Best American state to live in without a gun

might be a weird thing to ask on here... but I'm going to move to america, where in america, city or state, is it comfortable and safe to live without a gun? where is it more "European"?
being in ukraine I'm more scared of the prospect of american "culture" and crime than I'm worried about the bombs.

alternatively, if its not an option, what kind of gun or device can I use, as a fragile pacifist twink to protect myself? I don't want to kill and I'm guessing I'm not going to aim well enough to hit limbs with zero gun training.

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    Weak bait. Move to Germany like the rest of them if actually wanting to live in a civilized country, or Poland if you want to feel like home.

    Best defense is living where you don't need guns, so why America?

    • 5 months ago

      its not bait
      I need to move to us cause my boyfriend is in us, and can't get to Germany.
      I'd rather live in europe myself.

      Nobody believes you are white and not just looking for places left to ruin, Tyrone.

      how's this

      You're a twink? Show body. Also New England is your best bet for a more European vibe.

      Pretty much anywhere in new England excluding new york and probably Boston. Stay away from big cities as a general rule of thumb.

      I'll look into new england, thanks.

      what about self defense things that aren't lethal?

      • 5 months ago

        I'm an American from New England that goes to Ukraine pretty often. How did you get out of the country?

      • 5 months ago

        move somewhere quiet, out of the way, and make friends with the locals?
        expect a small town to have its own cultural issues and odd norms if you go for it.
        potentially they will be more religious.
        contribute to your community.
        integrate or live quietly, but contribution and shows of goodwill to the community will mean something to people.

        computer stuff

        I got some papers, I'm not out yet though

        if you want to keep doing computer stuff you are gonna have to work for it. dunno how it was in ukraine but its a flooded market besides certain specialties.
        you will need to do some research and figure out how the play the American version of the resume and certification game.
        but being willing to do what you can, even if its physical labor as a twink, can get you through a lot.

        and at least try learn how to use a gun, even if you don't think you have the stomach to kill someone.
        even if you do get in a situation a shot to the gut or lung isn't as lethal as it was 100 years ago

        for all you know something might happen that will forcibly change your mind.

      • 5 months ago

        You'd be better off in Europr because there's at least some chance that social services will take care of your homeless ass after someone pumps it full of AIDS and crack, in US you'll be left on your own.

        • 5 months ago

          Post skin and passport

    • 5 months ago

      >move to Germany if you want to get raped by afghans

  2. 5 months ago

    Nobody believes you are white and not just looking for places left to ruin, Tyrone.

    • 5 months ago

      what the frick makes you think tyrone would even have the intellectual capacity to make such a ruse

  3. 5 months ago

    You're a twink? Show body. Also New England is your best bet for a more European vibe.

  4. 5 months ago

    Pretty much anywhere in new England excluding new york and probably Boston. Stay away from big cities as a general rule of thumb.

    • 5 months ago

      New York is not in New England

      • 5 months ago

        Shut your ass

        • 5 months ago

          It's just factually not a part of New England, flyover brain

      • 5 months ago

        Where is old York, moron?

        • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago

          Flyover education, everyone.

  5. 5 months ago

    No one will tell you where the good places are because they're full. If you ever, anywhere, any time here someone on the Internet tell you "XYZ is a good place to live" they're intentionally misleading you or selling real estate.

    • 5 months ago

      that sucks
      just want to stop being worried about dying constantly.

      • 5 months ago

        That's just life. Congratulations on realizing you are not and never will be 100% safe, that is the first step towards being a responsible citizen.

        Now stop trying to desert and if you badmouth America one more time I'll vote Trump and your twink ass can kiss that defense budget goodbye. XOXO

        • 5 months ago

          >I'll shoot myself in the knee just to prove you wrong

          • 5 months ago

            Nta but I don't understand what you're trying to say with this.

            • 5 months ago

              isnt trump a complete moron? and biden is barely alive and barely sane.
              that's the issue with american system, you have two moronic extremist options and no middle ground

              • 5 months ago

                No he's not a moron. He's not a good person but no president is. Better than the alternatives though.

              • 5 months ago

                rather than voting one or another bad choice in you should probably strive for an actual alternative.
                its odd that in a country with so many guns, revolts don't happen.

              • 5 months ago

                They do. We just don't get all worked up about it. The Bundy Ranch was the last legit "shoot at the feds" standoff. And they won.

              • 5 months ago

                that's cool and all but I was thinking of a different scale. like if occupy wall street didn't fizzle out and escalated instead.
                my reference is our own revolution, I'd think in s country with gums it would been more dramatic

                You need A+ certificate and Microsoft Certified Professional. Both are just tests, you have to study. I think they're around $300.
                Then tech companies will at least not take your application and shred it instantly.

                doesnt sound too bad, thanks

              • 5 months ago

                Occupy fizzled out because bankers realized if they filled it with women and minorities all the white guys thaybwere effective organizers would be forced out.

              • 5 months ago

                funny you mention that

  6. 5 months ago

    What can you do for work?

    • 5 months ago

      computer stuff

      I'm an American from New England that goes to Ukraine pretty often. How did you get out of the country?

      I got some papers, I'm not out yet though

      • 5 months ago

        Did you pay? it's like 14k now.

        • 5 months ago

          no I'm not rich. I have health issues.

          >comes to weapons board
          >"where should I go to avoid weapons?"
          kys moronic homosexual, you'd have better luck asking on leddit

          alternatively: stop whining and just buy a gun

          you could have read the second part of the post and recommended one then

          • 5 months ago

            I can protect you pacifist twink. I'll let you live with me too.

          • 5 months ago

            Can you help me figure out how to get someone papers?

      • 5 months ago

        >computer stuff
        Try branching out into other roles where that's relevant.
        t. working for security monitoring company because I had a background in computers and they needed someone technical.

        • 5 months ago

          you don't need like... diplomas and specifications and stuff?

          • 5 months ago

            Depends on the role.
            Trying to land a silicon valley tier role at some big tech company?
            Yeah you'll probably want a piece of paper from an accredited institution saying "I know what I'm doing".
            Trying to get a job fixing cameras, troubleshooting minor networking issues, filling out spreadsheets and configuring motion detection systems?
            Just prove you know what you're talking about and you're set.

            • 5 months ago

              well that's pretty good
              though how do you even get to that point? its not like people are looking with someone without anything on the resume right

              • 5 months ago

                If your boyfriend is sponsoring you through U4U I think there are job training programs

  7. 5 months ago

    >comes to weapons board
    >"where should I go to avoid weapons?"
    kys moronic homosexual, you'd have better luck asking on leddit

    alternatively: stop whining and just buy a gun

  8. 5 months ago

    The safest places in America are the places full of heavily armed rednecks. You're not going to find a "European" style city in the US since the 1990s, as they are all now overrun with drug addicts, anarchists, and drug gangs.

    • 5 months ago

      well that's unfortune.

      I can protect you pacifist twink. I'll let you live with me too.

      thanks but no.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm hot though.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm not

          Why do you have to pick a place to live if your "boyfriend" is already in the U.S.? Why wouldn't you be moving there? This is a gay /misc/ LARP thread

          because well move there together, he has no ties to location.

