Good hunting school in Germany

I love guns all my life and I'm tired of being a nogunz homosexual. But I also don't want to suck up to a boomer Schützenverein for >1 year straight, that's why I want to visit a 3-week hunting license course. Since it's a lot of money, I want to choose a good school, so it works out. Can you recommend a good hunting school, ideally in Niedersachsen, but Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein and nothern Nordrhein-Westphalen would be fine too. I live in Bremen, but in my gigacucked state there isn't a course like that. Is it as ultra hard as people say or do they exaggerate? Are some schools or Bundesländer "easier" than others? Did you do a 3 week hunting course abd if yes, what was your experience?
I know I'm counting chickens before the eggs are hatched, but my first pistol is gonna be a 1911 long slide and my first rifle a SVD (clone)

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  1. 1 year ago

    I haven't taken the hunting test yet, so I can't speak from experience but I have looked around quite a bit.

    Niedersachsen seems like a good place to take the test. The core of the test is a written exam (multiple choice) and the answers are available online, so you can just memorize the answers (~2.6k questions tho). Also you're not required to go to a "real" hunting school if you don't want to (it's mandatory in many other states). If you just want to pass the exam the most convenient way might be to attend an online course, you can do all the preparation at home and then learn the shooting skills + take the test over the course of a few days (basically a long weekend). Check out Akademie Hochsitz for more infos on that.

    Again, I have no actual experience with them, but that's the way I'm probably going to do it since I don't have time to go to a real hunting school.

    • 1 year ago

      This channel does quite a good job explaining the test in Niedersachsen, it's a bit old but the info should still be correct. The Prüfungsordnung hasn't changed in 20 years or so (last time I checked). Btw, you should actually read the Prüfungsordnung, it tells you exactly what you need to pass.

    • 1 year ago

      This might genuinely be a good alternative. No time pressure, just learning at home at your own pace, come over a few times for shooting and when you think you're ready, do the exam.
      BUT, I don't know if this is true, but maybe it is not as good as a "real" course, because it is all theoretical on the screen and not in real life, for example when they teach you what which flower looks like or animal skulls or something?
      I will do a bit more research on this, but grest tip anon!

      • 1 year ago

        Hold on wtf. Literally every other hunting school wants 200€ for their Prüfungsgebühr but they want double. Also, 2250€ base price, I saw schools with 1900€ base price in NDS. Like this, when I choose another school even with money for sleeping there it will be cheaper than this...

    • 1 year ago

      >Also you're not required to go to a "real" hunting school if you don't want to (it's mandatory in many other states)
      Would not recommend not to go. If you learn at home and just show up for the test, the testers might let you fail cause nobody knows who you are and what you're up to, especially if you make a weird appearence to them. And let's be honest: it's easy to let you fail, you can't know everything. And getting through the course with others is also very fun you get to know many nice people.

      I've been to Saarland. Would recommend cause no clay pidgeon. If you have zero experience with guns, the hare (Kipphase) is much easier than the pidgeon.

  2. 1 year ago

    Bremen is based man. We're poor cause Niedersachsen is leeching the taxes of our workers, we're full of migrants. But we're so green and livable it's easily worth it.

    • 1 year ago

      >we're full of migrants. But we're so green and livable it's easily worth it.
      Lol, lmao even
      t. works in Bremen and lives in NDS

  3. 1 year ago

    I did a three week course in Bavaria with the test in Hamburg. It was fine.
    Just go to any school. They honestly all seem the same and it just seems to depend on how you vibe with the teacher.

    • 1 year ago

      >I did a three week course
      Can I ask how much it cost (the two schools I have in my sights are 2500€ each) and if you really had to learn for 12 hours a day? Also, did you have to learn before you started or did you go in with zero prior knowledge?

      • 1 year ago

        Buy the recommended book, read it in advance and do the questionaire BEFORE taking the class.
        It's not particularly hard, but a lot of topics are covered. So you will need to be able to memorize things. Most people who fail do so because of security violations during gun handling or failing the shooting test.

        • 1 year ago

          Thanks for the info. I will then choose to start my course in 1-2 months and learn until then.
          >Most people who fail do so because of security violations during gun handling or failing the shooting test.
          This is kinda good to hear, if you said most people failed the mündlicher Test or something that would be scary, but I think I instinctually know safe weapon handling. Got a few of those shitty blank guns at home and even there I always make sure it's unloaded and don't have my finger on the trigger etc.
          Then I will (probably) go to either Jagdschule Teutoburger Wald or Jagdschule Weiss. I know there are like 10 more in Niedersachsen, but I don't want to make it overcomplicated and just choose those two cause they are close to my home, unless it turns out they are shit on a bit more research.

          • 1 year ago

            Buy the recommended book, read it in advance and do the questionaire BEFORE taking the class.
            It's not particularly hard, but a lot of topics are covered. So you will need to be able to memorize things. Most people who fail do so because of security violations during gun handling or failing the shooting test.

            Don't remember. Maybe 3k?
            I grew up in the countryside so I know a tree from a deer. Some went in with 0 knowledge and passed. I didn't learn 12 hours a day certainly. Maybe 8. A normal work day.

            Also I agree. The only fails I saw were during shooting. Gun safety especially.
            Though I remember one guy failing the oral exam. He was Polish and didn't speak a word of German. No idea what he was doing there.
            >Written test
            It's a multiple choice test. If you have a pulse, you'll pass.

          • 1 year ago

            >Jagdschule Weiss
            I'd creampie that instructor, if you know what I mean

            • 1 year ago

              holy based. i want to go there

            • 1 year ago

              holy based. i want to go there

              Thanks for the info. I will then choose to start my course in 1-2 months and learn until then.
              >Most people who fail do so because of security violations during gun handling or failing the shooting test.
              This is kinda good to hear, if you said most people failed the mündlicher Test or something that would be scary, but I think I instinctually know safe weapon handling. Got a few of those shitty blank guns at home and even there I always make sure it's unloaded and don't have my finger on the trigger etc.
              Then I will (probably) go to either Jagdschule Teutoburger Wald or Jagdschule Weiss. I know there are like 10 more in Niedersachsen, but I don't want to make it overcomplicated and just choose those two cause they are close to my home, unless it turns out they are shit on a bit more research.


              • 1 year ago

                holy based. i want to go there

                Thanks for the info. I will then choose to start my course in 1-2 months and learn until then.
                >Most people who fail do so because of security violations during gun handling or failing the shooting test.
                This is kinda good to hear, if you said most people failed the mündlicher Test or something that would be scary, but I think I instinctually know safe weapon handling. Got a few of those shitty blank guns at home and even there I always make sure it's unloaded and don't have my finger on the trigger etc.
                Then I will (probably) go to either Jagdschule Teutoburger Wald or Jagdschule Weiss. I know there are like 10 more in Niedersachsen, but I don't want to make it overcomplicated and just choose those two cause they are close to my home, unless it turns out they are shit on a bit more research.


