Got my first blaster! Got Questions

Hey guys, I just bought my first piece from a friend of a friend, he said it was really rare and sold it to me for only 5k credits. I keep getting burned though after like 5-6 shots from the handle. Like holy frick is this thing hot.

Did I get fricked over? or am I just using it wrong? Think I can resell it to get my credits back?

The guy called it an E5 or something idfk.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 12 months ago

    5k credits? You trip over these things at any old clone war battlefield, literally the cheapest POS the separatists could pump out for their droid cannon fodder. Shoulda just got a DC15 variant, better quality then outer rim-shit and actually made for organic hands.

    • 12 months ago

      Wait really? wtf why is mine burning me then? I literally have to wear oven mitts when shooting the thing.

      • 12 months ago

        It's made for droids moron.

        • 12 months ago

          Wait wtf why would he sell me a gun made for droids?

          A fricking Rodian sold that to you right?

          Well my friend who knows the guy is a Rodian but the guy who sold me it is a Toydarian.

    • 12 months ago

      I didn't know what I was getting, how much can I resell it for?

      • 12 months ago

        I see at least a dozen at every blaster dealer and pawn shop for like 150 creds. You got scammed hard.

        • 12 months ago

          How the hell are you getting clone wars surp for 150 (and where can I find it)

          • 12 months ago

            Like I said, the Rim. Even DC15s in good shape are like 1k out here with all the accessories.

          • 12 months ago

            The Meatlump gang outside coronet pick through the transporter ships full set for scrapper and pull anything resembling a blaster, 100cr is probably average, I've seen a swooper buying up cdef carbines for 50cr

      • 12 months ago

        900 credits is the going rate most places, you can probably scam some poor sod like the boomers on blasterbroker but your friend really screwed you on this one, unless it’s some weird limited run version with historical value. Then again, if you are a poor fan you should probably keep it, cheaper then a lot of options and there are guides online to mod the thing into human usability, cheapest I can think of is wrapping the foregrip in heat resistant cloth.

        • 12 months ago

          You must live in the Core. Out here on the Rim even the best condition ones are 200, with average examples being 150.

    • 12 months ago


      I didn't know what I was getting, how much can I resell it for?

      Let me tell you what you were getting. Naboo went all DEI and decided to try to improve relations with the moron Gungans. As a result, they "modernized" all their series 6 blasters, i.e. made them fit for swamp-Black person fingers. It's not that the Gungans don't have the same kinds of hands, they just don't use them the same way humans do. Ever seen a Gungan put their pin-number in at a POS kiosk? It's like watching a child fingerpaint. Now imagine those morons with blasters...Hence the goofy ass hand guard and stupid 3 finger trigger safety.

      That said, Naboo made some sexy blasters (pic related) that weren't shit but they were reserved for the "royal guard" and nobles. The S5 blaster (80 fricking years old!) works better than the new shit.

      That said, if you want to score antique blasters cheap, go to Naboo and hang out there for a few weeks. It's beautiful, lovely scenery, few blacks, and the swampBlack folk stay in the swamp. Hang out at any antique dealer long enough and he'll hook you up with old clone wars shit.

      Also, Naboo girls are freaks. Hooked up with a handmaid once, she was a dirty little bawd. Once she was taking a break from escorting the queen and I jizzed in her mouth. She carried it in there, looking all stoic but no one knew she just sucked me off 5 minutes earlier. The only downside was this R2 unit freaking the frick out in the corner. It took a lot to ignore that noisy fricker but I finished.

      It was hot.

      Like sand.

      • 12 months ago

        Dude everything made on naboo is fricking awesome, ships, blasters, tech, it's all top notch, I would kill a man to get a n1 starfighter

        • 12 months ago

          It's such a shame Naboo's fighter industry died. A modern N-1 would be sick.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, DC-15's ain't bad but they're shit at close quarters. Also, they're over-gassed for their size; you can score an E-11 that shoots just as well but for less pressure-recoil. Also, Tibana gas is just too fricking expensive these days. You use 1/3 the gas on a rifle for the same destructive plasma profile, with no loss of charges.

      One is good, but the other is just objectively better in every way. Also, the newer E-series blasters are just lighter...Almost too light really. I don't know how Stormtroopers ever miss.

      • 12 months ago

        The DC-15 is a real trooper's weapon. It won 1 galactic civil war. It has some heft to it unlike that plastic kid's toy you call an E-11.

        Clone Trooper #846254747A
        Never forget the Death Star
        The Banking Clans are our greatest allies

        • 12 months ago

          >The Banking Clans are our greatest allies
          True, and we should increase military aid to Hutt Space

  2. 12 months ago

    A fricking Rodian sold that to you right?

  3. 12 months ago

    OP, don't listen to the coregays. Gun is fine, just grow a thicker carapace.

  4. 12 months ago

    >Not going for the A280 with iron sights


    • 12 months ago

      Actually this thing doesn't have sights, Is that normal?

  5. 12 months ago

    Tried calling the Toydarian who sold me it and his number is no longer in service. What do I do?

    • 12 months ago

      Stop buying cheap slop made for droids and buy real guns to real species. If you really want something off the records find your local Hutt-run armory, they have a good reputation and a shit load of choice if you are not a poorgay

  6. 12 months ago

    eh, better than the halo shill threads I guess

  7. 12 months ago

    >Back in mah day we used the good ol DC17 configuration rifle. Commandos used this bad boy for everything. From clearing out cheaply made clankers at close range, sniping from a distance, even taking out light vehicles. Yes sir I’d love to get me hands on one of those bad boys.

    • 12 months ago

      Half the attachments will get you instant sideeye from the Imperials, dipshit

      • 12 months ago

        Lmao this homie still living in the empire remnant planets.

  8. 12 months ago

    >surplus E-5
    kek. That thing was designed for droids moron, either get some thick thermal gloves or an illegal battle droid. Outer rim junk dealers have been pawning those things off on morons like you for decades. A DH-17 is just as cheap, about the same size, more accurate and wont melt your fricking hands.

    • 12 months ago

      hahahha HOLY SHIT I didn't even see what he charged you, those things were less than 1k new and so overproduced that they have basically zero collector's value unless you're in some core world noblasters shithole buying them illegally. You could have had basically any blaster you wanted for that.

    • 12 months ago

      Made for droids? Wtf how does an astromech hold this thing?

      • 12 months ago

        >not knowing about Baktoid battle droids
        >not knowing about the Clone Wars

        terminally moronic Coruscanti zoomer detected

  9. 12 months ago

    You don't hold it by the radiator

  10. 12 months ago

    >'ate spaceport
    >'ate water farms
    >'ate Jawas (not racis just don't like 'em)
    >luv me dunes
    >luv me bantha
    >luv me slugthrowa
    Simple as.

    • 12 months ago


      Sorry sandy, what was that? I didn’t quite catch it the first 30 times.

