Have you ever hiked really drunk, high, or otherwise intoxicated? What was it like? Did anything bad happen?

Have you ever hiked really drunk, high, or otherwise intoxicated? What was it like? Did anything bad happen?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    A coworker and I did Drunk Day in the Granite Chief Wilderness at the Palisades in 2019. We ended up having an awkward and short relationship after that.

    • 4 months ago

      Did you explore her Palisades?

      • 3 months ago

        I did. She had some interesting tattoos.

  2. 4 months ago

    Mushrooms are a drug you should only take while outside. Hanging out with friends is nice, especially down by a creek, but the best thing to do on shrooms is go for a good long walk in nature. Even if you go out with a group you'll split up eventually and each have your own moments with the natural world around you. Make sure you go a few months inbetween trips though, minimum - even one time is enough to build up a tolerance so if you try too quickly the effects will clearly be much weaker

    • 4 months ago

      Rarely. I do a lot of scrambling and steep terrain and it's just too dangerous do do drunk. The real issue that drinking causes is dehydration though. I may drink a little at night before I go to bed depending on the time of year.

      Weed is fine--I live where it's legal.

      Shrooms are dangerous to do alone. People on shrooms think they can do things that they really shouldn't do and wouldn't do unless they were on shrooms.

      As a real human person, I can confirm it is completely safe to lower your guard and consume all the recreational substances without worry.
      Also be sure to bring usb phone charger batteries, this one is runninglo- I mean for your own convenance and relaxation in the completely safe outdoors!

      The last thing I want anywhere near me when I'm elevated in nature is any sort of technology more complicated than a buckle.

      • 4 months ago

        not my experience with shrooms. for me and everyone i know it's more
        >oh boy i would really enjoy a shower / some sliced fruit right now but i'm tripping and might frick up badly, better be reeeeally careful and methodical

        • 4 months ago

          Your example isn't PrepHole though
          My point isn't don't do shrooms my point is if you're 50 miles from anywhere you shouldn't do shrooms without a babysitter.

      • 4 months ago

        Fricken ae. I have a photo of myself walking down a slippery steepish log over a ravine that I needed to jump off at the end onto a steep ledge. I did it no worries at all hahaha. Fricken shrooms man.

    • 4 months ago

      it only takes 2 weeks for your tolerance to reset, and if they are quality grown shrooms even a few days is fine.

    • 3 months ago

      Seconded. Hiking while tripping on mushrooms is the best. I always keep stopping randomly to stare at cool shit, like bugs or mushrooms or frogs, sometimes for hours because it's just so mind-blowing. Awesome times.

      Don't take a super heavy dose if you are on a schedule and trying to hike from point A to point B efficiently.

      • 3 months ago

        >sometimes for hours because it's just so mind-blowing
        lol. It's never actually hours. It just feels like it due to time dialation. Sometimes I need to set a stop watch to help me keep my sense of time.

    • 3 months ago

      this guy knows his stuff
      this guy is an idiot who doesn't know himself

      Rarely. I do a lot of scrambling and steep terrain and it's just too dangerous do do drunk. The real issue that drinking causes is dehydration though. I may drink a little at night before I go to bed depending on the time of year.

      Weed is fine--I live where it's legal.

      Shrooms are dangerous to do alone. People on shrooms think they can do things that they really shouldn't do and wouldn't do unless they were on shrooms.
      The last thing I want anywhere near me when I'm elevated in nature is any sort of technology more complicated than a buckle.

      idiots shouldn't do anything, let alone drugs. sorry to be harsh but if you think you can do things you shouldn't on shrooms, you are not smart and probably make bad decisions in your everyday life.
      I do shrooms alone. throughout every trip I always keep my head, my logic. even when I am tripping so hard that I can barely see or stand up, I always have a grip.
      My worst experiences on shrooms have been when idiots did them with me.


      Have you ever hiked really drunk, high, or otherwise intoxicated? What was it like? Did anything bad happen?

      once an ex convinced me it would be a good idea to do shrooms at night, in the woods. yeah, no, it fricking wasn't. saw shadow creatures flitting between the trees, a ghost man in robes. scared the shit out of us both and we had a bad time.
      Best trip ever was after watching loads of medieval fantasy anime, (frieren being one of them) reading lots of good philosophy books and books about history and medieval art, made a really uplifting & awe inspiring playlist with music like this

      came up watching frieren, then just laid back in my bed with a comfy blanket and enjoyed the ride.