                >Jagdschule Weiss
                I'd creampie that instructor, if you know what I mean

              • 1 year ago

                also that hochsitz Akademie is crazy expensive. they offer you access to videos and shooting practice. 3k bucks lmao
                filthy israelites

              • 1 year ago

                >hochsitz Akademie
                Actually sounds based though? Hold on, I never heard of it. One of those 2-3 week courses, incl. residence, fees, all inclusive will cost you 3000€ either way, do the price is the same but here I can just do it from the comfort of my home through online courses. Maybe that is a good alternative? Or are they just bullshit like
                >here is a book, learn those 1000 things by yourself, if you are ready come gor the test. this is 3000€ please 🙂

              • 1 year ago

                it’s the latter. they have some videos and want you to learn with the waidwissen app lol. once you’ve mastered the app you can come take the exams (and get some shooting practice while you’re there)
                3k PLUS residence, food and stuff

              • 1 year ago

                >they offer you access to videos and shooting practice. 3k bucks lmao

              • 1 year ago

                >dat shitty lighting
                >way to small text
                >no powerpoint
                >fat fudd with sponsored gear
                I didn't know what I was expecting, but this is below even that. At least he has a mic and it's 1080p

                This might genuinely be a good alternative. No time pressure, just learning at home at your own pace, come over a few times for shooting and when you think you're ready, do the exam.
                BUT, I don't know if this is true, but maybe it is not as good as a "real" course, because it is all theoretical on the screen and not in real life, for example when they teach you what which flower looks like or animal skulls or something?
                I will do a bit more research on this, but grest tip anon!

                Hm, might be okay if you're actually able to sit yourself down and study at home, otherwise for most people the rigid structure with the evening classes or a 14 day block might be better. Also, depending on how good of a shooter you already are, you might need more classes for the dynamic shooting e.g. clay or whatever Rollhase is in English

              • 1 year ago

                >but my first pistol is gonna be a 1911 long slide and my first rifle a SVD (clone)
                Pistol is okay, but don't buy a SVD clone as your first rifle. Buy some cheap ruger american rifle or something similar, put an acceptable glass on it (DDoptics price range), at least pretend you intend to go hunting.
                I'm being a little bit paranoid, but some hunting school instructors and the people in the county gun office are on the look out for people like you, doing only the course to get (non-hunting) guns easily. Plausible deniability: cheap hunting rifle first, then SVD

                Sooo, site rip when?

              • 1 year ago

                >implying you can’t hunt small to medium game with a SVD

              • 1 year ago

                >boomer fudds are on the lookout for black rifle enjoyers
                ok but who cares? an ar15 is a great rifle for fox hunting, for example.

                Learn to read homosexuals, I said that's just me being paranoid and that I wouldn't buy a "military style" semiautomatic as my first hunting rifle

              • 1 year ago

                Dreckiger Harry 😀

              • 1 year ago

                >boomer fudds are on the lookout for black rifle enjoyers
                ok but who cares? an ar15 is a great rifle for fox hunting, for example.

              • 1 year ago

                I won't buy a shitty bolt action Blaser R8 for 5 grand bro.


                Learn to read homosexuals, I said that's just me being paranoid and that I wouldn't buy a "military style" semiautomatic as my first hunting rifle

                No reason to be paranoid. Hunters are allowed to buy those weapons, it is your RIGHT. So what if some bureaucracy cuck is giving you a suspicious look or comment, they can't do shit.

              • 1 year ago

                >it is your RIGHT
                it's definitely not a right, but a privilege that can be taken away lmao

              • 1 year ago

                Not without any change in law.
                If you own a hunting license you can get a gun. The local government can not refuse you buying a gun. They have no right to dictate what gun you can or cannot buy as long as it is covered by your Bedürfnis. If they tried to they'd get buttfricked in court.

              • 1 year ago

                Lol no, the courts and local governments do whatever they want, sometimes you win, sometimes you and everybody else get's fricked.
                Example: hunters are allowed to own as many long guns as they want, as long as they have enough safes, according to the law. In comes Göttingen with "yeah, it doesn't say it, but you know weapons bad, so more than 10 might be hoarding"


                >Bernd redet mit anderen Bernds auf angelsächsich
                >In einem Faden nur mit Bernds


                Fremsprachige Fäden werden hier aber schnell mal banniert, lurk moar newbie

              • 1 year ago

                And what's the fricking problem with that? The principle is "as few guns as neccesary". If you abuse the system by getting more guns that can reasonably be used for hunting, they completely rightly will think you might be up for something else than hunting. This isn't America where they unironically treat unlimited effective murder tools as an right because some Gentlemen wanted musket armed peasants against the Bongs.

                I mean if someone would start stacking enough semi auto AR-15s to equip a whole company of Black folk you can't seriously think that the Behörden would be forced to say "oh well he has a hunting license so we have to presume those whole racks of identical, military-grade rifles are for hunting and not an insurgency".

              • 1 year ago

                Dann sollen sie das halt ins Gesetz so schreiben, dieser Bullshit mit Intention des Gesetzgebers ist reine Willkür und öffnet dem Missbrauch durch irgendwelche machtgeilen Waffenbehörden Tür und Tor. So wenig Waffen wie möglich wäre für jeden Jäger einen Drilling mit Schrotlauf, Hochwildkaliber und eins für Raubwild, damit ist alles abgedeckt, mehr braucht es nicht

                >Bavarian Tactical Systems
                They used to cost 1000 Euros, but they seem to have upped the price to 1400. I'm not sure if they are worth that much compared to American brands.
                >Bankrott Tier
                I've seen Dynamic Arms Research Rifles for about 2000. Haenel can be had for 2300-2400 too.
                Huh so are they a sub brand of Schmeisser? I can't speak for Schmeisser guns but I don't like that they are reselling Chinese optics under their Falke brand.

                There was a rumor in the last weeks (on WO) that DAR is having financial problems and they seem to now have an Insolvenzverwalter but continue operating so who knows
                >have upped the price to 1400. I'm not sure if they are worth that much compared to American brands
                Same with OA and their blacklabel, I still remember when they were 1300€ and even less without furniture

              • 1 year ago

                But they arent that severe Black folk and understand that you might need different guns for different game and different situations. I am the first one to say guns dont belong in society because we dont want to become a fricking gun infested shithole like the USof homie, but me and most people, and the Behörden, don't care if a hunter has 1, 3 or even 9 long arms in their home.

                The only thing they require is if you claim you need fricking 10 long arms for hunting, you demonstrate you actually NEED 10 long arms for hunting.,Since you yourself claim a Drilling does the job (well I wouldn't want to face a boar with that though) then why on the other hand you call the Behören machtgeil for claiming 10 might too much for actual hunting needs? They're just doing their job to stop us becoming fricking America.

              • 1 year ago

                >I am the first one to say guns dont belong in society
                Stopped reading right there. Maybe /lgbt/ is more to your liking homosexual Schwuchtel
                Thankfully that mindset is dying out. I've seen DSB guys advocating for conceal carry.

              • 1 year ago

                Stop sucking that trump dick and explain to me for what fricking purpose except for gay anal masturbation with guns you'd need 10 long arms.

              • 1 year ago

                >I am the first one to say guns dont belong in society
                >They're just doing their job to stop us becoming fricking America.
                It's always America with you morons, we share a border with at least two countries with very liberal gun laws (Switzerland, Czech Republic), who aren't Sodom and Gomorrah, but no hurr durr Amerikanische Zustände
                Just frick off back whereever you came from

              • 1 year ago

                Don't forget that you can buy (non-semi auto) shotguns and rifles in austria as soon as you turn 18, no license required. This includes pump action AR-15s (yes, they exist).

