How many myths were debunked with Russia x Ukraine?

Here is my list:

1) Russian Thermobaric Rockets are ultra deadly!

2) Reactive armor works

3) T-90 is the best tank of the world

4) KA-52m is a really good attack helicopter

5) Spetsnaz is a special force

6) Su-35 is one of the best 4th gen

7) The BMPT Terminator should be feared

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 11 months ago

    bait thread

  2. 11 months ago

    >Reactive armor works
    Thats not a myth
    They do work against threats they were designed against
    >T-90 is the best tank of the world
    No one believed this, the only T-90 variant even in the same region of the M1A2 is the T-90M
    The more numerous T-90A doesnt even have CITV

    • 11 months ago

      No matter how many times they change its name, it's still a T-72, and it's still a shitheap. No, thermals for the TC and more bricks of egg cartoons won't change that.

    • 11 months ago

      No matter how many times they change its name, it's still a T-72, and it's still a shitheap. No, thermals for the TC and more bricks of egg cartoons won't change that.

      A Songun-ho 216 is better than a T-72, no matter how much you try to dress up a failed 50 year old tank it doesn't matter if you spend three decades ignoring incremental development.

      Songun-ho 216s used to be T-62s just like Mervava 4 used to be Centurions from the late 1940s with a bodykit and a reversed drive train. If you don't upgade your shit for 30 years then it will be obsolete shrimple as.

      • 11 months ago

        >shitty imitation made by slave labor with less ERA is better

        • 11 months ago

          In the case of Russia vs the DPRK, yes.

      • 11 months ago

        >just like Mervava 4 used to be Centurions from the late 1940s with a bodykit and a reversed drive train
        merkava 1 shared a few components with the centurion, like tracks and wheels, but the rest of it is a totally new design
        it also shared a gun with the late model cents, but that was typical at the time, the M60 and M1 baseline had it too

        the merkava 4 is crazy far removed from the merkava 1, sharing few components with it
        much less the centurion
        its about as related to the centurion as the centurion is from the renault FT

  3. 11 months ago

    Some of them were, some of them weren't, we may never know... ir mabey we will someday

  4. 11 months ago

    Ur a moron reactive armour is not some theoretical protection system it actually functions

  5. 11 months ago

    Reactive armor works if used right

  6. 11 months ago

    Don’t Ukrainian Spetsnaz put in work?

    • 11 months ago

      >Don’t Ukrainian Spetsnaz put in work?
      Oh boy do they ever.

      • 11 months ago

        Disinfo Vatnik getting blown to hell by Ukrainian operators while running around a trench in larp gear will never not be funny

        • 11 months ago

          so did he show up after that?

          • 11 months ago

            Has yet to. I wouldn't count my chickens but it's becoming more and more likely as time goes on

          • 11 months ago

            in the meat cube.
            Unless you count a faceless twitter account claiming his death was all lies.

        • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        why does he run towards the shooting?

  7. 11 months ago

    >Spetsnaz is a special force
    I mean they were, it just so happens when you are deployed with really shitty support and even worse planning. You will find yourself in a less than ideal situation.

    • 11 months ago

      The strikes in the beginning were a clusterfrick, that is granted. They got shafted hard.
      However, after those early days, what we have seen from Spetznaz is not on the level what is considered "special forces".

      It seems that they are more like the only troops that were ACTUALLY trained and drilled to be real soldiers ...but no more than what ordinary infantry is in more serious states. The rest of Russian military is a paper tiger. They are not even regular infantry. Just meat for the grinder.
      You have heard the stories that the regular russian troops get to shoot like four times during their training, they don't get the equipment they are meant to get and never get drilled in the stuff that regular infantry is supposed to do. Most of russian military training is just being used as slave labour for something else than military training. Generals renting out their soldiers to do menial labour for whoever pays.

      The Russian "Special forces" are on the level of what regular infantry is in other countries. And on that level, they seem competent. It's a shame to see them being pushed to do the job of regular foot-sloggers, but they are the only ones competent to do that. The rest are just mobiks with grandpa's hand-me-down AK and two weeks worth of "dig trenches" training.

      Yeah, russians use their "special forces" incorrectly and in stuff that special forces are not meant to do. But they don't seem to perform any better than regular Joes from other more serious armies. Spetznaz are the only real solders Russia has.

      • 11 months ago

        >The Russian "Special forces" are on the level of what regular infantry is in other countries. And on that level, they seem competent. It's a shame to see them being pushed to do the job of regular foot-sloggers, but they are the only ones competent to do that. The rest are just mobiks with grandpa's hand-me-down AK and two weeks worth of "dig trenches" training.
        If you ever read the book about the Soviet-Afghan, you'll learn that it was the same deal at the time, only recon and special forces had any training or will to fight.

      • 11 months ago

        >Most of russian military training is just being used as slave labour for something else than military training
        It was absurd to the point of soldiers answering the first roll call not with private so-so but carpenter/ plasterer etc.
        because renovating some generals villa beats crawling in the mud any day.
        Or like that goldsmith that spent his whole conscription building gold plated T-72 models as gifts for big wigs.

      • 11 months ago

        They were using their top tier GRU spetsnaz as spearhead units in Bakhmut and Soledar, where they got absolutely shredded.
        It's one of the reasons why the MOD hate Wagner so much, he got their best troops killed and claimed all the credit.

      • 11 months ago

        I don't know about you, but I really wanted to see a bunch of circus flipping soldiers shooting rockets from the handles of their combat knives supported by future dudes in Ratnik power armor backed by robot tanks and missiles flying in at Warp 10. This whole war has been a serious let down.

      • 11 months ago

        Serious question, was the Ukrainian Army this bad prior to 2014? Could a Ukie conscript in 1995 or 2010 look forward to a year or two of building mansions for some oligarch as the highlight of his military career or were they always a step above Russians in terms of troop quality even when lacking in hardware?

        • 11 months ago

          their fighting of separatists and crimea probably gave them a wake up call of WHEN Russia will invade and not if. Before that I doubt they gave much of a care to the concept due to the puppet government.