          Can you help me figure out how to get someone papers?

          you have to have q good reason like health or taking care of an invalid family member, and then go to the gov social protection office

          move somewhere quiet, out of the way, and make friends with the locals?
          expect a small town to have its own cultural issues and odd norms if you go for it.
          potentially they will be more religious.
          contribute to your community.
          integrate or live quietly, but contribution and shows of goodwill to the community will mean something to people.
          if you want to keep doing computer stuff you are gonna have to work for it. dunno how it was in ukraine but its a flooded market besides certain specialties.
          you will need to do some research and figure out how the play the American version of the resume and certification game.
          but being willing to do what you can, even if its physical labor as a twink, can get you through a lot.

          and at least try learn how to use a gun, even if you don't think you have the stomach to kill someone.
          even if you do get in a situation a shot to the gut or lung isn't as lethal as it was 100 years ago

          for all you know something might happen that will forcibly change your mind.

          but where IS the quiet places? I understand that american states are like countries on their own with different laws and culture, right

          I'm willing to work whatever. but I'll sure miss my cozy remote computer job.

          where can I learn about the guns?
          and what about small guns and or non lethal self defense tools
          what could I use?

          It's not as horrible as you might have been led to believe, at least. Everyone maligs the suburbs as "inauthentic" and whatever, but they were specifically created to escape the crime of the cities. Find a town near a city and commute. They key to happiness in the US is also a key to a car.

          I don't think I could afford a car, I don't know how to drive either. where I live I walked everywhere all my life or used the subway
          I'd rather love somewhere where I could at least get supplies like food or medicine by walking to it

          • 5 months ago

            >because well move there together, he has no ties to location.
            Then why aren't you asking him instead of fricking PrepHole?

          • 5 months ago

            >I don't think I could afford a car, I don't know how to drive either. where I live I walked everywhere all my life or used the subway
            Honest to god, do not go to a small town. I repeat, do not go to a small town. America is big, the sheer scale of it is rather indescribable until you are here. For more rural parts of America, hell even ostensibly east coast states like PA, cars are an absolute function of life. Where I grew up, the next town was a half hour drive away. If you go somewhere like the DC-Maryland-Virginia area you will have to put up with the usual shit of a big city but you will actually be able to get around. Save up cash, eventually you can afford a car. As an adult, getting a drivers license is relatively easy, and shit tier cars can be found on facebook marketplace for prices that can be afforded after a year of serious saving.

            • 5 months ago

              to add onto my posts here and here

              Alright homosexual listen. If you absolutely have to plop your homosexual ass here, my advice is simple. High income areas are going to be safer than low income places. Places with large black population centers, again unsafe. More rural towns will be safer, although they will be a very big culture shock.

              If you want some actual good places to live:
              Indianapolis area or Carmel Indiana
              >Population of Russians and Ukrainians already, with an Orthodox church to go along with it.
              >With people that actually share at least some of your culture, you will be able to make friends faster, and actually be able to figure out what is going on
              >Relatively cheap rent, two bedrooms go for about 1k a month USD at the highest, which is totally affordable if you have two incomes to split it
              >Carmel specifically is arguably one of the safest parts of America, and many parts of Indianapolis are fine
              >Some existent public transit
              >You will have an incredibly hard time getting around without a car, especially in Indiana
              >Expect to spend a few months saving up for a 4k shitbox 2001 honda civic with a rebuilt title and nonfunctional AC
              >Job market is going to be mostly focused on low skill labor, and especially as an immigrant you will likely not have much opportunity for nicer jobs unless you come along with some serious qualifications

              Columbia MD Area
              >Lots of needs in the area for translators, if you have full fluency then you can actually make some serious money here
              >Columbia is one of the safest communities in Maryland
              >Very good bus system, MARC train line means you have access to all of Baltimore and DC
              >Relatively low presence of bl*ck "people"
              >Extremely high rent, expect 1.5k a month for a single bedroom STARTING, 2k for a two bed if you get lucky
              >Literal feds everywhere
              >even with a nice bus line, a car is still a necessity
              >Near big city == higher costs to get food, ect == higher cost of living

              I'm not

              because well move there together, he has no ties to location.

              you have to have q good reason like health or taking care of an invalid family member, and then go to the gov social protection office

              but where IS the quiet places? I understand that american states are like countries on their own with different laws and culture, right

              I'm willing to work whatever. but I'll sure miss my cozy remote computer job.

              where can I learn about the guns?
              and what about small guns and or non lethal self defense tools
              what could I use?

              I don't think I could afford a car, I don't know how to drive either. where I live I walked everywhere all my life or used the subway
              I'd rather love somewhere where I could at least get supplies like food or medicine by walking to it

              >where can I learn about the guns?
              >and what about small guns and or non lethal self defense tools
              >what could I use?
              If you are able to come to America on a green card, you can apply to get a hunting license as a foreigner. Using this, you can purchase pretty much whatever firearm you want just like an American could. Certain states will have caveats, such as Maryland having a handgun qualification license to purchase handguns. However, with a hunting license you can pretty much do whatever a US citizen could in terms of purchasing firearms.

          • 5 months ago

            >where I live I walked everywhere all my life or used the subway
            >I'd rather love somewhere where I could at least get supplies like food or medicine by walking to it
            Welcome to the US, mang. Safety vs convenience is the problem for all of us. If something is convenient for you it's also convenient for the criminal class. University towns are a decent blend if you find the right neighborhood to get into, but living around college kids gets old really fast.

          • 5 months ago

            not being able to drive fricks you.
            you are stuck with the city if you cannot drive.
            stuck with the city and any problems we often gripe about that come with it.

            I didn't even consider I could been working as a translator, though who needs Ukrainian or Russian language translations

            шo тaкэ?

            cause he asked me to research where I'd want to live and he's busy working 24/7

            the absolute need for a car is the second most worrying thing about america. thanks for advice
            not sure how hard it would be to learn though, I barely even been in cars.

            okay, well still how about that advice about which guns or devices would be fitting

            if you are able to figure out computers you can probably figure out a car.
            its about driving with someone trustworthy to take the wheel in non-stressful conditions, and escalating to more stressful situations like heavy traffic over time.
            awareness, reactions, and not panicking will save you even in the heaviest of traffic from situations outside of those where there was nothing you could do.
            its like walking in a crowd without bumping into anyone, even the people trying to force their way in.
            just faster.
            you have established routes of travel most people adhere to, entrances, exits, and basic etiquette.
            just more legal rules and specifics backing all of those up.

            • 5 months ago

              I see.
              hopefully I can get that sorted and become self sufficient. I'm not good with stuff like that but I guess there's not much of a choice now.

              >okay, well still how about that advice about which guns or devices would be fitting
              for the most part, you don't *need* a gun to love here. I've spent 30 years in my hometown and I've never fired a shot in anger.
              But you want to look out for places where people aren't ALLOWED to have guns because that's where the criminals WILL have guns and will prey on the average joe.

              Avoid big cities, avoid the South. Pick some state you've never heard of (because that means it's "boring", aka safe.)

              that... actually makes sense
              I guess i never considered it. always relied on people being more human here, and all the stuff I saw from america especially on here (PrepHole) made me more and more scared over the years.

              if there is anywhere with a community like [...]
              I would put a high priority on it.
              It won't necessarily solve problems, but it makes it easier to deal with them and adjust to life.
              maybe you won't stay there, but its good to get your feet under you.

              also as far as guns go even a small caliber reliable pocket pistol is dangerous enough to scare most of the types that prey on people and end a fight, if you are so unlucky as to encounter them.
              yes we will joke about it and so will many gun owners you meet.
              frankly I respect someone who doesn't know if they are willing to actually shoot and kill someone still being willing to learn and carry just in case things change.

              that does seem like a way to go

              a lot of things changed in the past years, and I don't think I'd want to kill either way, but I'd want to try protecting myself still. at least try scaring someone away.