              • 1 year ago


                Dann sollen sie das halt ins Gesetz so schreiben, dieser Bullshit mit Intention des Gesetzgebers ist reine Willkür und öffnet dem Missbrauch durch irgendwelche machtgeilen Waffenbehörden Tür und Tor. So wenig Waffen wie möglich wäre für jeden Jäger einen Drilling mit Schrotlauf, Hochwildkaliber und eins für Raubwild, damit ist alles abgedeckt, mehr braucht es nicht

                There was a rumor in the last weeks (on WO) that DAR is having financial problems and they seem to now have an Insolvenzverwalter but continue operating so who knows
                >have upped the price to 1400. I'm not sure if they are worth that much compared to American brands
                Same with OA and their blacklabel, I still remember when they were 1300€ and even less without furniture

                But they arent that severe Black folk and understand that you might need different guns for different game and different situations. I am the first one to say guns dont belong in society because we dont want to become a fricking gun infested shithole like the USof homie, but me and most people, and the Behörden, don't care if a hunter has 1, 3 or even 9 long arms in their home.

                The only thing they require is if you claim you need fricking 10 long arms for hunting, you demonstrate you actually NEED 10 long arms for hunting.,Since you yourself claim a Drilling does the job (well I wouldn't want to face a boar with that though) then why on the other hand you call the Behören machtgeil for claiming 10 might too much for actual hunting needs? They're just doing their job to stop us becoming fricking America.

                Der deutsche Michel mal wieder...

              • 1 year ago

                But they arent that severe Black folk and understand that you might need different guns for different game and different situations. I am the first one to say guns dont belong in society because we dont want to become a fricking gun infested shithole like the USof homie, but me and most people, and the Behörden, don't care if a hunter has 1, 3 or even 9 long arms in their home.

                The only thing they require is if you claim you need fricking 10 long arms for hunting, you demonstrate you actually NEED 10 long arms for hunting.,Since you yourself claim a Drilling does the job (well I wouldn't want to face a boar with that though) then why on the other hand you call the Behören machtgeil for claiming 10 might too much for actual hunting needs? They're just doing their job to stop us becoming fricking America.

                Stop sucking that trump dick and explain to me for what fricking purpose except for gay anal masturbation with guns you'd need 10 long arms.

                kys yourself

              • 1 year ago

                But they arent that severe Black folk and understand that you might need different guns for different game and different situations. I am the first one to say guns dont belong in society because we dont want to become a fricking gun infested shithole like the USof homie, but me and most people, and the Behörden, don't care if a hunter has 1, 3 or even 9 long arms in their home.

                The only thing they require is if you claim you need fricking 10 long arms for hunting, you demonstrate you actually NEED 10 long arms for hunting.,Since you yourself claim a Drilling does the job (well I wouldn't want to face a boar with that though) then why on the other hand you call the Behören machtgeil for claiming 10 might too much for actual hunting needs? They're just doing their job to stop us becoming fricking America.

                komm brudi halt die fresse

      • 1 year ago

        Don't remember. Maybe 3k?
        I grew up in the countryside so I know a tree from a deer. Some went in with 0 knowledge and passed. I didn't learn 12 hours a day certainly. Maybe 8. A normal work day.

  4. 1 year ago

    Only somewhat related, but I have been considering a sidearm and have been leaning towards the 1911 as well, mostly for the ergonomics. It is not difficult to obtain hunting licenses in the US, but the hunting culture in Germany is interesting and vibrant. From what I’ve read, it’s not that hard to get the license, and it seems to be a very Volkish traditional thing that is popular among native Germans.

  5. 1 year ago

    Hunting school in Göttingen next to the DHL warehouse. Owner is a nice dude and the shooting cinema got very loose rules to pass 😉

    • 1 year ago

      Can I ask you the same questions as the other anon: you really had to learn for 12 hours a day? Also, did you have to learn before you started or did you go in with zero prior knowledge? Was it very hard?

      • 1 year ago

        Why the frick should I visit a hunting school? I do not like richgays and 80% of those guys/womans in germany are richgays. All i say is that i know the school very good and can recommend it, learn for that crap and get your top autistic licence. If you're not getting your time limited hunting area, have fun to stay still and hope someone invites you to a Drückjagd. No connection and being autistic, no chance

        • 1 year ago

          >I do not like richgays and 80% of those guys/womans in germany are richgays.
          Literally 1/4 of the people in my state are dependant on welfare...
          >All i say is that i know the school very good and can recommend it, learn for that crap and get your top autistic licence.
          Alright. I'm just asking, cause I don't know if to start it in two weeks or take one that starts in 1,5 months, so I have some time to learn that shit by myself in advance.

          • 1 year ago

            You can also go and buy the books, there is so mich to learn for the exam that you need real time (shooting is no problem). Go joing a gun club, get good with your first guns and join IPSC, no reason to go the stupid hunting way. Im doing the same, shooting with friends every 1-2 weeks a d mext year im joining a 2nd non-cucked club like the other dudes do.

            • 1 year ago

              >no reason to go the stupid hunting way

              >no year long waiting period
              >2 more handguns
              >unlimited long guns
              >pocket pistols
              >not forced to go shooting at least once every 3 months (the horror)
              >no waiting periods (Erwerbsstreckungsgebot)
              >less bureaucratic bs (Bedürfnisanträge)
              >no need to be part of a club (autism)
              >allowed to take your guns innawoods
              >also you can hunt now

              • 1 year ago

                >not forced to go shooting at least once every 3 months (the horror)
                yeah shooting is a horror

              • 1 year ago

                I like lube but he's cringe and bluepilled on the hunting license question.

              • 1 year ago

                Yes I am, helped out sometimes at a shooting school and my god are the old dudes shit at shooting ;_; We let them pass even when they need double the legit round count but a few were unable to hit anything and they got no approval for the Session. Some guys drove 400km and only came with 1 rifle and 5 bullets, sure they run out of ammo and cant hit with strangers rifles (also out). I stick with my redpilled club bruhs and yeah I hate everything inside the clubs that is related to tradition and they know that and they know i do not give a frick 🙂 You know, I hate everything that is somehow cucked and traditions and laws are cucked ;_;
                Also the dudes who sended me letters, im sending something out this late summer (free restock for the war god)

              • 1 year ago

                Pretty sure police can check your apartment once a year

              • 1 year ago

                It's not the police, it's a government worker. They aren't allowed to check your appartment, just the storage of your guns. They have so few workers that you will only get checked once in a couple of years and even then you can tell them that you're busy and to come back later. And they can check the storage of your guns whether you're a hunter or a sports shooter, so no difference there.

    • 1 year ago

      Can you recommend any good shooting clubs near Göttingen? I want to start shooting GK, but my guild has no one who can teach me, or compete against me.

  6. 1 year ago

    A potential con about taking the test in Niedersachsen: skeet shooting is part of the shooting test and some people struggle with that. It's not a requirement in some other states.

    • 1 year ago

      imagine being too dumb for skeet shooting

      >no reason to go the stupid hunting way

      >no year long waiting period
      >2 more handguns
      >unlimited long guns
      >pocket pistols
      >not forced to go shooting at least once every 3 months (the horror)
      >no waiting periods (Erwerbsstreckungsgebot)
      >less bureaucratic bs (Bedürfnisanträge)
      >no need to be part of a club (autism)
      >allowed to take your guns innawoods
      >also you can hunt now

      frick ya mudda

      Also I agree. The only fails I saw were during shooting. Gun safety especially.
      Though I remember one guy failing the oral exam. He was Polish and didn't speak a word of German. No idea what he was doing there.
      >Written test
      It's a multiple choice test. If you have a pulse, you'll pass.