  8. 11 months ago

    >1) Russian Thermobaric Rockets are ultra deadly!
    what the frick are you talking about, they have been very effective
    >2) Reactive armor works
    it does
    >3) T-90 is the best tank of the world
    i'll give you that one
    >4) KA-52m is a really good attack helicopter
    has been extremely effective
    >5) Spetsnaz is a special force
    they've done alright, not great
    >6) Su-35 is one of the best 4th gen
    has performed well
    >7) The BMPT Terminator should be feared
    barrel vibration memes aside, it's okay

    • 11 months ago

      Yes thermobarics rockets have been effective at getting killed. It's a thirdie weapon to impress the thirdie mind.

      • 11 months ago

        >It's a thirdie weapon to impress the thirdie mind.
        This, tbqdesu.

    • 11 months ago

      Ka-52 has been ok, I wouldn't go so far as to say "extremely effective". The fact is it might be a more decisive weapon if Russia had enough of them, but they're too few and far between to have great effect

      • 11 months ago

        It seems like they don't have nearly enough PGMs for their helicopters, and have instead been relying primarily on unguided rocket attacks, which is fine in a shithole like Afghanistan where there isn't a guy with a manpad hiding under every tree.

      • 11 months ago

        really? i have seen something completely different: attack helicopters having massive losses starting from day 1 (hostomel attack video), getting downed by manpads like crazy to the point where they are now afraid to go even close to the frontline, constantly hug the ground and fire unguided rockets into the air several miles behind the front line because there is nothing else they can do anymore.

        even the recent footage of their tank kills in sapporishia shows them shooting from very far behind the front line.

        seems to me the only time they can shine is during maneuver warfare, when there is an armoured breakthrough and the enemy hasnt yet had the time to setup a stable front line.

        if i were an apache pilot i would be very worried about what i see in ukraine. apaches wouldnt fare any better in this environment. close air support by helicopters is essentially obsolete.

        • 11 months ago

          >seems to me the only time they can shine is during maneuver warfare,
          you mean conventional war?
          all war is a form of maneuver war
          it only bogs down to positional war when generals are idiots

          >apaches wouldnt fare any better in this environment
          apches have longbow to track targets without exposing yourself to fire
          they can peek-a-boo targets with little fear of return fire

          >close air support by helicopters is essentially obsolete
          close quarters battle is literally what they are used for

        • 11 months ago

          >seems to me the only time they can shine is during maneuver warfare,
          you mean conventional war?
          all war is a form of maneuver war
          it only bogs down to positional war when generals are idiots

          >apaches wouldnt fare any better in this environment
          apches have longbow to track targets without exposing yourself to fire
          they can peek-a-boo targets with little fear of return fire

          >close air support by helicopters is essentially obsolete
          close quarters battle is literally what they are used for

          >apches have longbow to track targets without exposing yourself to fire
          This, plus these days they use them together with UAVs to do recon. Could probably use IR guided missiles as is. Slap a targeting datalink in the sucker and it's deadlier than ever.

        • 11 months ago

          >close air support by helicopters is essentially obsolete
          It's really strange how some losses from widespread use of something makes it obsolete now. I'm sure there's never ever going to be a reason you'd want a hovering missile boat because sometimes they get shot down and I guess that's just too sad.

    • 11 months ago

      Where do you get your info? Russian state media?

    • 11 months ago

      >has been extremely effective
      one time
      >what the frick are you talking about, they have been very effective

    • 11 months ago

      Everything is effective except the worries, as there are no worries here.

    • 11 months ago

      >besides abysmal accuracy
      >it's fine
      >a fire support vehicle

    • 11 months ago

      I haven't seen or heard anything of the Terminator IFV since the video of it shooting into a forest or something. But that could just be me?

      • 11 months ago

        There were a couple videos of one shooting into the forest, then there was a video of one being blown up in a suspiciously similar forest, then nothing.

      • 11 months ago

        There were like 5 of them sent into Ukraine. I dont even think that its a bad concept. A tracked heavy tank support designed to shred bipedals sounds based.

        • 11 months ago

          Concept? No. Execution? Yes.

      • 11 months ago

        There were like 5 of them sent into Ukraine. I dont even think that its a bad concept. A tracked heavy tank support designed to shred bipedals sounds based.

        Concept? No. Execution? Yes.

        Neat concept, but the Russian Army has no doctrine for it. It's a solution looking for a problem.

        • 11 months ago

          >Russia has no doctrine for it
          Wrong. It's like 1 terminator for every 3 tanks. Just because they're incompetent and can't manufacture enough doesn't mean they don't have a doctrine
          >It's a solution looking for a problem
          Debatable. The BMP2 and 3 arguably fulfill the issue they're they're seeking to solve with it. The problem does exist though.
          Think before you vomit shit from your mouth and call it a statement

          • 11 months ago

            Wrong. It was an idea to integrate the Terminator. The army didn't ask for it. Show me a doctrinal pub that has the Terminator in the order of battle or scheme of maneuver. What is the source for your information?

          • 11 months ago

            >Wrong. It's like 1 terminator for every 3 tanks. Just because they're incompetent and can't manufacture enough doesn't mean they don't have a doctrine

            this is the lowest iq thing ive read in the last 45 seconds.

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          I wonder if that was the only working one they had

    • 11 months ago

      The thing lacks range

  9. 11 months ago

    The only Myth that matters. The myth of the "Near Peer"

    No one in the world has reached where America was in the early nineties.

    • 11 months ago

      how does American shell production compare from then to now?

      • 11 months ago

        Improving, but nowhere near where it needs to be. And it won't scale up until 2025 at the earliest.

      • 11 months ago

        >betting against America rapidly ramping up production in wartime
        unwise, I would suggest

    • 11 months ago

      Truth, Europe would have been the only thing that could compete technology wise but they are so uninterested and incapable of organizing a force that "near peer" for us would require every European arms corporation to sprout up 5 more factories and every European to be replaced with warring barbarians (the later is happening regardless but the former will never)

    • 11 months ago

      were the taliban a near peer enemy?

