i don't know why dwarfs are universally depicted with axes.

i don't know why dwarfs are universally depicted with axes. seems like the least likely weapon they would use, considering their physiology, culture and habitat

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago

    Humans already had swords, orks had hammers, dagger ear slimy fricks had bows, so all that was left was axes and the dwarves pulled the short (heh) straw.

    • 2 years ago

      What about polearms?

      • 2 years ago

        Most likely they werent cool enough for boomer neckbears that designed D&D shit. Gaymers generally dont care about realism, but fun and cool looks.

        • 2 years ago

          Halberds/Glaives are the best melee weapon in modern D&D because they have reach.

      • 2 years ago

        That will tip the dwarvers over due to leverage

    • 2 years ago

      Axes, hammers, and pickaxes are your standard dwarven meme weapons. The idea is that their stout bodies are strong and the weapons balance well with their center of gravity.

      Simple. Because that's what Tolkien happened to pick when he wrote about Dwarves, and everyone else has copied the meme since.

      >Why is modern fantasy like X
      Imagine the dumbest person in the universe trying to copy Tolkien as superficially as possible. There, now you have the entire fantasy genre.

      In Tolkien's work dwarves seem to favor weapons that either expressly double as tools, or are at least similar to tools. They like axes, hammers, and picks, culturally, though swords and shields and bows are not unknown to them by any means.

    • 2 years ago

      In The Hobbit they were described as using mattocks and short swords.

    • 2 years ago

      Meh they found a bunch of assorted pole arms in balins tomb

  2. 2 years ago

    Axes, hammers, and pickaxes are your standard dwarven meme weapons. The idea is that their stout bodies are strong and the weapons balance well with their center of gravity.

    • 2 years ago

      >The idea is that their stout bodies are strong and the weapons balance well with their center of gravity.
      All those weapons benefit from a long swing arc(which dwarves don't have) and are limited by their short reach(even shorter in midget hands)

      • 2 years ago

        Watch the first episode of goblin slayer to see why long swing arc weapons don't work well in narrow caves lol

        • 2 years ago

          This is why dwarves should favor stabbing weapons and shields, though.

      • 2 years ago

        Axes and hammers are top heavy, not ideal for long swinging arcs if being used for combat. As dwarves are usually quick thick, large hands big wrists etc I assume they handle these top heavy weapons with more finesse. A sledgehammer for example, of you miss your target and over swing fricker can break both ur wrists like a twig.

  3. 2 years ago

    Did I hear a rock and stone?

    • 2 years ago

      We're rich.

      How's the game so far? Stopped playing when the new weapons were released and I found them all...meh.

      I missed so many cores....but the assignments started to feel like work. All gameplay became the same.

      • 2 years ago

        Basically that. alls left for me are cores and deep dives, I play maybe 1-2 times a week not much but fun to dink around in. New season coming again in couple months, new grenades but no details exactly yet. and do you mean new main weapons or new secondary weapons.

        • 2 years ago

          >new grenades
          it's gay shit, they better add grenade OCS

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      To the bone

    • 2 years ago

      I'm thinking it's because they're so sturdy. Anything that doesn't hit like an axe isn't considered a proper weapon.

      For Carl

      What about polearms?

      Just extend the shaft. Dwarf arms aren't long enough to get the most out of a fast stabby weapon like a spear but their low stance and broad shoulders gives them a lot of torque for slashy and smashy polearms.

      ...actually, that does explain axes and hammers.

    • 2 years ago


      We're rich.

      How's the game so far? Stopped playing when the new weapons were released and I found them all...meh.

      I missed so many cores....but the assignments started to feel like work. All gameplay became the same.


      To the bone

      I'm thinking it's because they're so sturdy. Anything that doesn't hit like an axe isn't considered a proper weapon.

      For Carl

      Just extend the shaft. Dwarf arms aren't long enough to get the most out of a fast stabby weapon like a spear but their low stance and broad shoulders gives them a lot of torque for slashy and smashy polearms.

      ...actually, that does explain axes and hammers.

      I love this fricking game

      • 2 years ago

        It's like the spelunking part of minecraft crossed with the good Starship Troopers. And then someone threw in some Dwarves and the whole thing came together. Of Course you're sending Space Dwarves to mine a Hellworld. Were you going to send Elves? Nah man, you want the Bluest of blue collar fantasy races with a tendency for digging.

        • 2 years ago

          I'd want to see what other fantasy races are doing in this universe.

          • 2 years ago

            It's hinted that the Company is being run by Elves and Humans. No idea how the Orcs would get into space.

    • 2 years ago

      rock and stone

  4. 2 years ago

    One the one hand, I always imagined dwarfs as fighting with pikes because it compensates their short range and would dab on horseBlack folk, against which dwarfs would have no counters otherwise.
    On the other hand pikes don’t make much sense for fighting in mountains and tunnels, do they?

