How did the Mexicans make a better G36 than the Germans?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    >white camo

    • 3 months ago

      And it is a woman posing for a pic that will never actually deploy.

      They are wearing a white uniform precisely because they won't do anything they could get dirty doing.

      • 3 months ago

        Mexican and black women have higher testosterone then white women. Are they all capable? No but the percentage is way higher.

        • 3 months ago

          >Mexican and black women
          Mexican is not a race, anon. There are black Mexican women, Asian Mexican women, and white Mexican women. Also, you can get a legal e-girl in Mexico. Also, the amount of women in LatAm with higher voices and petite bodies is higher than that of the average white woman in America, so the diet might be an issue as well. I would not be surprised if American women on average had higher T.

          • 3 months ago

            >higher obesity rates that even the USA
            Yeah bro, Latina broads are so svelt.

            • 3 months ago

              A simple search would show you that Mexicans have lower obesity rates than Americans, but be not afraid as the main driver of obesity statistics in both countries are men, not women. US is top 10 in obesity when measuring men, but only 38 when measuring females.

              • 2 months ago

                Are you moronic? You thought the country who's most signifcant unique food is literally sugar bread would somehow not be fat?

            • 3 months ago

              Mexicans are actually thinner than Americans post covid. Mexico started putting insane taxes on junk food and just actively guilts people for being fat fricks because Mexico has socialized health care and fatties consume too many resources and take shit from normal functioning humans.

        • 2 months ago

          Black women are some alpha b***hes when it comes to fighting. Using them as infantry makes sense.

    • 3 months ago

      Its not the Mexican Army in OP, its the new gendarmerie so basically just cops.

      • 3 months ago

        Still doesn't explain the white camo...

        • 3 months ago

          I suspect the idea was to make them look more neutral, less military, a bit like the U.N.

          • 3 months ago

            They also had guys in white ghille suits on golf carts with miniguns. It's Mexico.

    • 3 months ago

      How else are you going to hide in a pile of cocaine?

    • 3 months ago

      There’s mountains and snow in Mexico

      • 3 months ago

        >and snow in Mexico
        That's Cocaine, not snow.

        • 3 months ago

          thats dandruff from your head, because you never shower and never take care of yourself, fatfrick

      • 3 months ago

        mexico has more of a need for firearms than germany

        no shit

    • 3 months ago

      she is from "la guardia nacional/national guard" not the army

    • 3 months ago

      It's the national guard. While militaristic in structure, it is meant as a national police force, so the uniforms are meant to stand out. I see these frickers across the border all the time. The frickers just hang out and grill. I hate them so fricking much.

      • 3 months ago

        >The frickers just hang out and grill. I hate them so fricking much
        hating people for this is the epitome of anti-Americanism, chief. better yourself.

        • 3 months ago

          Hate is a strong word. Rather, I feel envious of them to the point of rage.

          • 3 months ago

            that's understandable anon. we all just want to hang with our bros and grill

      • 3 months ago

        >The frickers just hang out and grill.
        sounds based

        • 3 months ago

          The Mexican army are probably masters of tactical grilling now that I think about it. Piling on corncob after corncob directly on it. Oaxaca cheese melted directly onto the tortilla.

          • 3 months ago

            The Mexican army actually has like 1/3rd of their entire budget is dedicated to logistics and emergency relief and sustainment. It's one thing that the Mexican government is very competent about. The Mexican army had a pre drawn up plan for how to aid the US or Canada during flooding so actually ended up responding to hurricane Katrina than most US national guard units did. It's hilarious that they have world class tactical taco trucks but are too wishy washy to actually curb stomp criminals when they have superiority. The concept is that if it looks like a war will happen Mexico, could start acquiring heavier weapons and will already have sustainment abilities and local infrastructure to press through the war, but that thinking is nearsighted itself in a way. The Mexican army was offered M60s with some cool package that was a halfway between the RISE package and the Sabra/Magach from Israel in the 90s but declined it because they wanted to focus on building a huge logistics network. They also are in charge of airports, high speed rail, oil refineries and rare earth mining these days. They're going to start running aero, auto and tech factories soon too.

            • 3 months ago

              >too wishy washy to actually curb stomp criminals
              They are actively blocked by politicos from going after the cartel, it's both legal and highly corrupt; now that it runs the GN, the Mexican Army could break the cartels in a month or less but AMLO won't let them. Nor did the previous administration, it's not 1 party doing this.
              I honestly believe Mexico could benefit from a coup and about 5 years of military rule at this point just to flush out the rats

              • 3 months ago
                Poor Investor

                Mexico already has some strange bullshit going on where they sorta have a military government forming that's trying to pretend it's not a military government because no one there really wants to give that another try for some funny reason(s), but the regular government is so shit and corrupted that it can't actually be trusted to run shit and someone's gotta do it.

              • 3 months ago

                Mexico probably won't become a pure military dictatorship but they're very much going to become a weird state where the military is the primary shareholder in both the private and nationalized sectors of the economy. They already have strong social ties with both the left and right due to indigenist stuff. so have soft power too. They did this by simply being competent at running whatever they are put in charge of and killing off their own who go corrupt. They get paid a "living family wage" as policy so that probably was the trick to get them to abandon mass corruption. The simplicity is simply beautiful. We'll likely see them become like the MIC in Turkey and Korea which both have very strong hands over general society. Their true issue right now is that many older politician types don't want them to gain power because they just go out and arrest or kill criminals too efficiently meaning they'd potentially be on the chopping block but that's going to change in the next decade when most Mexican boomers die off. They've been doing some really cool engineering work as of late and have had a budget surplus they've thrown at providing utilities, medical care and food supplies in rural areas which has really put them in a good light with the general population regardless of political slant.

              • 3 months ago

                >mexico is actually pretty good and is gonna be a great country. We have amazing manufacturing, our political structure is improving, mass corruption is going away, it's actually pretty nic...

