How much blubber is needed to stop a 9mm? At what point can being a fat obese person save you from bullets?

How much blubber is needed to stop a 9mm? At what point can fat save you from bullets?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    Why do people let themselves get to that point? Unironically, after realizing i could barely fit in my pants, i started working out.

    • 4 months ago

      The sads.

    • 4 months ago

      No idea.

      >don't eat as much
      >move around more
      That simple, it's what I did once I hit 93kg and realized I developed a gut. You have to be weary of going from your 20's into your 30's otherwise you just end up a fat frick one day. If you were fat during your 20's already then I can imagine that shit just ballooning until you're on some reality TV show getting your ass wiped by a nurse.

      • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        Many of them are terrified of accountability and treat turning their body into a prison of flesh as an escape from the responsibility inherent to having the ability to do things.

        You just stop caring once you get older, and realize death is near anyway

        It all comes down to
        >not caring
        >not moving alot
        People stop working their .muscles and their bodies started to conserve energy after realizing it doesn't need that much to sustain their body. People need to work out and also watch over their caloric maintenance/metabolic rates.

    • 4 months ago

      Many of them are terrified of accountability and treat turning their body into a prison of flesh as an escape from the responsibility inherent to having the ability to do things.

      • 4 months ago

        How does that offer them an escape?

        • 4 months ago

          They become helpless and attract co-dependents.

    • 4 months ago

      You just stop caring once you get older, and realize death is near anyway

    • 4 months ago

      I was 254lbs at my peak and felt like a fat sack of shit. it's mind blowing people manage to get well into the 400+ range, and that it's not even that uncommon now.

      • 4 months ago

        it's mind blowing people manage to get well into the 250+ range, and that it's not even that uncommon now.

        • 4 months ago

          I was 254lbs at my peak and felt like a fat sack of shit. it's mind blowing people manage to get well into the 400+ range, and that it's not even that uncommon now.

          The real question is, how does their body manage it? Whenever I eat some real slop for dinner I'll be paying for it with plenty of chest pain. But they do it every day, day after day.

        • 4 months ago

          >be me
          >was +250
          >get job that involves lots of walking
          >simultaneously start giving a damn about my weight and going to rec center
          >slimming down
          >at roughly 210 now, goes up and down a few pounds in swings
          >feel better than I have in years
          It's not too difficult, especially if you avoid corn syrup, sugar, and śôÿ. Also, proper portioning is a must. A little effort can yield good results.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm 6'6" with a large, muscular build. I am skinny at 245 and normal in the 260-270 range. But yes, for a manlet with a woman's physique, 250 is fat as frick.

    • 4 months ago

      No idea.

      >don't eat as much
      >move around more
      That simple, it's what I did once I hit 93kg and realized I developed a gut. You have to be weary of going from your 20's into your 30's otherwise you just end up a fat frick one day. If you were fat during your 20's already then I can imagine that shit just ballooning until you're on some reality TV show getting your ass wiped by a nurse.

      5'9", always hovered around 135-145 depending on the time of year, super lean without having to put in much effort or watch what I eat. I turned 22, started law school, and gained 25lbs in about a year. The alarm bells went off one day when I realized "holy shit I'm getting a gut". Started eating right and working out everyday. It really isn't hard to work out, either. I Just do pushups and got a hunting dog so I'm forced to go on long walks everyday, simple as
      Gotta keep your figure in check in your mid 20's, otherwise you're fricked by 30

    • 4 months ago

      >300+ Ibs
      >lack any motivation to work out since im just gonna die anyways
      >even if I force myself to do it, body suffers extreme pain from it, destroying what little motivation I could muster up
      >chronic issues turned my heart into a ticking timebomb
      >nowhere to go to work out, don't possess workout equipment
      >food is one of the only pleasures I get out of life anymore
      >too poor to do much of anything, let alone buying and maintaining a firearm
      >struggle to think straight anymore
      >despise myself more than anyone else on the planet for letting it get this bad
      >lack direction in life, just floating by as the years tick on
      Honestly, I don't even know how it got to this point anymore, Let alone how I can get myself to fix it. Don't let yourselves go, It's hell. Thanks for reading my blog.

      • 4 months ago

        You have to be the change you want. Your life won't change until you make it change. Walking around your neighborhood on a regular basis for ~15 minutes would be a great start. I wish you best the anon, don't give up.

        • 4 months ago

          Get on a low dose of Adderall and start with going on walks, you fat frick.

