How do I make it? 25yo, no money, and have to take care of two disabled adults

How do I do it? I'm 25 but due to life circumstances I have to take care of two disabled adults. I had $5k but that's been wiped out, I'm hoping to liquidate some assets that I've held onto to build up some savings.

I've considered making wood furniture, or work lamps. Tried becoming an apprentice mechanic but the shops here are considering cutting back on employees, There are HVAC companies that would hire me if they needed people (keyword being needed). Right now i work in a food packing plant but we're also short on work and management is trying to cut man-hours by running faster than we need to. Employers now automate the shit out of the review process or only hire people with the best-looking degree from what I've experienced. I can't even move positions where I've worked the last five years unless I write a resume, and submit to HR, and HOPE it passes the automated review process. (Every time I've tried I've been ghosted.)

My employer has AI automation projects in the works with one line being designated to train the new AI systems, they want to roll this out plant-wide by the end of this year and cut all non-technician employees out of the picture.

I also can't travel for work due to the aforementioned circumstances, unless it's permanent residency; so welding or trucking are out of the picture unless I can get lucky and do local-only.

I feel stuck, I have work ethic, but apparently that's not valued if you don't have experience or a fancy paper saying you did the most schooling out of the pack.

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    >have to take care of two disabled adults.
    Do you really? sounds like you got cucked

    • 5 months ago

      Go be an edgy homosexual somewhere else.

      How do I do it? I'm 25 but due to life circumstances I have to take care of two disabled adults. I had $5k but that's been wiped out, I'm hoping to liquidate some assets that I've held onto to build up some savings.

      I've considered making wood furniture, or work lamps. Tried becoming an apprentice mechanic but the shops here are considering cutting back on employees, There are HVAC companies that would hire me if they needed people (keyword being needed). Right now i work in a food packing plant but we're also short on work and management is trying to cut man-hours by running faster than we need to. Employers now automate the shit out of the review process or only hire people with the best-looking degree from what I've experienced. I can't even move positions where I've worked the last five years unless I write a resume, and submit to HR, and HOPE it passes the automated review process. (Every time I've tried I've been ghosted.)

      My employer has AI automation projects in the works with one line being designated to train the new AI systems, they want to roll this out plant-wide by the end of this year and cut all non-technician employees out of the picture.

      I also can't travel for work due to the aforementioned circumstances, unless it's permanent residency; so welding or trucking are out of the picture unless I can get lucky and do local-only.

      I feel stuck, I have work ethic, but apparently that's not valued if you don't have experience or a fancy paper saying you did the most schooling out of the pack.

      Are you able to collect money for being a caregiver?

      • 5 months ago

        Ok have fun taking care of morons

        • 5 months ago

          Frick off dickhead

    • 5 months ago

      If he counts himself it's 3 disabled adults. Imagine the smell of their dwelling, surely none of them know how to wipe.

  2. 5 months ago

    Make sure you checked all the options and you are collecting all possible cripplebux and tardbux for the two.

    I know this sounds cruel, but I personally ditched anyone who was slowing me down in my 20's when I had to build my future. Even if they didn't do anything wrong. It's like the airplane thing, you need to put the mask on first before helping others, you can't help them if you pass out.

    What I'd do in your shoes is put the two in state house and peace out, tell them, see you in 5-10 years when I get my shit together.

    • 5 months ago

      Genuinely good advice. I would have no idea what to do in op's situation. Surprisingly, this sounds like most sound option.

  3. 5 months ago

    Earn yourself a life sentence in prison, you'll be set up with free food and shelter for the rest of your life.

  4. 5 months ago

    Since you're going to liquidate assets anyway, go sign up for and find yourself someone that can teach you some life skills.

    • 5 months ago

      nobody is using your tinder for cults, buy an ad

      • 5 months ago

        > nobody is using your tinder cults
        What? How is an adult hook-up site comparable to finding room and board and learning life skills? That's what I thought. Go be someone else's ineffective illegitimate crybaby.

        Are they mentally gone (dementia etc) or just crippled? If gone, then leave them; the people you knew are gone forever and you're just wasting your youth taking care of empty husks of meat. If crippled, why can't they get wfh jobs too add income? If you choose to stay then you need to be milking your state for gibs


        >join the military in some useless branch like chair force or coast guard
        >frick off to some place far away
        >enjoy a shitty pay but ok benefits

        No. Your chances of coming out on top of that bargain, are very slim. It's run by affirmative action hires, trannies, and political appointees with 2 passports. I might have said Coast Guard, as a marginal choice, 25 years ago. Those days are gone. Western militaries and similar agencies, FBI CIA etc, work for ZOG.

