If they brought a waffen SS division from WW2.

And made them face the current Russian force in Ukraine.

Could they possibly win against them?

I guess they could, couldn't them? The russians seem to be lost without a proper chain of command.

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  1. 4 months ago

    bruh russians are inept but flak 88s aren't gonna hold Ka-52s and Su-34s back at all like SAMs are now. the russian airforce alone would run a literal train on the entire wehrmacht, throw in some of those homosexual TOSes and they could probably mulch the entire german army with enough ammo

    i believe you are significantly underestimating how much shit from WW2 sucks compared to technology we possess today, and even if russia doesn't have tech a tiger isn't doing a dog's dick against a stock t-72.

    • 4 months ago

      Is there really that big of a difference between flak and Zu-23? Start of the war Zu-23 did get some good hits on the heli rush into Kyiv oblast. And im pretty sure not all Zu-23 Ukraine used were upgraded.

      • 4 months ago

        All the heli kills on video are MANPADS, these light AA guns are a meme and even the Soviets had phased them out long ago.

        • 4 months ago

          >All the heli kills on video are MANPADS
          You answered yourself (there were not that many videos where helis were downed), if you look at the interviews you can see that most units didnt even have manpads. There were a lot of places where Zu-23 was the only AA and they did make it hard for russian helis at the start. Even in Hostomol there was no manpads but it was defended with 2 Zu-23 but they did ran out of ammo pretty quickly and were destroyed.
          And the upgraded modern Zu-23-2 are pretty decent against drones and helis. They are fully upgraded with computer and can track objects. They also have 2 Igla missiles that it can shoot.

  2. 4 months ago

    No they couldn't. As incompetent as zigger are, the technology gap is way, way too big. Even the old ass equipment we ridicule here is decades ahead.

  3. 4 months ago

    the tech gap is far to wide for any WW2 force to handle, that and if would be a 50/50 chance if said SS division would be one of the competent ones or one of the glorified street thug ones that got shat on by any actual military in which cases they would be Russian tier as well

    • 4 months ago

      >that and if would be a 50/50 chance if said SS division would be one of the competent ones or one of the glorified street thug ones
      There's an important difference between an SS division and a division serving under the SS, English speaking historians never managed to distinguish them fir some reason though.

  4. 4 months ago

    russian army isn't even a question i mean the moldovan army would probably put up desert storm numbers on any number of ss troops

  5. 4 months ago

    they could some battles, mostly in 2022. but when the russians were allowed to set up defensive fortifications and minefields from 2023 onward, it would be kursk all over again. in kurks the shad like 4ish months to fortify the frick out of kursk, russians in ukraine had damn near a whole year.

  6. 4 months ago

    Honestly I think they could, the russians are proving so incompetent and their kit so shit, that I wouldn't be surprised if a waffen SS division, actual humans with actual working brains, managed to best those morons.

  7. 4 months ago

    WW2 is too far a jump but a competent force from the 80s would absolutely have a good shot.

  8. 4 months ago

    A T-90m, Russia's supposed best tank in ukraine got absolutely demolished by a 25mm cannon...
    Just take a moment to let that sink in, a 25mm cannon penetrated and destroyed the best russian tank.
    God forbid what a Tiger or a Panther with a well trained crew would do to the poor T-90m

    • 4 months ago

      From the sides you Black person. Did even watch the video?

      • 4 months ago

        It also blasted it from the front and penetrated it as well, you can see it in the video.

    • 4 months ago

      i bet you didn't see the full video when the crew got off just fine. the t-90 took the cuckley shots like a champ

    • 4 months ago

      In fairness, they didn't actually penetrate it, but battered the frick out of its electrics and wiped out all their optics/sensors. That's purely a function of sustained, pinpoint accurate automatic fire on known weakpoints. The Tiger's 88mm wouldn't stand a chance at penetration and lacks both the speed and accuracy of follow-up shots that would force the crew to bail.

      • 4 months ago

        I'd rather have 2 panthers than 2 bradleys under that exact scenario, the T-72/T-90 sides are only 80mm thick (obviously the M2 is more useful in like 95/100 situations). Metallurgy equal, an IS-2 had a thicker armor profile - a protected 120deg arc forward, but vulnerable out to a kilometer or so from the sides.
        Problem is, the WW2 heavies only value is holding a prepared/camouflaged defensive position where some of them will have a chance at a flanking shot like that without being spotted first. Their armor and fuel demands are wasted, all they can reliably do is punch down on isolated motor-rifle counterparts if adequately supported.

  9. 4 months ago

    >What if you took the people who lost to Russians and then gave the Russians missiles night vision and a 15:1 numerical advantage?
    A single unsupported division of anything would get obliterated in Ukraine in a week lmao these wehraboos are really starting to get uppity.

    Unless you mean you're adding the SS division to the existing Ukrainian frontline, in which case they'd immediately be the weakest point in the front because their equipment and numbers are barely enough to hold against a Mexican cartel. They'd immediately get disbanded and made to drive bukhankas with ammo to supply real units and all their gear would be sold off to museums and larpers to buy real weapons.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't think so, Russia is proving so incompetent in this war so far that I might start believing they might even have trouble dealing with napoleonic era infantry.

      • 4 months ago

        I’d give them an equal chance against a single division of Donbabwe or Luganda, and even then the fighting would devolve into a complete zoo because one side is driving pickup trucks and have phones at individual soldier level while the other has to use semaphore flags because a vacuum tube in their horse-packed radio broke.

    • 4 months ago


      >All the heli kills on video are MANPADS
      You answered yourself (there were not that many videos where helis were downed), if you look at the interviews you can see that most units didnt even have manpads. There were a lot of places where Zu-23 was the only AA and they did make it hard for russian helis at the start. Even in Hostomol there was no manpads but it was defended with 2 Zu-23 but they did ran out of ammo pretty quickly and were destroyed.
      And the upgraded modern Zu-23-2 are pretty decent against drones and helis. They are fully upgraded with computer and can track objects. They also have 2 Igla missiles that it can shoot.

      I’d give them an equal chance against a single division of Donbabwe or Luganda, and even then the fighting would devolve into a complete zoo because one side is driving pickup trucks and have phones at individual soldier level while the other has to use semaphore flags because a vacuum tube in their horse-packed radio broke.

      Synthesizing these ideas, they're reservist-grade unit with high professionalism and better technicals. 20% more combat effective at the cost of 200% greater support requirements. Put their gear in a museum and put them through NATO school, they'd make a fine mechanized brigade with those Leopard Is and Marders still waiting around.

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