I was just given roughly $200,000 in backpay by the Social Security Administration for my turbo autism.

I was just given roughly $200,000 in backpay by the Social Security Administration for my turbo autism. This is the most money I will ever have for the rest of my life.

Any PrepHole specific business ideas I could utilize these funds towards?

Random pic related taken by me. I live in Western VA (not WV) near Shenandoah National Park.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 8 months ago

    I feel like I've been there before.
    >Any PrepHole specific business ideas I could utilize these funds towards? go west a bit, into wv, pa, ky, tn, ga
    snp sucks, the plateau is where the pretty is - it runs from birmingham al to southern NY state (south of finger lakes)
    you are already close to the nice stuff
    you been up to elleber knob? you have an suv or truck?

  2. 8 months ago

    >I was just given roughly $200,000 in backpay by the Social Security Administration for my turbo autism.
    please tell me more

    • 8 months ago

      >I was just given roughly $200,000 in backpay by the Social Security Administration for my turbo autism
      how does one go around to do that? i might have some kind of autism thing and people have said to me that i could get money for it because it is a kind of disability

      This and this. Details or LARP, OP.

  3. 8 months ago

    >Any PrepHole specific business ideas I could utilize these funds towards?
    unless you're talking a very small business not really, in relation to the outdoor market $200k isn't really all that big a number
    spend a little on some high end quality stuff you wouldn't otherwise be able to afford, put the rest in savings for a rainy day, maybe find one small local brand or maker here in the u.s. you could promote an call it a day, i recommend weatherwool

  4. 8 months ago

    Yah buy me a bar tack machine so I can use it to make backpacks, and in exchange I will teach you how to sew

  5. 8 months ago

    Land and savings. I invest at an average rate of return of 10% so my money doubles about every 7 years. I started young. My portfolios are now exceeding 7 figures. As far as businesses, idk, that's not easy unless its some kind of rent seeking thing.

  6. 8 months ago

    If I did not have a place to live paid for I would get a modest home and property.
    Renting gets more expensive every year. There is comfort in knowing that you own your home. I live in an area with low property taxes so I am confident I will always be able to scratch that up every year when it is due.

  7. 8 months ago

    >I was just given roughly $200,000 in backpay by the Social Security Administration for my turbo autism
    how does one go around to do that? i might have some kind of autism thing and people have said to me that i could get money for it because it is a kind of disability

    • 8 months ago

      This and this. Details or LARP, OP.

      >I was just given roughly $200,000 in backpay by the Social Security Administration for my turbo autism.
      please tell me more

      >have bipolar and autism that makes me an unreliable, unstable worker in most settings
      >parents applied me for SSI as soon as I turned 18, got that app and appeal denied, told my parents i'd rather try to work
      >in comes 12 years worth of being unemployed every 3 months, lying on resume and fibbing to interviewers so i can keep getting job opportunities that end up failing no matter what
      >apply for disability benefits again
      >put way more effort into the application process than my parents
      >finally approved nearly 2 years later for roughly $1200 per month (SSI and SSDI combo)
      >SSA gives me 14 years of backpay, totaling just above $200,000

      I want to invest in something that will make me money and give me something to do other than sit in an apartment playing video games all day. My problem with working is not that I'm lazy or moronic, it's that I can't handle the stress of a traditional work environment where I have constant anxiety of being punished or let go by a superior. I want to be my own boss.

      • 8 months ago

        Buy a used van, take it to an outfitter, get better off-road shocks, a suspension lift, full skid plates, and mudding/off-road tires. Honestly I would just buy a nice big tent and sleep in that and not the van but up to you. Buy a camera and a drone maybe, travel around the mountains, take nice pictures, report back.

      • 8 months ago

        What a fricking load of shit. I cant believe this. You should fricking die if you cant goddamn hack it, not be paid hundreds of thousands of OUR tax dollars. You do NOT deserve this you goddamned parasitic fricking leech. Frick you frick you frick you. Fricking worthless loser. You should be DEAD. THAT is what you deserve.

        You make me fricking sick. Frick you you worthless fricking leech. I have more respect for maggots and mosquitos than I do for you.