        • 5 months ago

          >No. Your chances of coming out on top of that bargain, are very slim. It's run by affirmative action hires, trannies, and political appointees with 2 passports. I might have said Coast Guard, as a marginal choice, 25 years ago. Those days are gone. Western militaries and similar agencies, FBI CIA etc, work for ZOG.

          Neverserved detected who listed utterly irrelevant items where careers are concerned. Do you people think politics matters that much in the real world outside the internet? Purpose doesn't matter either since all wars and OOTW look alike and you still get paid, plus the US faces microscopic personal risk unless you're stupid enough to join ground forces.

          DoD careers can work very nicely as self and retired USAFbros prove by existing. It's simple really and doing what your nation rewards is wisdom. Emotions and childish ideals are not wisdom they're autspergtism.

          Government jobs are secure and only financial security matters because life in poverty is worthless, end of story. Alternate options become cop (not in blue states) or any number of obscure civil service gigs but get that vested retirement.

          PrepHole is too silly. Why are YOU silly?

          • 5 months ago

            > neverserved detected
            Go read my previous points. Nothing changes.

            Ok have fun taking care of morons

            > taking care of morons
            Yep. This will be you.

            • 5 months ago

              >Go read my previous points. Nothing changes.

              I practiced what I preach, retired early and debt-free thereby and it's all win. Results are all that matters. It is easy to do well taking that route which is relentlessly proven by millions who have from the past to present day. I don't feel recessions at all except to take advantage at business liquidations and private sales by those who planned differently and lost.

              Money enables personal freedom in any society as does geographic location to a lesser but important degree. Get money, apply it wisely including relentless PrepHole and prosper thereby.

              • 5 months ago

                If you are the previous anon, thank you for taking your head out of your ass. If not, congrats. See, you can contribute, without being a boastful moron of an organization that can't lead it's way out of a wet-paper bag.

              • 5 months ago

                >can't lead it's way out of a wet-paper bag.

                You're missing the point because that does not matter to the individual. The career matters, not the organization or any of the childish crap /k/ cares about. Securing reliable lifetime prosperity matters, not childish morality or a macro-situation are nothing. No human organization is good because humans are shit so there is no reason to care about childish things so I don't.

                Careers are not about personal validation. They are about gain and profit in all available ways. Society sets the conditions for obtaining what it chooses to reward. You have no meaningful voice in that therefore no concern about what you cannot change even if you cared. In other news I don't grumble about geography, I just locate where optimal.

                I did X for Y years under quite pleasant techy conditions. Having met my end of the bargain I collected what the contract whose obligations I obeyed faithfully offered as reward. I enjoyed delicious machinery and learnt much then prospered thereby.

                Organizational leadership for good or ill had little effect over the many years I studied it (history interested me since childhood) because military careers are longer than any one SecDef or POTUS is in power (and they have other shit to do than muck about on the bottom of the pyramid.

                Reliable employment in any nation is predicated on reliable demand with reliable reward for meeting that demand based on civic conception of honoring contracts. Those whose deeds society values less are dispensible and dispensed with. No society rewards non-compliance with its desires. Be what humans reward to obtain their support, that is all. You would not reward what you do not support after all.

                Determine what jobs confer reliable sustained rewards then do them. Current fashion may not be that and I've lived through decades of change but haven't felt a recession since 1981 and am unlikely ever to. Neither have my homies who joined the Post Office or polices.

              • 5 months ago

                That's a lot of words to say moral relativity leads to degeneracy.

  5. 5 months ago

    >join the military in some useless branch like chair force or coast guard
    >frick off to some place far away
    >enjoy a shitty pay but ok benefits

  6. 5 months ago

    I don't think this is the best place to ask, simply because of the quality of responses you're already getting. That being said, if you're interested and can make the time commitment, look into getting back into education as an adult, whether it be at a local community College or a trade school. You should have at least one or the other within a reasonable distance. Many institutions have options for financial aid which obviously doesn't mean "free" but either a reduced tuition and/or low interest loans. Many also offer night courses specifically for adults who have daytime responsibilities. It's a long term time commitment for sure, but in your situation there simply are no quick immediate fixes. If you have the work ethic you claim to have, then you're gonna have to use it here, and come up with a plan, and commit to seeing it through. Long term success is gained with a long term plan and long term effort. Sucks you're in this position and I hope you can find something that meets your needs.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm a 24 y/o broke loser going to a trade school in March, ironically to be an automation technician. good luck OP. Things depend where you live a lot. In most places you probably could get a local-only driving job. If you're in a rich west coast or new england town you could unironically sell paintings, I'm going to start painting soon.

