How would you have done it?

How would you have done it?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    It wasn't possible from the get-go. All things considered it worked out pretty well, but then the idiot decides to fly in Russian air space

    • 5 months ago

      The plan hinged on Surovikin turning it into a proper coup/mutiny, but he chickened out at the last minute. Not sure if it would've succeeded in anything more than a protracted civil war, but they would have held Moscow at least.

  2. 5 months ago

    I'm guessing his family got threatened. But I would have just kept going. There's no way they'd be safe either way

    • 5 months ago

      Step one: find the private data of whatever agent contacted you
      Step two: tell them you will hurt HIS family even more if he doesn't back off

      The fact that they had to resort to making threats about the family and Wagner just rolling towards Moscow meant they actually feared about losing. So threatening their family right back would be decently effective. Even better if you had the intelligence to tell them where their kids are RIGHT NOW.

      Other than that: your men need to see it through even if they doom their families, they must be aware and agree to that from the start. Only if the vast majority of your men are willing to sacrifice their families do you go through with it.

      In short: "If you threaten one of my family members I will kill 10 by skinning them alive of yours once we take over!" (and now you know why Civil Wars are so bloody)

      • 5 months ago

        Anon, they probably sent him a video of chechens raping his entire family

  3. 5 months ago

    stay in africa forever after ceasefire

  4. 5 months ago

    I would not have trusted King Potato

  5. 5 months ago

    Imagine being literally few hours from getting historic status and becoming the legend, who saved millions slavs from getting cubed, and then bailing out, just to then be bombed and die like a pussy he was.

    • 5 months ago

      He was trying to win a fight over PMC market control with Woody, not do a coup — so, YES, obviously when people start dying he gets scared and develops cold feet.

    • 5 months ago

      >who saved millions slavs from getting cubed
      I don't where you come from, but you do realize this guy basically reintroduced actual meatwave tactics with convicts in this war?

      • 5 months ago

        Had he succeeded at his coup or died trying, he would've been remembered as a hero who stood up to Putin.
        And if people remember you fondly, the ugly details are easy to forget or overlook

    • 5 months ago

      He could not have taken Moscow with the size of forces he had. He was banking on all the Russian Forces along the way joining him on his way to Moscow, but they didn't. Didn't try to stop him but wouldn't join him.

      • 5 months ago

        >He could not have taken Moscow with the size of forces he had

        He most likely could have, but so what? "congratulations, you captured the capital. Unfortunately this is not a video game with control points and timers, so sit back and enjoy your temporary success while we bring in the necessary reinforcements to utterly obliterate you"

        Cities and buildings and thrones are meaningless, the only government in power is the one that the vast majority of people agree is the one in power.

    • 5 months ago

      I still wonder what would happen if he kept going, all the way to Moscow into Kremlin. I genuinely think the resistance would be minimal based on the rather tepid response from the Air Force with their blunders, and he and his forces could dig in while having himself quite a leverage.

      • 5 months ago

        It was clear the Moscow garrison was gearing up for a fight. Putin keeps his most loyal fanatical troops close, they are different from the air force, which is actually the least loyal branch.

        • 5 months ago

          >Putin keeps his most loyal fanatical troops close

          Rosgvardiya is green as frick and only good at beating up protesters, they'd shit and piss themselves when faced with actual combat veterans and probably surrender en masse.
          They're no "palace guards" lmao, they're more like a cross of Volkssturm and Hitlerjugend.

          • 5 months ago

            The still had a numerical advantage in a urban environment regardless

          • 5 months ago

            They were supposedly getting more artillery and armor after the march for justice.

        • 5 months ago

          >Putin keeps his most loyal fanatical troops close
          the only people fanatical about the ideology putin claims to represent are guys like girkin

  6. 5 months ago

    If I want to live, thunder rush to the border with Georgia.

  7. 5 months ago

    Done what? Win a fight over access to the PMC market with Woody? Nothing short of getting Putin fully on my side. If you mean the /k/ fantasy version of events "Prigo does a coup", then I’d be working with the U.S. glowies to arrange for something much more meaningful than a a few thousand Wagners in a convoy to Moscow which could have been crushed instantly at any time.

    • 5 months ago

      >a few thousand Wagners in a convoy to Moscow which could have been crushed instantly at any time.
      By what? The Russian army was dead at this point, ensured by Shoigu, there was nobody to resist the 5000 battle hardened Wagner forces.