      • 12 months ago

        >didn't get the monopod and clone trooper helmet
        Come on man, getting that 15km range is the whole purpose of that blaster.


    • 12 months ago

      >all the reflectlets in this thread
      Enjoy your shitty laser pointers getting rerouted back into your skulls. Make fun of all you want but we don't need no fancy batteries to do real mem's work

      • 12 months ago

        >He thinks Jedi actually exist

        • 12 months ago

          Them Mando's know what they seen. They're real men, unlike your slimy ass

          • 12 months ago

            >LARPing homosexuals who haven't launched a crusade in 5000 years
            Literally glorified gangbangers hired by ~~*Hutts*~~ to scare Outer Rim yokels

            • 12 months ago

              I’d rather do that than whatever the frick Lady Kryze’s faction and those weirdo cultists have been up to

              • 12 months ago

                I agree I also love shoving a Jar Jar Bink Kenner figure up my butthole while sucking a Sith's wiener

              • 12 months ago

                >I don't like getting fricked in the ass, so I choose to get kicked in the nuts instead

                Breaking character because this genuinely made me laugh, have some (you)s
                For the record, Mando seasons 1 and 2 kicked ass, 3 was just okayish

              • 12 months ago

                Hot take: BoBF/Mando S3 would have been better with Grogu staying on with Luke (you could do the occasional cutscene of an increasingly frustrated Luke trying to keep Grogu from eating the wildlife). Mando S4 could be Din Djarin and Luke as adversaries as Mand tries to get Grogu back.

              • 12 months ago

                >I don't like getting fricked in the ass, so I choose to get kicked in the nuts instead

          • 12 months ago

            If you're in the Rim at this point you might as well attach it to a droid and enjoy your DIY sentrybot. It'll be shit, but it's the best use of that thing. Sorry you got scammed this time around, do a little bit of research before you put down your credits next time.

            The Great Purge didn't go far enough, maybe then we'd have fewer idiots like you deifying a cosplay cult.

        • 12 months ago

          Hey, back before I took the Creed I used to run security for this Weequay freighter captain, and he just never shut up about how one of his best friends was a Jedi, and how he’d almost had one as his second in command. He used to be some kinda interstellar commerce bigshot back during the Clone War, so it definitely lines up

        • 12 months ago

          Well they aren't, anymore

        • 12 months ago

          They did once, I was part of the raid on their temple near the end of the war after they betrayed the Republic on Coruscant.We killed every last one there and the guy with a lightsaber leading us killed alot of them too. After the war I served in the Empire until I got out after they changed our uniforms. I even for a short time got to wear the cool black and red armor when I was attached to a unit that served the Inquistiors. I doubt any exist now, every one we found died. Hard to believe at one point they were all over the galaxy.

          • 12 months ago

            can confirm, former milgay here who served in the 501st, the Jedi were traitors and I didnt regret my orders
            my same unit to Purge Trooper, the amount of history you saw damn anon, you must have impressed Vader or pissed off the wrong Imperial officer kek

            All of you stormtroopers cant aim for shit, cant believe they replaced all of us for you untrained cadets, minus Vader's personal unit and the Purge Troopers. At least I got out so I didnt have to lead you guys and get punished when you frick up in the field.

            Lmao stop larping you fat hutts, all those guys died in in the first death star explosion. No impies would post on a calamarian whale-fricking enthusiast board even if they were still alive

      • 12 months ago

        Holy shit you are moronic, you realize that basic body armor (like stormtroopers plasteel level shit) will bounce slugs all day. taufkedermausdroid made a video on holotube showing how mk 1 clone trooper armor fairs against ur average slugger, and the blasgel dummy didn't even get scratched

        • 12 months ago

          Oh my God.
          My sides are in orbit.
          Holy frick anon.

        • 12 months ago

          see also


          HRRN HRRN HRRN
          HRRN HRRN HRRN

          • 12 months ago

            The battle on the moon of endor is rebellion propaganda. It never happened how the said it happened.

          • 12 months ago

            Trust me I was there. The rebellion air dropped them blasters. They where in the trees firing down on us. There was no up close fights. The empire should have just orbital bombarded the planet. Sure I would have died. Small price to pay for the eradication of the Rebellion.

          • 12 months ago

            this shit is overplayed. the 501st quickly regrouped after being briefly routed by the ewoks, but at that point it was too late and the rebels had already destroyed the shield and landed a force of ground vehicles

            • 12 months ago

              Irrelevant we were talking about the resistance of the armor to kinetic impacts.

        • 12 months ago


          You can see the armor literally shattering.

          • 12 months ago

            You made the mistake of assuming anything Disney related is cannon

            • 12 months ago

              Old EU had half a dozen guns with maximum ranges under 1000 feet that punched straight through stormtrooper armor, moron.

              • 12 months ago

                Sluggers or blasters? Bc sluggers are useless old eu unless ur target is unarmed, and I was specifically speaking about sluggers

              • 12 months ago

                Slug guns, I know what we're talking about. There were at least half a dozen completely conventional firearms detailed that had pitiful ranges (thus they werent mach infinity super guns) that could still punch holes straight through storm troopers.

                Also, rocks

              • 12 months ago


                Slug guns, I know what we're talking about. There were at least half a dozen completely conventional firearms detailed that had pitiful ranges (thus they werent mach infinity super guns) that could still punch holes straight through storm troopers.

                Also, rocks

                Considering Rebel SpecialOps use suppressed slugthrowers and the Dark Troopers were supposed to carry slugthrowers to deal with Jedi slugthrowers are alive and well, frick one slugthrower is a fricking 40k Bolter with the serial numbers filed off. The reason blasters took over was due to Tabanna gas being nitrogen levels of cheap and said cheap gas could provide hundreds of shots per canister.

  11. 12 months ago

    >not sure if blaster or heavily drybrushed toy gun

  12. 12 months ago

    What the frick, there's STILL brainlets buying E-5s out there? I would have thought that after so many /qtddtot/ questions about this people would finally get the message.

    • 12 months ago

      >be dumb nerfherder
      >buy a roger-roger special
      >burn hands
      >sell roger-roger special to other dumb nerfherder

      I know there’s a billion of these out there, but I’m convinced there’s only 2-3 per planet and everyone keeps buying/selling the same ones locally. Most are probably in a pile beneath a train line in some Ord.

      • 12 months ago

        Outside of the ones used by droids, you're probably right. Explains how the ones that end up on these threads are always overpriced to shit; proper users get them cheap and keep them.

  13. 12 months ago

    You guys do own a disruptor rifle, right?

    • 12 months ago

      Oops wrong pic, that's my concussion rifle lol

      • 12 months ago

        Aren't those super illegal? Like war crime levels of illegal?

        • 12 months ago

          Just don't get caught with it.