      >if you have a pulse you’ll pass
      2.6k questions are no joke. you should definitely learn them. use the free Jagdcoach app by frankonia
      also, OP, in Niedersachen, if you get good grades in the written test, you can no longer fail the oral exam and can basically skip it.
      I can recommend jagdschule fuchsbau

      • 1 year ago

        >in Niedersachen, if you get good grades in the written test, you can no longer fail the oral exam and can basically skip it
        That is not true, read the Prüfungsordnung. You need an average grade of 4.4 (I think) in the tests of the oral exam. Not a tough requirement, but still.

        • 1 year ago

          Oh frick, LMAO spoke to soon.

          >also, OP, in Niedersachen, if you get good grades in the written test, you can no longer fail the oral exam and can basically skip it.
          OMG is that true!? To be 100% real with you, the oral exam scared me the most. Gun handling, I can do that. Written text, sure thing, I always was good in written. But with oral tests I always went ultra autismo mode, like I still passed at school and apprenticeship etc. but one curve-ball question and I would shit and piss my pants for the rest of the exam

          But a 4, as in Ausreichend, like in school, that's like 50% correct, I can do that. I am very motivated after all.

      • 1 year ago

        >2.6k questions are no joke
        divide that number by 5 homie
        tons of questions are just the same thing worded differently, dont try to discourage anons
        for example
        >what cartridge does a rifle shoot
        >a) rifle cartridge, b) pistol cartridge, c) shotgun cartridge
        this is one question, then the next
        >does a rifle shoot shotgun cartridge
        >a) yes, b) no, c) maybe
        then next question
        >can a rifle shoot pistol cartridge
        >a) yes, b) no, c) i hate women
        its the same question worded differently and a lots of them are just cross-compatible

        • 1 year ago

          There are a lot of those but you also need to remember some rather specific facts about a bunch of animals, tree classifications, dog breeds etc. They're not all self-explanatory.

      • 1 year ago

        >also, OP, in Niedersachen, if you get good grades in the written test, you can no longer fail the oral exam and can basically skip it.
        OMG is that true!? To be 100% real with you, the oral exam scared me the most. Gun handling, I can do that. Written text, sure thing, I always was good in written. But with oral tests I always went ultra autismo mode, like I still passed at school and apprenticeship etc. but one curve-ball question and I would shit and piss my pants for the rest of the exam

      • 1 year ago

        >in Niedersachen, if you get good grades in the written test, you can no longer fail the oral exam and can basically skip it
        That is not true, read the Prüfungsordnung. You need an average grade of 4.4 (I think) in the tests of the oral exam. Not a tough requirement, but still.

        Oh frick, LMAO spoke to soon. [...]
        But a 4, as in Ausreichend, like in school, that's like 50% correct, I can do that. I am very motivated after all.

        § 9
        Gesamtergebnis der Prüfung

        (1) 1Zur Ermittlung des Gesamtergebnisses der Jägerprüfung wird aus den
        Notenwerten der schriftlichen und der mündlich-praktischen Prüfung das
        arithmetische Mittel bis auf eine Dezimalstelle ohne Rundung errechnet. 2Die
        Mittelwerte sind den Noten wie folgt zugeordnet:
        1,0 bis 1,4 der Note sehr gut,
        1,5 bis 2,4 der Note gut,
        2,5 bis 3,4 der Note befriedigend,
        3,5 bis 4,4 der Note ausreichend,
        4,5 bis 5,4 der Note mangelhaft,
        5,5 bis 6,0 der Note ungenügend.
        (2) Außer in den in § 5 Abs. 2 und § 7 Abs. 2 bezeichneten Fällen ist die
        Jägerprüfung auch nicht bestanden, wenn
        1. der Mittelwert aus den Notenwerten der schriftlichen und der mündlich-
        praktischen Prüfung für das Fachgebiet 1 oder 2 der Anlage 1 schlechter als
        2. der Mittelwert aus den Notenwerten der mündlich-praktischen Prüfung
        schlechter als 4,4 oder
        3. der Mittelwert nach Absatz 1 schlechter als 4,4

        • 1 year ago

          meaning: get a 2,0 in all written tests and you can no longer fail. unless you can’t tell an owl from a pig or some major fails like that

          • 1 year ago

            Well to be perfectly honest, I couldn't tell my ex girlfriend apart from a boar haha

      • 1 year ago

        I learned with the (free?) application. But the questions are mostly brain dead and even a minimum amount of interest in nature will let you pass written exam. Even the Pole I mentioned passed, so...

        • 1 year ago

          that’s what learning is all about. memorizing shit. adhd gays suicide watch

          • 1 year ago

            Tbf. you don't really learn anything. You memorize a few answers and remember them on test day. Sometimes I didn't even read the question, I just recognized the pattern of first three words and the answer.

            About 25% questions you actually need to remember. 50% should be easy to answer first try. 25% are just repetitions. It's a tiny bit harder than the drivers license ""test"" where even the school moron managed to pass. (Aw shit. That was 10 years ago now)

            • 1 year ago

              >It's a tiny bit harder than the drivers license ""test"" where even the school moron managed to pass.
              Yeah, I also tell myself this. The drivers license also has around 1000 questions. You think "holy shit this is impossible!" but literally the most moronic degenerate subhumans drive cars and apparently passed the test, so I don't stress myself out too much lol.

            • 1 year ago

              >memorizing the patterns
              I tend to do this when answering the questions using the waidwissen app. But I try not to in case the actual exam answers are arranged differently

  7. 1 year ago

    Alright, I'll answer because I was in the same position as you. I went to Jagdschule24 in Dassow (MV), price was 1.9k. However, I didnt have to pay for any Hotel or Restaurant costs because I lived close by. The teacher is a bit weird (Ossi, after all), but a nice guy. Regarding the difficulty- I passed with really good grades without studying after the course was over (08:00-18:00). To be honest, the days could have been made shorter, and after a while, they did exactly that. The shooting range is close by, and while the class rotates through the shooting course you can learn in a little building right next to the range to make use of your time. I'd say the 'hardest' parts were the mündliche Prüfungen. However, all of the Prüfers are very kind, and they will reach you every olive branch they can to let you pass. Only 2/21 people failed with us. One old Priest that couldnt shoot, and one woman whose husband dragged her with her to the course although she was clearly mentally handicapped. Overall it was a fun experience, and if you can afford it, do the hunting course, because sports shooters will continue to get fricked hard by regulations. Regarding future hunting opportunities; I was very young when I completed the course, and A LOT of boomers are super happy to take you out to their Revier, show you around and let you hunt. My first weapon was actually a gift from one of these guys. However, if you are old and/or autistic, dont bet on anyone wanting to let you hunt in their Revier.
    Good luck bro

  8. 1 year ago

    In Meck-Pom you can do a 3 day one, just get a room for the time.

  9. 1 year ago

    >Has a shit stool in the toilet
    >Can't keep the lights on
    >No hot water
    I mean lmao

  10. 1 year ago

    Honestly you should take a look at shooting clubs too. It's cheaper and has some other benefits compared to the hunting license.
    If you want to get your hunting license look into Kreisjägerschaften, it's cheaper to get the license there compared to a hunting school.

