I wanna get out there, I just wanna go deep, like deep in the woods.

I wanna get out there, I just wanna go deep, like deep in the woods. I'm gonna do it, I'm just gonna go, take a bus somewhere and simply walk into the brush and just forget about it all. I need to get outta town I just gotta get going. Going somewhere far out for a little long time andva while. What do I need to learn and how should I prepare? I need Nature and I need it now. Forget a walk in the park, I wanna make fires, build tent structures and be able to call the forest my home. Tell me how, ffs

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago

    Just do it. I'm getting kicked out because my eco-facist literature was found and I'm packing my bag as we speak.

    • 2 years ago

      Tbh you are probably an unbalanced borderline schizo. hopefully this kicks you in the ass to stop being a fricking moron

      • 2 years ago

        >REEEEE anyone who doesn't stroke my dick is a CIA spook! now if you'll excuse me, I have more spookjuice to consoom!

        • 2 years ago

          we all glow down here

      • 2 years ago

        >you are probably an unbalanced borderline
        >seething for unknown reasons

  2. 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    just bee urself

  4. 2 years ago

    I suggest thru hiking a less popular trail
    >can be physically challenging
    >online and print guides exist for logistics
    >plenty of resources for general info
    >in nature almost all of the time
    >alone almost all of the time
    >no need for a meme stick fort
    >easy to bail on when you inevitably fail in the first week
    Just kidding about that last one, Anon. We all know you won’t even leave the house so the odds of failure are a non starter.

  5. 2 years ago

    I hate these fricking larps.

    • 2 years ago

      Every now and then (just a few times a year), someone follows through with it. It’s usually hilarious. The best was the guy who flew to Florida from Oregon with plans to walk back. He made it two days.

      • 2 years ago

        Im gonna prove you gays all wrong

        • 2 years ago

          I’m not saying you won’t try. People with no experience at all and who don’t know what to expect do try this occasionally. I’m just saying that you’re going to be miserable and will give up after a day or two.
          >built a shelter structures
          Don’t do this. It’s an eyesore.
          >call the forest my home
          So you want to be a bum?

          Seriously bro, look into doing a thruhike of a long distance trail.

      • 2 years ago

        nah, some of us leave the house.
        I walked from Seoul to Busan and slept in bushes, I just didnt make a thread about it. It was honestly one of the best experiences of my life.

      • 2 years ago

        there was a time one that an obese something awful goon tried to walk across america to raise awareness for depression. he had some bizzare pull-cart thing with a 50 gallon water jug to carry his gear. it really reminded me of the tacticool larpy PrepHole posters.
        he made it 1 night 2 days, wrote a harrowing account of his day-hike down a manicured nature walk trail, his cart broke, and he had to get "rescued" by a park ranger because of his debilitating muscle cramps. i believe he also claimed to have gotten PTSD from this.

  6. 2 years ago

    you can just tell that dog has a very old soul.

  7. 2 years ago

    Just go during the week. Most people are at work so they won't be able to go outside. Even the busiest/tourist park in my city is pretty empty during the middle of the week

  8. 2 years ago

    >I'm gonna runnaway! fer REAL this time!

    • 2 years ago

      How do I stop this viscious cycle? Can anyone help?

      • 2 years ago

        by going, you dont need a solid plan or know everything already. you can go, learn and maybe come back. at that point you will know a bit about the things you need and how you react to being outside.
        but to break the cycle, you just have to do it.

  9. 2 years ago

    Just do it. God damn y'all are a disappointment to all of your ancestors

  10. 2 years ago

    Do you expect company?

  11. 2 years ago

    just go do it until a property owner shoots you, or you get arrested.

  12. 2 years ago

    Do what you need to do but please let us know what you did or didn't do and how it went, and be honest.

  13. 2 years ago

    Haha yeah dude sick. Make sure to send pics

  14. 2 years ago

    What breed is the dogie? Is he yours?

  15. 2 years ago

    yeah i don't know how to find space where there are no people so i can camp

  16. 2 years ago

    Please Read: Well today is possibly one of the most dissapointing days of my life. I woke up at 7 a.m. Ready to hit the trail and make an 8 mile trek to the Golden Gate Bridge. I walked down to the bathroom to freshen up and I just felt off balance I figured I had a bad night sleep or something and the next thing I know my entire left side of my body went limp and I fainted on the steps. Some hikers nearby saw me and said I looked awful and helped get me an Uber ride back to my aunts. For the first time in 4 days I was able to look at my body and it isn't good. My hips are literally black and blue and I'm constantly light headed. I have other issues that aren't pg as well. Then to top my day off I went to get some food in my stomache and my car overheated and poped coolest and smoke all over the place.

  17. 2 years ago

    I'm so dissapointed in myself and the fact I let everyone down. I know people were counting on me and backed me with donations and support. After having time to think about it once I lost my cart my mission was kind of lost. No longer would people stop to talk to me or take interest in what I was doing to them I was just another hiker. Maybe it is best to take a more direct approach to helping people. I don't plan to stop hiking or in my goal of raising awareness and money for mental health. What the last 5 days have taught me is invaluable and I'm going to start treating my body right and I really want to take a little time off every year to do section hikes. I wanted this badly enough I quit my job and left everything behind. I own just the clothes on my back, some camping supplies and a broken car. Words can't describe how awful I feel right now. I'm going to start my own foundation that shows people who struggle the joys of camping and how it can refresh the human spirit. Anyone who has donated to my trip please private message me so I can send your money back. Alternatively I can send it to Hike for mental health or if you want me to use it to help my own foundation, which I'll be writing up a business plan for once I get to Florida. Also if you purchased shirts I'll gladly refund your money if you wish. Please private message me on all matters above. Please do not leave negative comments I've had a very emotional and exhausting day as it is. Once again I'm sorry for letting you all down. I'm not giving up though."

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