        • 8 months ago

          don't hate the player hate the game

        • 7 months ago

          Crab in a bucket mentality.
          Let me guess, you’re just a temporarily embarrassed millionaire right?
          Stop being so obsessed with money

        • 7 months ago

          Crab in a bucket mentality.
          Let me guess, you’re just a temporarily embarrassed millionaire right?
          Stop being so obsessed with money

          >Waggies seething
          Kek. Good on you op for beating the israelite at his own game.

        • 7 months ago

          Frick you. You should be left to starve in the streets.

          Is this some well-refined troll, overly sarcastic parody of an archetypal sheeple or are there really people like this on this board?

          • 7 months ago

            Hey moron, normies want to give you gibs, well reasoned individuals (otherwise known as le nazis) call you the leeches you are. Hitler would gas OP.

            • 7 months ago

              Shut up moron, if you’re pro-White you should be happy he is taking all the money he can out of the pocket of ZOG

              • 7 months ago

                >communism is based if it's only for whites
                dumb lazy smelly bunker troony,

              • 7 months ago

                >he thinks Hitler’s government had no social benefits
                This is PrepHole, not /misc/
                No one is falling for your shit, rabbi

              • 7 months ago

                >he thinks Hitler’s government had no social benefits
                This is PrepHole, not /misc/
                No one is falling for your shit, rabbi

                I love the outdoors

            • 7 months ago

              lel. an electiontourist newbie, seething, not posting about PrepHole, being cancer in general. I don't even care about your take on the OP, you are embarrassing and moronic.

              • 7 months ago

                Food stamps monkey detected

              • 7 months ago

                lel. an electiontourist newbie, seething, not posting about PrepHole, being cancer in general. I've included a picture of the outdoors that I took because I assume you're curious what outside looks like

              • 7 months ago

                The OP is a leech and you are a moron. Stop talking to me you weirdo.

              • 7 months ago
                Craig N. Telson

                damn you btfo me. you should trying going outside or otherwise posting about the outside on PrepHole. happy to be helpful on this

        • 7 months ago

          I don't hold it against him. The more people who leech off the system, the sooner it will collapse and the truly useless will starve to death.
          I hate the welfare state. It is actively dysgenic

          • 7 months ago

            Three feet on the gas pedal until the gravy train careens off of a cliff.

        • 7 months ago

          Hate to say it, but I agree with this based take.

        • 7 months ago

          lol he mad he don't have NEETbux
          >verification not required

        • 7 months ago

          >wagie cope

          Lol who really deserves it...the one whose smart enough to get it, or the one whose weak enough to let his government steal his income from him??

          You get the treatment you deserve because you get the treatment you allow

          You boot licking homosexual

      • 7 months ago

        Thanks, I'm going to have my brother do this so he doesn't freeze or starve to death after our parents die

      • 7 months ago

        Frick you. You should be left to starve in the streets.

      • 7 months ago

        Man, I remember having severe anxiety that lasted about 10 years. When I went to apply for SSDI they locked me in an unairconditioned room with completely blank walls for 2 hours. I started pounding on the door begging for them to let me out, and they finally did after another hour, at which point I just ran back to my car and drove home. I got my rejection letter for "non-appearance" a month later, and I didn't try to apply again. If that was their strategy to keep me from applying again, then it worked.

        At least I finally got off my SSRIs and was cured from my anxiety through the magic of the outdoors a few years ago, but holy shit what a wasted life I lived through my entire 20s. At least my parents let me leech instead of throwing me in a mental asylum or just tossing me out on the street.

      • 7 months ago

        What a fricking load of shit. I cant believe this. You should fricking die if you cant goddamn hack it, not be paid hundreds of thousands of OUR tax dollars. You do NOT deserve this you goddamned parasitic fricking leech. Frick you frick you frick you. Fricking worthless loser. You should be DEAD. THAT is what you deserve.

        You make me fricking sick. Frick you you worthless fricking leech. I have more respect for maggots and mosquitos than I do for you.

        thank you for taking my tax dollars i would rather they go to a fellow autistic moron than Israel or whatever

        • 7 months ago

          Unironically, same. Just get your shit together for your own sake.

      • 7 months ago

        Anon, if you can't keep a simple job for more than three months you won't be able to run your own business. Buy a small house that you can manage. Get a decent car or truck so you can go camping. Let the monthly checks pay for the rest.

        • 7 months ago


          Dude can't mentally handle the stress and anxiety of working a menial job for 3 months, but they want to run their own business where they will deal with the stress of building customers, investing money which can easily be lost, marketing and possibly the management of others if he ever needs to expand?

