Have the Ukrainians got any chance of winning this war?

Have the Ukrainians got any chance of winning this war?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago

    Very good chance.

  2. 2 years ago

    As always, depends on what is considered winning.
    Russia wont be able to defeat Ukrainian army.
    Ukraine wont be able to defeat Russian army.
    If Russia doesn't collapse domestically, there will be a mutual peace treaty at some point due to complete exhaustion of both armies.

    • 2 years ago

      This is the most Kino war in a longtime hi-res drones and smartphones have allowed a massive amount of quickly accessible, often crystal clear videos. Especially from the Ukranians.

      • 2 years ago

        where/what are the best sources you're finding for footage/content?

        • 2 years ago

          UAWeapons on twitter, they compile footage and photos from other OSINT sources, also Oryx's website has a pretty exhaustive tally of everything Ukraine and Russia have lost with photo evidence.

    • 2 years ago

      > Ukraine wont be able to defeat Russian army.

    • 2 years ago

      >Ukraine wont be able to defeat Russian army.

      • 2 years ago


        > Ukraine wont be able to defeat Russian army.

        yes you fricking new world order pigs.
        Russia is only using 150k-200k soldiers when it has the capacity for millions. Russia is the underdog in this war and its taking ground everyday. Russia could absolutely win if Putin announced mobilization for its reserves let alone the general public.
        Don't be so deluded to think that a country of 40m could beat a country with 150m with the size military that Russia has.

        • 2 years ago

          >Russia is only using 150k-200k soldiers when it has the capacity for millions.
          A mosin for everone*, and get your best footwraps on boys because we're walking to Ukraine.

          *mosin not guaranteed

          • 2 years ago

            that is Donetsk and Luhansk forces. They have weapon problems not Russia

            • 2 years ago

              The "republics" are Russian army brigades with flags; they are perfect previews of how it would go down. Russia is an incompetent failed state with no prospects and a track record of failure. They can't do it, they aren't good enough.

              • 2 years ago

                they are separatists who are being used as canon fodder for Russians, Putin doesn't give a shit about these people, most casualties are from Donetsk and Luhansk forces. even the leaders from Donetsk and Luhansk are saying Russia is using them as fodder.
                I can't find the telegram posts but the leaders from Donetsk are saying publicly these facts.

                Manpower means jackshit, even more in modern era.

                It means everything when the battlefield is the size of Ukraine you bonehead.

        • 2 years ago

          >russia is the underdog
          >it has been intentionally handicapping itself for months
          seems like russia is not exactly blessed with tactical prowess

          • 2 years ago

            Putin is in a political difficult situation, mobilization would cause big problems for him. Putin is far more lightly to be overthrown by angry babushkas and Russian moms when he enlists their sons than any glowing Black person coup.

        • 2 years ago

          I love how /k/ can't refute this

          • 2 years ago

            the eyebrow will raise any day now

            • 2 years ago

              ukraine will stop being bombed any day now
              europe will stop being on the verge of energy collapse any day now

              • 2 years ago

                >europe will stop being on the verge of energy collapse any day now
                Nah, it will be hard to replace the 10% or so Europe got from Russia. Energy intensive industry will probably shut down for a time, like production of aluminum.
                But in the end Europe will be better off.

              • 2 years ago

                >But in the end Europe will be better off.
                I don't see how since energy will be double the price it was before for next 30 years.

              • 2 years ago

                Because we will no longer be dependent on Russias gas. Germany doesn't have to use the cheapest on the market.

                AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the eternal coping eurohomosexual. is that why we keep hearing about germany making insane plans for their future energy problems this winter?
                hohols will stop being bombed any day now. russia to run out of missiles soon, nato shills have told me so.

                What do you think those insane plans are? I have the distinct impression you only repeat what your FSB handlers tell you. Reality is, we might have to turn off some energy intensive industry or use more coal.

                The Ukrainian army was decimated at the start of the war. The only reason it is still ongoing is the weapons illegally supplied to the Ukrainians by NATO and individual nations. The body count is going to get very high. Economic collapse is going to hit Europeans before it hits the Russians. The war is going to be in Russia's favor for the next 2-4 years. After about 5 years Russia will be strained and Western nations will be either in the middle of a full collapse or they will be fully mobilized for war. If western nations mobilize it will be nuclear war. If they collapse Russia will push through Ukraine take key regions and then install a puppet state for the remaining regions of Ukraine. Death toll of Russian victory will be 300,000. Death toll for western mobilization will be 900,000 then nuclear conflict to reach 1.5 billion. This is a war no one should be trying to interfere in. Do not interfere in this war.

                >The Ukrainian army was decimated at the start of the war. The only reason it is still ongoing is the weapons illegally supplied to the Ukrainians by NATO
                What is illegal about it?
                Why are you scared by NATO anyway? You have the GDP of Greece, NATO can't even compete with you.

              • 2 years ago

                That second orc is quite repulsing.

              • 2 years ago

                >he doesn't feel the pull of manifest destiny when laying eyes on sprawling tracks of land

              • 2 years ago

                There is literally no way Germany can switch to alternative energy sources on time. All the coal and domestic gas production has been abandoned and will take a long time to start running again. Enjoy freezing this winter.

              • 2 years ago

                disclose.tv is a reliable source for you guys?

              • 2 years ago

                yeah nothing to worry about, germany is fine, everyone is fine, they have no worries about energy coming from a country they have imposed sanctions on and are running a proxy war against.

              • 2 years ago

                you do know what happens when germoids experience privation right

              • 2 years ago

                Uh oh

              • 2 years ago

                why must russians make it so hard to like them?

              • 2 years ago

                I personally think they are misled and fell for 15 years of propaganda.
                That is the reason why there are term limits, so every few years the corruption networks gets disrupted.
                At this point Russia would need a large reeducation campaign.

              • 2 years ago

                do you reckon russians would stop having tantrums and spewing ethnic slurs at the sight of the ukrainian flag if russia installed another puppet government that made no changes other than trade deals?

              • 2 years ago

                Russia shouldn't install any puppet regime, dummy.

                What Russia needs are freedom of the press, freedom of speech, rule of law and fiercely observed as well as frequent votes, and of course limited terms.
                Over times this would break corruption networks in the elites and eventually at all levels.

                However, Putin can not step back, he would be dead immediately. He is fighting for his life. The people get served nothing but lies, no rule of law, no freedom of the press, no free speech, no end of the war.

                BTW, new video made by the Russian QT3.14:

              • 2 years ago

                even actual russians don't want a real government or fair elections. Just let them rot in their hellhole

              • 2 years ago

                But anon, Not All Russians Are Like That -- just 100% of the ones you see chatting on the internet.

              • 2 years ago

                Why haven't they done anything about the situation yet then?

              • 2 years ago

                The Ukrainian army was decimated at the start of the war. The only reason it is still ongoing is the weapons illegally supplied to the Ukrainians by NATO and individual nations. The body count is going to get very high. Economic collapse is going to hit Europeans before it hits the Russians. The war is going to be in Russia's favor for the next 2-4 years. After about 5 years Russia will be strained and Western nations will be either in the middle of a full collapse or they will be fully mobilized for war. If western nations mobilize it will be nuclear war. If they collapse Russia will push through Ukraine take key regions and then install a puppet state for the remaining regions of Ukraine. Death toll of Russian victory will be 300,000. Death toll for western mobilization will be 900,000 then nuclear conflict to reach 1.5 billion. This is a war no one should be trying to interfere in. Do not interfere in this war.

                They gave many weapons to civilian militias. Very illegal. You shouldn't measure wars by GDP it is not a good indicator. You should look at manpower and resources. GDP doesn't reflect resources well anymore. Russians have an advantage in both. The government they have can leverage manpower far easier than western countries. They have a surplus of key resources like steel and oil.

              • 2 years ago

                >vatBlack person complaining about something being "illegal"

              • 2 years ago

                >They gave many weapons to civilian militias. Very illegal.
                First, that's not true, second, if it where, it wouldn't be illegal.

                > You shouldn't measure wars by GDP it is not a good indicator. You should look at manpower and resources.
                Europe has 500 million people. US has 350 million people. The combined GDP of all NATO nations is over 90 times that of Russia.


                Germany is going to be fi-ACK


                Oh no germbros, electricity is a luxury but at least we have our slava ukrayini hahahahahaha.