    • 2 years ago

      >make a pike phalanx formation in a tunnel
      >the goblin horde literally can't do anything

    • 2 years ago

      Pikes would be the go-to weapon in a tunnel, no?

      • 2 years ago

        Any corner or doorway would hinder pikes. If you imagine the dwarves just stand there and wait for the enemy to come to them, then they're going to be shot with bolts, arrows or have hatchets thrown at them. They'll eventually need to charge, which is going to frick them.

        • 2 years ago

          Don't forget that the missile weapons are going to be hindered by low ceilings. Low velocity thrown weapons will have it worse, but all will see their max range reduced.


          elves live in trees.


        • 2 years ago

          Real world replication of cave fight would be naval boarding action and they used both short (cutlasses) and moderately long (boarding pikes) melee weapons. When sure in some tight quarters long can be hindrance (around corners yes) on the other hand they can be very effective in tunnel like area. So naval boarding parties just used both.
          (Also they used shitload of pistols, 2/3-3/4 of boarding parties were armed with brace (pair) of pistols and cutlass, otheir with boarding pike).

          • 2 years ago

            As far as I read the preference when available was pikes on deck and cutlasses below.

          • 2 years ago

            Boarding pikes are distinct from typical military pikes. Typical pikes started at 15 feet and kept getting longer. Boarding pikes were 8 feet long. Hence the confusion.

            A boarding pike might be useful in a tunnel but a dwarf wouldn't have the wingspan to make the best use of it.

            • 2 years ago

              >Boarding pikes were 8 feet long
              If even that long.
              British Royal Navy spec was 91 inches, a little under 8 feet, though they were commonly cut down even shorter than that.
              Picrel shows a collection of antique naval pikes, cutlasses, and boarding axes. The two pikes at the bottom are full length between 7 and 8 feet, the three above are considerably shorter.

            • 2 years ago

              >Boarding pikes were 8 feet long.
              Typical length of the spear in history, spear that can be effectively used in single combat.

              Military infantry pike was too long for anything but formation fight.

              • 2 years ago

                Alas, dwarves aren't suited for spear fighting. Their short arms meant they couldn't thrust very far.

              • 2 years ago

                Better idea than swinging axes.

              • 2 years ago

                Get a long enough ax and it'll make up for the limited reach.

              • 2 years ago

                Not really, their gorilla strength but poor leverage means they and to get in closer.

              • 2 years ago

                But they aren't going to get in closer, because they are manlets with tiny little legs.

                Any man-sized foe could just slowly walk away while laughing and prodding at the midgets with their actual adult-sized weapons.

              • 2 years ago

                >Just backpedal the army endlessly away from them
                Thank you for telling us you're moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                The only kind of weapon that makes anatomical sense for Dwarves is some kind of crossbow/firearm - or any weapon that uses mechanical or chemical energy rather than muscle power.

              • 2 years ago

                But they have enourmous strength compared to humans, just less room to use it in.

              • 2 years ago

                The reduced leverage (from shorter stature and limbs) severely hampers their ability to actually use that heightened strength though. Even with something like a pike they're going to be much shorter, with a smaller reach, and probably not significantly more damaging than a human wielding something similar. With a mechanical crossbow though, or some horrendously big bore musket, their strength can actually be used to its fullest (either working the crank or handling the weight and recoil of the gun), while also giving a much bigger effect on target and providing them with a much more tactically flexible weapon.

              • 2 years ago

                You're correct that they'd be able to handle a heavy pull crossbow easier but they'd also be able to use a hammer or anything like that to put much more force into their swing, not just cracking a skull, but fricking turning it into salsa

              • 2 years ago

                >they'd also be able to use a hammer or anything like that to put much more force into their swing
                With severely limited reach compared to other species, was my point. Having the mother of all hammer blows doesn't do you much good when your enemy is in a neat spear/pike formation.

              • 2 years ago

                >make hammer specifically designed to counter pike/spear
                not a problem

              • 2 years ago

                >make hammer specifically designed to counter pike/spear
                Go ahead then, what would such a hammer look like and how would it 'counter pike/spear'?

              • 2 years ago

                A dwarf could do it.

              • 2 years ago

                In what way?

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                So you want me to take your handwavium seriously, thanks for making that clear.

              • 2 years ago

                >you can't think something fantasy would happen in fnatasy, that's ludicrous

              • 2 years ago

                >who cares about fantasy making sense?

              • 2 years ago

                Different anon
                When dealing with a creature denser, lower, and stronger than even a powerful human athlete, losing control of the end of a pike might become a much more serious concern, either with a dwarf wresting it out of control or damaging it with one or more blows.

      • 2 years ago

        Rapiers and long daggers would be the go to weapons for tunnel fighting.

        • 2 years ago

          It seems pretty practical for a race of pickaxe swinging miners with dense bone structures. Their muscles would already be developed for axe swinging with a lifetime of mining.

