I still can't believe that Pakistan has nuclear weapons and ICBMs...

I still can't believe that Pakistan has nuclear weapons and ICBMs...

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    habeeb it

  2. 2 months ago

    I habeeb it when i sabeeb it

    • 2 months ago

      twinkie house!

  3. 2 months ago

    They don't. their longest range missiles are medium range, and their entire nuclear arsenal is aircraft delivered.

    • 2 months ago

      >their entire nuclear arsenal is aircraft delivered
      Is that really a problem? The only people they'd ever nuke are right next door. It's not like USA and USSR duking it out from opposite hemispheres.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm not saying its a problem at all, they have an arsenal exclusively to put india off nuking them, and its enough to get the job done. I was just saying OP is a moron.

    • 2 months ago

      >and their entire nuclear arsenal is aircraft delivered.
      If only there was a tool for that

  4. 2 months ago

    habeeb's beebs and teeb (formerly haboub's)

  5. 2 months ago

    Only India has decent MB in that region...

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago


  6. 2 months ago

    I don’t revel in losses of human life but I seriously think that region having the equivalent of a world war would nonironically be good for them.

    • 2 months ago

      It's funny until you realise that it would produce about half a billion street shitters and boy diddlers as refugees

      • 2 months ago

        But watching Europe getting replaced would be fricking hilarious

        • 2 months ago

          >But watching Europe (imports a million churkas into Moscow) getting replaced (imports 500,000 guyanese Black folk in St Petersburg) would be fricking hilarious

          • 2 months ago

            Jokes on you I’m the level of mixed race that transcends merimutt. I have no true allegiances. The only beneficial thing to all of this would be the increase in IMWF porn and rightoid reactionaries winning in the US so I can buy more /k/ino guns

            • 2 months ago

              This is me. I’m half welsh, actual factual phlegm spewing welsh, and redskin indian. People think I’m white, and I just laugh and collect my casino checks that I use on crates of ammo and nice gun parts. I get up in front of collections of people and talk about how I feel when Black folk think I’m white and accuse me of micro aggressions even though I’m a member of the tribe (and not the israelite tribe) and everyone claps.

              Shit rocks.
              >verification not required

        • 2 months ago

          London is a working example of why you don't want lots of 3rd worlders, you don't even need Nightmare Goggles!

          • 2 months ago

            It’s mostly an example of unchecked migration being absolutely moronic. Even my biggest leftoid friends finally realized importing more people than you have job openings just forces people into parallel societies where all they can do is hang out with each other and stew in their utterly alien culture while collecting benefits. You reap what you sow eurotrash

            • 2 months ago

              Why Europeans went full moron with their immigration policies?

              • 2 months ago

                An insane amount of factors. Ultra leftoid self loathing. People with good hearts being grossly naive. European boomer equivalents selling out their society for slightly cheaper restaurant prices. Which backfired because like I said, there wasn’t jobs to begin with. Correct me if I’m wrong European bros but during the peak of the migrant crisis there was also record high unemployment in the countries that got the most

              • 2 months ago

                >Correct me if I’m wrong European bros but during the peak of the migrant crisis there was also record high unemployment in the countries that got the most

                Not really


              • 2 months ago

                Something about muh birthrate, you know because bringing more people in rather than make it easier to have kids is way simpler if you want someone to keep paying taxes and doing menial labor

              • 2 months ago

                Germans: ww2 guilt, labor needs
                Swedes: pathological self flagellatory “help others” drive
                Brits: keep wages down/hate the poor
                France: colonial hangover
                +a good helping of eu elites being unaccountable arrogant communists

              • 2 months ago

                France has a shot at maintaining their identity, the others are fricked IMO. Notably Sweden. Went on Snapchat maps and clicked on Stockholm and allll of the posts were in arabic. I mean partially because they may be more terminally online and in to social media but it was hilarious

              • 2 months ago

                kys you brainwashed moscow cuck


                Sweden backs Finland closing borders to fend off ‘Russia-orchestrated’ migrant crisis


                The Finnish Interior Ministry posted on X that the decision was made over concerns undocumented migrants were entering the country from Russia.