                So this is your big win over the west? People are switching to wood from gas? Well done, it was all worth it. You got us good. >:^)

                It's funny how the fatties and boomers are the most belligerent while the youth is much more moderate and don't want to be implicated in any of this bullshit. They should send the first on the frontline.


              • 2 years ago

                The US can barely leverage half a million people into the military. Manpower isn't proportional to your population. It is effected more by your government and ideology. Sure if there was both a cultural and political change in the US and NATO they could leverage more manpower, but it is unlikely to happen. Yes they did give weapons to civilians. It is illegal to supply civilians with military equipment. There is a lot of loopholes in this law but if you go by the spirit of the law instead of the letter of the law you can see a clear breach. Civilians just had to write their name on a clipboard and then they were given weapons and considered soldiers. Again GDP is a poor indicator. Japan has an excellent GDP, but have little resources and manufacturing has been going down the drain since the 90s. The UK has 70% of their population working in the service industry.

              • 2 years ago

                >The US can barely leverage half a million people into the military.
                And why should they, they aren't in any war. This is their military at peace, friend.

                >Manpower isn't proportional to your population. It is effected more by your government and ideology.
                You said manpower is more important than GDP, now manpower isn't important?
                Well, the ideology is based on democracy, rule of law, open processes that anyone can criticize and international cooperation. I would say that beats whatever Russia is.

                >Yes NATO did give weapons to civilians. It is illegal to supply civilians with military equipment.
                It's illegal to invade a Nation. It's perfectly legal to give weapons to people that defend their nation, their property and their family.

                >Civilians just had to write their name on a clipboard and then they were given weapons and considered soldiers.
                Why did the civilians wanted to become soldiers in the first place?
                Why is it illegal as a civilian to become a soldier?
                Is it illegal for Russian civilians to become soldiers?

                >Again GDP is a poor indicator.
                Hopping back and forth, aren't we?
                What is a good indicator then, if not GDP? Industrial production? Well, we got Russia beat there as well. By orders of magnitude no less.

              • 2 years ago

                >manpower isn't proportional to your population.
                Manpower is not your population. Manpower in military terms is how many people you have eligible to be recruited or drafted into your military. There is about 60 million people in the eligible age range for military recruitment. 40% are obese so no military service. So we are down to 36 million. Take out the disabled 34.5 million. Take out those too stupid to be in the military. Down to 29 million and over half of those are women. Russians have 50 million people in the age range. They don't recruit women often so down to 26 million. With disability it is down to 24.5 million. Russian will send in anyone so obesity and the IQ doesn't matter. This isn't even getting into those who are unwilling to serve which is really high right now. The manpower gap is small and the US only has an advantage with women which lowers the quality of recruits.

              • 2 years ago

                >Civilians just had to write their name on a clipboard and then they were given weapons and considered soldiers.
                >Why did the civilians wanted to become soldiers in the first place?
                >Why is it illegal as a civilian to become a soldier?
                >Is it illegal for Russian civilians to become soldiers?
                There are many differences between what is going on in Ukraine and recruiting for an army. First off is training and discipline. Obviously signing your name on a sheet of paper and being handed a weapon isn't enough to give someone trigger discipline. Untrained soldiers commit war crimes, kill civilians, get themselves and their allies killed. The chain of command isn't there either. Many run around doing as they like. It is a recipe for disaster.

              • 2 years ago

                >Untrained soldiers commit war crimes, kill civilians, get themselves and their allies killed.
                Bucha was done by Russian forces. Look at the image, Russians did that. Yes, those are civilians. Yes, their hands are bound.

              • 2 years ago

                >Again GDP is a poor indicator
                A good indicator is resources and availability of those resources. Manufacturing base is next up. If you don't have access to resources it doesn't matter how good of factories are. Both are in shambles in Europe and the US. They could be turned around in a year if they moved towards that goal, but they have yet to do so. Russia has oil and has plenty of iron. Their manufacturing isn't the best but could be upped in 6 months.

              • 2 years ago

                >manpower isn't proportional to your population.
                Manpower is not your population. Manpower in military terms is how many people you have eligible to be recruited or drafted into your military. There is about 60 million people in the eligible age range for military recruitment. 40% are obese so no military service. So we are down to 36 million. Take out the disabled 34.5 million. Take out those too stupid to be in the military. Down to 29 million and over half of those are women. Russians have 50 million people in the age range. They don't recruit women often so down to 26 million. With disability it is down to 24.5 million. Russian will send in anyone so obesity and the IQ doesn't matter. This isn't even getting into those who are unwilling to serve which is really high right now. The manpower gap is small and the US only has an advantage with women which lowers the quality of recruits.

                America has a million people in its military right now.

                You made it one sentence in and you're already completely wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                Inflated as frick numbers. Completely inaccurate. I don't know how they came up with these numbers. They even faked the numbers all the way back to 1985. I didn't just start paying attention like you chuckle fricks. God this world really has turned into 1984.

              • 2 years ago

                you have never read 1984

              • 2 years ago

                There is stuff that is constantly memory holed. The ministry of truth had its hands all over this one.

              • 2 years ago

                you have never read 1984

              • 2 years ago

                It's funny how the fatties and boomers are the most belligerent while the youth is much more moderate and don't want to be implicated in any of this bullshit. They should send the first on the frontline.

              • 2 years ago

                It's funny how the only people shilling for Russia are ESLs with obvious ESL grammar.

              • 2 years ago

                AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the eternal coping eurohomosexual. is that why we keep hearing about germany making insane plans for their future energy problems this winter?

                why is ukraine being bombed? is there partisan activity or something? russia dismantled the airforce on day 1 and took over kiev in two weeks. the millions of russian patriot soldiers secured the hinterlands within the first month. it's pacified. is HATO doing this?

                hohols will stop being bombed any day now. russia to run out of missiles soon, nato shills have told me so.

              • 2 years ago

                >hohols will stop being bombed any day now.
                again, why are hohols being bombed? they welcomed us with open arms and flowers. none of this makes any sense to me. are my ukrainian brothers being attacked by evil HATO? is that it?

              • 2 years ago

                why is ukraine being bombed? is there partisan activity or something? russia dismantled the airforce on day 1 and took over kiev in two weeks. the millions of russian patriot soldiers secured the hinterlands within the first month. it's pacified. is HATO doing this?

              • 2 years ago

                Its hard to stop being on the verge of something if you were never on it in the first place you double Black person

        • 2 years ago

          Russia can't win against the Ukraine with all the military aid. Not with a GDP smaller than that of Greece.
          I know this is Russias nightmare, but imagine NATO would actually enter the war.

          >Russia is only using 150k-200k soldiers when it has the capacity for millions.
          A mosin for everone*, and get your best footwraps on boys because we're walking to Ukraine.

          *mosin not guaranteed

          Meanwhile, Putin at the HQ:
          "Five men take one Mosin.
          If first man die, second man take Mosin and so on.
          Is simple, no?"

        • 2 years ago

          Manpower means jackshit, even more in modern era.

        • 2 years ago

          uh oh, someone hasn't read their art of war

    • 2 years ago

      Ukraine doesn't need to defeat the Russian army, just CRIPPLE it to the point it cannot fight anymore.


      • 2 years ago

        That's called defeat, anon

        • 2 years ago

          What I mean is, Ukraine cannot beat the Russians in your conventional set-piece battle where the Russian military is wiped out.

          What it CAN do is deprive the Russians of their ability TO fight.

          • 2 years ago

            2 months ago I would have agreed 100% but now I'm not entirely sure. the russian airforce is nowhere to be found. russian ammunition depots keep getting bombed, the ukranians keep receiving more modern weapons and they're probably working with lots of accurate intel from other countries. assuming they aren't larping about their 700k strong army, they could pull off a successful offensive somewhere, soon. probably in the south in the direction of maripol, not a lot of russian troops there and the terrain is more or less flat. I guess we'll find out in the next few months.

    • 2 years ago

      A bunch of mexican cartel could defeat the russian army.

    • 2 years ago

      So another "winter war".

      • 2 years ago

        puccia reads an awful lot like pussitama/pussittama :DDDD

    • 2 years ago

      >peace treaty
      yes puccya will raise its eyebrow and israelitelensky will sit down at big table and sign a peace treaty. The SS-UAF will willingly disarm and throw all weapons into black sea


  3. 2 years ago

    this "war" is boring af. there was tons of interesting combat footages from syria.