    • 12 months ago

      go away glowie

      • 12 months ago

        You guys do own a disruptor rifle, right?

        kek star wars atf

  14. 12 months ago

    >/k/ - Roleplaying & Theater

    • 12 months ago

      >no fun allowed

  15. 12 months ago

    That was my first too, found it still loaded in a scrapyard on Kaller. Just get a wooden or thermoplas handguard fabricated for it and it’s g2g

  16. 12 months ago

    >there are individuals who don’t know Jedi are real
    It’s so bizarre to me there’s so many holovids and eye witnesses. Not even like they’re old crackpots either the Jedi Purge wasn’t that long ago. Plus. They deserved it. Weirdo traitorous cultists.

    • 12 months ago

      >5 credits have been deposited into your IGBC account

    • 12 months ago

      that shit's not real. the numbers don't add up. how does one single sith and one legion of clone troopers wipe out hundreds or thousands of jedi in their temple?

    • 12 months ago

      How tf are Jedi real. Even truthers say there was only 10,000 in our empire of 100 Quadrillion citizens. If the force was real you'd think more than enough people to fill a small podunk rim village farming water could actually do it. It's make believe kid. There's no wizards. No way 10,000 monks could occupy a cubic kilometer of prime topside realty on Coruscant, why would they even set up in such an expensive area?

      Let me humor you though, say your 10,000 jedi "exist", how were they supposed to be the enforcers of law and order before the Clone Army? Do you know how many planets are out there? 10,000 wizards couldn't even police Coruscant. We know the republic sucked but anon you got to think, the whole thing would have fell apart long before our emperor fixed things if the jedi truthers were right.

      • 12 months ago

        I dunno I knew a guy in Nar Shaada who could catch a ball blindfolded, so maybe there's something to it all

      • 12 months ago

        >Let me humor you though, say your 10,000 jedi "exist", how were they supposed to be the enforcers of law and order before the Clone Army?
        You dumb frick, they weren't the main police force, that's whatever local police/defense forces existed on a planet. They were more akin to special investigators or specops, depending on incident.

        Besides, there's plenty of holovids out there from the Clone Wars showing Jedi doing shit, mostly making asses of themselves. No shit they got wiped out by a dedicated military force when caught in the open or otherwise off-guard without support.

        • 12 months ago

          >Besides, there's plenty of holovids out there from the Clone Wars showing Jedi doing shit
          >believing old republic holoprop
          I bet you think the CIS were a bunch of evil terrorists and greedy capitalists who wanted to take over the galaxy

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, "special investigators". Do you rim bumfricks know how many people live on Coruscant? There's 1 trillion people there alone. Maybe 10,000 special investigators might seem impressive to you moisture farmers, but anyone here in the core knows 10,000 space wizards is just stupid. We got 100 million glowies here in the core worlds and we still have giant districts filled with bounty hunters and slavers and war profiteers operating openly, what do you expect space wizards to do on a galactic scale?

          • 12 months ago

            Were the Storm Commandos everywhere in the galaxy during the Empire? Did the Clone Commandos do literally everything notable in the Clone Wars? Do we even know half the shit both of those two did? No? Maybe now you can get how a "measly" couple of thousand people did a lot of things you nerfherder.

        • 12 months ago

          You all have it wrong. The "Force" is actually some kind of parasite that puts out brain-altering chemicals to make you think the Jedi could run fast / jump high / do superhero things. The reason why there were so few of them is because the parasite is only compatible with a relatively limited number of every species and renders the rest insane (though those affected tend to believe themselves capable of doing all their tricks).
          This makes perfect sense when you think about it. Their "special investigators" just went around tricking people into thinking what they wanted them to think through the parasite - but the exact same thing was happening to the Senate with all their "advisors". They were running things from behind the scenes (their GIANT PALACE on the CAPITAL PLANET not being obvious enough evidence) and when Valorum leaned on them too heavily and sent them to Naboo to deal with the Trade Fed, Palpatine found out and ousted them. I'm not sure how he resisted the parasite's influence but everything else lines up. Also
          Yeah, sure, buddy. Marketing and entertainment for us plebs - MY superwizard can jump twice as high as yours!! I have all his action figures!!!
          The reason they got wiped out is because they didn't have those powers. Simple as.

          • 12 months ago

            Further, isn't it INCREDIBLY SUSPICIOUS how they would cruise the galaxy and ABDUCT CHILDREN into their cult?? If their superpowers were actually real, couldn't they just pick up adults and train them? There is no answer except a parasite that changes them as they grow.

            • 12 months ago

              If your point of view is leaving Force attuned kids alone is the same as leaving a kid unattended with a loaded blaster no shit you're gonna bag kids. Plus, much easier to indoctrinate people when they're young, in particular if your organization's "morals" are questionable at best...

      • 12 months ago

        Do they not teach history in whatever far flung stinkhole you crawled out of? Did you never learn about the Sith wars? The Mandalorian wars? You know, all the times the fledgling Republic was getting its teeth kicked in by aliens and had to get bailed out by the only other major pro-democracy faction in the entire galaxy.

      • 12 months ago

        You Nerf herder, the Jedi order has an cultural inpact an order of magnitude higher then your whole fricking sector

    • 12 months ago

      Propaganda department went a little too far on that one. They were real, but they were just a bunch morons who thought sitting around in bath robes and doing nothing all day gave them magic powers. They definetly needed to be removed from power, but the Total Jedi Death was pretty extreme.

      • 12 months ago

        >those holowebm of this hot Twilek chick getting obliterated in the temple while trying to escape in the sewers

        pvre kino

        • 12 months ago

          source? Or is that a deep holonet type thing?

  17. 12 months ago

    Just picked up a pre 32BBY DC-15A. Cost of the blaster itself was 60k credits, but the galactic blaster act tax was only 200 credits. The trader I got it from said it was used on geonosis, and I’an from forgotten blasters dot hologram claims that serials numbers 400,000 through 550,000 were used in order 66, and mine is 470 and change. Neat little piece of history.

    • 12 months ago

      >I’an from forgotten blasters dot hologram
      good bloke, love his holovids. did you check out the latest? picrel, light repeater siezed from a planetary militia on some backwater called Elbonia off the Rimma Trade Route

      • 12 months ago

        I've seen one of those things, got to test fire it. It's surprising sturdy for what it is, but the parts are really rough and it's less accurate than a Stormtrooper in a forest.

      • 12 months ago

        >wood furniture
        I love it when primitives get there hands on blasters, they always make cool shit like this

      • 12 months ago

        >forgotten blasters
        He posted a teaser the other day for his next holovid. Looks kinda like a Valken 38x or something in that family.

        Isn’t that the idiot who got ricochet from a magnetically sealed wall?

    • 12 months ago

      >I’an from forgotten blasters dot hologram
      good bloke, love his holovids. did you check out the latest? picrel, light repeater siezed from a planetary militia on some backwater called Elbonia off the Rimma Trade Route

      >forgotten blasters
      He posted a teaser the other day for his next holovid. Looks kinda like a Valken 38x or something in that family.