              • 2 months ago

                Tbf that’s mostly vennies and other South Americans now. Mexicans come in with a tourist visa to work illegally then go back home.

              • 2 months ago

                Illegal Mexicans are leaving the US in droves, and new ones are ot arriving, my friend. 95% of new aliens are not from Mexico


                Mexico probably won't become a pure military dictatorship but they're very much going to become a weird state where the military is the primary shareholder in both the private and nationalized sectors of the economy. They already have strong social ties with both the left and right due to indigenist stuff. so have soft power too. They did this by simply being competent at running whatever they are put in charge of and killing off their own who go corrupt. They get paid a "living family wage" as policy so that probably was the trick to get them to abandon mass corruption. The simplicity is simply beautiful. We'll likely see them become like the MIC in Turkey and Korea which both have very strong hands over general society. Their true issue right now is that many older politician types don't want them to gain power because they just go out and arrest or kill criminals too efficiently meaning they'd potentially be on the chopping block but that's going to change in the next decade when most Mexican boomers die off. They've been doing some really cool engineering work as of late and have had a budget surplus they've thrown at providing utilities, medical care and food supplies in rural areas which has really put them in a good light with the general population regardless of political slant.

                >become like the MIC in Turkey and Korea
                real shit: I often think of Mexico as a new version of the old Turkey, where the military is the bastion of efficiency, honesty and accountability and largely keeps its shit together, and the civilian governments are prone to failure, hopelessly corrupt or antidemocratic, and the military intervenes just long enough to stretch a few necks and hands off civilian authority ASAP.
                I'm not saying it would go the same way, but there are paralells here: late-stage developing countries, profound Western integration, idiotic/criminal state powers, and actually properly run professional military corps that are semi-autonomous
                Erdogan is doing his best to frick that up right now, but unlike the vast majority of cases, the MIC in Turkey has been a force for prosperity, democracy, and liberality and I think the Mexican Army could possibly fill the same role

              • 2 months ago

                That's exactly what the Mexicam army is starting to become basically the brakes to the moron train of the civil and economic leaders who are quick to sell out. The army has been put in charge of oil, mining, ports, aerospace and likely soon some manufacturing sectors simply because they've run it better and politicians will sell it all off to foreigners or just hoarde funds. The army will just straight up kill their own corrupt like how they went after the ex soldiers who made up the Zetas. The fact that they haven't killed off Cienfuegos makes me think there is genuinely codified controlled opposition agreement with the narcos he was in contact with.

              • 2 months ago

                I work at Shelby Park, most of our encounters over the past two years have been Venezuelans, Hondurans, and Guatemalans. Mexicans almost never cross anymore, and when they do, it's almost weird to see it. That country will soon be our biggest trading partner. It really doesn't surprise me. Speaking of which, Mexicans now talk about Venezuelans the way Americans did about Mexicans just a decade ago. It's really funny when the legal ones crossing the bridge yell at us to send the Venezuelans back.

              • 2 months ago

                my workplace is like 50% mexican-born and the way they talk about venezuelans, central americans, dominicans, haitians etc would make 1950s white southerners blush lol

              • 2 months ago

                Mexicans have always been like that towards central Americans but really hate Venezuelans and Haitians now.

                I work at Shelby Park, most of our encounters over the past two years have been Venezuelans, Hondurans, and Guatemalans. Mexicans almost never cross anymore, and when they do, it's almost weird to see it. That country will soon be our biggest trading partner. It really doesn't surprise me. Speaking of which, Mexicans now talk about Venezuelans the way Americans did about Mexicans just a decade ago. It's really funny when the legal ones crossing the bridge yell at us to send the Venezuelans back.

                So when are they going to wall off Guatemala and supercharge their coast guard?

              • 2 months ago

                Why would they? its not like they want to stay in Mexico, they just go through it to get to the US.

              • 2 months ago

                KEK, here in Mexico Haitian migrants are more respected than central americans

              • 2 months ago

                Mexicans have always been like that towards central Americans but really hate Venezuelans and Haitians now.

              • 2 months ago

                my workplace is like 50% mexican-born and the way they talk about venezuelans, central americans, dominicans, haitians etc would make 1950s white southerners blush lol

                I talked to a dude from Tijuana some time back. He actually had surprisingly positive things to say about Haitian immigrant in that city, something about them actually working and trying to integrate, sending their kids to school there, etc. He had nothing good to say about the Central Americans and particularly Hondurans, though lol he called them lazy moochers who complain endlessly about how they're treated but don't want to work at all and just sit on their asses in tent cities throwing trash everywhere.

              • 2 months ago


                pretty much they have been one of the few minorities in Mexico (except white europeans) that had a positive feedback form us locals, only because as soon as were stranded in border cities like Tijuana and Mexicali arround 2016 they imidetlly started to look for ways to work on something that gave them money instead of slaking off in benches begging like central americans or venezuelans thats how they got more respect and itegrated better in our society

              • 2 months ago

                I suppose it makes sense. While their goal was obviously the US, Mexico is still far and away better than Haiti. Central Americans can always trek back to their own country, but Haitians know they're pretty much stuck where they are, and I doubt they'd ever want to go back anyway, especially now. Living off of gibs is basically a non-starter as well, so no option left but to work.

              • 2 months ago

                Didn't your president offer all these migrants residency if they stayed and worked? Whatever happened to that? Any of these people looking to stay legal in Mexico?

              • 2 months ago

                Yes he did, and a lot of them do want to stay In Mexico but the problem is that
                A) migration basically got flooded with request for humanitarian visas that currently still takes several days just to get a date with migration

                B) not everyone wants to stay, I forgot which news reported the statistics that around 50% of hatian migrants are just in transit to the US, 23% wanted to become Mexican citizens and the rest dont know yet as to were to go and are still stuck in limbo and given the outcome of the 2024 US elections those numbers might change a lot

                This video is from 2 or 3 years ago but it shows that they can integrate well


              • 2 months ago

                but Mexicans don't hop the border anymore
                it's other Latin Americans coming through Mexico to hop the border
                >t. burger living in the southern great plains who knows

              • 2 months ago

                Is there somewhere I can read up on these Mexican military hearts & minds projects?