    • 2 years ago

      ah yes sand people with 19th century technology getting brapped on by 20mm autocannons, truly interesting combat footage

      • 2 years ago

        It is tho
        Incompetent but suicidally brave arabs blasting each other at <200m over music and cheering is the stuff of legends

        I can't feel anything when someone blasts white dots with a thermal vison camera 3km away

      • 2 years ago

        It is tho
        Incompetent but suicidally brave arabs blasting each other at <200m over music and cheering is the stuff of legends

        I can't feel anything when someone blasts white dots with a thermal vison camera 3km away

        It is. The sand people pulled off the single greatest testament for combined arms ever recorded on film

        The man in the brown pajamas, an enemy to be feared


        nothing but cringey mad respect for this fellow.

        • 2 years ago

          Grenade down turret has as much chance of blowing up a tank as Ukraine winning this war.

      • 2 years ago

        Syria is pure kino and isis/saa whoever are way better with cameras than moronic slavs. Also desert and sun feels much comfier than grayscale skies and muddy lands of Ukraine.

    • 2 years ago

      Are you fricking moronic? Have you even seen footage from this war?

      • 2 years ago

        theres literally 0 close combat footage from ukraine. its all shitty drones recording art strikes or atgm vids.

        • 2 years ago

          War...has changed.

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago


            War never changes. But the methods we use to carry out war, warfare, is always evolving.

        • 2 years ago

          >theres literally 0 close combat footage from ukraine
          >t-t-that isn't close combat
          If they're close enough to use grenades, it's close combat.

          • 2 years ago

            >That homosexual propaganda music
            Also lost it when he handed him the rocket launcher

            • 2 years ago

              it's true, i miss hearing a catchy nasheed with my combat footage

          • 2 years ago

            >video link

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            I hadn't even noticed there actually was someone underneath the van until seeing the slowmotion version just now.

            • 2 years ago

              Think they are still under there now.

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            nice fricking shot

          • 2 years ago

            nice fricking shot

            that whole video is absolute /k/ino, probably the best so far out of this whole conflict, even though it's been a while since it came out

            • 2 years ago

              theres literally 0 close combat footage from ukraine. its all shitty drones recording art strikes or atgm vids.

              Buckle up buckaroos, we are just getting started.


              • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              >ywn save somebody's babushka at 1:33
              Made me want to visit grandma

            • 2 years ago

              Sadly i think the guy who made this video has been sentenced to death by the DPR.

        • 2 years ago

          >I haven't seen it so it doesn't exist.

          • 2 years ago

            >theres literally 0 close combat footage from ukraine
            >t-t-that isn't close combat
            If they're close enough to use grenades, it's close combat.

            theses are pretty weak compared to whats out there
            yeah i dont have links myself but theres trench war with a guy literally throwing back grenades, BTR city block skirmishes, that one platoon sized ambush in the south on the highway on that bridge, VDV helicopters going down over the lake with troopers bailing and parachuting into february water, tank point blanking a squad, a squad ambush a tank column, kadyrovites going house to house etc.

    • 2 years ago

      Syria was fricking boring, the frick you on about. A bunch of dhurkas hurkas blind firing AK's is not "interesting." No real tactics, no real attempt at strategy, frick off with that shit.

      • 2 years ago

        The shopping carts with machine guns and 17th century black powder cannons were fun

    • 2 years ago

      You sound like your just watching the wrong footage. Check out the Chechens, they are producing a lot of content on tiktok you would probably enjoy

    • 2 years ago

      ah yes sand people with 19th century technology getting brapped on by 20mm autocannons, truly interesting combat footage

      Are you fricking moronic? Have you even seen footage from this war?

      theres literally 0 close combat footage from ukraine. its all shitty drones recording art strikes or atgm vids.

      >theres literally 0 close combat footage from ukraine
      >t-t-that isn't close combat
      If they're close enough to use grenades, it's close combat.


      >That homosexual propaganda music
      Also lost it when he handed him the rocket launcher

      The battle of Mosul had better footage than all of the Ukraine war

  4. 2 years ago

    They've already won

    • 2 years ago

      Russia lost, but Ukraine still has a long way to go to get back their provinces

      • 2 years ago

        what's puccya going to do, station their entire army in ukraine forever?
        if they can't win, they will eventually just leave, just like the USA or Soviets in bananistan

  5. 2 years ago

    Define win?
    >nixon peace with honor

  6. 2 years ago

    "ukraine" you mean nato or usa
    so called ukraine is now puppet of american foreign policy and capitalism
    there is no sight of winning on nato side, despite combined force using ukranian meatshields, russia only has to use 10% of the might to complete every objective.. now owning land the equivalent of italy in former Ukraine SSR.... now Russia is eyeing alaska as nato is alerted along west, it is possible that if demands are ignored usa will see mushroom cloud in every district...

    • 2 years ago

      Think this answers your question, OP. Russians in full cope mode.

    • 2 years ago

      Lmao what are you talking about. NATO is the biggest winner in this entire shit show.

    • 2 years ago

      >now owning land the equivalent of italy in former Ukraine SSR
      vatBlack folk truly are moronic, huh?

      • 2 years ago

        italy would have capitulationed.. this is significant

        • 2 years ago

          how many more victory points to go until Ukraine capitulates

      • 2 years ago

        The most important part of Ukraine economically?
        Yeah, no big deal.

        • 2 years ago

          Not even close.

        • 2 years ago

          you mean the lowest-IQ part of ukraine

        • 2 years ago

          >Entire economy collapses
          >Military costs are so high that Putin can't even pay the wounded soldiers the propaganda Rubles anymore
          >"We got some fields and rubble with angry people in it."
          What a great deal. Chavez would be proud

        • 2 years ago

          Too bad russians blew up all the industry there

        • 2 years ago

          >The most important part of Ukraine economically?
          and all of it looks like the OP's picture now

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah I'm sure azovstahl will start printing steel again, any day now. Not like they'll have to resort to stealing low value bulk shit like grain that they won't be able to replace next year huh.

      • 2 years ago

        Half of that was controlled before the invasion anyway

    • 2 years ago

      >russia only has to use 10% of the might to complete every objective..
      They’ve already depleted more than 10% of their Su-34 inventory, and those are just the ones visually confirmed

    • 2 years ago

      Another staggeringly moronic example of mega-cope my vodka Black person friend. Please, oh please try and talk Putin into invading Alaska. It would be truly the most entertaining happening in our lifetime.

    • 2 years ago

      >and capitalism
      Good. Hang all fricking commie wienersuckers and send their extended families to Venezuela, Russia or China where they fricking belong, confiscate their property and ban them from ever having guns since we are on weapons board.

    • 2 years ago

      >slav grammar
      every fricking time

    • 2 years ago

      ironic shitposting has ruined this imageboard

      • 2 years ago

        newhomosexuals falling for low tier bait has been an absolute disaster for this mongolian basket weaving forum

    • 2 years ago

      i hope you get sent to the front soon moskal.

    • 2 years ago

      >so called ukraine is now puppet of american foreign policy and capitalism
      Literally assloads better than being rapeslaves of The Gulaghomosexual Orc Horde. Dying by saturation noooking is better than being rapeslaves of The Gulaghomosexual Orc Horde.
      ANY/EVERYTHING is better than being rapeslaves of The Gulaghomosexual Orc Horde.

      You can stop deluding yourself that this war is a resurgence of trad/based god-fearing family values.
      It isn't.
      This is just the last death spasms of an already dead empire.

      Russia lost. Past tense.

      • 2 years ago

        They're both shitty options.
        Ukraine as the Ukrainians know it will stop existing when this is all over.

        • 2 years ago

          >Ukraine as the Ukrainians know it will stop existing when this is all over.
          Ukraine as the Ukranians knew it is Russia lite.