      • 12 months ago

        Looks like one of the older models. Before they added the completely moronic grip that’s angled all funny. It’s supposed to be so you can hipfire while descending with a jetpack, but I can’t imagine why you’d want to do that with a precision marksman rifle.

        • 12 months ago

          >we ruined another blaster's ergonomics just for clone war reenactors/mando larpers who will never be air-dropped from anything
          i swear they're ruining the fricking industry

          • 12 months ago

            How do you fix a chromed blaster?

          • 12 months ago

            If anything, a normal grip angle is actually way better for firing during descent
            >t. Mando LARPer who practices off cliffsides and cargo cranes

    • 12 months ago

      >didn't get the monopod and clone trooper helmet
      Come on man, getting that 15km range is the whole purpose of that blaster.

  18. 12 months ago

    >Inner Rimlets scaving trash tier carbines

    Why don't you try a real rifle.

    • 12 months ago

      >real rifle
      When I was stationed on tattoine I’d have to carry that big bastard around. Carrying a T-21 in the heat fricking sucks big time, not to mention it overheats like crazy. There’s a lot of shit talk about the E-11 being inaccurate in prolonged fire but at least it doesn’t weigh a ton and does t burn your hands off.

      • 12 months ago

        Imagine not getting sent to put down rebellious wookiees. See pic rel

        Based T-21 Chad!

    • 12 months ago

      Based T-21 Chad!

    • 12 months ago

      Rifle? Motherfricker that thing's a small cannon, they use it to stop insurgent landspeeders. It's too cumbersome for infantry combat. Overkill for anything short of a B2 droid and it overheats if you look at it funny.

      • 12 months ago

        I use my T-21 All the time, on big targets the empire wants put down. I can recall a a time when my target just happened to walk behind two wookies. Lined up my sights and headshoted him through two wookies torsos.

  19. 12 months ago

    Man, this thread just gave me a huge nostalgia for the old MMO Star Wars Galaxies. I was just remembering how many credits I had after reading this thread and how much fun I had traveling between planets, buying up goods and selling them for a profit elsewhere. A good sliced gun/great melee weapon would go for like 250k+ credits on my server, and I could easily make millions of credits by tracking down rare items that people would sometimes mistakenly put up for sale and forget to include a few 0's in the price. Meanwhile, your mandatory buffs you needed for grinding cost around 10k credits and the average payout of a full group sized mission on Dantooine would pay out 30k and take 15-20 minutes to complete with the travel between waypoints. God that game was the shit up until the NGE patch and was the first game that actually made me care about the parts in my computer. I started that game with a Geforce 5300 video card and would get like 15FPS in the worst case scenario, along with 300+ ping and ended up winning a Geforce 8800GT in a game tournament that made my time much more bearable. You would think that getting FPS drops into the low teens would make the game unplayable by today's standards, and it nearly was even back then, but I fricking ENDURED that shit because of the sheer joy that game gave me. Frick you SOE for fricking up that game by fricking your core audience in the ass and trying to bring in casuals rather than just downsize and combine the play servers. Chilastra for life

    • 12 months ago

      Also, I wish I had screenshots still of the stats of my legendary blaster rifle that had this insane DoT that decimated the mind pool. I had to save that thing for special encounters because the DoT effect had limited uses that couldn't be restored. Frick, I wish I had 95% of the screenshots I had originally taken in that game... the majority of them got deleted because of a HD failure and I only managed to save some because I uploaded a couple dozen to photobucket

    • 12 months ago

      Come play on swglegends

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah right Satan, I will stick to restoration 3

        • 12 months ago

          Me too! Bro I'm Pyrotosis. Nice to meet a /k/ anon that plays R3

      • 12 months ago

        Bro you played on Chilastra? Me too! Had toons Asigaw and synial

        I played Chilastra too. I was a carbineer/creature handler/ranger and mostly made money on surveying and running generators/mines for Glock and after he got banned (IIRC, might have just stopped playing, memory is hazy that far back. I recall him doing massive israelitery in the market) I switched mostly to hunting for high OQ spawns of herbivore meat and once Bioengineer got fixed, fishing because nobody wanted to fricking do it high quality fish meat got stupid expensive. I sold the trophies to a lady who did interior design and fish tanks.

        Yeah we all ground out the caveman missions too but that shit was peanuts compared to playing the resource game. If you were the first person to find a 990+ OQ spawn of an important resource you could make tens of millions in a few hours. I found it was always easiest with herbivore meat because the mineral surveyors were a lot more numerous than animal hunters.

        Nah. Some old games aged well, not SWG. SWG was never a good game. It was all about the community. The early 00s MMO player does not exist anymore.

        Damn, surprised to see multiple Chilastra lads. SWG was my very first MMO and hot damn I couldn't have picked a more "weird" MMO for my first one. I don't think there's been an MMO exactly like SWG, or at the very least, certainly not more than a handful. Having EVERYTHING player driven, from the total economy to mandatory player buffs from cantina's or doctors to heal your wounds... I've played many MMO's since SWG and none have captured that community that SWG had. It was truly one of the BEST community-driven games ever made in my opinion. At least until the Combat Upgrade sliced the community in half, and the New Game Enhancements finished them off. Seriously, I know some have negative things to say about the community, but I rarely ever had a negative interaction myself outside of a few instances. Even the fricking bounty hunters who were out to kill Jedi (which I was and had spent so much work on) were kind and even sportsman about it. I remember having several cross-Dantooine chases where I was having to evade multiple bounty hunters which, even if 75% of them ended up in my death and losing a shit ton of experience, ended up usually netting me a friend after every other encounter.

        Yeah, I DID try out the emulator for awhile (pic related) but it just couldn't rope me in for more than a couple months like the actual game did. I had spent SO much time & effort into my characters on the live server, especially my pre-CU Jedi, that I just couldn't find it in me to try again.

        Also, yeah I know we've gone off topic into PrepHole territory, but frick going to PrepHole for actually talking about games. There's been maybe 6 good SWG threads there over the past 10 years.

        • 12 months ago

          I would help you get set up in R3 but I'm currently working like 60-70 hours a week no time for Vidya these days. But if you ever give Restoration 3 installed again send a mail to Pyrotosis. I'll be around.

          • 12 months ago

            Sure anon, I'll keep it in mind. I don't know how much of a chance there is of my giving SWG another try, but I'll never say never. I had made a ton of friends from the Live server who mostly broke up when the game fell apart and I had played the SWGEmu for I think 4-5 months before just giving up. The populations just weren't there and neither was the magic from before. It could be a part of getting older as I'm 34 now and was 13 when I had first started playing the Live game but I'm not super convinced that tells the whole story. Also, I want to add sort of as a flex, that I managed to actually sell my SWG account AFTER the NGE hit for fricking $450 on eBay (before they banned the ability to sell game accounts). The game was practically dead by that point yet someone was actually willing to spend that much money to get a fully experienced set of characters.