                BTW, I am glad they are doing it, but that sounds like something you do to win long-term political support. It's essentially nation-building in your own country.

              • 2 months ago

                It's considered "controversial" to everyone except the vast majority of of the public lel. It's also likely that they're going to be put in charge of some manufacturing and high rise construction soon too.

              • 2 months ago

                >that's going to change in the next decade when most Mexican boomers die off

                I know that newer generations are full of morons and a lot of boomers were mostly good people from my experience but my god its like they are holding the world hostage for half a century and refuse to let it evolve into the next stage where things can hopefully be better. pretty much every country around the world has boomers in power that are at odds with the hopes and wishes of the living younger generations.

              • 2 months ago

                What? I mean, the younger generation is far worse than the boomer generation. And that's not just a boomer thing, that's also young people being idiots, compounded by the fact that each generation gets worse, because of the way technology has changed society and how culture has degenerated as a result of that.

              • 2 months ago

                >each generation gets worse, because of the way technology has changed society and how culture has degenerated as a result of that
                people have literally, and I do mean literally, saying this shit for like 4000 years now
                stop being a moronic homosexual

              • 2 months ago

                >the younger generation is far worse than the boomer generation

              • 2 months ago

                Yes, it is, homosexual.

              • 2 months ago

                Shut the frick up, the digits [


                >the younger generation is far worse than the boomer generation

                ] have spoken.

              • 2 months ago

                >whitepills coming out of Mexico
                Wow, I'm happy for them.

              • 2 months ago

                Unfortunately, my fatalistic ideals tell me that Mexico is going to frick it up again and we're going to go full dictatorship again. Reading the history of Mexico, it's a history written in blood, and I believe it is a cursed nation. That while the human sacrifices in the past have gone away, blood must still be shed to appease whatever gods rule that land. While I don't believe this in the strictest sense, I believe it has a type of poetry to it, so it is my belief that Mexican history must continue to be written like this until the end of time.

              • 2 months ago

                Mexico as a dictatorship would probably a lot like Chile under Pinochet or the second period of Francoist Spain. Better for the midlde class and industry but you're fricked if you're a lefty or criminal. Difference is that Mexico is a major industrial exporter.

              • 2 months ago

                Just as the ocean, so too does violence ebb and flow, fueled by the blood of Mexicans. This is the way it was and will be. This way, and not some other way. There will be seasons of calm, but the nature of Mexico is violence.

              • 2 months ago

                Unfortunately, my fatalistic ideals tell me that Mexico is going to frick it up again and we're going to go full dictatorship again. Reading the history of Mexico, it's a history written in blood, and I believe it is a cursed nation. That while the human sacrifices in the past have gone away, blood must still be shed to appease whatever gods rule that land. While I don't believe this in the strictest sense, I believe it has a type of poetry to it, so it is my belief that Mexican history must continue to be written like this until the end of time.

                >whitepills coming out of Mexico
                Wow, I'm happy for them.


                Mexico probably won't become a pure military dictatorship but they're very much going to become a weird state where the military is the primary shareholder in both the private and nationalized sectors of the economy. They already have strong social ties with both the left and right due to indigenist stuff. so have soft power too. They did this by simply being competent at running whatever they are put in charge of and killing off their own who go corrupt. They get paid a "living family wage" as policy so that probably was the trick to get them to abandon mass corruption. The simplicity is simply beautiful. We'll likely see them become like the MIC in Turkey and Korea which both have very strong hands over general society. Their true issue right now is that many older politician types don't want them to gain power because they just go out and arrest or kill criminals too efficiently meaning they'd potentially be on the chopping block but that's going to change in the next decade when most Mexican boomers die off. They've been doing some really cool engineering work as of late and have had a budget surplus they've thrown at providing utilities, medical care and food supplies in rural areas which has really put them in a good light with the general population regardless of political slant.


                It's considered "controversial" to everyone except the vast majority of of the public lel. It's also likely that they're going to be put in charge of some manufacturing and high rise construction soon too.


                Just as the ocean, so too does violence ebb and flow, fueled by the blood of Mexicans. This is the way it was and will be. This way, and not some other way. There will be seasons of calm, but the nature of Mexico is violence.

                >Just as the ocean, so too does violence ebb and flow, fueled by the blood of Mexicans. This is the way it was and will be. This way, and not some other way. There will be seasons of calm, but the nature of Mexico is violence.

                >And you may find yourself under machete attack
                >And you may find yourself in the Spanish speaking world
                >And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large Chevrolet truck
                >And you may find yourself in a cinderblock house with a sepia sky
                >And you may ask yourself "Well, how did I get here?"

                >Letting NAFTA go by, Rio Grande keeps Juan down
                >Letting the narcos die, zetas rotting in the ground
                >Into drug war abyss, after your head is gone
                >It's funky town time, new factories are breaking ground

                >And you may ask yourself "How does this G3 work?"
                >And you may ask yourself "Where do Latinas lurk?"
                >And you may tell yourself "This is not my Mexican life!"
                >And you may tell the guards "This is not his blood on my knife"

                >New towers in the sky, gun fights all about the town
                >New towers in the sky, narcos smuggling under ground
                >In mestizo abyss, after Aztecs have gone
                >Blood for the sun god, Huītzilōpōchtli's wrath rains down

                >SAME AS IT EVER WAS

              • 2 months ago

                Thanks for the laugh. I'm in the middle of one of my depressive episodes. I have new parts coming in today, so hopefully I can stay busy with work.