              If you do decide to move to Woonsocket or Rhode Island in general I can get you a cheap apartment from my uncle, he owns a bunch of them. The people in the city itself kind of suck, but it's really close to smaller towns around that have good people. If you want you can add me on discord. Caturnine#93 99 (get rid of the space) Btw picrel is the food from the Polish Deli there.

              that looks pretty delicious
              I'll see about adding you tomorrow, its 5 am right now and I should be sleeping, didn't expect the thread to actually pick up
              thought I'd get b& too

              >not sure how hard it would be to learn though, I barely even been in cars.
              There are schools that specialize in teaching it, going rate is about 300ish dollars for classes. To actually get a license, you will take a paper learning test that teaches you the basics and gives you a learners permit that lets you drive with someone else in the car. From there you drive with a permitted person to learn, and eventually take a driven test. Its not that daunting of a process, and depending on laws in the local area you may be able to take short cuts. For example, various states will drop the requirement of needing to take a course as long as you can pass the state mandated test, which means you could get the necessary skills by finding a friend willing to teach you.

              >I didn't even consider I could been working as a translator, though who needs Ukrainian or Russian language translations
              Lots of NGO's, hospitals, government contractors, ect. Do some looking around, with native tier proficiency you could potentially make 26-30 dollars an hour.

              >but what kind would be good? some small caliber pistol and a tazer or some such?
              Tasers are available for purchase without any need of a license or things like that. Same with knives, but laws vary on state. If you figure out the firearm situation, honestly just rent some random guns at a range and try things out. If you are new to shooting, I would honestly recommend learning rifles before pistols. Pistols are a lot harder to shoot and require a lot of range time to learn. If you do get a pistol, get a bigger heavier pistol. A bigger, heavier gun means less felt recoil and is easier to control.

              that doesn't sound as difficult as I imagined

              that sounds good also, I'll need to remember that
              is there a good website to search for thosenkind of jobs?

              >big gun
              I am kind of weak, aren't guns heavy. would also probably be hard to conceal

              yeah, looking around both the wider web, smaller specialized sites, and talking to people does a lot to find things.

              and one final important thing.

              you are gonna struggle.

              even with your boyfriend and a community its gonna be hard.
              every immigrant I have met that managed to get through things without living off of handouts and getting spoiled was... hardened in a way.
              not cold or mean or anything like that.
              but they had been through a lot just coming here and getting stable.
              you probably won't have it that bad, but steel your heart just in case.
              build a future to be proud of.

              oh I'm very prepared for struggle. rather for the fact that its going to happen.
              my plan is also to get my health fixed up either locally or in EU first, because I understand that I'm likely never going to be able to go to a doctor again since america doesn't have free healthcare and its super expensive.

              don't think of even try coming to us at all if I was alone. it feels literally like wild west to me from where I am, where I can just go across the road to a doctor any time, then on the way back pop into a store. or even just order groceries delivered for free.
              but whatever the struggles it beats dying in a war for childish ambitions of wannabe world dictators.

              • 5 months ago

                depending on your work and research you might get something figured out.
                America's systems are devilish and convoluted, but there seem to be ways to game them that people are starting to talk about, particularly in regards to prescriptions and insurance.

                blame our government for never getting a firm boot on the neck of the pharmaceutical companies.
                they offload the cost of the profit they lose from Europe's controls onto America where they have more power.

              • 5 months ago

                >that sounds good also, I'll need to remember that
                >is there a good website to search for thosenkind of jobs?
                For translator jobs, just use google to search for them, their job search functions look through multiple job listing websites at once. I would focus on areas where government related work is, specifically NGO's. Avoid jobs that read "requires US citizenship" as these will be defense contractors. Lots of jobs open that should be fine though.
                >I am kind of weak, aren't guns heavy. would also probably be hard to conceal
                Pistols aren't that heavy and you might be surprised as to what is concealable on a human body.

      • 5 months ago

        It's not as horrible as you might have been led to believe, at least. Everyone maligs the suburbs as "inauthentic" and whatever, but they were specifically created to escape the crime of the cities. Find a town near a city and commute. They key to happiness in the US is also a key to a car.

  9. 5 months ago

    Why do you have to pick a place to live if your "boyfriend" is already in the U.S.? Why wouldn't you be moving there? This is a gay /misc/ LARP thread

  10. 5 months ago

    Can you help me figure out how to get my BF out of Ukraine? I'm very worried about him getting conscripted.

    • 5 months ago

      other than legal means (that might not work) I don't know.
      people say you have to pay many thousands for a bribe and it could get you in jail
      they are also putting on laws to make things even worse, its why I'm trying to leave till they're not in yet

      • 5 months ago

        I'm about to just go there and sneak him into the EU.

      • 5 months ago


        I'm not

        because well move there together, he has no ties to location.

        you have to have q good reason like health or taking care of an invalid family member, and then go to the gov social protection office

        but where IS the quiet places? I understand that american states are like countries on their own with different laws and culture, right

        I'm willing to work whatever. but I'll sure miss my cozy remote computer job.

        where can I learn about the guns?
        and what about small guns and or non lethal self defense tools
        what could I use?

        I don't think I could afford a car, I don't know how to drive either. where I live I walked everywhere all my life or used the subway
        I'd rather love somewhere where I could at least get supplies like food or medicine by walking to it

        If you are broke and want to live in a cheap city my uncle owns a bunch of apartments in Woonsocket RI. It's not a nice city, but it's safe, and Rhode Island is a small state so everything is pretty close. I offer it because you're in a very similar situation to myself and my bf.

        • 5 months ago

          Woonsocket also has a small Ukrainian community. With both a Ukrainian Orthodox, and a Ukrainian Catholic church. There is also a sizeable Polish community so you'll be able to get eastern European foods and stuff.

        • 5 months ago

          bf is saving up, here its hard to make any money especially by western standards.
          I'll put Rhode island on the list, and wish luck to you two also
          its getting stressful with the laws, but I feel like the more they push this unconstitutional bs the more likely another revolt is going to happen
          everyone hates the government
          hopefully the laws won't pass, but things might get worse
          though there is also a lot of propaganda due to these things so it might not be as bad as it feels yet, but id definitely try to figure out contingencies

          >where I live I walked everywhere all my life or used the subway
          >I'd rather love somewhere where I could at least get supplies like food or medicine by walking to it
          Welcome to the US, mang. Safety vs convenience is the problem for all of us. If something is convenient for you it's also convenient for the criminal class. University towns are a decent blend if you find the right neighborhood to get into, but living around college kids gets old really fast.

          that sucks. though I'm used to living around loud things by now

          to add onto my posts here and here [...]

          >where can I learn about the guns?
          >and what about small guns and or non lethal self defense tools
          >what could I use?
          If you are able to come to America on a green card, you can apply to get a hunting license as a foreigner. Using this, you can purchase pretty much whatever firearm you want just like an American could. Certain states will have caveats, such as Maryland having a handgun qualification license to purchase handguns. However, with a hunting license you can pretty much do whatever a US citizen could in terms of purchasing firearms.

          I see, thank you
          but what kind would be good? some small caliber pistol and a tazer or some such?

          >he's too busy to figure out where to live
          Either you're scamming or he is

          he's working so much he just shuts down after he's done.