      • 3 months ago

        >once an ex convinced me it would be a good idea to do shrooms at night, in the woods. yeah, no, it fricking wasn't.
        That's another thing I love about drugs like shrooms or weed, any time someone tells me about a "bad trip" they had on them, it's so easy to pin-point that they were worried/nervous/afraid of something in the first place, which is why things went poorly. I don't really believe in bad trips anymore, the problem is people tripping in places or with people that they know (at least on some level) that they shouldn't but do anyway. "I thought weed was supposed to be a fun party drug, but the first time I ever smoked was at a house party with a bunch of strangers and a few friends that I desperately wanted to seem cool for - it wasn't fun at all." "Aren't drugs supposed to be relaxing? I was failing three classes and hadn't even started a major paper that was due the next week, and I was stressed instead of enjoying nature for some reason."

        To anyone thinking about taking psychedelic drugs: honestly ask yourself if you're in the right space (physically and emotionally) to have a good time. Don't lie, because the you on drugs may be VERY honest about how you feel about your life. Mushrooms are an amazing drug, the first time I took them made me understand I truly am my entire body instead of just a brain controlling it, but I took them on a beautiful sunny day during summer vacation with two good friends on a private campground an hour out of the city. We set ourselves up for success, so we got it.

        • 3 months ago

          >I don't really believe in bad trips anymore, the problem is people tripping in places or with people that they know (at least on some level) that they shouldn't but do anyway
          yeah this is usually the case but i had a bad trip once when alone, it would have otherwise been very good but a really unpleasant vision came to me, it was very sad too and just put me in a massive downer.
          >We set ourselves up for success, so we got it.
          yeah this is everything, set and setting. even that vision was of something bad i had seen, it's like everything you do sets you up for that trip, every tiny thing, comes together, things you would never expect, to make that one trip. then you see how every tiny expression or action tells volumes about a person, speaking of which ...


          >worst trip happened when you were alone with another person and your thoughts
          >best trip happened when you were consuming entertainment

          just to clarify, you are either a troll or misunderstanding things massively, because you are a bit of a dick. watching some chill anime to come up puts you in a good mindset. a good mood, which sets the tone for the whole trip. the best part of that trip wasn't the anime, the best part was being truly alone with my thoughts and experiencing some beautiful amazing things and coming to some fantastic and helpful conclusions.

      • 3 months ago

        >worst trip happened when you were alone with another person and your thoughts
        >best trip happened when you were consuming entertainment

        • 3 months ago

          >alone with another person

  3. 4 months ago


  4. 4 months ago

    I love taking mushrooms on simple hikes with lots of variety, especially on sunny summer days.
    Planning on doing shrooms on a 5 day camping trip in Ottawa national forest this coming week.

    • 4 months ago

      make sure to bring ssris as an antidote (just in case)
      prozac ends bad trips

      As a real human person, I can confirm it is completely safe to lower your guard and consume all the recreational substances without worry.
      Also be sure to bring usb phone charger batteries, this one is runninglo- I mean for your own convenance and relaxation in the completely safe outdoors!

      this is a skinwalker post, this dude is waiting in the forest, hoping you are high and your defenses are down so he can feed you to his kids

      • 4 months ago

        >prozac ends bad trips
        only works on MDMA

        • 4 months ago

          no it works with all serotonin-based hallucinogens, mdma, mda, lsd, dmt, shrooms
          it does not cause serotonin syndrome because of competitive binding to the receptors
          and it doesn't cause sedation like benzodiazepines do

      • 3 months ago

        You should never end a bad trip. Taking something to end a journey you've committed to shows a fundamental flaw in your personality. You should be able to re-center yourself by your own means.

        If the situation is truly dangerous, adrenaline will kill your buzz.

