I'm back

Ask me about my long camping adventure NOT paying a Mortgage, and have a very small lot rent for my Rv. I'm sure some of you will remember my last post. Ama, but don't be rude.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 year ago

    How many hookers you kill this time?

    • 1 year ago

      OP here, zero, I've killed zero hookers. You know why? I've never , ever paid to grunt and scream my load inside a Woman. I have a girlfriend who I do such too, while I vise grip her Butt cheeks. It's amazing.

  2. 1 year ago

    What do you think about the idea of driving a motorhome around within a single state?

    • 1 year ago

      Well, I do have it parked and only put fuel in it as needed from starting it up every week to warm up and such, that would be cool if NYC had BLM lands to be able to camp out on, than I would save the lot rent.

  3. 1 year ago

    You into ham radio? A lot of RV folks in my rural area are also into amateur radio.

    • 1 year ago

      I have a good friend in Ohio who is, wants me to get one in case SHTF situation.

  4. 1 year ago

    My parents do this with a huge RV I think they paid like $400k for it after they sold their house. Mostly stay at military bases.
    They have a cat in it, I thought that would be too risky but he's an old lazy boy and even goes outside but never runs away.

    Now my house has a 50A power outlet and second septic cleanout by the driveway they use to stay with me a few weeks every year.

    • 1 year ago

      That's a real freedom to be able to just drive off for new scenery anytime you want, your parents seem pretty fricking based. Love it.

  5. 1 year ago

    What's your monthly fuel budget look like?
    Site rentals / water / honeywagon fees?
    Am looking at alternative living myself.

    • 1 year ago

      You have to think outside the box. I'm in the NYC Metro area but I only will pay $255.00 a Mo for a 40 foot spot. Wish it had an electric outlet, but it does have a lamp poll about it which gives me enough light for me needs. I sneak in it at night, then pop out during the day like I visited it, pretty low key, and they are non the wiser. But, it's mine, so what am I doing here, going to rob myself? Kek. Listen, the more you think about doing it, the l9ng er it will take to do it. You can do it is a van or big enough SUV, which I sleep in while I'm at work during the week.

  6. 1 year ago

    >ever take it of any sweet jumps?
    >how did ford manage to make a v10 engine that puts out less power than a civic?
    >how loud is your ac?
    >ever camp innawoods and of boomer containment lots?
    I have an rv but also a mortgage with APR half of what the inflation rate is.
    Why are you not taking banks money to pay for a home or something?

    • 1 year ago

      I was in a home, but I decided in 2013 to tell wells Fargo to frick off, so it took them 6 1/2 years to get me out of the house, but I landed my current job in 2018, I so wish I had this job in 2013 to have banked even more of my money. It's a freedom that I'm very happy I have jumped on and I do not reward bad behavior and usury of "God's chosen People, ehem" 911MissingLinks . Com watch the video
      GtvFlyers . Com is pretty based.
      General order no. 11 1862, by Gen Grant will wake you up, go Google that, and I'm shocked it's even on ~~*Google*~~

  7. 1 year ago

    what makes you think you're special or unique? white trash have been doing this for decades. also you're stupid for not parking it in california and maxxing ebt and homeless benefits. paying for a spot, what a git.

    • 1 year ago

      >what makes you think you're special or unique?
      probably the long camping adventures and not paying rent/mortgage

      but didnt op say he pays rent on lots?

      op, if you dont work, what do you do wth your free time?

      I want to live in a short school bus but also in the city, bicycle distance from everything, not sure how to do this. i would prefer to be behind the locked front yard gate of a house and would be a bonus if i could pay some sort of rent to access amenities like bathroom, kitchen, living room

      • 1 year ago

        I do work, read my post above. Do it, you'll thank yourself if you get it self up the way YOU want it, not how these Israelis say you should live. What state are you in? Do digging online and look for off grid forums on youtube, I love what I am doing because it's NOT rewarding bad behavior with a slave mortgage, that if you miss a payment, they get the house back, and you lose all that money. Screw that noise, no thanks, ~~*they*~~ can keep it and I'll keep their shekles.

    • 1 year ago

      What made you leave your comment on MY post????

  8. 1 year ago

    do you work? how often do you park on public roadways?

    i knew a mom with a 40 foot school bus and she would just park wherever in the evening, the owners would threaten to tow her and she would be like "go ahead" . tow truck drivers would come by and give the bus a "nope" she would laugh, go to bed and then leave in the am.... i gotta say, ive seen same size buses get towed by f150 and ram1500, i think both trucks had to do a burn out to get moving, lol

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, I work, a very good job that I am blessed to hqve. With OT, I made $72K last year, but guess what? I am able to put a couple thousand away every month even AFTER my bills are paid. So this muppet above asked > What's makes you special or unique, and so ething along the lines of white trash. Go f $/^ yourself into debt slavery if it's right for you muppet, I'll save my money and buy silver and gold with it too, which I have. Kek, like he's hurting my feelings here, I have no feelings from random muppets who want to spit in my direction.

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