          Woonsocket also has a small Ukrainian community. With both a Ukrainian Orthodox, and a Ukrainian Catholic church. There is also a sizeable Polish community so you'll be able to get eastern European foods and stuff.

          though I'm not religious but that does sound nice. especially the foods. though I mostly eat potatoes and sausages or chicken breast
          westerners are missing out on a lot of world cuisine

          • 5 months ago

            if there is anywhere with a community like


            Woonsocket also has a small Ukrainian community. With both a Ukrainian Orthodox, and a Ukrainian Catholic church. There is also a sizeable Polish community so you'll be able to get eastern European foods and stuff.

            I would put a high priority on it.
            It won't necessarily solve problems, but it makes it easier to deal with them and adjust to life.
            maybe you won't stay there, but its good to get your feet under you.

            also as far as guns go even a small caliber reliable pocket pistol is dangerous enough to scare most of the types that prey on people and end a fight, if you are so unlucky as to encounter them.
            yes we will joke about it and so will many gun owners you meet.
            frankly I respect someone who doesn't know if they are willing to actually shoot and kill someone still being willing to learn and carry just in case things change.

          • 5 months ago

            If you do decide to move to Woonsocket or Rhode Island in general I can get you a cheap apartment from my uncle, he owns a bunch of them. The people in the city itself kind of suck, but it's really close to smaller towns around that have good people. If you want you can add me on discord. Caturnine#93 99 (get rid of the space) Btw picrel is the food from the Polish Deli there.

            • 5 months ago

              on the other hand, Ill send it now so I don't forget.

              another question, is .22 a joke caliber or is it something that can work too and be non lethal?

              depending on your work and research you might get something figured out.
              America's systems are devilish and convoluted, but there seem to be ways to game them that people are starting to talk about, particularly in regards to prescriptions and insurance.

              blame our government for never getting a firm boot on the neck of the pharmaceutical companies.
              they offload the cost of the profit they lose from Europe's controls onto America where they have more power.

              oh yeah. I'm very aware of a lot of issues with medical companies in the west. a lot of things they push sorely for profit and with wellbeing of the people in last place

              • 5 months ago

                its not a joke. it will put a hole in someone and hurt like hell.
                a shot to the head or heart at self defense distances will kill all the same, though maybe a rib could save em.
                but its not gonna shock them or wound them as much from a body shot as something bigger and purposefully designed to try and maximize shock to the body.... unless you hit something that REALLY hurts or inhibits bodily function.

                you may find that in the long run you really have no need for a gun like anon said

                Probably Maine, Vermont or Upstate New York. Northwestern Oregon is Comfy too (Newport Area or Corvallis) as well as Pendleton. Hell man even in Medford I haven't felt the need for a gun. As long as you're not in a huge huge city the likelihood of being attacked is really low, and even then if you aren't involved in gang-related stuff you are pretty safe anyway in bigger cities

                thats quite common.
                but this is /k/, and moreover, this is america 🙂
                learning and having one isn't going to hurt you in any way.

              • 5 months ago

                Absolutely. Despite never being in a situation where I felt the need to have one, I own several guns and always have my concealed caryy with me

              • 5 months ago

                No, .22 is not "non lethal".
                First, there's the legal perspective. US law on self-defense generally divides force in two categories. There's lethal force which includes force likely to cause serious bodily harm (stabbing someone, swinging a bat at them, or shooting them), and there's nonlethal force (punching, shoving, or pepper-spraying them). The specifics vary from state to state, but generally a lower threshold for nonlethal force -- e.g. use of nonlethal force in defense of one's property (knocking a purse-snatcher down) is often allowed, but lethal force is almost exclusively limited to defense of one's person, or sometimes defense of others. And any gun, even a .22, lands solidly on the "lethal force" side of this classification.

                Second, there's the practical perspective. T-zone hits with a .22 kill people. Shots to the heart or major arteries with a .22 kill people, although possibly slower than larger calibers. If your plan is to avoid these particularly lethal target areas, your plan is bad -- statistics from real gunfights demonstrate that it's quite hard to hit the bad guy AT ALL, much less to pick a shot to a particular area (e.g. "shoot him in the leg"). And even considering a hypothetical marksman unshaken by stress, and an obligingly stationary assailant, there's hardly anywhere you can draw a six-inch circle on the human body and not include some artery that will bleed out in minutes. Bottom line -- when you shoot a gun at someone, there is a very real risk that they will die from it. If you're unwilling to accept that, for whatever reason, you should carry a pepper spray or a taser, not a .22.

              • 5 months ago

                Aside from the whole "non-lethal" thing, though... .22 is just okay.
                Its primary virtue is being dirt cheap to shoot, and it does that very well.
                It's very weak, of course, but if you want a particularly small, easy to carry, easy to shoot gun, you're going to end up with a weak cartridge -- if you consider .22 vs. .25, .32 and .380, it doesn't look as bad. And it's a cliche, but it really is a lot better than a pointy stick.
                .22 is objectively less reliable than centerfire cartridges, but GOOD .22 ammo is only slightly worse; I'm less concerned about that gap than many are.
                The real issue, IMO, is just that there's an extremely limited selection of good guns in it. It's bad enough you might actually consider one of the old 9-shot revolvers (H&R 922, etc.) as an option. The only real "modern" option for a tiny carry gun is the Beretta 21A, but you may as well get the same gun in .25 -- ballistically similar, but centerfire reliability. Plenty of die-cast blasters (chunky little SOBs, and I hesitate to trust them anyway), some good full-size target pistols, but nothing like a double-stack .22 version of the P32. (Actually, I just remembered Ruger does make a .22 LCPII, so that's close; probably a worthy alternative along with the Beretta.)

                IMO, you should consider stepping up to .32 or .380. Sadly .32 is about as bad off as .22 for options, pretty much you have the P32 for small, and the Beretta 81 for large double-stack (out of production), plus a whole slew of dated mid-to-large single-stacks. I guess the CZ 83 (steel-frame double-stack) deserves mention just because of how few .32 double-stacks there are, but it's harder to find in .32 than the Beretta, and hard to take seriously as a carry option at its size and weight.
                .380 does get you more choices in the tiny-to-medium range that you seem to be interested in, although they do get a little unpleasant to shoot at the very small end.

              • 5 months ago

                Aside from the whole "non-lethal" thing, though... .22 is just okay.
                Its primary virtue is being dirt cheap to shoot, and it does that very well.
                It's very weak, of course, but if you want a particularly small, easy to carry, easy to shoot gun, you're going to end up with a weak cartridge -- if you consider .22 vs. .25, .32 and .380, it doesn't look as bad. And it's a cliche, but it really is a lot better than a pointy stick.
                .22 is objectively less reliable than centerfire cartridges, but GOOD .22 ammo is only slightly worse; I'm less concerned about that gap than many are.
                The real issue, IMO, is just that there's an extremely limited selection of good guns in it. It's bad enough you might actually consider one of the old 9-shot revolvers (H&R 922, etc.) as an option. The only real "modern" option for a tiny carry gun is the Beretta 21A, but you may as well get the same gun in .25 -- ballistically similar, but centerfire reliability. Plenty of die-cast blasters (chunky little SOBs, and I hesitate to trust them anyway), some good full-size target pistols, but nothing like a double-stack .22 version of the P32. (Actually, I just remembered Ruger does make a .22 LCPII, so that's close; probably a worthy alternative along with the Beretta.)

