>health in decline. >find out central air intake is full of mold. >HVAC company wants $14k to fix

>health in decline
>find out central air intake is full of mold
>HVAC company wants $14k to fix
>or $20 to install 4 (required) mini splits
>bathroom wall also has mold from a tiny amount of caulk missing and letting in steam
>inspect for repair only to find that my home has no moisture barrier
>home also has no plywood outer wall
It's literally siding to studs to sheet rock
>whoever installed hvac intake from crawlspace to attic didn't seal anything
>crawlspace moisture goes to attic
>improper roof ventilation
>roof sheets become moist and sag
>roofers want $15k to repair roof
>have creek in back yard. It's eroding and can't be fixed because house is blocking access for heavy machinery
>They are asking $20k to fix it even if they could access it
>mold growing in windows because they get no sun
>They get no sun because neighbors have 100ft tall trees that are extremely dangerous

What do? I can't sell because no one would buy this. Even then I would end up with a higher mortgage and higher interest rate. Which aren't feasible for me. I could tear it down but don't have the money to rebuild. Would just as much to fix everything.
Just can't win.

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    get rekt

  2. 3 months ago

    >What do?
    An electrical fire that destroyed the whole house would be unfortunate, OP.

    • 3 months ago

      this, just burn it down and get insurance money. Do it at night "while you're sleeping" and have firemen pull you out of the burning house to make it more believable

      • 3 months ago

        unironically not a bad idea
        increase insurance, wait a few months or even a year
        put real valuables and backup paperwork in safety deposit box

        • 3 months ago

          Do not increase the insurance prior to going through with the plan. It would be far too obvious.

          • 3 months ago

            I'm not gonna burn it. Fricking psychos.
            At most, I would disassemble it from the top down and keep all the useful lumber and fixtures and such.
            Not sure my mortgage holder would like that. But frick em

            • 3 months ago

              Declare bankruptcy walk away from house.

    • 3 months ago

      That was a good idea before insurance companies started to use the data from lightning detection systems.

      • 3 months ago

        Electrical fires don't have to originate from lightning. A loose connection can easily overheat and cause a fire, Hans.

  3. 3 months ago

    How long ago did you buy the house? It sucks that house insurance won't do shit about this.

  4. 3 months ago

    I guess I'm wondering if the previous owner failed to "Disclose Material Defect". You'd have to prove they knew about the mold issue, which would be a challenge, but the lack of vapor barrier is a code violation I believe. If the previous owner ( or his buddy or whatever ) did the work... I don't know. I'd like to think there is some recourse other than "welp you bought a lemon, enjoy bankruptcy!"

    • 3 months ago

      >I'd like to think there is some recourse other than "welp you bought a lemon, enjoy bankruptcy!"
      There's this thing called "due diligence"
      OP is a homosexual who bought a shitty house. It was cheap, and the reasons that he listed are among the reasons why.
      >code violation
      The house may have been built before codes required vapor barrier. They are not required in some areas to this very day.

      It's pretty israelitey of you that your first instinct is to sue someone after you do something stupid.

  5. 3 months ago

    >i've neglected my house and now I'm paying for it
    it's called a dehumidifier

  6. 3 months ago

    >or $20 to install 4 (required) mini splits
    Minisplits are cheap, so just install them yourself. Or use a commercial ozone generator to kill everything in the ducts as a quick fix.
    >bathroom wall also has mold from a tiny amount of caulk missing and letting in steam
    So rip out the wall and replace it. It's a shit shack, you don't even have to tile, you can use watertight wall panels.
    >It's literally siding to studs to sheet rock
    Take off siding, put in insulation, put on OSB+moisture barrier, put back siding.
    >roof sheets become moist and sag
    Replace sheets, put on standing seem metal roof.
    >have creek in back yard. It's eroding and can't be fixed because house is blocking access for heavy machinery
    Lots of Concrete filled sandbags? Easier to get to your yard than Gabions and rocks. For extra strength you could get a hand carried gas powered pile driver and drive piles in front of the sandbags.
    >mold growing in windows because they get no sun
    Keep your shit clean and buy a dehumidifier.

  7. 3 months ago

    Most mold is harmless. It's probably something else wrecking your health

    • 3 months ago

      That comment speaks to your level of callous ignorance.

      OP needs to tear it down. Fire as previous suggestions suggested. Then build right.

      • 3 months ago

        >listening to a benzo addict

        • 3 months ago

          I don't care what you do in your spare time (masterbates), but before you touch PrepHole, wash your hands and meditate on how stupid you ordinarily sound to everyone else.