    • 2 years ago


      With this most recent achievement, fate has, in a single stroke, marked the decline of America and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Russian bear, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of American powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the more starved nations of the world. The blessings of chain food queues, sugar vouchers, shareware outside toilets, Cлaвa class cruisers submersible technology, indestructible Su-27, quantum direct-current electric Mach 1000 X-22 mallbuster missiles, neutrino submarine undersea-rock evasion Kursk technology, gamma titanium mono crystal turbine powered T-62 main rattle tanks, fireproof amphibious BMD infantry burying vehicles, and 5G remote Sputnik vaccine injections will be the instruments with which Russia affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the western world a different option: a communist alternative to the depredations of American leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and significant Checheno-Tuvan-led world order.

      • 2 years ago

        >T-62 main rattle tanks

    • 2 years ago

      Fricking try Slav boy

    • 2 years ago

      You on the bottom

    • 2 years ago

      and soon they will tremble at the sound of our t62m rolling into Washington Columbia District

    • 2 years ago

      >so called ukraine

    • 2 years ago

      Dude, your grammar specifically outs you as a non-native English speaker, particularly a Slavic language. You should probably work on that before trying to influence people's opinions here.

      • 2 years ago

        His grammar is poor, but his logic is spot-on. The
        'Ukraine' war is just a corrupt gang of thieves called nato trying to justify their continued existence long past when they were relevant.

        • 2 years ago

          Worst thief in the history of mankind, since America ends up footing the bill for the Euros who refuse to meet the minimum requirements. The only 4D chess here was Putin selling Russia/Russians down the river to try and prevent the bear from slipping into obscurity as America pivoted to China. Xi will hopefully reward his main b***h in the near future and Ivan can go back to stripping his military for parts to sell. Assuming there are any buyers after this field demo.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, it's our fault the Russians invaded

        • 2 years ago

          Great projection of the failed state known as the USSR, which modern Russia is just the shambling corpse of.

        • 2 years ago

          >his logic is spot-on

          yea from a moronic point of view

          • 2 years ago

            From my point of view the normies are moronic

            • 2 years ago

              Then you are a mongoloid

              • 2 years ago

                You undersetimate my head game, no homo

    • 2 years ago

      >that if demands are ignored usa will see mushroom cloud in every district...
      DO IT ALREADY, homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      Theres a lot worse places to be than nato puppet. Say mid eastern shit hole or russia or african shithole or any other one of those dictatorship shitholes. Being nato puppet gurantees peace and prosperity and being a major player 4 decades later

  7. 2 years ago

    As much as the Poles had of defeating the soviets in 1918 to 1921.

  8. 2 years ago

    Define your victory condition

  9. 2 years ago

    how many street corners will russia need to take out to defeat them do you think? a couple hundred should do, right?

  10. 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    we are in cope mode terminal and already seeing the post-war narrative: russia did not lose, it simply acted with baffling magnanimity. russia walked in like jesus, was brutally rebuked by the heretics, turned its cheek a thousan times and left. russia is a martyr and ukraine is a big bad bully.

  12. 2 years ago

    >long-haired Slayer fan homosexual gets a qt gf
    You cannot suffer in ukraine, qt's everywhere

    • 2 years ago

      we hating 'slayer' now? cmon

    • 2 years ago

      moron thats a vader shirt

      • 2 years ago

        No it bloody isn't

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      he mogs you

    • 2 years ago

      >You cannot suffer in ukraine
      what about the war?

    • 2 years ago

      >qt gf

      She looks like a spitter from L4D.

    • 2 years ago

      It is impossible to suffer on the Ukraine.

  13. 2 years ago

    nobody wins against russia and when you think you won it will still be among you through hidden propaganda even in the second when you say i won russia already win what you think you won (emptying your treasury would be a plan)

    the only proof that someone is winning against russia would be to see a democratic regime on russia

  14. 2 years ago

    What the west is doing right now is causing former soviet states to water drop their modernized antequated soviet gear into Ukraine plus ammo plus additional modernized gear for the Ukrainains to use to bleed the Russians dry. It is not lost on the Ukranians the history of Ukraine, and they have a fighting chance at getting their Khazarian empire back or whatever you want to call it.

    You're going to see a lot of back and forth action going on for the next year as Ukraine tries to keep Odessa out of Russian hands and keep them on the other side of the Dniper. As Sanctions bleed Russia Dry and their oilnatgas shuts down due to being in permafrost, they are going to start becoming economically hollowed out and more dysfunctional but that'll be invisible to the top.

    Ukranians and Russians are trading soldiers pretty evenly right now as well as equipment as far as I can tell, the next stage is when Russia starts general mobilization which will happen later this year or early next. That is when things get worrying IMO, as we start seeing how much talk vs actually being onboard the population really is.

    The US Goal is to keep the Russians and Russian government thinking this isn't a phyrric victory and in the end that means exhausting Russia while giving them Ukraine. We don't want Russia to collapse, not before China collapses anyway. Meantime we're selling and gifting a lot of modernized equipment to NATO Countries, so if Russia attacks or there's a Coup by China and 90 million Chinese take a roadtrip to Ukraine to invade Europe, we're ready.

    • 2 years ago

      you might think that any war that attracts mercenaries is a reason to weaken the army that should defend what is important.
      (What if Russia and Ukraine planned this war and only mercenaries die there? of both Russian and Ukrainian bullets)

    • 2 years ago

      >israeli Khazars repopulate in Ukraisreal
      >Israel and israelite York lose all the big Booba women to the Khazars Chads
      >Khazars milkers take their place in history once more, Israel relegated to #3 most important israelite place

  15. 2 years ago

    believe me russian propaganda hides even in religion and steals you without knowing how and i think any orthodox church is a tax evasion created by russia

  16. 2 years ago

    Both Ukraine and Russia lost. Even China lost. NATO and the USA MIC won.

    • 2 years ago

      Just wait until non-american affiliated countries abandon the USD as reserve currency in droves. You will see food riots, civil war and full-on SHTF in America, complete with warlords tenuously holding territory by force. In bigger cities there will be Russian and Chinese peacekeepers with food aid but in rural america its going to be living hell.

      • 2 years ago

        >Just wait until non-american affiliated countries abandon the USD as reserve currency in droves.

      • 2 years ago

        >abandon the USD as reserve currency in droves
        Reserves are already diversified. Countries hold a variety of currencies.

      • 2 years ago

        >non-american affiliated countries abandon the USD as reserve currency
        >Russian and Chinese peacekeepers with food aid

      • 2 years ago

        >US is a net exporter of food
        >one of the biggest producers of food in the world
        >US is gonna starve guys, there's gonna be famine I swear!
        This is a moronic take even by vatnik standards.

      • 2 years ago

        Rural America by and large has running water, sanitation, local and state government that functions and infrastructure that makes Russian urban areas look primitive. Not sure how you avoid the conscription Ivan but first world doesn't live like you primatives.

      • 2 years ago

        Rural America by and large has running water, sanitation, local and state government that functions and infrastructure that makes Russian urban areas look primitive. Not sure how you avoid the conscription Ivan but first world doesn't live like you primatives.

        This really, Urban America will starve before Rural America, and we'll happily shoot your Russian and Chinese "Peacekeepers" if you try to show up.

  17. 2 years ago

    no chance. in ww2, russia lost 15% of its population fighting and surrender was never even considered. russians and hohols are both literal morons, but russians have a lot more people.

    • 2 years ago

      >russians have a lot more people.
      Should someone tell him?

    • 2 years ago

      In ww2 they had the anglo sugar daddies keeping them afloat. Yes, practical surrender (stalemate) was very much considered before the magnitude of lend lease became apparent to the failing commie regime.

      Bodies mean jack fricking shit if they lack food, fuel, ammo, machines and wheels to keep rapidly spamming their lemmings from one position to another. Which was what happened when you had roughly another two USSRs worth of (pre war), non dysfunctional economies feeding you.

    • 2 years ago

      Indeed true. There is a museum in Drumchork, Scotland, about the Arctic Convoy and how England fed ammo, tanks, and food to the USSR to keep them afloat

    • 2 years ago

      >no chance. in ww2, russia lost 15% of its population fighting and surrender was never even considered.
      In ww2 they knew germans would just massacre them.
      In ww1 1% was more than enough to collapse russia.

    • 2 years ago

      Back then, Russia was fighting for its own survival as a people. Imperial wars of aggression are significantly less motivating, especially when the government is constantly trying to act like it's no big deal.