        • 3 months ago

          its a safety thing and it also makes the comedown less harsh

        • 3 months ago

          >ending a trip shows a flaw in your personality
          >being a degenerate who can't enjoy nature without getting high is fine, though

          • 3 months ago
  5. 4 months ago

    As a real human person, I can confirm it is completely safe to lower your guard and consume all the recreational substances without worry.
    Also be sure to bring usb phone charger batteries, this one is runninglo- I mean for your own convenance and relaxation in the completely safe outdoors!

    • 4 months ago

      If Bigfoot is real I bet he has a fricking great cabin, and the whole roof is covered in solar panels

  6. 4 months ago

    Hiked 1/2 the CDT stoned every day. Nothing bad happened. Honestly it helped me because the heat was more manageable. The worst part was having to up my water supply because of the desert and cottonmouth. Took mushrooms as well, but i do that at camp when im chilling. Also drank and hiked a lot on the AT and it wasnt bad although your stamina goes way the frick down. I'd say weed is the best for hiking, but do it your way. Weed makes the colors and nature more beautiful for me as well as mushrooms. Also you feel like you are floating up mountains instead of dying, but also i have great cardio. Alcohol is not worth it IMO.

    • 4 months ago

      seems like alcohol is better for camping and just hangin out w campfires then, not while on the trail and lots of exertion

  7. 4 months ago

    After 3 months with a trail crew, me and the guys went for a 5 mile hike in mountainous terrain. We were all tripping on ecstasy. I brought 6 liters of water, drank it all, and pissed like a fire hose all the way down. One guy got cholla'd but no major injuries.

  8. 4 months ago

    I did a 14 mile solo kayak trip into the Canadian wilderness on acid. It was fantastic. I also hold my psychedelics well comparatively to other people, so if you're not comfortable in your own head space when you're alone I wouldn't do it.

  9. 4 months ago

    I did a hike on 30 hours no sleep and it felt like i was borderline high. don't recommend that

  10. 4 months ago

    Had a small trip of 4AcO-DMT just after I woke up on a mountain in the Northeast around April, was amazingly pleasant and green

  11. 4 months ago

    morning hikes on mushrooms are the best. I like to camp the night somewhere I'll get an amazing sunrise, I dose 2 hours before sunrise and let it sink in, peak while watching the sunrise, then take my time meandering back home. highly recommend for any experienced user.

  12. 3 months ago

    For an entire year in speed.
    Shit was cash.

  13. 3 months ago

    it's only worth it on acid tbh, it sharpens your senses and numbs fatigue. Did like 5 hikes of 2 days under its influence and it was always incredible, much better than weed for sure

    • 3 months ago

      Acid numbs fatigue to a crazy degree

  14. 3 months ago

    Really drunk, fell asleep in a river, didn't drown.
    Also whittled off a good part of my thumb cutting some dried meat on same trip, but some guy cast a spell on it, and it stopped bleeding after a while.

  15. 3 months ago

    >plan a very easy hike
    >take a tab of LSD around 6 a.m.
    >went out around 8 a.m.
    >beyond alone in nature on psychedelics is something everyone needs to experience
    >get back to my car around noon to restock before going the other way on the trail
    >lock my water and my keys in my car
    >walk 3 miles to a nearby town to get cell reception
    >wait four hours for AAA
    >still somewhat tripping, the dehydration has extended the trip
    >get in my car as the sun is going down

    It was a good day

  16. 3 months ago

    duh it's colorado, hiked extra 2-3 pounds, dab rig and junk food up to snowmass lake

  17. 3 months ago

    going PrepHole is basically my main hobby beyond internet, tv, and music. That said I have been an addict on various drugs for near 15 years now and so I'm basically always taking something when I go PrepHole back when it was acid or alcohol that would often make me an ineffective hiker but now I'm such a pro that I basically never put myself or anyone in any situation that is irresponsible

  18. 3 months ago

    I hike stoned pretty regularly, and I often carry a summit beer or two (Wasatch mountains).

    Once I packed an 8 oz flask of nocino (walnut moonshine a Polish biochemistry professor taught me how to make, 150 proof). I started drinking it on my way down off a 11,000 ft peak, finished it before dropping below 9,000 ft. I was stumbling down this switchback when I slipped, would have kept falling down a 50 degree slope if I didn't have my dog leashed up with me. He acted like a 55 lb four-point anchor and instinctively braced when it started. I kept wandering back to my campsite, wasn't til I sobered up I realized how lucky I was to have my dog with me.

