
Hello PrepHole quick question: why not put your meat birds in a cone upside down and decapitate them with like a cigar cutter mechanism? Why bleed the animal out while it's brain is attached and it panic when I could depart it's brain from body and bleed it's body anyway? Heck I could fill a bucket with warm water and clove oil and toothache herb to Chuck the head in so it doesn't feel the passing seconds of residual brain signal.
Unrelated garden picture.

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago

    I kinda want to grow cornish crosses which you have to kill on time as a mercy because they grow so freakish fast. To teach my kid about raising meat but I'm thinking the thrashing would be less in a full decapitate scenario. I want his first experience to be non traumatic.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm against meat birds but bla bla bla people raise them.

      I like heritage birds. They are just about zero maintenance.


      Hello PrepHole quick question: why not put your meat birds in a cone upside down and decapitate them with like a cigar cutter mechanism? Why bleed the animal out while it's brain is attached and it panic when I could depart it's brain from body and bleed it's body anyway? Heck I could fill a bucket with warm water and clove oil and toothache herb to Chuck the head in so it doesn't feel the passing seconds of residual brain signal.
      Unrelated garden picture.

      I heard about the cone thing. Watch the Mercy Farms halal slaughter. He does not specifically cover chickens/roos. My suggestion is to then watch a video on how to hypnotize a roo. You force their head down into the sand/dirt, then slowly draw a line in front of them from the eyes forward, in the dirt. That will mechanically relax them. Then mutter bismalla aluha akbar, and cut the neck.

      • 1 month ago

        slaughter demo (no blood, no actual killing)

  2. 1 month ago

    Best way is to get a 2-3" pipe a few feet long.

    Grab chicken.
    Place one foot on one end of pipe.
    Place chicken head under middle of pipe.
    Place other foot on the other end of the pipe.
    Then with hands around the body of the chicken give it a firm pull and the head will pop right off.

    • 1 month ago

      Does this bleed out the meat well? I was thinking a clean cut would bleed better and surely there is a learning curve for your method. I would be doing this with my six year old and I want it as little trauma as possible.

      • 1 month ago

        Yes it does. Just hang them up by their feet for a bit. This was the preferred method by my grandmother who put up a ton of chickens every year back in the day.

  3. 1 month ago

    Just use a hammer

  4. 1 month ago

    Heart pumps out the blood etc.

  5. 1 month ago

    Since this is a /chkn thread, where do you get your birds from? I normally order from Cackle Hatchery, but I want to get geese rn. I think they have a minimum order. I'm located near the ohio valley area. Not real picky on the breed. Already have ducks, chickens and guineas.

    Yes I am aware TSC has them in the spring. Pretty sure they are out but I will give them a call. Would prefer a hatchery.

    • 1 month ago

      I live in the city area and just let the local spca know I will take in chickens. People die and family turns in their animals. Free chickens. Sometimes they try to squeeze you for a adoption fee but make it clear your a better option for the animals than death, not a wallet to tap.

  6. 1 month ago

    That sounds like a lot of extra steps to make an axe and a stump

  7. 1 month ago

    That's a good way to do it anon.
    Regular knife is fine, don't want no hard to clean cutters.

    • 1 month ago

      Yes this is similar to what we used. Process is grab chicken push his head between two nails on the wood stump platform. Pull back on the legs to stretch the neck and machete around the lower neck. This takes off the head then you place them into the cone so they can kick for a few minutes and bleed down. The heads get pushed off the stump into a pile. To the left of the stump is the small pen to pull the live chicken from.

      • 1 month ago

        Complications are missing the target with the death blow, as the CNS lives low in the neck. This is the target, not the "brain" as thats just for visual processing.

        Accidentally having fully live chickens run away and into the jungle.

        Accidentally having headless chickens run away into the jungle

        Headless chickens in the cones jumping out and running into the jungle.

        I was not good at this job and only allowed to cover for a guy when he was too drunk and didnt show up. Also After the snake meals Giant snakes came and the drunk guy had to go in and fight them.

  8. 1 month ago

    Currently hatching a whole metric fricktonne of chimkens. Have had eggers for years but this will be my first time doing meat birds, the roosters.
    My plan is to do the cone method, but instead of cutting their head off, i will be deleting their head with a shotgun.

    • 1 month ago

      Is lead exposure a concern? Bullet cost, surely all that kickback would be uncomfortable.

      • 1 month ago

        Valid questions
        >lead exposure
        Presumably i will contaminate the neck, guess i'll end up chopping that off and wasting it. But, all their blood will be flowing out through that hole, so thats the only other thing that should be ruined, and i didnt plan on drinking their blood anyway.
        >Bullet cost
        I am hoping the satisfaction of granting them an instant death outwieghs that. Aswell its only a fraction of the cost of buying or raising a chicken, and i could easily blow so much more money by just going out shooting recreationally for an hour, shooting guns is fun.
        I have wanted an excuse to pickup a smaller gauge shotgun. Currently only have a 12ga, but i do want a 20ga, which should work just aswell, but regardless, again, shooting guns is fun.

        • 1 month ago

          Lead will remain in the soil, and to be honest will with repeat shot contamination of the cone and tree or whatever it's on with microparticles rather lead dust. And at close range you yourself will be covered in lead dust.

          • 1 month ago

            I shoot guns in my yard anyways

          • 1 month ago

            To add;
            I wont be handling/processing the chickens, while covered in lead dust, as thats not my job. My brother is the butcher, i am just the executioner.

            • 1 month ago


              Do the chickens have access to the kill area? Like if they are ing sting lead, then exposed to lead in the kill. The processing table is not in threat of being downwind?

              Maybe the next time you get blood drawn ask about heavy metal exposure panel...

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Shooting is stupid and a waste of money. Everything about poultry that matters is already known including how to dispatch them.

                If you want to be merciful watch Temple Grandin videos about how birds are stunned electrically. Wanting to do things your way out of pure ignorance
                does not cure the ignorance.

                >Shooting is stupid and a waste of money
                I believe this has devolved, from what at first was legitimate concern, to perhaps just a case of the sour grapes.
                Are you even permitted to own firearms in your country? Do you understand how fun it is to shoot them? Have you ever mercifully executed an animal? with a gun, or did you cut its head off with a knife after knocking it out? Because i'll say one of those methods is palatable, and one is not.

              • 1 month ago

                I fear the effects of lead poisoning.
                You don't.
                I have a family history of living into the 90s so perhaps I concern myself with long term effects more than you need to.

              • 1 month ago

                It seems you don't have a family history of literacy. Did you translate that post somewhere or are you just that bad with the English language?

              • 1 month ago

                Lucky, i don't know of a single male blood relative that has even made it to their 70's. (drinkers and smokers)

    • 1 month ago

      Shooting is stupid and a waste of money. Everything about poultry that matters is already known including how to dispatch them.

      If you want to be merciful watch Temple Grandin videos about how birds are stunned electrically. Wanting to do things your way out of pure ignorance
      does not cure the ignorance.

  9. 1 month ago

    that's how it's been done for decades, in fact I'm pretty sure that's what they did to that chicken that ended up living without a head. Even cleaner and quicker is just grabbing at the base of then neck and yanking, dead before they hit the ground

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