      • 2 years ago

        How do you not understand this flithy HATOsexual...? Russia loses to London in this denazification of Ukraine and gay oiled up mulatto breeders with massive throbbing wieners will wander staircase to staircase, block to block, to inject the nubile bronde twink with big black wiener. It is the struggle for survival of your eternal soul not to lock up yourself in a dungeon with a muscular master.
        t. Dugin

  18. 2 years ago

    >Have the Ukrainians got any chance of winning this war?
    As long as their will to kill every last Russian remains stronger than Russia's will to take the country the Ukies sure will win.

  19. 2 years ago

    Europe Elites don't want Ukraine to win because if they do Russia will most likely will collapse. And good to buy oil/gas for euros, that russia would use to buy European goods

    • 2 years ago

      Russia will be insignificant to Europe in a few years. No way back vatnik. You shit the bed enjoy laying in it and getting assraped by the Chinese while they drain your country of everything you have

    • 2 years ago

      >Europe Elites don't want Ukraine to win because if they do Russia will most likely will collapse
      It's true and that's why the US cares more about European interests than Europeans. We could literally balkanize Russia and bring Western Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia into the EU and become a superpower.

      • 2 years ago

        Europe becoming a superpower is completely against the interests of the US, and this is why it will never happen. The American elites want submissive EU, but not strong enough to be competitive against them from a commercial, political and military point of view. A vassal EU suits them very well. And this is why I'm against it, I want my country to be free from foreign influence.

        • 2 years ago

          It is within the interests of the U.S. America is no longer going to be able to make security assurances across the globe.

  20. 2 years ago

    If Russia keeps all the territory it has captured they have already won.

    Ukraine will need to reclaim this area for a win, which seems unlikely.

    I think things will stabilize sort of into something that is the same as what it was before, shitty skirmishes/shit flinging across a border.
    Then all the rats that have been supporting Ukraine will see Ukraine doesn't have any resources to exploit, and they will switch sides and cozy up to the Russians and then you have relaxing of sanctions and stuff and a ret-conning of history that the invasion 'wasn't really that bad' but still keep up Putler optics

    • 2 years ago

      I genuinely can't tell what is b8 and what isn't anymore.

      • 2 years ago

        What is bait about this?
        Does Russia control the areas of Ukraine that have the most resources now?
        Does Ukraine have a way of launching counter offensives to reclaim territory?

        • 2 years ago

          >What is bait about this?
          The low quality, biased rhetoric, and borderline fanfic predictions.
          >Does Russia control the areas of Ukraine that have the most resources now?
          >Does Ukraine have a way of launching counter offensives to reclaim territory?

          • 2 years ago

            Ok, point to the map where the bulk of Ukrainian resources are

            • 2 years ago

              >Ok, point to the map where the bulk of Ukrainian resources are
              You point to them. Show on the map what resources you are talking about.
              Destroying the limited manpower and equipment of Russia. Already worked in this war.

        • 2 years ago

          >Does Russia control the areas of Ukraine that have the most resources now?
          hyper overcope, russia doesn't even have the ability to extract its internal resources, the west did that for it. did, past tense. much of that will lapse now. russia won't even be in the newly held territory long enough to extract from it. hell, russia didn't do shit in the donbas for 8 years under much more placid conditions. it just doesn't make any sense, if they had the spare talent to actually extract these resources they would do it at home and displace the big western firms they pay to do it for them. why the frick would they develop in ukraine only to have to route around it at massive expense and have the projects blown up anyway. moronic.
          >Does Ukraine have a way of launching counter offensives to reclaim territory?
          russia does not have the capacity to fight a protracted stalemate across southern ukraine indefinitely. kyiv, chernihiv, and sumy were not retaken by counterattack, but they were still retaken. russia simply did not have the spare capacity to maintain that front.

          • 2 years ago

            The point isn't to extract the resources you dingus. It's to control them and make Russian energy the only option. That's exactly what the US did in Iraq.

            Making yourself the only option is a lot more lucrative, it keeps the supply low in addition to being a monopoly.

            • 2 years ago

              If you're referring to gas, then Russia has a lot of work to do.

            • 2 years ago

              russia had ukraine's ability to extract locked down since emtering the donbas, it didn't matter that ukraine has a lot of resources outside of that, it is too risky for western partners that would be doing most of the heavy lifting. russia had everything /misc/tards like you insist they want 8 years ago. you refuse to even admit the actual ambitions behind this war simply because russia will never, ever fulfill them.

      • 2 years ago

        probably not bait but just another /misc/ tourist with a room temperature IQ that thinks war and holding territory works like hearts of iron. of course they can't explain how America left vietnam or afganistan and they don't even know that Russia failed in afganistan to begin with

        • 2 years ago

          what does u.s leaving afghanistan and vietnam have to do about his post and russia holding chunks of territory. not bait just curious

          • 2 years ago

            >what does the us and russia showing how difficult it is to hold enemy territory for extended periods despite establishing military dominance over those areas have to do with russia's ability to hold enemy territory under for an extended period even with military dominance over those areas
            hmm anon you know i just don't know

            • 2 years ago

              but on pol they told me the ukarinos had no chance

            • 2 years ago

              The US never intended to develop or do anything with Afghanistan
              The point of all these 'nation building' is to do the direct opposite, it's to turn them into chaotic hellholes so they never develop any sort of functional government, political or military system
              its just so much easier to deal with geopolitically
              The US went into Afghanistan to frick it up so the Chinese would have a very, very difficult time developing it years down the line
              All these nations the US fricked up are in the Belt and Road initiative

    • 2 years ago

      This shit isn't over until there's a regime change

    • 2 years ago

      >if you hold some small percentage of enemy territory full of people who hate you, but can never decisively defeat the enemy army, you win actually
      stage IV terminal cope

  21. 2 years ago

    whatever is expedient in capitalist usa will decide when ukrane is handed over.. with the shortage of gas it seeming that europe is freezing over and war in europe becoming inevitable amongst the squabbling nations
    usa will eventually prefer stability and ukrane is not in picture

  22. 2 years ago


    Russia has already Lost. Capital L Lost, economically, culturally, and nationalistically they're FUBAR. As a nation, a 'power', a government, and as a people even.

    But so long as they hold onto captured Ukie Territory, Ukraine has also lost. Not big, capital L Lost, because they still exist, but they've lost shit in the exchange. That's a blow to economy, to the people living there, and to the national pride in Ukraine as a whole, because while at costs bordering well into comedic, Russia did leave with half the Donbas region.

    Now Zelensky knows this. He's not a moron, and he's done an especially good job at fighting this war, being a Politician and not a General, so he knows that the war ending with Ukrainian land in Russian hands is going to be shit, so he's likely going to pull the "My country is weak and helpless and dying in the face of this overwhelming brutality", until he's absolutely sure that he's got enough shit to steamroll back the land before the ceasefire, Vlad Tepesh style, or that he and his country are seen and respected enough that if said ceasefire occurs, Russia gets pressured into giving up their conquered territory. Only then, could their defensive war be considered won.

    Ukraine definitely won't Lose, but a Win is still up in the air.

  23. 2 years ago

    >Have the Ukrainians got any chance of winning this war?
    You cant win a war that you already lost. Its just now a matter of how many ukrainians are americans willing to sacrifice before letting Ukraine surrender.

    • 2 years ago

      > if I believe it hard enough it will become true

    • 2 years ago

      >how many ukrainians are americans willing to sacrifice
      Sacrifice is giving up on something valuable. I can't not express how worthless and cheap Ukrainian lives are to US.
      10000 or 10000000 dead, only difference is that one click resizing the cell in Hillarys excel spreadsheet.

  24. 2 years ago

    They won the moral victory

    > https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-62134804
    > Ukraine to consider legalising same-sex marriage amid war

    Showing they are not azov chuds to the world

  25. 2 years ago

    Nato wienersuckers itt think that Cuckraine has the capacity to take back Crimea LMFAO.

    • 2 years ago

      >ctrl f crimea
      >1 of 1
      i don't think you know anyone's opinion on that, anon

  26. 2 years ago

    The Ukranians ARE going to win, it might take 1 year or it might take 10, but if a decently capable Soviet Union couldn't win in Afghanistan, a completely wrecked Russia has no chance in hell of defeating Ukraine.
    It's just a matter of how much misery and death the russians can endure until they just give up.

