given the weakened state of Russia, how bad would a Nork invasion fuck them up?

given the weakened state of Russia, how bad would a Nork invasion frick them up?

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  1. 11 months ago

    China,North korea and Japan are 100% in a position to do a quick landgrab right now
    only problem is the fact that most politicians dont have the balls for it

    • 11 months ago

      China has a firm opposition to wars in foreign countries because it's part of their (totally bullshit) anti-imperialist PR message. Taiwan is their only firm claim. They would counter-invade North Korea on Russia's side if they tried anything

      • 11 months ago

        >They would counter-invade North Korea on Russia's side
        Kim has 50 or so nukes, almost all of which are mounted on systems that can reach Beijing. Some can reach Three Gorges, Shanghai, or Shenzen.

        • 11 months ago

          Wouldn't do much since Chinks could just zergrush their way into the parallel.
          Their relations at the border is actually not doing so well since Norks keep getting into China to rob people and fleeing back.

          • 11 months ago

            >wouldn't do much
            It would kill hundreds of millions of Chinamen. That probably wouldn't end China as a state but it's not something to brush off. It's like the French deterrent concept, the France isn't worth Russia's 10 largest cities.

            • 11 months ago

              My point is, why spend your 10 nukes on your "closest ally" when they can simply erase your existance shortly after?

              Better save those for Japan and US, don't you think?

              • 11 months ago

                The Kim regime has no permanent allies other than regime survival, and is only going to use nukes if that's threatened. But if China does make moves to invade or remove Kim, they become the imminent threat, not the US dickwaving with annual exercises.

              • 11 months ago

                I agree, but China's still their lifeline, without them they'll starve for good or just depend on exporting Meth and T-55 MLU kits for the rest of their lives. Plus i think nobody there would ever want a regime collapse, the millions of starving, low educated refugees would be unbearable for the Chinese side, let alone South Korea.

              • 11 months ago

                Because the alternative is dissolution of your state and if the Norks sacrificed themselves to end the CCP for good by nuking Three Gorges and Beijing the West might bail them out in the resultant reconstruction.
                But right now, I don't think China would go for it, since capturing North Korea would mean administrating it (lol) and sharing a border with US bases. Better to let them carve some strategically irrelevant land that might lessen their need for western imports to prevent starvation.

        • 11 months ago

          please, stop, I can only get so erect

      • 11 months ago

        >They would counter-invade North Korea on Russia's side
        I'm not sure Russia is a good enough ally right now. I doubt they'd give a frick.

        Fun Fact: The population of the Russian Far East is around 7 million. Vladivostok has about 2 million of that and is right next to Korea. There are not many avenues for Russia to move troops to that area quickly. If Vladivostok was captured in a surprise attack, which is a possibility given that they've been stripping their internal forces to send to Ukraine, the rest of the east would be cut off.

        So Russia would probably nuke immediately.

        >So Russia would probably nuke immediately.
        Kim has something like 50 himself, how many of Putin's are actually functional?

        • 11 months ago

          >Kim has something like 50
          I genuinely don't understand why do you think kim's nukes are in any way more functional than russian ones.

          • 11 months ago

            because they aren't 40+ years old and the copper wire hasn't been stripped and sold for Krokodil.

            • 11 months ago

              >and the copper wire hasn't been stripped and sold for Krokodil.
              and you know that because?? no, really, the only reason why it couldn't be true is because norks don't make krokodil

              • 11 months ago

                Nork soldiers don't need to steal office supplies and copper wire to pay for gangrenous heroin substitutes because they already get a state-issued supply of free high-quality meth instead

      • 11 months ago

        LOL what? Chinese natinoalists are already pushing to take outer mongolia back

        • 11 months ago

          That's just babble with no power. Only the CCP has power in China. All else is theater.

