Have you ever stealth camped on private property before?

Have you ever stealth camped on private property before?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    trespassing is a crime, property owner should have the right to shoot you in your sleep

    • 3 months ago

      trespassing is what young boys call "childhood"

      • 3 months ago

        You're not a young boy

        • 3 months ago

          God created the earth he didn't create private property I will view and place my feet upon all which God hath made

          • 3 months ago

            Priests created god, John Moses Browning made the 1911

            • 3 months ago


              tell me more about yourself

              • 3 months ago

                >tell me more about yourself
                well, i like camping (legally) fishing (legally) hunting (legally) having consensual intercourse with your mother (legally)

              • 3 months ago

                >All these laws that God didn't make

                Sounds like you would accept any advantage from any entity.

              • 3 months ago

                >>All these laws that God didn't make
                yea, im sure Shiva, or Zeus really wants me to betray decades long societal agreements (law) in favor of me doing whatever the frick i want (god said i could lololol)
                grow up

              • 3 months ago

                >the bible is whatever the frick I want

              • 3 months ago

                which bible is the correct one?

              • 3 months ago

                >atheist seething

              • 3 months ago

                never said i was, just curios what bible you read? surely you should know

              • 3 months ago

                the right one :^)

              • 2 months ago

                King James bible

              • 2 months ago

                Amen Anon

              • 2 months ago

                Literally the original one, obviously. To this day there hasn't been a 1:1 translation. A lot of people will say the King James Bible, and that's because that's the Bible the original WASPs used. So it's a decent Bible. But it leaves out all the esoteric truths

              • 2 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                The US used to have Right to Roam. Then slavery was ended and some former slave owners got antsy about Black folk walking across their land, so we did away with that. Another case of rich c**ts spoiling things for everyone else.

              • 2 months ago

                >they didn't do nothing

              • 2 months ago

                The rich c**ts brought over the slaves.

              • 3 months ago

                law is hardly a social "agreement," it is the things which the ruling faction can force others to do. sometimes that lines up with what is actually good for people sometimes not. regardless, property law as modern capitalist subjects (especially in the US) know it is a historical aberration which was founded at the point of a gun. at basically every point in history where common land has been enclosed people have fought to the death against it.

                anyway, there's not enough private land around me to get to trespass as much as I'd like. i guess that's for the best. i have illegally stealth camped plenty when riding trains or roadtripping and a few nights on backpacking trips which passed through resorts or old ranches adjacent to public land. it is really funny to walk for days in the desert without seeing a soul then wake up somewhere like lajitas to all the golfer buttholes on their morning jog (pic related).

              • 2 months ago

                >societal agreements
                Good goy, you are such good natural slave, freedom is bad.

              • 2 months ago

                The state is nothing but the largest criminal organization in a given reigon.

              • 2 months ago

                Good goy.

          • 3 months ago

            render unto caesar that which is caesar's

            • 3 months ago

              >he didnt realize Jesus was being sarcastic to avoid getting rekt right then and there

              Learn to read

              • 2 months ago

                It's funny how a good chunk of Christian proverbs come from situations where Jesus had to say shit without really saying it because some buttholes wanted to verbally trap him and get him killed.

            • 2 months ago

              caesar is dead idiot

          • 3 months ago

            let me stomp your face.

          • 2 months ago

            Woody Guthrie and John Lennon spawned the most insufferable homosexuals on Earth...

          • 2 months ago

            Alright, so I will step on your balls.

          • 2 months ago

            and get shot doing it BANG BANG BANG

            • 2 months ago

              Alright, so I will step on your balls.

              Woody Guthrie and John Lennon spawned the most insufferable homosexuals on Earth...

              If we're resorting to natural anarchy then I'd kill you just for fun

              PrepHole is a right to roam board

              • 2 months ago

                And you can roam on the board all you want, but you'll stay off my land

              • 2 months ago

                Simple fact about "ownership" of anything is that you have to be able to defend it.