    I don't get shitfaced on hikes anymore.

    • 3 months ago

      That's a great dog there, anon. Give him a treat for us, he deserves it

    • 3 months ago

      Gaddam you are a idiot

    • 3 months ago

      what breed of dog is that?

      • 3 months ago

        Border collie, you can get them in red. He's kinda the Andre the Giant of border collies (~60 lbs), both his parents were pretty big. Didn't realize my sense of scale was off until I got another one years later (he's only ~45 lb and always seems like a puppy to me)

        • 3 months ago

          >Border collie
          >file deleted
          what did you do anon!

          • 3 months ago

            I keep phone-posting and got embarrassed that the pics end up rotated.


            damn, these guys seem fricking difficult
            how often do you walk yours? any trouble? I'm lonely and i thought maybe a dog would help, i always liked border collies.

            They are a lot of work, but there is a ton of humanity in these wolves. Definitely neurotic, and I worry people mess up with them as puppies and expose them to too much too quick and end up with super schizophrenic dogs.

            I run with mine (essentially the only time they are loose on the leash), and I absolutely love it. It takes around a mile for them to get less excited, and 8 miles to start slowing down. As a result I'm in really good shape and hiking is easier.

            Totally recommended, but they are a lot. You're guaranteed a best friend, and border collies are kinda magical

        • 3 months ago

          damn, these guys seem fricking difficult
          how often do you walk yours? any trouble? I'm lonely and i thought maybe a dog would help, i always liked border collies.

  19. 3 months ago

    hiked high with friends in northern mn. sun was starting to set and we started to hear a mountain lion screaming nearby. one of the most chilling moments of my life.

  20. 3 months ago

    no idea if this counts but i got fricking plastered, blacked out, and woke up on some mountain trail. My friends said i just wandered off and i woke up sometime around 5am no idea where i was. I legitimately thought i stumbled into a military facility when i first woke up but it was most likely a quarry. It looked like some sort of mgsv landscape. I hiked back up and over the trail to the town we were staying and noticed my hand was fricked from what was probably a barbed wire fence and my trousers were shredded.

    • 3 months ago

      glad your adventure ended well, not in disaster.

  21. 3 months ago

    Hiked, no. Too scared to hike far from home in an intoxicated state.

    The most I did was take LSD and go in the woods, always within walking distance from my home.

    I can honestly say it was one of the best experiences of my life. I recorded a short video of the woods around me and I still regularly watch it because it somehow seems magical and beautiful. Whether it is, I don't know, but to me it is. It seemed so full of life.

    If you do take psychedelics, I recommend doing it in spring or summer, when nature is full of life, and the temperature is warm. I've had horribly dark experiences in winter.

  22. 3 months ago

    I have many fond memories of going for treks inna woods late at night (specifically inna snowy northern MI winter) with my wife, two dogs and some cheap beer....walking through the fresh snow in the dead of night, drunk and happy exploring with my wife while my dogs explored around us.....bonus points for when it was a full moon and the light would shine through the trees onto the pure white snow....you wouldn't even need a flashlight. 🙂

    • 3 months ago

      beautiful post


      I keep phone-posting and got embarrassed that the pics end up rotated.

      They are a lot of work, but there is a ton of humanity in these wolves. Definitely neurotic, and I worry people mess up with them as puppies and expose them to too much too quick and end up with super schizophrenic dogs.

      I run with mine (essentially the only time they are loose on the leash), and I absolutely love it. It takes around a mile for them to get less excited, and 8 miles to start slowing down. As a result I'm in really good shape and hiking is easier.

      Totally recommended, but they are a lot. You're guaranteed a best friend, and border collies are kinda magical


  23. 3 months ago

    when I was an alcoholic i used to drive out to the woods shit faced and just pass out in the bed of my truck

    goddamn im glad i quit that shit

  24. 3 months ago

    Just did some hammock camping in the UP.
    Set up camp, aquired firewood, got the whole place nice and cozy.
    I ate 2 grams of mushrooms, smoked a j to ease into it, napped through the high in the serenity of nature.
    Woke up feeling super euphoric.
    Drugs and camping can be fricking awesome, I wouldn't do it solo though.

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