  7. 5 months ago

    how hard is selling shit on etsy

    • 5 months ago

      it takes a long time to start a business

      • 5 months ago

        it's not like ebay but for self made things?

        • 5 months ago

          If people find marginal utility in your "self made things"
          >wool clothes
          >woven materials
          Lower barrier of entry (candles) = more saturated $ < Higher barrier of entry = less saturated (knives, wool, etc) $$$

          • 5 months ago

            when people make clothes on etsy they have to make it in multiple sizes?

            • 5 months ago

              Usually, but most sellers arent too specific about it besides the usual small medium large.

  8. 5 months ago

    are you a first worlder
    are you working atm
    why can't you do labour jobs or delivery jobs

    • 5 months ago

      oh yeah you said you work in a plant sorry about that

  9. 5 months ago

    You should be getting paid by the state for taking care of your relatives.

  10. 5 months ago

    Why do you have to take care of two disabled adults??

  11. 5 months ago

    Are they mentally gone (dementia etc) or just crippled? If gone, then leave them; the people you knew are gone forever and you're just wasting your youth taking care of empty husks of meat. If crippled, why can't they get wfh jobs too add income? If you choose to stay then you need to be milking your state for gibs

  12. 5 months ago

    What country? There should be a variety of aid available.

  13. 5 months ago

    I feel compassion for you brother . Maybe start something on the side like painting rooms and interiors. Very easy side money and low setup cost . You can charge 35$ hr maybe more .

  14. 5 months ago

    what State? What are your hobbies? Do you have any degrees?
    >seriously, I was in your shoes at that age

  15. 5 months ago

    >I feel stuck
    you are. so is everyone else.
    >I have work ethic
    this no longer matters.
    the economy is ending. as you're seeing, the owners are realizing that they need very few other people involved to still own everything, and when they are needed, they can pick and choose the best of the best and treat them like the worst. it still looks like places are hiring because they need to be "looking for workers" to qualify for subsidies and grants from the government, but they only need to be looking, not hiring. in reality, there are more workers than jobs right now, by a wide margin.
    unfortunately for you, you are going to be in the first wave that dies on the streets as a result of this, because you had extra expenses going into it.
    the good news is that you'll only die of starvation and hypothermia and won't be around for when the second and third waves hit. after the effects on society the desperate 1st wavers with nothing to lose will have had, the subsequent ones will be handled differently, probably via prison forced labor or simple concentration.

    the anons advocating for you taking advantage of state programs are right. do it while you can, get as much as you can, save as much as you can. minimize living expenses as much as possible to last as long as you can. if your disabled adults are so disabled as to not "be there" anymore, ditch them. put your own oxygen mask on first. it will be at least 10 years and several waves of massive drops in general population before things start resembling decency again for folks who already aren't in the top 10%.

  16. 5 months ago

    I'm 26 and I'm just gonna say it, unless you're talented at something that takes up nearly none (read: almost zero) of your time considering the full time job it is to care for two humans... conventionally speaking, you're fricked.

    I'm assuming that you have no options to abandon the responsibilites you mentioned. My advice? Make a game on Steam. Doesn't have to be technically impressive or even good content-wise. Make it charming/quirky/fricking gay even and throw it up on steam. It lets you work from home if things go marginally well and in the best case scenario, you make a couple hundred thousand sales world wide and become a millionaire who can invest and direct funds to make your life (and the lives of your dependents) significantly easier.

    It's your choice on what you do and this could very well not be an option for you depending on your proclivities but it's an idea someone on PrepHole gave you so take it for what it is. I pity your position, but we all have our crosses to bear. Good luck man.

    • 5 months ago

      One more thing, if you do want to know more about this sort of thing, here's a resource for someone who might want a quick run down on what making a game entails:

  17. 5 months ago

    I spent my 20's caring for my grandmother to keep her out of a retirement home while my aunt and mother called me a user and bludger and took the money from the sale of her house and left me with a few dollars. In the end no one cares or appreciates your time. If I were you I would have some good memories with who I'm guessing are your parents and then cutting them loose and go live your life. Don't work for other people as they don't value your time either. I would rather sell food from a cart and mow lawns than work for other people. Having freedom to be yourself instead of a employee is a great experience.

  18. 5 months ago

    Dude, it's easy to get an at home work job now
    I was getting paid 18 bucks an hour to be customer service for a credit card company at home. You just sit on the phone and follow prompts, you don't need a degree or anything. And you'll always be home.

    Just look around, the companies exist

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