          You are not special. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Your pain is not more excruciating than that of others. Suffer the pain of chiseling your own marble, or suffer the pain of being a lardball and its attendant regrets and health issues, your choice

          Unironically go on walks everyday. Start small but be consistent. If you accomplish that you'll start getting out of the moronic "whats the point mindset." You're not a piece of shit anon, people fall into this trap all the time, you are strong enough to break out.

          I'd say get a dog to encourage you to walk every day, but you'd probably just eat it

          You know what, I think I'll that this advice. Being a fat piece of shit sucks and I really want to try to make some change this year... Even if only a little change. Thank you anons, I'll strive to do my best to be a better person.

          • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        Get on a low dose of Adderall and start with going on walks, you fat frick.

      • 4 months ago

        You are not special. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Your pain is not more excruciating than that of others. Suffer the pain of chiseling your own marble, or suffer the pain of being a lardball and its attendant regrets and health issues, your choice

      • 4 months ago

        Unironically go on walks everyday. Start small but be consistent. If you accomplish that you'll start getting out of the moronic "whats the point mindset." You're not a piece of shit anon, people fall into this trap all the time, you are strong enough to break out.

      • 4 months ago

        I'd say get a dog to encourage you to walk every day, but you'd probably just eat it

    • 4 months ago

      The junk food revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

      • 4 months ago

        Its not just junk food, people aren't exercising that much either. All that calories and having a sedentary lifestyle. The average american eats like 3-4k calories per day while the calorie maintenance is like 1.5-2.5k calories per day.

        • 4 months ago

          The lack of exercise doesn't help but junk food is still the biggest issue. I ate at mcdonalds for a while and it was crazy how I could easily eat 2000 calories of burgers without feeling full. Meanwhile 2000 calories of pretty much anything else would've made me vomit.

          • 4 months ago

            >2000 calories of burgers
            Thats the issue. Burgers aren't exactly nutritious and eating 2000 calories of them will definitely not make you full. Aside from that, we have a portion problem. People eat too much calories than what their bodies can handle a day.

    • 4 months ago

      Some people genuinely have physiological issues. They don't feel full ever and their bodies are really good at digesting and storing fat. That wouldn't be an issue if food was limited or if +1k cal worth of daily activity was normal (keep in mind running for 30min straight is something like 300cal). Physiological traits that could make you the best in emergencies may make you the worst in modern life.
      That said, not everyone is suffering from these issues, some are simply fat because of more mental issues. Like if you're fat, how bad is having a bit more fat, and step by step they get larger, it's not like they go from normal to 600lb overnight so they don't realize it.

  2. 4 months ago

    Like, a shot to the gut? I think you'd need to be quite a bit fatter than picrel.

  3. 4 months ago

    realistically I don't think anybody can get that fat, your body would probablyu give out before you reach that point

    • 4 months ago

      This. By the time you're fat enough to survive the bullet, you're dead from obesity.

  4. 4 months ago

    Didn't Mythbusters cover that once?

  5. 4 months ago

    U N I T

  6. 4 months ago

    does the dick just cease to exist at this point?

    • 4 months ago


  7. 4 months ago

    finally, a reason for ash to live.

  8. 4 months ago

    How are malnourished terrorists obese?

    • 4 months ago

      The Arab world suffers from high rates of obesity and diabetes due to the excessive amounts of carbs and sweets they consume. This is especially prevalent in gulf Arab nations.

      • 4 months ago

        It mainly has to do with their main diet being that of bread and many arabs are not actively working out. So its mainly eating lots of empty calories and not using that energy.

      • 4 months ago

        Arabs outside of the Middle East also struggle with this past a certain age. Back in college almost 10 years ago I worked at a furniture store with this Iraqi guy. He was pretty cool and we hung out a few times and talked about cars. He was fairly fit but ate like shit— McDonald’s and Wendy’s for lunch almost every day. He claimed that he just had a very high metabolism. I checked him out on Facebook last year and he became an absolute fat frick. Over 300 pounds easily.

        • 4 months ago

          Thats not because of McDonalds. Its likely that his metabolism took a dip and became sedentary. Its likely that he stopped exercising and ate more than what his body can use up.

    • 4 months ago

      The Arab world suffers from high rates of obesity and diabetes due to the excessive amounts of carbs and sweets they consume. This is especially prevalent in gulf Arab nations.

      >go from modest desert nomads eating dates and nuts to oil barons that eat a whole lamb with a gallon of olive oil
      The price of luxury.