    • 1 year ago

      >If you want to get your hunting license look into Kreisjägerschaften, it's cheaper to get the license there compared to a hunting school.
      Yes, I did this, the county reused the same 80% of the questions for the past several years, so our teacher gave them to us during class and told us to just answer them as he told us (some of them were written plain stupid...). Also they basically only asked the basics of the local fauna, so no mountain goats, nothing much about birds, nothing much about trees and plants, only the basics about hunting dogs, oral examiners were really nice and understanding.
      But there was a lot of fuddiness and some weird training weapon choices e.g I wouldn't use only two 8mm Mauser rifles to teach beginners how to shoot, that's just asking for people to flinch

  11. 1 year ago

    I can recommend Jagdschule Sanitz in MV. It's where I took my two week course crash course. Everything is done in the same building (lessons, shooting, exams) and the teachers are really good. I think they have a passing rate of >95% most years.

  12. 1 year ago

    If you actually want to learn how to hunt, you should not take any 14d courses in NDS because they won’t teach you how to gut animals and stuff.
    But it’s based if you just want guns as quickly and easily as possible in our cucked country

    • 1 year ago

      >But it’s based if you just want guns as quickly and easily as possible in our cucked country
      Pretty much this, I'm not too excited about killing animals, I just want to collect firearms.

      • 1 year ago

        >I'm not too excited about killing animals
        Grow a pair

        • 1 year ago

          I got pairs and they are big and fat too bro, but let's be realistic. I don't have a Revier and from what I heard Jungjäger are absolutely being squeezed by boomers right now. I heard stories of Pächters saying
          >You want to hunt animals? Ok. First give me money to hunt in my area (1200€). And then if you want to keep the animal you shot down, you have to pay me for it too, otherwise it is mine.
          Like nah homie. I just want to own guns.

      • 1 year ago

        I got pairs and they are big and fat too bro, but let's be realistic. I don't have a Revier and from what I heard Jungjäger are absolutely being squeezed by boomers right now. I heard stories of Pächters saying
        >You want to hunt animals? Ok. First give me money to hunt in my area (1200€). And then if you want to keep the animal you shot down, you have to pay me for it too, otherwise it is mine.
        Like nah homie. I just want to own guns.

        Black person you need to learn how to hunt for when the SHTF

        • 1 year ago

          Dying is preferrable to living in current year Germany LMAO

          • 1 year ago

            literally just move to Switzerland when the SHTF

      • 1 year ago

        frick you.

        you are not a Hunter.
        just join a fricking Schützenverein du dummer Spast

  13. 1 year ago

    Any private school will basically pull you through.
    That said, if you are only in it for the guns, frick right off.
    >first gun
    I assume you are rich and/or already know somebody who will sell you one? If not, AHAHAHAHAHAHH homosexual

  14. 1 year ago


  15. 1 year ago

    Realistically buying an unregistered rifle is probably cheaper and more convenient than taking the hunting test.

    Requires no paperwork.

    And the government won't visit you and check you year after year.

    The Chad just does it.

    • 1 year ago

      yeah and you can’t use it. literally useless unless you want to be criminal scum.
      hot take btw: shooting is fun

  16. 1 year ago

    >Bernd redet mit anderen Bernds auf angelsächsich
    >In einem Faden nur mit Bernds


    • 1 year ago

      Krautmeister is dood. PEPINO !

    • 1 year ago

      Falsches Brett.

  17. 1 year ago

    Proud to see so many Germans putting in work to make themselves more capable men.
    Americans really do take guns for granted; and it makes for some really undisciplined and lazy people.

  18. 1 year ago

    Looking to get into sport shooting and ipsc. Like is it even worth it? It seems you cant get any nice weapons for sport shooting. No AK types no Mp5s. Is a G3 Clone or a SVD even possible?

    • 1 year ago

      You can get AKs, they just have to be approved by the BKA, or be in .223 and have a 16 inch barrel.
      >It seems you can't get any nice weapons
      Huh? What about an AR-15? G36? CZ Scorpion? There are only few weapons that aren't allowed for sports shooting.
      Do you have a local BDS club nearby?

      • 1 year ago

        I am still looking for one. But there should be some in BW. Most Club Websites are straight out the 2000s and have not much informations on it. How do I find the right club for me?
        Is the any hope for the gun laws to become more liberal in the longer future?
        Pic related would be the dream. Is there any way to get some single stack magazines for this to make it look decent?
        What are you guys using for Sportshooting?
        Post pics

        • 1 year ago

          gun laws are about to get even worse. say goodbye to semi auto rifles

          • 1 year ago

            And we are all go ne be like.
            tja it is what it is.
            Just a question of time till they are restricting the hunters too.

            • 1 year ago

              They'll probably never outright ban bolt action and over and under shotguns because even the most draconian Brits or Aussies still allow it. Restricted, but Europeans had been used to restrictive access but still no restrictions (or limited) on types.

        • 1 year ago

          >How do I find the right club
          Ask if you can go shoot with them. Most BDS clubs should be fine, it's DSB clubs that (may) suck. But then again, some of them are perfectly fine.
          >Is there any hope of gun laws to become more liberal in the longer future
          Probably not. That being said there have been some improvements in the last few years, like abolishing the Anscheinsparagraph and allowing surproessors and night vision for hunters. Of course that's all offset by the large mag ban but still. I'm pretty white pilled when it comes to gun legislation in the long run. Just compare young shooters who want to own full auto bullup guns to old shooters who think anything more than a wooden bolt action should be illegal. The culture is changing and in my personal experience people aren't as afraid of guns as they used to be.

          gun laws are about to get even worse. say goodbye to semi auto rifles

          I don't think there will be any changes in this legislation. FDP said they won't support further legislation and any legislation is dead without FDP.

          • 1 year ago

            this gives me hope. Trying to get into shooting later this year.

  19. 1 year ago

    >hunting license: 3k€
    >proper ar15(daniel defense, schmeisser dynamic): 3k€
    >gun safe: 1.5k€
    >proper lpvo: 2k€
    >proper suppressor: 1k€
    >1000 cheap fmj practice rounds: 650€
    >additional attachments and mags (incl. flashlight ;)): 1k€
    that’s a lot of NEET bucks but totally worth it

    • 1 year ago

      Stop making shit up to discourage people
      >hunting license 2k from Kreisjägerschaften
      >alternativly yearly cost for a shooting club about 100-150
      >gun save that can hold 5 long guns: 500
      >proper AR 15 (Savage MSR Recon 2.0) 1200

      • 1 year ago

        >proper ar15
        horrible choice. at least pick a windham

        • 1 year ago

          What are the recommended ARs for different price ranges? Let's say 1000 to 1500, 1500 to 2000 and 2000 to 2500?

          • 1 year ago

            Depends what you want to do with it and how much you want to modify yourself. There sadly is no Eierlegendewollmilchsau and modification options are slightly more limited due to gun laws and parts availability.
            >1000 to 1500
            Bavarian Tactical Systems (from Hungary)
            American brands (windham, dpms, savage, Aero Precision)
            >1500 to 2000
            Oberlandarms Blacklabel
            Hera Arms
            >2000 to 2500
            Oberlandarms Premium Series
            >Expensive or never in stock or already bankrott tier
            Dynamic Arms Research
            SIG mcx

            • 1 year ago

              >Bavarian Tactical Systems
              They used to cost 1000 Euros, but they seem to have upped the price to 1400. I'm not sure if they are worth that much compared to American brands.
              >Bankrott Tier
              I've seen Dynamic Arms Research Rifles for about 2000. Haenel can be had for 2300-2400 too.

              they’re being produced in the schmeisser factory germany, but for some reason they feel a little flimsy.
              schmeisser is pretty based though and their ceo is based too.
              it’s my go-to brand

              Huh so are they a sub brand of Schmeisser? I can't speak for Schmeisser guns but I don't like that they are reselling Chinese optics under their Falke brand.