    • 11 months ago

      >No one in the world has reached where America was in the early nineties.
      Including the US

  10. 11 months ago

    shit OP. here are a few actual myths that were debunked:
    >Russia will flatten Ukraine in 3 days.
    This didn't happen.
    >Countries will use their equipment up from most modern to most obsolete.
    Instead, we see "obsolete" equipment being repurposed, e.g. T-55s being used as fire support instead of tanks
    >Western tanks (e.g. the Leo 2) are better BECAUSE they will win in tank vs tank battles
    Once again, most tanks are disabled / killed by mines, artillery, ATGMs, attack helicopters, and pretty much anything that isn't an enemy tank.
    >Trench warfare is obsolete
    it's not
    >Ukraine is Russia
    People used to think USSR = Russia. Now products of the Ukrainian SSR, like "Ostrov Sokrovish", are recognized as being from Ukraine. I guess this is one good outcome of the war.
    >Bombs and missiles can destroy bridges
    We saw how, for example, HIMARS rockets made a good puncture in a bridge but didn't destroy it. Even the Kerch bridge bomb, which was huge, only partially destroyed the segment of the bridge it blew up on. Infrastructure is pretty strong!
    >The Su-57 will never be used
    It managed to become the first 5th-gen fighter with a kill against an enemy fighter.

    • 11 months ago

      >Once again, most tanks are disabled / killed by mines, artillery, ATGMs, attack helicopters, and pretty much anything that isn't an enemy tank.
      >confirmation bias at work
      its because russians dotn want to engage with a superior tank force at all
      and the older T-72 and T-62s are spread out thinly instead of concentrated because thats all their good for, leading to higher losses against non-tanks because they support infantry against enemy infantry

      • 11 months ago

        >its because russians dotn want to engage with a superior tank force at all
        "tanks aren't the main killer of tanks" isn't unique to this conflict - it's been true for as long as tanks have been around.
        >superior tank force
        Russia and Ukraine mostly use basically the same base tank models. (T-64, T-72, T-80). Russia should actually be slightly better off in this regard because it has been better able to modernize its tanks than Ukraine.

      • 11 months ago

        Since tanks have been a thing on the battlefield, havent their deadliest foes always been not-tanks? I think an oft cited figure I seen thrown around is that more than half of the Shermans lost in WW2 were to towed anti-tank guns alone.

        • 11 months ago

          >I think an oft cited figure I seen thrown around is that more than half of the Shermans lost in WW2 were to towed anti-tank guns alone.
          its because there were more separate tank battalions used for infantry support spread out across the entire theatre
          and these largely fought against other infantry units

          armored divisions, the offensive arm that concentrated their tanks into a mobile unit instead of distributing them evenly had a much higher loss rate to enemy tanks, and found that combat against enemy tanks was commonplace rather than rare

          the arab-israeli wars were initially fought mostly with tanks, and most losses came from tanks until yom kippur
          where israeli losses mostly vame from ATGMs, but this is more due to the ineptitude of the egyptians than anything as egyptian tank losses mostly came from israeli tanks in turn

          the M1 is specifically tailored for tank to tank combat because if WW3 broke out, then the basic element of maneuver would be the tank
          and airland battle heavily relied on the mobility of the tank to thwart mobile forces of the russians

      • 11 months ago

        Midwit take. Percentage wise the newer stuff is taking the losses. There's just less of it because it's fricking new

    • 11 months ago

      >It managed to become the first 5th-gen fighter with a kill against an enemy fighter.
      it is not a 5th gen one so no, it did not. with a rcs of a f-18 its a late 4th gen at most

    • 11 months ago

      There is a very big reason why there is like 150 of the 400 pages in FM 3-34.214 are dedicated to how to blow up every bridge type there is

  11. 11 months ago

    >Russian Thermobaric Rockets are ultra deadly!
    They are, Ukrainians made them a priority target for a long time. But without coordination they just burn empty fields so they aren't a big deal anymore.
    >Reactive armor works
    It does.
    >T-90 is the best tank of the world
    I don't think even the Russians ever claimed that, its the was Armata they circlejerked about.
    >KA-52m is a really good attack helicopter
    One of the only assets that reliably damage Ukrainian forces, even more so than artillery which they just seem to blind fire. Idk about "really good" but its seems to do its job well enough.
    >Spetsnaz is a special force
    They are, or were. The whole point of airborne is to take ground so that other forces can punch through to link up with them. They achieved that, the rest of the army didn't hold up their end of the bargain and now there no VDV. As for other units like alpha, they got thrown into city fighting with little support which was never their remit, so now there's not much left of them either.
    >Su-35 is one of the best 4th gen
    Yeah its not very impressive
    >The BMPT Terminator should be feared
    It could be if they had more than one.

  12. 11 months ago

    Did they actually use a thermobaric on this war?

    • 11 months ago

      TOS-1A gets used semi-regularly, typically in more intense sieges like Bahkmut/Mariupol. While I'm sure they've been used on other fronts, the absolute shit range of those things means they're vulnerable to artillery (which massively outranges them). I've seen probably an equal number of videos of them getting used versus them getting blown up*.

      *This is just videos I've personally seen, I don't claim this to be representative of trends for the overall war, it merely illustrates that both cases do happen.

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, there was just a video in the last few days of Ukrainians using a captured TOS-1 against the Russians.

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, there was just a video in the last few days of Ukrainians using a captured TOS-1 against the Russians.