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                >Unfortunately, my fatalistic ideals tell me that Mexico is going to frick it up again ... blood must still be shed to appease whatever gods rule that land
                Mexican culture has this gothic element of it that I don't see much anywhere outside of Germany. It's like a Mexican game show is going to have some twisted gimmick where if you lose you go to hell and flames shoot up and a devil pops out and starts laughing at you. You can still walk around in the mall dressed up like The Crow and goth bands in the U.S. nowadays are just as likely to have songs in Spanish:

              • 2 months ago


                Mexico already has some strange bullshit going on where they sorta have a military government forming that's trying to pretend it's not a military government because no one there really wants to give that another try for some funny reason(s), but the regular government is so shit and corrupted that it can't actually be trusted to run shit and someone's gotta do it.


                Mexico probably won't become a pure military dictatorship but they're very much going to become a weird state where the military is the primary shareholder in both the private and nationalized sectors of the economy. They already have strong social ties with both the left and right due to indigenist stuff. so have soft power too. They did this by simply being competent at running whatever they are put in charge of and killing off their own who go corrupt. They get paid a "living family wage" as policy so that probably was the trick to get them to abandon mass corruption. The simplicity is simply beautiful. We'll likely see them become like the MIC in Turkey and Korea which both have very strong hands over general society. Their true issue right now is that many older politician types don't want them to gain power because they just go out and arrest or kill criminals too efficiently meaning they'd potentially be on the chopping block but that's going to change in the next decade when most Mexican boomers die off. They've been doing some really cool engineering work as of late and have had a budget surplus they've thrown at providing utilities, medical care and food supplies in rural areas which has really put them in a good light with the general population regardless of political slant.

                nah the military is as corrupt as the politicians no one is gonna get rid of the cartels

      • 3 months ago

        >The frickers just hang out and grill. I hate them so fricking much.

        They have discovered the purpose of life

    • 3 months ago

      it's an intentionally visible and conspicuous uniform. they are supposed to be like militarized federal cops, basically UN blue helmets for their own country

    • 3 months ago

      Because she's from the moon.

      • 3 months ago

        They got into the Green Revolution in the 70s if I remember well, before that they had to make the best of what was available so there is a custom of eating as much as possible and make the food as energy rich as possible, also what with US seeing them as yet another market for procesed food, it will take mexicans some serious education programs to develop psychological resistance to eating so much junk.

    • 3 months ago

      Dude it's an army of Native Americans larping as modern, who knows.

    • 3 months ago

      Mexican Marines have the best camo

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, like that's a weird opinion. Dumbass.

        • 3 months ago

          The "would" meme is used when presented with less attractive (to general public), not conventionally attractive member of the opposite sex.

        • 3 months ago

          Who wouldn't

      • 2 months ago

        >Mexican Marines
        So, basically just U.S. Marines?

    • 3 months ago

      >white camo
      It happens occasionally.

      • 2 months ago

        >tonight on top gear

    • 3 months ago

      Its a solid winter camo, for the 2 days a year we have snow in Mexico

    • 3 months ago

      because it looks cool, dickhead
      and because camo hasn't actually bean a real thing for 100 years
      99.9% of people who wear camo are never in a position where they are actually camouflaged or would need to be camouflaged

    • 3 months ago

      shes cute

    • 2 months ago

      I would do ANYTHING for her.

      • 2 months ago

        >She's in uniform
        >my urge to verbally abuse and mold in my own image rises
        Sorry, bro, but I see nothing more than an opportunity to propagate my memes. Sure, she may bear your child, but I impregnated her brain.

    • 2 months ago

      For invading Americans.

    • 2 months ago

      The white camo is for the Mexican national guard, who are basically just glorified cops/border patrol. The agency was created just a few years ago, either as a way to reduce or enable corruption, depending on who you ask.

    • 2 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    By making it longstroke instead of shortstroke

    • 3 months ago

      They did more than that.
      The garbage original also had portions melt after sustained fire of much less rounds than other service rifles.

      Mexican industry got pretty good after nafta moved a lot of american manufacturing there. Not white boy pre 1980s american industry good, but good enough to improve designs and be less deceitful than chinese goods.

      • 3 months ago

        Wasnt the G36 melting just krautlore memes?

        • 2 months ago

          Yep, it was moronic neverserved politicians being shocked that a rifle looses accuracy after you dump a few mags.
          The melting shit is just fuddlore.

          IRCC, it was pic.

          H&K had a fix but were going to charge way more than they were willing to pay. Thus with equipment they already bought, they decided to try their own hand.

          • 2 months ago

            >"metal fibers"
            >Sig 515

            • 2 months ago

              The 516 was marketed as the 515 in some countries because another company had a patent on 516.

      • 3 months ago

        Wasnt the G36 melting just krautlore memes?

        Yep, it was moronic neverserved politicians being shocked that a rifle looses accuracy after you dump a few mags.
        The melting shit is just fuddlore.

        • 3 months ago

          Kraut magic adds flaming damage after 700 rounds

          • 3 months ago

            >gun is burning after 700 rounds
            >keep firing one handed, using the other hand to shield himself from the heat

        • 3 months ago

          >Melt is just fuddlore
          Don't believe your lying eyes anon. Why is it that HK dick riders are the most delusional?

          • 3 months ago

            So when the government tried to sue them in court and lost that was just the entire judicative being HK dickriders roo?

            • 3 months ago

              >Sees the melty trunnion
              >Wuh wuhat bout da court thing
              Keep riding HKs wiener. If you actually want to know how they let HK off the hook you should read the decision. I'll give you a hint, it wasn't because the G36 isn't a melty piece of shit.

            • 2 months ago

              Entirely out of my ass, but didn't hk win because the issues were the result of all the features the German military wanted and not because of something they lied about or didn't deliver?

      • 3 months ago

        Very interesting, minority boy

      • 2 months ago

        >everything i know about the G36 is 'it melt'

      • 2 months ago

        that's why Mexican levis are the most sought after levis. la Raza is STRONG my friend!

  3. 3 months ago

    of all the things to not be copied/ stolen and reproduced from mexico its their fricking rifle.
    I cant wait to for the day to arrive when they start exporting them into the US market

    • 3 months ago

      >I cant wait to for the day to arrive when they start exporting them into the US market
      never going to happen unfortunately.