    • 2 years ago

      > it might take 1 year or it might take 10
      > two more years
      Just a reminder: Ukraine lost Crimea 8 years ago. Now it has almost lost the entire Donbas.
      Chances for any ukrainian recapture of territories are slim to none existent.
      > The Ukranians ARE going to win
      Yeah, no. They are fighting a good fight, don't get me wrong, but that's not winning.

      • 2 years ago

        ukraine had a threadbare and poorly trained army eight years ago. as to why it didn't invade crimea after more than half a decade of Operation Orbital: starting a war with your neighbouring superpower would be fricking stupid, wouldn't it?

        • 2 years ago

          Yet they ended in a war with that very same neighbouring superpower anyway.
          inb4: they didn't start it
          That's kindergarten rhetoric and i'm sick and tired of it. Yes, ukies are stupid and yes, vatniks are moronic, so now they kill each other to entertain USA, while EU pays the bills.

          • 2 years ago

            they didn't start it and it doesn't matter if you like hearing that or not

            • 2 years ago

              Well, it doesn't matter if they started it or not. They have war on their asses now. GG.

              • 2 years ago

                what's your point? it's precisely the fact they are in a war that now gives them the opportunity to retake territory -- if they desire, and if they can

              • 2 years ago

                > if they can
                That's exactly my point: they can't.

              • 2 years ago

                no one can claim either way

              • 2 years ago

                It does matter that Russia started the war. Being the evil aggressor or the noble defender determines how hard people are willing to fight and die, not to mention how much foreign aid they receive. Now Russia would need full mobilization with mandatory conscription to hope to achieve any meaninful "victory".

  27. 2 years ago

    Ya mum dildo

  28. 2 years ago

    Naw. As much as their defense is admirable, I doubt the Russians will stop until they've taken the country.

    • 2 years ago

      Russia would need total mobilization and giving Grandmothers AKs to take the whole country.

      • 2 years ago

        The Rustards somehow don't have enough AK 47s and 74s to go round. the DNR/LNR have been given fricking Mosins.

  29. 2 years ago

    >Have the Ukrainians got any chance of winning this war?
    I'd say at this stage the Ukrainians have a 99.99999999% chance of winning. The 0.000000001% is a meteor or solar flare or something destroying Ukraine, the USA, the EU the G7,NATO etc

  30. 2 years ago

    Depends on how many fresh troops come into Ukraine. It looks like Russian is at the point Germany and Japan were at towards the end of WW2. All the trained troops and first line equipment are gone, they are now having to make do with poorly trained conscripts using piss poor weapons.

  31. 2 years ago


    I'd be impressed if there's something called a "ukraine" on the map after this.

    • 2 years ago

      Aren't you the dumbass talking about "dragging out Zelensky form his Fuhrerbunker" in march?

  32. 2 years ago

    What happened here
    Don't tell me they were shelling the grains that were heading for the Danube
    Big if true, unironically

  33. 2 years ago


    That means the lack of progress by Russia is even more embarrassing. Yikes. All your armour, artillery and ATGM's are gone? What the frick is causing losses to Russia? Abandooners? Smoookers? It's so grim.

  34. 2 years ago

    They're not going to defeat Russia.
    They are going to keep inflicting intolerable losses on Russia until a diplomatic ceasefire and eventual settlement. I don't know if they will get Crimea back (I hope so, but I don't think it's on the cards unless if they pull off a blinder of an offensive), but I strongly believe they will get all of the east back with a token guarantee to not mess with the Russian speakers there.

  35. 2 years ago


  36. 2 years ago

    Ukrainian victory is unlikely but far from impossible. Russia may in fact be tottering on the brink of military collapse due to internal factors we don’t know about.

  37. 2 years ago

    It is kind of uncanny to see what is ostensibly a modern, westernized european country reduced to rubble. Chilling even

  38. 2 years ago

    Absolutely not. Two more weeks

  39. 2 years ago

    Russia certainly doesn't so by default i guess Ukraine wins

  40. 2 years ago

    Russia is tiny where it matters most (economy and logistics) and therefore they will never win. Even a single year of US military budget equals decades of Russia's. We can keep funding Ukraine indefinitely.

    All those vatniks screeching about "muh escalation, muh nukes" know that their lives mean nothing to their leader: Putin will throw all of them in the blender in the hopes that it seizes up (it won't) but he'll never risk his own hide by going full monkey and pressing the button.

    • 2 years ago

      I won't be so sure about that. The moment his cancer becomes incurable he would probably take as much people as he can out of spite. Not sure if the rest of the russians would turn the keys tho, even german generals stopped listening to hitler's ramblings at one point, and they were supposed to be fanatically loyal to him

  41. 2 years ago

    Yeah don't shoot at the Russians and your city won't get destroyed.

  42. 2 years ago

    Their 1 million new army just went offensive in Cherson. Ukrainian politicians are making reservations in restaurants around red square in Moscow to welcome own soldiers there.

  43. 2 years ago

    No. It's a stalemate at this point. Doesn't matter how much weapons and money the West pours in, either. The Ruskies will simply dig in like ticks and play the long game. It's already devolving into WW1 tactics.

    • 2 years ago

      the best hope is for Russia to eat shit economically to the point its citizens look back to 2008 and wonder where those golden years went, and then revolt.

    • 2 years ago

      >dig in like ticks

      trench warfare doesn't really work when your enemy can just use drones and GPS-guided artillery to slide it right into the trench

      • 2 years ago

        I didn't say trenches. But they will just dig in places, abandonded buildings, fox holes, etc... They used the same tactic in Donbas from like 205-2018. They aren't going anywhere.

  44. 2 years ago

    Theyll either win or they wont, so theyve got a 50/50 chance

    • 2 years ago

      shut up dad

  45. 2 years ago


    Based white removers.
    How can I invest my massive fat as frick american paycheck into armband slayings?

  46. 2 years ago

    the biggest battle is ahead when they all have to learn to speak Polish

  47. 2 years ago


    >White means friendly to Russia
    This is a load of bullshit, survivors of Bucha basically say that the Russian forced them to wear white armbands, which means they were wearing them against their will.
    There was approximately a day long delay between he Russian withdrawal and the Ukrainian arrival, so it makes no sense that they would be wearing the armbands if they were killed afterwards.

    • 2 years ago


      Let's not forget some of the bodies had been sitting there for weeks. So the Ukrainians not only killed everyone in Bucha they also went back in time and killed them in Bucha.

      >Ukrainian artillery did those
      Apparently Ukraine can fire artillery that explodes into rifle caliber ammo rounds and enters directly in the back of civilian heads.
      Also apparently the Russians were so paranoid about Ukrainian civilians they were only allowed to walk outside with their hands tied behind their back.... or Russians are like cops and when they saw a dead Ukrainian lying in the street they decided that they just had to tie their arms behind their back, just in case the Ukrainian with the gaping hole in their head was just pretending to be dead! Wow those Russians are are dumb!

  48. 2 years ago

    Russia will win and Ukraine would end up looking like Syria.

    • 2 years ago

      > Ukraine would end up looking like Syria
      in donbabwe where the russians are squatting lol, no refunds for your son's life snowBlack folk hope you like the plague riddled rubble pile he died for

      • 2 years ago

        I see shills continue seething and calling everyone a Russian if you don't see this war playing out in favor of Ukraine. Can't even discuss the topic without them becoming an emotional mess. It's like arguing with a 5yo. Pretty pathetic.

        • 2 years ago

          Ukraine will win and Russia would end up looking like Syria

        • 2 years ago

          Didn’t you start by hoping a white nation looks like a sandBlack person one?
          You pathetic and probably not even white (ie subhuman).

  49. 2 years ago

    No. Ukrainian defeat was baked into the plans of this war. Ukraine is essentially fire ship being sailed into a Russian harbor.

    The 'war' is only a distraction for incredible corruption and theft by all the NATO elites against their own country's economies anyway.

    • 2 years ago


      Eh, not really.

      Russia will keep WW1 artillerying them to death for 5 years.

      Ukraine is already essentially a failed state that's just serving as one big front line city for NATO to bleed Russia

      You guys must be really scared of NATO.

      • 2 years ago

        Get your excuses ready for Slavyansk comrade.

      • 2 years ago

        NATO has not reason to exist besides oppose Russia. Ruskies tried to join twice and were declined twice by it. It is a war mongering money wasting organisation that would have collapsed of Russia did not do a double digit iq move and attack cuckraine.

