How do I go?

I live on the coast. I have no car. The best possible national park near me is either a 3 hour drive away from me or a 5-6 hour trip with public transport. Do I just rent a car, go somewhere east (Germany or something), go camping over the weekend and then go back? How do you Americans do it? You live near any national parks where you can go over the weekend? I want to enjoy the world but damn it sucks to be in this place where there's no nature to enjoy, no mountain to climb, no hills to sit upon and look over a landscape.

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 7 months ago

    If you took transit, how would you get from the bus stop or train station to the woods?

    • 7 months ago

      That's also another problem that a car would fix entirely. With a car you can go anywhere, unironically. Going transit would make you dependent.

  2. 7 months ago

    I don’t think you do. You can go to /misc/ and dunk on us about not having dense walkable cities though.

    For me, it’s not much variety but my land borders some public forest (Oregon) so hiking is just a matter of grabbing the mutt and heading out my back door. Otherwise it would be an hour so drive to some trailhead. (I prefer the solitude of a backcountry forest hike any day though, and who gets tired of walking a forest, any forest?)

    • 7 months ago

      Walkable cities are nice but I don't like the cities. It's good you live near a forest.

      Here are some transport options to Bern, which is considered the "Gateway to the Alps"

      If there's a will, there's a way

      Wouldn't this be more appropiate for a multiple day hiking camping trip? How would I go about this if I don't even have the chance to practice backpacking in my own area? I could just strengthen my body by putting on a 20kg backpack and walk every weekend to condition myself for an eventual real hiking trip.

  3. 7 months ago

    Here are some transport options to Bern, which is considered the "Gateway to the Alps"

    If there's a will, there's a way

  4. 7 months ago

    I live in Denmark and have the same problem. Imo either emigrate or fly/drive to the nearest country with nature (Germany).

    It's so bad in Denmark that every two weeks I go over 150km by train to the ONLY town in Jylland surrounded by forest and walk around it in circles to preserve my sanity.

  5. 7 months ago

    >a 5-6 hour trip with public transport
    Your country is the size of a postage stamp. This can't be possible.

    But to answer your question : get a bike and ride it.

    • 7 months ago

      He has to leave his country that’s the point

  6. 7 months ago

    You have an entire ocean at your doorstep; one of the best PrepHole environments there is.
    Get a sailboat and sail like your ancestors.

  7. 7 months ago

    If you're living in the Randstad you're fricked. I grew up in Limburg and eventually got to know the local area well enough to know where I could (stealth) camp overnight. Made a shit ton of fires though. Keep in mind I was never more than a 15 min walk from a residential neighborhood but still, I got to go through the motions.
    Your best bet for semi-outings, because there are no real /outings in Western Europe, will be 'paalkamperen' in Belgium (google for more info/locations). They're spots in the woods you're allowed to camp at overnight. You could take public transport or hire a car for cheap (I can recommend using 'snapcarr').
    Don't know about west belgium but the Ardennes can be comfy.
    Wildcamping off the path is possible but you'll have to be stealthy and respect the woods. If the ranger pulls up and there's no trash/smouldering fire he'll most likely just tell you to frick off.

    That's it for local shite, now if you want true outings (again relative), I'd be looking at the scandinavian countries or scotland/ireland.

    • 7 months ago

      How to stealth camp in the region of Limburg and across the border a bit into Germany? Can I walk around during the day with a backpack and find a spot when the sun sets? Or will people see me and notify the rangers?

      You have an entire ocean at your doorstep; one of the best PrepHole environments there is.
      Get a sailboat and sail like your ancestors.

      Get a packraft, paddle on a lake or river, stealth camp on the river bank or an island.

      why not go fishing on a boat? or go conquer some equatorial shithole or whatever you do over there. use what you have instead of copying foreign trends. it never crossed my mind to be a skier because there's no snow where I live

      Honestly not that bad of an idea. I guess I just have to work with what I have.

      I live in Denmark and have the same problem. Imo either emigrate or fly/drive to the nearest country with nature (Germany).

      It's so bad in Denmark that every two weeks I go over 150km by train to the ONLY town in Jylland surrounded by forest and walk around it in circles to preserve my sanity.

      Doesn't Denmark have better landscape? If so, you're still better off. And you have less restrictions than us. No need to keep an eye out for people seeing you go into forests with a big backpack.

      • 7 months ago

        Depends on how well you know the area, the area I go to in Limburg is not monitored. Although my campsite was found on accident one morning by some people walking their dog.
        Personally I use a surplus bivvy bag from the army, it's small, it's stealthy and setting it upp takes 5 mins. Especially if you pre-roll it with your sleeping bag and air matress inside (although it won't fit the original bag if you do that).
        Allows me to pack everything I need for an overnighter into a 10-20L bag so it's not even that obvious I'm going /out. Being spotted with a backpack isn't all that weird you could just be on a hike but if you're willing to sacrifice some comfort you could even pack it all in a sports bag, no one will bat an eye. Just be ready to get out quick. People most likely won't physically detain you so if you get caught just pack up and leave asap, before cops get there, if they're called in at all.