          • 11 months ago

            China has more land claims than any country in the world. Something like 20 different countries. They only agreed to back off of Mongolia because they needed russia to help against the US. Now they know russia is useless for that

      • 11 months ago

        >China has a firm opposition to wars in foreign countries
        Is that why they invaded Vietnam?

    • 11 months ago

      Japan could maybe get away with grabbing the Kuriles and Russia could only seethe, but Vladivostok is a major city and key to Russia being a Pacific country I think Monke would actually nook.

  2. 11 months ago

    Well the only bridge is a rusty rail crossing where North Korea and Russia settled the border in the 90s so probably pretty terribly. Like the one's that don't drown or die from the Mongolian-Chinese-Korean-Russian river contamination will just run away into the Russian far-east and disappear forever and the 'front' would be a few miles of absolutely inhospitable terrain.

    Fun-Fact: South Korea does not accept the treaty as valid and maintains its claim on what is a former island.

  3. 11 months ago

    Russia can't even stop 100 people on Humvees raiding a region.

    • 11 months ago

      they did stop them though?

      • 11 months ago

        >cossacks raid your border
        >cossacks take some selfies, steal a BTR and go home
        >we did it guys, we repelled the cossacks!
        You don't actually defeat border raids unless you catch the raiders or cross the border yourself, neither of which Russia succeeded in at Belgorod

  4. 11 months ago

    I don't think North Korea is in any condition to invade anyone.

    • 11 months ago

      When that nation is Russia whose only two active ground combat units (115th and 40th regiment) on the entire pacific coast have either been wiped out or are at 50% strength in Ukraine maybe they do.

      North Korea has more tanks and artillery than Russa at the moment, hence why Russia is buying weapons from them.

      I doubt the local police force of Vladvostok is equipped to deal with Songun 216s, Chunma-Ds and a hundred thousand or so North Korean soldiers exterminating anything that moves.

  5. 11 months ago

    Anyone with 5k+ armed men can take Moscow (provided they are starting behind the Ukrainian front) lmao

  6. 11 months ago

    How much fuel for the North Koreans have stockpiled? Would it last even one week? It's not like they have the money to buy enough to sustain an army in the field.
    They don't have the economy to fight a war.

    • 11 months ago

      3 months.

      • 11 months ago

        See above, they will sacrifice a unlimited amout of damn near anything to maintain their military readyness.

        See this silly image? It is from them doing a month long propaganda campaign bragging about how not only were they self sufficent in lubricating grease for heavy equipment they were exporting it to their allies.

        It might seem silly but being self sufficent in lubricating grease is a serious indication of military readyness, the fact that they think it important enough to devote a propaganda campaign to indicates that they are not idiots.

        Just because it's a 'backwards' society dosen't mean that the important stuff gets ignored, ignorant rice farmers don't successfully make H-Bomb triggers.

    • 11 months ago

      Six months of full scale operation plus 18 months of food for important people like workers and soldiers as far as anyone knows, probably alot more not that they are selling Russia ammo as well as tech to Syria.

      North Korea has been doing well lately:
      Russia buying shells, Wagner doing shady deals with them
      Best bros with Iran as usual
      Combat troops and upgrades to Syria
      Arbiters of victory in Sudan
      Upgrading Cuba
      Algeria somehow having 330+ T-62 upgrades and more Kornets than Russia has ever made, wink wink
      Still quietly solid friends with Ethiopia with tacit US approval

      Random DPRK fun fact: Sung and the King of Sweden were bros back in the days of the Non Aligned movement which is why they still have OK relations to this day. One of the most embargoed items the DPRK sells (and hardest to prove) is military concrete and it is one of the two best types in the world, the other being from Sweden which sort of is the exact same stuff.

      • 11 months ago

        >Combat troops and upgrades to Syria
        >Arbiters of victory in Sudan

        U wot

  7. 11 months ago

    The norks would invade, realize that there is somehow a worse place to live than Best Korea, and immediately go home.