      • 3 months ago

        The women are already being imported by the US. If anything they will soon replace you as the majority demographic.

        is it actually better?

        There's a lot of beaners on this board that it's hard to tell what's fact from fiction. The ones born in the USA have an inferiority complex that would put blacks to shame, so they'll look at their parents home nation for anything to be proud of. And actual Mexicans are very nationalistic, kinda like chinks, so they claim everything in Mexico is better (but they'd rather live anywhere else, kek). I can assure you none of the people talking about this rifle have even held the gun, let alone shot it. With perhaps one exception, there was a Mexican army guy that used to post here years ago. But what would the average Mexican have to compare to anyways? They're not really allowed to own guns, and what little they can barely own, cannot be "military style" weaponry.

        • 3 months ago

          Actual Mexican here. The rifle has impressed me mostly because it's so cheap. I like a good deal, and I'd buy that for the ~$500 it takes for them to build one. Hell, I'd buy it for $600. As for the nationalist claim. I'll have to say that I am a bigger fan of the US than most Americans, an Americophile, if you will. Therefore I may be the exception, but nationalism, especially blind nationalism is widely frowned upon in Mexico proper, and considered gauche when seen in foreign-born Mexicans. That is not to say that Mexicans aren't a patriotic people, but I believe there's a difference between patriotism and nationalism. The main point of pride for the FX-05, I think, comes from the fact that it's entirely locally produced, and therefore highlights Mexican industry, rather than the weapon being in any way superior to the German G36. As for me, I prefer something belt-fed that fires from an open bolt. That all being said, I do wish Mexico would make an export model. Too bad that will never happen.

          • 2 months ago

            >Therefore I may be the exception, but nationalism, especially blind nationalism is widely frowned upon in Mexico proper, and considered gauche when seen in foreign-born Mexicans.

            Then why do all the campesinito fence hoppers up here plaster their goddamned flag all over everything? “I’m proud of the outrageously corrupt, hideously violent place I risked my life to escape.” It makes them look utterly moronic.

            • 2 months ago

              Well I don’t and am despised by my other border hoping beaners marrying for los papeles
              Mexicans are so moronic they believe all the nice city in the USA that were once part of Mexico should be given to Mexico
              Despite the fact Mexico didn’t build them

            • 2 months ago

              >Then why do all the campesinito fence hoppers up here plaster their goddamned flag all over everything? “I’m proud of the outrageously corrupt, hideously violent place I risked my life to escape.” It makes them look utterly moronic.
              Those are the chicanos that were not born and were not raised in Mexico. Blatant nationalism in Mexico is not cool. You're considered a moron for that.

        • 3 months ago

          Unironically a large segment of the PrepHoleners taking on poojets, mudslimes and vatBlack folk are spics, there was this guy who runs a youtube channel about demographics who noticed unlike MENAs or SEAs, LATAMs integrate faster and are far eager to serve in the armed forces of their new country, he didn't clarify if this was just new convert patriotism or they culturally just love the idea of actually being paid for killing people who pisswd them off. Considering you can't use on them "muh poor brown people dindu nuffin", and they are far less prone to nihilism, things will get funny in the coming decades.

        • 3 months ago

          Maybe i’m the guy you are talking about.
          I’ve had that gun issued in the past, the carbine version is very good but the iron sights are really shit you need to put a red dot to get the most out of it

        • 2 months ago

          Need a way to only bring in guns and hot Latinas.

        • 2 months ago

          > And actual Mexicans are very nationalistic, kinda like chinks, so they claim everything in Mexico is better (but they'd rather live anywhere else, kek).

          my gf is Mexican and she’s exactly like this, lmao

        • 2 months ago

          I was born in Mexico and I despise my birth nation

      • 3 months ago

        Why not? moronic mexican/american import export laws?

        • 3 months ago

          not that anon. Basically Mexico has no interest whatsoever in being an arms manufacturer/exporter. Our government has a pretty pacifist foreign policy record and has pretty much said no one is ever getting to buy those rifles but our armed forces.

          • 3 months ago

            The army owns everything they manufacture, even the uniforms. And they dont sell anything, they will destroy the material before selling anything.
            I think the only thing the general public can get from the mexican army is the old amd retired K9 dogs.

            I see, that’s unfortunate

          • 3 months ago

            It's changing. Drones are selling well and they had to change the law to let them be exported so now arms are free to be sold to whomever. I don't think anyone really believes Mexico is a peaceful country these days.

            • 3 months ago

              >I don't think anyone really believes Mexico is a peaceful country these days.
              We're peaceful and respectful to anyone and everyone outside and we get along with just about every country. We tend to keep our violent tendencies and impulses pointed towards ourselves.
              Yea, we're kindda fricked up

        • 3 months ago

          The army owns everything they manufacture, even the uniforms. And they dont sell anything, they will destroy the material before selling anything.
          I think the only thing the general public can get from the mexican army is the old amd retired K9 dogs.

        • 2 months ago

          Cartel would just buy them in the states
          Send them over and larp as army officer
          They won’t export the uniforms either for the same reason

          • 2 months ago

            army already sells weapons to cartels anyways

            • 2 months ago

              The military is generally pretty good about not doing that. This is why the National Guard was created, since the local cops were doing that. You need to learn to read more facts about this, anon.

              • 2 months ago

                The army had a better reputation in Mexico than the police for a reason
                If anyone is going to do that bullshit
                It’s Pablo Mexican police chief in Tijuana
                In fact hk knew this and purposely sold guns to the police
                Just to spite Mexico for not buying their g36

                nah they steal them part by part from factories or soldiers "lose" them on accident though they could also be stealing them on greater quantities whenever they send large shipments


              • 2 months ago

                So you're saying there's a chance I can get one?