        If you don't know the area I'd scout ahead using google maps. Try to make out paths/area's you believe people are less likely to go through. For example, the path google maps show (and any you can discern using satellite imaging) is nowhere near you. Or you can hide/get close to something obstructing a good view.
        One tactic I use (+ this could work anywhere in NL) is to look for small patches of woods surrounded by farmland on all sides.
        Jump the fence, move into the treecover and you're hidden while normies won't hop the fence and find you on accident.

        Another tactic I've been meaning to try out one day is camping inside one of these encircled areas surrounded by a highway on/off ramp (marked by the X). You could just bike to one in your local area, stash your bike, walk there after dark, cross the road and you've got a private resort. You can even be ballsy and wear a high vis vest while crossing so no-one will think anything of it. Obviously you can't make a fire but a small bhutane stove for cooking should be fine. Don't forget your earplugs though.

        • 7 months ago

          Could go camping, fishing, hunting, boating, mountain climbing, even bird watching. I live out in the woods in the rural United States, this sort of thing is very popular because there is a lot of country.

          OP this looks like a housing development and an industrial district. You probably want to go further out into nature for hiking and camping, that sort of thing. Though people do urban exploration and that sort of thing.

          • 7 months ago

            You could go camping in the Veluwe

            These ancient forests in Europe are like something from a painting

            Ancestors lived in these forests for eons, buried in the soil, maybe that is why it feels comfortable

          • 7 months ago

            This is the reality of the /out experience in the Netherlands lol, 98% of the country looks like this especially the area where OP lives. Seriously, just study the landscape for 15 mins on google maps and try to find what looks like a good spot. The government literally has a database zoning every part of the Netherlands down to the square meter.

            There are some 'national parks/nature reserves' (I use that term lightly) but they're more like glorified orchards criss crossed with walking paths for recreational use and are actively 'cared for' ie dead trees are cut up etc. Makes camping ,which is illegal outside of campings, nigh on impossible.
            All of our indiginous nature was uprooted in the late 1800's early 1900's to make way for farmland. Almost all 'nature' in the Netherlands has been planted by man in the last 100 years.
            I'm just trying to give OP some easy close to home options he could explore.

            Belgium and Germany never destoyed their original nature to the same degree nor do they actively manage their nature as much as we do so camping there is usually a much more authentic experience.

          • 7 months ago

            >mountain climbing
            He would have to go to another country for that

        • 7 months ago

          Sup Limburgbro? I live in Gennep.

          • 7 months ago

            whats up brabantbro

        • 7 months ago

          This is the reality of the /out experience in the Netherlands lol, 98% of the country looks like this especially the area where OP lives. Seriously, just study the landscape for 15 mins on google maps and try to find what looks like a good spot. The government literally has a database zoning every part of the Netherlands down to the square meter.

          There are some 'national parks/nature reserves' (I use that term lightly) but they're more like glorified orchards criss crossed with walking paths for recreational use and are actively 'cared for' ie dead trees are cut up etc. Makes camping ,which is illegal outside of campings, nigh on impossible.
          All of our indiginous nature was uprooted in the late 1800's early 1900's to make way for farmland. Almost all 'nature' in the Netherlands has been planted by man in the last 100 years.
          I'm just trying to give OP some easy close to home options he could explore.

          Belgium and Germany never destoyed their original nature to the same degree nor do they actively manage their nature as much as we do so camping there is usually a much more authentic experience.

          Might just go to the Dutch-German border and go camping in forests like Reichswald. Wouldn't take too long to go by train. 4 hours at most. Thanks for the advice. Forests like

          You could go camping in the Veluwe

          These ancient forests in Europe are like something from a painting

          Ancestors lived in these forests for eons, buried in the soil, maybe that is why it feels comfortable

          are definitely comfy. Though I wish we had more hills

        • 7 months ago

          Why are you camping there when you have these big forests like a 5 minute bike ride away?

          • 7 months ago

            The part of the country OP lives in doesn't have them, and like I said

            This is the reality of the /out experience in the Netherlands lol, 98% of the country looks like this especially the area where OP lives. Seriously, just study the landscape for 15 mins on google maps and try to find what looks like a good spot. The government literally has a database zoning every part of the Netherlands down to the square meter.

