How the PLA and China Armed Police are going to fight US Navy

In this KINO video, you can see how a village of villagers threw the entire company of Chinese soldiers out on their ass and do the walk of shame. *filmed in Jan 2024

>you tellin' me PLA want to die for Xi's war of aggressive on chinese taiwan?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    Is he going to be ok 🙁

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Unfortunately yes

    • 5 months ago

      No, he is chinese.

  2. 5 months ago

    Here’s who runs the SCMP btw on an unrelated note.

  3. 5 months ago

    China has been doing this shit for some time now.

    >Doesn't tax, but makes tons of money from "leasing" land
    >Somehow budget got FRICKED (Covid, preparations for Taiwan Invasion, ponzi schemes, corruptions)
    >Gotta make money from everything, about we make burials un-affordable?

  4. 5 months ago

    Not gonna watch this 20 minute video about a bunch of chinks throwing rice at each other. Qrd?

    • 5 months ago

      watch the first 5 minutes moron as you try to prevent your head from wobbling to the side and contorting your moron face, t-rex arms flailing

      • 5 months ago

        >watch the first 5 minutes
        >no blondes
        So racist!

    • 5 months ago

      Todd Crawford (leaf) run china hate channel for falun gong. Usually more accurate than their other channels. Mostly focuses on china-internal issues.

      cops evicted from some shithole after trying to seize a family's ashes bc they didn't pay burial fee.

      • 5 months ago

        >everyone who post shit about China is a liar and a Falun Gong Member

        • 5 months ago

          >Mass shen yun conspiracy
          Kind of. They're legit the biggest critics of the CCP globally, and many other critics have ties to them in one way or another.
          Not saying all do of course, just that the cult tries to take every possible avenue towards the destruction of the Chinese govt so there is an unfortunate amount of overlap.

          • 5 months ago

            >the cult tries to take every possible avenue towards the destruction of the Chinese govt
            Sounds awesome, how do I join?

            • 5 months ago

              Propagate the cult's line to an extent, like a lot of other "influencers".
              Learn Mandarin, start interacting with mainland Chinese dissidents on the dark web (there are A LOT of domestic "ratmen" who "surf").
              Obviously they are extremely cautious with what they say and do because the CCP will just disappear you and your family for no reason at the drop of a hat, but they are out there.

              Unironically stop buying Chinese manufactured goods.
              Pressure your representatives to tarif Chinese imports.
              Publicly disparage Chinese owned corpos in your state.
              Ask maga republicans you know why they don't do the same.
              It won't make a big difference until it becomes popular to do unfortunately but it might make you feel better.

          • 5 months ago

            >shen yun
            Those buttholes should be forced to put that they're a weird cult on their travelling show flyers. I got dragged to one not knowing what it was and I want my time and money back.

            • 5 months ago

              >I want my time and money back.
              I've heard it starts out pretty good, but then gets super repetitive and then you're basically forced to watch the same thing for three hours which seems about right for a production put in by a cult.
              Is that on the level anon?

        • 5 months ago

          >Mass shen yun conspiracy
          Kind of. They're legit the biggest critics of the CCP globally, and many other critics have ties to them in one way or another.
          Not saying all do of course, just that the cult tries to take every possible avenue towards the destruction of the Chinese govt so there is an unfortunate amount of overlap.

          Falun Gong is also pretty fricked up btw, it's a cult through and through. They used to be just another CCP lackey back in the 80s and 90s, until they got too big and begin to threaten CCP's dominance. that's when Falun Gong got it's own night of the long knives.

          • 5 months ago

            >Falun Gong is also pretty fricked up btw
            Oh totally. I'm not presenting them as innocent/respectable/etc., like any other cult they're pretty sad and detestable in my eyes, and I don't want to interact with them at all.
            The fact remains that they're almost certainly the largest single non-state pervasive thorn to remain stuck in CCP's side in the modern day though.

          • 5 months ago

            >Mass shen yun conspiracy
            Kind of. They're legit the biggest critics of the CCP globally, and many other critics have ties to them in one way or another.
            Not saying all do of course, just that the cult tries to take every possible avenue towards the destruction of the Chinese govt so there is an unfortunate amount of overlap.