            • 2 months ago

              The army had a better reputation in Mexico than the police for a reason
              If anyone is going to do that bullshit
              It’s Pablo Mexican police chief in Tijuana
              In fact hk knew this and purposely sold guns to the police
              Just to spite Mexico for not buying their g36

              • 2 months ago

                >hk knew this and purposely sold guns to the police
                >Just to spite Mexico for not buying their g36
                that is correct.

                nah they steal them part by part from factories or soldiers "lose" them on accident though they could also be stealing them on greater quantities whenever they send large shipments


                can you PLEASE read the links you post before showing your ass, cabron?
                >El principal mecanismo de distribución ilegal de estas armas al crimen organizado es a través de contratos que tiene la Sedena con los gobiernos estatales y posteriormente con policías municipales.

                Are you moronic? You thought the country who's most signifcant unique food is literally sugar bread would somehow not be fat?

                >sugar bread
                the world did not know of any of these things before Mexico was opened by the Spainards. Without Mexico there is not samosa, no ragu, no marinara, no candy chocolate bar, no paella

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah I definitely didn’t sell those g36 to
                The cartel
                My shipment got lost

    • 3 months ago

      >I cant wait to for the day to arrive when they start exporting them into the US market

      Mexico actually can export arms now. They did in the past but now they can sell all sorts of shit. They just started exporting armed drones recently. They've made some pretty high quality pistols and 22 rifles to the US too. But now they're making a semi-auto FX05 for civil defense and rural police units so it's not out of the cards for them to export it to the US. They did try to sell the FX05 to Colombia in the past.

  4. 3 months ago

    The G36 was designed around a list of features government pencil pushers wanted to have in a rifle. Restrained by these requirements HK developed the G36. Mexico, when revising it, was never limited by the same requirements. This is also what the courts found in Germany. HK produced exactly the rifle the government asked for.

  5. 3 months ago

    I need one of these things

  6. 3 months ago

    is it actually better?

    • 3 months ago

      In a few ways. It's more reliable and has less recoil. It is pretty much identically accurate as Mexico has actual H&K trained staff making the barrels and German private QC for the barrels too. It is however heavier and actually costs more per unit because of economies of scale. Parts are also harder to get as they only make a few tens of thousands any year, which is peanuts for Mexico which has 130 million people. Mexico has also not been able to mass produce them at the rate they want but that's more because leftist Mexican politicians don't care to invest in the arms industry. I actually think the low recoil delayed fuse grenade launcher they're making for it is much more interesting.

  7. 3 months ago

    Same way the Colombians made a better Galil, through necessity.

    • 2 months ago

      So much better they are buying the Galil Ace

  8. 3 months ago

    They didn't.
    Also Germans helped them.

    • 3 months ago

      They did

      >Germans helped them
      the FX-05 project started because the Germans specifically refused to make upgrades to the weapon in breach of their contract with the MX Army.

      they are industrious little men with large hands in the middle of a vast wasteland that make entire cities out of sand, anon. It's in their blood to monkey around and guinea engineer everything that comes across their path

      is it actually better?

      yes it is better than the G36. Better than other assault rifles like Honey Badger, the AC556 or the FAMAS? maybe not, but the fact that Mexican Army doctrine gives practically every single squad member a grenade launcher makes it objectively awesome

      Actual Mexican here. The rifle has impressed me mostly because it's so cheap. I like a good deal, and I'd buy that for the ~$500 it takes for them to build one. Hell, I'd buy it for $600. As for the nationalist claim. I'll have to say that I am a bigger fan of the US than most Americans, an Americophile, if you will. Therefore I may be the exception, but nationalism, especially blind nationalism is widely frowned upon in Mexico proper, and considered gauche when seen in foreign-born Mexicans. That is not to say that Mexicans aren't a patriotic people, but I believe there's a difference between patriotism and nationalism. The main point of pride for the FX-05, I think, comes from the fact that it's entirely locally produced, and therefore highlights Mexican industry, rather than the weapon being in any way superior to the German G36. As for me, I prefer something belt-fed that fires from an open bolt. That all being said, I do wish Mexico would make an export model. Too bad that will never happen.

      I would pay an unreasonable amount for an export version, but it's probably not going to happen unless Mexico somehow becomes a superpower overnight

      • 2 months ago

        >gives practically every single squad member a grenade launcher makes it objectively awesome
        Mexico made half life real?

  9. 3 months ago

    because le german engineering is meme, they just have a huge industrial output and by chance once in a while make a great product that tricks people into thinking they're all like that

    • 2 months ago

      German engineering isn't a meme. The problem is that most of german engineering is outsourced, including the engineering to China.

      Capitalism and non-Germans living in Germany killed German engineering.

      • 2 months ago

        The rare and elusive racist communist.

        • 2 months ago

          That's literally the most common type of communist around the world.

      • 2 months ago

        Holy triple cope Bltizmench!

  10. 3 months ago

    >How did the Mexicans make a better G36 than the Germans?
    is it? I don't think anyone but mexicans claim this is real.

    • 3 months ago

      It is better, cheaper, more modular, and been in production for almost 20 years and the Heinies can't say shit about it

      Unironically a large segment of the PrepHoleners taking on poojets, mudslimes and vatBlack folk are spics, there was this guy who runs a youtube channel about demographics who noticed unlike MENAs or SEAs, LATAMs integrate faster and are far eager to serve in the armed forces of their new country, he didn't clarify if this was just new convert patriotism or they culturally just love the idea of actually being paid for killing people who pisswd them off. Considering you can't use on them "muh poor brown people dindu nuffin", and they are far less prone to nihilism, things will get funny in the coming decades.

      >a large segment of the PrepHoleners
      dude this was outed in 2007, like we know Hispanics are white, take a pill and stop tryna be the spiced KKK

  11. 3 months ago

    Been out of the loop for a while, but do Mexicans still believe in the Salinas conspiracy?

