Park again
    tl;dr: Don't backpack where bears are protected by law.

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