    • 11 months ago

      I never seen the TOS-1 Buratino fire but I have seen both sides use the RPO-A Shmel
      This is what most people might be familiar with

      >BMP didn't explode so he missed and everyone outside lived, thermobarics are not good
      Except everything outside the BMP was roasted, we can't see it but thermobaric explosions are deadly because of the aersoilization of fuel and then ignition

      I used to think explosives would gib people like in games and Hollywood like here's a guy getting a F1 grenade dropped a couple inches from his face and he looks ok, he's sleeping a bit but looks like he could take some Tylenol and walk it off

      But then there's this guy who takes out what could be a F1 Grenade for RGD-5 grenade puts it next to his neck and he ragdolls like in GMOD

      >Reactive armor works
      It does work, until it is up against munitions that are designed to defeat it like tandem warheads or completely ignore it like APFSDS, the NLAW uses a top-attack munition that flies above the turret of a tank and has a warhead that explodes downwards into the mantle, it will damage the tank unless they have ERA on the top of the turret.


      well I'll be damned, cool

      • 11 months ago

        why did he kill himself

        • 11 months ago

          cia psyop superweapon that directed suicidal tendencies away from troony HATO officers and into ruskis

        • 11 months ago

          I never seen the TOS-1 Buratino fire but I have seen both sides use the RPO-A Shmel
          This is what most people might be familiar with

          >BMP didn't explode so he missed and everyone outside lived, thermobarics are not good
          Except everything outside the BMP was roasted, we can't see it but thermobaric explosions are deadly because of the aersoilization of fuel and then ignition

          I used to think explosives would gib people like in games and Hollywood like here's a guy getting a F1 grenade dropped a couple inches from his face and he looks ok, he's sleeping a bit but looks like he could take some Tylenol and walk it off

          But then there's this guy who takes out what could be a F1 Grenade for RGD-5 grenade puts it next to his neck and he ragdolls like in GMOD

          >Reactive armor works
          It does work, until it is up against munitions that are designed to defeat it like tandem warheads or completely ignore it like APFSDS, the NLAW uses a top-attack munition that flies above the turret of a tank and has a warhead that explodes downwards into the mantle, it will damage the tank unless they have ERA on the top of the turret.


          well I'll be damned, cool

          oh shit, wrong video, this is the one where he puts a grenade to his neck
          But the video with the suicide has him getting hit by a grenade and his left leg folds itself like Connor McGregor

        • 11 months ago

          because he didn't want to still be conscious going into the meat cube.

      • 11 months ago

        Sabot does NOT ignore ERA; the dart gets deformed which greatly reduces its penetration power. That’s why double penetrators were developed

      • 11 months ago

        >I used to think explosives would gib people like in games and Hollywood
        Sometimes they do get gibbed. There were lots of faceless ztards too.

      • 11 months ago

        do not redeem my gibs, sirs

  13. 11 months ago

    >5) Spetsnaz is a special force

    Spetsnaz is a catch-all term for a myriad of "specialized" units, doctrinally similar to the US term "Special Operations Forces" (SOF), an umbrella that includes such disparate things as Civil Affairs, Navy SEALs, Psychological Operations, Rangers, and the 160th SOAR. Similar to how SOF can refer to units that are wildly variable in capability, Spetsnaz units aren't monolithic in their makeup.

    The main reason they aren't doing so hot is because otherwise specialized units are getting deployed as light infantry in moronic assaults. If the US Army starting Civil Affairs guys to assault trenches, we would acknowledge that's the fault of idiotic commanders rather than the concept of SOF itself being worthless.

  14. 11 months ago

    Corruption has no effect on militaries whatsoever

  15. 11 months ago

    >Russian Thermobaric Rockets are ultra deadly!
    They literally are, not sure if you've seen the aftermath strikes from those things but it's not something you want to get hit by.

  16. 11 months ago

    >Spetsnaz is a special force
    This is still true though? The problem is just people mistakenly thinking of "special force" as "elite force"

  17. 11 months ago

    I don't think the first 2 were disproven at all. Saying both of those are debunked is basically trying to say that "the proven tech actually doesn't true because I say so"."

  18. 11 months ago

    >Thermobaric Rockets are ultra deadly
    True but you need to aim.
    >Reactive armor works
    It does.
    >Spetsnaz is a special force
    Special =/= good
    >The BMPT Terminator should be feared
    If you are infantry it should be but no more than anything with high RoF autocannons.

    4/10, got me to reply.

  19. 11 months ago


    >nooooooo you can't just believe one flawed side is better than the other flawed side you have to be indifferent about everything

  20. 11 months ago

    >Spetsnaz is a special force
    If there is one thing this war has shown the world conclusively, it's that the Russian armed forces are full of "special" people.

  21. 11 months ago


    no, anon, he hasn't, because he lives in Mumbai.

    • 11 months ago

      Makes sense, thanks anon.

  22. 11 months ago


    What really got me were you morons who weren't aware illustrations in online articles are often stock or generic pictures, but really thought that every illustration is actually of the event discussed in the article.

    The strikes in the beginning were a clusterfrick, that is granted. They got shafted hard.
    However, after those early days, what we have seen from Spetznaz is not on the level what is considered "special forces".

    It seems that they are more like the only troops that were ACTUALLY trained and drilled to be real soldiers ...but no more than what ordinary infantry is in more serious states. The rest of Russian military is a paper tiger. They are not even regular infantry. Just meat for the grinder.
    You have heard the stories that the regular russian troops get to shoot like four times during their training, they don't get the equipment they are meant to get and never get drilled in the stuff that regular infantry is supposed to do. Most of russian military training is just being used as slave labour for something else than military training. Generals renting out their soldiers to do menial labour for whoever pays.

    The Russian "Special forces" are on the level of what regular infantry is in other countries. And on that level, they seem competent. It's a shame to see them being pushed to do the job of regular foot-sloggers, but they are the only ones competent to do that. The rest are just mobiks with grandpa's hand-me-down AK and two weeks worth of "dig trenches" training.

    Yeah, russians use their "special forces" incorrectly and in stuff that special forces are not meant to do. But they don't seem to perform any better than regular Joes from other more serious armies. Spetznaz are the only real solders Russia has.

    When my father in-law served in the Soviet army he spent a lot of time making bread in a factory. They'd have to go work there a few days a week so that they could get food in exchange. It's like if swissgays sent the guys who did the civil service to fight a war.

    • 11 months ago

      >It's like if swissgays sent the guys who did the civil service to fight a war

      That's acutally a good way to put it. It's like Russian regular army is what other countries "Home guard" or "National Guard" people are.
      The amount of actual military training they get is on the level of "One weekend a month".