            There are some 'national parks/nature reserves' (I use that term lightly) but they're more like glorified orchards criss crossed with walking paths for recreational use and are actively 'cared for' ie dead trees are cut up etc. Makes camping ,which is illegal outside of campings, nigh on impossible.
            All of our indiginous nature was uprooted in the late 1800's early 1900's to make way for farmland. Almost all 'nature' in the Netherlands has been planted by man in the last 100 years.
            I'm just trying to give OP some easy close to home options he could explore.

            Belgium and Germany never destoyed their original nature to the same degree nor do they actively manage their nature as much as we do so camping there is usually a much more authentic experience.

            , most Dutch forest are completely criss crossed with walking paths and are tiny.
            Picrel shows all the paths google maps has catalogued, irl there'll be 10x as many. Furthermore as you can see by the crude measurements the woods are tiny, you can sprint from one side to the other. People visit them daily for recreation so you'll get found out quick. Unless you know the area and go after dark, but that would require local knowledge, which OP lacks.
            The highway option at leasts affords you a private part invisible to the outside you can do what you want in. But it's just a theory I have for stealthcamping that can be done in most area's of the NL.

            • 7 months ago

              in bongland everyone is afraid of going into the woods at night so even though theres paths everywhere once night time rolls around everyone disappears and you can do anything. do dutch normies really /nightwalk/?

              • 7 months ago

                It's the same here although people could be walking their dogs until it gets really dark. The forests are all flat as frick and cared for, like this picture


                You could go camping in the Veluwe

                These ancient forests in Europe are like something from a painting

                Ancestors lived in these forests for eons, buried in the soil, maybe that is why it feels comfortable

                so generally there are sightlines all throuhgout the woods. You'd have to set up after dark and disappear before dawn and the morning dog people. You could do it, just maybe not as comfy as you're constantly in a rush.

        • 7 months ago

          no way bro we live a couple kms apart if you're from near venray, from gemeente horst aan de maas, i also stealthcamp in limburgse bossrn

        • 7 months ago

          I dunno how things are in that part of Europe, but around me any place with water (e.g. dam reservoir, ocean, lagoon, lake) always has an area around it where:
          1- there are trees/decent bushes
          2- no one gives a frick what is going on.

          Do not discount tree plantations, for example used to have a ~15 km^2 tree plantation area a few miles from me. It included a hill with a cave and everything.
          Unfortunately like 1/4th of it is now greenhouses for strawberry production.
          Near me I also have a small dam that has a good 50-100m belt of nearly abandoned land around it. Some native trees, some tree plantation, some unmaintained downhill trails to make it all easier to access (LOL).
          But the truth is I wouldn't be able to access any of these areas by public transport, despite them being in a 10km radius of where I live.
          Get a car, motorbike, bicycle (electric or otherwise).

          Also, like this anon says, get to know your area and hope for the best. Google earth makes it really easy to get to know areas you didn't know before.

  8. 7 months ago

    Get a packraft, paddle on a lake or river, stealth camp on the river bank or an island.

  9. 7 months ago

    why not go fishing on a boat? or go conquer some equatorial shithole or whatever you do over there. use what you have instead of copying foreign trends. it never crossed my mind to be a skier because there's no snow where I live

  10. 7 months ago

    Are you near any lakes and channels? Our country is full of them, get a small boat and camp on that, spend some time travelling the country on water, explore the IJsselmeer or something.
    A lot of retired people take their yachts and go on long trips throughout our country, you could do the same with a small boat or even a canoe to make it more PrepHole.

    At least, that’s what I want to try.

    • 7 months ago

      I will admit I'm from the land side in the south, so all these boting ideas might be on to something. Have heard stories from friends who just take a boat down the river and camp along it's side, in and out before anyone notices. So you could try that OP.

      • 7 months ago

        Would recommend.

  11. 7 months ago

    If you live on the coast you own a boat and with a boat you can camp anywhere homosexual.

  12. 7 months ago

    You live on the coast and you’re complaining, by definition you’re insufferable.

    Go to the beach and keep walking until you’re below water and stay there.

    Stay out of my woods.

  13. 7 months ago

    You dont want to hear it but just get a (shit) car, went outside way more when I got one. Public transport is nice and all but not so much for going to the forest in my opinion. Or just do the boating thing(or bike). Living near the coast is also great for things like fossil collecting or bird photography

  14. 7 months ago

    gewoon wildkamperen
    wat gaat de boa doen? vriendelijk vragen of je weg wilt gaan?
    t. wild kampeerder op de veluwe

    • 7 months ago

      What’s your setup like?
      Neuk BOAs.

      • 7 months ago

        een stationwagon met een matrasje en een campingbrandertje voor koffie 's morgens

    • 7 months ago

      Be aware that boswachters and groen-BOAs carry thermal optics nowadays.