          As this anon stated the most practical weapons for dwarfs to use in their element: tunnels, would be long, light blades and stabbing at weak points. But that would only really apply to creatures that'd stumble across while mining the depths. If it were between two dwarf factions an axe, mace, or even mattocks would be good picks for bludgeoning or piercing the generally well crafted plate and chainmail armors that the dwarfs would be equipping.

      • 2 years ago

        Short shafted Awl pikes would probably work for holding a tunnel. Getting past the tunnel phalanx, the dwarves would have to drop them and pull out their secondaries as it's doubtful that even half length awl pikes could be maneuvered well in tunnel fighting conditions, even if they're in great hall type rooms.

      • 2 years ago

        Rapiers and long daggers would be the go to weapons for tunnel fighting.

        Remember that every force that had to fight in very cramped conditions in history picked short single hand slashing blades if they had the option.

        • 2 years ago

          Crossbow and poleaxe was the universal choice.

          • 2 years ago

            No it fricking wasn't hahaha.

    • 2 years ago

      Short spears are still godly in close quarters, provided you get into position first.

      Pic related.

  5. 2 years ago

    in his Discworld -series, writer Terry Pratchett considered several fantasy tropes and dwarves were one of them.

    He said that Dwarven axe which had a pickaxe on the other side was a general purpose universal tool central to a dwarven culture. They are artesan culture with heavy emphasis for self-sufficiency and survival in harsh conditions. Even if he finds himself trapped on a desert island, a dwarf only needs his axe-pick and some means of making fire. That will eventually get him a forge. With forge he can make other basic tools. And with those tools he can make finer tools. And with fine tools, a dwarf can do ANYTHING.

    So it's very minecraft-style attitude. There is very little difference between "tools" and "weapons" for dwarves. Often the tools they use in everyday life double as weapons.Hell, even the dwarven language word for "king" is the same word that means "mine foreman".

    So it's all about practicality and multipurposeful stuff. Their everyday clothing is often "chainmail and leather" so that too is instantly battle ready option. Mining helmets (the ones that have a candle on them) double as war helmets.

    • 2 years ago

      Anon, those books are satire. Dwarves don't really act or dress like that.

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, I hate to break this to you, but the dwarven race is a work of fiction; in reality they are just deformed humans and they don't pass on dwarfism.

        • 2 years ago

          You only say that because you've not tried putting warwick davis in a horned helmet to fight goblins

          • 2 years ago

            >we will never see a team of Warwick Davis clones pumped full of steroids in full plate fighting a horde of lightly armored canninbalistic Koksal Baba clones

            frick this gay timeline

        • 2 years ago

          Agreed very much dwarves are not real i am not a dwarf and i can with 100% certainty state that i have never ever seen a dwarf.

        • 2 years ago

          >but the dwarven race is a work of fiction
          Careful fellas, we got us an elf in our midst

        • 2 years ago

          Tolkien's good races are based upon different regions in the British isles. With cultural differences expressed into racial differences because that's easier for children to understand the subtleties.
          The dwarves are Scottish/Welsh/Cornish miners and industrialists. Generally the north western parts of Britain.
          When Tolkien uses size difference it's to connetate to children who are also small and also those races are not interested or ignorant of international politics or conflict. Whereas the taller the races the more internationally political they become.

          • 2 years ago

            Interesting ideas, and Tolkien was absolutely trying to build a mythical framework for England - but that's not what he said the Dwarves were. He explained in an interview that the Dwarven language he had constructed for the stories was 'expressly Semitic', and to be blunt the small, hairy, big nosed, insular/clannish, and gold obsessed dwarves are the sort of blunt israeli stereotype that you'd get in most of Europe at that point. The story of the Hobbit is also nearly a 1:1 match with the creation of Israel (Dwarves reclaiming their ancient homeland from a terrible evil, and they recruit a Hobbit - Tolkien's stand in for the English - because they 'need a burglar').

            • 2 years ago

              no, dwarfs are dvergar from scandinavian myth and not israelites holy shit. that exact interview was language only for runic script because as a linguist tolkien loved parts of the hebrew language construction. in addition other races exist with loss of land/city narratives, this is universal to human history. ontop of the dvergar being miners/currency obsessed.

              this tired tripe has to be continually slapped down because israelites/israelite fetishists once again have to insert themselves.

              • 2 years ago

                OK /misc/

              • 2 years ago

                lol, lmao. thanks for the confirm, you gotta go back.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >He doesn't know that the dwarves of Norse myth were literally Mesopotamians fleeing the bronze age collapse, who interacted with the early Norse Peoples.

                This is what happens when you let the internet spark-notes and clickbait your entire education on mythology. Go read Bulfinch and Guerber and then get back to us.

              • 2 years ago

                >no you see these swarthy dark-haired wanderer merchants with no homeland are definitely scandinavian and not israelites

                >literally tolkein "oh yeah i based them on israelites"

              • 2 years ago

                Dwarves represent germanic culture. I.e. Germanic tribes and Vikings. Hence the axe.