          Dude needs to buy a cabin in the woods and just hermit the rest of his life.

      • 7 months ago

        Invest it in dividend stocks so you get even more checks. Something with a ~4% yield is like an additional 7k a year, not including any appreciation

        • 7 months ago

          This anon is giving you financial advice and they think 4×2=7.

      • 7 months ago

        why the frick would backpay on welfare even be a thing.

      • 7 months ago

        Fact is, $200k is almost nothing. If you behave as if this financial windfall will save you from poverty, you will lose it instantly. If you buy a home, you'll hardly be able to afford to take care of it. If you can pick up a bit of DIY plumbing, pest control, etc, you can make it. Talk to a financial advisor immediately.
        1. Shut up. If you tell people about backpay, expect leeches.
        2. Buy land somewhere to save money on rent.
        3. Invest the rest so it grows.

        >something to do other than sit in an apartment playing video games all day.
        Too bad. You are poor.


        Dude can't mentally handle the stress and anxiety of working a menial job for 3 months, but they want to run their own business where they will deal with the stress of building customers, investing money which can easily be lost, marketing and possibly the management of others if he ever needs to expand?

        Dude needs to buy a cabin in the woods and just hermit the rest of his life.

        He could make money under the table doing stupid PrepHoleist bullshit like making and selling raincoats on etsy. If he buys a home he can make money as a landlord; he already lives off other people's income so why not? Just buy a plot of land, charge people money to put their mobile home on it, and then frick them in the ass for a decade.

      • 7 months ago

        >have constant anxiety of being punished or let go by a superior
        Get a job from one of those "work reinsertion" programs. This way your employer knows you are moronic and you have a 3rd party that can buffer you from butthole bosses.

        • 7 months ago

          Why would he do that now that he has so much neetbux he can buy a cabin and literally shitpost on PrepHole all day

      • 7 months ago

        >I want to invest in something that will make me money
        Okay, I don't mean this in a negative way but you likely male off the cuff decisions because of your instability and bipolar. Its not an insult. I am bipolar too and so was my mother. My advice to you is to immediately put half of the money in a CD so that it will grow and you won't be able to use it. That way it'll generate more money whole you aren't even able to be spending it, and you'll still have half for whatever.

  8. 8 months ago

    Focus less on having a business idea and look for a sub niche instead it’s like finding an existing stream or vein. A unmet need for something or an unsolved problem.

    It will probably come down to you having to design a product by fusing existing products together. Don’t go into trends like ultralight and focus more on the real world which you can probably only get to truly know by talking to the people you are planning on serving and getting to know them.

    Also pack size is something that many people would prioritise over weight. A compact well designed bedroll which can serve as a tent, sleeping bag and pad would probably sell itself if done right as an example.

  9. 8 months ago

    Spend it on 200 $1000 an hour hookers.

    • 8 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Go back. /out is for oldgays

    • 7 months ago

      Hey, he's gotta save some for the blow. You can't have hookers without blow.

  10. 8 months ago

    Off-topic question, but is Shenandoah any good for telescopy? It's 1.5 hour drive from my house, and I'd like to know if it would be worth it.

    • 8 months ago

      It's ok but if you want real dark skies you should go further out. Yes, it's a longer drive, but the terrain is prettier.

      If you are sticking with Shen, I recommend the part south of Sperryville. I was there at night the other day, had the sunroof open, tons of stars.

      But, I recommend going further out past Spruce Knob, there's dispersed campsites along the Little River, or you can drive to the top of Smoke Camp Knob and there's a campsite right there with unobstructed views straight up, and trails nearby (that are probably in crap shape) at the WV/VA border.
      I don't know as much about campsite locations, but there tends to be plenty around and the state forests of North-Central PA are very dark as well - sproul, tioga, and I'm not sure if there's actual campsites up there, but there's Ridge Rd east of Emporium PA with a lot of beautiful views and clear views upwards.

      • 7 months ago

        Alright, thanks for the info. I'm most likely going to try Shenandoah anyway. I'll look into the other places.