              • 1 year ago

                yeah luxdeftec was bought by schmeisser a couple years ago

          • 1 year ago

            Depends what you want to do with it and how much you want to modify yourself. There sadly is no Eierlegendewollmilchsau and modification options are slightly more limited due to gun laws and parts availability.
            >1000 to 1500
            Bavarian Tactical Systems (from Hungary)
            American brands (windham, dpms, savage, Aero Precision)
            >1500 to 2000
            Oberlandarms Blacklabel
            Hera Arms
            >2000 to 2500
            Oberlandarms Premium Series
            >Expensive or never in stock or already bankrott tier
            Dynamic Arms Research
            SIG mcx

            they’re being produced in the schmeisser factory germany, but for some reason they feel a little flimsy.
            schmeisser is pretty based though and their ceo is based too.
            it’s my go-to brand

  20. 1 year ago

    just stopp sucking vatBlack person dick for Natural gas. moron

  21. 1 year ago

    Is there any chance that i could find a sport shooting club without nazi homosexuals? Would like to go shooting but i don't want to associate with white trash

    • 1 year ago

      Have you ever been to a shooting club? Most guys there are just your average boomer (or older). I have never seen any nazis at a shooting club, overt nazis would probably get kicked out of the club or association pretty quickly. Shooting clubs are generally weary of extremists of any kind, because they don't want to end up in the news one day.

      • 1 year ago

        >Have you ever been to a shooting club?
        Been to one with the dad of an ex of mine. He was the average boomer (Spd member and involved local politics), but a couple of guys there rubbed me the wrong way, not skinheads with Swastika Tattoos, but Shirts with runes and shit, and just generally lower class. But that was back in west Germany, now I'm living in the east. Are there maybe clubs with some extra high fees or something so that i won't have to meet undesirables?

        • 1 year ago

          Usually club fees are low, because they're not businesses trying to make a profit. But I personally haven't had the same experience as you, as I said, most members in my club are just normal boomers with kids who need a hobby to get away from the wife. So I guess just look for a different club.

        • 1 year ago

          Oh no people who like Vikings who are of lower class. The horror.
          Get the stick out of your ass. Just because shooting clubs attracts a certain demographic doesn't mean they'll put you into an oven for having a long nose.
          You'll learn to tolerate boomer "humor" very quickly.

          • 1 year ago

            If i wanted to hang out with Ronny i would buy cheap canned beer and apply for Sozialhilfe. You may not want to hear this Dennis, but people with self respect don't wear Jogginghosen outside the gym.

            • 1 year ago

              Oh no people wear sports wear at the SPORT shooting range
              You should come out of your middle class bubble, the real poor people can't afford shooting, so you mostly get people with somewhat decent paying jobs and questionable fashion choices. The person that got me into my club was the ceo of the second biggest hospital in my town, he went to the range like the most wannabe navy seal larper you could imagine

              • 1 year ago

                >he went to the range like the most wannabe navy seal larper you could imagine
                Money can't buy taste, you know?
                Also, if you're not doing some chink specops acrobatics IPSC, there is no need for jogging pants when you go shooting. Otoh, oper8r homosexuals are very cringy, too.

              • 1 year ago

                >Also, if you're not doing some chink specops acrobatics IPSC, there is no need for jogging pants when you go shooting
                I do ipsc in skinny jeans and I'm fine but you got to understand you fricking Black person that saying
                >oh ya zey don't need it
                is fricking moronic, it's up to nobody to decide who NEEDS what, if you want something, go for it
                but then again maybe ze germans are moronic, some of them at least

              • 1 year ago

                >defending hood Black person wear
                >while calling others Black folk
                How fricking ironic. Way to miss the point, you, uh,
                >skinny jeans
                dumb homosexual.

              • 1 year ago

                >Money can't buy taste
                Good thing we are on /k/ and not PrepHole
                Jesus Christ

              • 1 year ago

                >Good thing we are on /k/ and not PrepHole
                >implying /k/ isn't the epitome of that proverb
                >implying you aren't an utter moron who confused PrepHole and PrepHole in his tard rage
                lmao'ing at your life

              • 1 year ago

                At least I'm not a nogunz gay
                In all seriousness, shooting isn't the sports for you. Maybe try golfing or horse riding or whatever wealthy people do

              • 1 year ago

                Please, tell me exactly why you think I own no guns? And please tell why exactly I am supposed to believe that YOU own guns?

              • 1 year ago

                homie you were asking about shooting clubs and I was answering. What exactly do you want out of these replies anyway. You asked how to find clubs without lower class people. We told you that doesn't exist. Your question is answered no?

              • 1 year ago

                I am not that anon, my first post was

                >he went to the range like the most wannabe navy seal larper you could imagine
                Money can't buy taste, you know?
                Also, if you're not doing some chink specops acrobatics IPSC, there is no need for jogging pants when you go shooting. Otoh, oper8r homosexuals are very cringy, too.

                And you still haven't posted guns, nogunz homosexual Black person.

              • 1 year ago

                I see no reason why I'd need to post anything or reply to anymore of your posts. But please continue to seethe

              • 1 year ago

                Very well, I accept your concession.

            • 1 year ago

              >If i wanted to hang out with Ronny i would buy cheap canned beer and apply for Sozialhilfe. You may not want to hear this Dennis, but people with self respect don't wear Jogginghosen outside the gym.
              you sound like an elitist gay

              • 1 year ago

                Stop being poor.

              • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                shut up noguns Black person

              • 1 year ago

                this is a white supremacist girl. you’re missing out, achmed

              • 1 year ago

                >wears shapewear
                >still has an atrocious hips-waist ratio and legs
                >literally calls herself "valkyrie" for that cringe viking LARP
                >dresses like a prostitute for social media
                you can keep this vapid cumguzzler

              • 1 year ago

                >wears shapewear
                >still has an atrocious hips-waist ratio and legs
                >literally calls herself "valkyrie" for that cringe viking LARP
                >dresses like a prostitute for social media
                you can keep this vapid cumguzzler

                my hotwife 🙂

              • 1 year ago

                again, you can keep her
                my heart and wiener belongs to the japanese

              • 1 year ago



                this is a white supremacist girl. you’re missing out, achmed

                Imagine using
                >You're upper class!
                Like it's an insult

              • 1 year ago

                The issue isn't that you got money. You're just a c**t.

        • 1 year ago

          >they rubbed me the wrong way
          >not the heckin runerinos!

        • 1 year ago

          > but Shirts with runes and shit, and just generally lower class
          fricking based

          • 1 year ago

            Nah, I met a group like that too. A bunch of fat, washed up 40-50 year old truck drivers who think they are hot shit because
            Pathetic individuals tbh

  22. 1 year ago

    just a heads up, they will probadly deny putting a SVD on your license as a first weapon. They dont like it when peoeple start off by buying a semi auto

    • 1 year ago

      Hunters can buy any long gun they want, no permission required

  23. 1 year ago

    >visit german thread
    >bunch of cool guys
    >and the mandatory obnoxious bootlicking moron

    from what I can tell from these threads germans could give every hunter fully automatic guns and it wouldn't make a difference in the homicide statistics. with all the shit you go through, what difference does it make if you 1 or 100 guns? is the second ar15 more deadly than the first one? Theres lots of people in the US that would definitely qualify as "hoarders" of firearms, yet none of them go on shooting sprees.