      They go to a shooting range for a day, march in columns, go tenting in the forest, have reminder training on how radios work... I mean, it's definently better than nothing. But it is just not on par with what the actual military training does 24/7. You don't get large scale manouver training, combined arms training, longer exercises or things like that.

      They may be called "soldiers" because they wear uniforms and are part of the official military rank-and-file system ...but they don't get the soldiers training. Not in the same way that other more serious armies give to their soldiers.
      With training like that, you don't get an army of soldiers... you get militias. You get armed thugs. You get "muscle".
      And Russia seems to think this is enough for their army.

      Hell, some of the more organized actual militias are better trained than Russian military.

      • 11 months ago

        >Hell, some of the more organized actual militias are better trained than Russian military.
        That’s often true of paramilitary groups. Azov was better trained than the Ukrainian army. The right wing militias that hunted Pablo Escobar were better trained than the Colombian army. A lot of the Iraqi Shia paramilitaries are better than parts of the either the Iraqi or Iranian armies, or at least have higher morale. Hell, even here on /k/ you guys make jokes all the time about how the average militia Fudd in Montana has better gear and training than the US army.

  23. 11 months ago

    8) Pantsir creates an impenetrable AA umbrella

    9) Mig-25/31 can operate effectively aboveenemy AA

    10) T-14 is operational

    11) Su-57 is stealth and not just low RCS

  24. 11 months ago

    >Here is my list:
    Here's mine: That Russia has a competent military

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, I remember being flabbergasted by their incompetence when they rolled in with shitty vans and ladas spray painted with z's on them.

  25. 11 months ago


    It works well in norway. Those lines and queue only apply to spesific shit that is not strictly nessesery

    • 11 months ago

      Norway everybody, he said fricking Norway! Private healthcare or whatever other form of healthcare would've worked well there too, because it's fricking Norway: A 99% nordic white utopia of people with median IQ not too below 100, and wealthy as frick from oil to boot.

      In my shithole middle eastern c**t we also have state (free? lol, lmao) healthcare. It absolutely is an overcrowded shitshow where docs don't get the time and salary to show you any real attention. Anyone who is even slightly at a higher class of society (which can be achieved simply by not being such a low IQ subhuman) gets private. The difference is night and day. So what do my taxes pat for? For healthcare I won't use, provided to absolute subhumans who are better off dying.

  26. 11 months ago

    Russians are masters at rocket propelled artillery

  27. 11 months ago

    Frick your reddit spacing, use ">", it is easier to read to us TOFs(terminally online folx).
    >1) Russian Thermobaric Rockets are ultra deadly!
    They are extremely deadly, Russian utilisation of them is not.
    >2) Reactive armor works
    N/ERA works, it is basic physics.
    SEPv3 Abrams is outfitted with a downward facing ERA kit because it works, the difference being West a Russians is the fact that ERA on Russian tanks is there to compensate for the half a century old "composite" steel-quartz armor while Westerners design tanks to not be penetrated in the first place.
    >3) T-90 is the best tank of the world
    Nobody said this, ever.
    Abrams, LeClerc, Leopard 2A8, Challenger 2 and few others are all superior to a T-72 with a "new" turret.
    >4) KA-52m is a really good attack helicopter
    There is nothing fundamentally wrong with it, when it is used properly.
    >5) Spetsnaz is a special force
    They are. Their training is laughable and their standards non-existent but they are still a SOF.
    >6) Su-35 is one of the best 4th gen
    Perhaps, if we count it as a 4th Gen instead of 5th Gen like its government.
    Nevertheless, it is not a plane that is going to see real use for many many more years.
    >7) The BMPT Terminator should be feared
    If it was being used properly it would be a very very good IFV, but it isn't.

  28. 11 months ago

    /K/ told me that only russkies hang reactive plates on everything

    • 11 months ago

      1, that's body armor
      2, it's kind of genius if you're living in a hellzone
      3, the chaos undivided star is based

  29. 11 months ago


    Thanks for repeating the propaganda back to me anon, that really changed my mind.
    t. Aussie with free healthcare experience

  30. 11 months ago


    So this is what burgers tell themselves to believe that they have the best healthcare in the world
    Enjoy your medical debt, I suppose.

  31. 11 months ago

    What about my favorite: kadyrovites are le super scary killing machines.

  32. 11 months ago

    >2) Reactive armor works
    well there were clips where morons were driving trough cites eating multiple rpgs finally stopping and exploding in fireball after 5-6... those tanks don't have enough armor to tank them without era (maybe excluding some hits on upper glacis) so it means era works (but only once in given part of the tank obviously)

  33. 11 months ago

    It has been debunked that /k/ is not reddit 2.0

    • 11 months ago

      >corporation's western twitter account vs middle-eastern twitter account

  34. 11 months ago

    For me, debunking the myth about Leo2 being a decent tank. They overheat while under stress when it's above 35 degree heat, rendering them useless.
    German heavy gear doesn't shine in Ukraine so far.

  35. 11 months ago

    I see this thread hit a nerve with R*ssian shills, lmao.

  36. 11 months ago


    Why would that be propaganda? The American psyche places great value upon independence, and the welfare state that a socialized healthcare system would be an extension of, is incompatible with that. Caring for members of your immediate community is not the same as being federally taxed 30% (the rate for minimum wage earners in Australia and Nz, whose "free" healthcare is often touted as some of the worlds best) so that Black folk can get liposuction.

    • 11 months ago

      Healthcare doesn't cover cosmetic surgery.

      • 11 months ago

        He knows. He's just a dishonest idealogue.

    • 11 months ago

      The minimum tax bracket in Australia is 0% (for people earning under $19k per year, billionaires and multinational corporations)
      The second lowest tax bracket is 18%, for every dollar earned above 19k bit below 45k
      You dont hit 30% until you get to the third tax bracket

  37. 11 months ago

    Russia is a superpower

    • 11 months ago

      Only idiots ever believed that one. Everyone else told you Russia is a corrupt Nigeria-tier shithole.
      What was truly hard to predict is the extent of it.