                Ultimately you own nothing, you are permitted your land by the Government. They can take it from you whenever they want.

                You only own what you can defend. You're trying to hold onto a fantasy that isn't real, you are like a teenager with your parent's car, pretending you actually do own that BMW to impress a girl.

              • 2 months ago

                And you have to pay taxes on it until you die even if your grandparents paid it off 70 years ago.

              • 2 months ago

                The seething in the post is palpable.
                >Entities more powerful than me can overthrow me if I don't listen so I'm not free
                Those barriers prevent morons like you from becoming successful. Why? Because guy who can pick up biggest rock, isn't a good standard of government.
                The only reason every woman you've ever met isn't a victim of rape or every man isn't enslaved or entrapped is because of these rules.
                So yes, if the rules are I pay the big gang a fee for a plot. I get to shoot people who don't. Why? Because you're the type to pick up rocks and rape women. I may not own my BMW but my loaned car, with my insurance bill paid and each debt taken care of. Is the worlds new version of being better than others. In the monkey world PrepHole likes to pretend they are a part of, I know for fact the average height isn't 6'4". Which in la-la forest land let's me rape your wife, kill your kids and eat your brains for desert.
                Pay your debts, own a gun, kill those that think they above the agreed upon culture. You're never free you frick, freedom comes from within. That's what God fearing means. There's always an oppresser, especially in the natural world.
                TL;DR No one on a fricking anonymous camel assessment forum is a "tough guy".

              • 2 months ago

                You have an exceptionally poor reading comprehension.

              • 2 months ago

                >muh reading comprehension
                Explain it to him, then

              • 2 months ago

                He just went on a pro government tough guy rant when someone stated a basic fact about ownership, as if his rant would make the fact untrue, lol

                I will explain nothing to the boomer

              • 2 months ago

                >explain? N-no
                Opinion discarded

              • 2 months ago

                Low IQ

              • 2 months ago

                >if someone refuses to elaborate their pretentious opinions then it means you're dumb
                lol, no

              • 2 months ago

                I actually did elaborate but you were too dumb for that too

              • 2 months ago

                >i said so but ur le dumb
                No you didn't.

              • 2 months ago

                Blah blah blah here's why I should murder people for camping.

              • 2 months ago

                Every time someone like you chimes in it always turns out you own like 4 acres surrounded by houses that isn't within 50 miles of any woods anyone would be interested in.

              • 2 months ago

                >i go to each poster's home to verify whether they have land i want to trespass on

              • 2 months ago

                30 with a lake. all fenced.

              • 2 months ago

                If your land is worth visiting, you won't be able to stop me from checking it out.

              • 2 months ago

                I wouldn't have it if it wasn't worth visiting. I keep people out so it stays that way.

              • 2 months ago

                If it was worth visiting it would be large and remote enough that you wouldn't be able to keep people out. Let's be real here, you don't need to keep anyone out.

              • 2 months ago

                If it was remote enough people wouldn't be able to get to it

              • 2 months ago

                People can get pretty much anywhere.

              • 2 months ago

                >I keep people out so it stays that way.
                Keep believing that and all parties are happy.

            • 2 months ago

              The kind of people who squat on private land are probably the kind of people who will shoot first. They're living on the fringe by their mettle and always looking over their shoulder, not watching Netflix on a couch in lululemons.

              • 2 months ago

                Maybe, but here on PrepHole I don't think we're talking about homeless mountain man type squatters. The thread is about stealth camping, so most of us are just talking about setting up camp for a night or two in a nice secluded spot where you aren't supposed to be.

                I basically only obey bag limit laws, don't litter, and stick to dead blow down trees for firewood and axemanship practice (which is usually the best firewood anyway). I don't give a shit about anything else and if some "authority" or "property owner" confronted me in the middle of the woods he'd die of lead poisoning real fast.