                Anon, you do realize Tolkien wrote his books to represent the Anglo worldview of Europe during World War 1, right? He literally said the Orks represented the Germans. You're not going to find a German-centric worldview from a guy who spent his days from 1914-1918 shooting them in muddy French fields.
                Moreover, he wrote LOTR in the 1950's, having witnessed World War 2 as a British citizen and probably fully believing stuff he was told about the holocaust. He was never going to paint Germans in a good light, the best he gives the Orks is them trying to become civilized after the war ends, referring to either the Weimar Republic or to East and West Germany after World War 2. Either way he paints a degenerate shithole as jolly old England spreading the light of civilization to savage huns.
                I'm not saying I believe all this myself, but this is what he probably believed more or less.

              • 2 years ago

                Tolkien LITERALLY said LOTR should not be interpreted as political allegory and that you should have a nice day if you do

              • 2 years ago

                Even if he did, he was clearly inserting his own biases into his work.

                How come he talked profusely about his love of German art and mythology, and multiple times said that orcs looked Asiatic?
                From everything I've read he basically viewed Germany's history in his lifetime as a tragic downturn of a noble culture.

                >he basically viewed Germany's history in his lifetime as a tragic downturn of a noble culture.
                So, in keeping with the elves being corrupted into orks by Sauron?

              • 2 years ago

                >So, in keeping with the elves being corrupted into orks by Sauron?
                In keeping with the pattern of evil to be the disruption and perversion of what is strong and good, which is a real truth he was powerfully aware of.
                Of course archetypal truth is going to be reflected in reality, that's the nature of it.

              • 2 years ago

                1. Sauron didn't corrupt the Orcs he just enslaved them. Morgoth corrupted them.
                2. Tolkien de-canonized that elf explanation for orcs himself, apparently he thought it was better to have their origin a mystery.

              • 2 years ago

                How come he talked profusely about his love of German art and mythology, and multiple times said that orcs looked Asiatic?
                From everything I've read he basically viewed Germany's history in his lifetime as a tragic downturn of a noble culture.

              • 2 years ago

                >“I have in this War a burning private grudge—which would probably make me a better soldier at 49 than I was at 22: against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler (for the odd thing about demonic inspiration and impetus is that it in no way enhances the purely intellectual stature: it chiefly affects the mere will). Ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light.”
                >t. J. R. R. Tolkien

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah that sounds like someone who hates Germans, lol.

            • 2 years ago

              Being low simplifies parrying with the top of the axe, and their chimpanzee moron strength using them lends itself to hacking through the legs of their non-manlet foes thereafter.

              Riffing off Wagner, Alberich ect.

          • 2 years ago

            Interesting ideas, and Tolkien was absolutely trying to build a mythical framework for England - but that's not what he said the Dwarves were. He explained in an interview that the Dwarven language he had constructed for the stories was 'expressly Semitic', and to be blunt the small, hairy, big nosed, insular/clannish, and gold obsessed dwarves are the sort of blunt israeli stereotype that you'd get in most of Europe at that point. The story of the Hobbit is also nearly a 1:1 match with the creation of Israel (Dwarves reclaiming their ancient homeland from a terrible evil, and they recruit a Hobbit - Tolkien's stand in for the English - because they 'need a burglar').

            Weren't the Welsh and lowland Scots known for pikemen? All of those cultural stereotypes also match the Swiss, who were also renowned pikemen. Clearly dwarves fight as pikemen, and the axes are only for utility.

            • 2 years ago

              That's movie myth.The scotts didn't use pikes but long spears and shields.They only started to use real pikes during the pike and shot era and that was actually after they were adopted in continental europe.

          • 2 years ago

            Good point on the not interested in politics thing, i've always seen dwarfs as a "Frick off, not my problem" type

          • 2 years ago

            >Tolkien's good races are based upon different regions in the British isles. With cultural differences expressed into racial differences because that's easier for children to understand the subtleties.
            >The dwarves are Scottish/Welsh/Cornish miners and industrialists. Generally the north western parts of Britain.
            Here's the insane Bong ultanationalist hitlerite to interpret Tolkien for lunaticas. Tolkiens races are based on celtic and norse mythology

      • 2 years ago

        Dwarves are real now, are they? His story is just as valid as anything else anyone can imagine.

    • 2 years ago

      Where I come from, axes are a stereotypical tool of mountain men. Good general purpose tool, can be used for chopping things, defence, and in daily life as a walking cane.

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        They had to outlaw those in Poland. Too many toothless hill people chopping each other up for fricking their sister-daughters without paying for it

    • 2 years ago

      >Even if he finds himself trapped on a desert island, a dwarf only needs his axe-pick and some means of making fire. That will eventually get him a forge. With forge he can make other basic tools. And with those tools he can make finer tools. And with fine tools, a dwarf can do ANYTHING.