      • 11 months ago

        How can we get their life expectancy back down again?

  38. 11 months ago

    That autocracy shitholes can compete with democracies.
    Im never believing in fearmongering about China again.

    • 11 months ago

      Autocracies aren't fundamentally flawed they just depend on the autocrat giving a frick about the nation and having an heir that cares about the nation.
      Thanks to the centralization of media in the west we are seeing more elections where both choices don't care about the people but at least the system is designed to ensure slow shifts.

      • 11 months ago

        They depend on much more than that. Is the King a good man? Yes? Fine. Is his second in command a good man? No? Then you're fricked. The second in command controls access to the king, controls what he hears and who he hears it from. There's no real way around this, there's gatekeepers at all levels and if only one of them is bad, the result is graft, patronage and corruption.

      • 11 months ago

        >Autocracies aren't fundamentally flawed they just depend on the autocrat giving a frick about the nation
        But the human psyche has some flaws. Most autocracies go to shit when the autocrat stays in power for so long, that he genuinely starts to believe he cannot make any mistakes. Then comes a reality check.
        This has happened to Napoleon, Hitler. Currently this is happening to Putin and it will soon happen to Orbán and Erdogan

      • 11 months ago

        >Autocracies aren't fundamentally flawed
        Autocracies are fundamentally flawed, the very structure of autocratic government itself encourages perverse incentives and limits transperancy and accountability in government, which this war has proven beyond all doubt to have absolute strategic value with regards to maintaining a functional military

        • 11 months ago

          perverse incentives also apply in democratic societies and it is up to each society to manage them. For example the rich can essentially rig the economy through regulations and loopholes and other legal bullshit that they attain through the democratic process and then you end up with a highly stratified society with lots of poverty and other social ills. This is basically the US right now. Does that mean that democracy is fundamentally flawed? No, it just means the US did a shit job of managing their democracy and things went off the rails. Similar stuff happens with autocracies. They can promote people based on merit and weed out corruption or they can let it fester. It all just comes down to individual circumstances.

    • 11 months ago

      there is not one democracy state on planet earth.
      only republics and monarchies.

      • 11 months ago

        t. Rosseau the moron

  39. 11 months ago


    >is a fricking meme that is dogshit everywhere it has been implemented. Funds so dry causing waiting lines so long those with ailments wait years before they make it to even diagnosis.
    It works really well in Taiwan, though it's not completely free, just really small cost out of pocket.

  40. 11 months ago

    everything you posted is true.
    myth busted.

  41. 11 months ago

    Also, like everyone else on the Internet I didn’t understand Russia or Putin until the war forced me to seriously research those topics. That’s how I learned about the "deep state" campaign to cut Russian energy sales off to Europe, what that’s critical in getting rid of Putin and why they wanted him gone to begin with. Most of /k/ doesn’t care about reality, though, and just likes to meme and enjoy the current NPC trend. That’s why Putin’s motivation ends up being "chimpout" or imperialism amongst the less childish.

    • 11 months ago

      >That’s how I learned about the "deep state" campaign to cut Russian energy sales off to Europe
      This post glows so hard. Frick off FSB.

      • 11 months ago

        Knowledge of Russia’s and Putin’s actual nature started to come out of academia 10-15 years ago and it’s caused a huge shift in the way the State Department and other governments deal with Russia. To understand Putin’s power structure read the book "Putin’s Kleptocracy"; this is an academic work by a professor of Russian studies, not a grifter working podcasts.

    • 11 months ago

      >muh poor muhnke dindu nuffin and someone else shat in his pants
      >I am very smart
      Fascinating. Now frick off.

      • 11 months ago

        That’s how you cope with being an NPC?

        • 11 months ago

          >muh NPC
          Ah, a contrarian who thinks he's smart. Utterly pathetic but expected.
          Now do the world a favor and get cancer, no one will miss you. If it was up to me, all of you would die in horrific ways.

        • 11 months ago

          I see you've discovered zigger projection.

    • 11 months ago

      Post hands

    • 11 months ago
  42. 11 months ago

    8) Khinzals are modern hypersonic missiles

  43. 11 months ago

    Biggest one for me was that brute force would win a modern war. For years we saw criticism of how bad/ineffective the US strategy of "hearts and minds" was, compared to the performance of Russia is Syria where they helped Assad keep power through violence.
    Turns out heavy destruction is fine when you can bring superior forces and only care about being a fighting force. But when you want to annex a land and its people, it does well to try to treat them nicely. This is a lesson that has been taught before but this being a recent example, it was a strong reminder.

  44. 11 months ago

    >Putin is a supervillain badass almost like something out of a movie.
    While nobody ever explicitly put it that way, I distinctly remember all the posted memes riding Putin’s dick before the war started. It even went so far that some shills posted /k/ threads dedicated to Putin every so often, and the jannies didn’t do anything about them for some reason.

    • 11 months ago

      Honestly speaking, I had a lot of respect for him. He seemed competent but obviously harsh towards opponents. He played the game smart and as a result gained (and held) power. Putting his nation ahead of all others, as a leader should...then he made the single biggest dumbass decision of any leader in the century so far. And here I thought the US withdrawal from Afghanistan would keep that distinction for a long time.
      His age, any health issues, and COVID-imposed isolation/paranoia really did a number on him. He ended up a bigger clown than the professional comedian.

      • 11 months ago

        He was always an insecure manlet. He was not "putting his nation first", just engaging in populism.
        The signs were always there too, people were just too blind to notice. Look up "10 dollar prostitutes" and Kursk for instance or how NTV became what it became under him (pro-tip: it was not always a state propaganda channel).

        • 11 months ago

          Okay I looked it up. Did you mean this?

          • 11 months ago

            Pretty much, yeah. What Putin was good at (or at least his PR team was) is building his image that fooled a lot of people. It's kind of funny to remember 2000s and all the "without Putin there'd be war", "without Putin this country will go to hell" copes R*ssians used to justify still dickriding him every time they get fricked over by the government.