        • 3 months ago

          Not just a benzo addict, a coward who was too weak to go to rehab and do normal very safe medically supported detox because it would be very uncomfortable. So instead he went to russia and was put in a medically induced coma, which has a significantly higher risk of death. A hypocrite who could not handle the consequences of his own actions but espouses endless nonsense about personal responsibility

          • 3 months ago

            >listening to a benzo addict

            Thanks for posting evidence of how meaningless you are, and by how much. No one cares. We are not responsible for the accidental mishap that was your parents fricking. Go take it up with them.

            He's hosting the show to give the topic exposure, because his daughter was exposed. There are two people on as guests that have loads of experience in the area.

            If you watched a few minutes of it, you'd learn something.

  8. 3 months ago

    You are looking at a 2-3 year diy project that will cost around half what the builders ask (spread out over time) and some 500 hours of learning, looking up stuff, buying and hauling it etc. But you can do everything when you have the time and money. You would end up having spent less, learnt a lot, with some extra tools, and higher house value. Takes some dedication and mental resilience to see it through though.

    If you think that’s realistic in your position then go for it, if not then choose which losses you’re willing to take.

  9. 3 months ago

    Why do you need 4 minisplits? How big is this piece of shit? Why did you buy it?

    • 3 months ago

      It's not the size. It's the shape of it after so many "renovations" since it was built in 1935.

      • 3 months ago

        For 4k Euro I can buy 4 good brand splits (Bosch). For half that dog shit brand (Aux).

        Their cost is almost entirely labour.

        • 3 months ago

          In the US. For a quality minisplit (mitsubishi) diy kit is around $5k. Then multiply by 4. Still wouldn't solve the mold under the house and cracked foundation or the roof or anything else

          • 3 months ago

            Some parts of the US market are so weird.

            Kitchen appliances -> total dogshit or high end non integrated.
            Yoghurt -> priced as if it's liquid gold.
            Splits -> 4x the price as Europe and Asia.

            Still greatest country in the world, but weird.

        • 3 months ago

          You can get $500 minisplits here, but if you want quality it's $1000+. The States are so vast, that pricing isn't consistent. You'd think with the internet and Amazon it'd be, but as you branch away from consumer items, it starts to fluctuate, partly on: how many consumers of the thing are there in the area?, how many other (potential) providers are there?, and so-on.

  10. 3 months ago

    >Let your mail pile up for a few weeks, leave it next to your stove
    >Leave a bunch of booze bottles and cans lying around, so it looks like you were drinking
    >Bag of frozen fries next to stove
    >Overfill a pot with cooking oil on highest heat
    >Go out drinking with friends

    "I was drunk and forgot I was cooking"

  11. 3 months ago

    >This post
    pic absolutely related.

  12. 3 months ago

    >HVAC company wants $14k to fix
    >>or $20 to install 4 (required) mini splits
    Seems like the no brainer would be the 4 mini splits for $20. That is $13980 cheaper.

  13. 3 months ago

    thats why i only use those small 1 room indoor unit + outdoor unit combos.
    at most once every few months i gotta wash the filter

  14. 3 months ago

    HVAC definitely seems a good trade to learn, all that money

  15. 3 months ago

    >>home also has no plywood outer wall
    >It's literally siding to studs to sheet rock
    Isn't sheathing kinda structurally important? What the frick.

    • 3 months ago

      You would think so.
      I also checked the attic and found more mold above both bathrooms.
      Frick my life

      • 3 months ago

        What's your plan?

        • 3 months ago

          I have none. I cannot financially afford to do anything.
          If I was a rich I would tear down and rebuild. But it simply costs too much and I have nowhere to go during construction

          • 3 months ago

            Go shift boxes for Amazon or something and slowly improve it. As long as the frame is good everything else can be replaced piece by piece.

            • 3 months ago

              >I have nowhere to go during construction
              Go camp by the stream.

  16. 3 months ago

    >What do?
    you will need lots of flammable chemicals to treat the mold, repaint the area, don't forget the paint thinner. Whatever you do, dont leave the high temperature halogen light next to the flammable chemicals while you go out for a long lunch. There have been too many accidental fires caused this way by people trying to make their home safe from the mold.

    • 3 months ago

      What? You can use a water suspension of copper carbonate.
      You can even make that shit yourself.
      Kills mold, mildew, bugs, yeasts, bacteria, viruses, amoeba, moss, lichen, etc, etc, ad nauseam.
      And/or zinc carbonate.
      This is the new end-cut preservative but you can make it yourself.
      Or just use the raw copper sulfate in water.
      The original end-cut preservative was copper napthanate, which is flammable until it dries and it stinks to high heaven.

  17. 3 months ago

    your walls have space between them?

  18. 3 months ago

    >bought a house and has no clue that the whole place is a shit show

    guess you get to eat like 100k in work

  19. 3 months ago

    frick landlords

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