                [navy seal copypasta]

              • 2 months ago

                >The kind of people who squat on private land are probably the kind of people who will shoot first
                The type of people to squat on private land are not the type of people who would carry a gun, either because they're too young, too poor, too liberal, or have too many domestic violence charges to be able to buy one, or they realize that being caught trespassing while carrying a firearm increases the severity of their charges tenfold. And even barring all else, they're not the type of person to actually practice with their firearm.

          • 2 months ago

            based and anyone saying otherwise is a boot licking homosexual, god made this, I will walk on it frick you.

            yes I have in wales, most of the uk is gay farmland but they have nice bits of nature hidden on them so I sneaked on and camped there, left no mess or evidence, never got caught as the property was massive. Nice chunk of wood, very large and no one else there, hidden in a valley.

          • 2 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Only thing that makes it different from camping on public land is hiding fires becomes more important; if you’re caught it can make the difference between whether the landowner gives a damn or not. Always extinguish and cover ashes before sleeping.

      Lol go pay your taxes NPC

    • 2 months ago

      >“Kids these days should play outside more”
      >“But not my outside”
      Pic unrelated

    • 2 months ago

      and get shot doing it BANG BANG BANG

      Alright, so I will step on your balls.

      Priests created god, John Moses Browning made the 1911

      Woody Guthrie and John Lennon spawned the most insufferable homosexuals on Earth...

      >bootlicking this hard
      People like you do not deserve human rights and human status, literal bipedal cattle.

      • 2 months ago

        It's my land and my boot. You either lick or get shot homosexual. Stop being poor if you got a problem with it.

        • 2 months ago

          >a senile, geriatric homosexual showing his true colors.
          And no, its not your land, its govt's land, you are leasing from them and they can take it back when they feel it and if its yours as you claim why do you have to pay property tax?

        • 2 months ago

          >moronic boomer doesn't know about eminent domain
          I wouldn't be so sure about that part if i were you lol.

        • 2 months ago

          I wonder if you will have same internet tough guy attitude when cartel Hispanic or hoody Black person will hold gun to your empty head.

        • 2 months ago

          You won’t be shooting anybody, you sniveling lardfrick.

          • 2 months ago

            I wonder if you will have same internet tough guy attitude when cartel Hispanic or hoody Black person will hold gun to your empty head.

            >moronic boomer doesn't know about eminent domain
            I wouldn't be so sure about that part if i were you lol.

            >a senile, geriatric homosexual showing his true colors.
            And no, its not your land, its govt's land, you are leasing from them and they can take it back when they feel it and if its yours as you claim why do you have to pay property tax?

            Lol, reply again.

    • 2 months ago

      >Least psychopathic American

    • 2 months ago

      I'm doing it right now. Been doing it every couple of nights for a few weeks in fact. Northwest iowa is a barren hellscape of flat cornfields, and walking across it means I basically have no other choice. Hell, at this spot I can hear the homeowner talk in the distance, but I started my fire after sundown, hidden behind a tree, and the wind is blowing away from the house. A little planning and a little luck means you basically never get caught, even when you're right on the person's lawn.

      Funnily enough, I agree.
      Catch me if you can, homosexual. Lol.

      • 2 months ago

        where the frick are your nails bre, you're missing like half a nail bed

      • 2 months ago

        >Lol im a piece of shit lol

        Yeah real funny.

        • 2 months ago

          Stay mad gay. Where's your land? Lemme know so I can camp there when you least expect it.

          • 2 months ago

            You're a piece of shit. Keep crying because nothing is gonna change that. Sleep on a lawn and you're still gonna be a piece of shit when you wake up.

            You are a piece of shit.

            • 2 months ago

              I'm gonna sleep on more private property tonight.

              • 2 months ago

                And you'll be the same piece of shit then that you are now.

                Its really sad that you think this is something to celebrate. Really sad.