    But I have a question, how does gunsmithing and FFLs work with all these regulations in germany? Do you need to become a hunter and then you can open a hunting gun store? What if you wanted to manufacture firearms?

    • 1 year ago

      >is the second ar15 more deadly than the first one?
      That seems to be the reasoning of the german state. You can have for example 2 pistols and 3 semi-automatic rifles, no problem. But you can't really be trusted with a 4th pistol, that would just be too dangerous (even if it's a .22).

      • 1 year ago

        The whole point is you are supposed to use the guns you have for hunting. If you have one Ar-15, well its a good platform. If you have two, well really neccesary? But if its your primary platform you might say you need the second when the first one is at the Büchsenmacher. But a third? That's not a hunting need anymore, that's pure gun autism and we don't need that bullshit in germany. People doing such bullshit like hoarding long arms because the license technically doesn't have a limit will just lead to a limit of 2 long arms like with the handguns.

        >I am the first one to say guns dont belong in society
        >They're just doing their job to stop us becoming fricking America.
        It's always America with you morons, we share a border with at least two countries with very liberal gun laws (Switzerland, Czech Republic), who aren't Sodom and Gomorrah, but no hurr durr Amerikanische Zustände
        Just frick off back whereever you came from

        You double Black person-kanacke mutt have still not explained for what a normal human being needs more than 10 long arms.

        People like you are the reason we need those laws.

        • 1 year ago

          What is the harm in enjoying guns and buying more than you "need"? Having 11 rifles doesn't make you more dangerous than having 10.

          People like you are the reason why we have such pointless, cucked laws.

          • 1 year ago

            Whats the harm in letting buy people guns because of want over need? An armed society, which is demonstrably shit. If you love countries with gun autism, frick off to them instead of ruining germany. If you want guns here, don't be a Black person and respect the law. If you NEED - not want, NEED, guns, it's constitutionally protected for you to get guns you NEED. Not more.

            • 1 year ago

              The whole point is you are supposed to use the guns you have for hunting. If you have one Ar-15, well its a good platform. If you have two, well really neccesary? But if its your primary platform you might say you need the second when the first one is at the Büchsenmacher. But a third? That's not a hunting need anymore, that's pure gun autism and we don't need that bullshit in germany. People doing such bullshit like hoarding long arms because the license technically doesn't have a limit will just lead to a limit of 2 long arms like with the handguns.

              You double Black person-kanacke mutt have still not explained for what a normal human being needs more than 10 long arms.

              People like you are the reason we need those laws.

              The only thing you need is barely enough food and water plus some kind of basic shelter, everything else is a bonus.
              We don't have to explain anything to you, I can own as many cars as I want, the same should be true for guns

    • 1 year ago

      >But I have a question, how does gunsmithing and FFLs work with all these regulations in germany? Do you need to become a hunter and then you can open a hunting gun store? What if you wanted to manufacture firearms?
      You take a course ~5 days 1000€ and then an official exam at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, then you can buy and sell guns. You don't any hunting or sport shooting license beforehand.
      Gun smithing is a protected job, you need official training at the vocational school to do that. Sales persons need I think some kind of training because they handle guns, I know the biggest hunting store chain requires a hunting license for sales people

      • 1 year ago

        Why is it that everything in Germany is so regulated? Is it that the government doesn't trust anyone and wants to control them? Or is it really that meme about Germans wanting lots of rules for themselves? I think the hunting license training here in my state is $50, so seeing you guys having to pay way over €1000 and spend multiple weeks to train seems beyond overboard.

        • 1 year ago

          >Or is it really that meme about Germans wanting lots of rules for themselves?
          This is unironically true, germans have this mindset that the state needs to regulate absolutely everything or else something terrible is going to happen. They can't imagine just letting people do their own thing.
          T. German

          • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            >This is unironically true, germans have this mindset that the state needs to regulate absolutely everything or else something terrible is going to happen. They can't imagine just letting people do their own thing.
            This is something I've never understood. I guess maybe that's why so many Germans came over here in the 19th and 20th Centuries. My step-great-grandmother was full German, and that woman had plenty of rules to follow.

            The reason is because of cucks like [...].
            But also because in German hunting classes you don't just learn how to hunt, it is basically a comprehensive course that teaches you about a multitude of topics, including weapon handling and shooting, biology of animals like reproductive behaviour or pathology etc., hunting customs, meat processing, and not an unsignificant amount of legal knowledge. This isn't even everything. You also learn about local flora. Or hunting dogs. The list goes on.

            You are educated to a degree where you have the theoretical knowledge to make decisions on how to manage a certain area in regards to wildlife management.
            You are expected to possess more or less comprehensive knowledge in regards to all things hunting.

            >You are educated to a degree where you have the theoretical knowledge to make decisions on how to manage a certain area in regards to wildlife management.
            If you just want to hunt, why do you need the level of education necessary to be a professional wildlife manager/game warden?

            You don't understand, wir wollen keine Anarchie, the rules are what differentiates us from animals. Like the old saying goes, ohne Regeln gibt es kein Recht. Wanting cheap and easy guns ist begging criminals and Linksgrünversiffte Gratismentalitäter to ruin this great country that we built. Blut und Eisen and not Walmart. Günther out

            >Linksgrünversiffte Gratismentalitäter
            Fricking kek. I think I almost miss speaking German.

            • 1 year ago

              >why do you need the level of education necessary to be a professional wildlife manager/game warden?
              Being a hunter is different in germany compared to the US. You can´t just buy a tag and hunt on public land, you have to have your own hunting ground that you´re responsible for. So your "job" isn´t just to shoot animals but also do stuff like pest control, wildlife management and protecting the game from poachers. Of course you can share your hunting ground with others or let a buddy take part in hunts etc., but the underlying principle is that you are responsible for a certain area. Usually hunting grounds are leased to hunters for a fixed period of 10 years. Hunting outside of your hunting grounds is considered poaching and is a criminal offense.

              • 1 year ago

                You should also mention that Germany is extremely densely populated and has been in the hands of the nobility since forever, so you won't find much "public" land like you would in the US.
                Plus, the most remote point in Germany (as in greatest distance to the next road) - if we leave out the islands and mountains - is still only like ten kilometers away from aforementioned road.
                That's just a bit over 6 miles, which means that after 7 miles walking in ANY direction you WILL find at least a road.

              • 1 year ago

                This is honestly one of the things that really annoys me about this country, there is just no fricking way to get away from people

              • 1 year ago

                The push for Lebensraum wasn't some autistic fever dream. There is not enough space for 80 Million people here.

              • 1 year ago

                >you have to have your own hunting ground that you´re responsible for. So your "job" isn´t just to shoot animals but also do stuff like pest control, wildlife management and protecting the game from poachers.
                >Usually hunting grounds are leased to hunters for a fixed period of 10 years.
                That explains it for me, thanks. I didn't realize that Germany had so few truly public lands, and that what hunting land exists (aside from truly private lands) is leased to individuals. That's a completely foreign concept to me, but now it makes sense. Thank you for explaining it.