                "Russia is using instrumentalised migration against Finland. Based on information provided by public authorities, the risk that instrumentalised migration will resume and expand as seen previously remains likely," said the Interior Ministry.


                ROME, March 13 (Reuters) - The Italian government on Monday said Russian mercenary group Wagner was behind a surge in migrant boats trying to cross the central Mediterranean as part of Moscow's strategy to retaliate against countries supporting Ukraine.
                "I think it is now safe to say that the exponential increase in the migratory phenomenon departing from African shores is also, to a not insignificant extent, part of a clear strategy of hybrid warfare that the Wagner division is implementing, using its considerable weight in some African countries," Defence Minister Guido Crosetto said in a statement.

              • 2 months ago

                Too late Sweden will be blacked in like 3 generations. RIP in peace. Shit was this thread about nukes? At least the melanin will make them more resistance to radiation or something


                I still can't believe that Pakistan has nuclear weapons and ICBMs...

                They’re #1 on my list of countries with nukes that I pray to god are actually all duds. They’re the military falling into utter disarray due to islamists away from some psychos flinging a nuke cause they think allah wants them to or something

              • 2 months ago

                Nyet am americanski from oklahoma oblast
                Yeah man the euros totally didn’t go wir schaffen das pants on head moronic for a decade or two about it
                They’re starting to fix the problem, better than us at least

              • 2 months ago

                The US has the benefit that at least most the border hoppers are Christian with sort of identical “western” values. That and a lot are obsessed with integrating (more than PrepHole would think). Frankly they’re a non issue unless they aren’t working. Then they can be shot into the sun for all I care. Europe’s decided to import millions of people who actively hate Europeans and their society. Paris might be more refugee than Frenchman now, the heart of modern western culture. No coming back from that.

              • 2 months ago

                >Why Europeans went full moron with their immigration policies?

                An insane amount of factors. Ultra leftoid self loathing. People with good hearts being grossly naive. European boomer equivalents selling out their society for slightly cheaper restaurant prices. Which backfired because like I said, there wasn’t jobs to begin with. Correct me if I’m wrong European bros but during the peak of the migrant crisis there was also record high unemployment in the countries that got the most

                Something about muh birthrate, you know because bringing more people in rather than make it easier to have kids is way simpler if you want someone to keep paying taxes and doing menial labor

                is this thread about immigration? No? B ecause you are pushing Russian narritices when Italy, Finland, Sweden etc say mass immigration into Europe was orchestrated by Russia as a form of hybrid warfare as it evidently does boost populist pro Russian political quislings and open borders pro moscow traitors profiles too.

              • 2 months ago

                Because it was a mix of factual observation
                >we need more working age people or dependency rate will completely frick up the economy

                with moronic, self-hating ideology
                >there are no objectively better and worse vultures, negative behaviors disappear as soon as you eliminate poverty, job proficiency is only a matter of provided opportunities

                So instead of planned highly skilled migration from places like Ukrainie, Belarus, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, even India and Bangladesh they ended up with millions of violent Arabs and Africans.

              • 2 months ago


                but answering OPs question - it's like a hobo bringing a hand grenade to a hobo camp - you don't have much leverage if there's nothing valuable you could demand and both sides are too stupid to understand the fully implications of the ongoing blackmailing.

              • 2 months ago

                Colonialism + Post-war European Nihilism and self loathing + Communist ideology about working class solidarity and Internationalism + Christian morality + Capitalist greed for cheaper labour + Americanization of attitudes and ideas about citizenship and nation + retirement funds being a literal Ponzi scheme
                It's a perfect recipe for a colossal shit storm basically. All these factors combined into the moronation you see in Europe today.