              • 2 months ago

                You post like a bot, and don't go outside

              • 2 months ago

                It's not something to celebrate. It has the same moral impact as entering the grocery store through the door marked 'exit'. The fact that it makes you impotently seethe behind a computer screen is what makes it funny. It's kinda like throwing peanuts at a circus monkey.

      • 2 months ago

        >El ogro obscuro goblino de las americas desturbador de la propiedad privada.

        • 2 months ago

          Odd question, but of curiosity, did you ever have a conversation on this board with some guy where you photoshopped him to be a gray ogre with a sombrero and maracas?

          • 2 months ago

            What kind of question is that?

      • 2 months ago

        Goblin sausage fingers lol

        • 2 months ago


          >El ogro obscuro goblino de las americas desturbador de la propiedad privada.

          where the frick are your nails bre, you're missing like half a nail bed

          Frick you homies. Post hands.

          • 2 months ago

            Did you bite your fingernails or had some kind of amputation? If it's a condition people are less likely to make fun of you.

            >reading this absolute shitter of a thread
            thank god for making me scandinavian

            Imagine not having THESE


            I'm doing it right now. Been doing it every couple of nights for a few weeks in fact. Northwest iowa is a barren hellscape of flat cornfields, and walking across it means I basically have no other choice. Hell, at this spot I can hear the homeowner talk in the distance, but I started my fire after sundown, hidden behind a tree, and the wind is blowing away from the house. A little planning and a little luck means you basically never get caught, even when you're right on the person's lawn.

            Funnily enough, I agree.
            Catch me if you can, homosexual. Lol.

            fingers LMFAO scando you lost the lottery.

  2. 3 months ago

    No, I live in a free country where it's not against the law to spend the night on someone's unused land or rural acreage so long as no fires are built or land or plants disturbed

  3. 3 months ago

    Yes i have

  4. 3 months ago

    I have not-so-stealth camped on private land many times, and been kicked off once
    the owner was not too pleased that I threw my axe into one of his trees but he didn't do shit, trespassing is not a crime in england
    shame I can't go back though because it was a great spot

    • 3 months ago

      Why do you nig up the trees?

      • 3 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          UK "people" literally get what they deserve. All is just in the world.

          • 2 months ago

            this guy was dumping trash himself in his own wood, save your sympathies

  5. 3 months ago

    Yes, but the stealth thing has only been for fun because it’s not illegal to camp on private land here.

  6. 3 months ago

    I've only camped a few times on public ground. All the best spots I've visited were on private grounds with amazing views. I don't care about trespassing because I'm not trashing it nor really disturbing anyone + I don't want to pay for public shitspots.
    t. belgian anon

    • 3 months ago

      any vampire run ins? I know about your castles...

    • 3 months ago

      That lawn looks like a severely eutrophicated lake. Cool castle, though.

      • 2 months ago

        you're right lol, unfortunately my android camera is poopie 🙁

    • 2 months ago

      Nice, I know this place. Time to trash it and build some cairns

  7. 3 months ago

    Yes, mostly in the western U.S., and almost always while I was hitchhiking across several states.

  8. 3 months ago

    All property is private, Anon, when you think about it. Someone owns it, somewhere down the line.

    • 2 months ago

      “One who has sons delights because of sons,”
      (said Māra the Evil One).
      “One with cattle delights because of cattle.
      For acquisitions are a man’s delight;
      without acquisitions one does not delight.” (16)
      34. “One who has sons sorrows because of sons,”
      (said the Blessed One).
      “One with cattle likewise sorrows because of cattle.
      For acquisitions are a man’s sorrow;
      without acquisitions one does not sorrow.” (17)

      • 2 months ago

        "In Birmingham, they love the governor (boo, boo, boo!)
        Now we all did what we could do
        Now Watergate does not bother me, uh-uh
        Does your conscience bother you? Tell the truth"

    • 2 months ago

      grim fricking reality you Europeans endure each day

      • 2 months ago

        honestly fricking is and I hate it. In the UK its terrible, every single tree has been planted or fricked with, most of the uk is farmland so off limits and the only property you're allowed on is the public stuff under the crow act and they are always busy af due to overpopulation. So you gotta sneak onto private land just to get some fricking piece and quiet

  9. 3 months ago

    Camping is basically illegal her
    outing in general mostly is
    take a guess

    • 3 months ago

      Southern US?

