Have you ever been actually lost deep inna woods before?

Have you ever been actually lost deep inna woods before?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    Yeah, I followed some flags that I thought were marking some informal trail. Eventually they started getting sparse and I couldn't find the next one or the one I came from (I think they were some boundary line for future logging activity. I eventually went down by the edge of a river, but it was in a chasam of sorts that was way deeper than it looked from above and I was stuck in it for a good couple hours. Made a lot of very bad decisions that day

    • 4 months ago

      Oh I went to the river because I thought I knew where it went and that I could just follow it but it was a different river. I thought I was on a completely different part of the map I had

  2. 4 months ago

    Yeah when I was 14 me and 2 buddies got lost somewhere between King Lake & St. Andrews. A lot of it has been clearfelled since the black saturday fires though.

  3. 4 months ago

    I have been lost exactly once in my life and it was the one time I tried to use my cellphone to navigate--it was in St. Louis and I was only passing through.

    The trees and animal signs tell me everything I need to know to never be lost.

    Protip: if you can't name all the trees in a forest you're going to struggle navigating that forest.

    • 4 months ago

      >if you can't name all the trees in a forest you're going to struggle navigating that forest.
      I don't think I could come up with that many different names and remember them all. Do you have to resort to some kind of numbered naming scheme?

    • 4 months ago

      maybe take a smartphones for seniors course before you go out next time

      • 4 months ago

        This is like a 5 year old giving advice to a mechanic on how to install a water pump.

        I would explain multi-path, drift and signal congestion but that's all beyond what you're able to understand.

        The cellphone shills that post here are exceptionally and demonstrably very stupid.

        • 4 months ago

          >signal congestion

          • 4 months ago

            >The 5 year old says something else silly
            Tell me you don't know how cellphones accurately determines it's location without telling me you don't have a clue how cellphones accurately determine location.

            I would educate you but it's clear you lack the background for anything technical and I'm not qualified to educate children.

            • 4 months ago

              how can a one way signal ever get congested? Does the GPS device magically consume the signal so there is less for others?

              • 4 months ago

                >I don't know how an in network cellphone locates itself
                You're so obviously moronic it's amazing.

                You think your cellphone in network uses GPS as a primary to locate the device... lol, you idiots are truly amazing. You don't at all know how your phone works and here you are proving that.

              • 4 months ago

                nice damage control bro. I'm sure someone out there falls for your bullshit

              • 4 months ago

                >I don't have a clue what I'm talking about but NOOO YOU'RE FULL OF BULLSHIT
                I love that you morons literally use your total ignorance of a subject as an argument. Truly amazing.

                Child: the primary tool for Cellphones to self locate, in network, is tower triangulation NOT GPS.

                If you understood that it would make obvious how moronic your posts are--but you don't understand how your phone works at all.

                You're so dumb it's truly amazing.

              • 4 months ago

                >Child: the primary tool for Cellphones to self locate, in network, is tower triangulation NOT GPS.
                How the hell would a child know all that?

              • 4 months ago

                By spending 30 seconds looking it up on the internet before making multiple posts claiming to know what you're talking about when it's obvious you don't.

            • 4 months ago

              >I don't know how an in network cellphone locates itself
              You're so obviously moronic it's amazing.

              You think your cellphone in network uses GPS as a primary to locate the device... lol, you idiots are truly amazing. You don't at all know how your phone works and here you are proving that.

              >I don't have a clue what I'm talking about but NOOO YOU'RE FULL OF BULLSHIT
              I love that you morons literally use your total ignorance of a subject as an argument. Truly amazing.

              Child: the primary tool for Cellphones to self locate, in network, is tower triangulation NOT GPS.

              If you understood that it would make obvious how moronic your posts are--but you don't understand how your phone works at all.

              You're so dumb it's truly amazing.

              lmao you are moronic. You don't know how GPS works.
              Time to stop digging because everybody in the thread is laughing at you.

              • 4 months ago

                He's right though, samegay.

            • 4 months ago

              We get it. The earth is flat.

        • 4 months ago

          You can keep that blue collar babble all to yourself cause I don't give a shit about mechanicism.

      • 4 months ago

        >smarmy reply that lacks comprehension of what the poster is replying to
        Yup, I'm on PrepHole

    • 4 months ago

      >if you can't name all the trees in a forest you're going to struggle navigating that forest.
      I usually carve a name into some so I know if I am walking in a circle.

  4. 4 months ago

    I have never been lost, but I once was bewildered for three days.

  5. 4 months ago

    When I was a kid, our bull got out one night and I found him but in the neighbor's woods. I didn't recognize where I was so I just stood there with the bull until a family member who was also out looking for him came by.