      • 5 months ago

        Let's be honest here for a moment, there are loads of military aircraft that can take off from bases at/around Moscow and a bunch of artillery units in Moscow alone, the guy had some SHORAD, APC/IFVs and infantry.
        Unless he managed to secure widespread support, which he failed to do, he was always gonna get pulverized on approaches to Moscow when the people with the clenched ass realized he wasn't gonna stop.

      • 5 months ago

        ISW said in passing the other day that essentially the entire russian army was in eastern ukraine. I'd love to know the hard numbers on that.

        • 5 months ago

          Moscow will always be garrisoned to protect Putin from internal power grabs. ISW never said the entire Russian military is in Eastern Ukraine lol

          • 5 months ago

            that's where the word 'essentially' came in. not the whole thing, but almost everybody ready for the front line.

            I'm assuming there's still tens of thousands of regular troops, training units, reserves, home guard, etc but I'd love the numbers. Maybe in 15 years when some memoirs come out.

  8. 5 months ago

    Russian troops were not shooting at them. I would just have kept going. He was dead either way.

    • 5 months ago

      An attack helicopter engaged them. And got shot down I think.

      • 5 months ago

        Yep, near Voronezh the Wagner convoy to Moscow was engaged by 2 KA-52. Unfortunately for them Wagner their own Strela-10 covering the area.1 was shot down and 1 narrowly escaped. At some point in the short coup one Mi-8. three Mi-8MTPR-1, and one Mi-35 were also shot down by wagner.

  9. 5 months ago

    Anyone who thought he had a genuine chance is blinded by the whole situation. The guy only had a couple thousand men at best, a lot of whom were left at Rostov. Priggy was clearly hoping his rhetoric of removing the corrupt degenerates at the top would resonate with common soldiers who would join him in droves, but instead everyone just refused to do anything, waiting to see what happens. It's also the reason why the column was so trigger happy when it came to Russian aircraft - any successful aerial attack could potentially eliminate a good portion of his forces
    It was fun to see the Russian gooberment in full panic mode, but you really can't hope to take and hold Moscow with a handful of tanks and a couple hundred dudes

    • 5 months ago

      He had enough firepower to destroy Moscow's road system and completely shut down the nerve centre of Russia's economy.
      He didn't need to hold it, just raze its infrastructure.

  10. 5 months ago

    First things first, I wouldn't, I'd just have fricked off to Africa because I like living.
    If I had to, I'd keep going and tried to catch Rosgvardia on the outskirts of Moscow with their pants down and get them to mass surrender or collaborate.
    This would probably result in my forces getting vaporized by artillery and aircraft when they realized I wasn't gonna back down, but knowing the outcome, I'd have risked the 1% chance of success over a 100% chance of getting window'd after I back down.

  11. 5 months ago

    Get the best available men I had to assault a nuclear weapons depot. Go for the nuclear artillery shells since they're basic b***h gun-type rounds with no interlocks. Preferably the 152mm shells if possible. Force negotiations to your own favor. Die when everyone says pulling a metal gear isn't allowed and they bomb me back into dust.

    • 5 months ago

      There was a silo right next door to Rostov right?

      • 5 months ago

        It was in Voronezh.
        Wagner had captured the facility, but they didn’t actually enter the nuclear stockpile silos.
        Imagine if they seized them and took them back to Rostov as a last resort weapon.

        • 5 months ago

          What the frick would they do with them, build a big slingshot to lob them with?

          • 5 months ago

            Threaten to detonated it in Rostov if the army fought them.

            • 5 months ago

              Detonate it HOW?

              • 5 months ago

                With a hammer

  12. 5 months ago

    wasn't this guy a fricking waiter before he became a PMC guru?
    yeah it was never going to work out for him

    • 5 months ago

      Caterer actually. Punished Prigozhin, A caterer denied his kitchen.

    • 5 months ago

      Yep. Started with a hotdog stand and through knowing the right people he got to owning a luxury restaurant, then providing catering for the Kremlin, then providing food for the Army and prison system.
      Pretty decent career progression honestly.
      Had he not decided to start Wagner, he would've lived a comfy life and probably wouldn't even have caught too much shit from the West, he was simply a businessman running a pretty innocent and legitimate business, especially by Russian standards.