  10. 3 months ago

    there is a word that and it is "trespassing"

  11. 2 months ago

    Private property is only legitimate if it's someone's yard and you can see their house or something. If it's undeveloped woods then I don't give a shit who owns it. As far as I'm concerned it's public property until you actually clear it and build something.

    • 2 months ago

      >until you actually clear it and build something.
      you're right but jesus christ don't egg them on like that

    • 2 months ago

      The only rational answer to this debate. You cant “own” the fricking woods

      • 2 months ago

        If we're resorting to natural anarchy then I'd kill you just for fun

        • 2 months ago

          >implying you don't deserve same happening to you
          Really showing your true colors, bootlicker.

      • 2 months ago

        I can own the woods through superior force. Want the woods for yourself? Come at me bro

      • 2 months ago

        The government does and so do private owners. b***h all you want but you either save up your pennies and buy now, or be forever priced out.

    • 2 months ago

      This. I don't care about your imaginary lines in the dirt. I will respect the land I'm on though and not ruin it for others.

      • 2 months ago


  12. 2 months ago


    Most people who can afford to own large swaths of undeveloped woodlands are yuppie gays who don't even own a single firearm other than maybe bolt action hunting rifles that stay in a safe for 11 months out of the year. If they confront you you could break their legs and make them eat their own shit.

  13. 2 months ago

    Yes, because I'm in England and a lot of green space is private property. I stealth camp in the type of woodlands that you'll see nestled between fields, owned by farmers. I keep a low profile, only have small fires at night, leave no trace of my presence obviously. I've never been moved on because I choose my spots well, but I have no anxieties because if they approach me I'll just give them good energy and say I'll be gone within 30 minutes.

    • 2 months ago

      It's not exactly the wilderness but it gives me a place to sleep peacefully listening to birdsong, read and smoke my pipe, things like that. If see a place I really like l'll manage the nature in the area around my camping area -- taking down spindly overcrowding trees so that when I return it's even nicer.

      The way i see it, a copse of trees like picrel, out in the middle of the fields, is sort of my own unnofficial garden of eden. I am the one who ever goes into those woods since the £5 I left stuck to a tree remains there 2 years later. So though I don't own the deeds, it is still just as much my doninion for my innocent pursuits as it it ever was.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm going to steal your £5

        • 2 months ago

          Good luck! Keep the place clean as you go.

          • 2 months ago

            I'm going to leave budweiser cans and methpipes everywhere. jk you're a decent bong. glad you found a safe haven.

    • 2 months ago

      Europe seems like the closest thing to Hell on Earth in my eyes. Undeniable proof that overpopulation is real. Where I live I can chop down trees and make fires wherever and whenever the Hell I want and practice my Glock skills on squirrels. If I had to live in Europe I would be in prison in less than one week.

      • 2 months ago

        That actually looks like good country to my eyes. Like a giant camp site just for me

        • 2 months ago

          It's all private farmland. The entire continent is private farmland where there is nothing natural left and everything is illegal.

          • 2 months ago

            do you believe your own strawmen or are you baiting?

            • 2 months ago

              Zoom in on Google Earth literally fricking anywhere in Europe outside of Scandinavia. The entire continent is completely destroyed by human activity. Environmental causes are a joke because the environment does not exist anymore.

              • 2 months ago

                no need to go to google earth because I already know for a fact you are wrong

              • 2 months ago

                I can help. Europe is a completely developed and overpopulated reigon. There is no such thing as nature there anymore. Everything outdoors is a park with exibits and concrete and murals and bathrooms.