            It could be that I was just one of those characters who wanted to be one of those limited Jedi, put a shit ton of blood, sweat and tears into it (frick me my High School grades suffered because of the game) and just doesn't want to do it again. Not to say I didn't play other professions of course, as I had a TKM/Swordsman character & a Rifleman/BH character, but man, being an adult sucks ass these days when it comes to game time.

            • 12 months ago

              I tried swgemu it was pre cu and having to run across the planet for mission terms had me say nah.. but Restoration 3 is Combat upgrade with the jump to light speed, Kashyyyk content, just did Mustafar not too long ago, I haven't done a lot of it because work. And tons of collections. I'm was working on finishing up the rebel space slayer collection for the YE-4 gunboat. I think personally Restoration 3 is better than swgemu. I haven't tried swglegends however.

        • 12 months ago

          SWG was really one of the last games to come out before the war for the soul of the genre was decided. M59 and UO (IMO the first true mmo though M59gays will ACKSHULLY you) were both player interaction centric. But they had open PVP/full loot which made a certain subset of the population really upset when they died and lost their pixels. So Everquest came along. Which in and of itself wasn't a bad game and had a great world to it. But lack of full loot and the resultant very gear-centric approach to character development kind of poisoned the well and started a lot of MMO players down the path of worrying about the progression treadmill rather than just finding their own way to enjoy the game. There were people in UO who would just go around herding sheep. I'm sure you know there were people who just sat in the cantina and chatted for hours on end in SWG.

          WoW pretty much ended that, basically determined the destiny of the entire genre. WoW's design team was full of pissbaby Everquest raiders who were furious that the developers didn't think endgame content was the most important thing to focus on developing, because at the time (most) people didn't think of MMOs as progression treadmills. So they, along with some of Blizzard's diablo folks, made a skinner box treadmill game, introduced it to a lot of people who never played an MMO before and ended up suffocating the genre between the network effect of the game having so many players and the fact that every MBA calling the shots at every other major developer saw their numbers and told the nerds to just make a game like that.

    • 12 months ago

      Playing on Restoration 3 it has its up and downs. It's CU with nge content. No Jedi as of yet. My current build is master rifleman/Master Bounty Hunter.

    • 12 months ago

      Bro you played on Chilastra? Me too! Had toons Asigaw and synial

    • 12 months ago

      I played Chilastra too. I was a carbineer/creature handler/ranger and mostly made money on surveying and running generators/mines for Glock and after he got banned (IIRC, might have just stopped playing, memory is hazy that far back. I recall him doing massive israelitery in the market) I switched mostly to hunting for high OQ spawns of herbivore meat and once Bioengineer got fixed, fishing because nobody wanted to fricking do it high quality fish meat got stupid expensive. I sold the trophies to a lady who did interior design and fish tanks.

      Yeah we all ground out the caveman missions too but that shit was peanuts compared to playing the resource game. If you were the first person to find a 990+ OQ spawn of an important resource you could make tens of millions in a few hours. I found it was always easiest with herbivore meat because the mineral surveyors were a lot more numerous than animal hunters.

      Come play on swglegends

      Nah. Some old games aged well, not SWG. SWG was never a good game. It was all about the community. The early 00s MMO player does not exist anymore.

  20. 12 months ago

    My dad works for Imperial Intelligence and he says Jedi don't exist

    • 12 months ago

      >my dad is a glowdian

      Every word out of your dad's mouth is a fricking lie.

      • 12 months ago

        wanda chupa solo*~~))

  21. 12 months ago

    >der siff genocided all der jedi in order 66!
    >Just listen to this old frick who claims to be a jedi talk about it!
    >And this other one
    >and this other one
    Curious. How much do these jedi make on their holovid deals? It's a bit strange how this influences new republic politics so much.

    • 12 months ago

      Its really not, the whole reason the Jedi got purged in the first place was because they attempted a coup. They were notorious for meddling in government affairs and were a defacto fourth branch of government in the Republic's latter years.

      As for Sheev being a Sith. The guy was obviously obsessed with them, since he spent trillions of credits and man hours larping as them. Wedge shaped heavy warships with emphasis of turbolasers, white plastoid uniforms, he even changed the flag to look like theirs.

      Now I think the idea that he was a member of some secret sect of sith who survived the New Sith Wars and hid in the shadows for a thousand years is stupid. But I think the idea that he was a hardcore sithaboo is pretty likely .

      • 12 months ago

        can confirm, former milgay here who served in the 501st, the Jedi were traitors and I didnt regret my orders

        They did once, I was part of the raid on their temple near the end of the war after they betrayed the Republic on Coruscant.We killed every last one there and the guy with a lightsaber leading us killed alot of them too. After the war I served in the Empire until I got out after they changed our uniforms. I even for a short time got to wear the cool black and red armor when I was attached to a unit that served the Inquistiors. I doubt any exist now, every one we found died. Hard to believe at one point they were all over the galaxy.

        my same unit to Purge Trooper, the amount of history you saw damn anon, you must have impressed Vader or pissed off the wrong Imperial officer kek

        • 12 months ago

          >former milgay here who served in the 501st
          The literal 30 year old boomer kek
          Watch those aching knees granddad

          • 12 months ago

            All of you stormtroopers cant aim for shit, cant believe they replaced all of us for you untrained cadets, minus Vader's personal unit and the Purge Troopers. At least I got out so I didnt have to lead you guys and get punished when you frick up in the field.

        • 12 months ago

          >can confirm, former milgay here who served in the 501st, the Jedi were traitors and I didnt regret my orders
          post personnel ID

  22. 12 months ago

    Hey guys OP here, the blaster isn't shooting anymore, how do I reload it?

  23. 12 months ago

    Oh boy.
    >ergos are poodoo
    >will cook your hands after 2 shots
    >cheap will fall apart after 2 refills
    And you paid 5k?! You don't need a Jedi to trick you.

  24. 12 months ago

    dumbfrick this is a blaster made for b1 droids, they have no pain receptors

    • 12 months ago

      Wtf is a b1 droid? I'm on a poor planet and the only droids I've seen are astromechs.

      Ignore these idiots. Look at the shape of the receiver. It's clear a Mk. III E-5. Why is this important? Because around 70 units ago, the Pan-Doogara federation had a surplus (Droid plague, that old story) of these that they wanted to modify for their planetary defense units and so they created an upgrade package that makes it quite comfortable to handle. There's still plenty of them out there that you can snag for cheap. Look it up through your hyperchannel service.

      How does this help me it burns me after 5 shots speedreader

      • 12 months ago

        >Wtf is a b1 droid?
        they act like you'd expect ithorians to act if you gave them a blaster and told them to go kill something, except their hands are just mittens

        • 12 months ago

          wait, so how do they not burn their hands? what mittens do they wear?