      • 5 months ago

        Problem is, had he not started Wagner, he wouldn't have been as close to the inner circle as he was.
        Plus his businesses would've had to pay jizya to the silovik kleptokratura.
        Under Putin's system, non-siloviki are to be kept away from any real power.

        • 5 months ago

          He was pretty good friends with Putin even before that, not to mention a billionaire with several lucrative government contracts. He didn't really need Wagner to further his influence.
          There is a possibility that, because he had the resources, he was coerced into starting it in a time when Putin saw the need for a private army with plausible deniability.

          • 5 months ago

            >he was coerced into starting it
            Ah, very true, this is something Navalny has often spoken about in various videos and interviews.
            Since most of Putin's minions (with very few exceptions) operate at the tsar's pleasure, were the tsar to become displeased with said courtier's behavior (ex. if said individual were to refuse a "request"), things would start going very wrong, very quickly for that person.

      • 5 months ago

        It was always a money laundering business for the Kremlin mob, anon. And he was always just the face, Utkin ran the operations

      • 5 months ago

        he started as a thief in late ussr and was in prison for like 10 years, even more impressive he got this far

      • 5 months ago

        >he was simply a businessman running a pretty innocent and legitimate business, especially by Russian standards

        He choked an old woman half to death just so he could steal her boots and earrings when he was 20, I refuse to believe for a second his business was anywhere near legitimate.

      • 5 months ago

        >through knowing the right people
        let me explain how this pretty legitimate business worked, the right people gave him contracts to supply food to prisons and the military because he would deliver substandard food, pocket some of the difference and give them the rest, launder money for them, and generally do criminal things. Now what happens when someone else says they'll replace you and give them a higher cut? What happens when one of your friends says help me with this problem or not only will I not renew your contract but I'll start an investigation into your corruption? The idea that he could have just been some innocent guy who's friends were all siloviki is ridiculous, you need power just to survive in that environment

        • 5 months ago

          >the right people gave him contracts to supply food to prisons and the military because he would deliver substandard food, pocket some of the difference and give them the rest
          I mean, isn't that how most government contracts work, to various extents? Especially by Eastern Europe, that's nothing out of the ordinary.
          Of course, the latter part of your post is where it gets sketchy, in most of the world you'd just pay the guy off but it's Russia so it's a given he's got a few former friends swimming on the bottom of Neva. But that's also quite hard to prove and he had enough money to make it go away regardless of who does the investigating.
          So, an average businessman as far as anyone knows or cares to prove

      • 5 months ago

        some say he used to wait out in public toilets for other men to start taking a shit, and then steal their hat

        • 5 months ago

          Now that's a grindset

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        Caterer actually. Punished Prigozhin, A caterer denied his kitchen.

        wasn't this guy a fricking waiter before he became a PMC guru?
        yeah it was never going to work out for him

        "They say revenge is a dish best served cold. And what better dish to serve this summer than a refreshing Russian cold soup. Today we will be taking a recipe from Chef Prig's personal cookbook and making Okroshka, this time on Tasting History."

        • 5 months ago

          Wow, a fellow Max Miller fan on fricking /k/. What a time to be alive.

          • 5 months ago

            Not him but I love it because it combines my great love of two things together. Max is a treasure.

        • 5 months ago

          not the reference I was expecting to see today

        • 5 months ago

          Damn, the intro jingle started in my head the moment I stopped reading your post.
          Well done.

        • 5 months ago

          Frick yeah, Max Miller rules.

  13. 5 months ago

    step one: make sure that plenty of your loot is out of reach for the state
    step two: arrange for your and the families of your upper rank guys to be on vacation. Just no home so they can be quickly moved while the government figures out where they are and how to nab them.
    step three: ? ? ? ?
    step four: don't get shot down with all your top guys in one plane

  14. 5 months ago

    92% of insurrections end just before entering capital

  15. 5 months ago

    I would have destroyed the Kremlin. Red Square and Lenin's Grave in a suicidal terrorist thunder run.