  12. 3 months ago

    The FX05 was designed as a platform that could also accept larger rounds with minimal modifications. Mexico originally wanted the SCAR as their mainline rifle in 5.56 and 7.62 but FN was not at the time offering it for for Mexico to produce it. H&K was already aggressively marketing the G36 to Mexico and sold them a lot of tooling to sweeten the deal. Mexico tested the FX05 but they overheated easy and the paddle style charging handle broke a lot. Mexico asked H&K to redesign it but that doubled the price tag. Mexico simply canceled and used the H&K polymer machinery to build their new rifle which is a combination of the G36, SCAR and Galil/AK. The FX platform can be scaled from 5.56 to 7.62 and larger. Gas block was styled after the Galil that several security services use, bolt carrier and upper receiver are more similar to the SCAR and the G36 patterned parts are thicker, heavier and some pieces have interior aluminum braces and sub frames. Mexico industry isn't really that shitty. They're pretty good at making car, aerospace and medical machinery equipment. They design a fair bit of it too.

  13. 3 months ago

    german engineers are pretty shit and over-complicate everything think it makes them look smart. they're morons.

  14. 3 months ago

    buncha thirsty gentlemen of color in here

  15. 2 months ago

    they unlike HK arent bound to the Bundeswehrs delusional requests

  16. 2 months ago

    post moar latinas with guns

  17. 2 months ago

    Simple, Germany abandoned it

    • 2 months ago

      H&K whined all the way to Stuttgart about it and got slapped down It then spent the next 3 years illegally shipping g36 to corrupt police and cartels in Mexico and had to pay Mexico $5m after 2 of its workers were found guilty of arms trafficking

      So when are they going to wall off Guatemala and supercharge their coast guard?

      when Mexico puts even .01% of the money into its social safety net that the US does and starts accepting refugees instead of funneling them to the border

  18. 2 months ago

    I heard the most popular pistol cartridge in mexico is fricking .380. Can any mexibros explain this?

    • 2 months ago

      "Military" calibers laws, you see them in some countries. 9mm is considered a military caliber so you can't own it. That's why .380 and .38 super are popular down there

      • 2 months ago

        That makes sense.

  19. 2 months ago

    The G36 was fine the way it was designed. It was never made to be mag dumped into the side of a mountain.

  20. 2 months ago

    How the frick does a Mexican rifle look better made than an Indian one, aren't they both the same shit?

    • 2 months ago

      India might not have the violent crime levels of Mexico but their levels of both material and social under-development and systemic corruption make Mexico look like the most affluent utopia by comparison.

  21. 2 months ago

    If it's sooo good, how come no one else but Tacos are using that rifle?

    • 2 months ago

      Mexico used to ban weapons exports much like Japan. They recently got rid of that policy so they could start exporting their drones and they are now starting to sell firearms internationally again.

    • 2 months ago

      For the longest time only GAFE had them.This was supposedly to make sure that narcos didn't get their hands on the rifle. Clearly they changed their mind or it was like the use of the SCAR and SOCOM.

      • 2 months ago

        GAFEs didn’t use the FX, the weapons that GAFEs use are M4’s and M16’s and the FER also use the SCAR

        • 2 months ago

          Damn, so you're telling me that parade was a lie? I can't believe Mexicans would lie to me like this.

  22. 2 months ago

    Why would you want a glove on the trigger hand vs the one that is holding the hot barrel?

  23. 2 months ago

    Source: Trust me dude.

  24. 2 months ago

    I want more hot FX-05-wielding latina pics

    • 2 months ago

      What about an anime Mexican?

      • 2 months ago

        >"ohio tbh-ne, whatsu shoulda we make the mexicanu in our anime rook rike?"
        >"I know! just give her a frickingu sombrero! The filthy gaijin piggus will eat it up, and the honoru of our studio will be restored."
        Why are nips so racist, goddamn.

        • 2 months ago

          99% ethnic homogeneity, please understand

        • 2 months ago

          That's a Chinese game, anon.

        • 2 months ago

          They actually really did look at the details of the name.
          >Xiuhcoatl is a Classical Nahuatl word that translates as "turquoise serpent"
          They gave her that eye color as well as a snakeskin pattern on the lapels of her coat. Notice the necklace she's wearing, as well as the other triangle symbols found on her costume. The triangle motif is something found in the original Aztec depictions. I actually quite like FX-05s design. I think more thought was put into it than you think.

        • 2 months ago

          Well anon:

          Pic shared by

          is mexican, yeah, yeah most mexicans don't look like that but provided you put some effort you can actually find people all over LATAM who would have no problems cosplaying white characters.

          • 2 months ago

            People often forget that Mexico is a multi-racial, multi-cultural country that simply chooses to believe the fiction that everyone there is "Mexican." It's the reason why you will find some white-ass, wonderbread motherfricker talking up the native heritage, while you have Prieto-kun joining the local Nazi party, you know, on account of his European heritage.

            • 2 months ago

              And they all pretend they're Goku

              • 2 months ago

                It's a whole country of Gokubros. What do you expect?

            • 2 months ago

              And they all pretend they're Goku

              >People often forget that Mexico is a multi-racial, multi-cultural country that simply chooses to believe the fiction that everyone there is "Mexican."

              Yeah, it's most convenient, I mean, it has its advantages, not just the cute kukulkan* girl, imagine most of the people at the US ghettos being psyoped and suddenly thinking "hey we have white heritage, we should start acting like whites", consider the amount of browns in LATAM and yet the region is still more prosperous than the rest of turdieworld despite not having that many oil hacks (except for Venezuela, but they are LATAM Russia, lol), free tickets to UK or UN being obsessed with giving them free stuff.


              >And they all pretend they're Goku

              And Goku becoming the Super Aryan actually helps, I sincerely think this somehow helped everyone believe they could behave like whites.

              I suppose all in all it's not that bad, what with wars being non-existent, yes crime is terrible and social inequality in bad, and a unified LATAM armed force would be extremely fun to see in action, particularly when it comes to over the top violence, but you can't have all things at life.