  6. 4 months ago

    Been lost for like 4-5 hours. Was basically just poking around in the woods, and lost my way. Knew I was surrounded by road, but that it could be 3-4 miles before I get to one. I had a compass so I picked a direction I thought would be closest to a road, and started walking. I didn't have much water because I am a moron. There was water around, but I probably would have gotten sick drinking it, so I was just thirsty. Got to a road eventually, and walked about an hour back to my car. Nothing too exciting.

  7. 4 months ago

    When I was on my first solo trip to mountains (Beskidy in Poland) I took the wrong trail - I thought I was going along the trail, but it turned out to be an old river 'canyon', not a trail. I went up higher and arrived to a small clearing. Then I realized that I'm not on a trail and I thought: instead of going down, maybe I should just veer in the direction of the actual trail, and I did. I started walking in the general direction of where the trail should be and I found myself in the middle of dense forest, totally lost. I had no idea where I came from, so I couldn't even go back to the old riverbed. Luckily, I had a gps with maps in my old smartphone and I could locate the main trail. Nothing dangerous, but I realized how easy it is to get lost in a matter of minutes when you're in the wild.

    • 4 months ago

      You must be lying because this other anon says GPS doesn't work on your phone!

      • 4 months ago

        GPS does work on your phone, that's not the problem, the problem is if you cannot READ the gps, or ignore it.
        I was on a trip in the wilderness, the other person goes the wrong in a clearing because they are too moronic to understand how to follow a phone gps, I stupidly follow them, they lose their phone because they are holding it out the whole time even though they can't even read it
        phone gps is idiotproof as long as you always try to follow the colored line on the map and get BACK to the colored line if you stray from it
        all you have to do it point the phone at the colored line and you WILL find the trail again if you get lost, but some people are too stupid to even do that, that's the real issue
        I should mention "off trail" in this situation was through very dense brush (thicket)

      • 4 months ago

        >still mad that he doesn't understand his phone

  8. 4 months ago

    Hmmm... been fearsome confused for a month or two, but I ain't never been lost.

  9. 4 months ago

    I'm lost right now actually. I climbed to the top of a hill and only have just enough battery left to send this one final message. Please send help. All I see are trees around me and tall mountain peaks. Three days ago I started my journey fro-

  10. 4 months ago

    Yeah. In Dutch culture it's called 'getting dropped'. We do it in the last year of primary school and often when you're in the boy scouts. You get dropped somewhere (blindfolded on the way there) and have to find your way back.

  11. 4 months ago

    im lost in the woods now

  12. 4 months ago

    Yup, a short cross country hike turned into a long cross country hike when I followed a drainage that I thought would lead me to a trail. It led me in the opposite direction and I didn't catch my mistake for a while. I got back to the car well after dark. This was in an area that I thought I knew well so I didn't carry a map and compass, and it was before cell phones.

    Another time, we also passed the exit side canyon while hiking back from a pinnacle in Canyonlands. We weren't lost lost but it added an additional four hours to a hike that we started a little too late in the day. In the dark we had to explore like four side canyons until we found the right one. Got back to the car at 1am and promptly got harassed by a ranger for "camping". What a dick.

  13. 4 months ago

    No, but i dont live near woods deep enough to ever truly get lost...unfortunately

  14. 4 months ago

    Yeah, though I'm not sure if I was actually lost haha.

    Gf and I were hiking out in the gorge and took some wrong turn at a trail intersection. It looked like a trail but it continued much further and in a direction that didn't make sense to me. We ended up spending a couple hours not sure if we were on the right path. Eventually we basically cut straight through the woods on what was definitely not a trail just to get back to the main trail that led back out.
    Thank God my sense of direction was restored. We were probably only a mile or two off of where I thought we should be but I have never been lost before so it felt worse than maybe it was.
    Here are the mistakes that were made:
    >I packed enough food and water for a day hike, but no way to purify additional water
    >I had no easy fire source
    >I had no cordage
    >I had no signalling method
    >GF refused to eat trail snacks when I told her to. I told her it was fricking miserable hot out (middle of summer, super super humid) and that she was going to sweat out all her electrolytes. Just kept drinking water without eating. Wouldn't even eat candy or jerky or anything. Lo and behold when we begin to ascend again she nearly passes out while I'm fine. Hot, but fine. I had to pour some water on her head to keep her conscious then I said we weren't moving on until she eats something with sugar and salt in it. (I had all kinds of shit, candy, trail mix, jerky, sandwiches, fruit, etc so no lack of choice) She was fine after this.

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