        • 11 months ago

          I've woken up to the fact that Russian propaganda was doing a number in the US, myself included. The past decade and a half were full of showing America's issues and Russia's military modernization. But where are those modernizations? They never existed outside of Red Square and this year, even there they didn't make a showing.

      • 11 months ago

        Putin amassed his power in the late 90s by stealing Food meant for the average Russia in aid form from the United States.

        What in the frick are you talking about. Do you have any idea how fricked up Russia got because of him? He turned Russia into fricking Congo.

        • 11 months ago

          Yes it’s a really a shame, because Russia was in such a Golden Age back in the 90s when Yeltsin was shelling parliament, the average life expectancy was 42, and the main vocation for women was human trafficking.

          • 11 months ago

            What the frick does Putin stealing 250 billion in food from the Russian people during that exact time have to do with that?
            "Everything sucks, let's add on it by stealing everyone's food"
            Frick off

            • 11 months ago

              The standard of living at any time in Putin’s tenure is still vastly better than any time in the 90s. No one in Russia cares that he ripped off some western aid when he was mayor of St. Petersburg. Or if he’s doing it now.

              • 11 months ago

                Their standard of living was so bad because he stole 250 billion in food aid then used it to make it shitty.
                Are you fricking stupid.
                The house was on fire
                The fire department showed up
                He stole the fire truck
                The fire burnt most of the house down
                He put water on the embers
                He called himself a hero

                You just keep saying the same dumb shit. You can look this up.

    • 11 months ago

      >Putin is a supervillain badass almost like something out of a movie.
      lmao I saw how the illusion was shattered even among the hardcore Putinist holdouts when the flight tracker screenshots of his plane fleeing Moscow instead of facing the VVagner convoy, which was like 70% buhankas and civvie cars, dropped. What a fricking vegana.

  45. 11 months ago

    >VDV is an air-land force, not a air-oceanfloor force

  46. 11 months ago

    That time travel was impossible.

  47. 11 months ago

    8) Russians are white people

    Russians run around looting, destroying neighborhoods, raping and killing just like Black folk.

  48. 11 months ago

    I'm still stunned by this Putin is a good guy thing
    He stole with his friends in today's money 250 billion in aid sent to Russia after the fall of the USSR. It was mainly food aid.
    Then he got cut off, Russia got worse for a year and he took over. He killed all his former oligarch friends who didn't kow tow and here we are.

    Right now he's in a palace north of Moscow doing his summer vacation. He's only worked half the days since the invasion. He's totally disconnected from the war. That's why the prig mutiny blind sided him.
    He's an butthole.

    • 11 months ago

      At this point it's going to be interesting how his life ends. Doe he hold onto power as a ruler of NK 2.0 until he kicks the bucket? Or does someone get fed up and off him?

      • 11 months ago

        Reports say he watched the Gaddafi video on a loop for days after it came out. If he knew he was going down, I think he'd Hitler himself.

    • 11 months ago

      >He stole with his friends in today's money 250 billion in aid sent to Russia after the fall of the USSR.
      Just Russia things.
      Do you think he personally orchestrated the apartment bombing in 99.

  49. 11 months ago

    What people also need to know about monke staying in power is that how only manageable opposition was allowed to participate.
    You've had Zhirinovsky (may God piss on his soul) and LDPR, KPRF + some jokers (member Prokhorov and his Ё-mobile? Me neither.) or some absolute nonames 3 and a half people know to maintain the illusion of choice.
    All clownshoes candidates most of whom turned out to be Putin shills and made clowns out of themselves to contrast with all-knowing, kind and wise tzar.

  50. 11 months ago


    And so pidoran-lakhtopetukh reveals itself. Frick off back to sosach, subhuman. Oh wait, Abu pretty much killed it lmao.

  51. 11 months ago

    Reactive armor works fine. Just not when your corruption riddled procurement apparatus leads to the explosive filler being substituted for empty cardboard egg boxes or sheets of rubber.

  52. 11 months ago

    >1) Russian Thermobaric Rockets are ultra deadly!
    They are if you hit something
    >2) Reactive armor works
    Yes it does
    Ukraine uses it too
    >T-90 is the best tank in the world
    We have yet to see it duel against western tanks (So far we've only seen russian and western tank get taken out by missiles, drones and mines)
    But i'd say the best are probably the Challenger and the Abrams (American one with DU armor, not the export models)
    T-90 is still good and a big improvement over the T-72
    The Armata if it actually existed might be the best tank
    >4) KA-52m is a really good attack helicopter
    5) Spetsnaz is a special force
    Spetsnaz is a blanket term
    Some are actual special forces other are FSB cops
    Of course even special forces are not superhuman and you should not give them suicidal orders
    >6) Su-35 is one of the best 4th gen
    It has performed well
    >7)The BMPT Terminator should be feared
    If they had more of them maybe
    It is a good IFV although in no way invincible or game changing
    The unmanned turret layout seems like an improvement towards survivability
    There is a single video of an empty one being destroyed, at least the turret stays on

  53. 11 months ago

    >1) Russian Thermobaric Rockets are ultra deadly!
    they are extremely destructive and deadly
    the problem is it's extremely vulnerable and has insufficient range
    >2) Reactive armor works
    it does work
    >3) T-90 is the best tank of the world
    only thirdies thought it was true

  54. 11 months ago

    It works as designed.
    Dumb to stockpile them on a short range artillery tank which every ATGM gunner is going to snipe like its a flamethrower soldier in WW2, but legitimately useful; especially for Russia which is short on guided weapons.
    It's a generic attack helicopter with poor optics. It did its job fine which is more than some other Russian gear can say.
    It's a T72 with a thermal sight bolted on. Better than nothing.

  55. 11 months ago

    >armata is a real vehicle which actually exists
    >Russia has optics and issues them
    >Russia has body armor and issues it and it works
    >bradley bad
    >hmmwv bad

  56. 11 months ago

    Leopard 2 is a good modern tank.

    • 11 months ago

      >using a picture of it damaged in a training accident

      The cope is just sad.