              *For those interested read about the White God of Precolumbian America

              • 2 months ago

                >And Goku becoming the Super Aryan actually helps, I sincerely think this somehow helped everyone believe they could behave like whites.
                When I was a kid, I thought you could grow up to be white and American. I wanted to be Terry Bogard.

            • 2 months ago

              >People often forget that Mexico is a multi-racial, multi-cultural country that simply chooses to believe the fiction that everyone there is "Mexican." It's the reason why you will find some white-ass, wonderbread motherfricker talking up the native heritage, while you have Prieto-kun joining the local Nazi party, you know, on account of his European heritage.

              It's more that Mexico has actually succeeded in creating a national identity separate from a single race. Mexicans think it's weird that others can't do this. Chileans do this too. Most Mexicans are Amerindian and Euro mixes on a pretty consistent 40%-60% slide in either direction. About 15% of the population is pure Euro or Pure Amerindian. Mexicans are also 5% African but very diffused. Mexican identity is basically a 90% Euro-Amerindian fusion with various other cultural elements tossed in.

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago


                You will never be an Aztec Duke, why live?

              • 2 months ago

                Lol that guy is hilarious. He's the direct descendant of Montezuma. He applies to be the emperor of Mexico every year and is decined every year. I think he owns a bunch of land in Mexico and Spain still. They should just give him a formal title and no real power imo. Mexico City still has a castle in it's main park. Fun fact: Half of the Montezuma family went to Spain 400 years ago and actually founded the Spanish civl guard.

              • 2 months ago

                Formal titles are banned in the mexican constitution since 1821 because of the spanish empire, ironically if somehow you get a royal title form spain or other country you lose your mexican citizenship LOL

              • 2 months ago

                >It's more that Mexico has actually succeeded in creating a national identity separate from a single race. Mexicans think it's weird that others can't do this. Chileans do this too. Most Mexicans are Amerindian and Euro mixes on a pretty consistent 40%-60% slide in either direction. About 15% of the population is pure Euro or Pure Amerindian. Mexicans are also 5% African but very diffused. Mexican identity is basically a 90% Euro-Amerindian fusion with various other cultural elements tossed in.

                It's because Latino countries, like the US, are a tabula rasa kind of clean slate where everyone who went to live there at the beginning mostly had the same shared experience in growing out their society, claiming the land, developing their economies and dealing with the specific bullshit that is living in the end of the world, but unlike the US the Spanish empire snatched up natives and turned them into subjects. Everyone no matter the race or tribe or even wealth was ultimately stuck in the most distant, forgotten part of the world, once wealth extraction didn't pan out, and the spanish empire collapsed for good, Latino nations were basically left alone to grow out as their own thing, left out of any scramble for land or resources or most political and social movements well into the late 19th century.

                When you're this far from anything, roots and race doesn't matter because no one cares about you. Europeans did not and do not care about whites outside of Europe let along the ones that went native. The only identity you really have is the national one.

        • 2 months ago

          I love it when they make Americans burger-eating loudmouths and I'm sure Mexicans think the stereotypes like sombreros and maracas are endearing too.

          • 2 months ago

            Cartoon Network or whoever took Speedy Gonzalez cartoons out of rotation and all the hispanics started protesting to bring it back because they love that little fricker

          • 2 months ago

            We actually do kek we really, really don't give a frick about the stereotypes, because we stereotype ourselves all the time. The ones who shit and piss themselves over stereotypes are Chicanos, because they're not accepted anywhere.

      • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        That’s a good looking rifle.

      • 2 months ago

        No, you are cartoon worshipping pedo simp

        • 2 months ago

          >post image of mature-looking woman
          >hurr pedo


      • 2 months ago

        Socially malformed aspergers like anime because anime faces are ugly and inarticulate so they identify with them.

        • 2 months ago

          I think it might be the opposite, tbh. Autismos appreciate the simplicity and clear expressions because a lot of them have trouble with social cues and reading people.

        • 2 months ago

          Anime website. On a thread about an Anime country. Get over it.

          • 2 months ago

            >Anime website. On a thread about an Anime country. Get over it.

            Don't care - all moe shit is trash as is 90% of anime

  25. 2 months ago

    G36 is more reliable and has less recoil. It being better is objective. It's much heavier, and not as ergonomic. It's accurate but I've never seen a one vs one test of it against the G36. they have barrels that were approved by German quality control staff benched against the G36 but again, no proof so it's a crap shoot. I'd suspect it's probably more dependable and softer shooting but less accurate and less easy to live with. My two cents.

    This is a pic of it going through tests with a transparent body shell. You can see the bigger bolt carrier and upper reciever metal insert subframe.

  26. 2 months ago

    The Army has active measures in place to prevent these rifles falling into cartel hands. And if they were to fall into cartel hands, efforts would be made to recover them, lest the Army begins to seem incompetent or corrupt. Which is why even when the cartels do manage to get some they are usually abandoned because it's not really worth the hassle for the cartels when so many cheap and untraceable guns can be bought across the border. Not to mention what would happen to you if an army unit finds one on you after a firefight.

    And for anyone on the inside it's really hard to steal and sell them when every part is serialized and logged so figuring out which gun came from where and who had access to them is easy and fast. Especially when the Army owns the manufacturing plants and warehouses.

    It still happens ocasionally and out of about 200k rifles manufactured, I'm guessing a couple hundred are in cartel hands, and I think I'm being generous with that number.

    I do know that in one case of someone caught selling the army's guns to, in their eyes, be used against them. That info is not publicly disclosed and they're not publicly tried, the Army just sort of made that person....dissapear

    • 2 months ago

      I need to get some contacts in SEDENA to get my hands on one. I really want one, bros. I also want that new Howa Japan is using.

      • 2 months ago

        It'd probably be easier just to find some narco-gay with one and trade for it tbh

        • 2 months ago

          we need to talk about that AR looking .50 cal

          • 2 months ago

            That, eh just narco-redneck fiddleing with gun parts to see if they can cheapout a barrett

  27. 2 months ago

    Thread theme.

  28. 2 months ago

    za monolith

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