  8. 11 months ago

    You picked one of the very few countries outside of Sub-Sahara Africa which would stand no chance against Russia. NK probably doesn’t even HAVE a functioning military any longer. Hence their desperation to get nukes.

    • 11 months ago

      >desperation to get
      They've got them now though, and some really spicy missiles to put them on. People underestimate what spending 80% of your GDP of $1 will get you, it's not like they have to pay their soldiers.

      • 11 months ago

        Yes that was a big win for them. A stronger President or a more useful Other Korea would have blown up that nuke program. Our ABM network can handle several missiles, but if NK can commit to building 100+ we’d have no chance at stopping them hitting anything they wanted to hit.

        Of course, nukes are a deterrent and if it fails to deter than one could be said is no different from 100 — you’re going to lose regardless of what happens to your enemy.

        • 11 months ago

          The US has an ABM network that can handle a dozen or so ICBMs from North Korea, but does Beijing have an ABM network that can handle several dozen nuclear IRBMs? North Korea's nukes point in every direction, not just east.

        • 11 months ago

          >we’d have no chance at stopping them hitting anything they wanted to hit.
          They won't hit anything they wanted to even if we do nothing

  9. 11 months ago

    the north korean centralized gov’t can’t even manage its native ecology correctly, what makes you think they could drive an army any further down the road than half a tank of gas will take them?

  10. 11 months ago

    Fun Fact: The population of the Russian Far East is around 7 million. Vladivostok has about 2 million of that and is right next to Korea. There are not many avenues for Russia to move troops to that area quickly. If Vladivostok was captured in a surprise attack, which is a possibility given that they've been stripping their internal forces to send to Ukraine, the rest of the east would be cut off.

    So Russia would probably nuke immediately.

  11. 11 months ago

    >muh land

    Stop thinking it's the 18th century. Land is worthless. Resources are where it's at, and if you can subcontract the extraction (by having Russia by the balls), why bother with the cost of actual governing?

  12. 11 months ago

    It would be a suprise attack that goes something like this:

    >DPRK uses heavy MLRS from well within their borders to blast the hell out of the ships docked in Vladivostok
    >Fricking divison scale biplane paratrooper drop north of Vladivostok
    >a few dozen mini subs sinking anything the MLRS missed
    >zerg rush with amphibious APCs over the border, everything offering the slightest resistance is blasted off the face of the earth, the combat area is smaller than Rhode Island
    >deliberate fires to panic the population into fleeing
    >Norks throw every bit of bridging equipment they have (alot) at the tiny border
    >Norks seize Primorsky oblast, 2 million russians fleeing in terror block any ground reinforcement of whatever minor forces are present
    >threaten atomic retailation while using chemical weapons everywhere after some BS about a single Russian cop pepper spraying a Korean POW
    >Those 2 million are encouraged to leave by the worst atrocities seen since Vald the Impalers reign
    >Norks dig in and create a 'line of death' where they just hold the oblast and blast anything coming off the single rail line leading to the borders of the Hwan Empire with a DMZ 2.0
    >Hotel of Doom revealed to be nearly nuke proof flak tower
    >USA/RoK/Japan laugh and support DPRK
    >PRC looks at map and DPRK atomic abilities, calls for moderation while mumbling about a final warning
    >>DPRK takes oblast, defacto US ally and 'frozen' conflict

  13. 11 months ago

    That would be funny beyond words

  14. 11 months ago

    Nork won't invade them and has no reason to so your premise is almost as stupid as you are for making this thread AGAIN.

    • 11 months ago

      Russia is going to have a really bad wake up call when Iran and North Korea ask Russia to pay their war debts and Russia can't pay.

      Japan could maybe get away with grabbing the Kuriles and Russia could only seethe, but Vladivostok is a major city and key to Russia being a Pacific country I think Monke would actually nook.

      What if there was a Russa/DPRK confllict and the DPRK seized them then handed them back to Japan besides a few historically Korean locations?