          • 12 months ago

            >what mittens do they wear?
            cheap metal with a thin layer of cerakote

      • 12 months ago

        Unless you're blasting randomly like a stormtrooper, what do you need more than five shots in a row for, anyway? Some Rodian comes around the corner with a vibro-knife wanting your credits, and it's over in two, maybe three shots at most. If you need more than that, you're probably not acting in lawful self defense.

        High capacity assault blasters have no place on a civilized New Republic world.

      • 12 months ago

        >b1 droid
        ~~*Nemoidian*~~ battle droids, they cranked them out by the trillions for the clone wars. They're garbage for actually fighting but you can get them really cheap as labor or security droids in the Outer Rim. They never shut the frick up though, the Nemoidians cheaped out on the post-Naboo personality chips designed to allow them to double as 'friendly' occupation droids and you have to personality wipe them every few months or they never stop talking.

  25. 12 months ago

    Ignore these idiots. Look at the shape of the receiver. It's clear a Mk. III E-5. Why is this important? Because around 70 units ago, the Pan-Doogara federation had a surplus (Droid plague, that old story) of these that they wanted to modify for their planetary defense units and so they created an upgrade package that makes it quite comfortable to handle. There's still plenty of them out there that you can snag for cheap. Look it up through your hyperchannel service.

  26. 12 months ago

    OP is a droid

  27. 12 months ago

    Umm.. nobody NEEDS a blaster, who are you planning to kill? Just get an ion gun to stun people XD

    • 12 months ago

      >Ion gun
      >Stun people
      Did you mean stun blasters, moron?

      • 12 months ago

        Whatever chud, tip submitted to the ISB for extremism ;^)

        • 12 months ago

          Going to vaporize you with my DC-15 should I ever venture to your outer rimworld ass

    • 12 months ago

      >ion gun
      >to stun people
      Clankers go back
      this is an organic board

  28. 12 months ago

    >sexiest ships
    >sexiest women
    >sexiest blasters
    If it weren’t for the g*ngans naboo would be the best planet ever

    • 12 months ago

      Only because there’s no small arms or shipbuilding industry on Dathomir

      • 12 months ago

        >tfw will never get dominated by Dathomiri Snu-snu
        Life is hell.

        • 12 months ago

          the one in the white hood looks like she's about to run her blade through the one in the red hood

    • 12 months ago

      >he wouldn't a gungan

  29. 12 months ago

    Check the fricking power regulator, OP.
    I can't believe you didn't read the fricking manual, it's available for free on the holonet.

    • 12 months ago

      To follow up, you can jerry rig the power regulator to vent heat forward, but you'll also have to reduce output when you do it.
      Probably because it was made for droids, and only spice smoking Jawas do crap like this.

  30. 12 months ago


    Unironically, Mando turned me from “I like the aesthetic but I’m too autistic to handle the less realistic setting after watching The Expanse” into literally this. First season specifically, second’s pretty good but the third was a bit underwhelming

    • 12 months ago

      >le cute babby yoda maymays

      as soon as I saw that thing I physically cringed and realized the rape of Star Wars had only just begun

      • 12 months ago

        Grogu’s the one thing that kinda bugs me. It’s a little distracting to have a little green goober getting underfoot in the middle of a firefight

      • 12 months ago

        that one droid scene tho

        • 12 months ago

          it's horrendous baby shit like what they did to Episode 1, it's designed 100% to sell toys and other merchandise

          some b***h in the office has a baby yoda mug, i want to fricking smash it into her face

          • 12 months ago

            It was really bad when the show first aired, but I feel like it’s calmed down a lot lately. Also the little green moron got some actual kinda sorta character development so he’s not just a walking emoji anymore

    • 12 months ago

      For me it was Andor

      • 12 months ago

        Unironically the best SW content so far. I really enjoyed how they seemed to avoid using Stormtroopers outside of a couple scenes where it actually made sense for them to be there

    • 12 months ago

      Everything past Revenge of the Sith was cringe and the franchise is dead now, but this thread is great especially in a board ruined by tourists and slide threads.

      • 12 months ago

        >he liked the prequels.

        Must be nice to have such bad taste.

  31. 12 months ago

    Yall are a bunch of gays

  32. 12 months ago

    Stop talking about Jedis you homosexuals, I just got my hands on a few holovid recordings from the Clone Wars, it's republic commandos killing Geonosians, frick, the pre-empire days were so kino.

    • 12 months ago

      Dude that's so fricking cool, post those videos to holotube and share em, was it helmetcam footage or bystander?

  33. 12 months ago

    This one will never not be funny but it sure hits different post Rogue One

  34. 12 months ago

    >all this LARPing
    Frick all you homosexuals
    Post blaster and manipulatory limbs

  35. 12 months ago

    Why did the new republic discontinue this helmet design?

    • 12 months ago

      I think you still see it on some starship marines. Nowadays I think you se more all-in-one armor/uniform sets for starship troops. That helmet wasn't really issued for planet-side use; combined with the new trends that might be why it fell out of style.

    • 12 months ago

      Its still used by shipboard security and marins, but they've been trying to develop a replacement for decades. Its main flaws are its poor fit and weight. During the rebellion most soldiers issued the helmet would keep it off most of the time. Thats why rebel ground forces were phasing it out by Endor.
      Those issues aren't nearly as big on starships since they aren't marching long distances and don't need to worry about artillery fire. Even then, they're still uncomfortable enough to make the Republic look for a replacement, but its mostly cost thats killed any potential replacements. You can't really get cheaper than a single vacuum formed plastoid shell.

    • 12 months ago

      Its still used by shipboard security and marins, but they've been trying to develop a replacement for decades. Its main flaws are its poor fit and weight. During the rebellion most soldiers issued the helmet would keep it off most of the time. Thats why rebel ground forces were phasing it out by Endor.
      Those issues aren't nearly as big on starships since they aren't marching long distances and don't need to worry about artillery fire. Even then, they're still uncomfortable enough to make the Republic look for a replacement, but its mostly cost thats killed any potential replacements. You can't really get cheaper than a single vacuum formed plastoid shell.

      It actually protects the sides of the head better than a lot of modern helmet designs, but limits peripheral vision.

      This isn't a big deal when you're kicking in airlocks and going bulkhead to bulkhead, but in a more open battlefield it can be a liability. The chances of taking a shot to the side of the head in between the crownline and the shoulder are actually fairly low (Imperial training dogma at the time prioritized center of mass shots, especially during boarding actions where stray fire could damage control panels or whatever).

  36. 12 months ago

    My grandpa' gave me this, said he found it on Tatooine years back, said it could be Mandalorian.
    It feels ancient, I took it to a pawnshop and I felt that the guy was trying to pull something because he immediately offered a THOUSAND credits for it.
    I think it can be worth more.