        • 2 years ago

          No reason*

        • 2 years ago

          As this war has shown, russia doesn't even come close to nato standards, of course they are denied membership

      • 2 years ago

        I live in Wyoming

      • 2 years ago

        crazy how only nato shills left are east euro slavs which are actual enemy nato was created to fight.

  50. 2 years ago

    Eh, not really.

    Russia will keep WW1 artillerying them to death for 5 years.

    Ukraine is already essentially a failed state that's just serving as one big front line city for NATO to bleed Russia

  51. 2 years ago

    I don't really understand how anyone can see Ukraine winning anything, they can't hold their territory, they can't retake their lost territory (Kherson counteroffensive is ongoing for like 3 months with zero results) and they function enitrely on gibs. There's no information on Ukrainian losses but i would guess they're pretty fricking bad

    • 2 years ago

      you don't fire your generals every fricking week because you are winning so hard, you do that because you keep failing to make substantial gains.
      No, fricking Sievierodonetsk which was like 30 kms from the front line 5 fricking months in is not good. They're supposed to be "second best" and they got caught in a bloody, attritional artillery war with a neighbor they should have stomped. Instead Russian economy is shit, ruble is useless outside of Russia and they're injecting untold fricking billions to make gains in a area they controlled half of already.

      • 2 years ago

        lol cope. you didnt name a single ukrainian victory, just the absence of russian decisive victories

        • 2 years ago

          post kiev homosexual

  52. 2 years ago

    I guess we will find out in next few weeks

    But best case scenario for UKR is going to be Russia-Ukraine border war

  53. 2 years ago

    No. If Putin loses, he's just going to start throwing tactical nukes

    • 2 years ago

      >he's just going to start throwing tactical nukes
      I wish a homie would

    • 2 years ago

      DO IT.

  54. 2 years ago

    Only if the west keeps supporting them.

  55. 2 years ago

    It really isn't fair that Ukrainians have to suffer like this since, what, the Mongol invasion or something, while the only Russians that suffer are the military. Meanwhile, the pidorashki in Moscow and St. Petersburg still live a completely enviable life. Even under sanctions their houses/commieblocks are still intact, not bombed. They can still go on with their lives just fine.

    The Finns suffered like this too. The Baltics. The Turkic, Mongol, and Siberian tribes. Only the Poles seem to be able to hit them in the past.

    The comparison with the US doesn't work either. For the start, the American population suffered when 9/11 happened. Nothing of that sort ever happened with the Russians. Any major casualties inflicted towards them in recent times were perpetrated by themselves, not external powers like the Nazis or something, despite what they'd want you to think by blaming the Western-advised 'shock therapy' economy in the 90s and all that.

    I honestly want nothing more than a complete massacre of Muscovites and St. Petersburgians at the very least.

    • 2 years ago

      >Meanwhile, the pidorashki in Moscow and St. Petersburg still live a completely enviable life.
      Same as most of Ukraine. Kyiv is like nothing is fappening.

      • 2 years ago

        Except their friends and colleagues, or themselves, being shipped to the front, and the daily news of young men and women killed by Russians chimping out on civilian infrastructure every single day. Not to mention extremely high inflation, the economy collapsing, and still regular air raid sirens. Just because they don't have an army at the city gates doesn't mean they are back to normal.

      • 2 years ago

        Did you miss the bit where Kyiv got besieged and nearly overrun? Are you forgetting the constant airstrikes over the whole of Ukraine?

        • 2 years ago

          >Did you miss the bit where Kyiv got besieged and nearly overrun?
          >Are you forgetting the constant airstrikes over the whole of Ukraine?

    • 2 years ago

      I just want east euro slavs out of EU, they can make their own union. It feels totally unnatural to live in same count with them, fricking burger globohomosexual nation mixer.

  56. 2 years ago

    yes. 100% chance. Because whichever side wins, it will still be Ukrainians. It’s just a war over a puppet American government or a puppet Russian government.

  57. 2 years ago

    Honest answer: They have a much, much bigger chance to "win" than anyone thought before the war. Their chance to "win" is still extremely small though.
    Basically it boils down to what we define as winning. In February, winning probably was to maintain independence. That's it. This goal has shifted a lot over the months and now we have unironic talk of retaking Donbass or even Crimea as potential "win" scenarios. The loss of only Donbass in February could have unironically been sold as a victory, while the loss of Donbass today is a 100% defeat - at least in the mainstream narrative.

    I browse all available sources (speak Russian as well), everything from OSINT to Schizos to official government shit. I'm still a moron on the internet though, so take my post with a massive grain of salt. The simple truth of the war is, that both sides are fricking exhausted, both in spirit and material. Imagine if someone told you in February that Russia would be reduced to a crawling advance on a single axis, hopping from village to village - it's fricking unbelievable, yet here we are.

    We all know in what difficult state the Ukies are, but here some data on Russian forces:
    - Depending on unit, the average rate of refusals is way above 10%. There are units with 20 and even 40% refusals.
    - Overall number of aviation sorties is dropping very slowly, BUT this is mostly based on how sorties are counted, the number is inflated by various recon and escort flights. The actual number of fire missions is dropping noticably.
    - Overall quality of equipment is a mixed bag. EW is being utilised more and more effectively, while there are problems with shell quality e.g.
    - Overall higher reliance on older models of equipment across the board. KH-22 missiles have been seen increasingly often, rumors of S-300 in ground attack mode, BMP-1 and even MT-LB in much higher numbers.
    - Covert mobilisation (orders to create volunteer batalions) is underway but is met with very little enthusiasm.

    • 2 years ago

      - Overall public Russian support is complicated. It's not that people are beginning to oppose the war, it's that they don't care anymore. On the other hand, the supporters are becoming more and more radical.
      - There is a serious lack of communication between military and public. As in massive. Casualties of friends/family, pension payments, special payments etc. are sloggish at best.
      - There are massive issues with LNR / DNR artillery. They are shifting from caliber to caliber in attempts to fix their shell supplies. They have almost no UAVs.
      - There is consistent volunteer supply effort. The most often donated equipment is thermal vision, UAVs and optics.
      - Some of these volunteer group feel betrayed. One large-ish group kept screaming about Kharkiv (before the goodwill gesture), was ignored and as far as I can tell stopped operating afterwards.
      - Losses are slowly reaching the Russian public, but they don't really care. Bilohorivka for example caused an uproar among Milbloggers and their followers, but the average Russian consoomer doesnt care.
      - There are issues with barrels. Only two plants are refitting Russian artillery (not sure about this, source was dubious at best.) Accuracy is becoming an issue.
      - Average shell number is down from 40-60k to 20-30k. Average quality is down significantly.

      • 2 years ago

        Honest answer: They have a much, much bigger chance to "win" than anyone thought before the war. Their chance to "win" is still extremely small though.
        Basically it boils down to what we define as winning. In February, winning probably was to maintain independence. That's it. This goal has shifted a lot over the months and now we have unironic talk of retaking Donbass or even Crimea as potential "win" scenarios. The loss of only Donbass in February could have unironically been sold as a victory, while the loss of Donbass today is a 100% defeat - at least in the mainstream narrative.

        I browse all available sources (speak Russian as well), everything from OSINT to Schizos to official government shit. I'm still a moron on the internet though, so take my post with a massive grain of salt. The simple truth of the war is, that both sides are fricking exhausted, both in spirit and material. Imagine if someone told you in February that Russia would be reduced to a crawling advance on a single axis, hopping from village to village - it's fricking unbelievable, yet here we are.

        We all know in what difficult state the Ukies are, but here some data on Russian forces:
        - Depending on unit, the average rate of refusals is way above 10%. There are units with 20 and even 40% refusals.
        - Overall number of aviation sorties is dropping very slowly, BUT this is mostly based on how sorties are counted, the number is inflated by various recon and escort flights. The actual number of fire missions is dropping noticably.
        - Overall quality of equipment is a mixed bag. EW is being utilised more and more effectively, while there are problems with shell quality e.g.
        - Overall higher reliance on older models of equipment across the board. KH-22 missiles have been seen increasingly often, rumors of S-300 in ground attack mode, BMP-1 and even MT-LB in much higher numbers.
        - Covert mobilisation (orders to create volunteer batalions) is underway but is met with very little enthusiasm.

        tl;dr: Shit's fricked. But not ending any time soon.