              • 2 months ago

                seriously i hope this poster is not american because even shitholes like france and the UK are still whiter than the US of A

              • 2 months ago

                I'm Brazilian.
                We don't have Muslims here.

            • 2 months ago

              >parallel societies where all they can do is hang out with each other and stew in their utterly alien culture
              They were already doing that of their own free will. The mass migration recently just made it more visible + the competition for jobs is now affecting the petit-bourgeoisie scum on the left so they can't just go "teehee, diversity gud, I don't care if the blue collar workers suffer!" Now that they're feeling the squeeze, suddenly they admit it's a problem.

  7. 2 months ago

    >I still can't believe that Pakistan has nuclear
    Maybe...it does not....I have a hunch that outside the western nations like USA, UK, France etc a lot of these nukes outright don't work or don't exist

    • 2 months ago

      Nukes take a few brilliant minds. You can have a brain drained to death low education society and still be able to scrap together and maintain a nuclear arsenal, but maybe I’m being nice

      • 2 months ago

        Its a lot of cash still at the end of the day to keep a device working and the delivery systems tend to all be a big fat hole of endless work + materials

      • 2 months ago

        >Nukes take a few brilliant minds.
        They take a lot of money and maintenance and security and a disciplined military. Not something very likely in the corruption and indolence that breeds in single party states and dictatorships without press scrutiny and real political opposition.

        • 2 months ago

          Good point. I’m kind of moronic for not thinking about that.

          Something about muh birthrate, you know because bringing more people in rather than make it easier to have kids is way simpler if you want someone to keep paying taxes and doing menial labor

          This as well, infinite growth model capitalists freaking out a number might go down so doing everything in their power to make number go up. Which is an excellent exercise in selfishness since the top dogs panicking about the number are the only ones that will see any benefit

        • 2 months ago

          >They take a lot of money and maintenance and security and a disciplined military
          That's exactly what Pakistan have for their nukes

    • 2 months ago

      To be honest the US and UK nuclear programs are in a pretty bad situation when compared to their past.

  8. 2 months ago

    Bludy basturd benchodes

  9. 2 months ago

    You guys may not believe and I don't care but I'm actually a CIA operative.
    We already have a contingency plan against Pakistan since 1999 if the shit hits the fan over there and their nukes are at risk of falling in wrong hands.

    • 2 months ago

      I guarantee the US has that for every nuclear armed country

      • 2 months ago

        That's true but Pakistan is the most at risk nuclear country.

        • 2 months ago

          Understandable. They’re a general stubbing his toe away from islamists flinging nukes everywhere

      • 2 months ago

        That's true but Pakistan is the most at risk nuclear country.

        What are the most at risk for collapse nuclear countries?
        I bet Pakistan and Russia without Putin are the most at danger.
        NK is surprisingly stable given their circumstances.
        Israel is a wild card.

        • 2 months ago

          >Israel is a wild card.
          If Israel collapses, it will probably use its nukes on the dirkas responsible, so we'll not really have a risk.

    • 2 months ago

      I'd be angry if such a plan DIDNT exist.

    • 2 months ago

      i know you are just pretending,but it gonna be a shit show when pakistan finally colapse and we have iranians spies or even militares scraping to get nuclear weapons manual from them.

    • 2 months ago

      That's public knowledge
      The army is more likely to nuke USA if it tries to intervene in a civil war than let a single G.I. act silly in Pakistan

  10. 2 months ago

    >nuclear weapons
    gun type fission weapons are very simple. So simple the US never bothered to test the gun type before dropping it on Hiroshima. The first test was the implosion plutomium design, they were sure it work (the design) but it was a complex switching and wiring that had to be tested. Iran already has nukes, they jointly developed them with North Korea.

    • 2 months ago

      >Iran already has nukes, they jointly developed them with North Korea.
      I don't believe in this.

  11. 2 months ago

    I hate the Gracies so much it's unreal

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