              • 2 months ago

                Where in Europe have you been?

              • 2 months ago


                as a European, more closely Scandinavian, but this is complete bullshit

              • 2 months ago

                as a European, more closely Scandinavian, but this is complete bullshit

              • 2 months ago

                Scandinavia and Russia are the only places in Europe with an intact natural environment (relatively).

              • 2 months ago

                The only places in Europe outside Scandinavia and Russia with any significant forest cover are the little southwestern corner of Germany and the Alps, and the only reason those are still forested is the the terrain is so extreme that it's uninhabitable. I guess there's also that strip in northern Romania that looks okay. Western Europe is 99% deforested. Look at Maine on Google Earth. That is what Europe would look like without humans.

              • 2 months ago

                you don't need a trillion square km forest to go PrepHole. Especially if you only do 10km larp hikes like you just to post about it on PrepHole. Even in Belgium there's places where you can hike a full day without seeing any building.

                Scandinavia and Russia are the only places in Europe with an intact natural environment (relatively).

                not true either. Romania, bulgaria and poland/ belarussia have sicgnificant old growth forests. Then mountain ranges in general are also empty, pyrenees, alps

              • 2 months ago

                Sweden has twice as many trees, as it has people

              • 2 months ago

                You are being watched and controlled at all times

              • 2 months ago

                Okay, so Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Belarus, and Russia all have old trees. You realize that still leaves the entirety of Western Europe and almost all of Central and Southern Europe? I'm not saying there's no good nature in Europe (I'm new to this thread, not that other guy), especially around the various major mountain ranges. But the state of nature in Europe is genuinely quite sad. It's understandable in a historical context, of course, but that doesn't make it much less of a shame.

              • 2 months ago

                Zoom in on Google Earth literally fricking anywhere in Europe outside of Scandinavia. The entire continent is completely destroyed by human activity. Environmental causes are a joke because the environment does not exist anymore.

                It's all private farmland. The entire continent is private farmland where there is nothing natural left and everything is illegal.


                Europe seems like the closest thing to Hell on Earth in my eyes. Undeniable proof that overpopulation is real. Where I live I can chop down trees and make fires wherever and whenever the Hell I want and practice my Glock skills on squirrels. If I had to live in Europe I would be in prison in less than one week.

                I respect US has the better out culture, but you really don't know what the frick you're talking about mate.
                CZ (very central Europe, very industrialised) has 35% of area covered by forest.

              • 2 months ago

                There's good camping there, my ex was from Zlín. We went camping in that area every time I visited CZ.

              • 2 months ago

                little patches of regrown forest with probably no real ecosystem isn't a real wilderness. you just don't understand cause you're either a eurocuck or a suburbanite

              • 2 months ago

                no need to go to google earth because I already know for a fact you are wrong

      • 2 months ago

        careful, some euro is going to come and tell us you're full of shit cuz theres a bear in spain somewhere and a forest in romania

    • 2 months ago


      It's not exactly the wilderness but it gives me a place to sleep peacefully listening to birdsong, read and smoke my pipe, things like that. If see a place I really like l'll manage the nature in the area around my camping area -- taking down spindly overcrowding trees so that when I return it's even nicer.

      The way i see it, a copse of trees like picrel, out in the middle of the fields, is sort of my own unnofficial garden of eden. I am the one who ever goes into those woods since the £5 I left stuck to a tree remains there 2 years later. So though I don't own the deeds, it is still just as much my doninion for my innocent pursuits as it it ever was.

      exactly what I do as well. go on google maps, make a list of small secluded woods, then check them out

  14. 2 months ago

    Americlaps be like
    >nooo! You cNy sleep here! My lawyer will be very upset!
    >what do you mean right to roam?
    >alright, that's it I'm getting my 20+ guns and shooting you

    • 2 months ago

      I've lived in America my whole life and I can go anywhere I want, whenever I want, and do anything I want. I can walk around naked with a shotgun drinking beers and throwing the cans in the air for target practice and nothing will happen and I chop down trees every day just for practice.