  15. 11 months ago

    Russia has something like ~95% of all forces deployed to Ukraine, it's not that norks are any good, russians just too busy right now. Though those last ~5% as I understand from the last parades are mostly deployed on the far eastern border, so assuming they are ready to completely abandon Ukraine and throw all their forces all over the country while those last 5% try to hold norks off, then russian army would completely fricking curbstomp those narroweyed little homies.
    Like, really, not only norks are painfully behind in tech even compared to russians, but their army also does have less experience than chinks (which pits them into negative) but also with zero opportunity to get western instructors like chinks at least try to do. Seriously, norks in fight with russians would look like russians in fight with NATO.
    (Assuming Russia won't just patiently eat 2-3 or whatever nukes norks have and turn them into glass in return on their next turn)

    • 11 months ago

      >Like, really, not only norks are painfully behind in tech even compared to russians,

      Stop right there.

      The DPRK has produced hundreds of tanks since 1990, Russia has made none. DPRK weapons sell for at least 50% more than Russian weapons because they actually work. Wagner is a reaction to Russia losing market share in Africa.

      >(Assuming Russia won't just patiently eat 2-3 or whatever nukes norks have and turn them into glass in return on their next turn)
      >2-3 nukes

      More like 40-50, please remember that unlike Russia the DPRK has tested six nukes in the last 30 years, Russia has not.

      >Kim has something like 50
      I genuinely don't understand why do you think kim's nukes are in any way more functional than russian ones.

      Because he actually tests them unlike Russia.

      LOL what? Chinese natinoalists are already pushing to take outer mongolia back

      That's just babble with no power. Only the CCP has power in China. All else is theater.

      Or the DPRKs atomic weapons turing Bejing into radioactive glass.

      • 11 months ago

        You literally doing fricking "muh stronk poccia" meme right now but with norkia what the frick ahahahaa.
        >mmm- BUT MUH TANKSSS!!!!!
        Wake up moron, they rolling out fricking t-62s and buying leftovers from Iran. And no, russia did made new fricking tanks since 90' are clinically braindead or smth?

        It's like reading some of armatard fanfics but even more hilarious, because unlike russia, norks don't have even armata.

        What a fricking joke I can't, how unfathomably dumb you must be to unironically simp for army of malnutritioned peasants driving steam-powered shitboxes in 20 fricking 23

        • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          > simp for army of malnutritioned peasants driving steam-powered shitboxes in 20 fricking 23

          If what you say is true then why is Russia buying weapons and ammo from Iran and the DPRK?

          • 11 months ago

            because russia is buying from anyone who is willing to sell, what kind of an argument is that dipshit

          • 11 months ago

            >Putin needs ammo
            >Kim needs fuel
            >they trade
            I don't really get how is it supposed to be a contradiction

        • 11 months ago

          >Hmm, someone has said something that is contrary to my own notions.
          >Could it be they know something I don't? Or have arrived at a conclusion based on some evidence?
          >Could my understanding of the world be incomplete?
          >HAH, OF COURSE NOT!
          >They are merely stupid, and know nothing at all about anything!
          >If it wasn't moronic, then a genius such as myself would surely have seen and understood all details of consequence and I'd think the way they do.
          >I have solved this little puzzle, trifling though it is, once more escaping unfazed by smaller and commoner minds.
          >I shall now announce this grand victory to public record for eternity, and declaring that all should hearken instead to me, the uncontested expert of all things.
          This is how people see you, my man.

          • 11 months ago

            >my source: trust me bro
            >u dumb if u not birib me btw
            sure dude
            now can you finally give me that arcane knowledge of how producing few hundred comically obsolete tanks in few dozen years is relevant for the modern conflict?