                IMO, you should consider stepping up to .32 or .380. Sadly .32 is about as bad off as .22 for options, pretty much you have the P32 for small, and the Beretta 81 for large double-stack (out of production), plus a whole slew of dated mid-to-large single-stacks. I guess the CZ 83 (steel-frame double-stack) deserves mention just because of how few .32 double-stacks there are, but it's harder to find in .32 than the Beretta, and hard to take seriously as a carry option at its size and weight.
                .380 does get you more choices in the tiny-to-medium range that you seem to be interested in, although they do get a little unpleasant to shoot at the very small end.

                thank you anon, very informative
                I did not know about those other calibers at all too, since people and media only talk about 9mm, 45, 50, and usually 22 brought up as a butt of a joke or some specific use, even more so that "lol only 9mm"
                not having any real world reference its hard to build a picture

              • 5 months ago

                Glock 19

              • 5 months ago

                its good?

              • 5 months ago

                Yes, if you don't care about shooting for anything more than self defense and aren't interested in then at all.

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                You can absolutely kill people with .22, it's just not as reliable.

              • 5 months ago

                not reliable as in the cartridge or the effect?

              • 5 months ago

                I meant effect. Will not kill as reliably as a larger and faster bullet.

              • 5 months ago

                Both. Rimfires are less reliable than centerfires by their nature and may fail to detonate.

    • 5 months ago

      no. die for your country.

      • 5 months ago

        why don't you do it

        • 5 months ago

          not my country, not my problem.

          • 5 months ago

            no, go die for yours
            why haven't you yet?

            • 5 months ago

              well if hes american he has like .1% chance of dying during active duty so...

  11. 5 months ago

    Look up a place with the least Black folk.
    Guns are not a problem. Black folk are.

    • 5 months ago

      how do I look that up? do I literally google that?

      • 5 months ago

        If you look at a cities wikipedia page it lists population demographics from the latest census. This gives a good idea about the population make up. Also there websites like area vibes that give cities safety ratings.

  12. 5 months ago

    Alright homosexual listen. If you absolutely have to plop your homosexual ass here, my advice is simple. High income areas are going to be safer than low income places. Places with large black population centers, again unsafe. More rural towns will be safer, although they will be a very big culture shock.

    If you want some actual good places to live:
    Indianapolis area or Carmel Indiana
    >Population of Russians and Ukrainians already, with an Orthodox church to go along with it.
    >With people that actually share at least some of your culture, you will be able to make friends faster, and actually be able to figure out what is going on
    >Relatively cheap rent, two bedrooms go for about 1k a month USD at the highest, which is totally affordable if you have two incomes to split it
    >Carmel specifically is arguably one of the safest parts of America, and many parts of Indianapolis are fine
    >Some existent public transit
    >You will have an incredibly hard time getting around without a car, especially in Indiana
    >Expect to spend a few months saving up for a 4k shitbox 2001 honda civic with a rebuilt title and nonfunctional AC
    >Job market is going to be mostly focused on low skill labor, and especially as an immigrant you will likely not have much opportunity for nicer jobs unless you come along with some serious qualifications

    Columbia MD Area
    >Lots of needs in the area for translators, if you have full fluency then you can actually make some serious money here
    >Columbia is one of the safest communities in Maryland
    >Very good bus system, MARC train line means you have access to all of Baltimore and DC
    >Relatively low presence of bl*ck "people"
    >Extremely high rent, expect 1.5k a month for a single bedroom STARTING, 2k for a two bed if you get lucky
    >Literal feds everywhere
    >even with a nice bus line, a car is still a necessity
    >Near big city == higher costs to get food, ect == higher cost of living

    • 5 months ago

      I didn't even consider I could been working as a translator, though who needs Ukrainian or Russian language translations

      шo тaкэ?

      >because well move there together, he has no ties to location.
      Then why aren't you asking him instead of fricking PrepHole?

      cause he asked me to research where I'd want to live and he's busy working 24/7

      >I don't think I could afford a car, I don't know how to drive either. where I live I walked everywhere all my life or used the subway
      Honest to god, do not go to a small town. I repeat, do not go to a small town. America is big, the sheer scale of it is rather indescribable until you are here. For more rural parts of America, hell even ostensibly east coast states like PA, cars are an absolute function of life. Where I grew up, the next town was a half hour drive away. If you go somewhere like the DC-Maryland-Virginia area you will have to put up with the usual shit of a big city but you will actually be able to get around. Save up cash, eventually you can afford a car. As an adult, getting a drivers license is relatively easy, and shit tier cars can be found on facebook marketplace for prices that can be afforded after a year of serious saving.

      the absolute need for a car is the second most worrying thing about america. thanks for advice
      not sure how hard it would be to learn though, I barely even been in cars.

      the only places in America where there aren't guns are unsafe
      the only places in America that are safe are where the guns are

      *the more you know*

      okay, well still how about that advice about which guns or devices would be fitting

      • 5 months ago

        >he's too busy to figure out where to live
        Either you're scamming or he is

      • 5 months ago

        >okay, well still how about that advice about which guns or devices would be fitting
        for the most part, you don't *need* a gun to love here. I've spent 30 years in my hometown and I've never fired a shot in anger.
        But you want to look out for places where people aren't ALLOWED to have guns because that's where the criminals WILL have guns and will prey on the average joe.

        Avoid big cities, avoid the South. Pick some state you've never heard of (because that means it's "boring", aka safe.)

        • 5 months ago

          >Pick some state you've never heard of (because that means it's "boring", aka safe.)
          Not necessarily true. Any actual city has all the problems of any city regardless of how rectangular the state it's in.

      • 5 months ago

        >not sure how hard it would be to learn though, I barely even been in cars.
        There are schools that specialize in teaching it, going rate is about 300ish dollars for classes. To actually get a license, you will take a paper learning test that teaches you the basics and gives you a learners permit that lets you drive with someone else in the car. From there you drive with a permitted person to learn, and eventually take a driven test. Its not that daunting of a process, and depending on laws in the local area you may be able to take short cuts. For example, various states will drop the requirement of needing to take a course as long as you can pass the state mandated test, which means you could get the necessary skills by finding a friend willing to teach you.

        >I didn't even consider I could been working as a translator, though who needs Ukrainian or Russian language translations
        Lots of NGO's, hospitals, government contractors, ect. Do some looking around, with native tier proficiency you could potentially make 26-30 dollars an hour.

        bf is saving up, here its hard to make any money especially by western standards.
        I'll put Rhode island on the list, and wish luck to you two also
        its getting stressful with the laws, but I feel like the more they push this unconstitutional bs the more likely another revolt is going to happen
        everyone hates the government
        hopefully the laws won't pass, but things might get worse
        though there is also a lot of propaganda due to these things so it might not be as bad as it feels yet, but id definitely try to figure out contingencies

        that sucks. though I'm used to living around loud things by now

        I see, thank you
        but what kind would be good? some small caliber pistol and a tazer or some such?

        he's working so much he just shuts down after he's done.

        though I'm not religious but that does sound nice. especially the foods. though I mostly eat potatoes and sausages or chicken breast
        westerners are missing out on a lot of world cuisine

        >but what kind would be good? some small caliber pistol and a tazer or some such?
        Tasers are available for purchase without any need of a license or things like that. Same with knives, but laws vary on state. If you figure out the firearm situation, honestly just rent some random guns at a range and try things out. If you are new to shooting, I would honestly recommend learning rifles before pistols. Pistols are a lot harder to shoot and require a lot of range time to learn. If you do get a pistol, get a bigger heavier pistol. A bigger, heavier gun means less felt recoil and is easier to control.