      Fricker will die from dehydration before completing step 1. Pratchett was unfunny boomer, never really got why his shit was so shilled.

      • 2 years ago

        >Fricker will die from dehydration before completing step 1
        A little known fact about dwarves is that, thanks to their more efficient kidneys and the higher baseline osmolarity of their blood they, much like common housecats, are able to survive off sea water indefinitely. It is likely that this is an adaptation to the heavy metal contamination common to their native environment. It is also likely responsible for their prodigious alcohol tolerance.

    • 2 years ago

      You've been playing too many survival videogames anon

  6. 2 years ago

    elves live in trees.

  7. 2 years ago

    they live under ground in tight conditions sometimes why wouldnt an axe work. if i get jumped in a phone booth I want a pistol not an AR

  8. 2 years ago

    You idiot OP...
    when you fight with an axe you don't swing the fricker, you use it like brass fricking knuckles and punch with it.

    >two handed fighting axe = knuckle duster on a stick.

  9. 2 years ago

    Hammers, Axes, Guns in some cases pick one you like. Dwarves are the best fantasy race

  10. 2 years ago

    Simple. Because that's what Tolkien happened to pick when he wrote about Dwarves, and everyone else has copied the meme since.

    • 2 years ago

      >Because that's what Tolkien happened to pick when he wrote about Dwarves, and everyone else has copied the meme since.
      Nah, it is more like it is because an axe was Gimli's signature weapon and that is the only Tolkien dwarf that most people think of. That is why you don't see stuff like dwarven warmasks, horn bows, two-handed mattocks. or the short swords wielded by dwarves in works such as The Hobbit and The Silmarillion.

      • 2 years ago

        The battlecry of the Dwarves in the books is literally "Axes of the Dwarves! The Dwarves are upon you!" I'm sure they used other arms, but they themselves considered it their signature weapon.

  11. 2 years ago

    Or just ... y'know ... guns. There is a good reason that (most) dwarves in fiction focus a lot more on disruptive technology. Imagine a line of armoured dwarves, formed into several ranks, with the first rank volley firing a multiple barrelled musket before they either sprint to the rear rank and start reloading (if the unit is withdrawing) or the rear rank sprints to the front and fires (if the unit is advancing). Maintaining a constant rate of fire would be harder and require a lot more drill and organisation if the unit had to stay in one place while firing - but as dwarves are almost universally portrayed as bloody minded/bull headed to the nth degree they might just stick to the go to tactic of slow & steady advances, firing all the way and ignoring losses, until they get close enough to break out the bayonets.

    • 2 years ago

      Considering their general stature and fictional culture, there would definitely be a front line of vanguards and shield bearers with frick heavy ballistic shields, a second line of gunners, and a rear line of reloaders; and if given prep time they could easily make earthwork mounds for their gunners as vantage points behind the front line. Dwarves would most certainly be fighting like it's the 15th/16th century but exchanging the cavalry with artillery that'd make Napoleon jealous.

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago


        Yeah that's why in reality they use guns
        And before the nerds start up, tell me what fantasy race is going to be the most likely to understand the advanced metallurgy and chemistry of gunsmithing? Who's going to be the most likely to look for a weapon with maximum stopping power and range when they live in a world of monsters? Dwarves. Mother. Fricking. Dwarves.
        With guns.

        I can definitely see their armies being a lot more artillery than musket/harquebus focused. Picture a shield wall in front of a park of early howitzers just raining fire down on whatever's in front of them - no need for personal firearms there.

    • 2 years ago

      Shotguns, short barreled miniguns, anything short barreled will do a dwarf good
      if they're stionatiary and a good eye they can be a sniper

    • 2 years ago

      Considering their general stature and fictional culture, there would definitely be a front line of vanguards and shield bearers with frick heavy ballistic shields, a second line of gunners, and a rear line of reloaders; and if given prep time they could easily make earthwork mounds for their gunners as vantage points behind the front line. Dwarves would most certainly be fighting like it's the 15th/16th century but exchanging the cavalry with artillery that'd make Napoleon jealous.

      • 2 years ago

        What do you need to get you the rest of the way?

  12. 2 years ago

    The Hobbit also mentioned them using mattocks as weapons. It's fairly sensible for them to use weapons similar to the tools that most of them are already familiar with.

  13. 2 years ago

    It's for chopping down all the pointy eared twat's forests. Why do you think elves and dwarves hate each other?

  14. 2 years ago

    It's a cultural symbol of their seething hatred of trees. Dwarves don't live underground because they like it or anything, it's to escape the leafy menace.

  15. 2 years ago

    Dwarves represent germanic culture. I.e. Germanic tribes and Vikings. Hence the axe.

    • 2 years ago

      Germans are short, miserly merchants with dark bristly hair?

      • 2 years ago

        The {{{tribal}}} ones, yes.