  9. 4 months ago

    Probably more than a foot; ballistic gel is closer to muscle than fat and 9mm will go through at least a foot so you would definitely need way more than that to stop a bullet using just fat.

  10. 4 months ago

    As an american, this is why I carry flat nose fmj. Straighter and Superior penetration to round nose fmj.

    I'm not trolling. High velocity physics are weird. Look it up.

    • 4 months ago

      This is true. Truncated cone penetrates deeper and straighter than round-nose FMJ, and it creats a better wound track as well, just about splitting the different in the ice-pick wounding of FMJ and the larger wound tracks of expanded hollow points. This is why I stack truncated cone ammo for SHTF. Cheap option that penetrates like a mother and still has decent wounding ability.

  11. 4 months ago

    Quite a lot, its not a good ballistic material, you need over a foot of it, and that is still a wound.

  12. 4 months ago

    luckily they made a show just for this kinda stupid ass question

  13. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago


      How does that offer them an escape?

      They become helpless and attract co-dependents.

      This can only be possible having some social network of enablers and supporters, otherwise would she even be able to live by herself, using only her won muscle energy?

      > whale_explosion.gif

    • 4 months ago

      >you want these donut holes and timbits? You’re gunna have to earn them!
      Unzips pants

    • 4 months ago

      She looks like the sort to scream "check your privilege" right before swallowing a starving African child whole

  14. 4 months ago

    >DOD contractors worried about the blow back from all the propaganda they get paid to play

  15. 4 months ago

    Depends whether its HP or FMJ

  16. 4 months ago

    Just past the point where you're too fat to shoot back or run from follow on fire.

  17. 4 months ago

    Just carry FMJs if you are dealing with morbidly obese threats, might need to step it up to something larger

  18. 4 months ago

    I bet you could tank a .223 V-max to the gut if you were 400+ lbs. That's a very optimistic scenario, though, and you'd still have a 6" wide ball of damaged tissue that is going to suck more than anything you could imagine.

  19. 4 months ago

    I don't understand what the point would be. Die quick from a bullet, or die slowly from type 2 diabetes, getting your feet amputated when they rot and turn gangrenous. I'll take the bullet, thanks

  20. 4 months ago

    Even the fattest fricks of all time are not stopping a 9mm to the chest. Hollow points are going 10-20" and FMJs and truncated cone designs are going like 30-40".

  21. 4 months ago

    I'd hate to break this to you but having a bullet slow down and come to a stop inside your body causes even more grevious injuries than it going right through you. Even if all that fricking fat stopped the round from coming into contact with major organs, it would still cause massive blood loss and likely death.

    • 4 months ago

      people don't realise
      >Energy Not leaving body
      You are fricked
      >Energy leaving body
      Through and through, keep on trucking

  22. 4 months ago

    It's just like heroin addiction.

    Initially the sweets and the trash meat sandwiches taste great and send your brain to the land of contentment, sugar gives you a boost while fat takes the edge off, the salt and electrolytes feel healthy. If you like the feeling too much you'll just keep going until you eat an entire cheesecake and some burgers and fries. To make matters worse, when you eat like that all you wanna do is lay around and soak in the feeling- you're not inspired to go play soccer, that's just gonna make you dizzy and need to take a shit. The opportunities to do this to yourself at the level of a medieval king are endless, you can drive 2 miles in one direction and have one garbage feast, drive 2 miles the other direction, repeat ad nauseam. You can do this to the tune of 10K calories with 1/2 a day's wages.

    If you're stupid or depressed or have some other hardship, and don't mind the feeling of always needing to paint your toilet and needing to lay down because you're too full, you can live in that state until you get to astronomical size. You will have hardships along the way, but food will be there at every turn with an easy solution- eat me and your headache goes away, eat me and you can take a nap, eat me and then shitposting will be fun again, drink some beers and eat some pizza and you will be fun to hang out with and won't feel what you've done to yourself anymore.

    Exercise and fasting can achieve some of the same things- squat this heavy shit and the world goes away, all you can do afterwards is lay down and breathe heavy, eat some protein, fiber and water, you feel great. But convincing your body to do the hardest thing its ever done, while every cell is screaming at you to stop, that's something a lot of people can't achieve. Jogging while fat is agony, you beat the shit out of your feet and feel like you're going to die. The rewards are amazing once you discover endorphins, but it is hard to get there and takes education.

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