        • 5 months ago

          yeah, looking around both the wider web, smaller specialized sites, and talking to people does a lot to find things.

          bf is saving up, here its hard to make any money especially by western standards.
          I'll put Rhode island on the list, and wish luck to you two also
          its getting stressful with the laws, but I feel like the more they push this unconstitutional bs the more likely another revolt is going to happen
          everyone hates the government
          hopefully the laws won't pass, but things might get worse
          though there is also a lot of propaganda due to these things so it might not be as bad as it feels yet, but id definitely try to figure out contingencies

          that sucks. though I'm used to living around loud things by now

          I see, thank you
          but what kind would be good? some small caliber pistol and a tazer or some such?

          he's working so much he just shuts down after he's done.

          though I'm not religious but that does sound nice. especially the foods. though I mostly eat potatoes and sausages or chicken breast
          westerners are missing out on a lot of world cuisine

          and one final important thing.

          you are gonna struggle.

          even with your boyfriend and a community its gonna be hard.
          every immigrant I have met that managed to get through things without living off of handouts and getting spoiled was... hardened in a way.
          not cold or mean or anything like that.
          but they had been through a lot just coming here and getting stable.
          you probably won't have it that bad, but steel your heart just in case.
          build a future to be proud of.

      • 5 months ago

        Ta нiчoгo, пaнe Пiдope Зйoбeнкo

        • 5 months ago

          a caм тo дe, в oкoпi чи вдoмa cидиш?

          New Mexico, nobody legally owns guns here and the crime rate is one of the best in the country. You'll love it.

          isn't that where Hal Methman lives

    • 5 months ago

      Frick off, we're full.

      to add onto my posts here and here [...]

      >where can I learn about the guns?
      >and what about small guns and or non lethal self defense tools
      >what could I use?
      If you are able to come to America on a green card, you can apply to get a hunting license as a foreigner. Using this, you can purchase pretty much whatever firearm you want just like an American could. Certain states will have caveats, such as Maryland having a handgun qualification license to purchase handguns. However, with a hunting license you can pretty much do whatever a US citizen could in terms of purchasing firearms.

      >If you are able to come to America on a green card, you can apply to get a hunting license as a foreigner. Using this, you can purchase pretty much whatever firearm you want just like an American could.
      All correct. But note this is serious business, so take it seriously -- e.g. if a state offers a cheap license to residents and an expensive license to non-resident, and you're not legally a resident of that state, you fork over the money and do it right. If you lie about it to save a buck, and go buy a gun with that resident hunting license, that's a federal crime, and you can expect to get deported (or else sentenced to prison) if and when the feds realize what you did.
      This happens with some regularity to morons who thought the hunting license application wasn't a big deal since you're not actually planning on hunting -- it is a big deal, because you need a VALID hunting license to get around the default prohibition on aliens buying firearms.

      • 5 months ago

        >serious business
        yeah I assumed since its about guns. no one wants to go to jail especially in a foreign country
        unless its switzerland

  13. 5 months ago
  14. 5 months ago

    the only places in America where there aren't guns are unsafe
    the only places in America that are safe are where the guns are

    *the more you know*

  15. 5 months ago

    New Mexico, nobody legally owns guns here and the crime rate is one of the best in the country. You'll love it.

  16. 5 months ago

    Probably Maine, Vermont or Upstate New York. Northwestern Oregon is Comfy too (Newport Area or Corvallis) as well as Pendleton. Hell man even in Medford I haven't felt the need for a gun. As long as you're not in a huge huge city the likelihood of being attacked is really low, and even then if you aren't involved in gang-related stuff you are pretty safe anyway in bigger cities

    • 5 months ago

      thanks I'll keep that in mind

      its not a joke. it will put a hole in someone and hurt like hell.
      a shot to the head or heart at self defense distances will kill all the same, though maybe a rib could save em.
      but its not gonna shock them or wound them as much from a body shot as something bigger and purposefully designed to try and maximize shock to the body.... unless you hit something that REALLY hurts or inhibits bodily function.

      you may find that in the long run you really have no need for a gun like anon said [...]
      thats quite common.
      but this is /k/, and moreover, this is america 🙂
      learning and having one isn't going to hurt you in any way.

      I'm not averse to guns on principle as a hobby but war put a lot of my hobbies in a different perspective
      though the gun I always liked for aesthetic reason would have been long branch colt or a single action army. they just look cool and the mechanisms are pleasing, at least in videos.

      >that sounds good also, I'll need to remember that
      >is there a good website to search for thosenkind of jobs?
      For translator jobs, just use google to search for them, their job search functions look through multiple job listing websites at once. I would focus on areas where government related work is, specifically NGO's. Avoid jobs that read "requires US citizenship" as these will be defense contractors. Lots of jobs open that should be fine though.
      >I am kind of weak, aren't guns heavy. would also probably be hard to conceal
      Pistols aren't that heavy and you might be surprised as to what is concealable on a human body.

      thanks, didn't even know google had a job section

      Most of the 90%+ white states already have loose gun laws.
      I don't know of any place that is mostly white and has notably strict gun laws.

      are there places like that? its hard to build an accurate impression based on things from the internet
      especially with the propaganda/advertisements west is pushing

      • 5 months ago

        >are there places like that?
        Mostly white or with strict gun laws? You can Google both

        • 5 months ago

          somehow feels like if I google "white places in America" going to get some bullshit. I'll try though. I just don't trust google and the sites it could give me due to agendas and whatnot.
          though I guess ukrainians are on the "opressed" totempole right now so might get a pass

          • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Syracuse has a Ukrainian club.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah but New York sucks. At that point he may as well go to Brighton Beach.

        • 5 months ago

          Syracuse suburbs are not like that. I'm 5 minutes away and live on a farm.

  17. 5 months ago

    Most of the 90%+ white states already have loose gun laws.
    I don't know of any place that is mostly white and has notably strict gun laws.

  18. 5 months ago

    are there any go to recommended reliable smaller caliber pistols or its a "research then try" kind of thing
    I feel a bit guilty for having mostly off topic thread, so if there's any recommendations and specifics I'd save them too

  19. 5 months ago

    >being in ukraine I'm more scared of the prospect of american "culture" and crime than I'm worried about the bombs.

    not sure if vatnik troll or not, but you sure sound like one. Ukraine's homicide rate... pre war lol, is 50% higher than the US. It's a really stupid thing to worry about as far as immigration goes

    • 5 months ago

      neither, just see shit on the internet that's scarier than getting bombed
      I never had any fear walking around the city all night long, never been mugged or anything. never seen or know anyone that did either
      and I know that our cops aren't going to magdump even if we act a bit uncooperative, cause people don't just want to kill each other like it feels they do in US.


      • 5 months ago

        >I never had any fear walking around the city all night long, never been mugged or anything. never seen or know anyone that did either
        Stay out of bad neighborhoods at night.
        >and I know that our cops aren't going to magdump even if we act a bit uncooperative,
        Don't be black.
        > cause people don't just want to kill each other like it feels they do in US.
        The US is not actually a TV show. It just feels like it.

  20. 5 months ago

    The only places you'd need a gun are places you can't have a gun, and the places you don't need them everyone has them

  21. 5 months ago

    Easy not to get shot in America.
    Don't frick around and you won't find out.
    The politest people I've interacted with were gun-toting Bible thumpers.