    • 8 months ago


  11. 7 months ago

    i would buy a house or something i can rent. then you get money each month for the rent, but you still keep the original money you spent because you own the house, at any point you could sell the house back and recover your 200k or sell it for even more.

    you need to manage the house you rent and so on but it's only a little amount of work every once in a while. you can spend your time on your hobby, on my case it would be climbing and mountaneering which is perfect because it takes time to develop and so on, but just pick your own interest and do that

  12. 7 months ago

    Uhhh it doesn't work like that

    It's not retrospective

    They're going to come after the moneys back

    • 7 months ago

      You can reopen and old application and get back payments all the way to the date of the first application. It's real, it's gay, and it's definitely moronic. Although OP is fake and gay.

  13. 7 months ago

    I found what you should buy OP
    Better hurry tho

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        It’s on bring a trailer

  14. 7 months ago

    A gym membership you skinny little b***h

  15. 7 months ago

    I have turbo autism where the frick is my money

    also buy some land

  16. 7 months ago

    Move to a native American reservation.
    One that is isolated and has alot of land area and high unemployment.
    Rent a small shitty house from some tribal there.
    Start painting or drawing or something.
    You'll have better chances of getting a gf who will take care of you forever and a family. It's better if you and girl are both on sober living and it'll be hell if you are using or drinking alcohol.
    But you will be anonymous and nobody will bother you and you will have access to lots of wildland that nobody wants to walk or explore in, especially the indians who own it.

  17. 7 months ago

    >tfw no Chiefs daughter gf

  18. 7 months ago

    Buy land, they ain't making any more of it.

  19. 7 months ago

    Don't spend it all. The tax bill on single payer 200k is going to be astronomical

  20. 7 months ago

    Put your autism to use and learn how to day trade.

  21. 7 months ago


  22. 7 months ago

    How dare you take 200,000 dollars away from some poor Israeli

  23. 7 months ago

    sell drugs to thru hikers on the Appalachian Trail. Youll make a killing and you are in the area for it too.

    • 7 months ago

      Jail might be ok for a normal person like you, but his medical conditions would make it unliveable

  24. 7 months ago

    This happened to me as well. Went from living of tinned sardones and dried beans to bring a millionaire overnight.
    Still eating sardines and dried beans, shit I'm not even peripherally aware of what can and can't be purchased or the implications of having so much money.

    Going to a financial adviser next week, which costs $100. Instinctively that seems like a heap of money.... but rationally its entirely prudent.

    I put the money into a savings account with a major bank, and discovered that 3% of a million dollars is $3000 a year for nothing. That's more than I had a year ago just in interest. It seems deeply unfair because rather than gaining 3% I'm actually losing 2% to inflation and I now see that poor people are taxed an avelanching %5 a year by bankers.

    I paid off some marginal debts my family had, but this turned out to be a mistake. These people had debts because they were financially irresponsible and they immediately reborrowed and came back to me for more money. These people asked me for money when my income was $50 a week and only now I realised they were making ten times what I was. Having money made me realise how rich everyone was compared to me all along.

    I'm probably going to buy a house over the next 6 months- one year. Frick paying rent.

    Today I bought two non alcoholic beers. That's the most luxury I've had in three years. I walked two miles to the door because I'm not used to paying for the bus.

    Whenever I've asked people for help they've either abused me or demanded money, some tried to help before demanding money, two people stole things from my house. Strong caution OP, you're going to have to be so much more wary of people from now on and its exausting. Never tell anyone that you have money.

    • 7 months ago

      This sucks ass but thats exactly what you can expect from your family when you have money.
      >Work my ass off to buy a house after the '08 crash .
      >Family pays nothing to be here. Costs me money to keep them. Whines about how hard their lives are.
      >Dad empties mom's savings to spend on egirls. Cries when she doesn't baby him. Refuses to work.
      >Brother spent his entire disposable income in nfts and gaymen. Asks if I went to play video games like I'm not getting assraped with bills.
      >Mom believes you can heal anything with magic crystals, runs around in mud barefoot before work.
      Every person in my family could have been saving up for retirement, but oh well. I'm hoping to still the home for 2-3x what I paid, so I'll be another autist blogger with a camper and a wad of cash too. I'm going to buy a few acres in nowhere and maybe get a job as a prison guard to fund my irl factotio larp.

  25. 7 months ago

    You should by some food and eat it.

  26. 7 months ago

    Buy a plot of land in a rural location in a cheap country. Eastern europe or southern africa. Start a homestead.

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