            • 11 months ago

              I'm not the first anon, you just need to get a grip. North Korea produces more tanks, and better ones, than Russia. North Korea does actually have industry, in case you missed that. It's not some barely extant village, it's a hermit nation, and not one that's exclusively agrarian.
              Like take two seconds to think about it.
              >Regarded by everyone as an extreme regional threat
              >This must mean they are a complete non-threat!

              • 11 months ago

                >and better ones
                it absolutely doesn't
                >produces more
                it doesn't matter if they produce a 100 abominable shitboxes if russians "just refurbish" a 1000 old hulls full with tech they buy from the west.
                >actually have industry
                yeah, early fricking cold war industry, which is why all their shit is always cold-war era tier bastardizations of other shit. Or maybe you are willing to show me any nork chip factories?

                I genuinely can't comprehend how people can look at worst and smaller version of russia and think "yeah, totally will beat russia".
                And that's just equipment we talking about here, but asiaticshills never seem to even mention the sheer doctrinal incompetence of nork army at all, despite this one being much more crucial matter than their shitboxes

              • 11 months ago

                >It absolutely doesn't
                They have fricking APS, anon.
                >Doesn't matter
                It absolutely does against fricking Russia, which is what this thread is about.
                >Early cold war industry
                And what makes you so sure? You have this image in your head of what NK is, and you'd be right for most of the individuals living there, but you're living in a fiction. Why would NK not be able to get shit from China, dummy?
                Do you think you need to be able to go up against an Abrams or Leo to deal with Russhit armor? Or did you just forget this thread was about Nork action against Russia and not the US?

              • 11 months ago

                It's like talking to a child.
                North Korea does some basic shit and shows few cardboards on a parade and suddenly they are regional superpower yada-yada... Yeah I've heard that before, that's exactly what people were saying about Russia for many years, but it totally different this time because reasons, right? I have no idea why do you think that glorified Belarus would beat Russia but you are in your own right to be this much delusional.

              • 11 months ago

                >Few cardboard boxes
                You're going to need to provide evidence other than:
                >Hurr durr it's Nork that's literally impossible
                You are so fricking convinced of your own fiction that you can't even consider that they can produce a vehicle.
                Think of what it takes to build a tank. Think of all the things you need to keep a country existing.
                If you can build a car, you can easily build a tank that's a threat to anything fielded by Russia.
                >Smuggling of digital media is a known, massive problem
                >Good thing they don't have any digital devices, amirite?

              • 11 months ago

                >that's literally impossible
                What is literally impossible? Making a shitty tank? Why the living frick do you even think it's anything special? Everyone with half working economy makes tanks, and those that aren't buy them just because they couldn't be bothered to make them, from what a shithole you must be to think that making tanks, let alone STILL making 60' tanks is something special.
                >Think of what it takes to build a tank. Think of all the things you need to keep a country existing.
                It's a stalinist regime with planned economy ffs, do you have any idea how that works? Yes, they have full production cycle for a tank, and at the same moment they are uncapable of inventing a toothbrush if their life depends on it. Making tanks doesn't automatically means that they are some techno-wizards capable of conjuring any kind of high-tec mumbo-jumbo just because great juche wished so. Most of the consumer shit comes to them from china.
                >If you can build a car, you can easily build a tank that's a threat to anything fielded by Russia.

                By the way, you again completely ignored the question of nk having none military experience whatsoever, their doctrines being most probably just a schizoid interpolation of soviet 60' doctrines on what they think to be a modern conflict and them being susceptible to institutional incompetence and corruption on potentially even a bigger scale than russians is.
                But sure, we can keep talking about how bolting pair of stationary manpads to a T-62 is a military breakthrough of 21st century.

