Help me survive in the jungle for 1 night. Next week I have a layover in a tropical country.

Help me survive in the jungle for 1 night.
Next week I have a layover in a tropical country. I won't be able to spend the night in the airport, and I don't want to pay for a hotel. However I won't have my usual jungle kit like hammock and tarp.
How would you go about spending a single night in pic related with no gear, except maybe cordage? There will be sandflies, mosquitoes carrying botfly eggs, and the nocturnal and aggressive fer-de-lance viper.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    Just drink some coffee and pay a taxi to take you a couple miles from the airport and wait for you to wander around. He'll do it, he's getting paid to sit there. You'd better speak Spanish or whatever to communicate well with him. I've done the same thing in Guatemala, it's no big deal.

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        What am I looking at here schizoanon

  2. 2 months ago

    >aggressive fer-de-lance
    They’re not aggressive and won’t seek you out, not a single venomous snake wants anything to do with you. Wear heavy boots and long pants snake bite will be the least of your worries

    • 2 months ago

      Do you have specific knowledge about this type of snake? Everything I’ve read states clearly they’re known to be aggressive and will actually chase your ass down.

      >1 night
      Don't shovel dirt and leaves into your mouth? It's one frickin' night!

      Was fishing for ideas to do it in style. Big difference between sleeping in a cozy palm frond hut and being a sad motherfricker shivering in a forest.

      • 2 months ago

        >Everything I’ve read states clearly they’re known to be aggressive
        There is not a venomous snake on the planet that wants to waste precious energy-intensive venom on something it can’t eat, especially not if that something is a predator a thousand times its size and could kill it in one stomp. Nearly every source you read will also say bushmasters are super aggressive, but they’re fairly docile. It’s mostly bullshit
        >and will actually chase your ass down.
        fer-de-lances are fast to strike but relatively slow moving. Even if it tried to chase you (which it won’t) you could probably walk faster than it. They are extremely well camouflaged and rely on that to avoid predators which makes them easy to stand on accidentally, that is how nearly all bites happen. They won’t even bluff charge like a king cobra. They’re bad tempered if you bother one, but it’s not going to go out of its way to hurt you

        • 2 months ago

          Just keep shitposting, it’s way easier than a simple google search.

          • 2 months ago

            It’s correct though, a page made by literallywho that pops up as the first result on google is not a good source of info on snake temperaments.
            Look at all these vipers not chasing this guy


    • 2 months ago

      Do you have specific knowledge about this type of snake? Everything I’ve read states clearly they’re known to be aggressive and will actually chase your ass down.

      Was fishing for ideas to do it in style. Big difference between sleeping in a cozy palm frond hut and being a sad motherfricker shivering in a forest.

      I live with them. Usually when meeting one, you can just gently nudge them with a stick and they will turn from you and slide away into the brush. I had one encounter where one bigger than 1m decided it wanted to set up shop directly at my camp. I spend probably 40min trying to direct it away, but it always just moved a bit, turned around, went right back to where it started and postured defensively. I didnt want to risk not knowing where it was and stepping on it and I wasnt confident enough to capture it safely, so I ended up dispatching it. They might not actively pursue you, but they can stubbornly hold their ground and tell you that it's you that needs to frick off.
      For sleeping inna jungle for one night its a non issue though. You very seldom run into them, even in areas with a high population. Have fun with all kinds of little friends crawling all over you all night long though. Wear long pants and a long sleeve shirt, tuck your pants in you socks and your shirt in your pants, fire helps.

  3. 2 months ago

    Just pull an all nighter

  4. 2 months ago

    >1 night
    Don't shovel dirt and leaves into your mouth? It's one frickin' night!

  5. 2 months ago

    I keep a redbelly black snake in my pocket and let it eat more dangerous snakes at night

  6. 2 months ago

    Rule #1: Don't sleep on the floor.

    If you have no choice, clear away all the foliage from the area. You'll be surprised how manny jungle critters avoid cleared/open areas.

    Build something like picrel. All you need is cordage.

    It's only one night. It's not survival.

    • 2 months ago

      Also make sure the locals can roast you efficiently. Use a type of wood that imparts a nice flavour, like cherry or oak. Picrel.

      • 2 months ago

        It's South America. Maybe Quebracho? It's supposed to taste like mesquite. And cherry is too perfumey. Apple is the superior fruit wood.

    • 2 months ago

      This seems unnecessary but also fun, I will try this

      you moron

      just go sleep on the sidewalk outside of the airport or go into town and find a bench to sleep on. Be normal and use your bag as a cushion, cover your body with a jacket. Wait until 5 am when the airport opens and then go back inside

      I have no idea why you would ever think you would have to "go into the jungle" you're just gonna start autisticly cutting down some poor dudes brush in the dark and get a frick ton sand fly bites. you'll want to have a nice day without a mosquito net.

      actually nevermind go into the jungle it sounds like your only option. I think you need to build a raised platform and fire to keep away the jaguars.

      I’ve slept on the streets in London and Paris and that was bad enough; I promise I’m not gonna try the same thing in urban Honduras of all places. Only place I’ve ever been robbed was in Central America, sorry if I’m being a drama queen

  7. 2 months ago

    Watch these:

    Mykel Hawke, jungle guy:

  8. 2 months ago

    you moron

    just go sleep on the sidewalk outside of the airport or go into town and find a bench to sleep on. Be normal and use your bag as a cushion, cover your body with a jacket. Wait until 5 am when the airport opens and then go back inside

    I have no idea why you would ever think you would have to "go into the jungle" you're just gonna start autisticly cutting down some poor dudes brush in the dark and get a frick ton sand fly bites. you'll want to have a nice day without a mosquito net.

    actually nevermind go into the jungle it sounds like your only option. I think you need to build a raised platform and fire to keep away the jaguars.

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