      Beleid is that when they catch you using that, y'ain't getting away with a warning.

      • 7 months ago

        boswachters can suck my fat chode if they dare to come near me

  15. 7 months ago

    Funny how three of us live right next to eachother and may have camped in the same forest at the same time without ever meeting.

  16. 7 months ago

    Some homosexual in boulder kept telling me this story over and over again where he stayed in caves somewhere in France with anarchists and party people and tripped on acid

  17. 7 months ago

    The closest national park is like two hours from me but I've never actually been lol. I've been meaning to though.

    Anyways, I cant speak for everyone else here but because it is so rural where I live, the majority of people's families have been here for a century or two and they own inherited family land. Usually considerable amounts. So that means (at any given time) between yourself and your friends you are going to either live on, or have access to, thousands of acres. All the land is private other than the major waterways and lakes.

    There are a few natural factors that have spared us the influx of interlopers buying land here. I'm sure this would all be very different if you lived out west though where 75% of the land is fed land.

  18. 7 months ago

    if any nederlander wants to contact me, I live in gemeente horst aan de maas and do bushcrafting/wildcamping.

    thus is my fourchannel email, it is not my private email
    [email protected]

    tips for wildcamping:
    bring someone, it shouldnt get lonely around the campfire

    • 7 months ago

      i woon in the provincie noord holland dus beetje far

      • 7 months ago

        How deep into North Holland
        Like Amsterdam, Bergen-aan-Zee/Alkmaar/Hoorn or all the way north in Den Helder (ew)

        • 7 months ago

          those first four

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah I just remembered I'm a /k/ autist who thinks bushcraft is pretty fricking lame and I'm not going to let you make me eat your cum (which will happen, probably, since this is 4chin after all)

            • 7 months ago

              lmao homosexual projecting his homosexualry

              • 7 months ago

                You clearly don't know

  19. 7 months ago

    Get a bike and set it up to carry your gear. Take off like two weeks and bike up the rhine valley. After you passed the Ruhrpott, it gets very scenic with a big strip of vegetation next to the river for very long runs. Very easy to find spots to setup a camp too. Once you get to switzerland, you can turn around, take the train back or continue down the danube. Its reasonable to make the whole trip in a week one way if you are at least somewhat in shape.

  20. 7 months ago

    As a former Dutchgay that moved to the US: just leave. The only PrepHole that's worth it in NL is fly fishing for Pike which is pretty kino.

    • 7 months ago

      Moved to NL few years ago, built a nice little life for myself but there's no enjoyable nature here. Anything that isn't a city is either a field, a garden, or a swamp and there are people absolutely everywhere.
      Won't be staying much longer.

    • 7 months ago

      how did u gtfo then?

  21. 7 months ago

    you are lucky to live on the coast, I am stuck in Overijssel with no car. Get a boat and go into le water.

    • 7 months ago

      What? No way man this shit here sucks ass, there are only dunes here, where you walk through in 5 minutes. At least y'all have heides and staatsbossen and the veluwe is om the hoek

  22. 7 months ago

    >get on a plane early in the morning on a saturday to a nice destination
    >get on the plane backwards late in the night
    done and done

    I've done this before, not talking out of my ass

  23. 7 months ago

    Move to some eastern european country

    • 7 months ago

      >ah finally, my new life in White Haven, Eastern Europe
      >why's this place full of brown skins? I thought this was le based Europe? Gypsies? what?
      >why does everything cost the same? I thought this country was cheaper?
      >why do all fruits &vegetables cost more than in NL but half are rotten and the rest taste like shit?
      >why do I get food poisoning everytime I eat in restaurants? why did the waiter spit in my food after I asked for fries instead of rice?
      >why are villages all decrepit and full of alcoholics? Jan-Dirk on facebook posted totally different pics
      >why's the forest full of garbage? people just dump their shit there? no one would do that, would they?
      >it's illegal to make fires even in designated places all throughout the summer because it's le dangerous and homosexuals will fine me for it?
      >and finally why the frick's the air worse quality than back home when this place is less industrialized to begin with? people just burn garbage to heat with in the winter in the countryside?
      yeah broski you can move to Eastern Europe but this is what you'll face in most of those countries if you move to the countryside. and if you move to some city then what's the point? it's same as living in the Randstad
      not saying it wouldn't be worth it for you, just prepare for all this shit the boomers who move to EE to spend that sweet western pensioen won't tell you
      I for one would rather live in NL and just pay for a flight every other weekend to get away than live in this shithole that's sold to you as some sort of promise land
      t. Eastern European

  24. 7 months ago

    >Do I just rent a car, go somewhere east (Germany or something), go camping over the weekend and then go back?
    Make that a week of vacation, but yes, that's the gist of it.

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