  22. 5 months ago

    Move to Canada

    • 5 months ago

      not an option anymore, their ukraine program is over

  23. 5 months ago

    I'll keep you safe twinky boy. Post booty

    • 5 months ago

      • 5 months ago

        You really are a fat bastard.

        • 5 months ago

          couldn't help myself

  24. 5 months ago

    >being in ukraine I'm more scared of the prospect of american "culture" and crime than I'm worried about the bombs.
    then stay in your shit-hole.

  25. 5 months ago

    Most of White America has sub European murder rates when you control for demographic factors ramping up the rates

  26. 5 months ago

    Basically anywhere. No one in America actually needs a gun. For a foreigner like you, just don't get involved in gangs and you'll be fine.

    • 5 months ago

      Why does Paul Harrel have two self defense kills?

      • 5 months ago

        Who? Larping is part of our culture. Anyone who thinks they needs two self defense kits is not in touch with reality.

      • 5 months ago

        Former marine shoots man at a campground in Oregon. Cops let him go. You tell me. Every marine I've met irl is a hothead. This guy looks particularly unhinged.

        • 5 months ago

          I am a marine and I'm not a hothead

  27. 5 months ago

    Find places with the lowest amount of black people

    • 5 months ago

      Rural Alabama with black tarpaper shack villages are actually peaceful.
      Black =/= Black person.
      Urban black = probably Black person

      • 5 months ago

        Lol okay moron

        • 5 months ago

          There is this component,

          >This is actually true in every european country as well.
          Not to 100% but you're talking about Finns as outlier .. and Russian gangs having an influence.
          The interesting part is that they actually did a genetic study on violent criminals in Finnland and found that over 50% of inmates in jail for violent crime were had the R2 variant of MAO-A.

          looks like wikipedia censored the article .. it used to contain information about the frequency within population groups.
          5% in African Americans, 0.5% in Caucasians and almost non existent in Asians, which is why some consider it one of the main factors causing differences in homicide frequency among these groups. (as well as among men and women, as it's on the X chromosome women needing two copies for full effect) ... it is however incapable of explaining the violence in South America.

          giving a predisposition to 5% of the population, but the cultural problem is likely equally important.

          "Black" "culture" based on this theory is basically rural extinct Scottish "culture", the Scots themselves rejected before becoming part of civilized Europe.

          Therefor a population unaffected by this problem will not exhibit these behavior-patterns, although it will still be conducting itself limited by average mental capabilities and predispositions, like the high R2 frequency and the, in comparison to other groups, higher estrogen levels in males.

          If planned parenthood had an interest in actually helping the population they'd offer and heavily market testing for the R2 variant.

          • 5 months ago

            >If planned parenthood had an interest in actually helping the population
            >they'd offer and heavily market testing for the R2 variant.
            But supposing for a moment that they did want to. Can you imagine the outrage, the shrieking about how it's literal genocide? If I were in their shoes, I wouldn't dare pull that trigger.

  28. 5 months ago

    Blue states have low gun violence outsude of ghettos
    Red states have slightly more outside of ghettos but still statistically very low
    You will be fine, just stat street smart, be attentive of your surroundings, and don’t look like a scared Euro pussy outwardly
    >t. MD/DC suburbgay who hasn’t heard or even seen a (non-police) gun in public in 20 years

    • 5 months ago

      He'd have to stop spamming his moron shit and leave the basement. Dude's a basement dweller larping as a refugee.

    • 5 months ago

      >just stat street smart
      >and don’t look like a scared Euro pussy outwardly
      well I'm a stay at home computer nerd with weak arms and stressed out personality
      so that will take some doing

      He'd have to stop spamming his moron shit and leave the basement. Dude's a basement dweller larping as a refugee.

      guess I'll post it again for you

    • 5 months ago

      screw your gun violence
      plenty of shit happens that a gun will prevent without even shots getting fired.

      • 5 months ago

        Hes omitting the higher assault rates in blue suburbs

  29. 5 months ago

    >but I'm going to move to america, where in america, city or state, is it comfortable and safe to live without a gun? where is it more "European"?
    Legally it's least European (guns allowed) where it is ethnically the most European.
    Strickt gun laws are not a consequence of guns creating problems, they are a consequence of problematic people using the available tools that don't create negative effects in other societies.
    Have you ever felt afraid driving through Switzerland? (other than of accidentally speeding in a tunnel and going to jail or paying a 100k fine ..)

    • 5 months ago

      Accidentally posted the wrong map .. was looking for this one. .. should have noticed the lack of cartel hot spots..

      • 5 months ago

        Wtf is going on in Alaska?

        • 5 months ago

          Lots of hunting accidents, and natives going kookoo.

          • 5 months ago

            That's still stupidly high. Don't you have to like drive for 3 miles to meet the nearest person in the super high incident area? That's insane

            • 5 months ago

              3.45, and I'm already on my way.

        • 5 months ago

          Black folk can't run through snow and can't rely on natural camo.

    • 5 months ago

      Slowly turning into Ukraine. Alike map of the occupation.

  30. 5 months ago

    if you're worried more about legal gun owners in america than the army invading your country and killing everyone, you're a fricking moron.
    if you're worried about crime, stay away from brown people.

    fricking normies

  31. 5 months ago

    Lame slide thread

  32. 5 months ago

    >more european
    wtf does this even mean furthermore if you want where you live to be more like ukraine flyover is your best bet crime is nowhere near as bad as news says it is as long as you stay out of blue cities healthcare is what you should be worried about the most and stay away from native reservations unless you like rape kidnapping opiods and meth

  33. 5 months ago

    you can find violent crime rates by county online. by pure coincidence, they also line up with racial distributions. the most European parts with the least crime also have the most guns so you're fricked there

    • 5 months ago

      That last statement is completely false except

      • 5 months ago

        this anon became a statistic. keep him in your heart tonight

      • 5 months ago

        might be a weird thing to ask on here... but I'm going to move to america, where in america, city or state, is it comfortable and safe to live without a gun? where is it more "European"?
        being in ukraine I'm more scared of the prospect of american "culture" and crime than I'm worried about the bombs.

        alternatively, if its not an option, what kind of gun or device can I use, as a fragile pacifist twink to protect myself? I don't want to kill and I'm guessing I'm not going to aim well enough to hit limbs with zero gun training.

        The areas of the united states with the highest per capita gun ownership have the least violent crime.

        This is actually true in every european country as well. Divide up any majority white country, and the higher the gun ownership in an area is, the less murder there is.

        • 5 months ago

          >This is actually true in every european country as well.
          Not to 100% but you're talking about Finns as outlier .. and Russian gangs having an influence.
          The interesting part is that they actually did a genetic study on violent criminals in Finnland and found that over 50% of inmates in jail for violent crime were had the R2 variant of MAO-A.

          looks like wikipedia censored the article .. it used to contain information about the frequency within population groups.
          5% in African Americans, 0.5% in Caucasians and almost non existent in Asians, which is why some consider it one of the main factors causing differences in homicide frequency among these groups. (as well as among men and women, as it's on the X chromosome women needing two copies for full effect) ... it is however incapable of explaining the violence in South America.

          • 5 months ago

            Anon, what I said is looking at each country individually, not comparing country to country, because different countries have different other factors, different races, etc.

            But if you look at finland, the place IN finland with the most guns per person is likely to have less crime *for* finland.