  15. 2 months ago

    i own some forest, and if someone feels like camping there, he's absolutely welcome as long as he doesn't behave like a moron.
    I have also stealth and not so stealth camped on public and private property and never had any problems. just leave the place like you found it and everything is fine.

  16. 2 months ago

    I've camped in Tokyo on an empty dirt plot between buildings. You can do whatever the frick you want but be smart about it and occasionally you might have to deal with some consequences

    • 2 months ago

      Not sure how I feel about Japan. On the one hand it's even worse than Europe in it's draconian control of the population and basically forbidding all forms of outdoor activities other than just walking in trails. On the other hand it's one of the most sparsely inhabited and heavily forested countries in the world. On satellite it basically looks like Vermont. I'm sure it would be fairly easy to get away with off-grid living.

  17. 2 months ago

    This board is going downhill so shittily, 76 posts and maybe 5 are actually sharing experiences related to stealth camping on private land instead of just debating it abstractly.

    In my experience, stealth camping both across the eastern US and in central Europe, the best move is the classic "get in late and leave early" technique. Show up to your spot right as it's getting dark, and leave early in the morning. Obviously leave no trace. In general I like public land, but larger parks/hiking areas in rural areas rather than city parks or highway medians or some of the crazy stuff people do in youtube videos. I've never been bothered by anybody about it. It can be depressing in non-scandinavian Europe how illegal it is to wild camp, but it's so worth it to be outside of shitbox paid campsites. Just stay out of view, don't stay long, and have fun. And don't listen to the doomers who say there's no PrepHole in yurop

    • 2 months ago

      I stealth camp to prevent forest Black folk from hatcheting my head in my sleep. Literally. Otherwise I'd camp like a boomer. But it's safer to be another bush in the dark then a big ass tent and car next to it calling to all the low IQ locals

      • 2 months ago

        Lol. Where are you that that's a serious concern? I used to get spooked about bigfoot or meth-crazed hillbillies too but eventually realized it's a lot more dangerous to visit a shopping mall than to go camping out inna

    • 2 months ago

      >get in late and leave early

      On a slightly related note, camping outside of designated spots used to be pretty doable in the European west if you claimed to be doing the Santiago. A buddy of mine hung a multi-lingual (English-German-French-Spanish) pamphlet on his tent saying "I'm a pilgrim walking to Santiago de Compostella; I will be gone the next day" and was even offered showers and meals by locals now and then. In one instance, he camped right in the village square and was left unbothered. Granted, he was actually going to Santiago on a genuine pilgrimage and this was two decades ago. You might not have that much luck now, but who knows.

      • 2 months ago

        The idea of not being allowed to camp outside of "designated spots" is the single most dystopian thing I've ever heard. You literally aren't allowed to interact directly with planet Earth. Holy shit.

        • 2 months ago

          >You literally aren't allowed to interact directly with planet Earth.
          Yeah, this upsets me to no end too, but that's not even all of it. I'd argue we have inalienable rights to be in nature, catch our own food and erect something resembling a roof over our head, but as you well know these things are limited or restricted in some way or another throughout the western world.

          Frick those horseshit laws at this point. Break them.

        • 2 months ago

          I agree with you it's fricked up, a lot of the US is that way too, break the laws without hurting anyone and don't look back.

          >get in late and leave early

          On a slightly related note, camping outside of designated spots used to be pretty doable in the European west if you claimed to be doing the Santiago. A buddy of mine hung a multi-lingual (English-German-French-Spanish) pamphlet on his tent saying "I'm a pilgrim walking to Santiago de Compostella; I will be gone the next day" and was even offered showers and meals by locals now and then. In one instance, he camped right in the village square and was left unbothered. Granted, he was actually going to Santiago on a genuine pilgrimage and this was two decades ago. You might not have that much luck now, but who knows.