  16. 2 years ago

    Dwarves spend their lives unground, using picks to mine ore and hammers to smith.
    The hundreds of thousands of hours of swinging up and down means that they can use an axe just as well as a hammer or mace.
    It also means they probably give the best hand jobs.

    • 2 years ago

      >It also means they probably give the best hand jobs.
      Yeah if you consider a handjob from a callused hand that's as rough as a well used gardening glove pumping your dick with the force of a post driving hammer as a good handjob...

      • 2 years ago

        I'm kinda excited ngl

  17. 2 years ago

    Spears (with short stabbing blades as a secondary) and crossbows should be the Dwarven military weapons of choice.

    • 2 years ago

      Dwarves don't have the reach to get the most out of stabbing weapons. Crossbows are a good idea until guns come out. Especially with Dwarven reputation for craftsmanship.

      • 2 years ago

        The blades are a weapon for circumstances like cramped tunnel combat when they can't set up a spearwall to block anything coming down it.

        I mean if they can use their racial expertise with weapon forging to design collapsible/extendable spears for underground warfare that would be helpful too but that seems impractical.

        • 2 years ago

          Swinging polearms like Halberds or Lucerne Hammers work better. You can still form something like a spear wall but also have the advantage of crushing and cleaving blows.

  18. 2 years ago

    The dwarves in Dungeon Meshi are alot stronger than humans but have less stamina in activity, at least in part due to their stunty limbs.
    Meaning they aren't as good at swinging weapons and running around over the length of battle.

    That seems a different take than usual in fantasy.
    And stamina really is one of mankind's biggest natural advantages couple with intelligence in real life.

    • 2 years ago

      true, but our stamina was from our lack of fur and upright motion.
      most mammals overheat a LOT easier because of their fur, while we would get a full body equivalent of a dog panting to try and cool off.
      then again dwarves ARE supposed to be quite hairy...

    • 2 years ago

      Senshi is one of my favorite people you don't even know

  19. 2 years ago

    Yeah that's why in reality they use guns
    And before the nerds start up, tell me what fantasy race is going to be the most likely to understand the advanced metallurgy and chemistry of gunsmithing? Who's going to be the most likely to look for a weapon with maximum stopping power and range when they live in a world of monsters? Dwarves. Mother. Fricking. Dwarves.
    With guns.

    • 2 years ago

      Guns in fantasy are cool.

      • 2 years ago

        Guns in fantasy are Tricky. Do it wrong and you get either a nothing burger or make most classes irrelevant. Do it right and you have fighters standing on equal ground with wizards.

        • 2 years ago

          Have you tried not playing D&D/Pathfinder?

          • 2 years ago

            yeah but mostly sci-fi settings with guns already involved.

        • 2 years ago

          If guns don't completely frick the power balance of the setting then they're far too weak. Introducing firearms into the setting should absolutely destroy the standard issue medieval stasis you see in most fantasy worlds.

          • 2 years ago

            Just balance the other classes and weapons with made up magic. It's that easy.

            • 2 years ago

              Except that a gun allows any random with a few gold pieces to carry around a high damage/instant death ranged attack - it's basically a high level spell that you can buy for a relatively paltry amount. Why bother getting a team of adventurers with heavy duty gear and extensive mage support, when for a fraction of the price you could put together a regiment of basic commoners each carrying a musket and a dozen or so reloads who'll have the same effect through sheer weight of probabilities. This is why the second amendment is such a huge thing in RL. The personal firearm is one of the most disruptive and important technologies ever developed - easily up there with antibiotics, the printing press, and modern computing.

              Agreed. Guns pretty much turned the medieval world on it's head. The problem is that if the meta becomes Gun and Only Gun then the game has become less fun.

              That's a fair point, but so far I haven't found a game that does that well without just turning guns into something that just flat out isn't a gun - most of them just seem to turn muskets into slightly more fiddly bows or something similar.

          • 2 years ago

            Agreed. Guns pretty much turned the medieval world on it's head. The problem is that if the meta becomes Gun and Only Gun then the game has become less fun.

            • 2 years ago

              no- cheap, mass produced guns turned the world upside down. guns existed for many centuries before that happened, and in some places, like China, they went in and out of fashion like every other weapon/tactic and didn't have nearly the same impact until late.

            • 2 years ago

              Wrong. It took centuries after the widespread introduction of guns for them to end the aesthetic we think of as "medieval". Plate armor's entire lifespan (or most of it depending on what you could as proper plate armor) happened while firearms were around and in use.

              • 2 years ago

                It too centuries indeed. But eventually gun ate armor and warfare denigrated to "spam more muskerters and put them all in line so they all can shoot together, more dakka good"

              • 2 years ago

                If armor was cheaper, or stronger per volume, it would have taken guns even longer to catch up because of how shitty low velocity spheres are at penetrating armor.