          • 5 months ago

            >it is however incapable of explaining the violence in South America.
            SA is a continent that was born of violent occupation, then slave rebellion, then more rebellion, then more violence, then corruption, and a pinch more violence.
            It's basically just a cultural thing at this point.

            • 5 months ago

              >born of violent occupation,
              We also got some fun religions before that.

    • 5 months ago

      well, as long as theres less crime

  34. 5 months ago

    New Orleans, literally built by the French 🙂

    • 5 months ago

      And Boston was literally built by the English. What's your point? New Orleans is full of Black folk too and is dangerous.

      • 5 months ago

        It must be hard to be a Black person in Boston.
        Place got riced so hard, it's cold, you need an actual education to do any kinda job, it's basically illegal to be poor in the vaccine factory town.
        Yeah frickin Lynn or Lowell or Haverhill or Worcester are looking a lot better.
        God damn, I hate Massachusettes.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm 2 years out if a useless Poli Sci degree, you think if I learn some certs I could get into tech project management out there, or pharmaceuticals if I find contract analysis work?

  35. 5 months ago

    Prior to idk... 2016 or so, the states where it was easy to get a gun, you didnt need one.
    They don't actually want you using them, after all.
    After violent shitholes like WV, TX, FL, etc got better fun laws, this point became a lot more moot, but the states that had constitutional carry before all who are gonna get it got it, have high white percentage, and that arent in areas with dangerous animals are going to be your best bet.
    So like Northern New England, never had to pull on anybody there. Appalachia and Rockies are full of shitheads, have pulled there.
    (You should stay though, 'sloppy dookraini!' and 'to the last!' and all that)

  36. 5 months ago

    Have you considered not being a massive homosexual?

    • 5 months ago


  37. 5 months ago

    is buying used guns a thing?

    • 5 months ago


  38. 5 months ago

    just frickin perish anon. we hate European homosexuals.

    • 5 months ago

      Border jumper detected. Papers, please.

  39. 5 months ago

    >More european

    Yea move to Chicago its a shut hole there too. Sadly they haven't had as many "refugees" from shitskinistan so grenade attacks and grooming gangs aren't as common.

    Btw op the only states its safe to walk around without a gun are the ones where other people carry for you.

    • 5 months ago

      >Btw op the only states its safe to walk around without a gun are the ones where other people carry for you.
      Imagine believing this

      • 5 months ago

        The safest parts of the country are the ones with the most guns statistically.

        • 5 months ago

          That doesn't mean it's unsafe to walk around Massachusetts or Connecticut loo

          • 5 months ago

            It is in Boston, moron

            • 5 months ago

              >the only states its safe to walk around without a gun are the ones where other people carry for you
              >Boston is the entire state

              Boston is the 10th safest city in the country you stupid homosexual. I'd rather walk around it than Austin, Phoenix, or Jacksonville.

    • 5 months ago

      Outside of Chicago in McHenry or Lake County might be good too, but Chicago keeps creeping out of Cook County. Also a lot of Mexicans, but they're mostly chill, ordinary people out here.

  40. 5 months ago

    Go to Wisconsin, just avoid Milwaukee, Madison and Kenosha for their more urban nature and Lake Geneva, Minocqua, The Dells and Eagle River since they're tourist traps (mainly for Illinoisans). Appleton is the Republican stronghold and gets tons of funding and an international airport if that's your thing, rural areas are pretty close knit so long as you go to bars and support the Packers. Guns are common, but for hunting/target shooting more than for crime. You can live fine without one.

  41. 5 months ago

    Go mooch off of some other country

  42. 5 months ago

    you and this shit thread have made me more embarrassed to be european than ive ever been jesus christ
    i sincerely hope this is bait, nobody can be this sheltered and stupid

    • 5 months ago

      What's wrong with him?

  43. 5 months ago

    >safe to live without a gun
    Rule 1: Live close to rich people.
    Rule 2: Stay out of cities.
    These apply to any country you move to anywhere in the world. Carrying of weapons is irrelevant.

    • 5 months ago

      Villages gets completely wiped out during invasions... What's better then cities?

  44. 5 months ago


  45. 5 months ago

    well facts are you should be more worried where you are, just don't move to the blackest, poorest parts of the 5 largest cities and you'll literally be fine. if you want the least gun culture you could go to california, but it's actually not safe there as a former bay area resident. Northeast seaboard has the most lingering english influence, you could go to maryland if you want reasonably safe and still cucked. But seriously you'll be fine if you're not in the inner city ghettos of the 5 largest metro areas, and the country is basically like 2/3 of all of europe in population so that's alot of choices.

    • 5 months ago

      california looks like groomer central if I'm honest

  46. 5 months ago

    The answer is live in any white neighborhood with responsible gun owners because that's where shit is actually safe.

    • 5 months ago

      yeah that makes sense. though finding that when you know little about the country might be hard, but I have plenty of info from anons already.

  47. 5 months ago

    maine is nice, its one of the whitest states and is close to its european roots
    most east coast states should be good in general though, aside from florida and georgia

  48. 5 months ago

    >being in ukraine I'm more scared of the prospect of american "culture" and crime than I'm worried about the bombs.
    You've been watching too much TV, just stay the hell away from the south west coast and really poor areas and you'll be fine.
    It's not so much that you HAVE to own a gun in the states, as it is that you CAN own a gun and can do so very easily.
    Friend of mine in Texas carries a single action army everywhere he goes, has had to shoot 0 people so far.

  49. 5 months ago

    Nowhere. Literally fricking nowhere in the United States. Either get a gun and training or expect to die, simple as.

  50. 5 months ago

    Safest place to live without a gun is a place with guns.

  51. 5 months ago

    Just FYI I'm a white leaf who's fanatically pro-2A,and I'd kill to live in America, but you have to put up with OP instead because immigrating over the border is almost impossible unless you're rich.

    • 5 months ago

      And on top of it it’s some homosexual limp wrist running away from his home country that he apparently “loves” id rather millions of leafs like you come here than one more eurotrash homosexual who comes over here and is immediately helpless. At least the mexicans and venezuelans pouring into my state have the decency to not shit up the catalog with questions you can google. Gun politics is a no no but some homosexual from ukraine deciding where to live somehow stays up. Frick this dead board.

      • 5 months ago

        Have you tried crying about it in real life instead of blogging?

      • 5 months ago

        where have I said I love it? its nice but I'm not going to die for it.

  52. 5 months ago

    >Most European areas of the US have high quantities of guns
    OP unless you want to live in a soulless commercialized suburb outside of a soulless violent blue city, you're gonna be around guns or you're gonna be in a rough area.

    • 5 months ago

      yeah I gathered that from the thread

      If your boyfriend is sponsoring you through U4U I think there are job training programs

      didn't know that, thanks

      • 5 months ago

        You need A+ certificate and Microsoft Certified Professional. Both are just tests, you have to study. I think they're around $300.
        Then tech companies will at least not take your application and shred it instantly.

  53. 5 months ago


  54. 5 months ago

    are there any cheap reliable revolvers or is smaller caliber pistol better to have around?
    revolvers need less maintenance, right?
    I like them aesthetically but I wouldnt meme walking around with a SAA

    • 5 months ago

      There's a variety of .38/.357mag revolvers that would do just fine for you.

  55. 5 months ago

    Look up "racial dot map" and it coincides directly with violent crime. The whiter an area the safer it is.

  56. 5 months ago


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