              • 11 months ago

                >Anything special
                My whole fricking point is that it isn't. I very specifically pointed that out by pointing out anyone that can build a car can build a tank that is a threat to Russia.
                >Planned economy
                While shit, it doesn't mean no innovation is ever allowed, just that pending new shit is funded in waves or in line.
                >More shit about tanks aren't special
                You are literally inventing an argument I didn't make.
                >They can do everything norks can do
                No, anon, they fricking can't. Russia can't build new tanks, they can't build new missiles, they can't build optics, they can't build jet engines, they don't even have the domestic ability to manufacture ammunition for tanks or artillery and are chewing through rusted heaps of stocks wrapped in god damned linen.
                Russia is Nigeria with snow. North Korea is at minimum one step above Russia in capability until proven otherwise.

              • 11 months ago

                >Russia can't build new tanks
                they can and do
                >they can't build new missiles
                they can and do
                >they can't build optics
                they can and do
                >they can't build jet engines
                they can and do and tf do you think norks can lmao?
                >they don't even have the domestic ability to manufacture ammunition for tanks or artillery
                they do and they do them a lot

                What a fricking reddit bullshit is this, you are just outright wrong in everything. Last time I checked russians were producing ~50 missiles of all kinds and ~10000 artillery shells per month, also shitload of SAM munition thought predominantly short range. They were always producing tanks in hundreds, it's just that they mostly refurbished existing hulls because it was cheaper, but they were making some completely new ones as well. Their jets were mostly ukrainian, but they do have something domestic as well afaik. Their optics are shit, but they make it, and I hope you don't think norks can make it any better. They even produce chips and electronics on some level, it's just isn't competitive on consumer market, but capability does exist and can be used in MIC.
                By the way, russia also completely owns norks in aviation, and unlike Ukraine, best air defense norks have are some cheap S-300 rip-off in very questionable quantities
                and a handful of even shittier SAMs. Maybe that's why they obsessed with bolting manpads to everything?

              • 11 months ago

                It's time to jump into the cube ZIGGER. Your mental deranged syndrome and your hallucinations will finally stop

              • 11 months ago


                No Russia can't. Russia hasn't produced a new tank, IFV or APC hull in over 30 years.Nations like Syria are turning to the DPRK for upgrades and spare parts because Russia can't make them.

                Russia itself is turning to North Korean suppliers because it doesn't have the ability to make spare parts for it's own equipment, they don't even have functional modern ammo for systems like the 115mm so they are forced to suck up to Kim.

              • 11 months ago

                You need to install grammarly or something.

              • 11 months ago

                >1000 old hulls full with tech they buy from the west.
                they are having a little trouble with that lately
                >how people can look at worst and smaller version of russia and think "yeah, totally will beat russia".
                because Prigo's smaller and shittier version of the Russian military, shitfricked the Russian military. frick only knows why he didn't follow through with the coup.

          • 11 months ago

            >smarmy green text paragraph
            go back

      • 11 months ago

        Well shit I guess NK is the only nation in earth with nukes since no one else has tested any lately. Don't drink the bong water bro

  16. 11 months ago

    >yfw finno korean hyper war goes hot again in your lifetime

  17. 11 months ago

    This brings up an interesting question. I dont see China or anyone invading Russia. But why doesnt China just straight up offer to buy back their old lands from Russia? I mean they could use the money and weapons and China needs the space and resources.

    • 11 months ago

      >China offers to fully replenish all of Russia's materiel losses since Feb 2022 (even offering brand new ships to replace the Moskva) in exchange for restoring the borders to those of the 1689 Treaty of Nerchinsk
      I wonder if they'd be willing to accept such a humiliation and how quickly they'd manage to squander it all like trailer trash or ghetto nogs after a lottery win

      • 11 months ago

        >fully replenish all of Russia's materiel losses since Feb 2022
        China has in total about as much tanks as Russia lost. And that's including their shitty old stock.

  18. 11 months ago

    the gayest thing to come out of the 10th shittiest videogame in history was an invented slur.

    • 11 months ago

      Ding dong ur wrong
      >Homefront: 2011
      >this guy's Urban Dictionary entry: 2010

      • 11 months ago

        Wasn't that from Rogue Trooper?

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