    • 12 months ago

      DUDE HOLY SHIT, THATS OLD REPUBLIC. I swear to God bro, that's a mandalorian blaster fromthe mandalorian wars, when they fought the republic over 1000 years ago. Hold onto that shit dude, that's fricking priceless

  37. 12 months ago

    >Be me, just a humble rancher on a frontier world unfortunate enough to belong to the Hapes Consortium.
    >Women are the worst, by the way.
    >For millenia we have our borders mire or less sealed but then the Queen Mother inexplicably decides to open up just 8 years after the battle at Yevin and get friendly with the New Republic, as if it were any better than the Old Republic.
    >Now we have open borders and Rodian pirates keep trying to steal my nerf.
    >I finally got fed up with this crap, and since neither government is interested in fixing it, I go to a LBS (Local Blaster Store).
    >They only have rifles that are for sporting purposes, but it's not bad for a core-world, because this place is pretty wild, still.
    >I get a Czerka FS-1 Farshot.
    >Nerf are out grazing and everything is going well. I'm resting in the shade of a Wimper tree on a hillside, eating some freshly gathered fruit by the speeder.
    >Fricking bug Black folk show up in a landing shuttle to steal my nerf.
    >I lie down in the grass, line up the new scope and wait.
    >As soon as the last Rodian steps off the gangplank, I blow his head off. Couldn't have been a more perfect shot.
    Long story short, a blaster fight breaks out, of the six bug-Black folk, I kill four of them, one lost a hand but lived and the other... will never be a father, to say the least.
    What's fricked up is that the Consortium got mad at me, took my blaster and told me that I'm damned lucky they decided not to prosecute.
    Am I the butthole here?

    • 12 months ago

      This was the rifle they confiscated, by the way.
      The good news is that I'm not officially blocked from future purchases, even though the LBS owner is pretty steamed at me.
      I'm considering getting a new one after I get some of the nerf to market.

      • 12 months ago

        Hahaha just love how Star wars kitbashes everything. Literally just a svt-40

        • 12 months ago

          Me too, though it pisses me off when idiots mangle historical guns to make replicas.
          Too many C98s have suffered for Han Solo.

    • 12 months ago

      >Am I the butthole here?
      You weren't until you shot that dude in the dick.
      C'mon man, that's a low blow.

    • 12 months ago

      Dude, you're just lucky that the Hapan Security didn't toss your ass in a labor camp or cut your nuts off or something.
      That whole consortium is femdom without the fun kink.
      You should just move to Dantooine, you can herd nerf and no one will confiscate your shit when you kill rustlers, because they'd have killed them, too.

  38. 12 months ago

    I got a used DL-44 from the war
    It keeps stovepipe shooting plasma bolts at my face
    How do I fix

    • 12 months ago

      >inb4 "i bet you enjoy the 5-shot warning vibrator in the handle"
      sounds like a busted accelerator coil. you're gonna have to replace it, but that's not gonna be too difficult - it's actually an overcharged coil from a DC-17 with the hyperionizers stripped, and those were all over the place last time i went blaster shopping.

      ...that said, it was a while ago - been years since i wanted a blaster i didn't already have, since the new models are so unappealing. maybe they aren't handing out DC-17s from a barrel by the front door of blaster shops as a "get out of paying to have this scrapped" scheme anymore. i remember reading somewhere that in total they made like 30 of the things for every clone. or maybe it was 300.

  39. 12 months ago

    Goddammit why is it so hard to find a damn E-11S that isn’t sporterized? I guess it’s cool that some of the imperials got to keep their weapons after the empire collapsed and used them to hunt ewoks, but damn man how cool would it be to have a non-bubba’d E-11S

    • 12 months ago

      Check scrapyards on former Imp-occupied planets. You’re more likely to find DLTs and standard E-11s but it’s not out of the question. And if it doesn’t work, you can just strip it for parts to restore a b’uuba sporterized one

  40. 12 months ago

    This is gonna sound like impposting but does anyone know where I can get a new old stock lightsaber? I would imagine there has to be some laying around after they shutdown the beskar-road on the deep holonet.
    >inb4 jedi larping is illegal now
    Frick you homosexual, I just want to be able to cut through reinforced shit without damaging my vibroblade and pass it off as a handwarmer at security checkpoints.

    • 12 months ago

      Nearly impossible. They're rare as frick already, then they either get snatched up by a Bu'umer as soon as they go on sale, or they jack the auction price right through the roof.

    • 12 months ago

      buy a Tapani lightfoil, the Empire gives them a pass

      • 12 months ago

        >Tapani lightfoil
        The empire gives them a pass because saber-rakes couldn't get a decent focusing crystal if their house depended on it. I'm looking for a lightsaber, not a glowrod. Thanks for the suggestion though.

        • 12 months ago

          lightfoil still cuts anon, dont denigrate their swashbuckling culture

    • 12 months ago

      >pass it off as a handwarmer
      don't they have kyber crystal scanners standard at checkpoints these days? you glow brighter than Alderaan mid-dissassembly

      if you're serious - just take better care of your vibroblade, man. i re-plate mine at least once a month, the electrolyte fluid isn't expensive and i've yet to deplete the bottle after three years. i swear the bottle itself is gonna go bad before i run out

      lugging a fricking lightsaber through checkpoints - you'd have it stolen before you even got there lmao

    • 12 months ago

      Your only option is gonna be building your own. 95% of existing sabers are in a museum on Coruscant, most of the rest are underneath a whole lot of rubble and seawater on one of Mustafar’s moons

    • 12 months ago

      use a plasma torch you nincompoop

      • 12 months ago

        Find me a meter long plasma torch that can deflect blaster bolts moron

        • 12 months ago

          why are there blaster bolts hiding in the reinforced metal you said needed cutting, anon?

        • 12 months ago

          >I just need to cut through shit
          goddamn you glow harder than the cauldron cluster

        • 12 months ago

          >mall jedi thinks he can deflect blaster bolts
          you don't have preconception and you never will

          • 12 months ago

            it's called precognition dumbass

          • 12 months ago

            it's called precognition dumbass

            Isn't that how Darth Vader was born.

    • 12 months ago

      the saber itself isnt worth shit so you can easily get the parts out of consumer grade mining equipment etc.try jedha if you are looking for crystals but that place went to hell after that mining accident.

      • 12 months ago

        Either you're a glowie or a fricking moron, that "mining accident" was absolutely a coverup for a test with the Death Star.

    • 12 months ago

      >inb4 jedi larping is illegal now
      It is, and for good reason, it took a long time to rid the galaxy of those annoying pacifist traitors and we dont need more of them. You dont want an actual lightsaber, imagine going through a checkpoint and having them find it on you.

  41. 12 months ago

    for 5K it better have been a Magnaguard or at least BX issue

  42. 12 months ago

    Di'kut, pirimmur a haar'chak DH-17. Val cuyir ori ruusaan, kih, bal able at shukur adol beskar'gam. droidgays stay loosing.

    • 12 months ago

      Ni ceta Ni nayc partaylir at dinuir holo.