        • 1 year ago

          The reason is because of cucks like

          >But I have a question, how does gunsmithing and FFLs work with all these regulations in germany? Do you need to become a hunter and then you can open a hunting gun store? What if you wanted to manufacture firearms?
          You take a course ~5 days 1000€ and then an official exam at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, then you can buy and sell guns. You don't any hunting or sport shooting license beforehand.
          Gun smithing is a protected job, you need official training at the vocational school to do that. Sales persons need I think some kind of training because they handle guns, I know the biggest hunting store chain requires a hunting license for sales people

          But also because in German hunting classes you don't just learn how to hunt, it is basically a comprehensive course that teaches you about a multitude of topics, including weapon handling and shooting, biology of animals like reproductive behaviour or pathology etc., hunting customs, meat processing, and not an unsignificant amount of legal knowledge. This isn't even everything. You also learn about local flora. Or hunting dogs. The list goes on.

          You are educated to a degree where you have the theoretical knowledge to make decisions on how to manage a certain area in regards to wildlife management.
          You are expected to possess more or less comprehensive knowledge in regards to all things hunting.

        • 1 year ago

          You don't understand, wir wollen keine Anarchie, the rules are what differentiates us from animals. Like the old saying goes, ohne Regeln gibt es kein Recht. Wanting cheap and easy guns ist begging criminals and Linksgrünversiffte Gratismentalitäter to ruin this great country that we built. Blut und Eisen and not Walmart. Günther out

          • 1 year ago

            >You don't understand, wir wollen keine Anarchie, the rules are what differentiates us from animals. Like the old saying goes, ohne Regeln gibt es kein Recht.
            So you want to be fricked in the ass by the government as they see fit. Like in Corona, they create a bunch of bullshit rules out of thin air that frick with the population and you cheer them on. have a nice day bootlicker.
            >Wanting cheap and easy guns ist begging criminals and Linksgrünversiffte Gratismentalitäter to ruin this great country that we built. Blut und Eisen and not Walmart.
            This "great country" of yours is actively hunting people like you. Post this shit with your face attached and see how quick the Staatsanwaltschaft comes to frick you in the ass. But in your case, you deserve it.

          • 1 year ago

            >the rules are what differentiates us from animals
            wrong, that's morality and free will
            if you want to enforce your morality on others and restrain free will you're nothing more than a lap dog, and you deserve a bullet

          • 1 year ago

            Im a leftie and even I hate our rule following

  24. 1 year ago

    Sers I just want to say that I very much enjoyed reading Hans' experiences in this thread. Its been very informative and wholesome and i wish k had more threads like this.

  25. 1 year ago

    what the FRICK is going on in this thread
    >why do you need more than 10 long guns
    because it’s my right and because it’s cool

  26. 1 year ago

    My German isn't very good yet so i don't understand everything but the more i read about it, the more it seems that it is very gay

    • 1 year ago

      >the more it seems that it is very gay
      German hunting culture that is.

    • 1 year ago

      the hunting traditions are extremely gay in germany. but the boomers love it and if you want your permit, you better step up your larp game for the time being.
      Nu-hunters are very much into modern firearms and some of them even have the balls to hunt with their AR10s.
      Needless to say it makes the boomers SEETHE but who cares

      • 1 year ago

        tell me more about it, i have a hunter friend here in Poland and he took his ar-15 couple of times to hunt with it, no fuss, also lever action .44

    • 1 year ago

      >the more it seems that it is very gay
      German hunting culture that is.

      I've never heard about the thing you found on Wikipedia, seems these are the mega turbo fudds 2000.
      Otherwise yes, somewhat. Ofc there are people who are real sticklers for tradition and only using the hunting vocabulary, but most people are rather relaxed, especially the newer hunters

      • 1 year ago

        >Ofc there are people who are real sticklers for tradition and only using the hunting vocabulary, but most people are rather relaxed, especially the newer hunters
        The real fun here is that these "traditions" only originated in the 19th century, save for the Last Bissen. But all the ceremonial stuff and hornblowing and whatnot is 100% bougie.
        I hunt for food and because I enjoy being outdoors, not for some phony camaraderie and trophy envy.

        • 1 year ago

          yeah those things are just BOOMER COSPLAY

          it is not Tradition
          they did not do those things back in the day

          the Hunter was a rural worker like the Farmer oder Smith.

    • 1 year ago

      google translate must be acting up, this shit doesn't make sense

  27. 1 year ago

    Sidenode: Looked into joining a shooting e.V., but frick those regulations

    • 1 year ago

      also frick my city for only offering the fishing course once a year

      • 1 year ago

        and dont get me started on those shitty fishing laws, if belgium can do catch and release why cant we?

  28. 1 year ago

    asiatics are disgusting

    • 1 year ago

      this is literally AI generated bro
      whatever, i ain't talkin to you no more

  29. 1 year ago

    Can we all agree on this
    BDS > BDMP = DSU > DSB
    But Jesus Christ the discipline list of BDMP is a pain in the ass
    >Gun need to be at least this light and and most this heavy
    >Must have this caliber
    >Must fit into this box, except in one dimension it can be bigger
    >This trigger weight
    >This grip angle

    • 1 year ago

      Not necessarily.
      I shot DSB and BDS competitions this year and the DSB ones were infinitely more professionally organized.
      BDS seems to attract the worst Commander Sub-Zeros imagineable

      • 1 year ago

        DSB is peak homosexualry with their olympic gun and gear fixation (shooting jacket etc.). The only interesting rifle discipline is service rifle (Ordonnanzgewehr).

  30. 1 year ago

    Do the course in your local Kreisjägerschaft, its cheaper and most established hunters won't see you as a wannabee (as is the case with most hunting school graduates). Plus you get to know the people which own the land you'll be hunting on later.

    As to how much worse those graduates are than the regulars depends on the school imo, but someone with a course thats sometimes as short as a week definetly won't take as much with him as somebody that did it for half a a year.

    • 1 year ago

      If you actually want to hunt near you later on, this is the way OP.
      If you just want the hunting license for the guns, do a short intensive course in the Jagdschule.

    • 1 year ago

      >tfw just moved places and don't know anyone around here, especially not to find a good hunting gig
      Reviersystem is suffering

  31. 1 year ago

    14 days 9:00-18:00 sounds rough.
    as a NEET that is.

  32. 1 year ago

    frag mal auf Kohlchan

    www Kohlchan net

  33. 1 year ago

    >want to get hunting license
    >mfw too fat and unfit to even be able to complete any of those 2 week courses without dying

    • 1 year ago

      Lose weight and slowly start with a fitness regime. Otherwise if you're not morbidly obese, you can do the course, it's not that intensive

      frag mal auf Kohlchan

      www Kohlchan net

      Das ist tot, das Waffenbrett dort ganz besonders. Auf kraut war auf wk wenigstens noch manchmal was los...

      • 1 year ago

        20 years of binge gayming ruined me.
        I can barely take a shower without dying of back pain

    • 1 year ago

      homie it's not a marathon run, you literally just sit there and learn like in school

      • 1 year ago

        I can’t even sit on normal chairs without crippling back pain

        • 1 year ago

          Why would you want a hunting license if you can't hunt?

          • 1 year ago

            so I can collect guns

        • 1 year ago

          Do some exercise, start eating healthy, get a bypass surgery and you'll be able to go hunting in 2 years.

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