  16. 5 months ago

    would AOC do a better job of overthrowing the US government if she were to pursue a career as a PMC commander?
    origins as a waiter and a bartender i feel is pretty similar

    • 5 months ago

      I wish I could visit this timeline, but I seriously doubt more than 20-30% of Americans would stand by and allow a coup. In either direction. Prigo only got as far as he did because of the unique cultural apathy of the Blyadtniks

    • 5 months ago

      I’ve spilled gallons of cum jerking off to aoc. I’d kill a man just to lick one of her nipples.

      • 5 months ago

        >I’ve spilled gallons of cum jerking off to aoc.

        idk prigo's soldiers were mostly made up of desperate poorgays and criminals while AOC's soldiers would be mostly made up of limp wristed twitter warriors and coomers

        >AOC's soldiers would be mostly made up of limp wristed twitter warriors and coomers

        don't underestimate the coomer
        he can strong arm any man or woman

        >don't underestimate the coomer
        That's what Prigozhin lacked. His soldiers weren't jerking off to his image, well... at least I hope not. I know the October Revolution technically occurred during No Nut November because Russia still used the Julian calendar, but he needed someone like this:


    • 5 months ago

      idk prigo's soldiers were mostly made up of desperate poorgays and criminals while AOC's soldiers would be mostly made up of limp wristed twitter warriors and coomers

      • 5 months ago

        don't underestimate the coomer
        he can strong arm any man or woman

    • 5 months ago

      M I L K

    • 5 months ago


  17. 5 months ago

    Don't go to Moscow but rather stay Rostov, build up your base of support by flipping army units to your side and hold the entire Ukrainian front's logistical supply hostage without ever explicitly saying so. Maybe false flag as Ukrainians so you have an excuse to not stand down.
    Monke won't do shit and you can become the de facto warlord of Rostov region and tax the army supply lines for a couple years, then the real fun can begin.

    • 5 months ago

      Priggy was given an ultimatum by Woody regarding turning over Wagner to the MoD. The deadline was approaching quickly. Had he done nothing, he would've risked being arrested for refusing an official order.

  18. 5 months ago

    Wait, is Priggo PrepHole?

  19. 5 months ago

    I wouldn't.
    When marching against your own country (ESPECIALLY when it's de facto an authoritarian regime) you either go all the way or you don't go at all, because without becoming the big boss death is guaranteed in your near future.
    I don't think Prigozhin could have realistically pulled off a coup, coups happen quickly and ideally the first time you find out about it is when it already happened, Prigozhin turning was made known a good distance away from the capital and the best case scenario for what he was doing was a very long civil war.
    Not that I think he was actually trying to do a coup, especially considering his rhetoric was "Putin's a good boy, those around him are lying to him" (which is what everyone says when they march against a popular dictator or monarch throughout history, shit don't change), I think he was counting on his popularity to get the kremlin to meet him half way and when they didn't he went "uh oh, I wasn't actually expecting that".

    Prigozhin's march on Moscow is the military equivalent to initiating a game of gay chicken and chickening out first while also being the only person who thinks what he did is amusing resulting in him being known as the gay moron for the rest of his life and losing all his friends.

  20. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Imagine if Pantsirs weren't so completely dogshit, there could have been way more Russian air casualties that day.

    • 5 months ago

      Pity it didn't hit, but at least the sonic boom as the missile went past the cameraman was pretty cool to hear

  21. 5 months ago

    Whether it would have succeeded or not really depends on if the Government entirely fled Moscow, and whether the armed units started obeying Wagner in the absence of any authority. I cannot speak to that, I doubt anyone outside Russia could, but the fact very few people were trying to defend Putin before the deal bodes poorly, even if they weren't rallying to Prigozhin in turn. Public apathy cuts both way, like in the October revolution where while in absolute terms very few people bothered to support the Bolsheviks, even fewer bothered to support Kerensky. The success of the mutiny depended on how deep that apathy cut.

    Regardless, it really was a mistake to abandon the march. The Rubicon was firmly behind him, and from that point it was going to end with one of them dead. Which it did. He was a massive silly billy.

  22. 5 months ago

    become the bomb, king hit the putan man.

  23. 5 months ago

    I would have looted the Kremlin and fled to Argentina. If Prigozhin had successfully coup'd Putin, all he would have done is prove to every two-bit, wannabe-warlord oligarch that they too could take over Russia through force. Not to mention the US would come in to stabilize Russia and prevent their nukes from ending up in the wrong hands. It was basically a suicide mission to take over.

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