    • 12 months ago

      Ni ceta Ni nayc partaylir at dinuir holo.

      Hey, we speak Basic on this website

      • 12 months ago

        Hibirar at Haa'miitir di'kut.

    • 12 months ago

      Gar jorhaa'i sa aruetyc or'dinii, ner vod. Gedet'ye duumi ash'ade dinuir ba'jur ti gar Mando'a... Lise narir jate'shya.

      Hey, we speak Basic on this website

      Maybe we should try something new for a change, Mr. "I'll get arrested for having the wrong blaster attachment".

  43. 12 months ago

    The Force loves Thermal Detonators.

  44. 12 months ago

    >not using a slugthrower

  45. 12 months ago

    Oven mitt + skill issue + gb2 tatooine or whatever

  46. 12 months ago

    You don’t need an E-11 for homestead defense. You just don’t need it, those are weapons of war meant to kill on the battlefield. Plus, if you shoot a womp rat with one, it’ll destroy the meat. You don’t need an assault blaster. What you need is a good ol CR-1 blast canon. A couple blasts will just scare the Tusken raiders away.

    • 12 months ago

      Man, I've heard of ships looking like guns, but this is the first time I've seen a gun that looks like a ship.

  47. 12 months ago

    stories from your LBS?

    >be me
    >working the blaster counter
    >some LARPerator walks in
    >actually thought it was a hutt at first
    >his armor is shiny as hell
    >only bounty he's claimed are the cantina rewards points
    >takes 10 minutes looking at the rocket boots
    >eventually asks me what could penetrate an AT-ST
    >tell him to frick off
    >comes back another day to buy wrist rockets
    >chain code gets declined

    another story
    >helping some homosexual imperial dropping off his standard issue SE-14r
    >wants me to clean it - he doesn't trust the droid armorer
    >being friendly and shooting the shit
    >he gushing on about durasteel furniture over wood
    >meanwhile, two clones checking out the DC-15 parts rack
    >one of them starts looking at a Zersium-grey ascension cable
    >mutters "blasted clankshit" and throws it down in disgust
    >imperial looks at me and rolls his eyes
    >clone eventually picks out some kashyyger wooden rifle
    >imperial is mortified
    based cloomers

  48. 12 months ago

    Any love for the EE3 here? I got this sporterised model here from a Black Sun trader

    • 12 months ago

      Not a bad pick.

  49. 12 months ago

    This holothread is great. Please put me in the Imperial Pict-Capture.

  50. 12 months ago

    Everyone says the Bryar is laughable because lacks power and has a low rate of fire but is it still good for small game hunting?

    • 12 months ago

      Lacks power? The fricking thing is based on a cut-down rifle design! Sure, it's not great at range, but it'll frick the shit out of whatever it hits.

      • 12 months ago

        Kyle’s Bryar bounced off stormtrooper armor in the novels and he had to use modern blasters on them
        Casian’s pistol made one probably has even less power.

      • 12 months ago

        Everyone says the Bryar is laughable because lacks power and has a low rate of fire but is it still good for small game hunting?

        Someone should dress the Oberz up as a Bryar

  51. 12 months ago

    some of you meatbags are alright.stay away from Mos Espa for the next 2 planetary cycles.

    • 12 months ago

      Tattooine, I wouldn't be got dead on that frickin jawa and rodian infested shit hole Haha I'm too busy soaking up the sun on Nabooian beaches.

  52. 12 months ago

    I can really envision a cloning market after the Clone Wars as their equivalent to the GWOT. Post clone builds

  53. 12 months ago

    you outer rim pansies wouldn't last one day as a stormtrooper

    • 12 months ago

      anyone can fricking buy those shitty helmets, I can tell you never had to wear one because you're showing it off. I just wish we could have made a real difference, too many conscripts trusted the optical sensors in these things and now they're 6 feed under. I'll be honest, whenever my commander wasn't around I'd take that horrendous thing off, so did one of my LTs who was a clone.

      As a sidenote, I manned a DLT-19 when I was in and that thing was fricking sweet. I'm saving up to grab one from a hutt trader I know near Baskarn who fell into a crate of them. A couple more security jobs and I can ditch this POS E-11 my supply officer left me with when our unit disbanded. I'd like to see a wee*uay boarding party get past 900 blasts per minute.

  54. 12 months ago

    You haven’t lived until you’ve shot a Z-6.
    >be me inna kashyyk
    >on LAAT/I gun ship
    >flying over platoon of battle droids
    >nothing but molten metal left of the droids

    Nothing quite like feeling and hearing 10,000 bolts per minute spew out of that weapon

  55. 12 months ago

    >cringe thread

    • 12 months ago

      Post blaster, manipulator, and galactic time stamp

  56. 12 months ago

    Hey guys OP here again, I tried refilling the blaster with an E-11 charger at a shop and it's not working anymore. When I pull the trigger it gets REALLY hot for about an hour, like glowing red. It doesn't even fire wtf fricking Toydarians.

    • 12 months ago

      Dumb ass you just made your blaster an improvised explosive. Just because it has an e- designation doesn't me E-5 and E-11 parts are interchangable.

      • 12 months ago

        Alright, called around and found a shop nearby that says they have something that can charge E-5's. I'll let you know tomorrow morning if it works.

        lmao dis n'ga

        I'm a Jawa you Black person.

        • 12 months ago

          >can't figure out how a blaster works
          you must be the dumbest fricking jawa ever

          • 12 months ago

            Least I'm not a dumb fricking human who doesn't know how to make a blaster that works without cooking hands you fricking Gunganigglet.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm surprised a Jawa could even handle an E-5

    • 12 months ago

      lmao dis n'ga

      • 12 months ago

        Can't wait to see the holovid of OP trying to charge is blaster and it just grenades on him.

    • 12 months ago

      asking for it

  57. 12 months ago

    How do you do fellow blaster enthusiasts?
    I am currently looking to get into direct contact with fellow freedom-minded "rebelious" enjoyers of firearms 😉
    I'm thinking of getting rid of the galactic norm ID on my DC-15. Can you provide instructions and pictures of your untracable blaster?

    Thank you ^_^

    • 12 months ago
  58. 12 months ago

    Who E-11 surplus here? Just bought one from some old guy, said it killed a lot of rebels in his time

    Shoots alright I guess but why no stock?

  59. 12 months ago

    Better than having nothing when the next wompout occurs after Han's acquittal in the Greedo shooting

  60. 12 months ago

    Are there any legal problems or issues with a (stockless) large pistol with a hand-stop (not foregrip) that would allow for a thumb-over bore+pistol grip technique?

    My goal is to maximize accuracy while only being a few ounces over a traditional pistol design and a few inches in added length.

    Thumb would be protected by a rest that keeps it off the slide and sights position adjusted. Those seem to be engineering things that can be fixed relatively easy. I guess AR pistols have many of these features?

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