          • 2 years ago

            Agreed. Guns pretty much turned the medieval world on it's head. The problem is that if the meta becomes Gun and Only Gun then the game has become less fun.

            Guns, armor knights, swords, shields, lance charges, bows and arrows, these existed together for hundreds of years and they diddnt have the benefit of magic armor and fantasy physiques and skin like concrete.
            You can't even effectively scale up guns for armor penetration linearly with strength until the invention of conical bullets.

            Guns in fantasy are Tricky. Do it wrong and you get either a nothing burger or make most classes irrelevant. Do it right and you have fighters standing on equal ground with wizards.

            >Wizard can turn into a ghost, teleport, and rip out your soul from across a continent with a crystal ball
            >How can he compete with something... TWO or even THREE times stronger than a crossbow!?

            Except that a gun allows any random with a few gold pieces to carry around a high damage/instant death ranged attack - it's basically a high level spell that you can buy for a relatively paltry amount. Why bother getting a team of adventurers with heavy duty gear and extensive mage support, when for a fraction of the price you could put together a regiment of basic commoners each carrying a musket and a dozen or so reloads who'll have the same effect through sheer weight of probabilities. This is why the second amendment is such a huge thing in RL. The personal firearm is one of the most disruptive and important technologies ever developed - easily up there with antibiotics, the printing press, and modern computing.

            That's a fair point, but so far I haven't found a game that does that well without just turning guns into something that just flat out isn't a gun - most of them just seem to turn muskets into slightly more fiddly bows or something similar.

            >Except that a gun allows any random with a few gold pieces to carry around a high damage/instant death ranged attack - it's basically a high level spell that you can buy for a relatively paltry amount.
            More like a gun allows anyone with a big pile of gold pieces to carry around a finicky, sensitive device that does low level spell damage an can be stopped by decent armor unless it's oversized, but without any of the advantages of spells.

            Except that a gun allows any random with a few gold pieces to carry around a high damage/instant death ranged attack - it's basically a high level spell that you can buy for a relatively paltry amount. Why bother getting a team of adventurers with heavy duty gear and extensive mage support, when for a fraction of the price you could put together a regiment of basic commoners each carrying a musket and a dozen or so reloads who'll have the same effect through sheer weight of probabilities. This is why the second amendment is such a huge thing in RL. The personal firearm is one of the most disruptive and important technologies ever developed - easily up there with antibiotics, the printing press, and modern computing.

            That's a fair point, but so far I haven't found a game that does that well without just turning guns into something that just flat out isn't a gun - most of them just seem to turn muskets into slightly more fiddly bows or something similar.

            >Why bother getting a team of adventurers with heavy duty gear and extensive mage support, when for a fraction of the price you could put together a regiment of basic commoners each carrying a musket and a dozen or so reloads who'll have the same effect through sheer weight of probabilities.
            because it wont fricking work, that's why.

            Except that a gun allows any random with a few gold pieces to carry around a high damage/instant death ranged attack - it's basically a high level spell that you can buy for a relatively paltry amount. Why bother getting a team of adventurers with heavy duty gear and extensive mage support, when for a fraction of the price you could put together a regiment of basic commoners each carrying a musket and a dozen or so reloads who'll have the same effect through sheer weight of probabilities. This is why the second amendment is such a huge thing in RL. The personal firearm is one of the most disruptive and important technologies ever developed - easily up there with antibiotics, the printing press, and modern computing.

            That's a fair point, but so far I haven't found a game that does that well without just turning guns into something that just flat out isn't a gun - most of them just seem to turn muskets into slightly more fiddly bows or something similar.

            >That's a fair point, but so far I haven't found a game that does that well without just turning guns into something that just flat out isn't a gun - most of them just seem to turn muskets into slightly more fiddly bows or something similar.
            In this context, Muskets absolutely are slightly more fiddly bows.

            • 2 years ago

              >How can he compete with something... TWO or even THREE times stronger than a crossbow!?
              Magic is gay

            • 2 years ago

              Wrong. It took centuries after the widespread introduction of guns for them to end the aesthetic we think of as "medieval". Plate armor's entire lifespan (or most of it depending on what you could as proper plate armor) happened while firearms were around and in use.

              >Guns, armor knights, swords, shields, lance charges, bows and arrows, these existed together for hundreds of years
              More like a hundred years. For something like 200 years the only practical gunpowder weapon was the cannon and only for sieges. Then the Burgundy Wars happened. About 30 years later the mounted knight was entirely gone and we've entered the Pike and Shot era.

              >Wizard can turn into a ghost, teleport, and rip out your soul from across a continent with a crystal ball
              Then it sounds like your setting has a wizard problem and guns are a nothing burger. After all, what's the point of being a Rogue or Paladin if wizard can rip out your soul from a continent away?