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, as proven by your photo unironically. Otherwise you'd hade much more material of wrecked Leos than this old photo and that one pic of the Ukie column encountering a minefield.

  57. 11 months ago

    >The US wants Ukraine to win

  58. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      +4 cone of fire bonus

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          Basically it is fricking useless to fire with this crap.
          Because it won't hit anything.

          Why can't they make guns just like the americans can do? Video below has a gun that fires into a straight line.

  59. 11 months ago

    1. That the russian army was in anyway an effective fighting force

    Seriously, the whole war is a massive shit show and decades of western propagansa has painted russia as a juggernaut when in reality ita plagued with issue. The amount of movies and videogamsa where russia magically takes mostof not all of europe in weeks is reeiculous. I still dig the aesthetica though.

  60. 11 months ago

    >thermobarics are ultra deadly chipmunk ninja
    These things melt people in trenches, it's not a good thing to be attacked with.

    • 11 months ago

      So does quicklime, that doesn't make it a useful weapon

  61. 11 months ago

    Russians and their supporters are not moronic subhumans who deserve to die is definitely the myth that was shattered.

    • 11 months ago

      Fellow moderate?

  62. 11 months ago

    I love how this thread mindbroke vatBlack folk that they flooded here, lmao.

  63. 11 months ago

    Just one

    >that bullshit Ali express toy isn’t going to change warefare

  64. 11 months ago

    Hypersonic missles are unstoppable and unable to be intercepted

  65. 11 months ago

    >1) Russian Thermobaric Rockets are ultra deadly!

    They are if they would hit they targets. They are too short ranged and lack proper guidance though.

    • 11 months ago

      They're pretty deadly to their crews.

  66. 11 months ago

    >1) Russian Thermobaric Rockets are ultra deadly!
    They are. The system itself is very underwhelming since it's short for rocket artillery. Something like 40km. Making it very vulnerable if used inappropriately. And knowing Russia...
    >2) Reactive armor works
    It does. Both sides use it. It's especially effective against targets it was designed for. Just because NLAWs and Javelins were clowning and styling on Puccian tanks doesn't mean it's bad for less advances shit.
    >3) T-90 is the best tank of the world
    Not even shills claimed it. It would be decent-ish if not for Ukraine's monstrously boosted anti-tank capabilities.
    >4) KA-52m is a really good attack helicopter
    It is. It's been giving Ukies a massive headache on the front. Not a game changer for Puccians, Ukies still advance and shoot them down, but you have to give the devil his due.
    >5) Spetsnaz is a special force
    They are. Laughable by Western standards, maybe, but on paper they should at the very least go up against militia and greener soldiers. Puccian commanders left-click drag and right-click send them vaguely in the Ukrainian direction, like in a videogame. making them very underwhelming.
    >6) Su-35 is one of the best 4th gen
    The top spot isn't very contested and it did bomb Ukraine for a full year. It's just that the targets are civilians and infrastructure.
    >7) The BMPT Terminator should be feared
    Turned out to be rubbish. Like all one-of-a-kind-no-western-counterparts shit Puccia makes, it's fricking amazing on paper, and paper only.

    Just because Puccians are frickups doesn't mean Ukraine still doesn't have it's work cut out for it. Give the devil his due and never underestimate your enemy. Even if he's a pants shitting, vodka chugging mobik, he still has an AK and can shoot in your direction.

    • 11 months ago

      >Something like 40km.
      What does it mean, maximum travel distance between breakdowns? The maximum range of TOS-1A is 10km (more like 6). And if we're talking the plain TOS-1 from the OP pic, it's 3km.

  67. 11 months ago

    > Ctrl-F, no "Moskva"
    Then again, there isn't a "Moskva" anymore.

  68. 11 months ago

    Biggest myth: the idea that anything can be made "impervious" to older methods of destruction.
    Fricking everything that has gone to Ukraine has been getting fricking killed, both on the Russian side (usually with the people operating the weapons/vehicles) or the Ukrainians (even if the crews have good survival rates, the machines still get busted). The amount of shit that has gotten taken out by way, way older shit would seem absurd to people pre-war.
    On the other side of that coin, the idea that things ever completely "age out of usefulness" in warfare. Literally everything is being used, from modern Bradleys and Leos and Terminators and Su fighters, all the way down to fricking bolt-actions, T-34s, whatever museum pieces you can find get dragged out by someone, somewhere, and get turned into fighting machines. Not usually in the intended way, especially when you see shit like T-34s scavenged and turned into makeshift pillboxes, but unless you're like, the U.S. running a full SEAD op, everything is still absurdly deadly.

    • 11 months ago

      What surprised me the most is how many "small" caliber guns are getting pulled out to be used as light artillery like the 100mm BS-3 is getting a lot of use. Makes me wonder if the US should build up its supply of humvee mounted mortars and howitzers.

  69. 11 months ago

    I think the KA-52 and Spetsnaz performed pretty well. The problem was they were thrown into situations with no support, intelligence, or really any considerations for their survival past the opening three days.

  70. 11 months ago

    >7) The BMPT Terminator should be feared
    This kills the vatnig.

    The BMPT was always a piece of shit that didn't fulfill any niche and was a bespoken weapon system made purely because the russian MIC is so insanely corrupt that Lockmart wishes they could get into that market.

  71. 11 months ago

    mmmm roasted piggies*~~)

  72. 11 months ago

    >1) Russian Thermobaric Rockets are ultra deadly!
    They are, it's just that the weapon system that launches them is utter dogshit, like most Russian weapon systems.

    >2) Reactive armor works
    It does, against things that aren't specifically designed to beat it. And if you actually put the explosives in and just just egg cartons.

    >3) T-90 is the best tank of the world
    Nobody thought that.

    >4) KA-52m is a really good attack helicopter
    Attack helicopters in general are a dumb idea that has little application outside of specifically Afghanistan.

    >5) Spetsnaz is a special force
    The are special, alright.

    >6) Su-35 is one of the best 4th gen
    Nobody thinks that.

    >7) The BMPT Terminator should be feared
    Yeah, all 10 of them.

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