How do belts compare bags for shotgun shells? Bags are probably better tactically but belts are just cool

How do belts compare bags for shotgun shells? Bags are probably better tactically but belts are just cool

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    nice breasts homie

  2. 3 months ago

    Is this what happens when you drink the water that they put chemicals in to make the frickin frogs gay?

    • 3 months ago

      This is what happens when you're 390 pounds and drop to 230 in six months

      • 3 months ago

        That's impressive, subway?

        • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        I’m nowhere this heavy at 155 lbs. Besides the gyno, how do belts fare?

  3. 3 months ago

    i think Haley sells micro tactical bras

  4. 3 months ago

    post milkies pls

  5. 3 months ago

    everyone's ragging on your boobs OP but I'm gonna rag on your rags. where'd you get the medieval peasant fit?

  6. 3 months ago

    How do I lose weight?

    • 3 months ago

      Fix your diet first, you'd be surprised how much weight you can lose just by eating right

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago


          We all know how, but lack the discipline to make the changes
          >no more fast food
          >no more sugar
          >no starch
          >no cream
          >more veggies
          >more fruit
          >1-2% milk
          >lean protein (chicken, lean beef)
          Probably some other stuff I left out

          • 3 months ago

            >no starch
            >no cream
            >more fruit
            >1-2% milk
            I disagree with these, but the rest are good advice. No starch should be 'nothing from grains' like bread, pasta, cereal, and rice. Starch is in some good shit, like chickpeas and some potatoes. Fruit is full of sugar and something like a banana is pretty much a candy bar and not that nutritious.
            Cream and real milk are full of fat, but far doesn't make you fat. Filling up on kefir in the morning is fine and a good breakfast. Cheese is deceptively calorie dense and an easy to way to overeat. So are nuts.
            And then the other thing is that the hardest thing about diet is keeping to it. Saying >no more sugar is nice, but most people will fail that after a week due to cravings, and then the whole diet will fall apart.
            There's this one diet that you do 6 days of strict dieting, and then do one day of pigging out. You can't do that much damage in one day (just try to eat 50 eggs) and it gives you a reward to look forward to and doesn't give you the mindset of 'if I fail once then I may as well drop the damn thing entirely'. I generally stick to that.

        • 3 months ago

          Firstly, I am no expert. This is just from personal experience. If you have any friends/family in the military ask them to have a PTI write up a nutrition guide, it's part of their job
          But pretty much use common sense, don't gorge on snack foods, don't overfill your plate, but also don't starve yourself. Couple your eating habits with daily long walks, transitioning into power-walking and then sprints. The hardest thing will be keeping with it, but it will pay off. Don't expect results overnight

        • 3 months ago

          Aside from everything that has been posted already, eat less and accept being hungry from time to time. Your previous lifestyle was you living on credit and accruing a, caloric, debt. You will have to spend the future living frugal and paying it of and even afterwards you can never return to that lifestyle without ending up in debt again.
          Hunger isn't always caused by a need for food, it cn be fuel to tiredness, boredom, habit, thirst etc. Futhetmore hunger occurs cyclically and will drop of after a while of one endures.

          >no starch
          >no cream
          >more fruit
          >1-2% milk
          I disagree with these, but the rest are good advice. No starch should be 'nothing from grains' like bread, pasta, cereal, and rice. Starch is in some good shit, like chickpeas and some potatoes. Fruit is full of sugar and something like a banana is pretty much a candy bar and not that nutritious.
          Cream and real milk are full of fat, but far doesn't make you fat. Filling up on kefir in the morning is fine and a good breakfast. Cheese is deceptively calorie dense and an easy to way to overeat. So are nuts.
          And then the other thing is that the hardest thing about diet is keeping to it. Saying >no more sugar is nice, but most people will fail that after a week due to cravings, and then the whole diet will fall apart.
          There's this one diet that you do 6 days of strict dieting, and then do one day of pigging out. You can't do that much damage in one day (just try to eat 50 eggs) and it gives you a reward to look forward to and doesn't give you the mindset of 'if I fail once then I may as well drop the damn thing entirely'. I generally stick to that.

          >but far doesn't make you fat
          Agreed but because fat has such a high caloric density it is easier to lose weight by cutting down on it, always aim for some fat though it is essential to live.

          >You can't do that much damage in one day
          Correct,the human body has issues digesting more than ca. 10.000 kcal in a timespan of 24 hours, with the rest just passing through. So at worst you negate the effort of a week of dieting.

  7. 3 months ago


  8. 3 months ago

    Gyno or ftm?

    • 3 months ago

      Gyno, It can’t be that bad

  9. 3 months ago

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