              • 2 years ago

                >More like a hundred years. For something like 200 years the only practical gunpowder weapon was the cannon and only for sieges. Then the Burgundy Wars happened. About 30 years later the mounted knight was entirely gone and we've entered the Pike and Shot era.
                >The mounted troops during pike and shot DIDN'T COUNT OKAY???
                >Hundreds of years of guns DIDN'T COUNT OKAY??????

              • 2 years ago

                So you're okay with having to wheel around a cannon all day that gets only one shot every hour?

                >Then it sounds like your setting has a wizard problem and guns are a nothing burger. After all, what's the point of being a Rogue or Paladin if wizard can rip out your soul from a continent away?
                This homie just caught up to where the rest of us were two decades ago, as if "wizards scale exponentially, fighters scale linearly" was some great new discovery in RPGs.
                Even the Wicked Witch of the West could kill frickers through her crystal ball, with the only counter being magical protection.

                Well no. I took PrepHole's advice and stopped playing D&D

              • 2 years ago

                >Then it sounds like your setting has a wizard problem and guns are a nothing burger. After all, what's the point of being a Rogue or Paladin if wizard can rip out your soul from a continent away?
                This homie just caught up to where the rest of us were two decades ago, as if "wizards scale exponentially, fighters scale linearly" was some great new discovery in RPGs.
                Even the Wicked Witch of the West could kill frickers through her crystal ball, with the only counter being magical protection.

              • 2 years ago

                You could also just stop being a casterhomosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                >Seething tier 4

              • 2 years ago

                Have you tried not playing D&D

              • 2 years ago

                >Melts your Glitterboy's brain through his powered armor from the astral plane
                Nothin personnel Chrome Dome.

              • 2 years ago

                >Dies from a sore throat.

  20. 2 years ago

    real dwarfs use polearms
    cause they smol

  21. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      If you had nothing to add to the thread, there was no point in keeping it alive.

      • 2 years ago

        rock and stone.
        thank karl it isnt another ukierussie thread

        • 2 years ago

          I'm just saying. It's really easy to make an actual reply to a post if you want to keep a thread going. You might actually spawn a new discussion about the topic that way.

  22. 2 years ago


  23. 2 years ago
  24. 2 years ago


  25. 2 years ago

    >Live underground
    >Use axes with no trees

    I am assuming they grow giant mushrooms or something.

    • 2 years ago

      Tolkien's dwarves were comfortable on the surface they just made their homes and forts deep in the ground.
      They cut down trees, they had wood products and regular crops and livestock.

      • 2 years ago

        Makes a strange sort of sense. Instead of wasting what little arable land you've got on housing you dig out your home underground. It also trips up the raiders
        >Where the frick are the dwarves
        >"Oi, get off me roof!"

  26. 2 years ago

    Dwarves are near feral creatures who live in caverns dug out by ancient basilisks. They do not mine, they do not create art. They are afraid of the light. They cover themselves with the carapaces of subterranean arachnids they smashed apart with rocks.

  27. 2 years ago

    I am in a strange mood.
    I am going to claim this forge.

  28. 2 years ago

    You can't expect nothing less from a short, inferior race.

    Too dumb to use swords, too primitive to use the elegance and grace of a bow.

    • 2 years ago

      >Still messing around with a stick with string.

    • 2 years ago

      >You can't expect nothing less

  29. 2 years ago

    The only good dwarf is a shaved, dead dwarf.

    • 2 years ago

      Dwarves should be allowed to shave if they want to.

      So too should they be allowed to make use of the full range of facial hair not just beards, like a Dwarf with a spiffing moustache.

      • 2 years ago

        You can shave if you want to, you can leave your friends behind.

  30. 2 years ago

    A spear like this. For this spear the user holds a tube and thrust the spear through it kind of like a pool cue. I think this would take advantage of the dwarfs natural power and dexterity while making up for thier reach and speed.

    Rocks and slings would be good aswell, they don't require long arms, but greatly benefit from power.

    And guns, I know this is seems obvious but I don't think people get how dwarves would be so much more effective then humans with firearms. Thier stout dense bodies would allow them to absorb significantly more recoil then a human would. And their natural affinity to the forge would give dexterity that would allow them to deal with muzzle rise and follow up shot accuracy much better then a human.

  31. 2 years ago


  32. 2 years ago

    How are you this dumb OP? Because dwarves are short-armed, despite their toughness, they aren't likely to be able to sever limbs with a sword, or reach the head with a mace/ hammer. Meanwhile, axes:

    >Shaped vaguely like a pickaxe, something which they are culturally familiar with using
    >Can be made in smaller sizes
    >Get important advantages against armor, which is made even more important if you are also using heavy armor
    >Can also be thrown (dwarves have excellent geometry for throwing, which is why they also use throwing axes.)

    That all being said, while axes will always be the melee weapon of choice-- in my opinion, they should be using javelins or, better yet, throwing pikes from a short distance, instead of throwing axes. Then again, I guess they benefit from cross-training with normal axes... Ho hum.

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