          That's a smart idea, but really only would work in Iberia and SW France. I try to make my plan A "don't be seen", but if you have to be seen having a tag saying you're only there one night is smart. One nice thing about Europe in general is that backpacking between cities (usually flying/taking trains and staying in hostels rather than camping) is such a big thing that no one looks twice at someone walking around cities/towns with a huge backpacking pack. In most of the US people would assume you're a hobo or something if you're carrying a bag like that outside of a hiking trail.

          • 2 months ago

            I basically only obey bag limit laws, don't litter, and stick to dead blow down trees for firewood and axemanship practice (which is usually the best firewood anyway). I don't give a shit about anything else and if some "authority" or "property owner" confronted me in the middle of the woods he'd die of lead poisoning real fast.

          • 2 months ago

            Thing is homeless people are so common in the USA that large packs end up being just as inconspicuous. There's multiple obviously homeless people who come into the store I work regularly with huge frame packs with blankets and stuff lashed to them and security doesn't even give them a second glance. My EDC pack is rather large because I have a panic attack if I'm separated from my tools but nobody ever looks at me or tells me to leave it at the desk or anything.

            • 2 months ago

              Based tool lover
              I agree that homeless people are common, but if people think you're homeless you'll be treated like you're homeless, which means suspicion and getting kicked out of places. In EU people with big backpacks are usually seen as college students out having an adventure as opposed to in the US where they're seen as hobos or panhandlers or whatever unless you're in a trail town. I've lived in and backpacked in both places so I've seen a bit of both experiences.

              What tools do you keep in the bag?

    • 2 months ago

      Dunno about other places but in France you're free to bivouac everywhere, even if camping is forbidden
      Basically if you get there after like 19:00 and are gone before 9:00 nobody will bat an eye
      Only places it gets complicated is if there's animals nearby because dogs and shit, but you should just be non moronic and check before you set up camp

    • 2 months ago

      Finland here and i have nothing to say really because everyone can legally camp where they wish
      we have the everymans law and high trust society so there are no problems nor do we really have a concept of stealth camping to begin with

      • 2 months ago

        Americans will never be truly free

      • 2 months ago

        Finland sounds like heaven on earth, really the only thing you have to worry about is Russians chimping out.

  18. 2 months ago

    When I was a kid my home was near the woods, and one day my brother and I found where it looked like somebody had been sleeping in a thicket. We showed our dad and he figured it might be a homeless guy. I think he would sneak in at night to sleep. Sometimes we’d find during the day where he’d hang his socks and underwear in some branches to dry. My dad would get freaked out by a lot of things concerning our property but for whatever reason this time, he said, “Ehh… let’s leave the poor guy alone. Looks like he’s just trying to find a safe place to sleep.” This went on for a few months. He never left any trash or made any noise. We never even saw him. Then one day those socks stopped hanging out to dry and I guess the guy moved on. I’ve always kinda wondered what happened to him.

  19. 2 months ago

    The great boomer die off that is looming will solve this

    Never before in history did so many lead-poisoned psychopaths have power over others, post-WW2 America is insanity

  20. 2 months ago

    If it's an individuals property and not a country club or some other faceless monolith, why not just ask?

    • 2 months ago

      im playing innawoods not playing knock knock

    • 2 months ago

      >drive somewhere
      >find decent spot
      >c-can i ca-NO NO YOU CANT


    • 2 months ago

      >why not just ask some random psychopatic homosexual?

  21. 2 months ago

    Post any proof you even go out or shut the frick up

  22. 2 months ago


  23. 2 months ago

    >reading this absolute shitter of a thread
    thank god for making me scandinavian

  24. 2 months ago

    US /vs/ the Nordics

    Hiking // Walking
    Camping // Camping at a camp ground
    Wild camping // Camping
    Stealth camping on private ground // Camping
    1ft snow school and roads closed // Lets go camping

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