    • 2 years ago

      what is a "refusal"?

  58. 2 years ago

    It's impossible simply because Ukrainians themselves that live in the east are against Kyiv govt.There will be bigger west Ukraine and smaller east Ukraine and that's how this all will end.

  59. 2 years ago

    they need to join the EU faster so we can laugh at the patriotic ukroBlack person war vets seething as they get ethnically replaced by blacks and arabs while israeli oligarchs profit from rebuilding the country

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like a good discussion for you to have with someone else back over on /misc/

      • 2 years ago

        the difference is I'm in favor of said actions and laugh at the patriotiBlack person seethe where as people on /misc/ oppose it

        • 2 years ago

          So take your opinions about immigration and replacement theory, and share them on /misc/

          • 2 years ago

            jfl seething vatnig
            go suck on russian wiener or something
            ukraine will win

    • 2 years ago

      >World without Russians
      spot the Black person tho...

    • 2 years ago

      >russia in throwing minorities into the meat grinder
      >it's going to become whiter after this war
      4d underwater backgammon lmao

      • 2 years ago

        Nothing wrong with being colored, would rather be powerful black man than this shitty sick ash white 4ch shitposter.
        Look at that body, no need to be 4 hours in a gym every day, just handful of rice, few banana leafs and genetic god just does his magic.

        • 2 years ago

          >pro-russian polgays here to proselytize for the church of BBC again
          people like you will make what happens to russians over the next 5 years even more satisfying

          • 2 years ago

            Tho look at the guy in the background, look at those defined and perfectly toned arms. It's turning me gay.

          • 2 years ago

            honestly all slavs should be removed
            so losses on both sides should be celebrated

        • 2 years ago

          that Black person is 4ft tall and on aids medication (steroids)

          • 2 years ago

            I have to work hard for minimal gains and if I stop doing workouts I turn into skinnyfat again and black people can just eat trash and do nothing and still look fit. It ain't fair.

            • 2 years ago

              >I have to work hard for minimal gains and if I stop doing workouts I turn into skinnyfat again and black people can just eat trash and do nothing and still look fit. It ain't fair.
              you are getting duped by roiding manletoid Black folk on instagram lmao.

        • 2 years ago

          is that dude in the back raping somebody?

          • 2 years ago

            gotta keep up with Russia's AIDs numbers mate

      • 2 years ago

        >Throw minorities, the only ones actually having kids, into the meat grinder
        >Economy goes to shit due to collapsing workforce
        >Russians who are generally richer begin to emigrate, while poor minorities remain
        >Russia become less white in the long run

  60. 2 years ago

    The Ukrainian army was decimated at the start of the war. The only reason it is still ongoing is the weapons illegally supplied to the Ukrainians by NATO and individual nations. The body count is going to get very high. Economic collapse is going to hit Europeans before it hits the Russians. The war is going to be in Russia's favor for the next 2-4 years. After about 5 years Russia will be strained and Western nations will be either in the middle of a full collapse or they will be fully mobilized for war. If western nations mobilize it will be nuclear war. If they collapse Russia will push through Ukraine take key regions and then install a puppet state for the remaining regions of Ukraine. Death toll of Russian victory will be 300,000. Death toll for western mobilization will be 900,000 then nuclear conflict to reach 1.5 billion. This is a war no one should be trying to interfere in. Do not interfere in this war.

    • 2 years ago

      >Do not interfere in this war.
      That's what nato buffer zones are for. We'll send Polaks and Lithuanians to get irradiated and grinded into dust on eastern fronts.

    • 2 years ago

      >Economic collapse is going to hit Europeans before it hits the Russians.
      Yes, the EU will stop being a sovereign entity soon.

    • 2 years ago

      you should really lynch putin for getting "1.5 billion people killed" in the future
      stupid fricking cuck

    • 2 years ago

      schizo vatnik you gonna make me die of laugheter, keep it up

    • 2 years ago

      >Do not interfere in this war.
      Do not start the war in the first place.
      You mass-murdering mongoloid child-killers.

  61. 2 years ago

    Define "winning".
    Regime change of Ukraine is out of the picture for Russia, the best they can hope for is taking over the Donbabwean banana republics. On the other hand Ukraine retaking Crimea seems too far-fetched.
    Make no mistake, time is on the side of Ukraine as more and more weapon systems arrive from the West. As the Ukrainian army adopts more NATO systems (which blow soviet shit out of the water) they will attain technological superiority but I also don't think there's enough support in the West to truly give the Ukkies a decisive edge, as that would cost hundreds of billions of dollars.
    I think that a status quo ante bellum is the way this is going to go, with some Ukrainian guarantees for Donbabwe that they won't tell them to speak Ukrainian. Not that it will matter tbh, Donbabwe has been brought back to the stone age by this war and lost an insane portion of it's population. At this point Russia is only fighting to save face, but they stand to gain nothing from this war.

  62. 2 years ago

    anyone that isn't a brain dead redditor/paid fed shill knows oinkraine is completely fricked

  63. 2 years ago

    Germany is going to be fi-ACK

    • 2 years ago


      Oh no germbros, electricity is a luxury but at least we have our slava ukrayini hahahahahaha.

      Germans are so fricking rich they can buy every single russian with money they have in their sweatpants. Communist morons from sad shitholes who try to imply that anyone in western Europe will go through discomfort are so fricking out of the frame of reference it's not even funny.
      Russians are poor peasants even in comparison to formen satelites, let alone in comparison to anyone further west, it's such a desperate cope it's not even funny.

    • 2 years ago

      wood smoke is comfy and, to me, an essential part of summer evenins

    • 2 years ago

      Wow Germans will have to, like, put on a sweater or something

      • 2 years ago

        Headline in Russia: "Germans die like dogs in ditches, strangled by sweaters. We are winning."

        Inflated as frick numbers. Completely inaccurate. I don't know how they came up with these numbers. They even faked the numbers all the way back to 1985. I didn't just start paying attention like you chuckle fricks. God this world really has turned into 1984.


  64. 2 years ago

    Oh no germbros, electricity is a luxury but at least we have our slava ukrayini hahahahahaha.

  65. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >meme russian girl
      >the one who condemned the war safe as a diplomat in some African nation

  66. 2 years ago

    Russia might have had a chance to win, but that was before it bowed down to Biden. Putin being an American puppet is not helping them win this war.

  67. 2 years ago

    Unless something changes, I think it is going to be a pyrrhic victory for Russia.
    Ukraine is so fricked in the long term: demographic issues before the war, refugees have fled (something like 5+ million) and aren't coming back, Russians are systematically destroying all their infrastructure, etc.
    Russian constitution doesn't allow them to give back land, so any attempt at retaking Crimea will be met with nuclear threats or nukes...

    • 2 years ago

      >Russian constitution doesn't allow them to give back land, so any attempt at retaking Crimea will be met with nuclear threats or nukes...

      • 2 years ago

        ...yes? That's one of the main reasons for the Sino-Soviet split in the 70s

        • 2 years ago

          We get nuclear threats from that mongol midget all the time, and he's not going to use them.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm American and we have had Soviet/Russian nukes pointed at us for 70+ years
            Ukraine isn't a nuclear power nor is it under a nuclear umbrella and any incursion into Crimea would be an "existential threat" to the Russian regime. There are differences between hollow threats against NATO and 1970s style nuclear deterrence

            Ukraine won't sign a peace treaty until it has every meter of clay returned. And as the west gets more tired of vatBlack person war crimes eventually we'll just let them use western made missile systems to start levelling vatBlack person cities.

            We want to keep the war bottled up in Ukraine. We aren't trying to start WW3. If we really wanted that, we would have put NATO troops in Ukraine and pushed Russia out in a week.

            • 2 years ago

              shame ukraine gave its nukes to russia in exhange for the promise russia would never attack

              • 2 years ago

                "Never trust Russians, they don't even trust themselves"
                -Otto von Bismark

    • 2 years ago

      Ukraine won't sign a peace treaty until it has every meter of clay returned. And as the west gets more tired of vatBlack person war crimes eventually we'll just let them use western made missile systems to start levelling vatBlack person cities.

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