            >Yeah, it's a CULT
            Yeah, like we didn't matter

        • 5 months ago

          frick off.
          >Vision Times operates multiple YouTube channels, including China Observer, China Insights and Vision Times Post.

          • 5 months ago

            >frick off
            I wish I was paid as a CCP chill on PrepHole, especially on /k/
            On how superior the Chinese weapons are.
            China Aircraft Carrier is superior over the US

            Cyrus Janssen, Nathan Rich, Barrett, Jason Lightfoot and that Black person from Jayoe Nation

            • 5 months ago

              you clearly don't need to paid to spam this board with generic china shit. how many CHINA IS DONE screenshot threads has it been? 50? 100? just clip the funny shit and mix it into replies of on-topic threads, like someone who isn't an obsessive socially-inept gay.

              i occasionally watch, and broadly recommend, the channel you linked. it's good for what it is. alternatives are gutter oil-tier trash. now post it on /misc/ where it belongs.

            • 5 months ago

              >I wish I was paid as a CCP chill on PrepHole, especially on /k/
              Liar, you post the same clips and pics in every even remotely China related thread, clearly the glowies pay better.

  5. 5 months ago

    Interesting video, not sure how the ccp dogs lost to some villagers, but I can only assume the government will not turn a blind eye to this. They will either starve the village by blocking any products from going into the village, or will just go in and just kill them and suppress any news of it.

  6. 5 months ago

    Got a fu vid?

  7. 5 months ago

    Stuff like this gives me hope that China itself is still salvageable, it's just the CCP that needs to go.

    • 5 months ago

      >it's just the CCP that needs to go.
      Not in 300 years!

    • 5 months ago

      >China itself is still salvageable
      Maybe. Something like 80% of all ground water isn't fit for human contact.
      Not consumption, CONTACT.
      Furthermore, 50-60% isn't fit for any industrial purpose.
      The contamination from decades of being the cheapest chrome shop on superfund street is that bad.
      Heavy metals are present in every child born in the mainland.
      They're in the agriculture, the textiles, the wildlife, etc.
      It's bad. The removal of subdermal bodily abscesses is unbelievably widespread, as a result of the consumption of impure or substandard food products on top of lifelong exposure to airborne and environmental contamination, and things aren't getting better fast enough.
      They're also facing rolling drought and crop failures, which are only going to get worse as global warming continues.
      Even if you get rid of the government it's going to be a challenge long-term.

      • 5 months ago

        you got any sources where I can read about this? not doubting, I didn't realize it was this bad. Would like to read

        • 5 months ago

          The water claims came directly from China's ministry of water resources in 2016, it was their first public release of data.
          I don't think the ministry was allowed to release data anymore after that because it was obviously fricking terrible news.

          Regarding the bodily abscesses, here is an English language study mentioning liver abscesses (only one type, there are dozens of other kinds of bodily abscesses) where they note it's increasing commonality as well as the causes:
          >Recently, PLA has become an emerging health problem in Shanghai society in China. A variety of risk factors, including different uncontrolled underlying diseases such as diabetes mellitus and cholelithiasis, dietary composition, food safety, emotional stress, and environmental pollution may contribute

          • 5 months ago

            nta but thanks also, i assumed it was bad but holy hell


            • 5 months ago

              >i assumed it was bad but holy hell
              Yeah, it's really bad. It makes sense though.
              In the U.S., the river water in Ohio was so bad that one river literally caught on fire more than 10 times in the 60s, which is a big part of why the EPA came into being.
              That was the result of industry manufacturing goods that were largely used in the US alone, for less than 150 million people.
              After the 60s, all that manufacturing moved over to China where they could pollute all they wanted.
              Then China cranked it to 11 and decided to become the world's factory while also having next to no environmental regulation.
              The end result is pollution on a scale that will haunt them for centuries.

  8. 5 months ago

    >the virgin US LARPer8tor fed post versus the chad Chinese peasant chimpout

  9. 5 months ago

    based cat-people

    • 5 months ago

      cute an d bozar pilled

  10. 5 months ago

    The Japanese whooped up on the Chinese pretty hard.
    The US whooped up on the Japanese.
    Ergo, the US can whoop up on the Chinese.
    It's simple algebra, brah.

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